The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, June 28, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Th Ndwi Review, Roieburg, Ore Tue., June 28, W9Rea gullets 111
Thief's Pistol
Shocks Woman
Plans For July 4
Celebration At
Glendale Advance
Newi-Itvlw Corrtipondent
Plans lor the Glendale 4th of
July celebration are progressing
satisfactorily, according to Everett
Skllllngs, general chairman, rep
resenting the Glendale Chamber
of Commerce, which is sponsoring
the affair.
Many entries have been re
ceived for the big parade, first in
the history of Glendale. The pa
rade will begin to form, at about
11 o'clock, in order to give those
in charge time to organize the
line-up, and will move down pa
cific Avenue at 12 noon.
Among those already entered
are Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, a
mounted troop of horsemen. Vet
erans of Foreign Wars color
guard, two Dancls, and Iioais irom
the Baptist Church and Church of
Christ. A bicycle-riding collie and
a good clown and donkey act are
among other expected attracitons.
Youngsters dressed In costume,
decorated bikes, wagons, and so
forth, are invited to participate.
Entries may be listed with Bill
Sparks, or Everett Skllllngs, tele
phone, Glendale 399.
Kids' races are in charge of Sid
Perry of the Glendale Grocery.
There will be Three-legged races,
Spoon and Egg Races, Relays, and
other novelty contests.
The Chamber of Commerce
Committee has announced that
among the prizes offered are a
pair of leather loggers' boots for
first place in the log rolling con
test; leather logging boots for
first place In the log bucking con
test, and a pair of Pendleton
Shirts for each winner in the
topping contest. The log rolling
contest will take place west of the
bridge over Cow Creek. Since the
catwalk at the side of the bridge
is out of repair, only the Judges
will be allowed on the bridge dur-
lng the contest.
volunteer workers of the city
met at the school ball field Tues
day, June 28, at 10 a.m. to begin
construction of a wide variety of
concession stands for the big
event. The work is in charge of
Ray Cox, president of the Cham
ber of Commerce.
With its building directly across
the street from the school ball
field, the center of the 4th of July
festivities in Glendale, the Glen
dale Baptist Church has an
nounced that It will have a special
motion picture and "singsplra
tlon" service on the evening of the
4th, during the period before the
Anti-Strike Injunction
Loses In Senate Test
(Continued From Page One)
O'Conor (D-Md) completed a 4,-900-mlle
flight from Europe only
an hour and a half before the vot
ing. Vice President Barkley, who
could vote only In case of a tie,
flew back from a visit fo Los
O'Conor had been In Europe
for sessions of the International
Labor Organization at Geneva,
The drive by both sides to turn
up their full voting strength
brought to the chamber two sen
ators who have been absent for
days because of illness. They are
Senators Stennls (D-Miss) and
Smith (RNJ).
Just before the vote on his
amendment. Senator Holland told
the Senate that if there is no
emergency injunction provision
In any new labor law, We will
have a sort of toothless machin
ery" which he said could not pro
tect the public interest.
The administration bill, as it
stands, provides no special gov
ernment power for dealing with
emergency strikes.
Senators Magnuson (D.-Wash.)
and Morse (R.-Ore.) voted
against the labor bill amendment
defeated by the senate today.
Senators Cain and Cordon, Re
publicans from Washington and
Oregon respectively, voted for
the amendment.
A 14-year-old boy, Harry John
Good, was drowned in the Tua
latin River southwest of here
yesterday. He fell from a row-boat.
big town fireworks display. The
church service is scheduled for
8:30, and the fireworks for
9:45 p.m.
As announced by the Baptist
pastor, the Rev. Gerald B. Fox,
the sound pictures planned for
the evening will Include a "Hymn
Sing," beautifully recorded as the
words appear on the screen for
audience participation. The other
picture, "We Too Receive," is a
film based on actual happenings
during the late World War.
It tells the dramatic story of an
American aviatou who Is forced
down In the head-hunter Jungles
of a South Pacific island and is
rescued by a native who had re
ceived Christian training in a
mission school. The film Is a dra
matic reminder that Christian
missions have a two-way influ-
. PORTLAND, June 28. UP)
A woman tavern proprietor, un
injured when a would-be robber
fired at her, thought the revolver
was loaded with blanks.
When police pointed to a hole
In her ' dress at knee level and
found the spent slug in an empty
beer keg, she became nystericai
and was taken to a hospital for
treatment of shock.
