12 The Newi-Rtview, Row-burg, Or Mob., Aug. 8, 1949 Western Douglas County Fair Will Be Held Two Days Western Dougla County fair enthusiasm is rapidly gaining momentum with linal arrange menu tor the two dav program becoming realities, the Port Umpqua Courier reports. Events will be presented on an outdoor stage at the Winchester Grange hall grounds on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 13 and 14, with Bill Hedges and his loud speaker system on hand so all can hear what goes on. "Miss Winchester Bay" and her court, consisting of prin cesses selected from each of the surrounding communities, will preside throughout the fair. The program opens Saturday night with a big wrestling match starting at 7:45, featuring out standing events. Immediately fol lowing the tussle there will be a dance under auspices of Winches ter Bay's volunteer fire depart ment, which benefits from pro ceeds lor equipment. From Indications booths and exhibits to be displayed Sunday will be many and well wortn in spection. Premium lists of prizes have been mailed to all boxhold- ers in the vicinity. A huge balloon ascension will take place Sunday afternoon, the line to be cut by "Miss Winches ter Bay" and her court. Prizes will be given to those finding the most balloons with lucky num bers. One of the most popular events of the day's activities, square dance competition, has nrougnt entries from Smith River, Win chester Bay, Recdsport, Gardiner and Scottsburg. Humors are cir culating that there is to be some fancy old time cutting a wicked dance. Those wishing to enter should contact Bill Cookson. Prizes will be given as follow-;: 1st and 2nd prizes for the best dance; 1st and 2nd for the best couple. The Umpqua River Coast Guard Is scheduled for a rescue display act. A fire apparatus ex hibition of a spectacular nature will also be presented during the day's program. Contests for the children will be under Jurisdiction of the Boy Scouts with Duffy Lewis and Vern Norman supervising. FOR SALE 18" Slabwood Sawdust Planar Ends Johnson Fuel Co. PHONE 366-JX-5 Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "That profesiorl No wonder ho novor gats any calls.".. .You may misa important calls if the telephone is left off the hook ... Pacific Telephone. HOME TOWN NEWS "IF I HAD A FISH STRETCHER. I WOULDN'T HAVE TO LIE TO THE WHOLE LODGE ABOUT THE SMALL ONES." You don't have to stretch your budget when depending on the R0SEBURG LUMBER COMPANY for winter fuel. July Farm Prices UneJur Thost In Month Of Junt PORTLAND -Am Oregon farm commodities brought gen erally lower prices in July than In June. The Federal Crop Reporting service said grains, meat ani mals and hay declined. Butterfat prices were unchanged but whole milk averaged slightly lower. Eggs, up an average of 6 cents a dozen higher, were the lone ex ception to the general trend. Turkey marketings started on a small scale at about 11 cents below last year's starting level. Wheat averaged 8 cents lower at $1.95 a bushel; cattle were down $1.30 at S17.5K veal was off $2 at $22.80; lambs dropped $1.90 to $23.90. Hogs were up, however, an average $1 at $22. Pear Picking To Begin This Week Harvesting of the local Bart lett pear crop will start early this week in most orchards, ac cording to J. Roland Parker, County Agricultural agent. Grow ers have set a rate of 10 to 12 cents a box for picking, depend ing upon conditions in the or chard and the size of boxes used. The picking rale per box is re ported in line with rates at Med ford and other pear growing sec tions of the state. The local Bartlett pear crop Is estimated at 2.500 tons. Quality and size of fruit are reported good. Prices, however, received by growers will be considerably less than last year and the war period. Orchards are located largely In the