2 Tht News-Review, Roieburg, Ort. Thur., July 28, 1949 f v I " -"icCZiS ." ; lire PiMuL. Defenses Of Western Europe Are United States Defenses As Well By DEW1TT MACKENZIE . Associated Ptmi Foreign Affairs Analyst Prealdent Truman, having signed the Atlantic pact, forthwith called on Congress Monday to Implement this epoch making treaty with a foreign arms program running to $1,450,000,000, which would go chiefly to aid our European allies. Now a billion and a half dollars it a lot of money even in these i rf, Tr..,m.n ImH . , dayi of astronomical calcula- ,hm , lh. M.. n, ni. P'en .Y 01 messaee: lions, and there are signs that the lawmaker will ex amine the proposal with weather eyes. Adverse criticism of the proposal has been based chiefly on the claim that t'nele Sam's Japanese Wartime Removal Claims Total 4,000 WASHINGTON, July 28. I.V) general to settle claims involv- The Justice department has an-1 ing awards of not more than . 1. - I .... c f .. nounced the opening of a Los Angeles office to handle claims arising out of the evacuation of persons of Japanese ancestry from west coast areas during the war. , , Attorney General Clark said EYE-OPENERS For ths first time in Italy's history, Ameriran type pickets apprar on ths streets. They are protesting ths second congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions in Milan. The signs read: "Workers, open your eyesl The WFTU is a Soviet center." Hired by anti-Communists, the pickets paraded In Piazza Puomo as delegates .from 74 nations opened tht Communist dominated meeting. Gent Ordering Beer Bends Elbows With History, According To Data By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK. .P) Guess what Noah took Into his ark besides people that also rode In the Mayflower and solaced the Pilgrims. Brer.' .' Yes, sir, and beer also went to the South Pole with Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd on his Antarctic expedition in 1939. These and other little known facts about beer have been com piled by the United States Brew- . .. v. "? "?d?"0"; ..T.tiXT.jT1 W Other members of this sri lui ill ill a milt; fjmnjiii(ri ucr- economv already is strained to ! world affairs. the limit by our present vast bud- "We must keep outselves mor gel, which includes some $13.-; ally and materially strong. We 000.000.000 for defense alone. must play our part In helping to The administration's request strengthen freedom every for this foreign aid is based on where. the strategic decision that the ; military strength of our Euro- Chile is nearly 25 times as long pean allies should be Increased I wide. as quickly as possible to enable message: "Helping free nations to ac ! that about 6.000 claims involving quire the means of defending the sum of $22,000,000 have been themselves Is an obligation of the I tiled as the result of the en leadership we have assumed In i forced removal of such person; to ine interior oi ine country. Congress has authorized the at torney general to pass on the resulting claims based on damage- to or loss of real or personal property by residents of Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington. Alaska or Hawaii. SJ.ooo. Larger awards will re quire special congressional ap propriations. Congress has made the funds available for payment of the smaller claims. The department said that more than half of the claim cases are In southern California. Other of fices may be established else where on the coast later. TRAFFIC FINE LEVIED Harry Tolkowsky, Los Angeles, "Bouncing Putty" Foreseen As Eoon To Mankind PASADENA. Calif.. July 28 I "'Bouncing putty." said " Gian P Soon pedestrians wearing I nini. "certainly is proving of val- puttv suits may bounce oil autoiue m kuiib-u bumpers and not even sprout a bruise. This was Indicated by Gabriel M. Gianninl, expert on instru ments for rockets and supersonic planes, who has just received from White Sands, N. M a movie heliograph. The delicate "suncam era" was recovered undamaged after being shot to an altitude oi 100 miles In a V-2 rocket. Why undamaged? Because, explains Gianninl, It was encased in a new shock-absorbing "putty" made from sili cone, a sand derivative. Not onlv Now what's that about pedes trians:" Eggs are one of the oldest and most widely used foods for man. was fined $t5 in the Sutherlin i special cameras, but also a va- The act empowers the attorney day. Justice court July 25, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of