Sell Faster At A letter Price ! Name The Brand In Voir M CLASSIFIED KATES t 4mj per store oare I 4 ess 1 1ST I m - -JO. Real Estate STOP THROWING AWAY RENT MONEY! Buy One of Roseburg's Most Beautiful Homes On Easy Terms In Cloverdale Park le tU.M A MONTH rovers taee. insurance, interest and principal You can pay at little as tscooo down Ther. la no n.Ml to lv. away your moiwy aa rent or hvo in crowded condition! you can buy on of Bom burg'a finest homes on thaaa aaay terms. Read These Features Hlllslda view lott Larae closets rully Insulated rioored atics 1 Tiled floors Big view windows k 14 different plans Oversize lots Oil heat rireplace; THA inspected Weatherstrtpped FHA approved There are sUII a few of the fifty homes being offered to veterans with no down pament . Vlsll Cloverdale Parte and see three exceptionally fine homes today or to night Open dally from 10 a- m to 9 p. m. Fies & Clute Realty 40ft Wait Cam Phono 1909 or 1537 DO YOU LIVE ON A BUSY STREET whrt your kids arc In constant danger o( fait traffic? K to, let us ahow you on of Laurel wood newest and flnett This horn la cIom to the school grounds and Is one of th most wall constructed homes we va seen for a long time. Much bet ter than stands, d construction throughout Piped gas furnaca with outlets to each room. Huge living room with den on higher level through Trench doors. Unique kitchen, large bedrooms and bath. Circulating fireplace. Lots of closet and storage space. FHA financing for 910.000 avail able. $14,300 for everything. LOOK AT WHAT YOU WILL GET for MOO down! One bedroom pumice block house nine tenths completed. Good sized living room, kitchen and bath with shower. Kentlle on floors. Elect water heater, piped for gas range gas furnace Included. Such things as door casings,, sash balance, baseboard and Kaint on Interior partitions still ave to be done. Total selling price Is 14500. Better yet. since all materials are on hand to finish house lexecpt painti, buy It for $4300 and finish It your elf. Large lot, 100x110. Good neighborhood. ROSEBURG REALTY 4k INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors a) NICE S B- R. home close to shopping renter, includes 3 room cottage rent ing for $65 per month. This income property can be bought for $3,000. down. Will sell furnished or unfur nished. (2. WE HAVE TWO fine grocery stores that can be bought on inventory and fixtures, within the city limit, both doing nice business. 131 36 ACRE RANCH, nice modern home, 40x60 barn, chicken house. 3 wells 300 turkeys. 200 chickens. 3 cow. 3 calves. 1 saddle norsc, lot of fruit tree. All for $6500. Williamson Real Estate 1444 N. Stephen Phone 1049-R $ $ VALUES $ $ $300 DOWN TO OREGON VETERAN New modern 3 oedroom home. Herd wood floors, elec. water heater, large lot ToUl price $5775. NEAR WINSTON BRIDGE One acre river bottom soil, modern 3 bedroom home, rireplace, plastered, pull drapes throughout, dining room and other attractive features. Priced lower than building costs at $5775. $2500 down ($800 down for Oregon Veti 9000 DOWN ON SMALL MODERN 3 bedroom home. Venetian blinds, elec. water heater, large lot ONLY $4150 Bruce Y. Gilley Real Estate 2353 N. Stephens Ph. 199-J -2. Office on Hiway 99 North 40 ACRES free soil. 3 oedroom. chicken house, large barn borders on creek. 97.000 $3500 down, or trade for city property. 3 BEDROOM older house, good condi tion, close In 9350091300 down. ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom, nice view, vacant: el tn ha G I loan 97SOJ 92300 down, OlT MELROSE ROAD new 2-bedroom home 9790091000 down. FHA terms. Umpqua Realty 112 ft Stephens St. (opposite Postofflce) Ph. 1535 -J When It s Real Estate in Myrtle- Creek and South Douglas Co. SEE Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK. Ore PHONE 64 135 A new 4 BR mod. ranch sty le Some Large barn other new bid us 100 fruit nut trees, creek, springs $14,750 terms 10 A W ml .So Umpqua frontage. New all yr. cottage, barn, garage Real bit at 9H.000 terms. C I Swanaon. Riddle. Ore. TOR SALE INCOEU R D'ALFNE. Idaho Irrigated district S acres house, barn, chicken coop , 3 acres alfalfa, pasture fenced. 9.1000. or will take late model ear or pickup and $1500 Terms. Joe Cody, Box 309 Melton Road, Rose au rg J BEDROOM unfinished house. 