The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, August 08, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 The Nwi-Rviaw, Roscburg, Or. Men., Aug. 8, 1949
Situation In Korea Could Develop
Into Third World War Kick-Off
Associated Press Foreign News Analyst -Korea
this week upheld Its growing reputation as a likely spot
for the birth of World War III.
In southern Korea, officials of the American-sponsored govern
ment reached the stage ot talking openly about Invading the Soviet
sponsored north before the north beats them to the punch.
These officials still would not
let correspondents attribute such
statements to tnem personally
but AP correspondent William R
Moore radioed Irom beoul:
"Some very significant figures
In the. . .government think the
time must come soon wnen Ini
Infant republic must invade the
communist-ruled norm as a sen
defense measure."
Moore said moderate Koreans
advised against this. But the talk
of beating the north to the punch
ooviously nas increased recently,
A few months ago in Tokyo, Am
erican Army officers back from
Korea told me it existed, but was
not very open.
Later this week Moore cabled
that the northerners had Invaded
the southern part of the Obgjlm
peninsula, which is intersected
bv the 38th parallel that divides
Korea into two separate coun
tries. Each Is recognized by its
respective sponsor in the cold
war and by tome of each spon
sor's allie.
This little war at OngJIn has
been going on since late May,
when a southern expedition by
sea drove tne nonnerners oui.
The northerners kept coming
back, however, and did so in
force this week.
Russia, America Concerned
The question of who actually
Invaded whom may not be as
Important as this question
whether the situation that makes
Invasion am active to both sides
can be ended wlhout a bloodv
civil war, and whether that could
be kept from expanding In'o
something bigger. Russia and
America both have vital strate
gic Interest in Korea.
In any case, the renewal of
iignting at Ubciim helped to spot
light the meeting scheduled this
week between southern president
byngman Rhee and Generalise!
mo Chiang Kai-shek of China, to
promote a Pacific union against
communism. American help
wouia oe asuea.
There long seems to have been
sentiment In the north to "re
unify" Korea (which all Koreans
want, one way or another) but
to do it by conquering the south.
The growth of a rival sentiment
In the south has speeded up since
the southern Army acquired thi
arms left behind by Department
U.S. Occupation troop early this
summer. Soviet troops reported
ly left the north some months
earlier, after building and arm
ing a northern Korean army.
Young Vet Want Reunion
But there's something else
worth noting about the southern
army. It contains thousands of
young Koreans who bore arms
under Japan. Just how many 1
not known but I am told by some
Koreans tnat mere may be as
rriny as 30,000 roughly a third
ol President Rhee's present land
force, which he wants to quad
ruple. The story Is that there were
about 100,000 young Koreans who
Joined or were drafted into the
Japanese Army. After the war
thousands of them got Into the
southern Korean army, where
they naturally are Interested In
any situation Which mlnht Im
prove their lot. My information
Is that their main Idea of how to
do this Is to "reunify the couiv
Attorney Fined For Mail
Fraud In Securities Case
SPOKANE, Aug. 6. UB Fran
cis C. Keane. Wallare. Idaho at
torney, was fined $1,500 and plac
ed on proDaiion lor lour years
Friday for mail fraud, conspir
acy and violation of securities
Joseph V. Grlsmer. Wallace
mining man, was placed on pro
bation for two years on consplr
, acv charges.
Federal Judge Sam Driver sen
tenced the men. Both had plead
ed nolo contendere (no contest)
to the charges.
The two were Indicted with
James A. Allen, Spokane min
ing man. They were accused of
defrauding Investors in two min
ing companies. Allen was con
victed of conspiracy and sentenc
ed to serve IS months In prison.
Indiana's motto Is 'The Cross
roads of America."
Phone 935
try" by reconquering the north.
They think It would make them
all heroes.
One officer was asked recent
ly, what if that results In a long
war that would drag in Russia
and America and bring on World
War III?
"What of It?" was the gruff,
Japanese-type reply.
Columbia River Dasin Plans Opposed By CIO, Demanding Fresh Examination By CVA
CIO opposition to earlv congres
sional authorization of $3,000,000,
000 in projects to develop the
Columbia river basin was called
"astounding" by a congressman
from the Pacific northwest.
The CIO opposition was stated
In a letter which advocated thut
the projects be re-examined by
the proposed Columbia Valley ad
ministration. The projects are proposed In a
coordinated report by Army en
gineers and the Reclamation bu
reau on development of the val
ley. Rep. Sanborn (R-Idaho), plac
ing the letter In the congressional
record, said such a step as advo
cated by the CIO would mean a
halt to Federal participation in
northwest development for
months, maybe years.