Winston, Melrose, Curry es tate. Garden Valley and Suther lin areas. Individuals desiring to nick pears should contact grow ers or the local Oregon State em ployment Service office. U. S. To Defer Buying Of Northwest Tret Fruits PORTLAND F) The Depart ment of Agriculture doesn't ex- wt to huv any northwest tree fruit to bolster the market until the shipping season is further alnng. W. J. Broadhead, Held agent for the Federal Fruit and Vege table branch of the department, indicated this in answering a re quest of northwest fruit men for nromnt government purchases. Broadhead said the department has begun buying Bartlett pears and Gravenstein apples in Cali fornia. But he said the shipping season has Just started In Ya kima, Wenatchee and southern Oregon. The growers are concerned over expected low price offers by canners. They noted an Ore gon State college cost survey which reported $10-a-ton pear nriees would be below growers' costs. Packers last year paid be tween $120 and $135 a ton. FORD 'radiators REPARFD Sy Our Experts ""'City L0CKW00D MOTORS Rote and Oak Prions 80 ITw iitim Est ' ' ' , ! " O ? X ' H" r ( ' 1 ! ' ' ;'! nv. i . .lLJ --i - fj ..'If i Ai THESE AMATEUR PAINTERS, Ceorge't Episcopal church parish house e new coat of paint. Although a stiff breeze kept mixing leaves and branches with the paint, the painters worked diligently to keep the parish house free from the unwanted "stucco" effect. From left to right, David Gordon, Father A. 5. Tyson, EXPLAINS Carl C. Strand lund, head of Lustron Corp., touches his head as he explains to the House banking and cur rency committee at Washington how he launched his Columbus, O., house prefabricating firm with $1,000 of his own and $35,500,000 borrowed from the government. He's losing $1, 000,000 a month, he said. (AP Wirephotol Ram At Albany Sale Brings $280 Top Price ALBANY. Aug. (.T A too price of $280 was oaid for a ram at a record breaking sale hen; Saturday of rams and ewes as signed to the Willamette valley 9th annual auction. The 124 animals brought $11, S.12.50 for an average $93 a head. This was $1.50 higher than the previous record here In 134H. R. W. Hogg and Sons, West Salem, sold the top ram to A. M. Minden, sublimity. Twin Rom- noys sold by Lynn Barnes, Har- risburg, brought second and third money. One went to L. J. Knlrte Arago, for $225 and the other to G. H. Scagraves, Oregon City, tnr SW Births at Mercy Hospital BRKWKR To Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Brewer, 5301 Burke street Rosehurg, Aug. 7, a son, Gary Douglas; weight eight pounds, II ounces. GETS IOWA HOGS DES MOINKS P Sixty-four head of purebred Berkshire hogs are enroute to Venezuela. The purchase followed a visit to cen tral Iowa about a month ago by Venezuelan authorities. They said at that time that they preferred the Berkshire breed because o( its large percentage of lean meat as compared to lard. Life "Saved my A God-nd lor GAS-HEARTBURN" rrrm nKtmtrh swtd mim Wlnfltl. mffrmV Irtfl a-ax. sour rtim h h1 hcwrtlHirti, riot-h uniulir tTttti'rit tho ffttn-(-lin nvrilii-lnrt. known for mif uniitir Mirf ninlli'lrifvllkrihuMtln Mell-Qe 1'hlrt Nit lltvi. H.'il-nhr1fu(imfortln ttfTY or mum iMrttle to iu fir dotiM bhukj o-k BELL-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25 i POESON Stop Itrhmg, dry up blisters quirk It, aafelr.5!) IVY-DRY YOU CAN r -: --: - h h. ma HIGH SCHOOL Hew Al Meai 4.w Payment Alt kt rraitk4M Clstitl DIPLOMA AWARDED It Toi Ar It r 0r Writ fr Pr Booklet AMERICAN SCHOOL Dept. RO 8-8, 1440 Broodwoy, Oakland 12, Calif. Nm ,. ... , As Sir I Addme . Ctiy tho rector and fivo church members, combined their talents Hal Haskin, Dick negen, Leonard BRITISH-AMERICAN MILITARY commanders meet at Northholt airport, London. I he Americans are on a 10-day tour ot Europe for talks with leaders