3 acre, food soiL Water, electricity available i miles E of Roseburg. Also home sites on Deer Cree k Lindbloom. Dixonvllle Phone 19-F-3 CABIN, Ix34 modern. Must be aoM and moved by August 22. best offer takes It Phcae 1521 J. Real Estate New Listings HOMES 3 BEDROOM HOME. Urge free soil lot garage, most modern of bath; El. hot waier healer, best of districts, see to believe. Price $3000.00 with 32000 down. S BEDROOM HOME with concrete foun dation. basement, modern plumb ing, bath and all. lot of built ins. is acre lot on bus line. Price (4000 00 with seuo.00 do. 2 BEDROOM, brand new. garage at tarhed. nice large living room, mod ern type kitchen with lot of nice but I tins, full modern bath, sets on concrete foundation. A nice little suburban home will go stata G. 1 Price 97200.00 with $1600. dn, BEDROOM HOME In West Rose burg Brand new absolutely fine construe turn, hardwood thru out; large bed room, the nicest kitchen you could want, the bath la the latest word concrete driveway, alt- garage. $8)00 with (1500 dn. 4 BEDROOM HOMES, we have four listed in different parts of the city for your selection ranging In price from fttsoo to 917.000. See ours be fore you buy. 3 BEDROOM HOMES We have several all new construction, mostly witn hardwood thru out and the moit modern convenience. Prices are $9. ono - $10,000 . 10.400: down pay menu $1500 to $24O0 with easy terms. TRADES HAVE a twenty three acre ranch about g miles out: land all tillable on main road, large 3 bedroom home: modern chilcken house, large barn Owner will trade for homo in Roseburg. A SIX UNIT MOTEL to trad for home or property in Roseburg. A VERY MODERN home close to Rose burg to trade for a a acre tract with free soil BUSINESS OPORTUN1TIES A SMALL RESTAURANT In Roseburg for Two Thousand dollars. A BUSY TAVERN for $16,000. A BUSY RESTAl'RANT In south Doug las county $5.0O0. with $2500 dn A LARGE MOTEL, a small motel, a trailer court, and many more to choose from. See Lehmans Real Estate Before You Buy 414 Nth. Jackson Ph. 722-3 PRACTICALLY NEW 3 B R. modern home olus 32 A. 20 of whtrh is cult Rooms are large. Double garage, serv ice porcn ana utility, uooa Darn ana poultry house. Extra large spring with, gravity flow, fine mmmunitv county road. A bargain at $8500.00 wim gooo. terms. 3 B. R. MOD HOME 4 miles out In Robert Creek water Dist. Large lot. Cone, foundation. Upstairs unfinshed for additional bedrocm. State G I. available. 1mm. poss. A buy at $3950.00 with $1000.00 down. NEW 3 B. R. HOME 4 ml. out. (Happy Valley i. Extra well finished Inside and out Util. room and alt garage. All on concrete. Anorox. 1 .1 A this over for value. $6000.00. Also Biie w. i. WE HAVE A CLIENT who will trade -a contracts aggregating khoo do draw ing 6, plus 24 A. land near Ring, for 90 to 60 A. ranch which 1 mostly pasture. 6 UNIT APARTMENT BLDG. under construction, mxim. Alt garages.. 3 are 2 B. R. anil 3 arm in a Cone, found. Lot 100x400. Good loca tion for rental and income stand point For quick sale, $7500.00 with very small down pavment A real opporunity for someone. OLD ESTABLISHED CAFE in good loca tion. Seats .10. Completely and well equipped. Doing $100.00 daily average. $40 00 per mo. Iea?e. 1mm. poss. Only $5500.00. Soma terms If necessary. 3 B. R. MOD HOME. It, biles, from highway north. Close to bus and mar kets. Lot 70xloo. Corner. Sacrifice for 95000.00 with half down. 90 A. on Hwy 42. 10 A. bottom land Live creek. Large modem house with apartment upstairs renting for $50 00. Also 2 rental cabins renting for $33 00 each. Estimated 700,(100 ft. merchanta ble timber plus a lot of piling. In cluded in sale is portable saw mill. Perfect set-up for cutting your own lumber. $18,000.00 with $fl.000.00 down. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE for a good place to live. 2 B. R. Bath. Living room and kitchen. Back porch. Att garage. Floors and ceilings insulated. Oil heater and hot water tank in cluded. Good net ghoor hood. Close to city bus. stores and schools, and Vets hospital. Full price only $350 00. with $1500 .00 down. This is a good in vestment William A. Oerding Insurer 134 West Cass St Loans Phone 213 H omes ONE NEW. Just completed. 3 bedrooms, full bath, fireplace, oil hot water tank, laundry trays. Also lot, good loca tion, adjoins new school property. All lots have fruit trees. AIo business lots. Terms. Isadora Groleau, Suth erlln. FOR SALE " farm; city, country homes and building lot Also listings wanted. Willi amson Real Estate 1444 N Stephens Ph 1049-R Prompt Survey Service Jim Daurherty. the engineer. Phone397-R 3 ACRES SQUARE tract on County road, electricity, mill, school bus. Best garden spot on road, fruit trees. J 500. Box 100. Duke road. Sutherltn. AIno acre lots for 4145 Or 12 acres 1 ' miles from town to subdivide. 