The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, July 25, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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AIDS TO MARKSMANSHI P-A competitor on the 1,100-: ird ranse In the national
. rifle shoot at Bisley, England, straps his forehead and left knee, using li a right knee as a rest. ,
Five Ways Listed For Drinkers To
Stay Permanently On Water Wagon
Associated Press Science Reporter
NEW YORK There are five
ways to help alcoholics to get and
stay on the wagon.
Special drugs that make the
drinker sick are one way. The
newest of these drugs is Anta
buse. By itself, it doesn't do any
thing to a person. But if he takes
a drink afterward, he becomes
sick, with nausea, hot flashes, a
gripping sensation in the chest,
pounding pulse, loss of appetite,
weakness and other effects.
Another drug, emetine, causes
vomiting. It is given just be
fore the person is given a drink,
of anything he wants. The sick
ness is violent. After four to
eight such treatments, most pa
tients for months or years after
ward 'can't stand the taste or
sight of a drink, even when they
don't receive the drug first.
Neither drug Is a cure for al
coholism. No cure is known. The
chronic drunkard can reform,
but usually can't take even one
drink again without starting off
on a binge. The drug treatments
help, if the drinker sincerely
wants to stop. They are danger
ous, however, and must be used
by trained doctors.
A second approach is psycho
logical. Chronic drinking may be
due to some emotional problem
or frustration. If this is straight
ened out, the reason for the com-
Home freezer
New Design, New Features, 8.4 cu. ft. capacity.
The only home freezer powered by the Meter-Miser.
Has all these features, tooi
Space for 290 lbs.
frozen food
Finger-lip balance lid
. Extra-thick, lealed-tighl
Two handy sliding
Quick-freeze shelf
Automatic alarm signal
Interior light
Find out whether your refrigerator Is giving
you SAFE COLO hem lop-to-bottom
Umpqua Valley Appliance
120 W. Oak Phone 1218
pulsion to drink may be remov
ed. So-called sleep drugs may be
used to get the patient to talk
and remember things he
has forgotten about, but which
may explain to a doctor or psy
chiatrist why the person acts as
he does.
A third approach is morale-
building or spiritual, as typified
by Alcoholics Anonymous. Here
the drinker gets help and en
couragement from people who
faced the same problem, and lick
ed it. The co-founder of the or
ganization says about half of its
80.000 members never took an
ther drink. One-fourth fell off
the wagon once or twice before
succeeding, while the other 25
per cent failed.
Fourth is a new legal approach
to get alcoholics treated as sick
people instead of tossing them
into jails to sober up and then
go free. A few states are tack
ling the chronic drinker as a pub
lic health problem, setting up
facilities to give them medical
care and rehabilitate them.
Fifth are studies of bodv chem
istry and how chronic drinkers
may differ from other people in
their physiological make-up. Such
studies may snow wny people
differ so much in the effects that
alcohol produces on them. They
lead to ways of telling which peo
ple are most susceptible to al
cohol, and in danger of develop
ing into drunkards.
IOOF Encampment Wiil
Hold Meet In Eugene
EUGENE, July 25. rT)
Wimawhala Encampment No. 6,
I. O. O. F., of Eugene, will be host
Aug. 6 to the grand encampment
uiiictis hiiu eiiidiiifjiiiuiii ui Cali
fornia, Idaho, Washington, Brit
ish Columbia and Oregon. The
meetings will be at an outdoor
meeting area. in the Coburg hills,
known as Beersheba, and all en
campment degrees will be con
ferred there.
The grand patriarch of Califor
nia will make an official visit to
Eugene at this time, and the
grand master of California will
also be here. The grand encamp
ment officers of Oregon will at
tend in a body. Teams from Port
land, McMinnville and Vallejo,
Calif., will confer the degrees.
Priestly Tibetan
Rulers Kick Out
Chinese Officials
CANTON. China. Julv 25. UP)
The priestly rulers of Tibet have
kicked out Chinese government
officials in the latest effort to
smash Chinese influence in that
remote island at the top of the
world, qualified Canton sources
The Chinese Nationalists claim
suzerainty (a sort of feudal con
trol not so definite as sovereign
ty) over Tibet.
A Chinese diplomatic mission,
a radio station and school long
nave been maintained at Lhasa,
the remote capital in the Hima
laya mountains.
Canton sources said that on
July 7 the Tibetan state council
the Lamas who rule in the
name of the teen-age Dalia Lama
ordered all Chinese govern
ment personnel, out of Tibet with
in two weeks.
The informants said the Chi
nese departed immediately for In
dia. They hinted that British in
fluence may have caused the
Tibetan action. Britain and China
long have vied for paramount
position in the country.
.w vi-
' Phone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cring
and daughter, Wendy, left Satur
day for Seattle, Wash., where
they will be the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Shlach. Tuesday,
Wendy will undergo a major op
eration at Providence hospital.
Vincent and Earl Preshern and
T. B. Busenbark spent several
days this week fishing at the
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pargeter
of Roseburg are planning to start
construction of their new home
this week. They will build on the
property they have purchased
irom f ence BusenoarK.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mulder of
Los Angeles, Calif., have been
visiting at the Wesley Topping
home for the past ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Simpson
and daughters ol Doerner dis
trict, returned to their home
Tuesday from Davenport, Iowa,
where they were called by ths
death: of Mrs. Simpson's father.
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Busenbark
left last Saturday for San Fran
cisco to attend the National Coun
ty Officers convention.
Mrs. Ray Doerner spent last
week at the home of her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas, at Klamath Falls,
where she helped care for their
new son.
