In Oregon It's MeCredie Hot Mineral Springi Resort Highway Travelers Welcome, Too. On Short-Cut Highway 58 MeCredie Sprlngi, Oregon I.HHilliHiW rot omit r50 Lockwood Motors Rote and Oak Sts. KRNR The Veice The Resektrrf Newt-Review MBS 1490 On Yur Dial KfcMAIMNG HOURS TODAY 4:00 Phelpi Adams. 4: li Hemingway. 4 :." Passing Parad. 4:45 Newi. 5:00 B-Bar-B Ranch. 5:30Adventuri of Champion. 5:45 Cur ley Bradley. 6:U) Calvacade of Safety. 6:ls Mutual Newirtsel. 6:30 Sport Page. 6:35 Musical Interlude. 6:40 Local News. 6:451 Hear the Southland Singing. 6:55 Bill Henry and the News. 7:00 Frank Purdy. 7:15 Music You Remember. 7:30 Music of Manhattan. 8:00 Box ' 13. 8:30 Jovin Jamboree. 8:00 News. 0:15 Ellsworth. 9:30 Guest Star. 9:45 Phelps Adams. 10:00 John Steele, Adventurer. 10:30 Dance Orchestra. 11:00 Curfew Club. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2T, 19M 6:00 Sunrise Serenade. 6:15 News. 6:20 Music. 6:30 Yawn Patrol. 6:45 Music. 7:00 News. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. 7:30 Music. 7:45 Local News. 7:50 Music. 8:00 Music. 8:30 Modern .Home. 8:45 Music by Morgan. mm SV Ssa. m- w sV -i-t- . J mil rHL3 V 'v 1 imJw' J-asH5r?--;Hitr?d ! 0 ' n mf0t i I I i i i 1 1 1 I r I Something New Has Been Added at Adair's Associated Service & Parking . We are now renting Flegel's Drive UR-SELF Trucks J. La.' (mmb aay0rn,gnr :uu a.m. ix:uu p.m. ? : Weekdays 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sunday $(C$Xr CvAA RNpLSlIM UsUiIa If All p- w swi mnij nimv jvh rent a truck . Adair's Associated Service & Parking In back of Montgomery Ward Main A Washington Phone 1538 J ,V nflR I sj7 It-.wlra 9:00 Wslly's Coffee Time. fl:15 Book of Bargains. 9:30 Man About Town. 9:40 Musical Interlude. 9:50 Shopper's Guide. 10:00 News. 10:15 Gospel Singers. 10:30 Say It With Muilo. 10:45 Art Bsker. 11:00 Ladies First 11:30 Queen for a Day. 12:00 Music at Noon. 12:15 Sports Pa!.. 12:25 Music. 12:40 Local News. 12:45 National News. 12:55 Msrket Reports. - 1:00 Man on th. Street 1:15 Party Line. 2:00 Against the Storm. 2:30 It's R:4U.led. 3:00 Johnson Family. 3:1S Harry James Show. 3:30 Show Time. 3:45 Local Loan Show. 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway. 4:30 Passing Parade. 4:45 Children'a Story Hour. 3:00 Religious Request Program. 5:15 Music. 5:30 Adventures of Champion. 5:45 Curley Bradley. 6:00 Riverside Motors. 6:15 Mutual NewsreeL 6:30 Sports Page. 6:35 Music. 5:40 Local News. 6:45 Southland Singin. 6:55 Bill Henry. 7:00 Dick Haymea Show. 7:15 Sammy Kaye Showroom. 7:30 Cisco lad. 8:00 What's the Name of that Song. 8:30 Tex Beneke. 8:45 Bob Eberle. 9:00 News. 9:15111 Neighbor. 9:30 Scandinavian Melody Time. 9:43 Fulton Lewis Jr. 10:00 Gregory Hood. 10:30 Music. 11:00 Curfew Club. 11:30 Sign Off. 'Lilabet' Raps Guards For Lack Of Manners LONDON, July 26 7P Prin cess Elizabeth, colonel-in-chief of the Grenadier Guards, has told her ollicers to watch their man ners. The princess went to the guards club dinner a while back and was displeased with the heckling oi some oi tne speakers. So the committee In charge has written an tne omcers: Her Koval Highness has men tioned that the interruption of the speeches this year showed a lack of manners. 