1450. FOR SALE 3 or 14 icres. in cultiva tion, good water. 2 room house, barn, chicken house. Small down pavment, terms. 3 miles east of Kellv's Korncr. Jack Futrell.Rt.l. tox 240-K. FOR SALE 10 acres. largtT house. elec tric range, mater heater, oil healer, family orchard Nice bam and other outbuildings. $1H0 down or will trsde for 2 bedroom home in town Phone 922-R-l. 19 ACRES for sale, close in. at Myrtle Point 4 bedroom modern house, hot and cold water, double garage, barn, 6 tenchlon. orchard P O- Box 1196, Mvrtle Point. Oregon Surveys Maps Plans Percy C. Armstrong ivii svngineer 911 So Msln St Ph B17-RX FOR SALE Two bedroom modern home Well located, on bus line. looxIBff ft. Nice lawn and garden My equity, and balance 933.33 montn. 16 Miller Lane. MODERN two bedroom home complete ly furnished, very reason a hie Owner leaving Oregon R. C. Poulton, Cot stock Road, west Sutherhn. FOR SALE 3 A 9 room house. 2 room cabin, wood shed, garage, electricity. Ceo Shell on. Carras Valley FOR SALE Two room house on 97x157 lot. $930. Four blocKS east of Wins ton Post Office. Owner. J W Joplin. HOMFSTTES. 8 mftes eait of Roseburg. electricity and watr available. School bus. Ltndhioom. 19-F-3 Always Have It Surveyed Jim Dougherty, the engineer. Ph. J? -ft Real Estate The Home of Fine Ranches A three bedroom that is modern, just redecorated in first class shape. on a large lot with snruba. This is a room home, has gu furnace, lot of buill-ms. with three nice bedrooms, priced at only $7500.00 with $2300-00 aown. CLOSE IN Two bedroom older home that Is modern, only 4 blocks from P. u has been re-plumbed: is very reasona bly priced at $3150.00 with terms. ONE BEDROOM HOME, that is modern, on large lot. has fruit, shade trees, shrubs and flowers. Has shower bath, built-ins in kitchen, wired for elec tric range, and look at the price suuu uu wiui s.ouuu aown. HIWAY FRONTAGE City water and lights, on lot in) by 300 with a 3 room unfinished home on the back of the lot, city bus. For a quick sale, siAOO.uu, some term. SHEEP AND POULTRY RANCH im acres, about 40 acres tillable. 3 room home, with bath, barn, poultry house 18 dv lju, woven wire iencra. 3 wells and spring, also small creek, $6,000.00; good terms. 37 ACRES. 1 acres Bottom tend, big red barn, nice modern 3 bedroom home, fruit, shade, 3 good wells. 2500 gal. Morsge Unk, tractor, and farm machinery, one cow. loo chickens, for only gnsuooo: easy terms oi will trade lor city property. WE HAVE BUSINESS PrtOPERTY. hlffh- way frontage, motels. In fact we have one of the best motels in southern Oregon. Or If you are looking for a real ranch on the North Umpqua, we nave it. Jack Realty Realtor 931 8. Stephens St Lloyd Wilson Henry Re Handy 60 ACRES BOTTOM LAND Fronting North Umpqua River THIS CHOICE TRACT Is only 9 miles from Roseburg. Although away from noise and heavy triffic. It is easilv reached by good road. 'Six miles Is paved). Has all suburban utilities. The liver loam soil slopes graduallv back from the water to a crest of beautiful building sites. A fringe of trees skirt the beach. There are two large excellent brooder houses with concrete floors, a fair barn with 33 stanchions, tractor, and implement. Mostly fenced Wonderful opportunity for subdividing, dairying, crop farming or raising fine stock. Unsurpassed for a real country home location within easy commut ing distance. At th total price of this place, the land Is costing only about $300 an acre, while similar or inferior lane" is being offered at 3 or 3 times our Firice. Good Irrigated crops could pay or this place in a few seasons. The price is 92-WOO and we will eonlder your terms. We wilt also consider dl vlding this property. PETE SERAFIN, MANAGER C. S. Briggs & Co. Realtors 113 W. Cass Phone 914 For Sale Or Trade VERY GOOD 4 acres on North Umpqua hiway. Cah price $6750 or will trade for city property. Family Home VERY GOOD 3 bedroom home close to rade 9c high school. FHA appraisal 10.000. Full pries 910.000, Close In 3 BEDROOM MODERN, large garage, large lot. all lawn and shrubs in and the back yard is all fenced. A very good place for children. All for $7250. Cacy's Real Estate PHona 1277 -J i02 West Cass St Next door to Western Union 2 Home Values . PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 9.6O0. It the reduced asking price for this com fortable 2 bedroom home le than 3 years old 'Owner -night consider an an offer for even leu Has large de tached garage with workshop, large lot Located near store, school and trans portation Liberal terms. Immediate possession. 