6 The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Wed., June 29, 1949 A ... . r' V A 1 frnkjl-. - ' m f rii i m iinm'4 HURRICANE HUNTERS Tne hunting season has opened lor these three Navy planes, winging their way over Miami Beach, Kla., on their way out to sea. They're hunting hurricanes. During the hurricane season, they fly far out to track down any storms approaching the coast, and give the weather bureau ample warning. Poison Gas Use Against Rebels Denied By Greece Washington, June 29. m The American-Advised Greek Army is using two chemical weapons with such eftcct that Greek rebels and their Soviet bloc backers have raised the cry of. "poison gas." Officials reported this after the Moscow radio declared that "200 tons of special material for mak. lng gas was unloaded recently HOT WEATHER! SHOP EARLY IF lYOu" OLYMPIA BEER 1 FOR OVER . ;l THE WEEK-END. pi '.1 -WIS l&gM OLYMPIA BREWING COOlympll,WHh.,U.S.A. "with great secrecy" from American ship in Greece. Denying that outlawed gas has been or will be used, of ficials said the charge might have stemmed from the use of two other chemical weapons permit ted under the recognized rules of warfare: Napalm, an incendiary bomb which has the effect of flaming oil, and surphur smoke-pots. The smoke has been used to route the guerrillas from caves. Napalm bombs, which were used with deadly effect against the Japanese in World War II, are dropped from planes to disperse rebel groups. The Athens government ac knowledged the use of the sul phur smoke In replying to a Czechoslovak charge of poison gas filed in the United Nations this year. Many people enjoy a "hot" cur ry in summer. Make the curry of chicken or shrimp and serve it with as many of trie following accompaniments as you have available: fresh pineapple chut ney, shredded fresh or moist can ned coconut, peanuts (whole or ground), onion and tomato relish, raisins, pickled watermelon rind. S ot. In n ilu package only $1. Economy quart tif f 2.911 2gg J p- " t THI NEW OLD WAY W ffHft. Committee OKs I rial Kun in New Farm Bill WASHINGTON, June 29T OB The House Agriculture Commit tee approved Tuesday a brand new farm bill authorizing a three- crop "trial run for the Tru man administrations controver sial production payment" pro gram ior agriculture. The measure went through on a 17-9 vote against virtually solid rtepuoucan opposition. It sets up a major issue as Democrats and Republicans scramble for the Midwest farm votes in the congressional elec tions next year. Some farm groups already are assailing the administration s idea as a s sidy" and a "dole." The measure would maintain rigid price suooorts. at higher leveis ior most crops man under ine present price prop program. 11 wuuia repeal tne larm Dill enacted by the Republican-con trolled 80th Congress, with its bu ot tfl) percent of parity props. Some Committee Republicans battled for continuation of the resent farm program into 1950. 'hey oblected to even the lflSfl "trial run" for "production pay ments" which the bill would permit. ...1LS UGLY WEEDS BUT VVC.J r HARM COMMON LAWN GRASSES! .0 MORE back-breaking weed iHgging! Now you can enjoy a beautiful, weed-free lawn by just mixing 2 tablespoons of WEED-NO-MORE to a gallon of water and spraying it on. Wccd will soon begin to shrivel and die. WEED-NO-MORE kills dandelion, plantain and other ugly weeds yet won't injure soil. Get It today! 8-oiinrr law n sif package treats 1600 square feet. Just spray on . . . WEED-NO-MORE. UMP0UA VALLEY , 4 A Home-Owned ond Operated Store 202 N. Jockion Phone 7) Extradition Of Oregon Swindler To Be Asked ASTORIA, June 19. (JP Extradition of Leroy Allcorn from Houston, Tex., to face bad check charges here will be sought by District Attorney Garnet t Green. Allcorn, charged with giving a farmer a rubber check for his farm, and heading south with the farmer's daughter in a new car bought with a rubber check, was arrested at Houston last week. It was indicated at first that Hous ton planned to prosecute on simi lar charges, but it was learned here subsequently that he would be released unless Oregon wanted mm. Green said he did. v' I RECEIVfNG L II. 1 PAYING V 1,3 -r " P i TELLER M 1 V Jf : .;'t''')vi;-:.itf .... . lit " rlrl-Htn ,,r,aiihMsAto.'i!a Grasshopper Horde In Harney County Not Expected To Reach Farming Areas PORTLAND, June 29. UP A vast horde of migratory grass hoppers now covers 800,000 acres in desolate Southern Harney County but entomologists think they won't get into farming areas. Dr. Don C. Mote, head of the Oregon State College Entomology Department, reported the "thick infestation and added that it is a new species for Oregon. The hoppers came into the state from Northern Nevada last year. They have been seen on tne wine In the past weeki rising in clouds to 200 feet at times, he said. He noted however, that their migration last year moved them only 40 