10 Tht Nw8-Rrv,w, rtoieburj, Of. Sot,, Aug, 6, 1949 LKGAL NOTICI SUMMONS in the jmTin rortr Or THK RTATK OF ORM.ON t'Oft Tli DEliB CREEK district nr nm ci ii rni'NTV FRITZ SNYDER. Plaintiff, vs. JEWEL Ti"V Jival R Snlnmon: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You are hercoy required to ippur and imwu the complaint of th plaintiff filed agsinst you in the above entitled court on or before four U weeka from the 6th day of August, 1B4B, that being the date of the first publication of thla wmmoni, and if you fall to so appear and anewer aald complaint, plaintiff for want thereof win appiy - ' "" gainst you for the turn of 8213.05. together with interest thereon at six per cent per annum from September 1. 184T, to date, and for hit costs and disbursements incurred herein. This summons is served upon you by publica tion by order of A. J. Geddei, Justice of the Peace, made on the 4th day of August, IMS. WILLIAM O. GREEN Jr. Attorney for Plaintiff P O. Box jna Rose burg. Oiegon. NOTICE OP PINAL HE A KINO NOTICE HEREBY is ft van that August 17, IMS al 10:00 o'clock A. M. in the County Court Room in the Court House In Roseburg. Oregon. Douglas County, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to the final account filed by the undersigned in the above entitled court. Dated and first published this lttth day ol July, 1849. CARL M. PELKER Administrator of the estate ol rred B. Chilaon, deceased. NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT The final account of the undersigned administrator has been filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, and by Order of aid Court Tuesday, August 0, 1849, at I0:0u a. m in the County Court Room tn the Court House in Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing ob jections, if any trv.-e be. to said final account and for the settlement thereof. Edwra. M. Murphy Administrator of the Estate of Elsie May Amell. De ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned by Order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Doug las County haa been appointed admlni trator of the esuta of William Reldon Smith, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William Reldon Smith, de ceased, are hereby notified to present the same, verified aa required by law, to the undersigned at the offices at Thomas C. Hartflel. 2-10 North Stephens Street, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice Dated. July 16. lfHtt EI. WOOD C. SMITH Administrator of the estate of William Reldon Smith. Deceased. NOTICS OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice hereby is given that Tuesday. September 8, 1940, at 10:00 a. m . in the County Court Room In the Court House In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed aa the time and place for hearing objections. If any, to the final account filed by the un dersigned in the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon. CLYDE L. DUBELL. Administrator of the Estate of Elisabeth Ann Dubell, Deceased. NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the estate . of Prieda W. Lund, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, hla final account as such ad ministrator, and that tne Court has fixed Tuesday, the 8th nay of Septem ber. 1040 at 10 o'clock A. M. and the County Courtroom in the Court House at Roseburg, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections If any, to said final account and the closing of aaid estate. O. V WIMBERLY Administrator of the Estate of Frieda W. Lund, De ceased. NOTICE OP PINAL HKARINO NOTICE IS HE HE BY GIVEN that August 8, 1040, at 10 o'clock A. M. in the County Court Room In . the Court House In Roseburg. Douglas County, uregon, nas oeen nxea as ine urns a no place for the hearing of the final account of the undersigned administrat or, filed in settlement of the Estate of Katharine McKenney, deceased. PAUL E. GEDDES Administrator of the Estate of Katharine McKenney, Deceased. If Your Paper Has NOT ARRIVED By 6:15 P. M. Phone 100 Itis safer driving At any rate If wheels are alined And running straight COMPUTE FOR YOUR FORD WW k. AAnt im-m ( In oa (Mi f w S. HfMl WtM hi l RMJttstor 04 750 L0CKW000 MOTORS " and Oak Phon, go I A 1 JL.' ..'ftaaN NOTICE OP Ft'RI.IC SALE Ol' PtSHONAL PIOPHTV TO SATIS Y WARE HO L'MKM EN'S LIEN The Plegel Transfer 4V Storage Com nanv. of Hoeebure. Doueiaa County. Ore gon, hereby notifies the public and parties nerein particularly namea inn all of the Personal property herein after described will be sold at public auction to satisfy all valid claims of said warenouaemen against aam persoo- ml oronertv. Due and proper notice has been sent by registered mail to all of the parties herein particularly named, aa by law provided. Since aaid parties hsva not caiira tor seta personal property, property will be sold at public auction at the warehouse of the Plegel Transfer St Storgae Company, 9U0 East 3rd Street, Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday after noon at s ocioca, auiu si, in This notice is published once a week Date of first publics tlon. August 4, 1940. Data of last publication, August Mi, IVW. 1 The following personal property stored for J. M Bevsns will be sold at the hereinbefore named public auc tion: five crates and contents. 1. The following personal property storea lor Maurice iengieia. win am sold at the hereinbefore named public auction: one piano, one oil neater. NOTICE OP SALE OP EfcAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That undsr and pursuant to an order of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Douglas County duly made and entered of record. In the matter of the estate of mis Nir nelson, accessed, authorizing the underslaned. aa admlni' tratrlx of said estate, to sell the real property hereinafter aescriDea; now, thorafora. 