10 Tlit Newi-Review, Rosebur?, Or Mon., Aug. 8, 19491 bettv stidham it Society and GUU By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele phone (or the society page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Fridays, at whlcn time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. MR. AND MRS. ALDROPP ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Matt Aldropp very graciously entertained at a fried chicken dinner Tuesday evening at their lovely home east of Sutherlln. The table was cen tered with a beautiful low ar rangement of summer flowers. Covers were placed for: Aud ry Leonard and Joe Cole, of Oak land, Wilfred Kincaid and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mis. Aldropp. The pleasant evening was spent In viewing the many beautiful flowers and out-door-grounds alt er which visiting was enjoyed. BIRTHDAY PARTY IS DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Last Saturday evening, Miss Dorothy Dale Finn, of Melrose, was honored on her birthday with a surprise party when her moth er Mrs. Floyd Finn Invited the following to her home: Marilyn Nickens, Virginia Matthews, Jac quelyn Matthews. Darlene Kru. se, Phyllis Williamson, Dalene Busenbark. Jeanlne and Louise Conn, Ruby Matthews, Amy Kru se, Ruth Simmons and Amy Mat thews and the hostess. Gifts and a decorated cake were presented to the guest of honor, and re freshments were served. JAYCETTES TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Jay-C-Ettes will meet Wed nesday evening at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. Al Fray, Box 335-E, Melrose route, phone 149-J-5, with Mrs. Bill Pyle and Mrs. Mack Pyle, assisting host esses. All members are urged to attend. Miss Betty Stidham was sur prised on her birthday Tuesday evening, when her Campfire group honored her with a party at her home. Gifts were present ed to her, and her mother, Mrs. Scott Stidham, served refresh ments to the following: Jeanine Conn, Donna Barker, Phyllis Wil liamson, Dalene and Jo Ann Bu senbark, Claudette and Carol Manning. Darlene Kruse, Donna Dillon and Lola Lynn. UMPOUA REBEKAH LODGE HAS MEETING Umpqua Rebekah lodge, No. 173, met Tuesday night at which time a shower was held for the I.O.O.. home. Members reported ill were Mrs. Agnes Hudson, Mrs. Gladyce Stewart, Mrs. Ida Mue Haines, Mrs. Edith Wright, Mrs. Nellie Binder and J. Boyd Ra- der. Aunt Fannie Ruel, life member of Umpqua lodge, was remem bered. Refreshments were serv ed to 15 members by Frances Carries and Dorothy Binder. FRIENDLY CIRCLE CLUB TO MEET, The Friendly Circle club will meet Wednesday afternoon at the nome oi Mrs. Lena Plafl on the Rifle Range road, Instead of -it the home of Mrs. Margaret Pfaf f as previously planned. All mem bers are urged to be present. Convenient Forking At Reor Of Store CM Roseburg, Oregon $ DOWN" NOW holds your new Fall Coat on Layaway dm fm ffl mm V I H "J $38 49.98 1 I 'I ' layaway is- a wise woy to buy you'll select your coat ot the beginning of the season while stocks are ot their peak, pay only a small dollar down, and spread the balance of the pay ments over a long period of time. Best of all, you'll have your coat paid for by Fall when you need tl Fur-Trimmed Coats c M .d Unrrimmed Coars $19.98 to $35 Zip-Lined Coats $29.98 to $49.98 .BALANCE IN WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS . t LjkBkasMss I I 1. I 3 . JlS -.. . -M 7? V ' - ... , viil til -'(1 .-.r!iV.i f PAINTS All Kindt PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 2nd Ave S. Phon? 242 1 Urn. .'1 5, .1 A "MODEL' in the field. VACATION Her the models rest gratefully in camp on the peaceful shores of Diamond lake, after a aruellina dav '-s. . Jsi After this, i at Diamo who love it, to be lazy in. (Picture by Paul Jenkins. I they sugqeit hopefully, "let's take pictures of living room fireplaces, or lawn swings." Not many cams ers are staying at Diamond lake now. The mosquitoes are many, the fish few. But even so it is a wonderfully restful spot for those BUSINESS WOMEN'S CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Associated Business Wom en's club