The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thur., Aug. 4, 1949 6 2g.oool &JSW0tN Mm MILITARY MANPOWER AVAILABLE IN EUROPE Map list manpower available in tht Atlan tic pact nations of Europa for uta in carrying out plant for western Europaan defania baing dii cuuad by U. S. Joint chiafi of itaff in a lariai of talks with Europaan military rapraantativa. Tha Europaan partnari in tha Atlantic pact alraady hava, on papar at laast, mora than 2,000,000 man in all thair armad forca. Thay hopa tha Unitad Statai will supply tha armi and equipment thay naad. Figures ara baiad on an Associated Prasi survey, with only astimatai available in some cases because of security restrictions. Russia and Soviet-dominated nations are shaded. IAP Wirephoto) ' Wheat Subsidy Rates Set By United States Government . Under 44-Nation Agreement WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. (JP The government la offering a subsidy ranging from 23 to 34 cents a bushel today on wheat bought tor export under the International wheat agreement which went Into effect Monday. Drafted early this year by 44 wheat exporting and Importing nations, and by maintaining a schedule, of maximum and minimum prices In the world markets. , The United States share of a 454,000,000-bushel annual alloted world market la 168,000,000 bushels. The aubtldy la made necessary by the fact that the maximum price aet by the pact la below current domestic prices of the grain. . The .maximum nrice Is $1.80 a bushel for No. X northern wheat at Fort Williams and Port Arthur, Canada. The equivalent maxi mum price at any other particular point reflects the difference In transportation rate between that point and Fort Williams, on the one hand, to major consuming areaa on the other. In other words, the maximum price for wheat wtilch is closer to Europe a mator consuming as Fort Williams. Naturally. Pa area than Fort Williams would 'ciflc Northwestern porta are far be higher than the $1.80 Fort WU ther away from major Importing Renovation, Not Replacement, Is Decision On White House Work WASHINGTON. Aug. 3 UP) The White House la going to be renovated Instead of replaced. Senator McKellar (D-Tenn), chairman of an official commis sion on the project, made the an nouncement following a aession in the White House. Congress has appropriated $5, 400,000 to do the work. In one report to Congress, Pre sident Truman conceded that it might be cheaper to rebuild than to try to repair the ancient struc ture on Pennsylvania avenue. However, he said that the Amer ican people would like to pre serve the present building inso far as possible for sentimental and historic reasons. The commission decided to re tain the mansion In Ita present form rather than build an entire ly new structure aa had been ad' vocated by some congressmen ana outers. The commission, which McKel lar heada aa chairman of the Senate appropriations committee, is the final authority in the controversy. The reconstruction will Involve the residential part of the White House. The Truman family la now living In the Blair house, across Pennsylvania avenue from the old State department building. The executive offices In the west wing have not been dis turbed. It has been estimated that the remodeling work will require 18 montha or more. The residential part of the pre sent structure has been declared unsafe by building engineers. 1 0-Day Limit In Bancroft Act Not Mandatory CORVALLIS, Aug. Oregon cities no longer will have to wink at the state Bancroft act which regulates assessments against property for city Improve ments. Attorney General George Neu ner has ruled for Corvallis that the 10-day restriction during which property may be con demned is directive rather than mandatory. City Manager J. O. Convill said. Cities will probably have the power to set their own time limits during which appli cations for bonding will be ac cepted, ne said. Because of the 10-day limit for merly believed in force, many cities were unable to contact some property owners in time and thought they had to either col lect in full or foreclose. Convill said the interpretation of the law had not been received here yet officially, but was under stood to be on the way. Wocje Boost, 5-Doy Wttk Granted AFL Teamsters PORTLAND, Aug. 4. UP) A pay increase of 7s cents an hour was g-anted Wednesday to AFL teamsters employed by retail fur niture companies here. The new contract also provides a five-day week. Settlements with teamsters working for other types of firms are expected shortly. - yU:V': ' " T V? ': MOTHER'S AMNESIA ENDED Mrs. John W. Norton. 