The CIO letter, dated August 1
and signed by John Brophy, Di
rector CIO Industrial councils
and chairman of Its committee
on regional development and con
servation, and Nathan Cowan,
CIO legislative director, was re
ceived by all members of the
Senate and House Public Works
committee, members of the
Washington Congressional dele
gation and other House and Sen
ate members.
A move had been made in the
Senate to attach the coordinated
repo.-t to a pending omnibus riv
ers and harbors bill and it was
reported the Hoi'" commlttt-e
was agreeable to that move.
Claim Projects Harmful
"The CIO is completely opposed
to the inclusion In the pending
rivers and harbors bill any of the
authorizations of the Army and
Reclamation bureau projects In
the Columbia river basin,' the
letter said. "Many of these proj
ects will be harmful to Industry,
labor, and the general public In
the northwest. They should be
reexamined by a Columbia Val
ley administration."
Both Senate and House Public
Works committees have for six
weeks been conducting hearings
on an administration bill to set
up a Columbia Valley administra
tion in the Pacific Northwest to
develop the Columbia river tx jin
but the bill is not expected to
get before Congress until next
Senator Magnuson (D-Wash.)
and Cain (R-Wash.) have bills
in the Senate to authorize the
projects contained in the coordi
nated report.
There was no explanation In
the CIO letter of reasons for op
posing the authorization of the
projects contained in the coor
dinated report.
The Fishermen'! union In the
northwest Is said to be one of
the strongest organizations in the
CIO and Fish Packers have op
posed construction of dams on
the Columbia river and tributar
ies on the grounds they will in
jure the salmon runs.
Jailing Of Gold
Star Mother
Draws Protests
ing imprisonment of a Gold Star
mother who is serving a 30-day
Jail sentence.
The woman. Mrs. Nettie W.
Ca;ps, Bountiful, went to Jail
ratner than to obey a court order
she believed unjust.
She was sentenced for con
tempt of court when she refused
to comply with a court order to
turn over to a trust fund monev
from an insurance policv of her
son. Jacob L. Capps, who wfs
killed in the battle of the Bulge.
Ir money was to be placed in
a tund for her son's three small
children, now living with his di
vorced wife and her new hus
band at Seaside, Calif.
SALT LAKE CITY. Aug. 8 ( Meanwhile, telegrams contln-
A total of 28 telegrams from ued to pour Into the office of
four states have been received Gov. J. Bracken Lee, asking the
by the Governor"! office protest- governor to intervene and free
the woman.
But serious doubts existed as
to whether the governor has pow
er to reprieve a person sentenced
for civil contempt.
An attempted reprieve by the
governor last April in a civil con
tempt case was held invalid by
The Justices were seated as
board of pardons members.
The St. Joe River in Idaho Is
the highest navigable river In the
Student Register Now!
Classes Start Sept. 1
Phont 1078 R
Victor Ric
f.-7 V V C.
This is Carstens first furniture sale! All items dweribed in this ad and all items on sale are
first quality, top-grade home furnishings. Nothing bought especially for sale ... all items are cut
in price so you can save 15 to 40 and even more!
Davenports and Chairs
Portland Lounge and Chairs
Heg custom made In a beautiful
Alio Blu brocatelle. Two
QAQ Cfl Piece and priced to savs you
1 $100.
440 Cfl In beig mohair frieze. Hair
filled. An extraordinary reduc
tion. . ,
Biltwell Davenport and Chair
Kidney shape ... In durable
aaa rA mohair frieze. Wins color. A
W07.3U rock bottom value.
Biltwell Davepnrot and Chair
Reg. with a fins valour cover. Dura
1-0 Cfl ble and practical ... a fine.
set. 2 colors.
Sectional Set
A modern sectional set by Mag.
t 1 a pa nu,,en- A pleasing red and grey
3l7.50eolor 'chame red tapestry
with grey mohair trim. A super
value In modern sectional furniture.
Two Piece Sectionals Sofas and Chairs
Genuine Mohair Set
In beautiful green and bslge
J7 . frieze. Ideal for tha small
234 50 hsm fashioned by Bllt
well. Sals prlcedl
Five-Piece Montes Group
. In durable velour. Sof
90,0 Cfl bed wlng rocker, ottoman
"'""and two matching pillows.
