The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, July 27, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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    Want To Crash Top Society Stratum?
Buy Noted Gem Or Jewel Collection
NEW YORK.-.T Want to crash high society? One ol the
quickest ways today Is to buy a famous gem or collection ot Jewels.
Society then will let down Its barrien and Invite you in Just
to look at your pretty baubles through lifted lorgnettes.
Av proof of this truism In their I
trade jewelers cite the late Mrs. ' . , , . ,
Evelyn Walsh McLean, famous i11- lx lon' , w
Wellington hostess and owner of 1 , Jh.fW n.,t0'J, tirmA h,a fish
the Hoe diamond. j other diamonds from her
'TherYis no doubt that any !?"""int0 nly elegant
woman who owned that stone ! rfia Zl L 11 vallabl8 lor
would be made socially in Wash- 1D0'UW
Jngton," said Daniel F. Frey, ex-! Nted Gm To Co On Tour
ecutive director of the Harry Win- The Hope diamond, valued vart
iton Jewelry firm which pur-lously from $230,000 to 52,000,000
chased the fabulous gem from the i in its Ill-starred history, is cur
McLeane estate. irently off the market.
"Whin she gave parties. It was I - "Ve are sending It on a natlon
her entrance that created more I wide tour to raise funds for local
attention than the arrival of noted i charities," explained Frey. "It
diplomats, generals, or Supreme ! has such a reuutation for brine-
Court Justices. In fact, many came J ing bad luck perhaps now it will
to her parties only to see the dia
mond. Sue realized this, and loved
to show It."
Frey said several wealthy per
sons had commissioned his firm
to offer Mrs. McLean up to $1,
000,000 for Jet- gem, taping they
could thus djplicate her social
success. But in her lifetime she
wouldn't sell it.
Other Examples Cited
Among the financial titans of
the past who used Jewelry to
widen their fame or notoriety
were "Diamond Jim" Brady and
J. J. Hill, the "empire builder."
"Hill carried a heart-shaped
emerald in his pocket as a good
luck token," said Frey. "It was
quite a token worth $250,000.
And his estate sold it at a profit
after his death."
Some Jewelers think that for
good taste and quality the great
est American collector was Mrs.
Elbert T. Gary, wife of the steel
"One of her finest pieces was a
rope of 161 perfectly matched sin
gle carat gems," recalled Frey.
bring some good luck
Some 500 Jewelers have re
quested permission to display it.
The Hope diamond's value comes
not so much from its size there
are perhaps 20 other top quality
stones that equal its 44 i carat
weight ai from its unique blue
The base of the diamond mar
ket is still the man of middle in
come who will pay up to $400 for
a half-carat engigement ring.
Recently there has been an Influx
of foreign buy.-rs seeking the lar
ger stones lor investment pur
poses. They feel Jewels will de
preciate less than the uneasy cur
rencies of their uneasy countries.
Male Trade Coming Back
Jewelers also are excited over
the prospect of reviving gem
wearing among men.
"We rather let that market slip
away from us," sighed Frey. "But
u is coming DacK slowly.
Jeweled rings are particularly
popular at present with Texas oil
millionaires. Ana tnevre com-
rcr-rrr;rv ' .vc cj vtlW' .-; i
' fid
LIVING UNIT On of the Camp Fir Girls' cabins at Camp Tye is pictured here. Ten of thai
cabins have been built at the camp to provide comfortable shelters for the girls. All construe
tion has been done by volunteer labor from Roseburg and Drain civic groups and fathers of par
ticipating girli. (Picture by Paul Jenkins)
Tunit Disappears, Returns 3 Times In 12 Years
Detitive about them. Thev mm.
was a chastely simple string of pare the sizes of their diamond
rings, and the loser flies here and
tells his Jeweler:
"I'ake me a bigger one. I'll
show 'em 'Im as good a money
maker as any of 'em."
And with a ten-carat top qual
ity stone he can prove his point.
Tt only takes about $25,000 more
or less.