of the Atlantic pact nations. (L to Rl Marshal of the RAF lord Tedder; chief of the imperial general staff Field Marshal Sir William Slim; American Minister Julius C. Holmes; General Hoyt Vandenberg, U. S. air force chief of staff and General Omar Bradley, U. S. army chief of staff. The Americans were due to meet with Norwegian and Danish com manders before departing for Paris. IAP Wirephotol LOCAL NEWS Undergoes Operation Mrs. Floyd Wilson of Ro3eburg un derwent a major operation at Emanuel hospital in Portland this morning. Doing NicelyMrs. Fred Lock- wood of Roseburg Is reported do ing nicely at Lmanuel hospital in Portland, where she recently underwent a major Operation. Auxiliary to Meet D. A. V. Dean Perrine unit. No. 9, Auxil iary will meet tonight at 7:45 o'clock at the armory. The offi cers have requested all members to atiena. Lodge to Meet Roseburg Re- bekah lodge, no. 1, will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday night at the I.O.O.F. hall. Members and visit- inp members are asked to attend and are requested to bring a sack luncn. Zuleima Club to Meet Zulei- ma club will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Robert McFar- land at 913 Nebo. Those desiring transportation are asked to meet at the Hotel Rose at 12:45 noon. CALF TO HAVE SWEATER BAR MILLS. Me. -PV Hair less Alice is Just that kind of a nre-oioooea Hereford neirer. Where there should be white hair. Alice's hide is pink, where brown should grow, it is tan. The calf Is owned bv William H. Bruce, editor of the Maine arm Bureau News. When It was born on May 15, It was protected with a coat and blanket. A neigh bor woman says she Is going to knit a sweater for Alice. A pre vious calf born of the same cow was normal. COMPLETE. Kiley, Bob Melliwell. (Picture by o ;". COMMANDERS MEET Top Baok From Grants Pass Mrs. E. A. Pearson and daughter, Mary Lynne, have returned to their home on Reservoir avenue, following a short stay in Grants Pass visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ingram and family. Leave For Home Rodney and Douglas Houser left Sunday for their home in Portland, following a stay in Roseburg since last Wednesday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter, on Reservoir avenue. Return to Roseburg Mrs. Tom Neal and Miss L. J. Neal, have returned to their home In Rose hurg. following two weeks in Phoenix. Ariz., where they were called by the illness and death of the latter's sister Return to Arizona Mr. and Mrs. Paul Caswell have returned to their home in Arizona, follow ing several days attending to property interests on the North llmnaua. Mr. Caswell fnrmprlv worked for the Lockwood Motor company and the familv resided on the North Umpqua. They have been in Arizona the last few years on account of the health of both Mr. and Mrs. Caswell. Circle to Picnic Circle no. 2. of St. Joseph's Altar society will meet at a potluck picnic supper tonight at the Rodnev Knott home at Winchester with Mrs. Sidney Domenico and Mrs. Rob ert Kidder, hostesses. Members unable to attend are asked to call either hostess. Those desir ing transportation are asked to meet at the parish house at 6:30 p.m. Nurses to Meet All nurses are Invited to the dinner to be held by District no. 11. of O.S.N.A. tonight at 7 o'clock at the Country- club honoring Miss Lola Vil altia. assistant chief nurse at the V. A. hospital, who will give a report on the International Coun cil of Nurses held In Stockholm. Sweden, and will also give high lights of her recent trip to Eu rope. Reservations mav be made by calling Miss L. Fulton at 344 or Mrs. Bernlce Smith at 297-R. ITCH 'Srahleai U highly con tagious and will con tinue iw life it not atonped. Iu sole cause la the Itch-mite, which Is Immune to ordinary treatment EXSORA kills the Itch-mite almost instant