I 10 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mon., July 25, 1949 Society and GUU By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social items submitted by tele phone for the society page must be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Fridays, at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. ASSOCIATED BUSINESS WOMEN'S CLUB HOLD8 INTERESTING MEETING The Associated Business Wom en's Club met in the basement of the Methodist church Monday evening for a business meeting instead of the usual social night as the regular one fell on the 4th of July and was postponed. Mrs. Florence Cook, president, was in charge. The Civic committee reported they were working diligently on their project, but did not have too much to report at this time. The Flower Show committee reported that plans were shaping . up nicelyand the show would be held the last week in August; the date to be announoed later. There ' will be all divisions for flowers: a hobby division, best dressed doll division, bird house division, a bazaar and a food booth. Prizes will be awarded in all divisions except the food booth and all per sons interested are urged to enter their flowers. Members present were: Mrs. Betty Correll, Mrs. Dollie Parks, Mrs. iaura weicn, Mrs. i-ois rue menschnelder. Mrs. Erma Buck, Mrs. Evylyn Young, Mrs. Leona Slack. Mrs. leucine unase, mrs, Loa Mae Wilson, Mrs. Lucille Chriss, Mrs. Llna Torrey, Mrs. Helmie Burns, Mrs. Francis Car riger, Mrs. Florence Cook, Mrs. Ivena Halverson, Mrs. Cora Al len. Miss Francis Torrev. Mrs. Ora Irwin, Mrs. Gladys Minor, Mrs. Juanita Holgate, Mrs. Mar tha Cocnenberg, Mrs. Betty Stamp, Mrs. Dorcas Hoagland and Mrs. Isabel Card. MELROSE GRANGE PICNIC 13 HELD The Melrose Grange picnic was held Tuesday evening at Ump 'qua park with a nice sized crowd enjoying the affair. Ice cream was'furnlshed by the grange and coffee was made on the out-door stove by home economics chair man, Nettie Woodruff. Paul Kreuger was In charge of table arrangements. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ay dolotte and son David and neph ew, Geo. Wilder., Mrs. Otto Mat thews and grandson Harold Horn, Mrs. Ruth Simmons and two chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nlckens and family, Mr. and Mrs. raui Kreuger and two grandsons, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh kacKey ana son, Air. and Mrs. Ray Doerner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Felt and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Showers, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Reece and family,. Miss Noreen Prowell, Miss Ruby Matthews, Mrs. Nellie Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Busenbark, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Woodruff, Mrs. Fred Beck er and daughters, Mrs. Mayme Pickens and granddaughter Shar on Atterbury, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goff and Mrs. Ethel Busenbark. BIRTHDAY PARTY IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR Miss Sherry Joan Simmons cel ebrated her third birthday at a party at her home in Melrose, when her mother Mrs. H. D. Sim mons entertained for her. Bou quets of balloons decorated the rooms and a decorated cake and cup cakes with a candle were placed on the serving table. Those attending were: Mrs. Cath erlne Youngren, Kay and Harold Horn, Sunny Youngren, Mrs Margaret Finn and Dorothy, and Jimmy, Mrs. B. J. Hagan and Billy and Johnny, Mrs. Karl Hoff man and Karl Jr., Mrs. Barbra Greenly and Dale and Susan, Mrs. Ann Chlttwood and Andy, Mrs. Ki Matthews and Margo, Mrs. Amy Matthews, Mike Sim mons and the hostess. JOLLY CIRCLE CLUB TO PICNIC WEDNESDAY The Jolly Circle Club will hold a picnic at the forks of the river Wednesday. Those desiring trans portation are asked to contact Mrs. M. Manning before one o' clock on the day .of the picnic. Boswell Mineral Bath's Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain, Oregon V ' T 011 1 f ' who hava charge ft accounts at I. C tW'J'"' charges for imMS, 'purchased . -Hsy af,er July 25 E not dut until September 10 r MRS. ROBERT THAMES' HONORED ON BIRTHDAY - Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baumgard ner entertained at a very enjoy able dinner at their home east of Sutherlln Tuesday evening hon oring Mrs. Robert Thames on her birthday. After the dinner hour other guests dropped in to wish Mrs. Thames many more happy birth days. Games and visiting were enjoyed until a late hour. Many lovely gifts were present ed to the honor guest and after opening