By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE "Social Items submitted by tele phone for the society page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Fridays, at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. MRS. ROYCE ALLEN COMPLIMENTED AT PARTY Mrs. T. B. Busenbark invited a . few friends and relatives to her home last Wednesday aft ernoon to visit with Mrs. Royce Allen, who is here from San Diego. Games were enjoyed and dainty refreshments served to the guest of honor and Mesdames Lawrence Goodburn, Dave Bu senbark, Royce Busenbark, Alice Goff, Edw, Reece, Millard Doyle, Jack Bathrick, and Thomas Par geter. CIRCLE NO. 1 TO MEET WEDNESDAY NIGHT Circle No. 1 of St. Joseph's Altar Society will meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening at the Armory. All members and all persons interested in joining the group are invited to be pres ent. PICNIC PLANNED BY CLUB FOR TUESDAY The Twelve and Won Club will hold a no-hostess picnic lunch eon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Fred Hargis, 226 W. Third. Each member is asked to bring a gift to the meeting. FORD MPMTORS REPAIRED Sy Our Exp erts Lockwood Motors Rose and Oak Sts. Phone 80 eLt m m - 5 a 5c PANETELA I 5c ' Tte losi Clfar 1st Courtly XwM PANETELA J Alii iviilibli li kitty 5 sicks I I PANETELA I I Distribute! by MeDgstK Cinty Compmy, Portlinl I V AMAZING n 1X3 S I AtOOfi r FAMILY PICNIC IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR A family, picnic dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Busenbark on July Fourth on the lawn in the shade of their beautiful walnut trees. Fol lowing the dinner, swimming, visiting and Canasta were en joyed by the following: Mrs. Royce Allen, San Diego, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Good burn, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Busen bark, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Busen bark, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holli- ster and daughters, Carol and Jannice of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wheeler and chil dren, Marvin and Fay of North Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Busen bark and daughters, Leta, Da- lene, Jo Ann and Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Reece and sons, Ted and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. iwiuara uoyie ana sons uary ana Don, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Par geter and children, Brian and Carolyn, and Darrel Davis and Mrs. R. A. Busenbark, MELROSE GRANGE TO HOLD PICNIC Melrose Grange will hold its annual picnic at Umpqua Park, July 19 at 6:45 o'clock. The Grange will furnish ice cream and all members and their fam ilies are invited to attend. At the regular meeting last Tues day evening Mrs. Olive Kreug'er gave a very interesting report of the State Grange meeting, which she attended as a dele gate. Games and stunts were in cluded in the program, present ed by the lecturer, Mrs. Ray Doerner. Keiresnments were served by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Reece and Mrs. Walter Kruse. ZULEIMA CLUB TO MEET AT LUNCHEON. Zuleima Club, Daughters of the Nile members are asked to bring a sack lunch and attend a meet ing Tuesday at the summer home of Mrs. L. E. Henninger on the North Umpqua at Win Chester. Those desiring transpor tation are asked to meet at the Hotel Rose at 12:30. M' RTHA CIRCLE TO MEET ON TUESDAY Martha Circle of Faith Luther an Church will meet at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. W.. M. San dall, Route 2, Keasey road, Tues day afternoon. Those desiring transportation are asked to make arrangements with Mrs. Walter Samuelson. Members and friends are most cordially invited. TENMILE LADIES CLUB TO MEET AT LUNCHEON The Tenmile Ladies Club will meet at a noon potluck luncheon at the church parlors Wednes day, at which time a household shower will oe given ior ine new home of Mr. and Mrs. Graf ton. Tyler. All members are urged to attend. UARPV HOUR CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY Tl-n 171, .apeJala Mnnni Ttntir Club will meet Wednesday at 2 ociock ai me caoin on uie nvei of Mrs. W. (J. Baney wnn jvirs. r.nn.t nVuecoll o n.hncffcc All members are cordially invited to De present. NEW IDEA CLUB TO MEET AT LUNCHEON The New Idea Club of Eden- bower will meet at a noon picnic luncheon at 1 o'clock Wednes day at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. C. S. Marks. All mem bers are urged to be present. JAYCETTES TO MEET WEDNESDAY Tho Taw.rTTttOH wtll mppt at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening at the nome oi mrs. irv t-ugn, lvto East Sixth Street. All members are most cordially invited to be present. Sailor's Union Requests Special 'Attack Bonus' SAN FRANCISCO. July 11. (,P The Sailors Union of the Pacific (AFL) said today it has asked for an "attack bonus" for members sailing ships in Orien tal waters wnere they are in "danger of attack." The SUP said the request was made because It was "becom ing an increasing hazard to the lives of the union's members who sail ships in that area." Some meetings nave Deenneia with ship operators on the sub ject, the SUP said. w- IT" POWEMk