4 The News-keview, Roteburg, Ore. Tu., June 28, 194 Qbc lows-Review Published Dally Exoept Sunday by ths News-Review Company, Inc. Mere! fti itcDd elaee mailer Mar 1, l'. el the eeil eftlee it Reaeberf, Oregeej. aaier act at Mareh t, 111 CHARLES V. STANTON fWt EDWIN L. KNAPP Editor Manager Member of the Associated Press, Oregon Newspaper Publishers Atioclatlon, the Audit Bureau of Circulation! Kepreaentea' br WKST-HOLLIDAI CO., INC., olflc.i la Kt Verk. Cklcafa, Raa Praprlsca. Lea Anfelea. Seattle, Parllaad. SI. Leula. SUBSt'KIPTION BATES la Ore, on By Hall rar Tear II.M, lis meathe Sl.St. tk. MHaiha i aa n -it. rarrin pr w v hi m iia advance). tban aaa rear, par meath JI.OO. Oatiida Oresea Br Hall far reef .. l mnniim II " MORE NEW By CHARLES Simultaneous installations The. News-Review and Klamath Falls Herald and News, affiliated in the Southern Oregon Publishing; Co., make these two newspapers the FIRST in Oregon to set up Teletype- setting equipment. The Teletypesetter, a comparatively new invention, per mits automatic operation of about 1500 Teletypesetters are in use today. They are used to speed type production almost doubling production over the manually operated line-caster and also to permit setting identical type at several stations simultaneously from one central station, when connected by telegraph wire. Time and Life Magazines, for instance, are edited in New York but, through use of Teletypesetters at Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles, set identical type simultaneously at each of the three publication points. The Teletypesetter consists of three major pieces of equip ment, a perforator, transmitter and keyboard. The perforator has a standard typewriter keyboard to gether with auxiliary keys. It operates in much the same manner as an electric typewriter, but, instead of printing characters on a piece of paper, punches holes in a record ing tape. As the tape comes from the perforator it is fed into the transmitter. Combinations of holes in the tape create elec trical impulses. Each impulse from the transmitter is transferred into mechanical action on the keyboard which is attached to the line-casting machine. Each coded impulse from the trans mitter "punches" a key on the keyboard in exactly the same manner as would be done in manual operation and causes the line-caster to set type in the normal manner. The Teletypesetter opens the way for many interesting developments in the mechanics of publishing and printing. There has been established, for instance, the Southwest Arkansas Teletypesetter Circuit, with headquarters at Hope, Arkansas. An eight-hour daily wire report is edited at Hope and is set in type simultaneously by five neighboring news papers. Several such circuits now are operating in the East and Mid-West. A number of installations have been made for weekly newspapers where the mechanical problem differs consider ably from that of daily newspapers. Weeklies can train girls to operate perforators and utilize only one Linotype operator to service two or three line-casters. The News-Review and Herald and News are installing these machines in an effort to produce more type in a given number of hours. It is expected that a large amount of the material can be put through the automatic operation, particularly material which normally slows down the manual operation. Thus the "slow copy" can be punched out on the perforator and fed into the transmitter which then will operate the Linotype at top speed.. This can be done at such times as will not take the line-caster out of production when needed for "hot" copy. . , The Teletypesetter is expected to be a great timesaver in handling legals, classified ads, and time copy, thus aiding in meeting early deadlines. News-Review Linotype operators have even suggested that the editor punch out his own column material on the Tele typesetter so they won't have to read it. But we'll be dog goned if we will! So long as we refuse, we're sure of at least two readers the operator and proofreader. Russia Put On Defensive In Struggle For Europe, Claim Of State Secretary Acheson WASHINGTON, June 27.-UP) Secretary ol State Acheson says Russia has been definitely put on the defensive In the struggle lor iurope, He told a news conference that the results of the Big Four for elgn ministers meeting at Paris biiow mat. Acheson said the Soviet Union was afraid to relax Us iron grip on Eastern Germany because the Russian leaders know they would no longer be able to control the Herman people 11 iney ma so. The real significance of the Big Four session at Paris, Acheson said, is that It demonstrates the ready strengthened position of the Western Powers In what he called the struggle for the soul of kurope and the fact the posi tion of Russia has been switched from an offensive to a defensive one. Persecution Rapped Acheson declared that Commu nist-run Czechoslovakia is wag jng a campaign against religious freedom which violates "the de cencies of civilization." The Secretary charged that re strictions imposed by ine Lorn munist regime are "an attempt to subject religious organizations to the rule