There Are Offers Here For Every Purse, Person And Purpose CLASSIFIED RATES 1 da par word t day. " J u 4 daa ' tn ; Real Estate B. I. MOD. HOME. Large living room, with new Spark oil heater Bea rooms are large with plenty of closet space Nice kitchen which Include new 6 as range. 3 rooms upstairs finished , knotty plna. Insulated fruit room. Att. garage and utility. Fenced yard Shade. Finest soil. Excellent garden. Close to schools, stores and bus line. Price reduced to ttuO 00 on liberal terms. HERE IS A GOOD HOME close In on paved street, walks and city sewer Has Urge living room, 3 good bed rooms and bath. Roomy kitchen wilh lots of windows. Cement cmve io garage which has utility and ample )ace for storage. Nice yard with rees, shrubs and outside fireplace. A good buy at $7300.00 with only $3800.00 down. APPROX. 4'4 A. with about 230 feet on river miles out. Good county road. River bottom solL Walnuts, cherries, pears and peaches. Also berries. Good well with pressure system. 3 B. R mod. home. Full price 98300.00. Better let us show you this. WILL TRADE this fine 37 A. ranch for a 3 B. R. modern noma In Rose bur 30 A. is cultivated S A. in orchard. Fenced and cross fenced. Dandy 40xtt0 barn. Fordson tractor and misc. imple ments included. 3 B. R. modern home In good repair and clean throughout Total price $10,000 00 and worth It. We are In a position to make a good trade. Come in and talk 11 over. 10 A. on good road close to Roseburg. and not far from the river. Good oil. Some fruit. Small barn. Good well. 4 room house on concrete. Full Erica $i500.00 with $3000.00 down asy terms on baL TRACTOR DEALERSHIP for Douglas 3. now avftiiaoie. inia en oppur unlty for a permanent and profitable business. Handling one of the better known line of tractors and farm equipment. This Is a going concern doing good business. Complete set-up for sales and service. Priced right. Ask us about this. No phone calls please. William A. Oerding Realtor tnniM T .nan 134 West Cass St Phone 313 Good - Buys 9 rkdrooM HOME. bath, Dower wired Approx la acre lot. About five miles from Roseburg. $3130 00. Terms $1500 down or will take in u or w inevy. IN DILLARD DISTRICT. w.w hnmr llvln room 12x18. kitchen, nook, 3 bedrooms and bath. Well and electric pump. Lot 125x104, close to hiway and all tillable. Large windows and nice finish. $4250.00. Terms $1000 down, Dai. sou m monin. BIV Mil M OfTT Lot 100x185, river loam. A very nice new home, modern, 2 bedrooms, bath, hardwood floors, attached garage, oil finnr fumac. Drilled well and pres sure pump system. Price $7750.00. A oest ouy. NICE LOCATION. Modern home 850 iq. ft floor space. a turn hMtranm home With bath. Utility room, porcelain tubs, oil auto matic heat Fully insulated. Plastered. Hardwood floors. Lot 65x189. Price $10,600. Terms $3500 down, nn r. Ann nrsTBiCT. 100 acre on live creek. 30 acres tilla ble, bal. hill pasture. Lots of trees. All fenced. No buildings. mile from Dillard. $zwu.uu. lerms iuw oawn. OVER FIVE ACRES, all river bottom soiL All In alfalfa 225 ft. on hlway 09. Price geoou. Keasonaoie terms noon MILL SITE 38 acres 't mile railway frontage approx. Also hlway frontage. Price $14,000.00, Earl And Gladys Wiley. Realtors HOTEL ROSS BLDG. STOP THROWING AWAY RENT MONEY! Buy One of Roseburg' Most Beautiful Homes On Easy Terms In Cloverdale Parle a.79 te IU.N A MONTH covers taxes. Insurance, interest and principal. You can pay as little as $500.00 down. There is no need to give away your money as rent or live In crowded conditions you can buy one of Rose burgs finest homes on these easy terms. Read These Features Hillside view lota Fullv insulated Tiled floors 14 different plans Oil heat FHA inspected Large closets Floored atics Big view windows Oversize lots Fireplaces We a the rst ripped FHA approved There are still few of the fifty homes being offered to veterans with no down pament Visit Cloverdale Park and see these exceptionally fine homes today or to night. Open daily Irom 10 a, m. to B p. m. Fies & Clute Realty 405 West Cans Phone 1568 or 1337 8 Acres ATTRACTIVE NEW HOME with 4 rooms and bath, attached garage, gravity flow spring water piped in. about half the ground could be made tilla ble Located 10 miles south of Rose burg on good county road. Pr'ce 9.S2.W. liberal terms or trade $2450 equity on house near town. Hayden H. DeCamp, Realtor Tea g. Stephens Street Phone 173-L 880 ACRE CATTLE OR SHEEP ranch 8 room moaern nome. oarn. "ys "'"". en house, over million ft timber ena po Cows, chtckens. 