1, Ella Nicketson, administrates of the estate of Nils Nlrkelson, deceased. will, at trie offices oi ueorge buomi II S. National Bank Building. Ross- burs. DousJaa County. Oregon, on and after the With day of August, 1848, offer for sale, for cash In hand, subject to confirmation by the court, the follow ing described real property belonging to saia estate, lo-wu: An undivided one-half Interest In and to the following real property situated In Douglas County, Slate of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the North right-of-way of the Pacific Highway U. S. 00, from which point the 4 corner between Sections 10 and 13, Township 38 South Range 6 West of-Willamette Meridian, besrs North 47' 54' West, 1H20.S feet. Thence South 41 M' West, D3 feet along the North right-of-way of aaid Highway. Thence North 63' 36' West. 418 8 feet: thence North 41 38' East, 2M( feet: thence South 60 34' Es.t. 414 6 feet to the place of beginning, containing 3 3 acres, more or less. In Section IS. Town ship 28 South, Range 8 West of Willamette Meridian, Douglas Coun ty, Oregon. Ef.I.A NIC-KELSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Nile Nlcseleon, ueccaaea. IN THE CIRCl'IT COCRT OP THE 8TATB OP ORtitON FOR DOUGLAS COI.hTY Case Ne. ItSBl SUMMONS I.EOLA DeVORE. Plaintiff. vi Ur.unui. r. ninui w mi. wtivhuiuk. To the above named defendants. George H. King ana Jane uoe n.mg his wife. IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OHEGON: You nersoy are required a appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four 4i weeka rmm turn data or tne nrsi Duoitraiu'n of this summons, which Is August 8, 1040, and if .you fafl so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded herein, a succinct statement of which la as follows: That you be required to pay to the Clerk of this Court within fifteen US' days from the date of the decree to be entered herein, or within such other time as the Court may allow, the sum of 818.00000 together with Interest thereon at the rate of Four Per Cent 4l per annum from June 15, 1048 until paid, together with plaintiff's costs and dis bursements herein, together with such sum aa the Court may adjudge reasona ble as attorney's fees, said sums to be Kald to the plaintiff upon delivery y her to said Clerk of a deed to the following described real property, to wlt: TOWNSHIP 31 8. RANGE S W.. W.M., Douglas County, Oregon: Section IB: S. W. quarter and the East half of the B. E. quarter. Section 31: South one-half of the N. W Suarter; N. E. quarter of the . W. quarter: West one-half of the N. E quarter: and the South East quarter of the N. E. quar ter: and the South half. Section 38: North one-half of the North one-half: South one-half of the N E one quarter: excepting therefrom approximately four acres, more or less In tho S. E corner of the N. E. quar ter of said section 38, hereto fore sold. Together with any and all other lands of the plaintiff loca led In said sections 16. 31 and 28. That In the event of your failure so to do, you and each of you, and all Krsons claiming under you be forever rred and foreclosed of all right, title and Interest which you may have or claim In and to said real property, and that your contract with plaintiff for the purchase of said property dated June IS, 1948 be foreclosed and can celled, and that plaintiff retain all sums of money heretofore paid on said contract, and that plaintiff he put Into possession of said property, ' PAUL E GEDDES PAUL E. GEDDES Attorney for Plaintiff Post of fire address: Rose burg, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Amy Crlteser, Deceased now pending in the County Court of DfHtflas County, Oregon are hereby notified to present the same, verified aa required by law. to the undersigned at the office of Geddes at Felker. At tcrneys. Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published thla 8th day of August. 1MB D C LIVINGSTON Administrator of the Estate of Amy Crlteser, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that by order of the County Court for Douglss Coun ty. Oregon, the undersigned was ap- Ginted administrator of the estate of favette Oscar Gates, deceased. Alt persons having claims against said estate are herby notified to present the same verified as by law required, to the undersigned at the Law Of f Ire of Pred H Bernau. United Slates National Bank Bldg. Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from An stint 8. 194R HAROLD OSCAR GATES Administrator of the Estate of lfayette Oscar Galea, Deceased. FOR SALE BY OWNER New homj of best construction. Good Buy. Small Down Payment. 4 bedrooms 0 Large dining room Beautiful kitchen with breakfast nook Automatic furnace Seated garage 20'x12') Located in restricted Eden Heights Close to schools, bust stores and hospital Insulated Coll 886 J 1 E. 0. 