'It is a great honor that her Royal Highness, the colonel, at tends the dinner and it would be a disgrace to the club if she should have any doubts about attending in tne luture. Regimental Commander ' Lt. Colonel E. H. Goulburn told a reporter: , '1 don't think It will occur again. jig- - "MadeJo-orderYorhot matfter crvmgf New conveniences ! , New handling ease ! , Less fatigue ! STUDEBAKER TRUCKS 1TU"" fj- Tni u i i i m 'M i urn i First in comfort and first in performance that's why Studebakor trucks art sell ing sensationally! Now, tharo's now big powtr, too, in Studobakor's medium-duty trucks tht I6A and 17A sories. "Power Plus" Stude boker engine develops 100 horsepower delivers 200 lbs. ft. torque! BIfl ranae of alias anal whaslhais.f Tt,. new Studebaker trucks come in H-ton, Ji-ton, 1-ton, lH-ton (illustrated) and 3-ton capacities they're cutting hauling costs in hundreds of lines of business. All Studebaker trucks are stand-outs in gasoline economy. All have the wear resisting stamina of Studebaker's world famous master craftsmanship. Get America's most progressive truck designing get the utmost in solid dollar value get a handsome new Studebaker truck! KEEL MOTOR CO. 443 N. Jackson Phone 129 r vm4 I st 1 TT m 1 (- 4 CAUi-OKNIANS heLD Lt. James Oakley (seated, left) of the states attorney's office, .questions four Californians who were seized in Chicago in connection with what police described as a "transcontinental strjng of robberies." They are being held without charge. Left to right (seated): Oakey, Miss Sarah Ruth Mullins, 24, San Jose, blonde night club hostess, and Charles Wolber, 25, La Mosa; standing (L-R), Danny (Lucky) Kelly, 24, Los Angeles, and Robert (Red) Laird, Tecopa. Capt. Daniel Gil bert said all four admitted robberies of 'taverns, motels and motorists during car trip through California, Oregon, Washing ton, Utah, North and South Dakota, and three Chicago hotels. (AP Wirephoto) Of E) DiDE) HI Heart-rending sobs shook the KRNR studios last Friday night when Lyle Fenner tearfully conducted his last performance of the ever-popular, ever-Iovin' "Rhythm Rendezvous" program (10:3011 p. m.). At least 6,000 heart-broken listeners called in during this final broadcast (according to Mr. Fenner) screaming "Oh don't do it! Don't ever do It!" But "Rhythm Rendezvous" is no more. Here's a listener-letter which is ample proof that "Ren dezvous" was a listening favorite: "Dear Mr. Fenner and ' Staff: it is with great sorrow and mourning that I iern that you are leving air. It Is only when I lessen to your great program and you that I realize that I am listing to a man of equal Intelick. I aint got no simpathy for these morons that lissen to bing crosby and cowboy music and i have been so happy knowing that a fellow citizen felt the same as i abote jazzy music. Ussen will have to get together sometimes over a malted and discuss yourn type of muslo which i injoy so much, i calnt rite no more on cont my eye balls are filled with tears at the thought of you leaving the air. Good by dear friend . . . please don't take It too hard . Just rerpember that there are only a few reel smart peeple like ussen." Program notes for tonight Include: "Box Thirteen" at 8 ., . . "Jovin Jamboree" at 8 . . . and "John Steele, Adventurer" at 10. Tune in "The Dick Haymes Show" tomorrow night at 7 . . , "The Cisco Kid" at 7:30 . . . "What's the Name of That Song?" at 8 . . . and Elliott Lewis In "The Casebook of Gregory Hood" at 10. Efforts To Save Grandson Costs Woman Her Life BAKER, July 26-iJP) A 5S- year-old grandmother died here Sunday night as the result of an attempt to rescue her three-year-old grandson who toppled from a moving car. Mrs. Robert Leggett, riding with her family in a car returning to their Baker home from an after noon trip to Richland, reached for her grandson, Ronald Guyer, who had accidentally opened the door of the car. She misses the child and fell out before the car stopped. The little boy received scratches ana bruises but was otherwise unhurt. According to counlv coroner Thad Beatty, Mrs. Leggett died late Sunday at the local hospital as a result of her Injuries. Auto Dive Kills One Man, Injures Another - MOSCOW, Idaho, July 26. (P) One mart was killed and another so seriously