3 BEDROOMS 97 BOS. Here l a fine vaiue in a newer J bedroom home I on tne west side. Has nice living room, convenient kitrhen. Innide uni ty and attached garage Large free soil lot with topsoil added. $1500. down payment Stanley E. Short Realtor Phone 1002-R 14 W. Lane St. 3 UNIT RENTAL CABINS plus livin quarters, z acres, ion a. front. In come. $105 00 per month .1 miles south Rowebtirg on Mt G. B Hasson. C. V StarRt. $1,500, some terms. TOR SALE 93.000 "cash. 72 acren. old hou. good well, 3 acres prunes, salable timber. Write Mrs. O Miller fiddle. Oreg PhR.ddle 324 13 ACRES -if land Trsoc for a car 3 room houe, hill land: 2'i rnile from Roseburg. E. R Sutton, 633 S Main. FOR SALE 3 tots. 1 or all. wfiritrPi blocks new Riverside School. 3 blocks of bus Itn Phone U46-R or call at 152S Walnut LOTS FOR SaHe Your chofr of To ration and site 94V to saoo. Eaiy terms. A. F. Suktdorf, Winston. Ore gon $700 DOWN. Hot) balance. Two bed room home on Calkina Road. Phone 702-R-3 COTS FOR SALE City -srater and Hghta available. Ld down oayment Eugene Ridenour Phone 710-J-S F"OR" SALE-4" acrs IR3ft river "front- They'U Do It Every - J'Am While voureV fe. TZXti IN TOWN GET - LfWmW ANOTHER CASE OF SjlM S rV!ENE0 MILK FOR k v "Q-tQ con nf nvfi rMtrnrs htkmcmt it. qip mnmt sr-r'Ti smsfaBjftfJ Real Estate HURRY ON THIS. Just what lots of folks have asked for well construct ed suburban home 4 years old on concrete foundation w-th 2 bedrooms and room for another if needed on beautiful acre tract all level free soil. Several large fruit trees, berries, lawn and room for large garden. Home is wired for range, has elec tric water heater, city water, bath room with shower, targe double ga rage, and Is clean. Priced at $72.0 witn very reasonaoie terms 10 rigni party. THREE BEDROOM HOME just outside city for $700 down, also older 2-bedroom home with screened porch in city sor tiwu ouwn. GOOD INCOME FOR small Investment 1 bedroom home clo&e in, with 2 rental unite for 9ev-oo with $2.VX down. Ideal for working lady or older coupie. WE DON 7 EVEN MIND n.enttontng the price If you really want the best In a tine ciiy nome. ii you can aiiorti anything near $14,750 with around $3,000 down don't Luy before you have teen this one. It's in a class by Itself. 73x200 foot lot out E. Douglas 91000. half down. Also a few for $100 down. See L. W. Riley ROY O. YOUNG, REALTOR Paclflo Building 105 W. Cass Phone 41T SPECIALS $500.00 Down A NEAT two bedroom home that has a aouoie 101 tawnea witn neat picket fence In front on city sewer verv close to bu tineas center kitchen has very nice builtins modern full hath nice front room an attractive place. Full Price 95750. $1000.00 Down A VERY MODERN HOME with nearly an acre of ground on paved road In nice neighborhood has three bed rooms with nice hath nice living room, hardwood thruout garage kitchen including el. range, el. ref . nil heater all installed. City bus past front door. Full price 97950. . Lehman Real Estate Ph. 722 -J 414 N Jackson FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 room modern nouse in better district of Grant Pass. Valued at 98500. Will consider property in Myrtle Creek or Roseburg area. If Interested ee Mr. Dormer, Plumbing Supply, Montgomery Ward, Roseburg. Building Materials Gal. Pipe t" ll'fcc ft: i I4icr 1" 21c; !'- 2Rr; 33'ic; 2" 41c 4" S H. Soil Pipe 90c; D. H. 97c ft 300 Gal. Septic Tanks 973.00. All Ptgs. and Valves 20 to 30 Discount H" Sheetrock 954.00 Thousand Sq. Ft $8.00 Flintkote Insulation Tile Board 8',c Sq Ft Mineral Surfaced Insulation Siding 312 50 Sq Ft Certainteed Fibre Glais Roll Blanket Ins. $64 00 Thousand Sq Ft Asbestos Siding $12 50 Sq Ft with Nails and Fixtures. lfl Cedar Prime J Shakes $12 50 Sq. Cement 91.23 8k. Pacific Deep and Shallow Well Pumps. Free Installation. Roofing Materials at Wholesale If you are building a new home or repairing and old home. It will pay you to get a complete line of my prices. If It la manufactured I can buy It and Save you $9. See Dliplay add' on Electrical Appli ances. Nails 10c to 12c per lb. DENN WHOLESALE CO. North Umpqua Rd I mile from foot of Jackson St Trucks FOR SALE Oft TRADE for car or live stock. 47 Dodge 1 ' ton truck, two speed transmission. hooter brakes rtsh plated, new 10 ty tires. 750x20. 