Brinton .Wallace McNeil, 20, a
transient, was . jailed as the as
sailant. He was booked . on
charges of attempted assault and
robbery while armed, assault
with intent to kill and carrying
a concealed weapon.
The proprietor, Mrs. Vetha M.
Howe, told police this story:
While she was drawing a beer
for the only customer In her
tavern at 12:20 a. m. today, he
pulled out a revolver and de
manded the tlll's cash. She
reached for the till and with the
other hand waved to a passing
car. She told the robber it was
the night watchman who was
coming to pick her up. The man
looked out tne window and Mrs
Howe grabbed a club from under
the counter and hit him on the
The blow had no apparent ef
fect and the man whirled and
fired at point-blank range. He
then ran out the door and fired
She called police and a prowl
car picked up McNeil near by.
When a revolver taken from him
was found to be loaded with live
ammunition, two cartridges of
which had been fired, police
looked for more evidence.
That was when Mrs. Howe be
came hysterical.
Roseburg Mearcutrers
Strike Is Settled
(Continued From Page One)
day morning, said Carlson, who
added that special truckloads of
meat are being shipped to meat
hungry Roseburg residents. All
the stores will be completely re
stocked ready to do business.
The strike went into effect
June 2, 24 hours after the union
contract expired. The settlement
affects the R o s e b u r g . Myrtle
Creek areas, and not other parts
of the stale, where union con
tracts are to expire soon.
A great amount of canned
meat was purchased by shoppers
during the strike, it was learned.
Appreciation for the patience
and consideration of the general
public during the strike period
was expressed by Carlson.
happy homes are happier ivith
,1 V '
r i
( 'iU
i A, .tcJ.t, Li. .i -..r. .c-f,.. .... ,-r.,- -tiWfntMiiiYUB
Every room In tKe house takes on an aura of enduring loveliness with the rich,
embossed beauty of Mohawk carpet. Whatever the setting, period or modern,
this sturdy Wilton carpet lends a refined accent and a note of restful sim
plicity to any room. Lush, vibrant wool pile in plain colors make Mohawk a
new adventure in underfoot luxury. This is your kind of carpet . . . loomed
by the famous Mohawk weavers.
A beautiful colonial style
just right for that maple
furniture, m Sq.
9' width..
Here is o neutral color,
leafy pattern in tan and
brown. 12 - ft. width.
Reg. 7.95 Yd. Q(;
Finest quality Axminster
broadloom in modern leaf
design or floral patterns.
9-width. o nr
Sq. yd
117 W. Cast
Prions 10
Dust accumulates rapidly In the
mechanism of your radio if the
bock is open. To save yourself
future service bills, keep dust out
by tacking o covering of muslin
or spore cretonne over the back
(and across the bottom, too, if
that Is olso open).
Canada Gives St. Laurent
Smashing Victory
(Continued From Page One)
erals to victory and the staunch'
est Conservative could admit to
day that King was smart.
Social Stcurity Stressed
St. Laurent, In a broadcast to
the people, promised to work for
peace and prosperity and Lib
eral party aims, une oi tnese
is to extend social security meas
ures to include a system of con
tributory health insurance. Cana
da's present social security sys
tem encompasses several meas
ures similar to those enacted in
the United States and also a
"baby bonus" that pays all par
ents about $5 a month toward
each child's support.
George Drew, former premier
of Ontario, spearheaded the los
ing Conservative drive. He con
ducted a vigorous campaign but
Canadians apparently looked at
their relative prosperity and
then looked the other way.
The Social Credit Party, which
governs Alberta, won 10 seats
there yesterday against the Lib
erals' five. The Socialists (Co
operative commonwealth federa
tion) took 12 seats in five prov
inces. Independents took the re
maining five. :
All 19 Communist candidates
lost. So did all the 15 women
G. O. P. Harmony Upset
By Scott's Tardiness
(Continued from Page One)
women experienced in politics on
state and national levels into a
small enough group to be effec
tive." "However," he said, "your long
delay In appointing members pf
the Committee and the Execu
tive Committee has caused the
loss of several months of working
time during this session of Con
gress. '
"The Strategy Committee wa3
created in Omaha in January.
Now, at the end of June, it has
had no opportunity to be of any
particular service to the party.
On the other hand. Coleman
said, the Republican Senatorial
and Congressional Committees
have been functioning effective
ly and our state organizations are
doing much more than usual in
preparing for the 1950 election
which 1 think we will win."
