8 The News-Review, Roseburg, Cro. Thur Jufy 7, 1949 Society and Gluhl By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele phone for the society page must be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Fridays, at which time the social calendar and Sat , urday's society page are closed weekly. DAYS CREEK GARDEN CLUB HA8 ENJOYABLE POTLUCK LUNCHEON The Days Creek Garden Club held a potiucK luncneon inurs day at the home of Mrs. O. C. Brown In Dixonville. The meet ing, conducted by the President, Mrs. Ralph Martin, was held after the very delicious luncheon. Installation of officers was read by Mrs. Martin, who Install ed Mrs. Archie Ferguson, presi dent; Mrs. Delbert Poole, secre tary; and Mrs. Carl C. Hill, treas urer. Mrs. Clyde Falconer, the vice-president, was unable to at tend. Mrs. Ferguson appointed Mrs. Charles Farmer chairman of the Program Committee, Mns. Fal coner as chairman of the Finance Committee and Mrs. Martin as Publicity Chairman. Mrs. Bud Gaulke gave a very Informative talk on her favorite topic, "Roses." The next meeting will be held July 28th, place to be determined later. Those attending the meeting were Mrs. Charles Farmer, Mrs. W. Frank Brown, Mrs. Bud Gaulke, Mrs. Carl C. Hill, Mrs. Archie Ferguson, Mrs. Delbert Poole, Mrs. Ralph Martin, Mrs. O. C, Brown, Mrs. Carrie Dixon, Mrs. Bernard Maddox and son, Errol, and Mrs. Quincy Brown. CIRCLE NO. 2, TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT Miss Kay Ward and Miss Colet ta Langcnberg will be hostesses to Circle, No. 2, of St. Joseph's Altar Society Monday evening, July 11, at the former's home. All mem bers are most cordially invited and those unable to attend are asked to notify either hostess. AZALEA GARDEN CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY The Azalea Garden Club will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mlna Johnson with Mrs. Gertrude Rose, assisting hos tess. All members are cordially Invited to be present. BOX 80CIAL TO BE EVENT OF 8ATURDAY The Winston Community Club will sponsor a box social Satur day evening at Howard's Hard ware store. Members and friends are most cordially Invited to en Joy the affair. M.C.P. Jam Jelly PECTIN Filled With Freshness NATIONAL AUXILIARY PRESIDENT TO VISIT PORTLAND JULY 10TH Mrs. Josephine Jeths of Chi cago, National Commander of the Disabled American Veterans W men's Auxiliary, will arrive at the Portland airport at 12:25 p.m. Sunday, July 10th. Department oi Wasn ncton oiticers will loin with officers and members of the Department cf Oregon and local units and Chapters to escort the Commander and her party Into town. The Grotto ana several scenic spots will be visited on the wav in. cars lor we transpor tation of the Commander's party will be supplied by members of Portland unapter no. x d.a.v and will be available at all times during her stay. Headquarters will be at the Multnomah Motel and there will be an open house and a scnool oi instruction neia in the Commander's suite, Sun day evening. Monday the Commander will visit the Portland Veterans Hos pital, dine with Dr. Paul I. Carter and his staff at noon; at 1:30 p.m. she will speak over Kay West's program on KEX. At 6:30 p.m. there will be a banquet in lier honor in the Chamber of Commerce Building, S. W. 5th and Taylor Streets, and at 8:00 p.m. there will be a special meet ing of the D.A.V. Auxiliary in the Portland Post No. 1, American Legion Hall at 1139 S. W. 13th Avenue. Lois Huddleston and Fred Lar son, Commander of Portland Chanter No. 1 and Auxiliary have extended an invitation to all dis abled veterans, their wives, daughters, sisters, mothers, wid ows and Gold Star mothers to at tend this meeting to learn how one can be of greater assistance to hospitalized comrades. un leers oi Portland unapter Auxiliary No. 1, Oregon City Unit No. 4 anu Salem unit no. b will be installed by the National Commander at this meeting, which will be open to the public. uommanaer jetns win leave Portland at 2:15 p.m. Tuesday, July 11th, for California points. DEER CREEK HUSTLERS CLUB HAS PICNIC The Deer Creek Hustlers live stock club hold a fine meeting ana a aengnuut picnic at me Chrisler home on the Buckhorn road. The next meeting will be Sun day, July 10, at another picnic at the Chrisler home. Members and their families are invited. The affair will be held at two o'clock. MARTHA CIRCLE TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY AT 8ANDALL HOME Martha Circle of Faith Luther an Church will meet at one-thirty o'clock Tuesday, July 12, at the home of Mrs. W. M. Sandall. roule 2, Keasey