40 acres grain iia.OuO with terms. Hiway 225 7 mil west of Oakland Ralph Getchell, Kelloee Star Route. Oakland. Cnnr ftD"j. mfim 4 bed room house on 4 acres Two good wells. Furnished or unfurnished. SJ unfurnished. Lee Situ, acrow trsrH r-ihi I blocks, turn left 1st hmia on rtfht ffrio sai.r A roo-n modern house. 4 blocks east of Nielen i Market on Msester's St t50 down, 30Q per mooui- Real Estate New Listings HOMES BEDROOM HOME, targe free soil lot. garage, most modern of bath; El. hot u.t.r hutr hat of districts, see to believe. Price $3000.00 with $3000 down. rfdroom HOME with concrete foun dation. basement, modem plumb ing, bath and all, lota of built ins. i acre lot on bus line. Price $4000 00 witn avuu.uu an. t BEDROOM, brand new, garag tarhH nice larffe llvinc room, mod em type kitchen with lots of nice butltins. full modern bath, sets on rnnrrx fnunrialinn A nice little suburban home will go state G. L Price $7300.00 with $1500. dn. 3 BEDROOM HOME In West Roseburg. Brand new aosoiuieiy line construe- lion, hardwood tnru out; large oea rooms, the nicest kitchen you could Kni th hath la tha latest word concrete driveway, att garage. $9500 wttn si sou an. 4 BEDROOM HOMES, we have four listed in amereni pans oi mi civy for your selection ranging In price from SH3O0 to S17.WU. bee ours lore you buy. 3 BEDROOM HOMES We have several ail new construction, inuauy wim hardwood thru out and the most modern conveniences. Prices are ono - $10,000 - $10,400: down payments $1500 to 92400 witn easy terms. TRADES HAVE a twenty three acre ranch about miles out; Una all uuaoie, on main road, large 3 bedroom home; modern chilcken house, large barn. Owner will trade for home in ttoseourg. A SIX UNIT MOTEL to trade for home or property in Koscourg. A VERY MODERN home close to Rose burg to trade for o acre tract witn iree soil. BUSINESS OPORTUNITIES A SMALL RESTAURANT In Roseburg tor i wo i nousana oouars. A BUSY TAVERN for $16,000. A BUSY RESTAURANT In south Doug las county S-vouu, witn shaj an. A LARGE MOTEL, a small motel, i trailer court, ana many more u choose from. See Lehmans Real Estate Before You Buy 414 Nth. Jackson Ph. 7: 90 ACRES. About 10 cultivated. 3 room house, spring water to nouse, several barns, chicken house Ac some timber Buy now at a sacrifice price. $3500. with auuu aown. 3' ACRES. located on Hw. 42. 4 room house, elec., spring water. $2000.00 with terms. 81 ACRES, 3.1 cultivated. Clover Be alfalfa. 35 acres bottom land, all can be irrigated, free water; good 8 room moaern nouse: line spring water; laree barn, chicken house, wood shed. This Is dandy place. $16,800, some term. SEVERAL logged-off tracts attractively pneea. GROCERY FOR SALE Located In a good small town, brick mag. at large 101; six room a pi., up stairs: complete grocery down witr all stock At equipment: meat case, deep freeze, milk case. elec.. sheer A fountain. Fine income. $ $11,000 down; baL easy terms, 0' Geo. W. Dimmiclc Agency 12$ N. Jackson St (1) 26 ACRE RANCH all fenced, modem 8 room home with full basement and garage. 1 40x40 barn. 2 cows, ralves. 200 chickens. 200 turkeys. saddle horse. All of this for only $6500. GROCERY STORE doing $12,000 grow per month. Full price $13,200 or wilt traae tor gooa rancn. THE BEST small rrocery store In Ront- DUrg can dc Dougni on inventory oi stock and iixtures, lerms. . 4 ROOM HOME, and utllltv with carafe three years old m tine resiaenuai a li met. iuu price, lerms. Williamson Real Estate 1444 N. Stephens Phone 1040-R Listings Wanted We are sold out of city property and have none for sale. We are looking for good farms and ranches 40 acre and up anywhere In the Wihamette Valley or Douglas County, we are au ver Using in oui-oi-.uwn aim newspapers and have people com in here irom an over inosini mi ur wan in m huv nrooertv In Oregon. 1 vnu hivr a eood farm for sale and we can agree on a price or value we will really you action. Phone 1301 JAMES L PAYNE 112 Brockway St. Roseburg, Oregon When It s Real Estate In Myrtle Creek and AOUUi uougiaa vu. SEE Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK. Ore. PHONE 643 in a nw 4 hr mod ranch style home Large barn other new bldgs 100 fruit nut trees, creen. npniw- ....... 30 A s ml So Umpqua frontage. New all yr. cottage, barn, garage Real Riddle. Ore. FOR SALE 10 acres, large house, elec tric range, water neaier. on nw rr. familv orchard Nice barn ana otn M.tK.inHmffa ilftoo down or W1 trade for 2 bedroom home In town. Phone 922-H-i. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong r.ui: tntinMr 011 So Main St Ph. B17-R UNFINISHED 5-room furnished house on 1 acre f run. tnnacii mvu-.. "T" view, good drainage. KKOO win ui ...i. knnu nart oavment ' mile on Look ingg lass Road. Floyd Reed. TO BE SOLD to best offer over mort gage OT --.w a r'"" iioi'iT. iiivui-i.., !.. tm uni Offer is down oav ment Phone 280-RX or 71A Fleiser St. FOR SALE 'i acre lots, grapw am pears on some Eay terms ium wm ., M.nionnd Sroo. winding road t Tokay Ave . corner Grape Ave- Win ston. 1 H Eshelman. FOR SALE 10 acres Calkins Road, electricity and city water, woooe..-. location for subdlvtion or small farms. Easy terms. Newt-Review. Bo K50 S-ACRES GOOD three room house t sleeping porch. 1 utility porch. Wired for lights and range. Water In house. Price H200. H McBroom, Melrose Rt. Box im -4IJL 17 walnut i wws . . - Real Estate Valley Real Estate Agency AT WINTON, 1 bedroom new home. fully furnished with new jumuure. tiu-luritna aaa rinit. all heater, daveno set. dining set, Axmlnutcr rug. 3 complete beds. Inner spring mattress es, cooleratOTt rhest of drswers. wash ing machine, etc. $3250. $2500, down. ALSO AT WINTSON. 4 room new home wim large 101. iruii. cww " stores, needa - soma iinuning. www $500. down. ROSEBURG Double garage fixed for living quarters, city water pipea in. 3 good stoves, bed. table and chain: laundry trays; hot water tank go acre lot, full price $1800. $500 down. m.nsi! TO COURT HOUSE 4 bedroom plastered nome witn iuu casement nH eiirnac- 1 hatha: a home and added income from renting rooms f you wish. Owner will take maller $3500 down. BLOCKS from Safeway: S room mod ern home plus 3 room apartment ; gas furnace; large lot; a good buy at vaau GENERAL STORE. Including- building. service station; garage DUiiaing, nice modern living quarters: 1 acre of lnrf in thrtvin community. FlKtU) Included $12. 94000. down plus stock at Inventory; about ajuuo. SEA FOOD MARKET, domg good busi ness, lease 2Q. per montn; nice new fixtures. Full price Sliwo. CALKINS ROAD 9 acres river bottom. wonderful place for country nome. no buildings. $5000. $1500. down. SHKFP AND CATTLE RANCH: 1170 acres, new moaern nome, ioi i outbuildings: 250 acres good farm land, balance pasture; and timber: timber sold on contract, that will be oa id to ourrhaser. about $12.0001 OS, purebred Whltefaces, 173 sheep: 3 tractors, one a D2, plus all modern equipment: 1 good l'i ton truck, horse trailer, milk cow and saddle horses: This ranch Is on pavement, cloe to Hoseourg; a rcai Duy xor eoo.wu. Terms. Valley Real Estate Agency Wa are In our new location at 113 W. Cass Street Phone $68 RIVER RANCH COOL. CLEAR WATER" as the song goes, describee the stream that flows along one siae oi mis i iv acrei About 25 Is bottom land, with fiO more acre tillable free soil that is level or rolling. Even the pssture land Is not steep. Some light mixed timber. Sound old house with full nlumbina. electrical conveniences, re- finished Interior and surrounded with lots of shade trees, pair siock oarn. Some crop in. Located north of Rose burg. Priced at $14,000. Trade con sidered for smaller place. Live Creek, Fine Home 320 ACRES cleared land, nearly all tillable. Now seeded to permanent Kasture. Nicely decorated 4 bedroom ouse. Barns and poultry houses are in good condition. Rental on cabins brings $80 a month. $27,500 full price. PETE SERAFIN. MANAGER C. S. Briggs & Co. 112 W. Casa Phone S14 Family Home 4 Bedrooms, large living room, conven ient Kitcnen, isnascapea, lencea yara Garage and patio. Must he seen to be appreciated. 1 mile from town on bus line. Full price $8500.00. River Frontage 4 Acres on North Umpqua River 1 bed room nome. oarn, ana cnicnen nouse Lots of fruit and berries. A good buy at $3500.00. Close In 3 Large bedrooms, living room, dining room. Kitcnen ana nam stuuu.w iuu price. Cacy's Real Estate 203 West Cass Phone 127T-J Next door to Western Union Slashed $1550 This beautiful weststde home Is I year year old ana nas a large living nwm with cir. fireplace, dining alcove, han dy kitchen, 2 generous sized bed rooms, bath shower, attached ga rage, dual gas furnace, huge plate windows, hardwood floors, fully plastered, free soil lot 75x110 and the Rrice nas oeen rruuin. iu nu ew auto, washer at elec. range op tions L Hayden H. DeCamp, Realtor 740 S. Stephens Street Phone 173-L Income Property MUST SELL, desirable income property B room house, small acieage. jut out of city limits Eugene, uregon us nmne trees, walnuts, filberts, ber ries, garden spot, large barn fir hav, car, chickens and cow Well water, electric pump. Electricity Near grade school. Household