LAH Reuben Lindstrom, S5,
says whenever he cuts his hair,
he gets heart trouble. So for
the past 25 years he hasn't had
a haircut and is feeling fine.
Lindstrom, who travels all over
the country doing odd Jobs, was
taken off a freight train by rail
way police in Buffalo, N.. Y.
Judge Ira B. Riddle reDorted
disposition of the following cases
In Municipal Court Monday and
Tuesday: Worden Churchel Ty
ler, Olalla, drunk, 10 days' com
mittment to the Cltv Jail in lieu
of a $20 fine; Carl Howard Bur
chell, Umpqua, disorderly con
duct, $10 ball forfeiture; Melvin
Grayson Taylor, Sutherlln, drunk
ana disorderly conduct. $30 fine;
Gilbert Loyd, Warner, Sutherlln,
drunkenness and disorderly con
duct, $30 ball forfeiture, and
Charles Ambrose De Ross, Rose
burg, 10 days' committment to
Jail in lieu of a $20 fine. .
The big cattle-producing states
are Texas, Iowa, Nebraska, Kan
sas, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota,
California, Wisconsin and Oklahoma.
Strikes On Increase
During Month Of May
More strikes began during
Mav than in any month since the
spring of 1947, the U. S. Bureau
of Labor statistics said today,
The renort said the number
rose to 450, compared with 400 in
April, while the number of man
days lost because of strikes was
3,200,000 as against 1,800,000 in
ine number oi workers involv
ed in stoppages beginning in May
was approximately su.uuu as
compared with 175,000 in the
preceding month, the report said.
Fall Off Ladder Turns
Victim Into Republican
PENDLETON, June 28. (fP
A Democrat since 1932 fell off
a ladder, smashed two ribs, and
changed his politics here last
Joe1 Bean, the victim, said
he'd even pay for a portrait of
Thomas E. Dewey.
How come politics mix with
rib breaking? Bean was hang
ing a picture of President
The Weather
U. S. Weather Bureau Office
Roseburg, Oregon
Cloudy with some Intermittent
light rain today. Clearing to fair
tonight and Wednesday.
Highest temp, for any June.. 106
Lowest temp, for any June ... 36
Highest temp, yesterday 74
Lowest temp, last 24 hrs. 50
Precipitation last 24 hrs T
Precipitation since June 1 03
Precipitation since Sept. 1... 27.84
Deficiency since June 1 99
Coal Operators Will
Reject Lewis' Offer
(Continued From Page One)
rapidly. At Bluefield, W. 'Va.,
where separate talks are in prog
ress for the southern field, the
UMW turned down again today an
operator proposal to extend the
life of the present contract until
August 15.
The Bluefield talks have been
in progress since May 25. Lewis'
offer for a contract extension in
return for a three-day week was
not extended to the Southern pro
ducers' group, It was learned, ,
Returns Home Dr. and Mrs.
B. R. Shoemaker returned to
their home on Blakelcy street
Sunday after spending the past
two weeks In Portland, where
the former underwent malor sur
gery at Good Samaritan hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker
went to Portland Saturday night
to drive them back to Roseburg.
Fuel Oil Dealers Hear
Heating Trends Talk
Bill Alexander, of the Oregon
Heating Institute, spoke at a din
ner meeting of Roseburg fuel oi!
dealers at the Turn Around Inn
last night. He spoke on modern
heating trends and on credit
problems of fuel oil dealers.
It was decided to form a local
association of dealers. Bob Mc-
Karland, local manager for the
Signal Oil Co., was chosen presi
dent. i1 urtner meetings to particu
larly discuss mutual credit prob
lems are planned.
Race Issue May Block
Housing Measure Vote
(C- -d From Page One)
amou. ..-cessary to pay off the
long-range cost of building and
. 2. A $262,500,000 program
would provide housing loans for
farmers who could not get credit
elsewhere, with grants in some
cases for housing on farms that
are not self-sustaining.
HjUUTIVirirt DCCrt, OUffi
fcnaiWftTniWi i
Something New Has Been Added
Adair's Associated Service & Parking
We are now renting
Flegel's Drive UR-SELF Trucks
day or night
Pen JR
7:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. WJ
8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Free parking while you
rent a truck
Adair's Associated Service & Parking
In back of Montgomery Ward
Main 4. 'Washington Phon 1538
2m- i
.. I
sl Service
OLYMPIA 8REWINS CO,01mpll,Wlih.,U.S.l
LOXIDE IS a complete pre-cut home. Number
1 Western Red Cedar siding erected vertically. We
will contract erection or you may erect the home your
self. Build a Loxide home with FHA financing.