road. Those de siring transportation are request ed to contact Mrs. waller faamuei son. All members and friends are most cordially Invited. FRIENDSHIP CLUB TO PICNIC MONDAY AT E. G. HIGH HOME Members of the Pythian Slslers Friendship Club and their hus bands are Invited to a six-thirty o'clock picnic supper to be held Monday night, July 11. at the E. G. High terrace at 531 East Lane street. and Flavor . . . Merc s your chance to get a big, "thirsty" Cannon Bath Towel for only 10c and 10 Wadhants Coffee coupons. There's a coupon with every pound of "that wonderful" W'adhaim Co(T. Thi. hi n,,i;. ,... yellow or peach towels measure 20 by 40 inches. Start saving for your towels now. And start enjoying the full-bodied, rich flavor of Wadharm Coffee. Ask your grocer for "that wonderful" Wadharm today. "YOUNG OR OLD, we're all going to the swim meet" at Roseburg July 9 and 10, lay the signs on the old and new automobiles pictured here. That Is in case you can take your eyes off the lovely occupants long enough to see the cars. And we don't mean the drivers George Mcintosh and Dave Moore, Mcintosh got in the picture because he's general chairman of the big Southern Oregon Invitational Swim Meet, sponsored by the Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce, and Moore is pictured because he's one of the several very active committeemen. Plans for the big meet are shaping up well, assures Mcintosh. And speaking of. shapes come and see for yourself at the Roseburg Municipal Pool Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. (Picture by Photo Lab) f u . i v , . . v. . ..a ROYALTY RIDES IN SUTHERLIN PARADE Pictured above is the float which transported Queen Bobbie Lamar and her court in the Timber Days parade at Sutherlin, July 4. Princesses were Su san Motschenbacher, Roseburg; Mary Lou Dowdy, Drain; Jean Hitchman, Sutherlin, Josephine Allen, Oakland. (Picture by the Photo Lab.) RECEPTION TO BE HELD HONORING KOHLHAGEN8 SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kohlhagen Sr., will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, July 10th, at a reception at their home at 901 Military street, from two to five-thirty o'clock. All rela tives and friends are most cordial ly Invited to call. ZULEIMA CLUB TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY AT HENNINGER HOME Zuleima Club, Daughters of the Nile will meet at the L, E. Hen ninger summer home on .the North Umpqua at Winchester, Tuesday, July 12. Members are asked to bring a sack lunch. Those desiring transportation are asked to meet at tne Hotel nose at twelve-thirty o'clock noon. PICNIC LUNCHEON TO BE HELD BY TWELVE AND WON CLUB TUESDAY A no-hostess picnic luncheon will be enjoyed by members of the Twelve and Won Club next Tuesday, July 12, at the home of Mrs. Fred Hargis, 22S W. Third. Each member is asked to bring a gift. Hummaao Sale The Catholic ladies rummage sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday in the basement of the rectory on I East Cass street Grange to Meet Evergreen Grange will meet at 8 p.m. at the hall Friday night, July 8. Re freshments will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. John Lander Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. John Lander Sr. Buck Deer Attack Puts Victim In Hospital TACOMA, July 6. (ft Olaf Sanstead, 74-year-old Tacoman, wishes now he had "passed the buck" Sunday. Sanstead reported today that he was absorbed in a study of a doe and a fawn on a mountain trail near Mineral when without warning a large buck deer plunged Into him. The Tacoman was knocked unconscious and badly cut on the head. Medical care was given him at .Mineral. "Rtmcmbtr-gtt m J-tfc, can ot -th wendtrful' WADNAMS COrrif. Thl. I'll TWO CANNON ATM TOWll ccureill In. IUJ ( on.C Your "flavor satisfaction" guaranteed or money back Packed by WADHAMS ft COMPANY . jn 'i s YoncaHa " By MRS. GEORGE EDES Mr. and Mrs. Everett Curtis and son spent the Fourth of July weekend visiting Mrs. Curtis' parents near Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Daugher ty left Sunday for a week's vaca tion with relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Thomlinson of Tillamook visited at the Edward Kelso home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hanson and two sons spent the weekend fishing near Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. John Almdale of Prospect Heights, 111., are visiting their son and daughter-in-law for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Almdale Jr. and two children will return to Illinois with them for a six weeks' visit with her parents. Mrs. Dean Day and two chil dren of Denver, Col., are visiting at the J. I. Day home in Hayhurst for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Woolman and family of Stauffler, Ore., vis ited Mr. Woolman's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ap plegate, and friends here Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crowe of Portland spent the weekend visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Crowe. Mrs. Albiecht of Bloomer, Wis., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Eric stensetn ana ner nusband. un Sunday Mr. and Mrs Slenseth, Mrs. Albrqcht, Mr. and Mrs. 01 ger Holland and daughter Mari lyn, took a trip several miles up the coast from Reedsport, return ing and staying at the Stenseth cabin Sunday night, and thence down the coast, returning home Blue Porcelain Enamel Cold Pack Canners ;-Quart O "TC Size O. 3 FOUR-QUART Pressure Cookers 10.50 t f ft via Roseburg. Miss Alice Case of Vancouver, Wash., visited friends here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Milam and two children of Fresno, Calif., visited at the Delton Thiel home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins enter tained their daughter and hus band from Seattle, Wash., over the weekend. Claude and Wayne Mix and Don . Eagleston of Victorville, Calif., and Jimmie Coulson and Ole Paulsrude of Los Angeles are visiting at the Walter Nimocks and Fred Paulsrude homes in the Shoestring district. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis have as their guests for the summer their daughter, Bessie Ann Cald well, of Banning, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Call of Flint, Mich., are visiting at the Hal Billings home in Elkhead. Mrs. J. N. Sparks drove to Port land Friday, where she met her daughter, Mrs. Carrock Berry of St. Louis, Mo., also another daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Odland of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks of Salem. They expect to visit at the Sparks home for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Lena Hartley of Redmond and Barton Helliwell of Glide visited friends and relatives here Sunday. Miss Eva Applegate of Portland spent the weekend visiting at the V. L. Applegate home. ' Dr. and Mrs. Don Guard are seen driving a new Ford station wagon. Miss Wather Keese of Los An geles is visiting her parents, Mr. Sutherlin By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Watson and children of Seattle, Wash., are spending a few days visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Downing and smalt son oi (Jorvailis spent several days last week at the home of Mrs. Downlng's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Vogelphol. Mrs. Dan Daniels and children left for California last week to visit with Mrs. Daniels' parents for an indefinite time. ' Sylvia Mattson and father of Minnesota spent several days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mattson. Sylvia returned to Minnesota the latter part of the week but Mr. Mattson remained in Sutherlin with his son, Joel, as he wished to remain in this part of the country. He liked the ideal climate of Oregon. Mrs. Blanche Mecum of Myrtle Point, Ore., visited for a couple of days last week in Sutherlin at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Slack and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wade. Clifford Flory was a business visitor in Eugene Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Chase and Mr. and Mrs. Bielman left Satur day morning for Paulina Lake, where they planned to spend the 4th of July holidays. Bill VanKuren, employe at the Union Oil Service Station, spent several days in Portland last week. Claude Goff of Grants Pass, was a business caller in Sutherlin Tuesday. Mrs. Dale Downing, nee Betty Lou Vogelphol and her baby, of Corvallis, are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Vogelphol. Mrs. George Cornish and her small son left Wednesday night for Minnesota, where they will visit with relatives and friends for an indefinite time. Mrs. Leo Holgate and daughter, Arlene, of Eugene spent a few days in Sutherlin this week visit- and Mrs. Ernest Vroman, for a couple of weeks. Ernest Jackson, student at Klamath Falls, is home for a va cation. He brought a friend with him. Mrs. Fred Reeves is visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eagle at Banks, Idaho. Mrs. Vivian Hunoof, Los Ange les, is visiting at the V. L. Apple gate home. Mrs. Ethel Cockeran and the Misses Beverley Murphy and Dian Kerr of Redding, Calif., are visiting