miles and a long trek into larmmg lands is not expected this year. Field men have been at work to control them and while there has been a good kill, "the total de crease in grasshopper numbers is insignificant compared to the entire mass." Two weeks ago an infestation of hoppers was reported in Baker county, with especial concern be ing felt In the Durkee rrea. Crews moved in with poisoned bait and a plane sprayed the area. BaKer county s noppers are tne HAND IT OVER. BUD! Caesar, 189 pounds of Great Dane muscle, isn't holding up the bank in Auckland, New Zealand. He's soliciting funds for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The teller decided to contributp Negro Burial Ban May Be Dropped At Klamath Falls KLAMATH FALLS, June 29. IJP Klamath Falls city council- men considered favorably a pro posal to strike a clause from the ordinance governing the citv- operated Memorial Park Ceme tery wnich prohibits burial of Negroes there. A delegation visited the coun II In connection with the case of Pete Williams, 27-year-old Ne gro war veteran. Under the ordi nance, Williams could not be burled In the new Memorial Park, and was interred in a war vet erans' plot in old Linkville Ceme tery, where the rule did not apply. Negroes and whites were in the delegation urging the Coun cil to eliminate the provision which reserves the new cemetery for burial of whites only. Coun cllmen turned the matter over to the city attorney and judiciary committee, indicating they would pass an amendment repealing the Jim Crow clause. J. N. Boor Outboard Motors 924 Gdn. Vally. Rd. Ph. 530-J-l KANGAS BOATS and acces sories . . . Boden Wire. Throttles, etc. Service and Sales Mexicanni species, while those in Southern Harney are menaloplus occidentalis. The U. S. Bureau of Entomology has an expert in the field today to determine the ex tent and seriousness of the Bak er County Infestation. Last week the county agent estimated 100 noppers per square yard at Dur kee, covering an area a halt mile wide and two miles long, nay crops and orchards were threat ened. Elsewhere in Oregon, with hoppers especially prevalent in Grant, Wheeler and Morrow counties, the number is about normal. Mote said. A good way to use up a little leftover rice is to put it into an omelet about half a cup to a two-egg omelet. Serve with hot biscuits and currant jelly or peach preserves. OIL TO BURN For prompt courteous meter ed deliveries of high quality trove ana burner oil CALL 152 MYERS OIL CO. Distrlbutori of Hancock Petroleum Products For Douglas County ITCH (Scablei) li hlihlv tagious and will con tinue far Ufa If iw. itoDDed. Ita tola can la the ltch-mlte. which ts Immune to ordinary treatment. EXSORA killa the itch-mite almoat instantly. Only three days' EXSORA treatment la required. Hau orders given prompt attention. Fred Merer Drors, Roiebarg WINDOWS DOORS FRAMES Priced Right PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 Bank With A Douglas County Institution Home Owned Home Operated Member Federal '' Deposit Insurance Corp. Douglas County State Bank 11 .1 I Ve can arrange wi the . f 11 return or voui fovea one the U.S.A m st FA , - if 4 if, . VP, 1 "The cteanest rest 'rooms we've ever used." ( CLEAN . JUOMFORT jpWWIDNS 4 Top Team for Summer Trips Flying A Accurate-Air Tire Service is exactly what the name implies, ..let your Helpful Associated Dealer show you how it works. Veedol Safety-Check lubrication never misses., . makes driving cars safer and better. III 1 rMmmjJMmL Flying A Windshield Service really makes 'em sparkle. The secret ts a special detergent, special equipment and special effort. For better driving over the holiday, on vacation, all year long you'll find that FLYING A ETHYL Gasoline and FLYING A SERVICE are the winning combination. FLYING A ETHYL is the richer blend of lively "tiger stocks" that brings out the finest performance in any car, new or old. FLYING A SERVICE covers the many other details that make for driving pleasure, convenience, economy. And you're always welcome, whether you make a purchase or not. Treat yourself and your car to FLYING A SERVICE and a tank full of FLYING A ETHYL before the week-end and . . . have a Happy Holidayl DEALERS TIDE WATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY CM. McDERMOTT, Distributor ' ' For a . ' FEATHER-SOFT "- Easier Steering Longer Wearing Adair's Associated Services Main A Washington Hansen's Associated Service Suthtrlln Bill & Ward's Associated Service Across from Rose Hotel J. Jam's Robertson's Associated Service S. Stephens at Brockway Carl Nickens Associated Service 1580 Harvard Avenue Lyle Spore's Associated Service Days Creek Glen Beach Associated Service 645 N. Jackson Lyle Stuwe's Associated Service Oakland Paul Knox't Associated Service Riddle Radigan's Camp View Associated Service . Highway 89 at Garden Valley Road Superior Associated Service Myrtle Crstk