a nm iNSTiiaiMt i..Mn f nnarY .... lulv 12 Tuesoaj. i .. i.t your no"'" 1 'T,.rSr .ftSjTTli" w Vln.trtton . ' - . toMEEH Cow in ? count ,, com. 1". ,... "'- KT".rT 1ru.s MA sW S. W. TmM llMwnv 4M 1 . ,. F I , . A f r 'K MARRIED IN HOSPITAL BED Seriously wounded. after a battle with a masked holdup man who robbed him and threatened to rana hit bride in a Los Anaelet "lovers' lane," Alwvn "Sonny" Ivors (right) places wedding ring on the hand of his 16-year-old bride Betty Bowen (second from left), during the wedding cere mony at Los Angeles General Hospital. Reverend Walter Pegg ( left) performed the rites, and Lagatha Bowen, the bride's sister was the maid of honor., INfcA lelephotol REEDSPORT Office Manager Back From Trip; Fishermen Fined (Bv S. S. SMILEY) Herbert E. Bender, office man ager for the Crown-Zellerbach Corporation operation at Tan kenitch Lake, north of Gardiner, has returned from a 17-day leave of absence. This time was spent on a trip by rail to Fairfax, S. D., where Mr. Bender was called by the serious illness of his father, whose health has not improved. Mr. Bender's place was filled dur ing his absence by Ed Kyle of Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beauchamp of Longview, Wash., spent a few days in Reedsport last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mohler. Mr. IBeauchamp is Mrs. Mohler's youngest brother. On leaving here, they planned to visit Medford, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls and Bend before returning to their , home. Ivan Smalley of Top British Comedian Hangs Himself In Prison LONDON, July 11. (m Peter Waring, one of Britain's top radio comedians only a year ago, hanged himself with a rope off a mail sack In Pentonvillc prkon Saturday. The 30-year-old Waring was sentenced to .nine months Fri day on charges of faLse pre tenses and obtaining credit with out disclosing he was an undis charged . bankrupt. A detective testified the comed ian earned up -to ISO pounds ($600) a week, in 1948. . Reporter Poshes Into Fire, Turns On Light SAN ANTONIO, Tex., July 11. iP Lewis Harris of the San Antonio Express dashed Into a burning building and turned on the light, He wanted to see the fire better. He saw it. He didn't see the stream of wa ter from a fireman's hose. It smacked him from behind and cooled his enthusiasm for his hot story. . Coqullle also visited the Mohler home last week. Fines Assessed Justice of the Peace Fred Wright of Reedsport reports he nas naa several cases in court lately of anglers fishing without licenses. A check with boat rental agencies and resort owners In this, vicinity reveals many tour ists passing through learning there was a bass derby on and that the Chinook were biting good at the mouth of the river, stopped to fish, but were unable to secure a license on Sundays or a holiday. Often the temptation to fish, even without a license, proved too strong. Some of these people who Men., July 11, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3 would normally buy a license If avauaoie, were arrested and lined. The matter has been taken up with the Lower Umpqua Cham ber of Commerce, in an effort to get some business that opens on Sunday interested In selling li censes. Mr. Anri Mrs narroll T mi ar,A son lan, left for Olympia, Wash., weunesaay 10 visit relatives tor the 'rest nf thf wpaIt Mi Im I, employed at the Reedsport plant of the Standard Oil Company by a. a. rsorreviK, wnoiesale distri butor. Former Residents Visit Mr. and Mrs. Prpntlp r PlarL- of Yachats are visiting friends in ru-euspon ana wincnester Bay for several days. Mr. Clark, bet ter known as "Cap," was former ly officer in charge of the Ump qua River Coast Guard station un til retirement several years ago. He and Mrs. Clark lived at The Dunes after that, until they pur chased a few acres near Yachats, on which they are making their home. Thev recently mnHn an v. tended visit along the coast of Washington, stopping at places where they formerly lived when still connected with the Coast Guard service. Reodsport merchants have been warned to be on the look-out for "bum" checks again, several of these having made their appear ance recently. Some were written I against the account of John W. Wroe of North f ork, pioneer resi dent of this community, and well known throughout this section of the coast. Announcement ... I wish to announce I have moved to Sutherlin In my new building. I will carry o complete stock of Dress and Work Clothes. Sutherlin, Or. MAX SCHWARTZ Clothier and Tailor Sutherlin, Ore. 1 Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich l.l ,. p . "I'll dash over and look up our next number. That'll give party-line neighbors time to make calls."