0LDFIELD & SONS 1962 Eden Un SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COI'RT OP THE STATE OP OKMiON POB DOI'C.LAS COCNTV DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON, a Body Politic and Corporate. Plaintiff, vs. MABEL C LAIRD: MARGt'EKlTE J LAIRD. MARY VERNITA NEUHAU8 and ROBERT NEUHAUS. her husband; EI. DA B Elt-KMEYER and HERMAN D E1CKMEYER, her hueband; J H Mc CLOSKEY and SARAH A. McCLOSKEY. his wife; Also all other persona or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein. Defendants. TO: Marguerite J. Laird, Mary Vernlta Neuhaus. Robert Neuhaus, Etda B Eickmeyer. and Herman D. Eick meyer; Also, all other persona or parties unkown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON You and each of are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court and cause, on or before four '4i weeka from the 3.'lrd day of July, 1040. that being the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That it be decreed that plaintiff Is the owner in fee and In possession of the following described real prop erty: Government Lota 1, 1, 3. 9. . T. the S'i of the NE',. the SE' of the NW',. end the ES of the HW'4, and the SE' of Section 6, Town ship 30 South, Rsnge 0 West. Willa mette Meridian, In Douglas County, Oregon, subject to the rights of A. J Standley, E. P. Standley and O. C Standley, under a contract to pur chase said premises made and en tered Into on the 31st day of August, 104T, and that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever quieted In plsintlff, and that it be further decreed that any claim of the defend ants, or either of them. In or to said premises or any part thereof, la without foundation in law or In equity, and that the plaintiff is the owner In fee of said premises and of the whole thereof, free from any and all claim or interest of said defendants, or either of them, of any kind or nature what soever and that said defendants and all persona claiming by. through or under them or either of them be for ever restrained and enjoined from as serting any right, title or Interest In or to said premises or any part there of, and for such other and further relief as to the court shall appear equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication once each week for four consecutive weeks In the Roseburg News-Review, a newspaper of general circulation aa provided by statute, pub lished and issued In Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, by order of tne Honor eble Carl t. Wlmberly, Judge of the above entitled court made on the lth OHCUTT. LONG 4c NEUNER Attorneys for Plaintiff Poatnffice address: Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE OP HKARINO RKPORP. THE COCNTY COCRT or DorriLAN cointv. or too. tOR THE KHTAHI.lt II Ml. NT OP THK W V. ST ROaKHI'RO SANITARY DIHTRICT Mntlra Is hereby el van to alt Der- nn. Inlatrat.lnri (hat a Million for the establishment of a sanitary district has been filed in the office of the County Clerk for Douglas County, Oregon: that the name ol saia propo&ea uimnci is th WEST ROSEBURG SANITARY DIS TRICT, and the boundaries of the same re aa follows, to-wit; Beginning at a point where the city limits of the City of Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon. Intersects the center line of the South Imp. qua River In Section Thirteen H3i Township Twenty-seven i27p South, Range Six 6 West of the Will amette Meridian. Thence following said center I Ine of the said South Umpoua River downstream to a point due North of the East property line of the George M. Brown Heirs property in Section Fourteen 14 Township Twenty-seven 27 South. Range Six iSt West of the Willamette Meridian. Thence South to the South or left bank of the aald South Ump qua River. Thence continuing South along the East line of the laid Oeorge M. Brown Heirs property to Its inter section with the North Right-of-way line of the Melrose County Road. Number Thirteen H3i. Thence across the said Melrose County Road to the Intersection of the South Right-of-way line and the West property line of the Hers chel D. and Vera M. Scott property as recorded In Volume KrT, Page 461, Deeds of Douglas County, Ore gon, on file In the office of the Douglas County Clerk at Roseburg, Oregon. Thence South along the West line of the said Herschel D. and Vera M. Scott property to the South boundary of said property. Thence continuing South on the rirojectlon of said West property Ine of the said Scott property to the Intersection with the South right-of-way line of the County Road Number On Hundred Thirteen '11. It known as the old Military Road In Section Twenty-three 2.it Town ship Twenty-seven (27 South. Range Six ifl) West of the Willamette Meridian. Thence following the South Right-of-way of said Count v Roud in an Easterly and North Easterly direc tion to Its intersection with the city limits or Ihe City of Roseburg, of Douglas County, Oregon, In Sec tion 1'nenty-fotir U4i Township Twenty-seven i27i South, Rsnge Six (0 West of the Willamette Meridian. Thence along the said city limits In a Northeasiery direction through Sections Thirteen M3I and Twenty four i24. Township Twentv-acven 27 South, Range Six i8 West of the Willamette Meridian, to its In tersection with the center-line of the Umpqua River, the place of be ginning. That said petition will be presented to the County Court for hearing at ten or lock A M. on the 31st day of August. 1Mb. in the County Court Room at the Court House, in Roseburg. Oregon. All persons Interested may appear nd be heard. Dated and first published the 6th day of August. 1040. D N. BITSENBARK County Judge NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given thst the under signed has been by the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Douglas Coun ty appointed executor of the LaM Will and Testament of Catherine M. Hlnkley. deceased. All persons having claims against her estate are notified to pre sent Ihe same verified as required by law to the undersigned executor at his office In United States National Bank Building In Roseburg. Douglaa Countv. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. DATED July f. 1040 G V W1MHERLY. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Catherine M. Hink ley. Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persona having claims against the Etate of Thomas L. Wharton, de ceased, now pending tn the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the serne properly verified to the undersigned executor and executrix at the law of fices of Orcutt. Long at Neuner. In Roseburg. Douglas County. Oregon, within six 'At months from the 0th day of August, ItMB. G V WIMBERLY JANE WHAKTON Executor and Executrix of the Estate of Thomas L Wharton. Deceased. CARS RECENTLY WRECKED If you need parts for your car, see us first. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 1941 Chevrolet Coupe 1 94 1 Dodge Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan 1942 DeSoto Sedan 1940 Oldsmobile 68 Coupe 1941 Chrysler New Yorker Convertible 1940 Ford Sedan 1940 Packard Coupe 1 942 Dodge Army Recon car Many mor oldtr model oars DOYLE'S SALES AND SERVICE Highway 99 at Cardan Vallay Phon 611 UMKONb IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON POR DOUGLAS rnirhiTV GEOR r, E A. SPENCER and ETHEL IwavnusH, riauiiiH, Vs. Th llnkiMwn Heirs of Leonard H Crow, deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Mary Crow, deceased; Also. All other persons or parties unknown ' claiming any right title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described in the complaint nerein, ueienaanu. TO- Tha Unknown Heirs of Leonard H. Crow, deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Mary Crow, deceased; Also. All other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described in the compislnt herein. Defendants. IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiffs filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before four (4i weeks from the ltih dsy of July. 1040, that being the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fall to so appear and answei aald complaint, plaintiffs for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said com plaint, a succinct statement of which Is as follows; That It be decreed that plaintiffs are the owners In fee and en titled to the possession of the following described real property, to-wlt: Beginning at an iron pipe at tne most easterly northeast corner of property sold by J. C. Cope Land to the Oakland School District No. 1 aa re corded In Vol. 181, Page 9T deed records. Douglas County, Oregon, said beginning point being 112.2 feet North and 2Mr7.l feet East of the West quarter section corner of Sec tion 4. Township 25 South, Range West, W. M ; thence East T7 9 feet; thence south 3 54' East 330 9 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 80 30' Weat 00 1 feet to an iron pipe at tha Southeast corner of the J. C. Copeland Sroperty; thence North 1 03' West IS chains or 330 0 feet along the East side of said Copeland property and on the East side of the said Oakland School District property to the place of beginning, situated In Section 4, Township 25 South, Range B West of W. M. Also. Beginning at an Iron pipe said pipe being 1132.2 feet North and 2t73.0 ft East of the quarter sec tion corner on the West side of Sec tion 4. Township 23 South. Range S West, W. M.; thence running East 106 3 feet along the South line of the property referred to aa the Masonic Cemetery to a sandstone rock at the Southesst corner of said cemetery property; thence South 2 54' East 330 0 feet: thence South 89 30 West I(3 feet; thence North 2' 54 West 3390 feet to the place of beginning, All in Douglas County. Oregon. and that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever quieted In plaintiffs and that It be further de creed that any claim of the defendants or either of them In or to said premises or a-y pari thereof is without founds tton In Law or In equity and that plain tiffs are the owners in fee of said Drem- ifes and of the whole thereof free from any and all claim or interest of said defendants or either of them, ox any kind or nstura whatsoever, and thst aaid defendants and all oersona claim ing by. through or under them or either of them be forever restrained and en joined from asserting any right, title or ininm in ur 10 mm iu premiKi or mnj oart thereof and for such other and further relief aa to the court shall ap pear equiiaoie. This summons la served unon you by publication once each week for four i4i successive weeks In the Roseburg news-Review, a newspsper or generst circulation aa provided by statute pub lished and Issued In Roseburg, Douglas wouniy, uregon. Hv order of the Honorable Carl E Wlmberly, Judge of the above entitled couri maae on ine iztn aey oi juiy, 1940. ORCUTT. LONG A NEUNER, Altornevs for plaintiff. Post Office Address: Roseburg, Oregon. IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE ftTATK OP ORKCON POR DOUGLAS COCNTY CITATION In the Matter of the Cuardlanship of luotrn it suitnoentiEH, an incompe tent person. To: JOSEPH H. SORNBERGER. and all persons whom It may concern: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON, you are hereby cited to ap pear before the above entitled Court In the above entitled cause at the Court House In the City of Roseburg. Douglas Countv. State of Oregon, on the 8th day of August, 1040, at 10 o clock In the forenoon, to show cause. If any exists, why an order of the above entitled Court should not be entered authorising Dudlry C. Walton, the duly appointed, qualified and acting guardian of the estate of Joseph H. Somber Her. an Incompetent person, to sell at priv ate saie tne interest or said incompe tent in and to the following described real property of said estate, to-wlt: Lots and II. Block 22, Riverside Addition to the City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as prsyed for In the petition of said guardian on file herein; and further declaring the claim of Mrs. R. Emma Oilman for room furnUhed to satd In competent between March 1, 1048, and Pebruary 1. 