2 Inch tongue, grooved grain box 4x7x12, Jfl.iM) miles Truck like new Original owner $l.2u0. Chas Beihm. Oakland, Oregon. On new high school road 1 143 INTERNAT ION AlTpickup. 1 -1&46 International pirkup. I single a vie piling trailer For information Phone 43212 2nd Ave South 140 1 TON FORD pa nel.N early new motor, good condition $4fi5 Inquire at the Lyle Stewia Associated Station, Oakland XXLK SHAFTS-for a iFrak et" " t n ir k i Ray's Truck Shop. 3053 N Stephana Phone 406 J-4. Time .- Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service SEPTIC tanks cleaned, no extra charge for drain lines. No charge for open ing tank Prompt service No mile age charge, reasonable rates, special rates for commercial tank. 746jShort St. Ph 1204-Y P.O. Box 3W6 A1X BUILDING conn true t ion. new and old, remodeling, UK down, no job too large or too small All t pe masonry construction, flagstone and brick barbecues and patios a specialty Mag netite floors and drainboards Phone lSW-R-l.coniractor.A R Snow. Carpenter Work By Hour or Contract Write H C Harty. C. V Star Ht CAHPENTER AVAILABLE to build complete house. Ranch houses a spe cialty. M. J. Macncss. Phone 172-YX or see at lilt L'mpqua Ave. E. OI iver s ARE OUT OF TOWN for a short time Septic tanka and drain fields. WANTED-Work of "any kind Have done Janitor and plumbing work. C H Smith, c o H. L Campbell. Suth lin, Oregon. LADY DESIHFS WORK Waitress, kitchen helper, companion to sick, care of children. Call Viola, phone 3JI9-R. 430 N. Pine. FLOOR COVEH1NQ Complete sales and installation. Free estimates. Modern Floor Covering Phone 34U ALTERATIONS. DKESSM AKING. All types. Mrs. Dun W Garrison, 1005 Madrone St, PhonefW2-L MAN' WOULD LIKE part time work In exchange for room. Box 964. News Review. TATE MODEL D-7 cat (or hlredrum and dozer. Call 1280-L. HOMEWORK typing, billing, bookkeep ing. Phone 1434-It PIXNO TUNER-J E Jones. Ph. 1340-R Wanted Wanted BEEF. VPAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phone 922-R-3. or 4M-R-9 or write Houle I, Roseburg Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No Jackson. Phone lU-J. The Bargain House QUIE fTM I D O L E A G E DTou p I eh iw band steadily employed, iieed furnmhrd hnue or apartment. Or buv trailer house on lowest terms. Write Box 903 News-Review. WANTED long barrel 30 .TO caliber Winchester rifle. Mut be In good condition. Phone 1500-R-l after 6. Leo Pratt DEPENDABLE PARTY who will drive house-car to Arizona for transporta tion, etc. Contact J. hnaln. Box 161. Mel rose R t HOUSE WITH YARrTorre!iahi; couple with 3-year-old daughter Ex cellent references. Bob Dotv. care of Bob'sMulc Shop. JPhone 008. STATE POLICEMAN would like 1 or 3 ledroom house or apartment. 1 child. 6 months old. Phone 14:t8-L. fROKF.SSiONALMANwlfe and' child need furnished or unfurnished home, September 1. News-Review, Box 052. TOBUY Best 3-4' bedroom house for WANTED FAT HOGS and used furni. ture Call B00-J-4 mornings and eve h'n CALL Al's for a fair bid on your fur niture Al's Furniture Center. 814 Win chester St Phone 1327-R WANTED TO B1IY-A1I kinds of furni ture Let us hid on your huuse of fur niture. Call 80.1-Rat flOO NJai knon St GARAGE. EASILY accessible, with good floor. Call Mr. Lay at 945 VET AND WIFE want "furnlihed modem houe or ant Phone 7.VI-J. WANTED TO RUY-tlldes. RoKburg Meat Co, phone 2tH. Logging Equipment NFW TD 14 International tractor. !W0 hours, equipped with Isaacson drum and hvdraulfc straight jUde, $10 V0. Willamette 11x13 conversion donke. powered with new 71-GM dlesel. tor que converter and tornue master Sled, no lines. $H 000 Inquire Inter state Tractor V Equipment Co SKAfJIT- LOAUERpower-d with ne Mercury engine - complete with good sled and some lines Price $I.Vhi Inquire Heath Bros, at Hew Lumber Comoanv, S Mvrtle Crock Road. Myr tie Creek, Oregon D4 CAT serial number 7-J 4I72 with Hyter drum and Lal'lant Choaf, hy draulic dozer See at Tvee Lumber Co Suiherlln. Ore., or phone VHH Suther hn TOR SAf.E f)T IB international tractor. A 1 conmtUin RX 2O0 Kkagit yarder A-l condition K3 International dump truck. Ph S1A-J-5 evenings. FOR SALE -1047 TD 9 Internal iorlaT cat. A-I condition with winch and drum Phone Jffl Oakland 1 SMALL LOCfllNO arch. i202ndAva fin Phone 47? Business Opportunities FOR BALF New pumice stone store, 34x50 Living quarters in bark. Shelves and gondola. It I in verv grod location 3 ml lei south of Mvrt'e Creek on Hiway w. See owner Frark Crensky next to MHodv Mountain Brn.Phone IHW6 Mvrtle Creek MOTOR COURT" for le "" rail 111 T t Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""'UMPQUA REALTY Armas from Post Office on Htghwsy 112 N Stephen ph 1535-J By Jimmy Hatlo Help Wanted Fountain Girl NIGHT SHIFT THE DRIVE INN 1 mile So on Hiway 99 WANTED: Life Insurance Salesman or Saleswoman for Douglas County and vicinity by well-known old line Com pany. Leads furnished, salary and commission, bonus, convention trips, free schooling. See Lee O. Smith. Room $07 Ardel Offices. 