Simmons "Town House"
Sofa bed. A versatile, good look-R(f-
ing innerspring sofa bed, either
249,50 dr tWi" ""' sPec'"y
Club Chair and Daveno
Reg. A matching wine or blue velour
mf A set by B. P. John Co. Can't be
JU beat for wear.
Two-Tone Set
A Biltwell modern set with
QAM CO or)' tapestry seats and con.
trastlng frieze arms. An ultra
modern set and a real value.
Sofa Bed Value
A blue tapestry covered sofa
bed with two matching pillows.
An excellent bsd and comforta
ble, good looking furniture.
De Luxe Sofa Bed
A John built sofa bed with
1 14 CO dMp' n Pr,nos- Wine color.
It.JVed velour cover. A suoerb
value at
Modern Armchairs
Upholstered In chartreuse
frieze with light wood trim.
These chairs will be ens of the
first Items bought during this
sale. price each . . .
Occasional Chairs .
A group of occasional chairs in
beautiful tapestry covers, flut
ed backs. 8ave $10 each and
outfit your home with lovely
Swing Rocker Value
Genuint Biltwell swing rocker
with long wearing cover. Espe
cially priced for our first
Bates Spreads
Discontinued numbers. Values
ranging from 7.95 to 11.95.
Three-Piece Group
Reg. 0f two end tables and modern
I 00 CA glass top cocktail table. An out
I 0 J.JU standing set but it Just wouldn't
sell. Now, all three pieces ...
Table Bargain
Here's a fine, bleached ma
hogany lamp table, has drawer
and two drop leaves. Speolal
Maple Tables
These small odd tables In
American Maple are grouped
to sell at one low price, each
Cobbler Bench
Oregon Trail cobbler bench In
maple finished knotty pine.
One only.
Dozens and dozens of end tables ail odd pieces reduced
for this sale. All are top quality pieces we wish to clear
from our stock. You'll be able to find matching pieces ts
harmonize with your present furnishinqs.
Every one reduced from 10 to 50.
; Dinettes and Dining Room Suites
8-Piece Bleached Mahogany
A modern, 8 piece dining room
suite of bleached mahogany . . ,
Here's a golden opportunity to
buy fresh, new wallpaper for
home decoration. Buy nowl
Measure your windows and get
your new Venetian blinds from
our stock. These are ready to
CUf Minimum
VV 10 sq.ft.
per square foot
QQ Cfl ,et you'll be proud to own,
W7.JU and priced to save you more
than ISO.
Duncan Phyfe Set
Reg. Duncan Phyfe mahogany
an fa dining set Eight pieces in tra
wiliJV ditional styling, truly superior
craftsmanship.. Reduced for
this tale!
10-Piece "Barlow Trail"
Reg- This dining room set Includes
I) AO Cfl chairs, table, buffet and two
X47iJU corner cabinets . . . sll In en.
chanting maple finish.
Dining Set Special
... in bleached hardwood. In-
ja ctuaci laoie ana o matcning
I4t.jII chairs. Will give you a lifetime
of service and reduced way
down I
Chrome Set Reduced
You'll love this modern chrome
set . . . large sized table with
red linen top and matching
chairs. Save 120!
5-Piece Chrome Set
You'll savs plenty on this S
piece chrome dinete set. Red
linen table top with two ton
chairs. Now only . . ,
Genuine 11.95 Aladdin electric
table lamps for only 6.95. All
colors are available. Many,
many odd lamps at greatly re
duced prices.
Lace Table Cloths
Choose a lovely 72" x 90" lace
sloth to grace your dining table.
And a good opportunity to buy
several for coming Christmas
gifts. Reg. 9.95
You know the quality, you
know its a bargain. Regularly
7.95 to 11.95.
No limit price in effect until
all sold.
All Sales Final
No Mail, Phone or C.O.D. Orders
Same Free Delivery
Same Courteous Service
Normal Credit Extended
Your Own Terms
Within Reason.
Carstens Furniture Co. is giving away five valuable merchandise prizes every
day this week. Each prize is guaranteed to be worth 125 or more. There are
25 prizes In all. If you have a telephone you can win one of these prizes simply
by answering your phonal When your phone rings answer by saying, u
"Hi Neighbor! Been to Carstens Sale?"
that's all you need to do. Nothing to buy, no obligation, Carstens will
deliver your prize promptly.
Five resident telephone numbers will be called daily . ..
Wait! Is your phone ringing newT
117 W. Cass St.
Phone 10