goods, every thing goes. A safe Investment. For further information Phone 13-L. Notice To Building Contractors 13 ACRES FOR SALE within city limits of Eugene, adjoining new grade school, now under construction. Ph. Roseburg B2-L for furtner Information. ONE 3 ROOM HOUSE and lot: larre living room, 3 bed rooms . k 1 tr hen utmtv room, and bath. Nice loca tlon. also light and water. Located on lot 1, block 3. East of highway W l'i miles North or Roeturg known as the Currr Sub-Divlsloi Will sell household and kitchen fur- t u re. For quick sale, come ai once Can give immediate possession, w. Smith, owner. ror Dale 1 bedroom home, strictly modern. Two 50x100 lot, fruit tree, beautiful yard Price reduced for quick sale. 1540 Post St.. phone 1J9-L.. Prompt Survey Service HOME FOR SALE 4-room house. 3 big lots, river frontage, city gas and elec tricity, 5 blocas from poaiofflce Reas onably pnrea, ana verms, s-n. a-, tar can at hi w. Lane. I.YT4 rnit KAI.E Your choice of cation and sire MV) to itnq Easy terms. A- F. Suksdorf. Winston, Ore gon. 3-BEDROOM HOfSE for sale Electric n hatr and oil rlreulatne Immediate possession, (1,000 down. They'll Do It Every 0HE ROAD 15 0P6M-RECEPT10N GRZAX Burr tup ppossams vfoa set NAUSEATE- Real Estate NICE GARDEN VALLEY HOME Beautiful view! This older but well-built and nice home over looks the whole valley. And nice living room and dining room windows and full length porch to take It all in. 10 acres, only Eood big garden spot tillable, ut lots of nice trees, shrubs, etc. Plastered home, fireplace, fir floors. A limited amount of redecorating will make this home inlo one that would be hard to duplicate today. Barn and a second tenant house that doesn't amount to much includ ed. O pavement $8400. Terms. BUSINESS LOCATIONS FOR LEASE We have two choice business lo cations for lease. Both on Steph ens street (one south and the other north. The one on north Stephens street is in the Turn Around Inn building and could include living quarters. Any length of lease satisfactory witn owner $75 for business space and $50 for living quarters if de sired. Other rental Is located in the 7oo block of South Ste phens. Either three large offlres or one big room. Three to five year lease desired. Also $75 per month. ' IDEAL HOME FOR YOUNG FAMILY Located on city bus line. This home is Just as cute as the prov erbal bug In a rug and includes some furniture. Two bedrooms, one average size and one big one. nice living room and small dining room. Kitchen Is Just mighty fine will please any housewife. Garage, cement patio. Furniture includes refrigerator, iMtri tlnv nil heater and mavbe we could get the wanh- i U iHipMna tnarf Inr All new. " $MO0. A state veteran can buy this home with Just a mighty little down. Easy terms to any one. RIVER HOME JUST ONE MILE OUT This Is a brand new home and beautirul!!! Such features as a built-in fish bowl over the fire place, picture painted on wall, etc. Planning and decorating was certainly planned for the moit discriminating All metal kitchen bulldins. One acre of river bottom soil. It will be well worth vour time to see this home $17,500. or will sell for some less with only acre. ROSFBI'RG REALTY St INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors Very Nice Suburban Home Brand new 3 bedroom home, lots of closet space, hardwood floors, floor furnace, attached garage. 100x183 ft. lot, good soil. This home well con structed, and pleasing to the eye. Elig ible for state Vet or G. I. loan. Price: $7750. Earl & Gladys Wiley, Realtors ROSE HOTEL BLDG. PH. 726 -R For Sale ONE ACRE ON RIVER LOVELY 3 bedroom home, apartment rental. Close to two scnoois ana nos pitals, water right applied for. Auto matic oil furnace. All kinds of fruit and berries. Very secluded. Less than a mile fmm town. Ideal location for rental units. Phone HH4-R. Listings Wanted OUR new branch office at Winston neeat listings. iomt in ina in acquainted with Mr smitn, the man ager. Located in Howards Hardware, at Winston. Valley Real Estate Agency 1 BED ROOM 1 1 OUSE wi th I acre ground. lr Tl. irontage on niway. Hardwood floors. Small chicken houne and barn Located 9fl N., 3' miles from Roseburg Will take late model car as part Price 4.V. George Wat son. Rt 2. Box 3lMi-K TOR SALE farm; city, country homes ana cunning iois. Also listings wanted. Williamson Real Estate 1444 N. Stephens Ph. 1049-R TOTAL PRICE $69!W. 3 bedroom modern home, wired lor range, ana not water. Small barn and chicken house. 