The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, June 25, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    Marry At First
Mm '
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Pink and whits gladioli and
blue delphinium, formed the
large floor basket bouquets,
flanked by candelabra of tall
white candles and centered with
a huge Icicle candle formed the
attractive setting for the wedding
of Miss Carolyn Emily Kobernik,
lovelv dauuhler of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur William Kobernik of
Roseburg, to Joe Marlyn Dame,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe O. Dame
of Sunset Beach, Calif., Saturday
evening, June 18, at eight o'clock
at the First Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Morris H. Roach performed
the nuptials in the presence of a
large number of relatives and
Miss Janice Flummer, gowned
In a pale blue formal, played the
JL tit
Everything for a cool, delightful bath. Try
out siies of Toilet Water, Bath Silts, Talcum
and a full-size cake of Toilet Soap. Lovely
hostess gift, tool
V'ba kind of hdlk mutts jon cool?
Aik for this Bath Booklet.
Phone 7
241 N. Jackson
Presbyterian Church
, J fO j- :
t ' ' '
I imE yi't' yq
- - , -
V v , V
., ,- ''-! - . , . , ' ; ' 1
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. M. Dam
traditional wedding marches and
accompanied Miss Harriet Cath
erine Booth, who charmingly
sang, "Always." The candles were
lighted by Miss Booth, who wore
a gown of white chiffon fash
ioned with a full skirt and off
the shoulder accordian plaited
ruffle. Her corsage was of
Given In marriage by her fa
ther, the bride was beautiful in
a white slipper satin gown fash
ined en train with a Princess
bodice with tiny satin buttons
from the yoke to the waistline,
The sleeves were wrist length
and the chiffon yoke was out-
lined with an off the shoulder
cowl of while satin. Her three-
quarter length circular veil of
JL ft lm
Cool, cool, cool . . nd fra
grant as a bouquet of dew
Ircsh flowers, imprisoned in
s graceful bottle. Use it lav
ishly these hot summer days
to feel charming and re
freshed all day long.
smM.$?y& in b
3iMi 1 11 1W, 7th Ave. EUGENi Phone 1605 j
Picture by Mlller-Moderne Studio
Illusion was edged In lace and
held in place with a cap edged in
stcphanotis. She carried a shower
bouquet of while carnations and
stcphanotis tied with loops of
white moire ribbon. For the
"something borrowed," she wore
a double strand of pearls, which
were worn by her mother at her
Mrs. E. H. Kobernik. slster-In
law of the bride, was matron of
honor and wore an off-the-shoul-der
gown of pink organdy. She
carried a round oouqeut of pink
and white swectpeas tied with
pink ribbon. Misa Jeanne Mow
ery, wearing pink organdy, and
Miss Jeanne Miles and Miss June
McGregor, blue organdy, were
bridesmaids. They carried pink
and white sweetpea bouquets to
match the matron of honor's.
E. H. Kobernik, brother of the
bride, was best man and Robert
Sproul and Sam Sunserl were
The bride's mother wore a erev
and rose floral print dress with
black hat trimmed in Dastel flow
ers and grey accessories. Her cor
sage was of red roses and gar
denias. A reception followed In the
Church parlors. The lace-covered
Dimes tame was beautifully aD-
pointed and centered with a white
tiered wedding cake. Mrs. Norton
hei-RUson served the cake, after
the traditional cutting of the first
piece ny me nrlrte and bride
groom. Mrs. C. E. Farmer as
sisted In serving. Miss Donna
Bushey served the punch; Mrs.
11. E. Hardine. grandmother of
the bride, had charge of the guest
book, and Miss Connie Augustus
had charge of the gifts.
The bride's bouquet was caught
by Miss Jeanne Miles. The bride
was chosen a "Bride of the
Week," on a recent program of
Lawson's Jewelry store.
hor traveling the bride chose
a beige suit with red accessories.
hollowing a weddinp tnu to
points of Interest in Oregon, Mr.
and Mrs. Dame will welcome
their friends at their new home
at Kelley's Korner.
uut-ottown guests attend ne
were firs. T. A. Sloman of Seal
Beach, Calif.; Mrs. W. E. For
shey and son Ronald, of Reno,
Nov.: Mi's. C. E. Farmer of Long
Beach. Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Harding, grandparents of the
bride, of Trail, Ore.; Mrs. Thomas
Veale, of Cottage Grove; Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Vaughn, of Medford;
uuve I uui iuo V.ICUI icu
and Stored the Furrier's Way
I Furs
by Rudolph
sj Exclusive Custom Furrier
Douglas Court, U. D. Order of
the Amaranth was Instituted Sat
urday evening at the .Masonic
temple, following a six-thirty
o'clock dinner attended by mem
bers from Portland, Eugene,
Salem, Klamath Falls, Newport
and Roseburg.