and viewing them a beautifully decorated cake of green and white, topped with white candles was served with Ire cream and nunch to the fol lowing: Mrs. Thames, guest of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whit ford, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Abeene, St., Robert Thames, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Abeene, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lauranee Longbrake, Lar ry and Llndhe Baumgardner, Tlmmy Thames and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Baumgard ner. W.C.T.U. TO PICNIC AT PARK WEDNESDAY The W.C.T.U. will hold a one o'clock potluck picnic luncheon Wednesday at Umpo.ua parK. Those desiring transportation are asked to meet at the Baptist church at twelve-thirty o'clock. In the afternoon an adult scrip ture and speech contest will be held. Participants will be Mrs. C. N. Currier, Mrs. Golda Nick ell, Mrs. H. W. Hollingsworth, Mrs. Clark Smith, Mrs. Edith S. Ackert and the contest is open to others desiring to take part. Singing will be presented by L. . T. L. members. Games will be played by children attending. Those attending are asked to bring food for the potluck lunch eon and their own table service. NEW IDEA CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL PICNIC MEETING The New Idea Club of East Sutherlln met at a delightful pic nic at Hunt's picnic grounds Wed nesday with Mrs.' Jo Carr as host- A picnic dinner was enjoyed at noon by: Mrs1. Fern Flory, Mrs. Jacqullnc' Bird, Mrs. Lola Rehwalt, Mrs. Meryl Wahl, Mrs. Marjory Denley, Mrs. Bonnie Bennett, Mrs. Minnie Abeene, Miss Ethel Manning, Mrs. Mag gie Francis and Mrs. Palma Eg- gleston. The afternoon was spent In vis itlne. sewine and darning. The next meeting will be held next Wednesday- at Fair Oaks and will be a no-hostess potluck picnic. RICE VALLEY H.E.C. HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING Rice Valley Home Economics club met Tuesday afternoon at the hall with Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Dunbar, hostesses. A very Inter esting meeting was followed by plans being made lor a House hold shower party honoring Mr. and Mrs. Wyant, who recently lost their hon by fire. Lovely reiresnmenis were served to Mrs. J. G. Wales, Mrs. Herman Schosso, Mrs. Jim Kid well, Mrs. Harry Dunbar, Mrs. Ralph Emerson, Mrs. William Castor, Mrs. Cscll Hartford, Mrs. Ed Bell, Mrs. Jim Shepherd, Mrs. Ervln Rice, Mrs. Emmelt Churchill, Mrs. Charles Ward, Mrs. Eugene Turner and Mrs. Henry Wyant. F.S. CLUB TO MEET AT PICNIC LUNCHEON AT SINGLETON HOME The F.S. club will meet at one o'clock potluck picnic lunch eon Tuesday, July 26, at the home of Mrs. Walter Singleton on East Douglas street. AH mem bers are cordially Invited to be present. . ' AZALEA SUNSHINE CLUB TO HOLD MEETING Azalea Sunshine club will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bea Croff with Mrs. Ter- IV Cross assisting hostess. All members are urged to be pres ent. TENMILE LADIES CLUB TO MEET AT LUNCHEON The Tenmlle Ladies club will meet at a noon potluck luncheon Wednesday at the T e n m i 1 e church. All members are urged to oe present. TO ASTM ASTERS MEET Roseburg Toast masters club will meet for a dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday evening at Carl's Haven. All members are requested to attend. Iron is mentioned 90 times in the Old Testament. (NSA Tekphoto) HIGH HOUSE HUNTING P went and up shell stay until some good Samaritan can find a permanent apartment for her daugh ter, her husband and, of course, herself. Mrs. Arthur Ellis, 24, of Revere, Mass, plans to make the 60-foot high, six-foot square plat form her abode until ths good Samaritan arrives. Management Not As Well Prepared As Labor For Task Of Bargaining By BRUCE BIOSSAT Cyrus Ching, director of the Federal Mediation service, says he thinks it's fair to conclude that unions come to the bargaining table better prepared than employers. He told the United States News: "I think they (the unions) frequently have a more persuas ive background of figures and facts, whereas the employer, thoueh well and ably represented Is frequently unfamiliar with the statistics of the industry, or the area, or the practices In other establishments." Ching cannot easily be accused of pro-labor bias. He was once labor relations director of the United States Rubber Company. Furthermore, his mediation ser vice gets an 'nside look at more labor disputes than any other agency sees. Thus management's labor re lations experts ought to feel some embarrassment at his