of an intolerant police state. The campaign, ne said, follows the pattern of those al ready carried out in Hungary, Bulgaria and other Eastern Euro pean Communist states. Ask Money For Korea Acheson previously reempha sized Thursday this time to the House the "utmost importance" of approving the North Atlantic Pact and European arms program at this congressional session. Acheson also urged action by June 30 on a bill to provide $150, 000,000 of economic aid for Korea. EQUIPMENT V. STANTON in mechanical departments of line-casting machines. Only The Secretary underscored what he had told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that action on the treaty and arms program are needed to back up America's policy In Europe. The House has nothing to do with ratification of the North Atlantic defense alliance. But it will have to approve the Arms program. At the moment, the Foreign Affairs Committee is considering the Korean bill. Without help, Acheson said, the south Korean fiovernment "will have an almost nstiperable task in maintaining freedom and Independence." He told the Senators that the Inability of the Western dele gates at the conference to come to any real agreement with Rus sia emphasizes the need for both the North Atlanlic Pact and the related arms program. Girl Scouts' Summer Activity Plans Laid Summer activity program of the Girl Scouts was laid out at the monthly meeting of the Girl Scout Leaders Association June 23, when leaders met at Umpqua Park for an outing and "cook- out." Mrs. Lloyd Nelson, secretary, announced that Mrs. Ruby Shar man, will be In charge of the first activity Wednesday. June 29 when Girl Scouts will meet at Umpqua Park for wood gather ing, fire building, slick cookery, and a nose bag lunch." Other activity dates will lie July 16, July 27, Aug. 10, anil Aug. 24. Other plans will be announced later, said Mrs. Nel son. t .r sic- m . m r m i mm n ii v $f&0$$ ' By VitUmett S. Martin a ("jJ "The tendency of the times," wrote Daniel Carter Beard, Na tional Scout Commissioner in a letter to the writer of this column, In 1939, "is to commer cialize everything, but the origi nal idea of the Boy Scouts was to develop the individuality and make the boys capable of doing anything and everything, so their characters would be as in dividualistic as their fingertips. "I do not 'mix up In politics; I keep out of all entangling dis cussions. I have but one object In view, and that is the training and development of American manhood through the proper training of the boys. "Consequently my warmest friends belong to all shades of politics, and what is better still, all shades of religion. Personally, I can stand this, for I am a Quaker, and as such, have res pect for everybody else's faith. "Such letters as yours are stimulating and I thank you. Cordially yours, (signed) Daniel Carter Beard, National Scout Commissioner." Under such leadership one is not surprised to find the Twelfth Law of the Scouts Is that "A Editorial Comment From The Oregon Press GONE ARE THE DAYS Sherman County Journal A woman, bitten by a rattler while fishing, has been given some sort of serum recommend ed for the occasion and is re ported as being on the way to re covery. That is all very good and very scientific and very luckv. Hut It ain't like it used to be. When the west was new the only known cure for rattle snake bile was a more common serum which came In barrels hauled up next the bulkhead of freighter's high wheeled wagons. The bulkhead llself was the freighter's store room where he kept his proven der of grain for the unwilling eayuses that provided his mo tive force. He kept his chewing tobacco, his bacon and flour there, too. But the place nearby was where the snake bite serum were hauled. Why, In those days, they used to start a town with a barrel or two of that stuff. A stranger'd come along, find a likely place where there was water and grass ana set up a snop ot some Rind. Maybe a blacksmith shop, maybe an eating place but fhst off he needed a barrel of this snake bite serum to roll up on a plat form all ready for a wooden spigot and a customer. The cus tomer would be along shortly, heralded by a plume of dust down the road. It wouldn't he long (if the bar rel was occasionally renewed! until some one would settle nearby and pretty soon there'd be a town with a store and a street and hopes for a postof flee. Travelers would stop In Just for the sociability and set tlers would ride in from forty miles because there was likely something going on. Most immoral? Yep. reckon so, hut seemed like there wasn't no excitement over to the other place. Did the stuff cure rattle snake bites? Well, history is not exact "Who, Me?" Scout is Reverent. He is rever ent toward God. He Is faithful in his religious duties, and res pects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion." Our boys had one scoutmaster who demonstrated all that Mr. Beard said in this respect: he was of the Mormon faith. I feel sure at least a half dozen other de nominations were represented In the troop. It was the scoutmas ter's invariable custom to Include a Bible in his pack