operating In the left lane of trainc, Justice oi tne feace Ward C. Watson reported to- riety of recorders are coated with an inch of more of the suostance before being shot aloft. Upon hitting the ground after their long areial trip, the Instru ments "hardly feel" the impact. SLABWOOD in 12-16 ond 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR PhsnetM signed to let the common man know what's behind the foam In his glass. It shows that a gent who sidles up to the bar and says "pull one" isn't simply ordering a cooling drink. He's bending elbows with history. Why, It says here, beer has marched step by step with man in his upward march since the dawn of time. Keer is as old as farming and has played a bubbl ing role In war, science, cooking, medicine and the development of a hundred modern industries. What History Reveals earlv day "men of distinction a brewer himself, Thomas Jeff erson, Patrick Henry. Israle Put nam and James Madison. How did Joseph Priestly evolve his theory of the life-giving qual ities of oxygen? Hy studying bubbles rising to the surface of a beer vat. Where was the first air-condit-Inner plant installed In America? In a brewery In Alexandria, Va., In 1880. In 1810, the first year for which production figures are available, the American popula tion of drank 182.fi 9 0 barrels of beer and ale, or 0.78 them to stand off any Russian at lack until American power could come to tne rescue. In short we don't propose to re enact the role we played In the last two world wars. Twice we saw a powerful and aggressive dermany strike unprepared neighbors with lightning military blows, leaving us to the rescue after almost fatal injuries had been Inflicted on our allies. Pres ident Truman's message to Con gress included these explanatory points: "The better prepared the free nations are to -esist aggression, the less likelihood there Is that they will have to use the forces they have prepared. Their de fense is our defense and Is of deep concern to us." Our First Defenss Lins So we see that the proposed American aid isn't entirely an altruistic proposition. As Mr. Truman says "their defense is our defense." We are acting in our own Interests. Our forward defenses lie In Europe these days. To my mind western Europe's best guarantee that we mean business is the fact that we are indeed acting in part in self-defense. However, we should be going outselves an injustice If we drop ped the subject with that blunt summary of the position. Ameri ca does have ideals, and Presi- Here arc a few facts uncovered j gallon, per capita by the industry's scholars In 1918 the population had risen A Mesopolamlan seal backed I i jc i 1 4 nm ih lyimumniinn in in pouciy nnu Biiuwui); iwu win n pottery era at a brewery vat, proves beer was known 6.200 years ago. 86.992.795 barrels, or a per cap Ita record of 18.5 gallons. The inrltiulrv nnw flonrpa it mnlri. When Christopher Columbus j m ooo persons, buys $.100,000,000 me io ,enirai America in iw n falTn products each yea ;. fig ii ihi v: k i came he found beer had traveled here before him. The Indians were es caping from the heal with "a sort of wine made of miiia (corn), resembling engllsh beer." The phrase "mind your P's and Q's" Is thought to have sprung from the old engllsh tavern-keepers' custom of noting down cust omer orders by pints and quarts. John Alden. who wooed and won Prlscilla Mullen, got passen ger space on the Mayflower be cause he was a cooper and could repair the beer barrels aboanL The first white child born In New York City, Jean Vlgne, be came a brewer In what Is now Wall street. William Penn, the next to his manor house. Soldiers In the American revo lution drew a quart of beer each in their dally rations. When the supply ran short, George Wash ington begged the board of war in 1777 to rush the growler f o i pavs out almost as much In salaries and some $!HIO,OOn,000 In taxes. Whether these figures will give the average beer drlnKcr pause i for thniiilil or not. he will be in- terested in one thing. Beer during I the American revolution sold for about ten cents a gallon. "Hut by today's standards It was not too great a bargain." says the brewers' foundation. "II usually was heavy, cloudy and lacking In sparkle." Give Your Motor I A Tune-Up We'll really give your motor a scientific tune up. Drive in now ond prevent serious trouble. Water District Votes $100,000 Bond Flotation PORTLAND, July 28,V The Rockwood waler district, east of Portland, voted Tuesday, 290 to 117, to float a $100,000 bond Issue to Improve the water system. Part of the district has had no water during the late afternoon and early evening hours this summer. HANSEN MOTOR CO. - - - - - - - - Oak A Stephens I I F Phona 446" f with that DEB It's New! It's Different! . Roteburg Citv Prive-In West "Side Market Kairhtv.