2 acres. Tom Burke. Mountain View Road Take car in trade, terms TRADE OR SELL Modern trailer Cojrt for ranch, acreage or nouse. nose burg vicinity Give details in first letter. News-Review. Box943. ROOM" HOI'SE. attached" garage, on 1 lot. 3 blocks from Safeway, restrict ed district Sell or trade. 405 Ger mond St SELL OR TRADE for or on a communi ty grocery. 2 houses and IS arres, tftO per month rental Can give pos vession of one. News-Review. Box941 FOR SALEt;i.0f0 cash 72 acres, old houe. good well. 3 acres prune, salable timber. Write Mrs. O Miller. R.ddle. Oreg Ph Riddle j24 FOR SALE 3 lots. 1 "or" all. within-) blocks new Riverside School. 3 blocks of bus line. Phone 1349-R or call at 1523 Walnut 400 FT NORTH-Fnipqua frontage. IS minutes to Roseburg. Wooded, good summer steelhead fishing Wm. R. Magness. Glide, phone 172-YX FOR SALE room modern house on North t'mpqua Inlaid tile bath, kitch en, utility room. Paul E. Aminn Glide Always Have It Surveyed Jim Deugherty, theeng1neer Ph 3W7-R J ROOM MODFRN HOUSE WITH l'i acre land Tri-Clty, Oregon. Inquire H B Riggi ern 4 rteoroom noue and 4 lota or more. Easy terms, 307 West t - Real Estate $$ VALUES $$ 3 ACRES, LOG HOUSE: 300 feet of frontage on Mignway ana a. umpqua River near Dillard. House has laree living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and shower bath. 3 car garage, barn, and rabbit hutches. Lots of walnut, fig and peach trees. Will take in trailer house of $1500 for down payment. Total price $4,000, or make an offer Bruce Gilley, Real Estate 2359 N. Stephens Phone 100-J-3 Office on Highway W North MODERN 1 BEDROOM home in town, partly furnuhed: also '41 Chev. 4 door. All for $5200. Phone KS8-L. ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. 3 acres. 5ict' en tlrorKway ann tamas vauc Hiwav 42, $2iKHi Elmer Poole. 0 ACRES OF VIEW property," 3 miles out, cneap. rn. ooo-n- Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service SEPTIC tanks cleaned, no extra charge for arain lines, no cnarice mr -n- 1. tank Prnmnl wrVlM. NO mile- age charge, reasonable rates, special rates lor commercial wm, 748Short St. Ph11294-Y P.OBoxSflH ALL BUILDING construction, new and old. remodeling. 10' down, no Job too large or too small All type masonrv construction. flagstone and brick barbecues and patios a specialty Mag neslte floors and dralnboards Phone 1590-R-l. contractor, A. R. Snow. Oliver's SepUo Tanka and Drain Fields Installed Tanks Pumped Roseburg, Oregon Phone 4l-R-3 Rt I. Bok Tl Carpenter Work By Hour or Contract Write H C. llarty. C. VStar Rt. WANTEDEustom combining. R. M Crawford on hlway ttfl north of Oak land at Rice Hill. Route 1, Oakland. Phone Oakland 40-r"-3. WILL CAHE ""OR CHILDREN, also d housework. In exchange for board and room. Write Marion Mandezona, Rt 2. Box 374. Subsoiling Done See Relnbold Blank. Looklngglaws. WANTED crocheting and embroidering to do in my hotne. Mrs. Harry Older, Wolf Creek. Oregon.Box 171. rLOORCOVKRINO Complete sales and installations, rree estimates, aioaern Floor Covering. Phone :U8. ALTERATIONS. DRESSMAKING. All tvpes. Mrs. lKn w uarrison, iwa Madrone Rt. Phone 802-L. MAN AND WIFE like to manage apt or part-time work, fn. au-x. mi Main. WANTED Lady to do light housework and be companion rnr cioerjy iaujr. News-Review Box 41 COMBINING with Ford trartor and new woods Bros. comDine. narnson nn-w. Dillard. Ore. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER" would like temporary JobPhone Q.tJ-RX-a. HOMEWORK tvoing, billing, bookkeep ing Phone 1454 R WILL DO IRONING In my home Phone 1H16-R-2. WILL DOTfTofJING in your home Call I2'i4-R anvtlme PIANO TUNER-J. S. JonesTTh. 1340-R Wanted Wanted BEEF. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phona 922-R-3. or 4M-R-S or wrtta Kout. I. Ro.hurf Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, all types. Call at 444 No. Jackson, rnone iju-w. The Bargain House fi'AVTEn TO RENT 2 bedroom h or apartment, unfurnished Veteran, wife and child. Call 1417-R during business hours, or I4M-J after bulnei hours, or In person at 219 U. S Nat I BankBMg PHYRIcTa.N. WIFE. 3 children wish to rent 2 or 3 bedroom houe In Rose b'irg or vicinity. News-Review, Box 9:it LIVING ACCOMODATIONS for mother and 4 year oiJ mvn. Mrs. 1 trd. Vet s HosnKal WANTED -FAT HOGS and used furni ture Call 9X-J-4 mornings and eve ning! pALL AI's for a fair btd on your fur niture Al's Furniture Center. 314 Win- cheterStPhoneJ!27-H WANTED TO BUY All kinds of furni ture Let us bid on your house of fur niture Call WM-R at S09NJacksonSt WANTED I E L bucking saw Must he reasonable price. Contact Art Crock er. 1Q47 W Ut WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bedroom home Phone :t9-L.420 South St. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Roieburg Meat Co . phone 2W VET AND WIFE want furnished modern hntie or sot Phone TM J Lost Found LOST SMALL LADIES black purse containing money and curd of but tons Hewsrd Call Freda Herman, Dav 73. evenings (Hi3 J I MISSING ONE MANAGER frnm Moore s Cafe. If found, please notify Personal SPENCER CORSETTFRE - Mrs. Enid Hnrrh Phone I4 - . v -- . --13C-;jt.-- . 1 ALCOHOLICS vw - w Time i a By Jimmy Hatlo TIMS AJOW-PLyAY ERRATIC LJ AILES OF POWER LINES NOThllNSBUTSTATIC! Help Wanted SALES REPRESENTATIVE If selling Is your business, a highly ptH auccaful concern needs an ex perienced sales representative under 4 In u11 a romnlele line of BUILD ERS' HARDWARE of national repu tation In protected territory wun mmv nirittm riiitomrn and unlimit ed pot en Us Is. Our products are ruth In quality, compctltvely priced. Sold to retail lumtvr yards, nuimers sup ply houses and larger hardware stores. This Is a full time permanent position with lOO'. cooperation from the home office and ofters unlimited opportuni ty for a substantial future. Highest commission rates wilh a drawing ac count when qualified. Only applicants considered who furnish qualifying background particulars witn reply. All replies will be confidential. Box 9411. News-Review. Wanted Relief Bell Boy And Bus Boy Must Be Steady Hotel Umpqua FORABlGFXTRAINCOME KF.1.L CHRISTMAS CARDS' Experience unnecessarv. 21 -Card "Lead er'' Assortment cll itself at Up to luO'.i profit! PLASTIC Cards, (.lit wraos. Every asy. etc. tnnums Cnrds with name, w for Si up. I nrlnted Flnral Notes. Napkins. C "lHr" on anoroval. FRKE Imnrln1 samples. Stylart, U10 Saittee, Dept. .TC. Lm Angeles an, tain Fountain Girl NIGHT SHIFT THE DRIVE INN 1 mile So. on Hlway M Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman LOCKWOOP MOTORS Wanted Experienced Secretary Phone 1219 CARHOPWANTED THE DRIVE INN ONE Mil JT. SO. ON HIWAY 99 Experienced Bookkeeper WANTED State age and experience. News-Review uox bib. Bell Boy Wanted HOTEL ROSE UNENCUMBERED LOCAL woman over M to help on desk and some maid work In local hotel. Answer to State Employment Office on Jackson St LO'.GKR WANTED. 2.1,000 ft. a day! Sugar Creek Lumber Co., 12 miles eat of Azalea. 1 WHISTLE PUNK at Decker Logging Co . 4 miles east on North Umpqua Highwav. EXPERIENCED EDGFRMAN. Kiss Lum ber t o. on me norm umpqua niway Phone420-R-2 GRK.N CHAIN grader and marker Call Natron Station before 3, 7224 Sprin(((ield after 7 pm. WANTED Help to thin pears. Ewena Bros. Phone 32-F-M, BEAN PK'KEHS Contact Ray M. Young' Rt. 2. Box 202-A. Timber Sawmills WANTED Several Million Feet 2nd Growth Timber MUST BE Winter Show. Sullivan & Son Rsbg2rnMes N. on 99 Phone 1S47-J Timber WANTED Second growth timber, mini mum 2 million winter show. Brlx Co.. P. O. Box .VU, Elklon. Oregoiv Sawmill PORTABLE BEIJ.SAW sawmill, new. slill crated, inciutles planer W H Damewood. Silver Nook Grill. WANT"PKFLE1J Dnuglas Ftr poles and tiling delivered to our Roseburg yard, imited sires. Contact us before cut ting Pngel Timber Co. or Oregon. P O Bx 4;Hoebiirg:Phonei:ct9 WANTED--One oe more million feet of fine grain second growth or small old growth for portable mill Let mom Bros. Box 436. Phone 304, Drain Oregon fo K V A HEAVY DUTY mill type trans former. Primary voltage 440 Also merond hand water pipe and fittings. Phone irvHr,-R-l WANTED TO BUY-Douglas Fir rule and piling slumpage. Puget Tirther Co of Oregon. P. O. Box 41, Rose burg PhonelXW WANTED 2nd growth logs Call or ap niv mi Wiltmr Lbr Co. Wilbur. Ore- Jon. 7 milei ljghw.iv m mi ICS norm oi rjUKuurg un FOR SALE Sawmill or any part GMC diesel edger and other units. Roy Denny. a3' Winchester Farm Equipment DISTRESS SALE of used equipment. Mlel H Deere tractor. Integral plow. 7 Ft. disc harrow, 2 row ctiltlvaior. All for 37 .W Can he seen at Interstate Trartor A Equipment Co. FOR SALE Repsesed equipment I Vdel " M" John Deere tractor with KtiH weirhts 1 1 tnteeral t wav plow 1 integral spring tooth culll T.rmi if drsirrd Practical tv new Price tivxl Contact IntersUte l racior ei tquiFuwn Sot., July 30, 1949 Tht Newi For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 34 - M- - - 34 The life time trailer Has a body we believe will last M years or more, no ory row Kit Columbia 13' - 14 30-22 The West's Finest Sellers and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trsae-lna accepted Bank contracts. Contracts to 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Lareest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 2631 3 allies sou in on w ni. n, bum Eugene , Watermelon. 