of Sutherlln held a busi ness meetine Monday evenine in the basement of the Methodist church. The various committees on the Flower show had many things to discuss and final plans to make. I he h lower hhow will be held at the School Gym Saturday, Au gust 271 h. and will he an all-day affair. The commltiees on the Hobbv Show, the White Elephant and the bazaar state all entries can be made between the hours of 8 o'clock and 10 and that the judging will be done after all entries are made by out-oMown judges and ones not interested Irany one entry. inose contributing to tne wnne Elephant sale and the bazaar are asked to either bring their arti cles to the next meeting. August 15th, or leave them at Mrs. Du beli's Beauty parlor, not later than Friday, Aucust 2fith, so that all articles can be marked before being taken to the hall. there also win be prizes awarded for the best hat made from flowers. The hat does not have to be worn. Mrs. Isabel Card read a letter from the Girl Scouts stating Ihey had accepted the offer of the club to sponsor a Girl Scout troop and they had appointed Mrs. Card and Mrs. Jean Richardson as a troop committee to represent the club and the Troop No. 1, is the one sponsored. Members attending were: Mrs. Esther Montgomery, Mrs. Laura Welsh. Mrs. Florence Groshong. Mrs. Leona Slack, Mrs. Lucille Chase. Mrs. Martha Coenenberg. Mrs. Gladys Minor. Mrs. Mar garet Porter, Mrs. Connie Smith, Mrs. Lucille Chr ss. Mrs. Beltv Correll, Mrs. Lois Rlemenschnei der, Mrs. Olga Bielman, Mrs. Is abel Card, Mrs. Jean Richard son. Mrs. Bertha Dubell. Mrs. Francis Carriger, Mrs. Floremr? Cook and Mrs. Betty Stamp. FLOOR SANDING nd FINISHING Estimates :A Leslie Pfaff 320 Ward St. Phone 1349-J B - smuiun f ANNUAL NEBRASKA PICNIC TO BE HELO The annual Nebraska picnic will be held at Jantzen Beach, Sunday, August 14. Those attend ing are asked to bring their own lunch. Entertainment will be pro vided for everyone attending. CIRCLE NO. 1, TO MEET WEDNESDAY Circle No. 1, of St. Joseph's Al tar society will meet Wednesday night at eight o'clock at the ar mory. All members and women of the parish are cordially invited to attend. TENMILE LADIES CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Tenmile Ladies club will meet at a noon pot luck luncheon Wednesday at the Tenmile church. All members are cordial ly invited. JOLLY CIRCLE CLUB ANNOUNCES MEETING The Jollv Circle club will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Evelyn Warren. All lo'be present. Youth Displays Courage On News Of Loss Of Feet SEATTLE, Aug. 8-fB Little George Jodry's parents have been spared the ordeal they fac ed with dread for 24 hours. Thev don't have to tell the 9- vear-old Bremerton boy that ne hasn't any feet. He already knows. His doctor broke the news to the boy. He took It like a little soldier Just as he took the physi sol ordeal when a boxcar's wheels took off his legs below the knee as he played on It Wed nesday night. The parents. George Jodry Sr. of Bremerton and Mrs. Jean Gro- ean of Seattle, dreaded the thought of having to tell the lit tie fellow. But as they entered his room, he greeted them: 'The doctor told I'm going to get two wooden feet. I asked mm if I'd be able to swim and he sa'd 'sure'." He said I could run and ride a bicycle, too." But the boy was puzzled by the strange feeling in his limbs. "It's funny," he said. "My toes hiyt but I have no toes." In the meantime, groups and Individuals In Bremerton and Se attle had started a fund to as sure the best of care and the best of artificial feet for George. REEDSPORT Cottage Grove Pair Convicted On Game Charge In Jury Trial i" WALLPAPERS. Wise buyers look for rho Imperial silver label that sayt the finest in wallpapers. Guaranteed to with stand room exposure without fad ing and to clean satisfactorily when instructions or followed. Frank Devore and Roxie Mil ler, both of Cottage Grove, were found guilty of possession of a game animal, namely deer, in the court of Justice of the Peace Fred M. Wright in Reedsport Wednes day, following a jury trial. But they were found innocent of hunting