Mr. and Mrs. A. "Red" Eck
hart have gone to Aberdeen,
Wash., on business for a couple
of days.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lackey of
Eugene and their son, Gary, are
visiting with the formers' moth
er, Mrs. Paul Kreuger, in Rose
burg. Mn. and Mrs. Joe Matthews
spent last Sunday in Ashland, at
tending to business. .
Henry Conn and son, Woodrow,
spent several days in eastern Or
egon this week looking after busi
ness Interests."
Mrs. Wade Worthington of
Days Creek visited at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
P. Conn, last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hatfield and
sons of Dixonville and Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Doyle and sons en
joyed a wiener roast and picnic
at the C. E. Reece home last
Friday evening.
Explosion Kills Woman,
Injures Family Members
SUFFIELD, Conn., July 25.
(JP) A terrific explosion which
literally blew a seven-room dwell
ing apart, killed a woman, critic
ally Injured her husband and in
jured their two sons here Friday
The woman, Mrs. Howard B.
Caldwell, 50, died almost instant
ly, the medical examiner said,
when the blast razed the two
story frame dwellling on Bridge
Disputt Caused Arrest
Following Gun Firing
NEW YORK. Julv 25.UP)-A
dispute early today over whether
a man should borrow money
from a woman had this chain of
A rifle was fired but no one
was hit; a man leaped from a
window and was seriously hurt;
another man fell into the East
Klver, and later was booked on
felonious assault charges.
Police gave this account:
William Sarieh. 37-vear-old cab
driver, approached a party in a
secona-siory restaurant and Bor
rowed $5 from Martha Kellv
Jackson, 40. William Levadas,
31, and another man present, ob-
jectea, saying a man shouldn t
borrow from a woman.
The argument hit a climax
when Sarich produced a rifle and
fired at Levadas, who, unhlt,
leaped from a window to the
ground, sufferjng a possible
broken neck.
Police later picked up Sarich,
who said he had thrown the rifle
in the East river. Taken there to
help police search for it, he fell
in. Dragged out by police, he
was taken to a station house and
booked on assault charges.
Elliott's Supporters
Launch Defense Plans
PORTAND, July 25. UP)
Supporters of Sheriff M. L. El
liott, whose tenure Is under fire
in a recall movement, have be
gun to defend the young dem
ocratic official via radio broad
casts. Elliott is scheduled to speak
to his Multnomah coun,ty con
stituents next Friday in a radio
address. Radio announcements of
the speech have urged electors
not to sign the recall petitions
until they have heard the sheriff
tell his side of the dispute.
The announcements claim the
sheriff "has stepped on political
Fishermen really go for the Nash Airflytel They
like the Twin lied arrangement, huge luggage
compartment, Increased road clearance, 500-miles-berween-fuelings
economy (in the Nash
"600" at average highway speed). Their wives
like the smart style inside and outside, the lux
urious comfort, the one-piece, curved windshield
on all modils, the Weather Eye Conditioned
Air System. Call us to orrange for on Airflyts
ride, soon in "America's most modemjnotor car."
h i
(NEA Ttlephtui
ETE FOR SALE - P" R'chter
(above), 46, unemployed painter of
Kansas City, Mo, itho has offered
to sell his left eye for I&000, covers
nls right eye and reads calender
on opposite side of room. He made
the offer u a last desperate hope
of prolonging his wife's life.
Richter hopes that with the money
she could spend her remaining
days on earth "in peace and com
fort." His right eye Is slightly im
paired because of an accident a
few years ago.
toes, and for this, the political
'kiss of death' has been attached
to him. A vigorous effort is be
ing made to oust him from his
office ... so they may put a
political machine in his place."
Soreen Deors 9 Soreen Wire
Window Soreeni
164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242
Men., July 25, 1949 The Ntwt-Rvitw, RoMbiirf, Ore. 3
Oregon Industrial Accidents Shew Decrease
There has been a monthly re-number of lost time accident!
ductlon of approximately 300 In
dustrial accidents In Oregon dur
ing the lirst live months of 113
as compared with the first five
months of 1948 received by the
State Industrial Accident com
mission, according to a cumula
tive report issued by the commis
sion. This report shows that a total
of 16,432 industrial accident
claims have been received at Sa
lem covering the period of from
January 1 to May 31 as against
the 17,868 claims received during
the game five months of 1948. ,
This reduction is reflected in
the "all industry" frequency rate
of accidents of 47.89 as against
the 1948 rate of 56.28. The fre
quency rate is determined by the
based on one million man day't
work. . .
During this period there was a
reduction of 390 industrial acci
dent claims received from the
logging industry in western Ore
gon and sawmilllng in western
Oregon showed a reduction of 352
Eggs of ducks, geese, ost
riches, plovers, alligators, croco
diles, turtles, penguins, gulls, al
batrosses and pelicans are all
Important parts of the diets of
peoples In some part of t h
The coyote now has expanded
Its territory from the west east
to Ohio, and north to Alaska. .
Open daily, Sundays and Evenings. Closed Saturday t.
z AVE I r-
"I soi5 pyj
& iramt st.
ummer Shoe Sale
. . . with summer still ahead
here are remarkable values
AH Whits
Brown & White Spectators
Blue and White
Red and Green Suede
Red Sandals
Red Suede
Values to 12.95
Tiffany Originals
Johansen and
Summer Casuals
Values Up to $4.45
at this Low Price of
Sizes 5 to 3
Robin Hood and Sandal Craft in popular
colors of all white, brown, red, tan.
for Summer Loafing
Values to $14.95
Crepe sole loafers and lace woven lace
oxfords, and many others.
No Exchanges
All Sales Final
No Refunds
' Right en Jackson
Sal Starrs
9:00 A. M.
July 26. 1949
!321 W. Oak Sr. Roieburj;