3.1 East 10th. Eugene, Oregon. Tel. 5-2271. Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman LOCK WOO D MOTORS CAR HOP WANTED THE DRAVE INN ONE MILK SO. ON HIWAY 99 Pear Pickers Wanted Thursday BERT OF PICKING conditions Phone 1603-R-2. W. R. Denton, Garden Val- Icy, Mechanic Wanted Familiar with Chrysler Corp. automo biles. Rose Motor Co. Wanted Experienced Salesman Keel Motor Co, 443 N. Jackson AGENTS WANTED, for COBURN SHOE CARE Saves time, caves work. Good commlaiion. Write for information. J. W. Cohurn. 1370 Market Street, Sal em .Oregon. WANTED man forfew dVlT"Sr50if. McOrady after 7:00 P. M , 4th hotine south on Looklngglass Road off Mel roue Ro,id. HOU SE K E PFjRtotak el rb m p leTec narge of modern home. Father and 3 son. HWl Myrtle Ave. ROUTE SALESMAM to drive truck on percentage basis. Married man pre ferred. New Method Cleaners. GREEN CHAIN grader and marker Call Nstron Station before 0. 72204 SDringfield after 7 pm. WANTED Experienced high climber Apply Powell s office, Yoncalla. Phone Yoncalla 3flJ. EXPERIENCED WOMA"fT grocery-clerk Falrhaven Market Phon 1 1M-R. the general office, Montgomery ' Fruits and Vegetables CRAVENSTE1N APPLES Peaches for canning, sweet corn, tomatoes, melons and other fruit and vegetables at the Kruxe Stand. 1 mile wct on Mel rose Road Phone 444-K -4. Closed Sat urday. I OR SALfcPeaches, a few' Rochester Irft, Slapples now rearlv, Crawford, Hales and Improved Elbert soon Bring containers. Turn left six miles south of town. H. 17. Harrison. FOR" SALE-"Gravensteln apples, 91 00 bushel. Hring boxes. No Sunday sales W. F. Wright, Curry Estate. Phone 55-F-3. BUR BANK AND SLAPPY peactiTr for canning. F,d Thiele, Wlntnn. Civil Bnd Crmeterv Road. Last house on left. Phonel500-J-;i, CUCUMBER SFO R PICK LESPI c iTThem fresh and tender. Harry Weslev, low er teamen valley rioad. Bring con- talr rs CUCUMBEPTTnr sale Ray M. Young. Cleveland Rapids Road In Garden Valley. FOR SALE -Caning peaches, cucumbers, bean-, cabbage and beMs. Glenn L. Young. I-owtr Garden Valley Road. BARTLETT PEARS, Gravensteln ap ples. Clean healthy fruit W, C. Thur low. lower Garden Valley. 31-F-2I SLAPPY PEACHES for " canning" this wpek. $2 VI bushel, you pick. Or order Harry Winston. SWF.ET"CORN forsa!e C HClavpooT. Rt 2. Box2(;.VA. Garden V a I ley ROCHESTER PEACHES, ripe for can ning A Roth. R rock way. PICK LI NG"tUCUM HERS CaiTBowers! Calkins Road, phone 02.VJ-S Machinery For Sale SIG FETT Used Equipment For Sale 1 D 4 Caterpillar tractor, drum and dozer Perfect condition 1 22 Caterpillar, good condition. 1 7' Cover crop disc 1 10' hcivy duty Dyrr fteltl disc FOR SALE D-7 Caterpillar in excellent condition equipped with cable dozer and rer power control unit for const rue tttin work. Priced to permit initialling drum If logging cat is dentred In quire Calkins finnnct Co. Titus Rldg 11 E Broadway, Eugene, Ore. Phone 4-421 1 . atk for MrOverton. FOR SALE Lathe, milling machlmv drill prrfl, machine hark law, lathe and milling attachments Steel tool en hi nets, stee) work benches. Inquire 2US Rtenhens St. FOH P ALE -1-eTournr-au Angle dorer complete with front end P C U fot 114 cat Iee Mortenacn. 300 A Pin Phon 1)1 R.I W B 22 WHITE rear end. cnmVlete with air Phone 2)1 -R-4, 104 Sunset Lane off Melrose Road. Instruction . I WANT TO BE A practical nurse? High wag, big need, .nteresting wor Learn at home In spare time High school not required FREE informa tion. Wajne School of Practical Nurs ing. 0. c o News-Review. Tue., Aug. 9, 19 9 The Newi-Revitw, Roto burg, Ore. 11 For SaleMiscellafieous SPARTAN - M - JO - M Tho life tim trailer Kaa a hodr we believe will last SO years or mora. No dry rot. Kit 11 - IS' 11' - 19' - ' Columbia 13 14 . 