at the Art Thomas home. EGGS COFFEE PARAWAX ub pkg OXYDOL LARGE PACKAGE CRACKERS SXNE: CHEESE SWIFT S, 2-LB. PKG ( I X REGULAR SIZE, RED BEANS 2-LB. PKG. . . . CHILI BRICKS EACH JELLY 12-OZ. GLASS SALMON YEAST PEACHES BORAX CHIPS KLEENEX PINK-CAN 4 PKGS. 3 CANS PKG. 300 SIZE FREE PRICES Ashland Preparing For Annual Series Of Shakesperean Plays ASHLAND, Ore. This small Siskiyou mountain town enter tained 20,000 visitors during its traditional Fouth of July celebra tion and Is now preparing for the main event of the summer the annual Oregon Shakesperean Fes tival. Folks who helped build floats and boarded up rodeo cor rals are now repairing the out door Elizabethan stage and erect ing signs of welcome to theater goers expected here for the ninth annual drama program. Ashland Is the only community In the country which boasts an operating civic Elizabethan thea ter organization. While student actors from no less than 10 dif ferent states are rehearsing for the August 2 opening, the tech nical details of the program are being directed by a large corps of volunteer Ashland workers, Ashland residents are justly proud of their Elizabethan thea ter, for it is the only authentic replica of the famous Globe Stage of Shakespeare's day in use as a community activity. Located in the shell of the old Chautauqua Building, the audience sits under the stars and watches the plays produced exactly as the Bard saw them in his day. Special Elizabethan pageantry is being planned during the Au gust 2 to 24 festival season in beautiful 100-acre Lithia Park. Ceremonies will be held In the Ing at the home of Mrs. Robert Hall and attended the bridal shower for Mrs. Don West. Ray Nichols of Eugene made several business calls In this city Wednesday. Mrs. Brittaln Slack was a busi ness visitor In Oakland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wegner and family from Pico, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Orval LeVor of Wil mar, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Emmltt and children of Rose burg, spent several days last week visiting at the Mrs. Ella Wegner home and with other relatives ana trtenas. Mrs. D. B. Kesner and Mrs. Henry Halvorsen attended the zunema Nile wuo picnic and meeting last Friday evening at the summer home of the Henn- inger's on the Umpqua River near Winchester. M: s. Brad Parazoo shopped and transacted business in Roseburg Thursday. AT G GRADE A LARGE, DOZEN CHASE AND SANBORN, LB. CAN Zc I FRESH PRODUCE 17C Carrots, 2 bchs 15c 45C Red Onions, 3 lbs. ...19c 19c Summer Squash, lb 7c I 45C Cabbage, lb 5c 29c Tomatoes, lb 13c 2JC Raspberries, 2 boxes 49c CALIFORNIA POTTERY COUPONS EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY new- $25,000 Butler Memorial Band Shell with the color of period costumes accented by a backdrop of evergreens and snow capped Mount Ashland. Five plays will be produced in repertoire this season so that visi tors may see the entire program in five evenings, or at the most, six. "Romeo and Juliet" will open the program, followed by the sec- ond of the historical sequence, "Richard II." A troupe of young, sters will assist in the presenta tion of the fanciful "Midsummer Night's Dream," and a revival of the successful showing of "Othello" will be seen. The pro gram will be completed with "The Taming of the Shrew," which de lighted audiences at the San Fran cisco World Fair in 1939, Studio Decrees Actresses Must Exhibit Charms HOLLYWOOD, July 6 (ff) In. fairness to the public, which has an eye for such things, Uni. versal-Internatlonal Studio is re quiring its charming young things to display their charms. While starting actresses are willing enough to be the subject of "cheesecake art," as it's call ed, after they attain higher salar ies, they often get the idea it's beneath their dignity, the studio has found. Public-spirited Universal-International decided to dignify bath ing suit poses by writing "cheese cake" clauses in its contracts. The clause requires that any young lady with charms to display shall do so for publicity pictures for the first five years of her con tract. First signatory to the new pact is Peggie Castle, a green-eyed blonde with undeniable charms. Truman Will Address Shriners' Convention WASHINGTON, July 7. (ff) President Truman will address the National Shrine convention in Chicago Tuesday, July 19. The White Mouse announcea today that Mr. Truman has ac cepted the invitation and will fly to Chicago in his plane, "The Independence." 63c 53c 15c 26& 23c 79c 2 PKGS. 29c 29c BOB FRANKS Grocery I Can A Stphi FRII DELIVERY ?hon 111