... And folks can reach you easier, too, if you space your calls. . . . Pacific TelepHone. (NBA Tehphato) I BEULAH OVERELL TO WED Heiress Beulah Louise Overall, 20, and Policeman Robert Cannon, 28, take out marriage license at ihe Hall of Records in Los Angeles. Miss Overall and George R. Oollum were acquitted of charges of murdering her parents in 1947. Officer Cannon was recently granted a final divorce decree from his wife. - Hope Is Still Held For Lost Alaska Fliers FAIRBANKS, Alaska, July 11. UP) If Dr. and Mrs. Melville T. Cook and their pilot Bill Cur- nngton survived a crasn landing in the Yukon Valley wilderness Sunday of last week there's a good chance they still may be found alive. Directors of the Intensive week- long search said Currington's plane, a single-engined Cessna, had- emergency provisions for several days; mosquito netting and' repellent, cooking utensils, matches, an axe and Hares. More than a dozen military and civilian planes criss-crossed the entire sweep of east-central Alas ka throughout the long northern summer day yesterday without sighting the missing craft. Dr. Cook, 31, Louisiana State University educator and widely known botanist and autnor, nad taken off with his wife and Cur rington from Fort Yukon bound for Fairbanks. Dr. Cook is 79 years old. He formerly taught at Dp Pauw and Rutgers universities and did West Indies research. 'TaUo anro pnmfrtrtnhle shops on that vacation. Please Include a pair of good walking shoes, so you won't spoil that walking party. NAVY STAGES EXERCISES MANILA, July 11. (JP) The U. S. Navy's first postwar com bat exercises In the Philippines will be staged July 18-26 by a squadron of destroyers and the sunmanne yueeniisn, ine iavy announced today. The destroyers SEE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUY Talking About a Home? So many people do noth ing but talk about it! But if you really want to own your home, consult me now. Personol attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Loans and Insurance Loan Represenatlve Equitable Savings A Loan Assn. AM I L S 112 W. Cast Prions 13 On All Appliances Finest Service Work In the Country Phone 80S I Bergh's I APPLIANCE SERVICE 1200 S. Stephens tee NORGE Before You Buy are the Rupertus, Mason, Isvell, Tucker, Perkins, Duncan and Bluebird. :.- ME ... ? CRAZY! Crazy? Crazy like a fox . . . but I know darned well I'll be up against it next December buying Christmas present for ail the family. Knowing she wanted Imperial Candlewick Crystal helped but frankly I never figured I could afford that kind of a gift until I drop ped into Lester's Shop. Heck, Les has Imperial Candlewick, just what 1 wanted and say . . , it's on sale! Yep, I had my choice of 'most any plates, sau cers, cups, stemware all that stuff and ONE FOURTH OFF the regular price. Can't beat that, can you? I even got some extra pieces for relatives and friends who'll welcome adding to their sets. Meanwhile I fig ured I've savpd plenty at one fourth off. Yeh, it's the "Spray" pattern that's on sale , , , darn ed desirable stuff. Wanna know something else? Lps has that Westmore land "Thousand Eye" pattern Crystal on sale too! Gosh, you even get a bigger variety of pieces in it. Same discount one fourth 1-is than the regu lar nationally advertised price. I figure this Is the best time to buy Christmas presents any present for that matter you know how many limes a year you pungle up for a gift, why not save 25? Ypah, It's at Lester's Shop, a couple of doors north of Wards right on Jackson St About 337 N. Jackon I believe . . . well, Merry Christmas, Mac! - 'Gym-Dandy" Steel Play Gyms There are enough plays on this sturdy, durable set to keep versatile young acrobats happily occupied for years. Includes acting bars, trapeze, gym rings, and swings.. ; Reg. 3230 Relax In a Comfortable Chaise Lounge Every sun-loving family needs at least one of these com fortable, very portable chaises, with its adjustable back and comfortable kapok-filled mattress. The frame Is en tirely of high grade steel and It's an outdoor piece that can be used for years. Available in red, yellow and blue. Reg. 27.50 22.95 fif '' NOW". 24-75; rW' 'RS merchondise lSsL 2C!?aior ! 'JC!tiJ3w sales final, rv' Deluxe Porch Glider It is a "top" number for styling and distinc tiveness. Cushions covered with VINYL coated material Which is impervious ot rain, sun and scuffing. Cushions rest on 27 coll springs. Back cushions reversible. The all sleel frames are made of heavy gauge steel angle . . . and the arms are made of finest automobile body cold-rolled steel. Reg. 69.50 49.85 All-Steel Porch Glider Made of extra heavy automobile quailty sheet steel, frames of heavy steel angle , . . attractive designs stamped out In both seat and back. All movpahle part mounted on bronze roller bearings. Reg. 34.50 27.85 All Metal Lawn Chair These are a must In every yard . . , all steel seat and back with tubular steel frames. Available in red or green baked enamel finish. Reg. 6.95 4.65 MtlAL rULUINV.UBV.IV LnAlK New, lightweight all-metal folding chair, well tailored seat and back of mildew resistant duck. ill tfF " ' , lMl Reg. 7.95 6.45 11 I 1 All Metal "Rockerless" Rocker A rockerless rocker with cotton-filled head rest which is ideal for summertime lounging . . . the siing is made of heavy, vat dyed, mildew-resistant duck. Chair folds compactly, frame finished In baked on white enamel. , Reg. 11.75 7.95 Deluxe Chrome Club Chair A large comfortable , club chair with deep seat and back cushion, light as a feather. Blue with white piping. Reg. 37.59 29.75 PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME Jl Home Rjqnishings ji. I m ii is 111 No. Jackson Phone 330