Edna Manning, Portland, Grand
Royal Matron, presided. There
are 51 charter members and 41
were initiated Into the Court, U.
D. Order of Amaranth.
Officers installed Included:
Roval Matron. Lois Qulne; Royal
Patron, Ted Bernard; Associate
Matron, Helen Hanford; Assocl
ate Patron, D. L. Taylor; secre
tary, Thelma Greer; treasurer,
Tom Scott; conductress, Betty
Smith; associate conductress,
Leah Bernard; marshal In the
East, Lola Stanley; marshal in the
West, Gen Philippi; standard
bearer, Edith Cassel: prelate.
Ethel Twohy; Truth, Verna Tay
lor; Faith, Jewel Long; Wisdom,
Mamie Fett; Charity, Priscilla
Daby; warder, Murray Smith;
sentinel, Clint Hawk; trustee for
one year, Dr. Roy Hanford; trus
tee ior iwo years, toward a. how,
and trustee for three years, Dr.
M. C. Cassel.
Beautiful gifts were presented
to the newly instituted Court.
More than 20 grand officers were
in attendance as well as Violet
Helbock, Portland, a supreme of
ficer, and Mrs. Frances Hulburt,
Portland, Past Supreme Roval
AT MEETING WEDNESDAY Unit No. 16. American
Legion Auxiliary, installed new
onicers in ceremonies at the Le
gion Home, 118 S. Kane street,
Wednesday evening with Mrs.
Walter Olmscheid, past president
and now department child welfare
chairman, as installing officer.
Mrs. Dora Ritzman, past president
of Umpqua Unit and past presi
dent of the Past Presidents Club,
was installing Sgt.-at-arms.
Taking office with the presi
dent, Mrs. Rose Dauber, were;
Mrs. Mitn Marshall, first vice-
president; Mrs. Iva Springer, sec
ond vice-president; Mrs. Louise
Young, secretary; Mrs. Marion
Lentz, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. Minnie Ritter, treasurer;
Mrs. Letha Garey, Sgt.-at-arms,
and Mrs. Arlene Barton, color
A past presidents pin was pre
sented to Mrs. Betty Moore, retir
ing president. The presentation
was made by Mrs. Gertrude Hat-
Held, past president of the unit
and this year's District President
or District no, iu.
A beautiful bouquet of roses
from Mrs. Dora Ritzman's garden
was presented to Mrs. Betty
Moore by Mrs. Myrtle Wcnger,
president of the Past Presidents
Club with an invitation to join
the club.
Members and officers of the
unit presented a gift of money
to Mrs. Moore with Mrs. Louise
Young making the presentation.
Mrs. Moore presented her retir
ing officers with lovely gifts.
mrs. carl lundgren en
tertains at shower
for mrs. Mcdonald
Mrs. Carl Lundgren enter
tained at a charming pink and
blue shower party last week at
her beautiful new home on Over
look in compliment to Mrs.
Sandy McDonald. Pink button
chrysanthemums and pale blue
delphiniums carried out a pretty
motif for the occasion. The
flowers were from the garden of
Mrs. Joseph Fest. Two large
storks completed the decora
Mrs. Ruby Scallon, Mrs. Lloyd
Hill, Mrs. Robert Scott and Mrs.
John Schafer assisted the host
ess. Games were played and
prizes were awarded the win
ners. Lovely gifts were presented
to Mrs. McDonald from the host
ess, Mrs. Lundgren, and Miss
Helen Casey, Mrs. Joseph Fest,
Mrs. R. J. Raade, Miss Kay
Ward, Mrs. Harold Desblens,
Mrs. John Schafer, Mrs. Francis
Schafer, Miss Margaret Joy-
Mrs. Ruby Scallon, Mrs.
Lillia Phillips, Mrs. Moyd Hill,
Mrs. Sidney Domenlco, Mrs.
Millard Rietmann, Miss Naomi
Scott, Mrs. Robert Scott, Mrs.
Harry L. Harris, Mrs. Bruce
Carter, Mrs. Harry Hill, Mrs. W.
W. Eli frits. Mrs. Paul Travis. Mrs,
Carl Havens, Mrs. Conn Han-
man, Mrs. Hedwig Watzig and
Mrs. Paul Jenkins.
Following the opening of the
gifts, lovely refreshments were
A casserole of garden-fresh
vegetables Is particularly deli
cious when topped with cheese
biscuits. For the topping, prepare
a standard two-cup flour baking
powder biscuit recipe and add a
half cup of finely grated cheese.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hume and
daughters, Jacqueline and Jose
phine, of Prospect, and Mrs. M.