1040. to be a valid claim and existing debt of the estate of said incompetent and further authorising and directing aald guardian to pay said claim from tha proceeds of said sale. WITNESS Tha Honorable D. N. Busen bark. Judge of the above entitled Court wlih the seal of said Court affixed this 6th day of July. 1040. a D. N. Bu sen hark County Judge ATTEST! a Roy Agee County Clerk IN THE CIRCUIT COI'RT OP THE HTATE OP ORKiON POR DOUGLAS COCNTY SUMMONS LORENE MAE ALBERTSON Plaintiff vs. JAMES OLIVER ALBERTSON. De- lenaant. To: James Oliver Alberteon, the above named defendant. IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer the compislnt filed sgalnst you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. If you fsll to so appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded herein, a succinct statement of which la ao follows: that a decree of divorce be entered dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now ex isting between you and the plaintiff and granting to her such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable This summons Is served upon you hv publication In the Roseburg News Review, a legal newspaper of general circulation published in Douglas County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Honorable Carl E. Wlmberlv, Judge of said Court, made and entered on tha 20th day of July. 1MB Dated and first published this 30 dav of July, 1040 liKUUr.3 AND PELKER Carl M Felker Attorneys for Plaintiff V 8 National Bank Building Roseburg. Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ail persons having claims against the the Estate of Ellen B. Mutton, decease now pending In the Countv Court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law, to Paul E. Geddes. Attorney at Lew, U. 8 National Bank Building. Roseburg. Oregon. within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published thla 30th day of Ju'y. 1949 I RICHARD S. HI TTON Executor of the Estate of Ellen B. Hutton, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that the under signed has been appointed executor of the Last Will and Testament of Marie rilnt Met all. deceased All persons hav ing claims against her estate are noti fied to present the same verified aa re quired by law lo the undersigned executor at the office of Dexter Rice. Umpqua Savings Ar Loan Building, Rose burg. Douglas County, Oregon, wtthtn six months from the date of this notice DATED August 8, C L. BLOtXiETT. Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Marie rilnt Mc Call. Deceased. Your Sewing Headquarters New and Used Machines AM machines ond repairs guaranteed. Hemstitching, Buttonholes, Buttons and Belts made to your requirements. Sewing Machine Center S42 N. Jickion Phono M9-Y SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON TOR DOUGLAS COUNTY. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1. OF DOUG LAS COUNTY, OREGON, Plaintiff. Vs. The Unknown Heirs of Leonard H, Crow, deceased; The Unknown Heirs of Mary crow, deceased; Also, aii other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest in the real estate described In the compislnt herein. Defendants. TO' Tha Unknown Heirs of Leonard H Crow, deceased; The Unknown heirs of Mary Crow, deceased; Also. All other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, hen or inter est In the reel estate described la the complaint herein. Defendants. IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON you and each of you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before four 4 weeks from the 16th dsy of July, 1049. that being the date of the first publication of this sum mons and If you fsil to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to tha court for the relief demanded In said complaint, a succinct statement of which Is as fol lows: That It be decreed that plaintiff la the owner in fee and entitled to the possession of the following oeecnDeo reai property, to-wit: That pari of the property described In deed recorded in Volume 00 of Deed Records of Douglas County, Ore gon, being Recorder's No. 74285, de scribed as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of said fro per ty at a point which Is North B 35 chains and East 30 4 chains from the quarter section corner between Sections 4 and S, T 25 S R S W, W M; thence running from aaid beginning point, N BO 35' E formerly described as East. 8 08 chains along the north line of said recorder property, to the NE corner of said property; thence S 1 43 W 2.26 chains, along the east side of said property, to an Interior "L" corner: thence N 88' 57' E 038 of a chain; thence S 1 03' E 2 32 chains: thence 8 84- 42' W 4 40 chains to the northeasterly corner of a 60 foot road way: thence 8 27 33' E 2.71 chains along tha easterly line of said road way to a point on tha south line of said recorded property, at the south easterly corner of said roadway; thence S 80 30 W 1 02 chains, along said south property line, to the south westerly corner of said roadwsy: thence N 27 33 W 2.64 chains, along the westerly line of aald roadway to a point: thence leaving said roadway and running S 84 42' W 3.46 chains to a point