and pursuing game ani mals during closed season." Claude Giles of Coos Bay was attorney for the defense, with Dis trict Attorney Robert G. Davis of Roseburg, prosecuting the case. M. H. Catterlin of Gardiner was Jury foreman. Other members were U c. Arthur. E 1 m e r Wheaton, May Carlson and Laura tills of Reedsport and Lois Rookard of Gardiner. Fines of $150 each and costs were assessed by Judge Wright. Just before the case came to trial, state police officers from Lane county arrested the pair on a charge of possession of deer meat at Cottage Grove. Judge Wright set their bail at $500 each to in sure that they appeared for trial mere, wnen tne case was set. Griffith Kimble of Florence, charged with shooting bullfrogs in Tahkenitch lake in violation of law, which lists bullfrogs as game fish to be taken only with hook and line, appeared in court, pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $25 and costs. Employee Missing With Money A complaint has been filed In justice court In Reedsport against Edward Louis Clark, an employe of the Thompson-Epperhart ga rage, charging him vith larceny o. about $350 of company monev. According to the complaint, both the money and Clark are missing. Arrest Warrant Issued A warrant has been Issued by Justice of the Peace Fred M. Wright for the arrest of J. E. Manning, until recently residing at the Colonial apartments in Reedsport, for the issuance of bad checks. Manning, a painter by trade, is said to have passed sev eral of these checks, one for $50 at the Rainbow pool hall. Return To Ash Valley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fullhart of Ash Valley returned to their home in the valley Wednesday after a short trip to San Fran cisco, where they were called by the death of an old friend. On their way back, they transacted business in Roseburg. During their absence, their store in the valley was operated bv their sons. Robert and William, and their mail and freight line from the valley to Reedsport was handled by Robert. Receiving Medical Care Leonard F. Naap of Dean's Creek is spending a few weeks in Portland, receiving medical atten tion. Friends have heard that he is improving steadilv. During his absence, his sons, Clarence and Leo, are operating his dairy ranch on Dean's Creek. See NORGE Before You Buy $5 per Month Rebuild Repair Repaint Add years of service to your Washing Machine. Material and Workmanship Guaranteed. Easy payments as low as ti per month. Phone 80S BERGH'S Appliance Service 1200 S. Stephens See NORGE Before You Buy Boswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain, Oregon Convenient terms, Liberal trade-ins tV conn buescher OLDS Band Instruments Exclusively Yours At MUSIC SHOP . Everything in Mwie 305 N. Jackson Phone 908 Beautiful Home can be yours now. You can make your present home or that new house a home of beauty by following the new trends in home decorating. Rooms of deep solid colors with contrasting furniture, lib eral use of mirrors and struc tural glass can and does make any house into a home of beauty. These new trends are suitable for the old home as well as the new and latest tvpes of homes. Don't be mysti fied with the mysteries of home decorating call us for an esti mate, today! Sign Painting Don E. Morgan Interior Decorator Phones: Bus. 1025-R Res. 1304 J 735 Reservoir M?yd.r ANNIVERSARY SALE MEN'S ALL LEATHER GLOVES 79d Values to 1.50 Tip Top Hair Curlers Clip springs, assorted sizes. Reg IOC 10 cads 50C ,7c Scott Towels 450c ,5e Paper Picnic Needs 650c 39c Playing Cards Crusader , ...250c c Swan Soap Medium Bar. ....750c 89c Shaving Brush 50c 23e Tooth Brush My-Te-Fine . . . . 350c 79c Surgeon's Rubber Gloves ... 50c HERSHEY MILK CHOCOLATE BARS Plain or with Almonds 25c size 14c Limit one box 23c Razor Blades 5's, 50 blades . , ...50c 89e Hot Water Bottle 50c 59c Cleaning Fluid F. m, gallon. . . . 50c Stationery Values to 1.49. . 50c 69e Clinical Thermometer Certified. 50c 89c Shaving Cream prep 50c 69c Saccharin Tablets iooV. .50c Fred Meveg ... . . , -"--- 112 H. Jackson PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME