Atomic Bomb Theory Not Secret But U.S. Alone Has Industrial Know-H6w By dewitt Mackenzie Associated Press Foreign Affairs Analyst It would be easy to draw false and dangerous conclusions by Indulging in speculation about the top-level secret talks being held in Washington on atomic dealings with Britain and Canada. A Kre our British friends iivl.. " .iiviivu on n ing some boon? Are we so far ahead of them now in atomic de velopments that .hey need a re port on progress to bring them up to date? Do the uranium mines in the Belgian Congo, said to be controlled by British interests, en ter into the picture, inasmuch as Uncle Sam has been getting sup plies there? . So the queries go, and in evitably they have intensified speculation in the public mind as to whether Britain has the full secret of the atomic bomb and, more to the point, whether Russia has it. In short, is America still the sole possessor of this terriblt knowledge. There is widespread belief among scientific observers that both Britain and Russia must have at least the theoretical knowledge, as. distinguished from the industrial knowledge, of how to make the bomb. One of these experts is my colleague, Howard Blakeslee, AP science editor, who has made an exhaustive investi gation of the subject and was present at the historic Bikini tests of the atomic bomb. British May Be Ahead 1 America's protection at this time, as . Blakeslee points out, doesn't lie in exclusive secrets as to how an atomic bomb can be constructed. Sure England has the a matter of fact many experts say Britain was ahead of America in experiments with nuclear fis sion when the war came. And Since RriHch cianticte hulruwi in designing the first atomic bomb, uiry areni imeiy 10 nave iorgoi ten what they learned. Blakeslee eoes even further fnr h rp. marked to me: "Considering the high quality of British science, and the fact that thpv wpra tho laraoct- mn. tributors in developments that I I .: i . .. ... piuuuttu mis Domo, it is entirety possible that the British are ac- tllflllv flho&H nf tha llnitaA Ctotao In knowledge of how to make bet ter bombs." As for Russia, at the end of the War she hart full nrracs rn ' rho studis of German scientists who Claimed t" have solved the prob lem of nuclear fission, though thev had no industrial emiinment with which to manufacture bombs. Communist spies also have been busy since the war seeking Information in Britain, fnnnrln and America. No. our protection doesn't He In Dossesinrr snip knnwTpriao nf atomic bomb structure. It lies in the fact that foreign nations, as uiu niuenan uermany, lacn ine industrial facilities and industrial knowlpdpp fnr thp mnnhfantnrp of atomic bombs. President Roosevelt's Policy In Asking "Unconditional Surrender" Of Germany Meets British Censure LONDON. Julv 22. V WW ton Churchill and Foreign Secre tary Ernest Bevin said in parlia ment yesterday they doubted from the beginning the wisdom of President Roosevelt's uncondi tional surrender policy for Ger many. ' ' Bevin said In a House of Com mons foreign policy debate the policy, had left "a shambles" up on which to rebuild Germany. If he had been consulted at the time, he said, he never would have agreed to it. Bevin, who was a member of Churchill's war government, said he first saw the surrender phrase in the newspapers. He said he would not have agreed if he had been consulted at the time. Churchill, now leader of the op position, said he first heard the phrase from President Roosevelt "without consultation with me." He said he did support it. "But it was not the idea I had formed in my own mind," Chur chill said. "But working in a great alliance with loyal and powerful friends across the ocean, we had to accommodate ourselves." He added that he doubted the British coalition cabinet would have agreed to the unconditional surrender policy if they had been able to consider it at the time. The unconditional surrender policy was announced in January, 1943, following the ten-day con ference of President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill at Casablanca. It was there, the an nouncement said, that plans had been completed to force the un conditional surrender of Ger many, Italy and Japan. (By the Associated Press) President Roosevelt announced in Casablanca Jan. 26, 1943, that he and Prime Minister Churchill were agreed peace could come only through unconditional sur render of Germany, Italy and Japan. A dispatch filed that day from the French Moroccan city re ported: "While the prime minister nod ded assent, the President said the conference had reached 'complete agreement' on war plans for 1943 to bring about the unconditional surrender' of the axis nations. "The President said 'uncondi tional surrender' of Germany, Italy and Japan did not mean the destruction of the populations, but the destruction of the philosophy of those countries based on con quest and reigns of terror." About 15 per cent of all steel production in the United States is used by the automotive 1 n dustry. '-V. ' iV e BANS DOLLAR SPENDIN C Sir Stafford Crlpps, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, tells, In London, of the gov-c , crnmenl's ban on all dollar spending for the next three months., J HITS U. S. REDS Rabbi Benjamin Schultz, of New York, director ot the American Jewish League Against Communism, tells House Un-American Committee men that U. S. Communists are engaged in ' a "deliberate con spiracy to inflame religious and racial minorities" in this country. Ultimate objective, he said, is "to -throw this land into confusion, paving the way for Stalinist revolution." SLABWOOD In 12-1 6 and 24 In. lengths ... OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR ! Phont C5S SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, JULY 23RD r $20,000 FIRST PRIZE FOR NAMIN' THIS LI L' SHMOO, Lge. Pkg; DREFT , .... 26c Lge. Pkg. DUZ ... . . .27c Med. Size Bars IVORY SOAP. 9c ' "' Sunshine Krispy Crackers 2-lb. Pkgs. 43c The swords carried at one time by Roman Soldiers were of Span- lsn steel. FESTIVAL CATSUP 2 BOTTLES KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes ,3 GERBER'S ' ' .' BABY FOODS 3 "NS KERR LIDS D0ZEN WHOLE KERNEL ' V , . . CORN NO. 2 CANS 25c 16c 23c 10c 13c Durkee's Oleomargarine .24c i ib. ... MILK All. Brands Tall Cans, O C 3 for OOC QUALITY MEATS FRESH GROUND BEEF lb. 39c CHOICE VEAL ROASTS lb. 49c SHOULDER PORK ROASTS lb. 45c VEAL STEAK lb. 59c Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables Local Corn, doz. . 49c EGG PLANT Lb. . . v . .. ; 19c Newtown APPLES 3 lbs. 25c Juice Oranges 29c Protect Your Family -with the B. M. A. Polio plan. Call Mr. Lincoln, 938 J-4 or drop card to Box 108 Melrose Route. Pacific Coast's Economy Remains Sound During Business Adjustment SAN FRANCISCO, July 22 (rB Dire predictions that the Pa cific coast's war swollen economy would stagger under the current business adjustment haven't ma terialized. "Actually, no greater decline has occurred here than in the rest of the country," the Federal Reserve bank said yesterday. Its report was based on a special survey of the 12th district. The district Includes Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Ore gon, Utah and Washington. The report said the predictions were based on the assumption that the district had a one-industry economy and the fact that the percentage of unemployment is greater in the district than nationally. The district did experience a greater drop in business late In 1948 and early this year than the country. Conditions in March and April were relatively better how ever, and by the end of April the district position compared favor ably to that of the country. "The district does not appear to be any more seriously affected by recent events than the country j For " ops" : on Dralnboardi . " See Phil Durnam I Linoleum Laying and Venetian Blinds . 920 S. Main 1336-J . as a whole," the bank concluded. In fact, allowing lor differences In timing ot the peak reached, several series (relating to busi ness activity) indicate a stronger position here than nationally. 'These Indications should not be seized upon, however, to pre dict s less severe adjustment In the district." The favorable economic trend of March-April, the bank said, continued into May and June. Squaks Because His Taxes Are Too Low I.OS ANGELES, July 22. OP) Ever hear of a taxpayer who squawked because his taxes were too low? The board of equalization found one this week. George K. Roth, history and government instruc tor at John Muir college, Pasa dena, told board members: .. "Last year I made a protest OIL TO BURN For prompt courteous meter ed deliveries of high quality stove and burner oil CALL 152 MYERS OIL CO. Distributors of Hancock Petroleum Products For Douglas County Frl., July 22, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburf, Ore. 11 about the Inaccurate figure as sessed on my lot on Seaview ave nue. This year It was increased to $400. That is not enough. It is still not equalized with surrounding values. "The lot is worth $1,000 on to day's market and should be as sessed at $500. There is no rea son for any taxpayer to try to avoid taxes rightly owed." The board, still In a state of shock, made no decision. v A2 CPS 10 BIG a COUSr 0 flavors! mm BUY Genuine MALL PARTS for Your P MALL POWER SAW Only From An Authorized MALL DEALER , You can be assured of operating efficiency In your Mall Power Chain Saw only when you replace worn parts with genuine Mall parts. Don't be disappoint, ed, buy your parts from us, your authorized Mall Distributor, ACIFIC CHAIN SAW CO. Hiway 99 North Phona 1152-J La, Come ' In ' f -CSe tXejJ II Vr 1 Thrill at Meter-Mlier Precision and I (y I I! i how ,h part' ' ,hii '''iaeraina mech- feasjfe8siSfei1J!J!Siii-- II ' I anlim are made to measurements l40th I (T ii n (h thIcknej of a human hari I 0 Don't fail to see this sensational "Proof" Shaw en Frlgldalre Home Appliances ... not loose claims, not loose talk, but PROOF right before your eyes that Frlgldalre Is your best buy . . . All WAYS. Come In see Itl Learn about the "Boll-Test" and the economy of Frlgldalre Radlantube 5 Speed Electric Range Cooking Units. Look at Live-Water Action In action! Watch the Frlgidaire Automatic Washer get clothes cleaner, brighter, whiter. Watch the Rapldry-Spln on Frlgid aire Automatic Washer. See how much extra water It removes from clothes. of-Vaiue Domonstratiansl See Lifetime Porcelain painted, greased, scraped, scuffed and still re tain its lifetime beauty. Be amazed by the "Toast-Tesl" . visual proof that the oven of the Frigid alre Electric Range cooks evenly all over. . Many More Amazing Proof Frlgldalre Electric Range Model RK-20 with Cook-Master Cook-Matter Automatic Oven-Clock Con trol, All-porcelain Iniide and out. Twin' Unit Even-Heat Oven, Thermlier Cooker, Radlantube j-Speed Units. Full-Width Storage Drawer, Slmpll-Matlc Oven Con trol. 0 other models from 1 54.75 Big, 7 Vio Cu. Ft. Frlgldalre; Model ML-77 Famous Meter-Miser Mechanism, big Super-Freezer, full-width Hydrotor, Double-Easy Quickube Trays, Meat-Tender, Rust-resistant shelves. See all 14 Frlgidaire models, 3 types. Priced as low as 194.75 50-Pc. Dinner Set Royal Ruby Glass ywjJmt ?si J er WWW LIMITED TIME ONLY I For a limited time, we will give a et of dishes free to the owner of the old est Frigidalre refrigerator still in op eration. Just come in and register. The 99th person to register will also re ceive a set free. HI?" Peyf Famous Frlgldalre Fully-Automatic Washer Has live-Water Action, All-Porcelain inside and out, no bolting down, Underwater Suds Distrib utor, famous Select-O-Dlol. fills, empties and cleans itself automatically. New Low Prices on New Frlgidaire Home Appliances! Come Inl See Them AIM UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE 2 dozen PHONE 1218 120 W. OAK