26, whose mind has been a blank about her past since. 1 940, happily talks with her husband in their home at New Rochelle, N. Y., after breaking through the mental wall and learning her true identity. With them are their children, Robert, 3, Melania, I. A psychia trist, Dr. Nathaniel E. Selby, credited hypnotic therapy with her return of memory and her identification as Emily Kobalanskis of Braddock, Pa., who disappeared in 1940. The Nortons met in New Rochelle and married four years ago. IAP Wirephoto) Young Brothers Drown In Tillamook Millpond TILLAMOOK. Aug. 4, .P Two young brothers drowned in s millpond here Tuesday, " the older apparently in an attempt to save the younger. ' ' Coroner Allen Lundberg said It appeared that Benny Charles Cloud, 11, slipped from a log on which he was playing, and that Ernest Edward Cloud, 13, tried to rescue him. Benny couldn't swim. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Cloud, said the boys often watched while logs were being unloaded in the Staben brothers millpond, seven miles east of Gari baldi. They left home for there yesterday afternoon. When they did not return by dinner time, two older brothers looked for them. They found Ernest's boots on a log. The bodies were snagged by grappling hooks. The water was about 16 feet deep. The parents and the dlder brothers, Billie L., and Victor E, survive. By an ancient superstition for testing a lover's faithfulness, girls used to pierce a lighted can dle with a pin, then let the flame burn down around it. If the pin remained in the charred wick, the boy friend was faithful. If the pin fell from the burned wick, he was a two-timer. One-third of all money Invested in Canada cinre the uar Is Am. erican capital. PAINTS All Kinds PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 16 E. 2nd Ave b. Phone 242 Hams price by the difference in transportation costs. How Price. Varys The wheat agreement1 maxi mum price for easlprn ports In the United States Is $1.96 a bushel for No. 1 grain. They are higher because the eastern ports are closer to major Importing coun tries than Is Fort Williams. The agreement maximum price for this country's gulf ports Is $1.01. These ports are a little farther away from consuming areas than eastern ports. Hence, their maximum price Is a little lower. 1 he maximum Dries for wheat shipped from Pacific Northwest ports Is, or the same E, Flotd 4 Mill VIEW WINDOWS Enjoy tht thrill of a fine plat gloss view window in your home. Secure on estimate from the Coen Supply Company Everything for the Builder Flotd 4 Mill St.. Phene 121 countries than are eastern and gulf ports. The subsidy on wneai snipped from any of these porta must be enough to enable exporters to buy It at the higher domestic prices and lay It down at the ports abroad at the maximum prices set by the agreement. The subsidy for today for east ern ports Is 23 cents a bushel. That means that grain supplying eastern ports Is priced 23 cents a uiwiici a Dove ine si.yo maxi mum agreement price at such ports, Including cost of transport ing such grain from inland cen ters to the ports. Assuming it cost 111 cents a bushel to ship wheat from Chi cago to New York, an exporter could pay as much as $2.09 at Chicago for grain there and sell it under the agreement price at New York. Rates Te Set Dally The subsidy rates will be set dally so as to take Into account changing market prices. The sub sidy rate lor eastern ports will be based on prices at Chicago, those for gulf ports on Kansas City prices, and those for the Pa- clflc Northwest on prices at Port land, urr., and Seattle, Wash. I he subsidy rates will go up