statement. r.himr thinks too many employ ers are not properly prepared for bargaining because they still consider labor relations a side Vatican Decree Cold War Help, Moscow Claims LONDON, July 25. Iff) The Moscow radio charged Friday that Roman Catholic excommun ication of communists was a Vat ican contribution to "the cold war that Anglo-American react- onar es are waging againsc me camp of peace and democracy." It said the ban was intended "to split the united front of people Ilgming ior peace againsi the anglo-American war mongers," and added that It was bound to fall. The English -language broad cast by commentator Boris Isa kov was the first public Russian reaction to the excommunication decree of July 13. Isakav declared that by l n e decree "all the enormous rami fied oroDaeanda machinery o I the Catholic church Is placed at the service of the "cold war mat anglo-American reactionaries are waging againsc ine camp oi peace and democracy. The July 13-decree Is actually one more Vatican contribution to this 'cold war.' " 'The camp of peace and dem ocracy is a favorite Kussian term tor me soviet union anu its satellites. The broadcast accused tat no lle clergy of "preying on the religious traditions and feelings of many plain people In an at tempt to nisarm inem moinny to weaken their will to resist the danger of a fresh aggression which is threatening the world. 'But this maneuver Is doomed to failure," the Moscow radio said, DOCTOR ON VACATION The offices of Dr. K. H. Oak ley reported Dr. Oakley would be out of town for three weeks, toplnnln? Julv 25. The office will reopen Aug. 15 when he re turns from vacation. The age of Iron began about 1000 B.C. with the date varying in different countries. NOTICE The offict of Hazel Reid, Public Typist, will ba c I o s d for one month, from July 25 to August 25. Going on Vacation. HAZEL REID Public Typist 122 . Jackson issue. ' ' On the other hand, he believes that union negotiators often ac quire wide familiarity with an industry's problems just from their repeated . appearances ' 1 n conferences with many firms in the field. Management, of course, cannot duplicate this experience. A further management difficul ty is that top executives nowa days bear a tremendous load. Many argue they are so burden ed with having to make fast, ac curate business decisions that they have virtually no time to see their job in any real perspect ive. They don't always know all they should about their own com pany. They may never even glance at reports in trade papers or other sources that tell how the rest of the industry is handling particular problems. Anyone can sympathize with their dilemma. But however great the load, It still seems fair to ask employers to arm them selves with the fullest possible, information when they sit down with union leaders. Management owes this much to Itself, to the unions and to the public which wants a fair settle ment of any dispute affecting the general welfare. For all their burdens, employ ers have matchless facilities ior assembling data pertinent to wag and other negotiations. If they fall to use them, they come handicapped to the bargaining table. No fair-minded citizens care to see either management or labor at a disadvantage when they face each other. The two should meet on an equal footing. That means balance not alone in strength but in preparedness. FOWLER'S "Porcelined" Tank Supplies PLENTY of CLEAN Not Water Day or Night VPUj take complaints from your family, blamt for poor housekeeping for lack of hoi water? Have instant hot water any time of day or night with a Fowler Electric Water Heater. Alwaya the right temperature too never too hot or too cold regulated by Fowler's automatic temperature control. Fowler hot water if so luxuriously clean sH the timt because the tank is lined double chick with porcelain, sealing the metal from the water. Absolutely no tank rust in the water to cause discoloration, taste or odor; Fowler's "black heat" elements make sure you never run out of hot water too becaust they do a scientific job of heating water efhcitntlT, fast, and last longer thin other type elements. Low-cost, trouble free operation makes Fowler electric water beating a pleasure-giving, ttme aving convenience. Fowler is backed by t 20-year replacement guarantee; Let us show you your Fowler and the ' luce way to eft cient, instant hoc waxen Rodger Young, World War II Herods Brought To Rest CLYDE, O., July 25. CP) Pri vate Rodger Young, who travel ed half around the world and died to make the first team, rested today