W On! v three davV PXRORA treatment ! required. Mail orders given prompt attention. Pred Meyer Drag, Beseetrt f ."'1 Saturday afternoon to give St Paul Jenkins. I British and United States military Elgarose By MRS. THELMA HANSON Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Saxton of Mist, Ore., have returned to their home after a few days visit with tne latter s brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sinclair, and baby daughter. Alice Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. William Casper oi blgarose. Miss Jean Tinker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tinker uf Elgarose, left Wednesday morn- ring for Chicago, III. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon South and children, Shirley and Darrel, of Bend. Ore., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Carl South and family. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COrNTlT COI'RT OF THE STATE OP ORECOW FOB THE COUNTY OP DOUGLAS PUBLICATION OP NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN A. NACHTTH. lomftimet known s JOHN NACHTER JUNIOR, Deceased Notice in hereby riven that Elltabcth Nachtrr hat bcn appointed and hai qualified a the administratrix- of th above entitled estate. All person ha vim clajma against the estate should bring them with proper voucher to the said administratrix In the office of Avery W Thompson. Attorney at Law, 303 Douglas Count? State Bank Building Roseburg. Oregon within :x months from the date of this notice. Dated this lftth dav of July. 1349). ELIZABETH NACHTER. ad ministratrix of the above entitled estate. Date of the first publication July 18th, IB 4 9 Date of the last publication Aug. 13th, 11U9. NOTICE Notice hereby Is given that The Call. forma Oregon Power Company, a Cali fornia corporation, wnose aanress is Medford. Oregon, has filed with the Hxdroelectric Commission of Oregon applications to amend a license granted by said Commission to appropriate waters of the State of Oregon, in a stream known as the North Umpqua River, a tributary of Umpqua River, for the development of a power project designated on tne records of tne torn mission as Project No. 23 and by the applicant as the Toketee project The applicant proposes to deve'.op the Slide Creek hydroelectric power un it of Its Toketee project by appropriat ing ISiW cubic feet per second of water from the North Umpqua River and diverting the same, by means of a re inforced concrete diversion dam ap proximately 31 feet high located In the SE', of Section 17. Township M south. Range 3 ea.it. W M . through a canal and timber flume about 2 mllea long to a turbine connected to a generator of 1R0OU kilowatts located In the SEL NW of Section 21, Township J south. Ran 3 east. W M The Slide Creek unit would develop 29.550 theo retical horsepower. The applicant also proposes to de velop hydroelectric power at Its regu lating dam to be known as the Soda Springs unit of its Toketee project, by appropriating lfiOO cubic feet per second of water of North Umpqua River a nd di vert l n g t he same, by mea ns of a reinforced concrete dam 73 feet high loMted in the SW Section IT, Town ahtn 2St smith. Ranee 3 east. W M . through 1400 feet of tunnel and too Shop and Save With Classified Ads y Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 1940 PORO TUDOR SDN. Do yours it justice, arive homo this beauty lor only 11748. OU 1048 DODGE PORDOR SDN. Run Just 11.000 miles, Pully MiilnoMi. not a acratrh on it . 