but on one trip up Into the high Sierra for a week, he failed, somehow, to do so. He explained to the boys and showed his deep regret. The boys were concerned for him. Said the youngest scout earnest ly: "If it will help you out any. Scoutmaster, I could pretend to be reading the Bible. I know the twenty-third Psalm and the Ninety-first." The troop, the scoutmaster told us later, showed their approval. So did he, but not for the same reason. "You just do that!" said he, warmly. "Your Good Turn!" Scouting, when lived up to, is a big step towards world brother hood! on the subject but a lot of It was taken for snake bites, real or anticipated, and It must have cured some. But it cured the country of ennui, although the word was never heard In those days, and there are philosophers of a sort who would argue that being bit by a snake was no worse ailment than being bored by inaction only quicker. How Socialism Works In England Salem Capital Journal An Associated Press dispatch from Selarnthy, England, fells of the Joy of life under the socialists regime of the British Labor Party, whose endless red tape on triviali ties is reminiscent of our own OPA control during war time. The clerk of Sommerset parish had for a hundred years or more tacked election notices upon a church door and adjacent trees. The owner of the property turned it over to the government as a national trust. This followed: The government said the par ish clerk had to quit nailing no tices on government trees. The law said he had to have five bill. lelln boards for that purpose. The clerk got permission to up the tax rates a penny to pay for the boards. Then he applied. In tripli cate, for an allotment of rationed lumber to make the boards. Next, he mailed the national trust a ropy of a lease, in tripli cate, covering erection of the boards. Then he applied, in quln tuplicate. for permission from the iVunty Planning Committee to erect the boards. The board sent llle applications back, said they'd have to have applications In trip licate for each of the five boards - with a diagram of the proposed bulletin board on each. At that moment, something In Tom's soul died. He quit. This is typical of all socialistic planned economy states where red tape bureaucracy rules, and t large percentage of producers are I In the Day's News (Continued From Page One) that matter, I was unaware that the old one had only two. It's odd how many things we don't, know. , ... r HERE'S a thought-provoking little tale in the news. The Oregon Poultry Council wants a price floor of 90 per cent of parity for the 1949 turkey crop. In defense of Its position, it as serts that turkey prices should be protected at the same level as grain prices. Well, turkeys eat grain. If the price of grain Is high, the cost of raising and fattening turkeys will be high. That follows as night fol lows day. You just can't get around It ... LET'S go on with the story. You work for wages say $1.50 an hour. You eat turkey to keep up your vim and vigor. If a law is passed to raise the price of tur keys, YOU WANT A LAW THAT WILL RAISE THE PRICE OF YOUR WAGES. If you get the law to raise your wages, your boss will want a law to raise the price of what he makes or sells. If he gets the law to raise the price of what he makes or sells, it will upset the apple cart of everybody who BUYS what he makes or sells. And so on ad Infinitum. TINKERING with prices BY LAW is a good deal like try ing to fix the clock when you don't know anything about clocks. Every wheel you monkey with UPSETS THE TIMING OF SOME OTHER WHEEL. After a while, you give it up and go get yourself a new clock. (Just as. In the course cf time, we'll have to get ourselves a new price structure.) ... THERE are ways and ways to maln - ll.,lnn A Ul J,. I mane n living, rv villunU UIS patch Informs us that one Sie- mund Engel has supported him self throughout his life by wooing gullible widows and fleecing them out of their fortunes. It was a good racket and It served him well for 50 years, but eventually he over-stepped him self and wooed a widow who wasn't gullible. Not only was she not gullible but she has a slater. Inlaw who is a policewoman. with the aid of this relative, she set trap for the aged Lothario and caught him so cold that he admitted his long career of W3man swlndling. He Is now rest ing comfortably In jail while try Ing to raise bail of $10,000. He tells the cops he never mar. ried any of the women he took money from, adding: "I am al ways a gentleman, and a centle- man knows right from wrong EX- Ci.PT IN MATTERS CONCERN. ING MONEY. Alter all, all I've done In taking women's money Is what the politicians do every dav" Every crook, you see, has an! auoi withdrawn from production. to su. pervise and regiment the balance of the people. Sex Slaying Of Boy Confessed By Father Of Four LANSING, Mich., June 18 UP) Inspector Paul Taylor of the City Police said Monday that Dudley Beatty, a 29-year-old un- employej factory worker, had confessed the beer bottle slaying of f"ur-year-old Walter Eaton. Taylor said that Beatty, who lives a block from the home of the slain child, walked into