on the West line of ssid recorded property which Is x04 chains north of the SW corner of said prop erty; thence running N 0 20' W form erly described as being North, 5.46 chains along tha west line of said re corded property, to tha place of be ginning, and situated in Section 4, T 25 S R 5 W WlL Mer Douglas County. Oregon. and that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever qui ted in plaintiff and that It be further de creed that any claim of the defendants or either of them In or to said premises or any part thereof Is without founda tfon in law or in equity and that plain tiff U the owner In fee of said premises sno or ine wnoie inereoi iree irom any and all claim or Interest of ssld defend- snts or either of them, of any kind or nature whatsoever, and thst said de fendants and all persons claiming by. through or under tht-m or either of them be forever restrained and enjoined from asserting any right, title or interest in or to said premises or any part thereof and for such other and further relief as to the court shall appear equitable. This summons is served uoon you bv publication once each week for four 4 successive week In the Roseburg News-Review, a newspaper of generst circulation as provided oy statute puo lished and Issued In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. By order of the Honorsble Carl E. Wlmberly. Judge of the above entitled couri made on tha 12th day of July, I&49. ORCUTT. LONG NEUNEh, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Roseburg Oregon. SANITARY DIHTRICT BOND ELECTION NOTICE State of Oregon ) County of Douglas l sa. North Roseburg Sanitary Di strict i Notice is hereby given that at the Sanitary District Bond Election hereby called to be held In said North Rose burg Sanitary District at the Riverd School, Garden Vallev Road, Douglaa County, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1040. between the hours of 8 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M., there will be submitted to the registered voters who are rest dents of tha said Sanitary District the Suestion of contracting a bonded In ebtednesa In the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dollars '8225, 000.001 for the purpose of providing funds with which to construct a sew age disposal system Including, but not limited to. the acquisition of land riehts-of-wav, easements and equipment, material, labor (Including engineer ex penses), supplies and other expenses In cidental and necessary to the construc tion and installation of a sewsge dis posal system for said Sanitary District The bonds which the district proposes to tsue shall be General Obligstion Bonds and shall be issued In denomi nations of One Thousand Dollars '!. OOO.ooi and will be retired over a peri od of twenty years in annual Install ments of such amounts as shall mske the combined smount of principal and Interest psysble each year as nearly equal as practicable. The vote to be by ballot upon which shall be the words "Bonds Yes" snd "Bonds No" snd the voter shall place a croas X between the word "Bonds" and the word "Yes" or between the word "Bonds" and the word "No" whichever Indicates hts rholra. The polls for the reception of the oa hois cst tor or against tne con traction of said Indebtedness will, on ssid dsy and date and at the place afore said, be opened at the hour of 8 o'clock A M. and remain open until the hour or a o ciock r. m. oi me same day, when the same shall be closed. By order of the board of North Rose burg Sanitary District, made this 25th day of July. Ift40. Ctarenre Landls, President ATTEST: Edyth Landia Secretary NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT The administrator of the estate of CLINTON ORLANDO PLUMB, deceased hereby gives notice thst the Countv Court of Douglas County, Oregon has fixed August 22, 1040, at 10:30 o'clock A. M as the time, and the County Court Room in the Court House at Roseburg, Douglas County. Oregon, as the place, for hearing objections. If any there be. to the final account of the administrator. Dated this 22nd day of July. 1946 R L WHIPPLE, Administrator of the Estate of CLINTON ORLANDO PLUMB, deceased. NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given thst the under signed sdmintstrstor of the estate of Roy Dunnavln, deceased, has filed his finsl account in the County Court of the Stste of Oregon for Douglas County and said court has appointed Tuesday, the 30th day of August, 1040, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of ssld dsy In the County Court Room In the Court House in Rcohure. Douglss County, Oregon, ss the time and piece for hear ing objections, if any, to said account And the settlement thereof. Dated July 30. tMf OTIS DUNNAVTN. Admini strator of the Estate of Roy Dunnavln, Deceased. SUMMONS IN TRE JUTICK'S COURT OP THE STATE OP ORIGON POR THK PEER CREEK DISTRICT or DOl'QLAA COCNTY WILLIAM SATTLER and PRCIDA SATT1.ER.- Plaintiffs, vs JOHN H. CHAMBERS and JANE DOE CHAM BERS. Defendants. To: John H Chambers and Jane Doe Cnambers: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON You and each of you are herebv required to appear and answer the complaint of tha plaintiff filed against ou in the above entitled court on or before four i4 weeks from the tith dsy of August, 1040. thst being the date of the first publication of Ihla summons, and If you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiffs for want thereof will apply to the court for Judgment against you for the sum of Mtt oo, and for their eosta and disbursements incurred here in This summons Is ssrvsd upon you by publication bv order of A. J. Geddes, Justice of the Peace, made on tha 4th day of August. 