LOXIDE IS BETTER because It is made
In the Northwest for Northwest homes. Proven and
reliable. A tighter and stronger construction. Adap
table for' construction of anything from one room
cabin to as large a dwelling as you wish.
Bill Neighbors
Phone 302
904 S. Stephens St.
STARTING JULY 10 . Southern Pacific's
brilliant new streamliner Shasta Daylight
makes ita "maiden voyage" to San Fran
cisco on Sunday, July 10, and daily each
way thereafter.
Leaving Portland in the morning, it
arrives in San Francisco that evening
by far the fastest running time in history
to San Francisco.
Our lowest coach fares good for travel
in luxurious chair cars on this new traini
Through big "Skyview Picture Win
dows" of this dramatic red-and-orange
dayliner you'll really see the wonders of
the Shasta Route . . . the verdant Wil
lamette Valley, the high Cascade Moun
tains, Odell and Klamath Lakes, the
Sacramento River Canyon, 14,161-foot
Mt. Shasta, Shasta Dam's Lake and Pit
River Bridge, Lassen Peak volcano . . .
all by day!
On the Shasta Daylight, like our Cali
fornia Daylights, there s a seat reserved
for you without charge (for each child,
too). It's cushioned in foam rubber and
adjustable to the angle you prefer.
You'll enjoy other Shasta Daylight fea
tures: "windowpanea that breathe" for
clear vision, our famous S. P. baggage
elevators, zone-controlled no-draft ven
tilation, "feathertouch" doors that obey
the whim of your finger, public address
Bystem ... and beautiful interior colors
inspired bv the colorful route it serves.
Each Shasta Daylight (diesel-electric
locomotives) has 9 chair cars, diner, coffee
shop (always open), tavern car, and
parlor-observation. Built for us by Pullman-Standard
Car Mfg. Co. Nearly
$5,000,000 spent to give you a new, fast,
scenic, bargain way to travel on the
Pacific Coast.
The Men
Phont 11
' "WW,
V 4t 1 111 11 rmi m
- jj0 tf Al tinm snows in Picfflc STANDARD Thus
i O' 1 "jj I'PORTUNO . . . . 7:45 im. Lt SAN FRANCISCO
f S!?9 4 j'. L'S"'" iMtM- (F"Tldl-) ':
L IT "Jr- j, V J 'ji L'Albinj 1:31 un. t Oaklind JSMi SL) . . 1:11 1st
& j UEiiftm 10:Kl.. ItBtrtKi, J7i.(i.
i ,Li.v 7 jr f l" l(l"B,t,, mt -" 1:21 m- L' d,"s lut """ft"
ft tsz-erj U Rtddlnt i:2l (rem SicniMnto) . I:S3 i.a
ll " "vi; AiDnli BmeciinKtiMi ItMtiai VMym.
'-HLkf ' h'ijrfv''' if SKfiramtS) .. l:Ml.m. Ar KliiMtl Fan 4:11 (.
' Ar ItrtHtr 10:21 Lin. At Eunai 1:40 in.
Ar Oikliml 16th SI) . . 10:38 p. Ar Albanr 1:24
Ar SAN FRANCISCO Ar Sum 1:54 1.
(Fsnj Bldf.) ...11:151 Ar PORTLAND ...,11:15 m-
For Form and Cennccfrom
S your local 5, P. Agnt
Al tiimt tfttw in PkMc STANDARD TkM
LTSilm 1:00m. (Ftrrylldf.) ... 7:45 1
LAlbinr 1:31 ua. Ly OikUnd JSth SL) . . I ll in.
It EiiftM 10:11 1 . It BtrtKiy I J7 m.
Lt Klimith Falls .... 2:23 i.m. Li Dith But ewNctha
It Bddlnt 8:21 . Inn SicraiMntt) . l:S3i.a
Ar Ditit But eomNCtlM L Rxfdinf 12 J1 l.m.
to Sacnmmti) .. I :.. Ar Klimtli Fall 4:31 (..
Ar lrttli 10:21 p.m. Ar Eupa 1:40 p.m.
Ar Oikliml 16th SL) . . 10:38 p. Ar Albinr 1:24 p.-
Ar SAN FRANCISCO Ar Sum 1:54 pa.
(Fury Bldp,) . ..11:15 p Ar PORTLAND . ...11:151
dly Southern Pacific