14 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Tue., July 26, 1949 1 300 fT- SV 1 y ;.. -H..-..r-es . I-. T.f 1 II i Science Of Semantics Discussed As Remedy To Confusion Over Words WELL, THAT'S WHAT IT SAID-The sign in front of this Lo. ! Angeles laundry Is unmistakably clear. It says "Drive in Office." S That's exactly what fireman Charles Lechler did when nls truck ' missed a sharp turn. After climbing-from the wreckage uninjured, i Lechler surveys the damage and the sign. Legionaires To Gather At Oakland Hall Tonight Legionnaires from five Douglas county cities wiil gather at Oak land's Legion hall for a joint in stallation tonight at 8 o'clock. Officers of Voiture 1221, 40 et 8, will assist Eugene Springer, commander of district 10, In the installation of officers of the Drain, Yonealla, Sutherlln, Oak land, and Roseburg posts. Offi cers of several Legion auxiliar ies will also be installed. The name of William F. "Dutch" Mills as commander of Roseburg's Umpqua Post 16 was omitted from the list of officers appearing In Saturday's News Review. NAVY 8PLIT8 WAR BOOTY LONDON UP) British seamen are to receive a share of the war booty they helped .heir country capture from the Nazis during the war. About $16,000,000 Is to be divid ed among all men and women who served at sea from the ad miral of the fleet on down. An other $5,000,000 will go In a lump to the R.A.F. for its share in helping to find and capture en emy ships and submarines. The lowest ranking seaman even the cooks and stewards and deck-swabbers will get about DENVER. July 26. UP) Scientists who've been mulling over "the logics of confusion" and allied subjects got the straight dope Sunday on now nusband and wile can argue peacefully. A Denver housewife, Mrs. Bet ty Lee Jacobs, told the experts that a simple application of se mantics does the trick. (No, you can't go out and buy a bottle at the drug store). Mrs. Jacobs brought the third congress of semantics down from out of the clouds over Denver. At least that's where the average Denverite thought It's been the past four days. semantics is a science, weo- ster's dictionary defines It as: the science ol meanings (or words), as contrasted with the phonetics, the sound (or words." Seven hundred experts from North and South America and Europe have been amusing them selves and confounding outsiders with their Intellectual hi jinl s here for the past five days. Mrs. Jacobs put some earthy logic Into the congress. 1 She Isn't exactly a novice In this semantics business. She has a couple of college degrees. But .her main occupat:on, she empha sizes, is being a housewife. On the husband-and-wife sub ject, she told the congress "we need to take a lesson from labor management. They have devel oped skills in comm jnicatiing with each other. (That's seman tics). Husbands and wives can do the same thing." She said man and wife need to develop "face saving devices and '(.utting-on-ice' technique." Mrs. Jacobs' putting on Ice method sounds like a semanti- cized-version of the old "count ten before you say anything" philosophy. She suggested that "If you get angry about something just before dinner, put-it-on-lce un til alter dinner, ur until o'clock. Or better wait until you're out driving sometime later." On the subject of face savins devices, Mrs. Jacobs explained: "You allow the other person to understand wherein he is wrong without making him admit it." Foreign Arms Program Meets GOP Criticism WASHINGTON. July 26 UP) Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich) said yesterday that President Truman's $1,450,000,000 foreign arms program should be "re written -and curtailed" If the President expects action at this session of Congress. The Michigan Republican, a leading exponent of the bi-partisan foreign policy, said in a state ment that the president's propo sal "Ignores the machinery" set up by the North Atlantic alliance for helping Europe rearm. Stronger criticism of Mr. Tru man's program came from Sena tor Taft (R-Ohio). He said the plan would authorize the State and Defense departments "to $16.80 each. That's one share. Ac cording to rank, other officers and men will get more shares. Admirals will collect $42 each. make alliances throughout the world and involve us in any and all wars, civil or external, going on anywhere In the world." Speaker F-ayburn of the House hailed the president's proposal, however, as "vitally necessary" If the North Atlantic pact is to be made "as effective as we hope It will be." He said the House for eign affairs committee will begin hearings promptly. Senator Lucas of Illinois, Dem ocratic Senate Leader, told re porters the armed services and foreign relations committees may hold joint hearings on the proposal. That would be In the interest of speed, since both groups are concerned. Senator Wherry (Neb), Repub lican leader, who struggled un successfully to write into the At lantic pact direct limitations on any commitment to furnish arms, denounced the program sharply. The president Is asking for unlimited authority to send arms wherever he wants to send them," Wherry said. That is not the sort of pro gram that was outlined to sena- "DESERET" IS MORMON WORD SALT LAKE CITY UP) The unusual name "Deseret" is wide ly used In Utah by institutions and businesses. It comes from the Book of