1946. WILLIAM D. GREENE J. Attorney for Plaintiffs P O Bos 306 Roseburg. Oregon. PAINTS All Kindi PAGC LUMBER l FUEL !M E. 2nd Avt S. Phont 242 Loans MONEY 810 829 $80 T$ 8100 8200 8300 UP TO 8500 Borrow on your salary. All steadily em ployed men and women may qualify tndav for a salary loan up to WOO whether you're la a new Job or aa old one Borrow on your ear or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not Up to 8300 on your furniture up to $900 on your car Special "Pay Day" Loans. $10. $23, $90 loaned till "Pay Day" or longer Pay only for the actual number oi days you Keep ine money. $28 costs lse for one wees. No other charges. Phone for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Lo Svy. Mgr. S3S No itekton Phon. 1173 Lie. 1-275; M-331 ftoMburi LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Purniture or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for, or noti Loans msde quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose? such as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Vacation expenses Consolidate debts Re-flnsnclng When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 20 months to repay CALKINS FINANCE CO. 208 Douglas County State stank Bldg Phone 4M. M-337 State Lie. S-384 HAVE$3.000 to $4,000 to Invest In local Rolng business. If Interested write lews-Review Box 0.W Machinery For Sale POR SALE D-T Caterpillar in excellent condition equipped with cable dozer and rear power control unit for construction work. Priced to permit installing drum If logging cat is desired. In f quire Calkins Finance Co., 206 Titus Bldg. 18 E. Broadway, Eugene. Ore. Phone 4-421 l.askfor Mr. Overton. POR SALE Lathe, milling machina, drill press, machine hack saw, lathe and milling attachments. Steel tool cabinets, steel work benches. Inquire 020 S. Stephens S1. TOR SALE 20 "cat. good mechanically, or trsde for late model pickup or csr. Pred Langs, upper Camas Valley, Baldwin Road. POR SALE LeTourneau Angle dozer complete with front end P C V fot D8 cat Lee Mortensen. 300 8 Pine P hone 18-R -3 W B 22 WHITE rear end. complete with air. Phone 301-R-4, 104 Sunset Lane off Melroe Road. Dogs POR SALE Male Highland Scottish sheep dog pups S months. Well bred. $25. P. O. Box 203, Sutherlin, Ore gon. Phono 73- P-3. ClVE AWAY One mste Collte puppv. Gerald Bacon, RL 3, Box 302-B, Rose burg; Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENNEI41. Phone ED or 432-Y Reg and ped. puppiesli LABRADOR RETRIEVER pups, from championship lines. Litter registered Reasonable. Ph. BH0-R-.T 112 A lamed. Lost Found STRAYED PROM home Shetland Col lie pup, white with brown spots, has harness. Milton Smith. 529 PiUer St. rnone iiuo-j. newsrd. POUND 1 Pr. gold trimmed rimless glasses In Roseburg Wednesday. Own er can have same by calling $10-R-$ and paying for ad. LOST Lady's Hsmllton wrist watch. Downtown or Nielsen's Market Re ward Phone 414-R-1. Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir block peeler core, small round core mill ends, planing endi. oak and laureL Special price on plan er ends for short time. See this wood 1 mile East on Douglas St. Rt 1. Box 43 Prompt delivery Claude WiUev. Phone 15-J-3 or I43-J-3 FOR SaXe Slabwood. sawdust, plsner end Phone SOT. Johnson Fuel Co Notice I WILL NOT be responsible for bills contracted by anyone other than my self L H Ollnghouse For Trade TRADE Model A Ford truck for model A Ford car. H. S. Cheek. Box 224. Melrose Rt., Roseburg. Personal SPENCER CORSETTERB Mrs. Enid Burch Phone 304 AICOHOlTcs ANONYMOUS. PO Box 111$ or Phone 15O0-L or 508-J NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persona having claims agstnst the Estate of Michael Thomas Leahy, deceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law. to the undersigned at the office of Geddes 8t Felker, Attorneys, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the data here of Dated and first published this h day of July, 1048. at Roseburg, Oregon, L L. POWERS Administrator of tha Estate of Michael Thomas Leahy. Deceased- NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that Tu cedar the 18th day of August. 1040. at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. tn the County Court Room In the Court House. Rose burg. Douglas County. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if anv. to the final account filed hv the undsrilfned in the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for Doug las wountv ERNEST BITLER. Executor of the Last Witt and Testament of Harry B. Butler, NOTICE OP PINAL BEARING NOTICE HEREBY ts given that August 0, 1048, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M. In the County Court Room In the Court House in Roaeburg. Douglas County. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and piece for hearing objections. If snv. to the final account filed by tha under signed la the above entitled court. PAUL E GEDDES Administrator of the Etste f Prank Marketta. deceased. Shop rind Save With Classified Ads Autos LockwoocTs USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 1048 FOBD TUDOR SDN. Do yourself Justice, drive borne this beauty lot only $1743 00 1947 FORD FOR DOR SDN. One you'll be proud to drive. Com la and see It today 1186.00 1047 WILLYS STATION WAGON 10,000 miles. Equipped with overdrive, beater and many others. - 1345.00 1047 FORD STATION WAGON We dare you, try to match 110300 1048 MERCURY PORDOR SDN. Equipped with radio and heater, Columbia two speed axle. Extra nice 1303.00 1848 CHEV TUDOR SDN. Get rid of that old car now, sea us about a trade today 1183.00 1043 CHEV TUDOR SDN. Mechanically sound. Not loaded with ex Iras, but comfortable. $03.00 1041 PONTIAC FOR DOR SDN. Paint and body extra nice. Radio and heater. A me chanical gem. - 1041 FORD TUDOR SDN. Why waste money on your old car when you can drive a beaut like this one home for only 1041 MERCURY CLB. CPE. This one Is an extra special buy. Motor A-l condition, 1841 FORD PORDOR SDN. Equipped with radio and heater. Long trips will cost less in this one. 1041 FORD COUPE New motor, clutch, battery, a fine car any way you look at It 1041 PLYMOUTH COUPE Just right for that small family, extra good . 