House, Commercial
Industrial Wiring
Electrical Trouble Shooting
Motor and Appliance Re
pair Free Plck-Up and Delivery
17 Years Experience
Licensed Electrician
318 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095-L
Onion gives a tangv flavor to
sv'au dressings and is particul
arly good with spring vegetable
combinations. Just add half a
small peeled onion to the con
tainer of French dressing, cover
, tightly again, and allow to stand
' next day.
A T9 0" J
1 W'10 ,av cnar9 I
I ' jf-v" oeeountt at :' f
Mi,,Cr'S ' J
$?:'S?v . chQr9" for
items purchased
iF&yTy, :?A ofter July 25 Xh
''- sKiP .JP '. not due until y i
fTf, V,'' - 'r -"C" September 10 1
This is the story of the returned
Its name Is Big Boy, although
it is not very big and there is
some question as to whether it
Is a boy.
Anyhow, 12 years ago Big Boy
wandered Into the yard of Mrs.
Madolin Craig in suburban High
land Park. A beautiful friendship
securely this time and learned
to come when called.
Again he broke from his moor
ings and vanished and again, four
years later, he returned, a few
more wrinkles on his bland face.
After staying aj'ound for awhile,
he left for the third time.
Today, after being absent four
more years, he is back in Mrs.
Craig's yard, footsore and shell
weary. She knows it's Big Boy
A lieht chain was fastened because of the torn edge on his
through a hole in his shell and i shell where he pulled away from
he was staked out in the yard
One nignt ne disappeared.
Four years later Big Boy saun
tered back. He was chained more
the chains.
What she doesn't know, she
says, is what he did during those
three four-year absences.
Net Income Of U. S. Steel Corporation Declines
NEW YORK, July 27. (.TV
Net income of United States Steel
corp. declined to $44,123,595 in
the second quarter this year,
the corporation reported. This
compared with $49,928,670 for the
first three months of 1949.
Directors of "big steel," meet
ing after the New York Stock
Exchange closed, ordered a divi
dend of 50 cents a share on the
corporation's new common stock.
It was made payable Sept. 10 to
shareholders of record Aug. 5.
On the old common shares, a
dividend of $1.50 was declared
three months ago. Since that
time each holder has received
two additional shares for each
share held, to effect a three-for-
For prompt courteous meter
ed deliveries of high quality
stove and burner oil
CALL 152
Distributors of Hancock
Petroleum Products For
Douglas County
ase aj j cnjoij a g(as$
There's i fall measure of pleasure
in even) glass of light and livelrj
Blitz Weinhari Light, cooL clear
... lively refreshing, satisfying.
Sln ?nt Actsv )
tit 1
Distributed by Douglas Distributing Co.
one split of the stock.
u. . steel s secona quarter
net income is equal to $1.45 a
share on the more than 26.000,
000 common shares now outstand
ing. On the same basis, the net
for the preceding three months
was equal to $1.67 a share.
in tne second quarter ot l4,
Income of $25,585,677 or 73 cents
a share of the Increased num
ber of common shares was reported.
Explanation Of
Vatican Decree
Eases Severity
VATICAN CITY, July 27. (.T)
L'Osservatore Romano, the Vati
can newspaper, said Tuesday
Catholics who support commu
nism with votes but who do not
adopt its anti-Christian doctrine
are not excommunicated from the
Roman Catholic church.
The newspaper presented this
view In a front page editorial
an exhaustive analysis of the re
cent order of the Vatican decree
ing excommunication for anti
Christian and materialistic active
However, the newspaper said,
now that the decree has been
issued, Catholics are forewarn
ed of the danger Involved in
favoring communism.
There is no doubt that com
munist propaganda has misled
many faithful who believe that
communism is not anti-religious
and that it Is to he favored on
the social and political grounds.
But after the decree of the holy
office, these faithful will not be
IhM hand. ST. 'iW---' fT
It's Here!