in a hero's grave. The Infantry's own hero reach ed his final rest Friday in an elaborate military service that stretched from 'his home town of Green Springs, Ohio, six miles away, to McPherson cemetery in Clyde. Rodger Young, who won the congressional medal of honor in steaming -New Georgia in the Solomons, never could quite make the first team in basketball in high school. He tried, too. But, Rodger was too short a miniature five feet, six inches in a game tailored for tall men. He was fast and he was furious and the coach sometimes put him in the lineup. Hearing Impaired Then, one day a basketball struck his head and impaired hie hearing. He gave up school for that reason in his junior year. A few years later with the rest of company B, 148th in fantry, 37th division, Rodger was in the South Pacific a loot sol dier. He rose to sergeant In the rough, tough infantry. But, air raids and shelling lessened his hearing. So, Rodger voluntarily gave up his stripes. He was afraid his hearing might endan ger his buddies in jungle fight ing. It looked like Rodger Young, the shy Ohioan with an ingrown sense of duty, might never make the first team. But, he did. Early Morning Blaze Damages Lumber Plant GRANTS PASS, July 25. UP) An early-morning fire of unde termined origin Saturday caused an estimated $35,000 damage at the Bilt-Kite Corp., a lumber manufacturing concern seven miles south of here Ben Dierks, corporation presi dent, said the blaze destroyed a 60x82-foot building in which top grade lumber for flooring and siding was stored, du.uuu leet oi lumber, and severely damaged a planing mill, unly tne machin ery was insured. The plant-owned fire pump and state forest service pumps were used to keep the flames from spreading. Dierks said he hopes to continue with operations with out interruption by shifting work to otner maenmes. Girl Collects Damages For Beauty Parlor Burns ASTORIA. July 25. UP) A girl who charged that her neck was permanently disfigured by a Deautly parlor operator In 1846 has been awarded $5,000 in damages. The judgment was made by Cir cuit Judge Howard K. Zimmer man, in favor of Sharon O'Leary. The suit charged that Miss O'Leary's neck was Injured dur ing a permanent wave treatment given by Florence BejouL The ancient Greeks used both iron and sleeL We've Moved! We have changed our business address from 2444 N. Stephens to 746 Short street In Roseburg. Watoh. our elaisifled ad for ths new telephon number. We appreciate your patronage Roseburg Sanitation Service J. Edmond ' If I? About 3 p.m., July 31, 1943, Rodger and several hundred bud dies were dug in on a .hill in New Georgia. They were pin ned down like a pocket flap by Japanese machine guns. One key pillbox particularly held the se cret of life and death. Withdrawal Ordered. One man a minute died from machine gun bullets. Withdraw al with certain heavy casualties were ordered. Lt. Walter Rigby of Green Springs, a restaurant owner and then a technical sergeant in charge of Young's platoon, tells it this way: ; . 'That day In New Georgia, I ordered everybody in the platoon to withdraw. "Some say Rodger, who could n't hear very well, didn't even hear me and that's why he went forward. "I know better. He looked around at me. He shook his head and pointed to that pillbox. He was the only one that saw It. He started forward. ,', "He knew what he was doing all right." Rodger Young, wounded three times, wiped out that pillbox be fore he died. His feat inspired what Lt. Col. Joel M. Warelng, chaplain of the 'BALA NCI IN I i ii tin -mvi iiiiiWijiiiii,iai.itM);iuijniiiiii iiu iiuiii Li !!.' ; i : vl ' 3 -""S ' ' ni' YOU CAN GET IT FOR A KWARTJE Even American tourists are amazed to see this outdoor automat at the ZandvoortBeach near Amsterdam, Holland. Drop in your kwartje and take out your hot food or sandwich. A kwartje, incidentally, is the Dutch ( equivalent of a thin dime. . " 148th Infantry, calls one of the two best songs to come out of Convenient Parking at Rear of Store ROSEBURG, OREGON DOWN holds your new - Fall Coat on Layaway vj $58 29,98 ' Layaway if a wise way fo buy you'll select your coal al the beginning of the season while stocks are at their peak, pay only a small dollar down, and spread the balance of the pay ments over a long period of time. Best of all, you'll have your coat paid for by Fall when you need itl Fur-Trimmed Coats $38 and $58 Untrimmed Coari. 19.98 to $35 WEIKIY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS I World War II "The Ballad of I Rodger Young." NOW 222 W. Ook Phone 343