injured he was not expected to live when their auto mobile plunged off a highway six miles east of here shortly before midnight. The dead man Is Warren P. Scott, 21, Palouse, Wash. The Injured man is Lorin Corbin, Mos cow, whose physician said was not expected to live. He suffered a skull fracture and othes. . Scott was the son of Marvin M. Scott of Tacoma, Wash., and Mrs. Lewis . Rothrock of Millwood, Wash. Atty. Gen. Clark Adds 3 More To Subversive List WASHINGTON, Juiv 2&(P) Attorney General Clark Monday put three more groups on the government's list of subversive organizations. All were classed as communist in a report to the loyalty review board which heads "up the pro gram of checking on the loyalty ol government employes. Active membership in the or ganizations is grounds for dis missal of the government worker. The groups are: American Rescue Ship Mission, listed as a project of the United American Spanish Aid commit tee. Emergency Conference to save The World Moves So Do We Packing Crating Storage See Us for Free Estimates Agent for Lyon Van Lines Phone 927 Evenings 320-.I-3 Roseburg Transfer & Storage Tutt., July 26, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. S O tSIHMtIS MIWIHII, IMC, l.ll.h W.INIMStSS Distributed In Roseburg By Bates Candy Co. aH Ig"?"!? "' TWWil ? X V fin EEA! the pleasant way by UNION PACIFIC These fine trains East DAILY Stnecunlittet "CITY Of PORTLAND" Through te Chicago . . . fast schedule : . . early arrival. "PORTLAND ROSE" Omaha Chicago Denver Kansas City connections to St. Louis Texas East Southwest "IDAHOAN" Denver Kansas City St. Louis East Southwest Through cars connecting with "CITY OF ST. LOUIS" streamliner. All Irnin tthdul en itandatd time Lean back and watch America roll by. Whether business or pleasure make your trip East a delightful interlude, in which to relax. You'll enjoy every mile when you travel Union Pacific I Low Fares. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT Forties J, Or.e Room 751 Plttock Block UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Spanish Refugees, described as the founding body of the North American Spanish Air committee. National Conference on Amer ican Policy in China and the Far East which Clark said was a con ference called by the committee for a democratic Far Eastern policy. No addresses were given. The additions pushed the total on the subversive list to about 140 Clark also Informed the review board that the United Spanish aid committee, put on the list in April is "more pronerlv" referred to as the United American Spanish iia commiuue. the Hollywood touch, say they may follow with pools of their own. . The only comparable pool In the area is at the headquarters of Haycreek rar.A some 20 miles west of here. Open I larth furnaces now pro duce 91 per cent of all the steel mado In the United States. Outdoor Swim Pool Idea Spreading At Prineville PRINEVILLE. July 26. IIP) A heated, outdoor swimming pool 19 by 31 feet has been completed by R. P. McRea, ex-mayor, at his home. Other residents, contemplating Umpqua Riding Academy East Douglas ana Ramp Road. Watch for Sign. Horses for hire b) the hour or day. Phone 1638-R TOMORROW SUSPENSE-CRAMMED ADVENTURE i IN SALE EVANS " B )1 TOY WIXJLINO I 11 rfTsslMmst A rsrsis st vrve four Sn days m II 11 1 M J. J - 6 ' X . CO-FEATURE WILLIAM GARGAN starring in "ARGYLE SECRETS" TONIGHT 'SING, NEIGHBOR SING"-Roy Acuff 'v- ad "PITFALL " OPENS- TOMORROW FOUR BIG DAYS FRESH FROM EGG AND I" iw, hilarious dventures Msasasasa a LA in u i y i .s-o j.yy 1 1 l J w rvi MARJORIE "Hi r- n V mmm UA A' , Richard LONG Met RANDALL '"' I1'! (i ( Harry ANTRIM Esther DALE I I Isabel u irirtuiUAn k2J Ending Tonight: Thi Four B's . . "Beautiful Blonde f Bashful Bend"