15 104T PORD PORDOR SDN. One you'll be proud to ui iv. miw lis aiu a . today 1105.00 1047 WILLYS STATION WAGON 10,000 miles. Equipped with overdrive, healer nd many others. - - 1345.00 1040 MERCURY PORDOR , SDN. Equipped with radio and a..... r-nl.inihU lu,n naa axle. Extra nice , 1395.00 1940 CHEV. TUDOR SDN. r.t rid of that old car now. see Uh about a trade today 1105.00 1940 PORD TUDOR SDN. rvira nice. .TT.OJO miles. Today's best buy at 1050 1943 CHEV TUDOR SDN. Mechanically sound. Not lnrid with extras, but comfortable 805.00 1941 PONTIAC PORDOR SDN. Paint and body extra nice. Rarlin and heater. A me chanical gem. 895 00 1941 PORD TUDOR SDN Why waste money on your old car when you can drive a hunt Ilka thia one home for only 745 00 1041 MERCURY CLB CPE. This one la an extra special buy. Motor A-l condition. 075.00 1841 PORD PORDOR SDN. Equipped with radio and htr Ivina? trios will coat less In this one. - 745.00 1041 PORD COUPE New motor, clutch, battery, a fine car any way VOU look at It 855.00 1941 NASH PORDOR SDN. New paint and seat covers. If Its cheap transportation voi i want look thia one over 745.00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups 194S PORD TRUCK with U -Drive Body .$24B!V00 1M7 INTERNATIONAL Pickup 1095 00 1947 WILLYS Pickup. 109S 00 104A FORD Pickup 945 00 1945 FORD Lumber truck Tat and Roles. 19A5.0T) 1M1 PORD Chassis and Cab. 445 00 1941 FORD Dump truck 445 00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS Easy Terms . Better Buys At Barcus TRUCKS SAVE te.OOO, 1049 Red 310 log truck. 202 h. p engine; 1949 Peerless light, weight log trailer, both like new Re sponsible psrty can handle with very small down payment 1040 Chev. lumber truck. 1948 motor, Thornton dual drive, new tires. Lumber rolls with log bunks attached. Ideal for lumber or short logs 3150 International tog truck and trailer. A steal at 1900 1947 Studebaker .pickup, excel lent U9S. 1937 International truck and semi-trailer good condition good tires 795 1934 1 T. Chev. flatbed, com letely overhauled. A good truck for 290 Car Bargains 1947 Bulck super convertible, a real bargain 1995 1941 Chrysler coupe, new paint, reconditioned motor 875 1937 Nash LaFavette. coach 195 1930 Model A Ford sedan, good motor. ,., . 75 BANK TERMS OPEN EVENINGS BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Hwy 99 N at Garden Valley Roed feet of steel pipe to a turbine and generating unit with a capacity of 11. 250 kilowatu located in the NE'. SE section ib. rownsmp zo soutn, rtar.ge s east, W. M The applicant also pro- Pises to apprprlate the waters of North mpqua River for the storage of OHO acre feet In Soda Springs Reservoir to be used to regulate the fluctuating dis charge from the Toketee Reservoir for the Toketee and Slide Creek power Filants to assure an even flow of water n the North Umpqua River below the Soda Springs proposed power house. The Soda Springs unit would develop 27,727 theoretical horsepower. NOW therefore, notice herebv ta given to all persons that the Hydro electric Commission of Oregon, will hold a public hearing on said appli cations for amendment to the license of aforesaid on the 29th day of August. iwsH a me nour oi j:w ociock p. m. Pacific Standard Time, at the office of the Commission In the City of Salem. Marion County, Oregon, to consider all protests or remonstrances oi Denaif of the nub tic or anv corooration or dis trict organised for public purposes or of any other person or persons. Ail objections, protests or remon strances to the granting of such amend ment to the license shall be made in wrltina and based on the (rounds set forth in Title lis. Chapter 1. O C L A , as amended, ami filed with the Secre tary of the undersigned Commission at Sa lent, Oregon, on or before Au gust 17th, 1949 A certified copy thereof shall be served upon the applicant by tne proTesiani on or oeiore August lTtn. 1M0. and Proof of such service shall be furnished the Commission. Da tea at Salem, Oregon this 12ta day ec July, 1940 sTYDROFXECTRIC Commission of oregon ftp Cha ft StiickHa, i Secretary Autos CLEARANCE REDUCTION HEAVY FIBER seat covers, sedsns and coaches. They were 15 95, reduced to 59.95. Coupes and front seat only, were 90.45, now 95.45. t Montgomery Ward & Cos KEEL'S Quality Used Cars Wo have a few excellent 40 and la to model used cars left. All are fine look ing and EXTRA GOOD mechanically. Thru sands of miles of good transpor tation and comfort. Don't wait too long and miss on of these exceptional values. "This Week's Feature" 1940 S Pass. Pontlae Coupe. A GOOD Car 040. 