30' - 23 33' The West's Fastest Sellora and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contracts. Contracts to 3 years on Spartana, Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 3831 3 Miles South on M Rt 4, Bog 23, Eugene rOR SATJTTt47 Model 3000 Taylor fr'reexer Hardening Cabinet Combi nation 9 gallon freezer, OH gallon hardening cabinet 3 hp. Copeland Water-Cooied compressor 100 ft lead cable Automatic overload relays 3 automatic cut-outs Ready to run Reasonable. A E- Dunk lee, 330 W. O St, Grant Pass. Oregon River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS W have an abundant supply. Paul Casey 9ST W Mosher Phone HT-V Sale, outboard motors, a low as . down and $3. per month. Trolling motor for $03. Special sale on fine boats. 14 foot Flttherman V Bottom, special $130. 13 toot boat 9100 See the:- special salmon trolling motors today, Powell's Sporting Goods, 306 West CasaStreet. WASH THE EASY WAY AT The Self Service Laundry 919 Cobb St No fuss, no muss, no bother. Try our friendly service. House Trailer 19 FT COVERED WAGON, completely equipped, electric brakea Can be seen at house in the rear of General Welding Works. Hiway 99, 3W miles south of Roseburg. FAST SERVlCK-FINflVdRK Will pickup and deliver Ed's Laundry N. Umpqua Road at Ivan tt Phone lrttT-J N. H. Hem GOOD ROASTED STEWED SOirp FILL YOUR LOCKERS now, 3oe h. live welgnt. Orders taken for dressed. R. Cary. 3 miles east of Dlxonville. Philco Console Radio cabinet excellent condition. Reas onable at 92.V Phone W79-L or see. l lUBlakeley St FOR SALE 20 gauge double barreled shotgun, practically new, with water proof case and cleaning equipment. $23 Welch baby buggy, removable bassinette, 913. Call U42-Y or sea at nxii Union Ave. Trailer House LIKE NEW. 33 ft. Columbia. Butane gas, oil heater, sleeps tent Located at 1414 Willow. FOR SALE 19 ftTunstrutter housed trailer, fifoo. ittawatha a h. p. out board motor. 9rt0. See after 9 30, East Dougta. Ht 1, Box 4H. FOR 8 A LtT 1 940 33 ft . Royal ho use trailer, like new. Will sacrifice for 9117.1 rash. New Moon Trailer Inn. highway 00 N. IS FT TRAVELO trallerPully equip ped, excellent condition. Coniider trade on Roseburg horn. Phone PU3-J-9. TOR BALFOR TRADE for house trailer, new four room houe, one acre, one block from new school. Riddle Box IS, Riddle. Oregon. SHAKES for sale NOVfSugar pine and yellow fir $3-$fl-ST 90 sq. Til ler-Tratl Rd. Your Shake Maker. Bill Badger, Drew. Home week-ends. FOR' SAT.E 19 ft. 1047 Whirlabout trailer house. Good clean condition Inquire Suiherlln Valley Airways. F. D. Brlngle. Fuller Brushes Don L Rider. PO Bok 929. Dressed Fryers 3 or more delivered.. Phone lotW-J-3 Used Garden Tractor TERMS PHONE 594-J-S. NEMMPERFECTION tank top oil ranis', large oven, late mndl. Ice box, 73 lb., good condition. Reasonable offer ac cepted. J, W. Gobervme. Rt 2. Box 11)2-A. Sale on all casting rod. re-Ms, lines and baits for every kind of fishing See these special low prices Powell's Sporting Good. .1t)6West CasaStreet PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER. 8 tube amplifier, 6" speaker, verv suitable for parties and dances. Tenda-Babe, used 2 month. Phone 93-R-L TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators. one30 cu ft. Suitable for restaurant or tavern inquire at idle Hour Tavern 5ttH N Jackson. If casting rod. Hardwood Flooring Phone 102.R-.1 FOR SALE Used wood ranges. Ice boxes, electrie ranges, electric wash et. Umpqua Valley Appliance. I JO W Oak St 9 CU. FT- DELUXrTServl refrigerator and O'Keefe & MerrCt gas range for sale. Excellent condition. 1113 Corey Ave. UNIVERSAL1 WASHING mcKlne. ' moif- ei in excellent condition. rnone l.vw-J. 74fl s Mainour FOR SALE Used g hole Ice cream cabinet, can be wed a deep freexe. Sutherlin Holel Sutherlln. Oregon. YOUR STANLEY dealer. James L Rob erts, 214 Court St. Phone 8JB-Y De livery on orders of $.1 no or more. NO 4 LUMBER. 3x4tn"2xl2.lSt2 M P'r M in carrier load lots. Crennhaw hr. Co. 3 ml!ea south of Rosehurg SOME GOOD-USED shakes-and "lum ber, cheap. J. Spain, Box lb4, Mel rose Rt. FOR SALE a" "new 21JeweOlaml1ton railroad watch. 902-B. 553 Barager Phone T7.1-R-2. USED" UPRIGHT PIANO $2.V). Good condition. See at $19 W Mosher after 3 .10 FOR SALE 9 cubic ft Servel kernne refrigerator, used 2 months. Phone 570-J-4. CaRGE CEDAR fence posts for sate Roseburg Shingle Co., N Umpqua Rd Phone 1273 -J FOR SALE 1 man sheep shearing out fit Uovd Alterbury. Miller's Addn Phone 3-F-31 Mew hospital-surgical plan, no stf Tmlt. good anywhere, low cost MHH&A phone 1,'U I9.T7 FORD VS"sedah delivery Reasoni"- 10.(7 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE. cheapTH runs 721 E. 3rd Ave N lTSTRIN(iCOT,l MBIAbanJo In good condition. 