1041 NASH PORDOR SDN. New paint and seat covers. If its cheap transportation you want look this one over. - 1038 CHEV. COUPE Hoot mon! Its thrifty! Psy easily, rock bottom price. 103T PLYMOUTH PORDOR SDN. Reconditioned motor. Good tires. Inexpensive trans "ortation. 445.00 Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Trucks And Pickups I FORD TRUCK with U-Drivs Body $2405.00 ' INTERNATIONAL Pickup lo5 00 ' WILLYS Pickup. 1003 00 I FORD Pickup 045.00 i FORD Lumber truck Tag and Roles 1005.00 FORD Chsssls and Cab. 445.00 FORD Dump truck 445.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS Easy Terms Better Values In Used Cars 1040 Willvs Jeeps ter. low mileage $16.10 1047 Mercury 1495 1043 Studebaker Commander . 0A0 1041 Cadillac 4 door 1005 1041 Olds Hydramatlc. It 8t H 801 1040 Dodge. RAH 805 1041 Nah 4 door 850 1038 Chevrolet 375 1040 Hudson .. 550 1041 Chev 850 Heavy ateel trailer, new . Model A Pord 1040 Pord ton pickup ... 1040 Willys ton pickup 1943 Pord pickup 104T Jeep 1043 Jeep 150 . 165 . 1550 . 1450 . 805 , 005 . 350 Riverside Motors it Willys Service Sal. 1M0 North Sttphani Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonably priced. G M A.C terms. Chevrolet - Buick Pontine Cadillac trade-ins. COME IN AND LOOK OVER our new snd used Hsrley Davidson Motorcycles, $200 and up. Immediate delivery on the 1048 Hydra Glide. 13 down. 12 months to pay Harley Davidson 125 80S down $5 50 weekly Joes Harley Davidson. 3l miles So, Hwy. $ Roseburg. oreg. WILL TRADE $1,000 equity In '48 Pord Con v., like new. for clear '41 or '42 car in good condition. Would consider land out Melrose Rt or mske cssh offer for equity. Wsate Box 858 News Review. For Sale IKIT OLDSMOBnj! 4 doo. Sedan 1Ma motori U50 caah. Contact Al William Yoncalla rOR SALS "37 Plymouth coupe r41 motor, rood rood n ion R a M Sea at tint houae pa.t P.lrgrounda ar phone 140-11-4 after 4 30. fbrt SATs 3fTudoe Pnntlae S In quire Housing Project. Apt. S3. Suth erhn PORD TOPtDOS aKIas. ftadlo and heater. White ilSaerall Urea. 11300 Phone Oakland ea-r-a. Autos CLEARANCE REDUCTION HEAVY FIBER ml eoven. Mdani ind coach... They w.r. tis.09, r.duc.4 to W.9S. Coup, and front Mat only, wan W.4J, bow U.tl. Montgomery Ward i Co. KEEL'S Quality Used Cars We have a few excellent 40 and lato model used cars left. All are fine look ing and EXTRA GOOD mechanically. Thousands of miles of tation and comfort. good transpor- Don't wait too long and miss these exceptional values. "This Week's Feature" 1840 S Pgss. Pontine Coupe A GOOD Car $ 84S. 184S 1 Ton Studebaker pickup. Just Lke new. SHOP EVENINGS Open Until 9 P.M. . For Your Convenience QUALITY KEEL'S Used Car Lot Phono 13S and 1445-J N.xt to Rom Hot.! M So. Staphtna Better Buys At Barcus TRUCKS SAVE $6,000. 1048 Reo 318 log truck, 202 h. p engine: 1940 Peerless light weight tog trsller, both like new Re sponsible party can handle with very smsll down payment . . 1048 Chev. lumber truck, 1048 motor, Thornton dual drive, new tires. ' Lumber rolls with log bunks attached. Ideal for lumber or abort logs SIM International ing truck and trailer. A steal at 1884) mt studCDaxcr pickup, excel lent 1837 International truck and semi. trailer good condition food tires T. Chev. flatbed, corn- .118S. TOO let I v overhauled. A good truck for 300 Car Bargains 1047 Bulck supr convertible a real bargain ,, 1009 1041 Chrysler coupe, new paint, reconditioned motor. . 87J IM? Nash LaPayette. coach 105 1030 Model A Pord sedan, good motor. - ,, ,. 71 BANK TERMS OPEN EVENINGS BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Bwy as N al Garden Valley Rosd Special! Special! This weekend only . . . MM Plv. Ma 19.19 Ply. Sdn.. H IMS Ply. Sdn.. It R 19.T8 Ch.v. 2 Dr.. H. 19.1a Old.. Cpa., H. 1030 Model A . 39s no . 175(10 . as.oo Other Good Buys 1947 Dr&ito Clb. Cpa., 1M7 Dodae 4 Dr W7 Chv. rieaiuna 1947 Chev. Cpa. 194 Plv. 4 Dr 1941 DeSoto Clh Cpa. 1941 Plv. 4 Dr. 1941 ford 4 Dr 1B40 DodfO Cpa. . P. Ik H. H. - P.. at H. .. P.. c H. . P H. . P. Jl H. . R H -JL H. - H. Corkrum Motors Used Car Lot 330 South Stephana St MORI MdNIY for your car Caih on the apoL Corkrum Motor., Inc Oa Soto. Plymouth. Phono 40S 114 N Roe St 40 PLYMOUTH CONVBITtfiirn motor, food Ore. Perfect throughout. Lot. of extras. Good buy. See at Auto Court behind Camas Valley Post Of ftce. fi40 MERCURY In top cond!tfonBani terms. Sea at Adair s Associated Su tton. POR SALS 3 months old Chrysler New Yorker club coupe, substantial dis count, bank terms. Ape a. XL Court. Sutherlin. POR SALir47 Pord sedan deliver-, food clean car; low auleasa. 930 So. Stephens r3b HUPMOBOX SEDAN. 340 S. Jack' son FOR SALE 129 Model A Pord. tan RL 1. Box 110-Z. Rifle Hans Road. Miscellaneous POR INVALIDS and elderly folks M hmir aurstna car. Jit W, 4th StraeL Phone 1429-R FRf DtfMPiNG, mck or dtrl. no traiK Crtteeer s wast and Oak SI Brldae. 7. L.