1940 1 Ton Studebaker pickup. Just like new. SHOP EVENINGS Open Until 9 P. M. For Your Convenience QUALITY KEEL'S Used Car Lot Phon, 13 and 1443-J N.xt to Rom Hotel 13a go. Stephen! Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonably priced, G MA.C terms, Chevrolet - Bulck Pontiao Cadtllao tradt-lns COME IN AND LOOKOVER our new and used Harley Davidson Motorcycles, 200 and up Immediate delivery on the 1949 Hydra Glide. 13 down. IS months to pay. Harley Davidson 125 $95 down 55.50 weekly Joe's Harley Davidson. 5'a miles So. Hwy. 99. Roseburg. Oreg. FOR SALE. 9740 equity on 194S Chev. 4 door sedsn. Total price, $1395 or will trade for best car offered Inquire Sunset Grocery, 3 miles north of Roseburg after 5:00 p. m. G ,E. Do rife WILL TRADE $1,000 equity In '49 Ford Conv.. like new, for clear '41 or '42 car In good condition. Would consider land out Melrose Rt. or make cash offer for equity. Wsite Box 950 News Review. For Sale 1937 OLDSMOBILE 4 doo Sedan (1940 motor i $250 cash. Contact Al Williams, Voncalla 1940 BUICK SPECIAL 4 door sedan. Radio, heater. Good condition. $800. James D. Morgan, Box 28, Drain. Oregon. ' FOR SA LE '30 Ford deluxe coupe. BWu lungiuon. rontiac sedan; good cheap transportation. 835 Hamtl- ton-phone B51-Y. MORE MONEY for" your car Cash on the spot. Corkrum Motors, Inc 0 Soto. Plymouth. Phone 400, 114 H. Rose St ' PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE, new motor, good tires. Perfect throughout. Lots of extras. Good buy. See at Auto Court behind Camas Valley Post Of fice FOR SALE '37 Chev! CoupeT rsdlo and heater, $275. First house north A i rport Ca f e Phone 20- r -1 2. FOR SALE "37 Tudor Pnntlac0 fr quire Housing Project, Apt. 03. Suth erlln. FOR SALE Columbia fear end for Ford. $50. Route 1, Box 10, North of Oakland 0 miles. 1949 MERCURY In top condition. Bank terms. See at Adair's Associated Sta tion, FOR SALE 1947 Ford sedsn delivery, good clesn car; low mileage. 920 So. Stephens. FOR SALE 1929 Model A Ford. $a lift,, nine nange Hoa rl. Notice TILLER SCHOOL Dist No. 114 will re- " r ""in nuiusi mm, IH4V lor a three year contract for a 35 pass enger school bus run Irom Lawsman s mill to Tiller. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. lWILL NOT be responsible for bills i i r omer man my- WILL BE OUT of town till August 14. Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old "'" r diock peeier core, small round core mill ends, planing ends, oak and laurel Special price on plan er ends for short time. See this wood 1 mile East on Douglas St. Rt. 1. Box 43 Prompt delivery. Claude Wllley. Phone 15-J-3 or 143-J-3 FOR SALE Slabwood. sawdust, planer vvj'ri ij "j j iu nnwn ruei .o. Hay, Grain, Feed WANTED 15 tons 1st cutting alfalfa or good grass hay. News-Review Box FOR SALE 13O0 cleaned grain sacks. 12c each. J. G. Bacon. Umpqua, Ore- gon. 10 TON OF BALED straw for sal. G.E. Handy .Mel rose. FOR SALE Good clean baled straw. Phone Htft r I Betts Dogs FOR SALE Male Highland Scottish sheep dog pups 5 months. Well bred $25. P O Box 295, Sutherltn, Ore gon. Phone 73-F-3. G"IVE AWAY One male" Collie puppv' Gerald Bacon. RL 2. Box 302-B, Rose- Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENNEITPhonT te 030 ieo.aU J or w-1 Keg ana pea pupo ' ""'i fiiuq semre LABRADOR RETRIEVER pups, from championship lines Litter registered. Reasonable. Ph. 009-R4. 112 Alameda. )