as domestic prices advance, and go down as they go down. Officials expect prices to climb the near price support loan rates soon after most of the grain has been harvested. Thus a 20-cent advance In prices at Chicago would require a similar Increase In the present 23 cent export sub sidy rate for eastern ports. -in rne otner nana, should do- i mestlc prices fall below the maxi mum prices set hy the agreement, no subsidy would be necessary. i Today pin money usually ' means small amounts: in the days of Athens and Rome, It meant money for expensive pins , and other Jewelry. I I In the days of ancient Greece, i a bent or beheaded pin was sup- j posea io nave magical powers, i You ought to be driving a 1 rtr M'owcrcd bit the World's Sirccicst Eitfinv! I 4 TJrW Jt"r ' r - Pn-hif th moat tmpmwiv thin about driving iVntiar i that anr ariwa of having mora lhaa enough power at tout command alwara. You'll IW1 it hn?vfr toj touch tha acrlrator a mooth, rtWilfM How of power. And it'a your whettier you ar driving a arrat INiniiac Knight eight or ita equally fatnoua ait cylinder rompaiuon. H hirhever row choose, vow raa be aura that you are driving one of Arnertra'a moat artouWn enginea and one of Hi moat proved. Kor the baM- draign of Kontiac power plant haa tba aproval of mora than two million owner. tin engine i juat one of tha reaaona whv you thould he driv ing ioatiarconM in aoou, wa d ahoir you many mom. ROSEBURG MOTOR CO. LOWEST PRICES EVERYDAY AT FRED MEYER. PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY FRED MEYER DRUG GIGANTIC SAVINGS : , ' tirusnt w i Save 1.00 Regular 2.00 Colonial Dames Dry Skin Cream 1.00 Plus Tax Save one-half on this fin beauty cream. VACUUM BOTTLE TOOTH BRUSH REGULAR $1.25 KEAPSIT, PINT- REGULAR 15c NYLON BRISTLES. 2 FOR ZINC OXIDE OINTMENT MINERAL OIL REG. 13c REG. 33c, WORTHY, PINT- DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS ABSORBINE JR. : SCOT TISSUE REG. 44e REGULAR 89e, OUNCE--LIMITl. REG. 12e . 10c, 10 FOR GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES REG. 25c. 89c 15c 9c 19c 35c 51c 95c 9c ll 1.95 Value Save 95e " 3 Revlon . Lipsticks 1.00 Plus Tax Three flattering shades at a saving of 95c! Reg. 19 Calamine Lotion for Poison Oak 13c 2 for 25c Relieves the soreness and itching of poison oak. Regular 29c FRED MEYER ALUM 1 lb. 19c Fred Meyer Alum is best for home canning. mi WW Drastic Reductions-Below Wholesale! LUGGAGE All 3-ply basswood frames, solid brass locks and hinges, smart rayon linings, leather bindings, and plastic han dles. Wide assortment ot: ) Two Tones Stripes ) Solid Colors 16.00 18 or 21-ln. Overnit. Case 8.00 25.00 Wardrobettt, 19-in 12,50 21.50 Pullman Yravel Case, 26-in. 10.00 32.50 Fortnlghter, 2 ln 16.25 17.00 Cosmetic Cas., 15 In. .8.50 25.00 Hat or 8ho Case, 18-ln - 12.50 All Prices Plus 20 Fed. Tax .Boyle's 'IT' AMMONIATED TOOTH PASTE 59c 69c Norco SACCHARIN Vi-Gr. 1000's 49c 60c Value NAIL NUDE NOW 9c 29c Value 5-Day Deodorant Pads, 19c plus tax "Just the dab of a pad" Johnson & Johnson Products BANDAGES 1-ln. by 10 yds. . 2 In. by 10 yds. . J5c 20c COTTON 1 eune . 4 eune. ....... 1 pound . 17c 50c 1.60 GAUZE S yards . 98c ADHESIVE TAPE i-ln. by 5 yds. 15t 1- ln. by $ yds 29c 2- ln. by i yds. 55C BAND AIDS it ass't. sites 12 regular sit. . 29c 10c STERILE GAUZE PADS 45c 35c 65c I by 2 In.. 25 s S by 1 in, 12'a S by 3 In., 25-s CLEARANCE! GARDEN HOSE Black Rubber, 50 ft. 1 yr. guar $3.79 Red Rubber, 25 ft. 2 yr. guar. $2.49 Red Rubber, 1 ply, 50 ft. 2 yr. guar. $4.49 Green 2 ply, 25 ft. 5 yr. guar. $2.99 Green 2 ply, 50 ft. 5 yr. guar. $5.69 Or mm Reg. 49c Homemade Kitchen-Fresh PEANUT BRITTLE 1 lb. 39c Candy Section 1NECT0 Gives gray hair new beauty. Caution: Use only as direct ed. 1.25 Regular 2.39 PICNIC JUG 1 -gallon capacity 1.29 Wide mouth for easy clean ing and filling. Regular 1.98 BEACH BALL 16-in. 1.23 All rubber with multicolor panels. 1.50 Value Gillette Super Speed RAZOR with Speed Pok of 10 blades 1.00 Save 50c! Golden Crown CIGARS, 5c 5Boll2.03 Fred Meyer POPULAR BRAND CIGARETTES . . . 1.39 Carton of 200 Rose & Washington Streets Roseburg 112 N. Jackson