Mormon, in which the word deseret Is the honey bee. The symbol of the state of Utah is the bee hive. MINIATURE CITY Donald Burton stands at the controls or his miniature city contain inf a circus, farm, factory, railroad and zoo, in his parents' flower shop at Kansas City. , t?rs when they voted on the At- la ulc security treaty. They were told the international defense committee would outline arms needs." Mold flavored gelatin In a n eight-Inch square pan and when set cut in cubes; serve the cubes as a salad on a bed of shredded greens with sour cream dressing; or serve as dessert in sauce dishes with soft custard sauce. Orange sections may simmer for about five minutes In a sugar syrup and then be used as an accompaniment for a baked ham slice. For a delicious flavor addi tion stud the outside rim of fat around the ham slice with cloves before baking. Scalloped potatoes flavored with a little onion, are good served with this, ham and orange combination. meat may be put through the food chopper, mixed with a little tomato catchup or salad dressing and used as a filling for French toasted sandwiches. Along with a bowl of soup and a dessert of fruit and cookies the sandwiches will make an excellent quick meal. I We'll Make It I Look Like New I Our expert body men can repair body damage In a short time. Drlv In now. HANSEN MOTOR CO. Oak & Stephens Phone 446 I I A small amount o f leftover Sandwich and cake plates made of colorful plastic are over laid with deposits of sterling sil ver in leafy designs. I Hws week raw DOUGLAS COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWING COMMUNITY SEVEN MILES SOUTH OF ROSEBURG ON HIGHWAY 99 We Build Scientifically! As functional as it Is beautiful , , . this kitchen is typical of our scientifically planned and executed modern cabineted- room designs. For further Information about "cabinetix ing" your home call 837-J-l, today! Easy monthly payments on all your custom made goods MARKHAM'S Toy and Woodworking Shop Phone 837-J-l EVER TRY BULLDOGGIN'? Well, it's one way of getting yourself a big steak dinner. Of course you have to cotch the beast first and then there's quite a bit more involved before you start cooking the steak. Well, sir, you'll find it a lot easier to just meander in our front door, deposit yourself in one of those comfort able booths and order one of the luscious steak dinners our chef fixes up. It'll save you time and trouble. COOS JUNCTION CAFE Phone 47-R-2 Closed on Wednesday Beauty. Goes to Your Head The artistry of O permanent at the hands of a skilled operator cannot be duplicated. Let us care for your permanent and your between permanents set ting. FRANCE'S BEAUTY SALON Phone 837-J-3 CAUSED . . . "By Faulty Wiring" How many times have you read this in the paper and said "That's can't happen to me." Are you sure? Phone us today to check over your wiring and replace ony wiring that needs to be. Only then can you be sure that you will not read about your home in the paper as "Caused by Faulty Wiring." Material at Competitive Prices 42-Gallon Hot Water Haattrs at a new low cost. Investigate todayl Winston Electric Phone 1554-J-3 Vacation Time Is Portable Radio Time Are you going on vacation? You Won't want to miss out on the ball games or your favorite programs while camping out. Have your portable radio checked over by us and then be assured of hearing those programs. Honest Repair Service At Prices You Can Afford. Free Estimates Winston Radio Center Phone 1625-J-1 On Hiway 42 at Hiwoy 99 SOUP BOWL? The days of soup bowl hair cuts are all over and done with. Today's men want haircuts that follow the line of their face and head, flat tering all the while. Come in ond we'll fix you up with a top rate haircut,, to makeT;, xi ,i 1 01 you look and feel better. Do'lm s Earner bhop it today! ' Open 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. REAL ESTATE SMALL ACRES FARMS HOMES BUSINESS PROPERTIES Valley Real Estate AGENCY Branch of one of Southern Oregon's Older Rellible Agencies. Located In Howard's Hwde. Phone 192-J-l Home Office 119 W. Case Roteburf if;," LET US REFINhri Your ceiling ond walls make them sparkle with a newness ond beauty that you thought they could never have again. The cost is moderate for replaster ing. Call us toddy, to ar range for an estimate. ROY M. FISHER Plastering Contractor Phone 1615-J-2 X H M H M X H H X M H H X H H r x x x x x x MONTH-END ANCE TROPICAL SUITS j WHITE T-SHIRTS CURLEE BRAND Fine Combed Cotton now Regularly Afar- REG4U7L5A0RLY ALL WOOL 28.00 75c I.... WOW 47 SPORT SHIRTS MEN'S LOAFERS WallyRiggs,B.V.D.,Artvogue All Leather Values to 8.50 . . 3.00 7.95 SPORT COATS Van Heusen Wrap-Around Models DRESS SHIRTS I wmmm 3.95 and 4.50 Values 17.75 and 19.77 1X1 Values ta 24.95 NOW . . . Lm9 I Genuine PALM BRAID WHITE OX GLOVES WORK STRAWS 39c Shower Proof 125 4.20 per Dozen SLACKS CHAMBRAY REDUCED TO WORK SHIRTS sell a& 1-49 n U WE'RE SELLING OUT OF T-SHIRTS ... ALL FANCY PATTERNS Reduced as Follows 1.95 : "8 2.50.... 1-88 2.95 1-88 3.50.. 2-88 SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES Weyenberg and Florshcim CLEARANCE One Table Piled High with Values Save as much as $6.00 a pair. GENUINE SEAL SKIN They're Soft and Comfortable No Ties . . . Buckle Fastener CREPE SOLE REGULARLY 13.95 NOW 8.95 234 N. Jackson, Roseburg Phone 217 " - 7