E. Schoonover, of Portland.
8 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Sat., June 25, 1949
Society and Gluhi
Marry At Christian Church
'l u Vrrtx)
it!. y h J1'
Miss Barbara Ellen Ogle, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon T. Ogle
of Roseburg became the bride of
Alfred M. Land Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred M. Land Sr., of
Drain, Saturday evening, June 18,
at eight o'clock at the First Chris
tian cnurcn. Rev. Kennein w.
Knox performed the impressive
double ring ceremony in the pres
ence of 100 relatives and friends.
Pink and white gladioli formed
the floor basket bauqucts, which
were flanked by candelabra hold
ing tall white candles.
Mrs. Clarence irued played
softly on the organ as the guests
assembled and accompanied Rich
ard Payne, who sang, "Because,"
and "I Love You Truly." The altar
candles were lighted by the two
ushers, F. M. Kensmoe and N. F.
Keblbek, both of Portland.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was charming
in powder blue suit with pink hat
and blouse and navy accessories.
Her flowers were wnite orcnids
tied with white satin ribbons knot
ted with rhinestones.
Miss Shirley Ogle of Portland
was maid of honor for her sister'
and wore a grey suit with blue
blouse and black accessories. Her
corsage was of pink carnations
circled with loops of pale blue net.
George Colan of Boulder Creek,
Calif., a cousin of the bridegroom,
was best man.
The bride's mother wore a navv
blue sheer two-piece dress with
navy and pink accessories. The
bridegroom s mother wore a navy
and beige suit with navy acces
sories. Both mothers wore cor
sages of gardenias and pink rose
buds. lore and more of my customer
are asking for Red Brand fence
because they find it lasts longer
. . . saves money in the long run, and
saves plenty of fence-rebuilding work
later. That's why we recommend Red
Brand fence to you. We believe it is
the best buy in fenca
today. Only Red
Brand fence has the
sine coating over
copper bearing steel
wire , . . double
protection airainst
rust , . . means
longer fence life.
Buy Where You Share In
The Earnings
Douglas County
Form Bureau
Cooperative Exchange
Phone 98
Located W. Washington
St and S. P. R. R. Tracki
Picture by Mlller-Moderne Studio
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Land Jr.
A reception followed In the
church parlors. Pink roses and
white lilies formed the attrac
tive decorations arranged by Mrs.
C. T. Tipton. The four-tiered wed
ding cake was decorated in white
with tiny pink rosebuds and top
ped by a miniature bride and
Mrs. Thomas Massey of Spring
field, Ore., aunt of the bride,
served the wedding cake. Mrs.
Ray B. Hampton poured the cof
fee and Miss Marilyn West serv
ed the punch. Assisting were Mrs.
H. B. Kruse, Mrs. Kenneth Ogle,
aunt of the bride; Mrs. F. M.
Kensmoe and Mrs. N. F. Keblbek.
The guest book was in charge of
Miss Dolores Bewley and the
gifts were in charge of Mrs. C. T.
For traveling the bride wore the
ensemble, which she was married
in, and a pink top coat. Following
a honeymoon to California, they
Now Open, for Business
(a HAVEN for the Fair Lady)
1883 Harvard Ave.
Across from the Veteran's Hospital Gates
Our experienced beauti
cians will style your hair
just the way you want it
. . , Come in soon.
Phone 1066-R
Open evenings by appointment.
Mrs. R. D. Bridges was winner
in the Sweepstakes golf play for
women of the Roseburg Country
Club Thursday morning at the
club course with Mrs. G. W. Mar
shall winning in Class B.
Luncheon was served at noon
to Mrs. E. A. Pearson, president,
Mrs. L. E. McClintock, Mrs. Wal
ter Brydges, Mrs. C. E. Wimber
ly, Mrs. Horace Berg, Mrs. H. C.
Stearns, Mrs. M. C. Cassel, Mrs.
A. F. Mlcelli, Mrs. E. R. Harvey,
Mrs. Harold Schmeer, Mrs. Roy
Sedell, Mrs. Ivan Pickens, Mrs.
G. W. Marshall, Mrs. O. M. Ber
rie, Mrs. Emily E. Judd, Myra
Kelly, Mrs. R. D. Bridges, Mrs.
Sidney Leiken, Mrs Herman
Matisoff,. Mrs. Eugene Krewson,
Mrs. W. F. Amiot, Mrs. James
Hughes, Mrs. Vernon Keel and
her houseguest. Miss Lois Swan,
of San Carlos, Calif.; Mrs. O. L.
Torrey, Mrs. B. Kesner, Mrs. F.
Osterhaut, Mrs. Glen Keith of
Bellingham, Wash., and Mrs.
Ernest L. Dawe.
Contract bridge was In play
during tne atternoon with Mrs
C. E. Wimberly winning high
score; Mrs. L. e. McClintock,
second, and Mrs. M. C Cassel,
Mrs. Lucie Ingles entertained
the Northside Sunshine Club at
her home on Winchester street
Thursday afternoon, at which
time Mrs. George Frew was wel
comed into club membership.
uotn prizes lor the afternoon
were won by Mrs. E. E. Emmitt.