-n Market Henninger's Market No. 2 Parkinson's Oakland Hennlnger Thrift Stfer's Oakland Bakery It's Delicious! Sutherlin Stop and Shop M A H Market Allen Red White Hennlnger A Thrift City Drive-In Yoncolla ' Voncalla Meat Dickies AT YOUR GROCERS! LOWEST PRICES EVERY DAY AT FRED MEYER FRED MEYER ANNIVERSARY DRUGS SALE rP? 1 rar-'V'" . j New! Deluxe Hudnut Home Permanent Refill 2.00 Includes Waving Lotion, Cremt Rinse, Egg Creme Shampoo, and tome Curlers. Summer Colognes and Toilet Waters Tabu, 2.00 COTY L'Origan, L'Aimant, Emeraude, $1.85. Evening in Paris Cologne, $1.50. Mais Oui Cologne, $2.00. April Shower Cologne, $1.00. Cologne, Wrisley Hobnail $1.25. All Prices Plus Tax Regular 4.49 GARBAGE DISPOSAL CAN 26-gal. 2.49 Popular Brand Cigarettes Carton of 200 1.39 ASTHMA NEFRIN Unconditionally Guaranteed 15.00 Present users attention: Bring your vaporiser to Fred Meyer Prescription De partment for a free check-up! Regular 2.39 PICNIC JUG 1.49 1 gallon capacity. Wide mouth for easy filling and cleaning. Keeps foods hot or cold for hours. Regular 25c Single or Double Edged RAZOR BLADES WHITE SHOE POLISH INSECTICIDE BOMB FACIAL TISSUES HAIRBRUSH MINERAL OIL SACCHARIN FACE POWDER SHAVE LOTION SHAVE BOWL 5c, 4 for Regular 23c White Ace Reg. 98c Skidoo Regular 10c Box of 150 Regular 98c Nylon Bristles Regular 33c 16-0unce Regular 69c '4-Gr. 1000's Secrets of Hollywood" Regular 50c Waverly Brand 3 foi Regular 50c Waverly Brand 19c 15c 49c 19c 39c 19c 39c 9c 23c 23c u - VVOOttOUTV Reg. lOe Wrisley's Baby Castile Soap . Reg. 10c Wrisley's Family Toilet Soap . Reg. 69c Wrisley's Del Gloria Castile . 12 for 59c 12 for 58c .2 lbs. 43c Carload Soap Sale! Lowest Prices Yet Regular 1 0e Wrisley's Lemon Soap .... 10 for 58c Reg. 13c Woodbury Bath Soap w 2 bars 1 7c Reg. 1 5c Wrisley's Royal Bath Soap 6 for 49c Medium Size Ivory Soap. . .6 bars 45c Reg. 55c Williams' LANOLIN SOAP, 4 for 27e Sweetheart TOILET SOAP, 4 for 27e DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS LUGGAGE Now Below Wholesale Cost! All 3-ply basswood frames, solid brass locks and hinges, smart rayon linings, leather binding, ond plastic handles. Wide assortment. V ...rJ TWO TONES STRIPES AND SOLID COLORS 16.00 18 or 21-in. Overnltc Ca 1.00 25.00 Wardrobettc 19-inch 12.50 21.50 Pullman Travel Cat., 26 inch .,..10.00 32.50 Fortnighter, 29 Inch 16.25 17.00 Cosmetic Case. 15-inch 8 50 25.00 Hat or Shoe Case. 18-inch . ..12.50 All prices plus 20 Fed. tax Save on this Clock vj.6.y $5.95 VALUE EACH " "-f Camera CLOCK AND CAMERA Punch Card Plan, your choice for 2.99 on our plan CADILLAC MANTLE ELECTRIC CLOCK Beautiful plastic case in wal. nut or onyx, embossed 2-tone gold finished dial. 5 inches high, nearly 14 inches long. Underwriter's approved, fully guaranteed for perfect per formance and workmanship. Works on any 60 cycle. 100 volt AC outlet. Tax extra. OUR PLAN Ask the clerk to punch your -purchases on the Punch Card. When ysur card is completely punched ($2.50 In purchases) you can buy tht $5.95 Clock or Camera for only $2.99. Get vour Punch-Card today. 120 Siie Guaranteed Box Camera Easy to operate, jutt prets tht trigger. Has fixed focus Menis cus lens. Takes 8 large picturot, 2 "4 x 3'i site. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back, volt AC outlet. Tax extra. f QBNT4SM1 MAST MWBCNal fad 59c Value . New Amo Rex Tooth Powder or Paste 39c A new low price! It's am moniated ta help prevent tooth decay. FREE! 25c Hudnut - at - Creme j Rinse with purchase of 1.00' EGG CREME , SHAMPOO Both for 1.00 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSStSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Reg. 49c Old Fashioned HOMEMADE PEANUT BRITTLE 1 lb. 39c Regular 6.95 TABLE LAMP with plastic base 2.98 SSBBIISlHItasaailBSMSSSM - Golden Crown CIGARS 5c each Box of 50 1.98 Reg. 15c PICNIC NEEDS Now 10c lijU'-j' 9" Plates, Pkg. 8 0 8 ox. Cups with han dles, Pkg. 8 Napkins, Pkg. of 80 0 Spoons 4 Forks, Pkg. 12 t 25c Value Plastic Sandwich Box 19c Fred Meyer Bring your prescriptions to Fred Meyer for Professional, Economical Filling. 112 N. Jackson