3'c Lb. CA!TALOUPFS. c lb. Red June apples, 5c lb. Gravenstein apples for Jell and cook' ing, c id. Local peaches and plums. Wilsons Fruit Farm & Mkt ENJOY your wash day. Visit with your neighbors wnue you wasn ai The Self Service Laundry 913 Cobb St Trv our friendly service. FOR SALE 147 Model 30B0 Ta lor r reefer Hardening taoinei Lomni nation 3 gallon freezer, 60 gallon hardening cabinet 2 hp. Copeland Water-Cooled compressor 100 ft. lead cable. Automatic overload relays automatic cut-outs. Ready to run Reasonable. A E. Dunklee, 320 W. O Grants Pass. Uregon River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant supply. Paul Casey 357 W. Mnsher Phone 117-Y House Trailer IB FT COVERED WAGON, completely equipped, electric Drakes. Ln oe seen at house In the rear of General Welding Works. Hiway 09. 3'a miles south oi itosenurg. FOR SALKLarge solid walnut B piece dining set Of superior quality, ami. Frecmantle, across from Cold sprlni Service SI At inn. i mile north O Myrtle Creek, or ask for "Curly" at City Market, Myrtle crrea:. SALE ON FINE BOATS See V Bottom Lawrence can ana snep trm isn erman Boat. Soeclal low price now. Several good lined outboard motors as tow as rowriu opuriiiiB uuw, west uass at. SPECIAL LOW PRICE on one lot of 23 long rifle shells. Real special low prices on casting rods it reels. Special single salmon eggs, al o Russellure See these many specials at Powells Sporting Goods. FAST SERVICE-FINE WORK Will Pi c klip and deliver Ed's Laundry ft. Umpqua Road at Ivan St Phone 1274-JX FOR SAt.if tiood water well drill, and tools mounted on truck. Price. 9121)0. Also IU43 Ford truck, good condition. Price, 973. Phone 12H7-J after 3. 00 FOR SALE 20 gauge double barreled shotgun, practically new. with water proof re and denning equipment. $25 Welch baby buggy, removable bassinette, 913. Call U42-V or see at luoa Union Ave. 40 GAL. GAS hot water heater. In orig Inal packing crate, Bryant model. 9L19M value, sacrifice fnr $100. In oulre The Ice Creamery. 219 N Yackson J2 SAVAGE AUTOMATIC rifle wVth Weaver scope. All In perfect condi tion. To trade fo; olnoculars. Phone 1423-Y. MEDIUM SIZETjORGE refrigerator ex cellent condition, $100. Extra heavy double duty sleeping bag with hair mattress. 913. East Douglas. 18 FT HOUSE TRAILER. '3 Chevrolet Sedan. Trade for later model car or sell reasonable. R C. Hrizcndlne, Suks- dorf Division, Winston. SHAKES for sale NOW-Sugar pine and yellow fir. 93-i-rT.V sq. Til-ler-Trail Hd. Your Shake Maker. Bill Badger, Drew. Home week-ends. TT MONTH " OLD 33 ft. ho'useUaller Shower, eleclrlc refrigerator, sleeps 9. See Truman Ellis at grocery stoie on Cedar t TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, one 30 cu It. suitaoie mr restaurant oi tavern. Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern Aim N Jackson Fuller Brushes Don L. Rider. P O Box 92. Hardwood Flooring Phone 102;-3 FOR SALE Used wood ranges. lr laoirlai rainatax l-lrlc wash ers. ilmpqua Valley Appliance. 120 W 'JtK t UNDERWOOD NOISELESS portable typewriter. Good condition Call -104 or Sin hetween 9:00 and 3 00. rnMiiiMATlON RAItlO and record Diav er. 340. Dale Sail. "At-Last-A" Trailer Park. fW North 21 FT. SCHULTZ trailer. 9IM0. Jem-e Motta. 1 mile west of Kennedy s Dutch Mill on Looklnggiams Ki. FOR SALE Gaffers St Settler gas stove, 7 ft Servel gam refrigerator '4C Plymouth sedan. 700 Phone 33-P-12. RADIO FOR SALE 8 tube console Motorola. Excellent condition. 718 Fleser St. ftwyr. "ittbi?:IIT PIANO 12.W. Good condition See at 916 W. Mosher after 5 lift FOR SALE 12 gauge double barreled hammerlesa shotgun, 325. Phone 103- R-2 FOR SALE 3 cubtr ft Servel kerosene refrigerator, used 2 months. Phone S7H-J-4. LARGE CEDAR fence posts for sale Roseburg Shingle Co.. N Umpqua Rd Phone1273-J New hospital-surgTcal plan, no age limit, good an v where, low coat MBHatA phone , FOR SALE 1 man sheep shearing out fit Lloyd Atterbury. Millers Addn. Phone 5-F-.11 19-17 FORD VH sedan delivery. Reaona able. Also 200 gal butane tank. 319 E 2nd Ave N Phonel 0MS-L. ti- rrv'T 'nni'KR for sale Wired fnr lights, windows Carl Hoffman, Melroxe Rt , Box i:. son aI WUh hahv buzffv. E!erre. mteem ster liter with bottles. Phone Phone 1.127-J. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. ued saw dust burner rnone mm-n . WILL CARE for children by week or month certified'. Phone WI3-Y. REFRIGFRATOR, rod condition. Bar gain 9M Riverside Drive Call 934-R 5maiXCIDER PRESS 1B C Anderson. Melrose Rt . Box 2ll.Doerner Road WHITE DOE "for sale. 1(W9 Eddy St Phone 11H.T-Y . tAST YEAR shelled corn for saleTFred Wolsk. 7:1 rullerton Kl FOR SALE-irnused Weaver Prune wasn er and traer. A. F. Stearns. Oakland ROY RAFT houetrailer 19 ft A real buy fr t-su aia-n-. fOR SALE -Servlcvcle." See Jack Pen- nle. 2fS E. Rice Mt FOR SALE Smith Corona portable U pe writer Almost new. V Calln41-Y B't'Y CHRISTIAN SUI'PLirS at the Bible Book Center 11SW Oak R.rcTROLi'xf VAM'TiM cleaner Tot sale. Phon I73-R-3. - Review, Roteburg, Or. 11 For Sale Miscellaneous Trailer House 31 FT , BUTANE cooking, oil heat, good rubber and dolly, ready to use. Can arrange financing. H. A. Tinker, El garose. Melrose Route, Box jj7-A FOR SALE a new 21 Jewel Hamilton railroad watch. 992-B. 353 Barager. Phone 373-R -3. Rentals ton KENT New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 403 W Qk St Phon 1M rOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and acnlhbar All in on. tool Lignt cnouin any cnua can handl. fingertip control F & W Floor Covering Co. 337 g Phona 1IT1-K FREE RENT FURNISHED TRAILER house, elderly hours each day. R. Barclay, Box 274 met rose hi. Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for use in your own nome. SINGER SEWING CENTER 304 N Jackson Ph. 733. SMALL MODERN J room apt .7 full batC gs range, electric reirigcrator. parity furnished. To quiet couple, no drink ing. References desired. $70 month. Phone I13-J-4 Trailer spaces for rent by da v. week, montn iniioren welcome un City bus route "At-i-ast-A" Trailer Park, 'J miles N. on U9 REFIN1SH your own floors, easily' done witn our man speea noor sanaer. in expensive. Montgomery Ward as Co. Phone 9S CABINS. 3ls miles So. on Hlway 99, aauits. .urn text ucnerai wciaing Works. fRUCKS FOR RENT You drive, lonf or short trips uee Hive irucK reniai 7.W South Stephens. Phone 1430-J. fRUCHS and trailers for rent, move) yourself Thomnaon signal service. Stephen at Washington Phone 793. TWO CABINS to rent by the week. Pacific Cabins, 3- miles north of town Phone 693-J-J. CABIN BY RIVER, IO miles out on ollerl road. io per montn. ivews-Heview, Box 947. 1 SLEEPING ROOMS for rent, men only. no drinkers. Phone 22g-J-X FURNISHED CABIN for rentTTPref empU.ved couple or single man. Clot In 424 W. Mosher. SLEEPING ROOM for men. 930 Ff. Jackson. fbR RFNT- 4 room apartment A. T. Suksdorf, Winston, Oregon. 3 ROOM HOUSE miles out on Melrose) Uox l.w. (.in iiouman. ROOM FOR RENT with or without twin beds. Ph l!L or 3:1 1R, . for S-ROOM modern furnished apart- ment. Ph. 27-F-21. ROOitTO"(jUIET couple with kltchra pnvllegeF. 430 N Pine. HOUSE FOR quiet couple, stoves. g rage. Bus line. Phone 7B-J-1. RooMblohde furniture, lady. Phon B4:t-L. ROOMSFOR RENT, with and without kitchen privileges. SnaFowlcr. SLEEPING ROOMS. 100 Spruce St at th fnni nf Wavhlneton (PDRIVE TRUCK rental "' Winston YralC er toun, winsvan. mum mu--. Loans MONEY 9tn 325 tSfl 973 $lVt 9200 9300 UP TO 9300 Borrow on your salary. All steadily em- f i roved men ana women may q.iaiuy ndav for a salary loan up to 9300--whether you're in a new Job or an old one Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automonne maae excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not Up to 9300 on your furniture, up to 33O0 on your car Sped a! "Pay Day" Loans. 310. 933. w loanea tin ray uay " only for the actual number of day you keep the money. $23 costs lie for one week. No other charges. Phone for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Io Sevy. Mgr. 333 No Jackson Phone 1173 Lie, 8-273; M-333 Roseburg LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furnltur or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile 'paid for, or notl. Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Vacation expenses Consolidate debt Re-financing When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repav Lower payments now available up to 30 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 206 Douglas County State Bank Bldg Phone 4fWL M-337 State Lie. S-264 Financial F. H. A. Loans BUILDERS buyers Bee: UMPQUA REALTY Across from Post Office on Highway M 113 N Siepnens Financial Larta or imall turns plarwl with M froduca abova av.rate earntnai All und. Inve.tad In flral mortaaga toana An Improved Doualaa Cwnty proper ty InvMltaala our monthly aavtnfa p'l.n. Uivldand cradltad JulT UL 4 . Umpqua Savings i Loan Association Phona aor St Inquire evenings. Howard Capp- i