4-inch Jointer
that gives you
convenience and safety
This Honecrift Jointer elimi
nilei the bother of hand plan
ing; it planet the edgfs ol boards
fast and smoothly. Iff a huilcj
machine you're proud to have in
your hop. You enjoy working
with i hobhy-ihop tool that it
built by the makers of famous
Delta tooli for school end in
dustry. See the Home
craft loinier here. A
Come in
Fti!r am
Sifefr msirJ
Bilincrd otf
ting bid runt
mi lubriottd'
(or-lift bill
bear id t.
Ttnem pfvnrf
41 toind 45
wiy (mm cuO
UOf knirM.
adjustable) get
irrimi prmif
Itact to tt
quit-klp, atru
fsucl ictaiM.
H art. n far Wtttfwertlitf Svfftls
Umpqua Valley
202 N. Jackson
Phone 73
able to claim their 'good faith
any longer. . . .
The editorial said the church
is concerned over the Catholics
in western Europe who have
been trying to walk a tightrope
between Catholicism and communism.
Marshall Plan
Benefit Not Full,
Baruch Discovers
NEW YORK. July 27. "
Bernard Baruch said Tuesday on
arriving from Europe that the
Marshall plan has been effect
ive "but not as effective as it
should have been."
The white-haired financier aln
said he believed Britain was
spending too much time on na
tionalization and "not devoting
sufficient energy to developing
their country and Its production.
Baruch was asked, "do you
think the European countries
would help themselves more if
we help them less?"
"There's a heap of sense In
that." he answered.
Asked his opinion of U. S.
business conditions, the financier
said "I do not agree with those
people who claim we have a
slump here In America and that
we are looking more toward the
left than to the right. No nation
ever adopted communism volun
tarily. "If we happen to lose a little
money, and we've suffered thia
before, we'll tighten our belts
and go ahead as we have done."
He commented that this coun
try is spending billions "gird
ing itself for defense." In reply
to a question as to whether this
is necessary, he said:
"Unfortunately, yes."
Wed., July 27. 1949 Tho News-Review, Roseburg. Of. 3
Atlantic Pact War Invlfafi&n, Wainwriqht Says
CLEVELAND, July 25 -m
C.en. Jonathan M. Walnwrlght,
hero of Bataan, sees the Atlantic
Pact as an "invitation to another
The retired officer told an In
terviewer that he found little
good for the United States In the
agreement and felt that in the
event of war, this country would
"face it almost alone."
"Possibly some help from Eng
land" might come, he added.
Instead of spending millions on
European countries, Gen, Waln
wrlght said, the United Slatts
should rebuild our own defenses,
"which have been let down to a
low level."
The general ' Is national com
mander of the Disabled Ameri
can Veterans. He came here to
arrange for the group's annual
convention Aug. 14-20.
WEBSTER. N. Y July 26-.T)
Webster firemen were leading an
annual carnival parade down
Main St. when the alarm rang.
The volunteers broke ranks,
raced a mile and put out a fire
in a parked automobile.
They were back In time to fall
In smartly at the rear of the
1 R
.G.Mc Arthur
Well Drilling
11 miles east
en N. Umpqua
Road Watch
. .
ft Box 175, Idle-
yld Route, Rosa-
burg, Oregon.
The cottontail rabbit may have
thi-ee to seven young In each
litter, and has several such
broods a year.
Registered Willamette Val
ley -red Romneys from Im
ported rams. Choice selec
tions now available.
Newberg, Oregon
For All Purposes
Plate, Crystal, Window, Mirrors
Coen Supply Company
For An Estimate
Everything For Tha Builder
Phone 121
Floed A Mill St.
If so, ba sure to call 93S
. for Flegel't padded van
service and tha men who
have tha "know-how" for
handling your household
Transfer and Storage Co.
900 E. Third St.
"Don't Moke Mova
Till You Sea Flegel"
m mw add otii
n a
W 1st- II " :
...j mini
Backed by lifetime guarantee.
Wide, full depth non-skid tread.
Price redactions on other Defiance
sizes also.
'Better Buy$ at Barcus"
Hiway 99 at Garden Valley Road
Phone 13S4