The hostess was assisted in serv
ing delicious refreshments by her
two daughters, Mrs. Homer
Kronke and Mrs. Jennie Leach,
guests, to: Miss Joanne Leach,
Miss Rand, guests, and Mrs. W.
O. Patterson, Mrs. Eunice Sory
and daughter, Barbara; Mrs. W.
Stiewig, Mrs. George Frew, Mrs.
E. E. Emmitt and Mrs. Eugene
will make their home In an apart
ment on East Second Avenue
The bride attended Roseburc
Senior High School and the bride
groom was graduated from Drain
Mign bchool and attended Uni
versity of Oregon two years. He
is employed by the California
Oregon Power Company.
Out-of-town guests were Mrs.
Kitty Jobe of Yoncalla; Mrs. M.
T. Bates (great-aunt of the bride)
Gaston. Ore.; Mrs. Blanche Brown
(great-aunt of the bride), Port
land; Miss Shirley Mathre. Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whipple,
miss Dtuwme Lana, sister oi me
bridegroom; Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Catching, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M.
Land Sr., all of Drain; Miss Shir
ley Ogle, Portland (sister of the
bride); Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stevens
and children, Bob and Diane, of
Millbrae, Calif., Richard Payne
of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam G. Dolan Jr., and Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Dolan and Mr. and
Mrs. William S. Dolan of Boulder
Creek, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
M. Kensmoe and Mr. and Mrs.
N. F. Geblbek, all of Portland.
and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Massey
and daughter, Mary Beth, of
Springfield, uncle, aunt and
cousin of the bride.
Salon of Beauty
1883 Horvord Avenue . Phone 1066-R
Pink roses and blue larkspur
formed the beautiful old-fashioned
bouquet arrangements
used by Mrs. Henry Erskine
Wednesday, when she graciously
entertained the Roseburg Art
and Embroidery Club at her
home on Cobb street.
Games were played and Mrs.
Charles Poirot gave an interest
ing report of the Portland Rose
Festival. At the tea hour Mrs.
Erskine served delicious refresh
ments to Mrs. C. M. Page, Mrs.
G. L. Sinclair, Mrs. Glenn Cox,
Mrs. H. F. Snyder, Mrs Frank
Bergh, Mrs. George Cluck, Mr3.
Charles Poirot, Mrs. Lucia
Ingles, Mrs. Peggy Kent, Mrs. A.
D. Hawn, Mrs. C. J. Bradley,
Mrs. T. Hoffmeister, Mrs..Zella
Miller and Mrs. J. G. Stephen
The club will hold an all-day
affair with a noon picnic lunch
eon July 6 at the home of Mrs.
Hattie Neal on Fleser street.
Those attending are asked to
bring their table service.
Mrs. Donald Chase, former
Roseburg resident, entertained at
a charming one o'clock bridge
luncheon at her attractive new
home in Eugene Thursday, hav
ing as guests: Mrs. O. W. Har
rah, Mrs. Earl Plummer, Mrs.
Armour Murdock, Mrs. Alva
Laws, Mrs. Fred Stever and Mrs.
J. P. Motschenbacher, all of
Roseburg; Mrs. Scott Layman
and Mrs. Simpkins of Spring-i
field, and Mrs. Mickey, Mrs.
Kisling, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs.
Norris, all of Eugene.
Mixed flowers formed the at
tractive centerpieces for the
serving tables. Contact bridge
was in play during the afternoon
with Mrs. Mickey winning high
score; Mrs. Harrah, second, and
Mrs. Layman winning the travel
ing prize.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Wenger en-
tertained at a delightful luncheon
at their home Wednesday having
as guests: Dr. and Mrs. Otto
Isaak and son, and Mrs. Isaak's
mother, Mrs. Burns, all of Tyn-
dahl, South Dakota; Rev. Jack
Mertz and wife and son and
daughter of Fargo, N. D., and
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dauber and
son of Roseburg.
The friends from sown ana
North Dakota are touring the
middlewest and Pacific coast
states. Dr. Isaak and Mrs. Merjz
are brother and sister and were
neighbors of the Wengers when
they lived in South Dakota. Dr.
Isaak and son of the Wengers
were roommates when they at
tended Dental University in
Chicago, 111.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Church en
tertained at a lovely dinner at
their attractive home on South
Kane street, Thursday evening
havinr? as suests. Mr. and Mrs. !
John McClintock of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Pickens and Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. McClintock.
I am proud to bring to the
ladies the latest in equip
ment, furniture and the
best methods for guaran
teed beauty services. A
free gift will be given to
the first 100 customers.
Eileen H. Schoonover