7.V) E. lne. FOR SALE Dry' Mvrtlewood lumber 220 Ford St. Roseburg. WILL CARE for" chilrtrenfv week or month icertlfled' Phone flttS-Y FOR SALE -Unuaed Weaver Prune wan- er and leaver A. F S'erns.Oklai.d feu Y-" CHRISTIAN REPLIES at" the Bible Book Center tI5WOik fi,rrTROf-UV VA( UUM cleaner for sale Phone 373-R-3. Personal SPFNCFl CORSETIERS Mr Enid Rurrh Phone 194 Al-CTTCrtTT'-S "ANONYMOUS PO.Boi 1119 or Phone 1509-L or 506-J Loa ns MONEY 310 923 $.Vt 973 9100 9200 9300 UP TO 9300 Borrow on your salary All steadily em- fiioyed men and women may qualify oday for a salary loan up to S.TO0 whether you're in a new Job or aa old ono Borrow en your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not Up to $300 on your furniture up to 9300 on your car Special "Pay Day" Loans. 910, 923. 9S0 loaned till "Pay Day "or longer Pay only for the actual number oi days you keep the money 933 cost ae for one week. No other charges. Phone for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy. Mar. U No Jackson ("hone 1173 Ue. S-I73 M 333 - Boseburs LOANS UP TO $300 On your signature. Furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 uur uwmoDnt ipaia ior. or noti. Loans made quickly, privately for any Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bill Vacation exrenaea - Consolidate debt Re-financing When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower paymenta now available us to 20 month to repay CALKINS FINANCE ' CO. 309 Douglas County Stale Bank Bid Phone 460. M-33T Bute Lie S-394 HAVkl $3,000 to $4,000 to Invest In local uusiness. ii interested write Ns-ws-Review Box AM Livestock LIVESTOCK AUCTION 100 HEAD OF CATTLE 30 HEAD OF FAT HOGS BABY CALVES ROSEBURG AUCTION LIVESTOCK AUCTION Jl0IDur' Oregon, Friday, August 13, 12 00 noon. Highway 90 and Garden Valley Road, just north oi Roseburg. 100 HEAD OF CATTLE consisting of 73 Hereford steers, cows, heifers and calves. Extra good milk im snnnxer cows. 30 HEAD OF FAT HOGS piua inner ana weaner pigs. BABY CALVES ROSEBURG AUCTION Phono 191 Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring In tho most money. Sale every Friday. Livestock 13 o'clock. Furniture 1 p. m. Roseburg Auction PhoneJ91 PEDIGREED NEW Zealand white rab blts. Juniors, eligible to register. Championship strain. Member of U. V. R. 8. A Boyer's Rabbltry at foqtof Camas Mt. on Hiway 43. FOR BALE 27 head of breedtngewes. These are In good condition, some 3 years old. id per head Phone .T7-P-4 Oaklend.Ch. H. Davison. COGGING HORSE nd'Tarneai. welgnt about lfloo lbs. 95. 2 sets harness, one new. other sligntly used. War ren E. McLain, Rt. 3, Box 901 -B, GrantaPae, Oregon tfi THE MARKET-for fat and feeder lambs, fat and feeder yearlings, old wether and old liver. Isldoro In da. Phone 40-F-13Oakland. FOR SALE One corn fed butcher hog. Two miles south of Looklngglass Store. W. H. Nl'baum two" YEARLING Hereford resliterd bulls. See anytime. G. E. Clayton. Mvrtle Creek. 3 miles N. 99. ShefdiNO" EWES for sale or trade fnr feeder lambs Age from 1 to 3 years. Inid-t.-o Jnda. Phone 40-F-15. Oakland. WANTED FAf .ND FEEDER Iambi and yearlings. W A. BlackerL Myrtle, Creek. Phone 2R2 FOR SATE 30'head of good ewes witn 23 lambs You pick em. Wool on. Phone g-F-ll WANTED All kinds of livestock, H. M. rnx rait ooo-i Poultry Baby Chicks Hamps. Reds, Crosses. Every week la the year Best of breeding. Pullomm passed Hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market. City agent Douglas Co. Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Looklngglass Rt Phone 1H-F 3 N. H.Henj GOOD ROASTED STEWED SOtTP FILL YOUR LOCKERS now, 30c lb, live weight. Orders taken for dressed. R, Cary. 2 mlleeast of pixonvllle. FOR SALE 23 young broad breasted turkeys, ranging from 7 tn 3' months In age. Price fnr all. $60. Also 33 While Leghorn pullets, 4 months old. $1 30 ech. See Mrs. Frank Cairns, Rt. 2. Box 211 'i. N HBREFD1NG COCKERELS. RTCary. 2 miles E of Dlxonville. Fat dressed"ryers" 45 per lb, D. B. Boone, Rifle Range Road. Lost Found LOST Yellow gold Central lady'a watch. Also driver's licence. If found, leavo at News-Review. Reward. Ruby Gal yean. LOST- OXYGEN cylinder between Oakland and Cottage Grove. Finder plea: notify Ball Lbr. Co., Glide, Oregon. ftOY LOSt "phot can with monev near Outdoor Store New-Review Box 903, FOUND Brown billfold. Stace Avery ijaiiranr e? C" 1 1 at Nws-Revew Miscellaneous FOR INVALIDS and elderly folks. 34 hour nursing care. 21S W. 4th Streot Phone 1429 R fREE DUMPING, rock or dirt, no trasK Crttesei a wtnt end Oak St Bridge.