police headquarters Monday and gave himself up. Taylor went Immediately to Bealty's address and returned with an arm load of clothes, which the officers said were stained, but had been washed. Taylor said "I am satisfied he is the one." Taylor quoted Beatty as say ing: "I knew you'd get me and I couldn't take It." Asked why he killed the boy. Taylor said Beatty replied: l con t Know, i u been drink ing. I knew him and his family. I don't know why I did it." Beatty told the officers where I to lind the clothing he said he wore last Thursday night when the little boy was lured Into a dark factory storage yard, where his throat was cut and he was criminally assaulted. Taylor said the shirt, found stuffed Inside a pillow, had a stain on it and that the trousers appeared also to have been stained. The officer said labora tory tests would be made to de termine if the stains were blood. Beatty Is married and has four children, the inspector said. Kaiser-Frazer Plans 1,000 Final Assembly Plants TOPEKA, Kan., June 28. m Kaiser-Frazer will build 1,000 small final assembly plants throughout the United Slates if evnerimontal unite nm.r construction prove satisfactory, ugai x. nailer saia nere Mon day. --"-. pi IV Ul llic WlI- IOW Run, Mich., automobile Cor- (juration, saia zu-car-per-day as sembly plants will be completed in about three months at Port land, Ore. and Los Angeles. He said the plants will be an experiment in labor relations. "It is my theory," Kaiser ex plained, "that we can obtain bet- icr iauur relations witn decentral ization einPH If llritl annhU mn agement to establish closer per- aundi lyiiiai-Lg wun worKers than is possmie in a large plant." He said he thinLrc hottoi- lKs.. relations will result in increased worker interest in his job. This, Kaiser said, would result in in- Creasfnir pffiplnnnv anil a hlnl.n standard of job performance wiuuii wouia oe reiiectea m a better finished product. -. 0u.u v.vrilllailj' UCll- nltelv will build 1,000 of the 20- car-per-aay plants If the Los An geles and Portland branches pro duce expected results. Spar Tree For Contests Hoisted At Sutherlin A spar tree to be used for high Pllmhinn aiunl. In U r 1 - ""'ft -.-.. o in iiic Luugias County Timber Days celebration ai auinerun July i was raised Sunday morning In De Waard's Field, onnosite the KnthaHin r!,.. Park. ' The 120-fooJ tree was cut 14 miles east of Sutherlin by the crew of Clinton Berg, logging contractor. It was brought into the city by Fabian Bratton. "Dead men" nenri no annhn. ports for the tree were sunk by Don Harrington with the aid of Troy Watts. All lnpppra nro lnvltat n an,n the logging contests at the Suth- urmi ceieurauon. rt. J. EaldWIn, general chairman, said that Dick Gilman, Roseburg, is receiving entries. Phone 100 If you do not receive your News-Review by 6:15 P.M. call Harold Mobley before 7 P.M. Phone 100 -Tiw aV U. S. Leans To Finance Rural Phone Lines Planned WASHINGTON, June 28. (A A bill to bring more telephones to the farms may get through the House this week with the help of a compromise move. The rural telephone bill is next on the worksheet after the House gets through the housing scrap. A fight has been building up over the phone measure too, par ticularly over a leature mat would let the government lend money for expanding country phone service at 2 per cent inter est less than the rate the Treas ury pays on some of the money it borrows. . Now the word is getting around from the Democratic leadership that it might be a good idea to raise the rate in the bill to 21 or 3 per cent. And the author, Kep. Poage (D-Tex), has indi cated he is willing to go along on 21 per cent. r Clip This Ad WANTED Men 17 to 55 to learn REFRIGERATION Learn By Doing Come for interview with IW, C. T. I. representative at Umpqua Hotel, regarding I starting dates, housing and part-time jobs. Interviews on Friday, 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. . I ONLY. I G. I. APPROVED U U '...for an increase in sales volume" According to Mr. Harold Borreson, shipping clerk, George A. Hormel & Ca.'s Seattle branch, "West Coast's convenient, regular schedules help us deliver small orders with the same speed as larger ones. The service is an aid in increasing our volume to hundreds of grocers and butchers." West Coast's flexible shipping network can bt a valuable merchandising asset to you too. There's much more to shipping than just hauling the load, as many concerns have already learned. Next time route West Coast and see for yourself! Hat Beds Stale Racks fJ- f Direct Service: Seattle, Spokane, San Wt Francisco, Eji Los Angeles rjjjjjll For Inlormauon and Service -ff TRANSFER V STORAGE CO. Agent SSO E. 3rd St. Phone 635 AS A- VNl M . X' s3 Poage's bill would let the Rural Electrification Admlnistra tlon, which has spread electricity to thousands of farms, move into the telephone field. The REA WOUld lend mnnoir tn avp,i Dhone SVStemit for vn.n,i XT body else could even apply for -. me nisi K x mnninc Later. eooneratiuA nrn..nin..n . . 1 ' - " suiii'.nuuiis o' farmers could apply for loans. i ships via e sf T mc A ' 0f F"7 Refrgeraforj Vans V