mm TIm Veke of The ReeaWf Newt-Review MBS 1490 On Year Oistt WEDNfcMay liamatntns Houn . 440 Fulton La wis, Jr. 4:19 Frank Hamlnawajr. 4:30 Paaalna Panda. 4:4 Mualc S:0O Ittlliioua Kaquaat Proaran 5:19 Music. i:30 Advanturaa of Champion. 3:45 Tom Mix. 6:00 Music :19 Mutual NawaraaL :J0 Sports Pasa. f:39 Muale. :0 Local Nawi. S:4S Thraa-Quartar Tima. 55 Bill Hanry. 1:00 Noma, Swaat Horn. T:15 Sammy Kays, Showroom. T:30 Claco Kid. a 0O What's tha Nama a that Saost 8 TO King Cola Tno. a Bob Ibarla. :0O Ntwt. t 19 Hi NaKhbor. :30 Scandinavian Malody Tlma. 9:49 Fulton Lawia. it. 10:00 Gragory Hood. 10:30 Rhythm Randssvoua. 1140 Danca Orchaatra. 11:30 Sign Off. THURSDAY, Jl'Ng t, 1949 1:00 Sunriaa Saranada. 6:19 Nawa. 6:30 Uualc. 6:30 Sam Rldaa tha Trait 6:49 Muale. TOO N.wi. 7:19 Breakfaat Gang. T:30 Braakfaat Gang. 7:49 Local Nawa. 7:30 Baahlva. 7:59 Mualc. 6:00 Wally'a Coffee Tlma. . 9:19 Victor H. LlndUhr. 6:30 Modern Homa. 6:49 Haven of Rest 9:19 Mualc. 9:30 Man About Town. 1 , 9:40 Musical Interlude. 9:50 Shopper's Guide. 10:00 News. 10:19 Sweetwood Serenade. 10:30 Say It with Music. SPECIAL 2 FOR 1 JUNE RATE ; Two Jobs for Pries of Ono Consols combination or u to radio, and table model ra dio, both repaired at the cost of one labor operation. RADIO DOCTORS 30s W. Lane Phone 491-J GLASS For All Purposes Plats, Crystal, Window, Mirrors SEE THE Coen Supply Company For An Estimate Everything For Tho Builder Fhons 121 Floed 4 Mill ti. THE SHALIMAR ROOM'S WEDNESDAY NIGHT JAMBOREE NOW FEATURING Playing the Vibraphone Piano Guitar Bass Fr Y-ur Danelnej and Llsrenlncj Pleasure Make a date, today, to visit tht Shalimar Room on'd enjoy tho finest in foods and in listening ' pleasure. Featuring Daily Special Merchants' Lunch And Steak or Chicken Dinners "The Ultimate in Food and Refreshment" at tha Smart New Alr-Cenditioned SHALIMAR ROOM 122 S. Stephens SaaawaaeKigsgfMy' i- f 'SFjiFawet.a t .V-T s i MONICA LIND, famed 'ballerina, receives from Sutherlin Timber Days Queen Bobbie Lamarr, s large spray bouquet. The presen tation was made at the appearance of Miss Lino! and her .troupe of dancers in Oakland Tuesday night. The troupe appears in Roseburg tonight at 8 o'clock in the Senior High auditorium. (Picture by The Photo Lab). House Committee Shies At Request To Investigate Text Books Used In U. 5. Schools WASHINGTON. June 22. A projected congressional probe of school books appears to have backfired into a House Un- 10:45 Easy Aeei. ' 11:00 Lad in FtrsL 11:30 Queen for Dy. 12:00 Music at Noon. 13:45 Sport Page. 12:23 Muilc. 12.40 Local News. 12:4ft National New. 12:33 Market Reports. 1:00 Man on the Street. 1:15 LUtem to Lclbera. 1:30 Muilc. 1:45 Eddie Howard. 3:00 Agalnit the Storm. 2:30 Itri Requested. 3:00 Johnson Family. 3:15 Music. 3:30 W. C. T. U. Program. 3:43 Local Loan Show. 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4:15 rrank Hemingway. 4:30 Passing Parade. 4:45 News. 5:00 B Bar B Ranch. 5:30 Adventures of Champion. 5:45 Tom Mix. 8:00 Gabriel Heatter. 6:15 Mutual Newsreel. 6:30 Sports Page. 6:33 Musical Interlude. 6:40 Local News. 8:45 Three-Quarter Tlma. 6:33 Bill Henry. 7:00 Sportscast. 7:15 Mualc You Remember. 7:30 Here Comet the Bride. B:00 Hopalong Cassidy. 8:30 Fishing & Hunting Club of tha Air. gifts m1 Venter. 9:00 Newt. 8:15 Slim Bryant. 9:30 Gene Meigs Trio. 9:43 Fulton Lewis, -Jr. 10:00 The Falcon. 10:30 Rhythm Rcndetvoua. 11:00 Dance Orchestra. 11:30 Stgn Off. BIG DANCE WINSTON Western Muiie Friday, Juna 24 9:00 P. M. At Howard's Hardware Winston Community Club American Activities Committee wastebasket. Republican Committee mem bers denounced it and Democrats followed through with a predic tion that the Committee will drop it like a hot potato. It appeared likely that any In vestigation made now will be by a special commission of noted educators, possibly headed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, president of Columbia University. Committee Chairman Wood (D. Ga.) said he was at a loss to "know what all the shooting is about" and insisted that the Com mittee is not Investigating text books. "Purely preliminary steps," he told newsmen, have been taken by Committee investigators as a result of complaints by the Sons of the American Revolution. These complaints, he said, made "some very grave charges" In volving Communism in schools. "I think," Wood .said, "that the educators themselves would be interested In refuting the charges If they are not true. The three active Republican members of the Committee agreed that the educators themselves should make the study. In a joint statement they dis associated themselves from the proposed Inquiry which they said was undertaken by the Committee staff "at the request of some of the majority members" and with out the advance knowledge of the Kepubhcans. Rep. Walter (D.-Pa.), a com mittee member, agreed with the Republicans thai "distinguished educators" should make the In vestigation. He Insisted that there is no formal committee in vestigation underway and at tributed the furore-to "an un fortunate Interpretation" of a letter sent out by Committee In vestigators. Methodist Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam said in an address at Wellesley, Mass., that "free men may well be alarmed when edu- Having a Coke Is Better Than Thinking About It Wed.. Juna 22, 1949 Tha News-Review, Roseburg, Ora. S xn 3 D "Baby Face," "Out of Love" and "Once in Awhile" are three of the selections to be aired on tonight's "Sammy Kaye Showroom" at 7:15. Tune in Bill Gwinn emceelng "What's the Name of That Song?" at 8 . . . and "The Casebook of Gregory Hood" at 10, when Greg (Elliot Lewis) goes in search of "The Black Pearl." Think you could use a It-piece starter set of Wsdgewood pottery or maybe a sllvtr tea set- Dial 1490 tomorrow night at 7:30 (or "Hers Comes tht Bride" . ... and lend an ar to the details of Lawion's new give-away feature on theshow. You may become eligible to win the weekly prize of Wtdgawood pottery ... or the monthly prize of a silver tea set valued at $50 simply by writing out the details of your most Interesting date. Then mall or take your entry to Lswaon's or KRNR. Each week, entries will be Judged and the winners announced on "Here Comas the Bride." So get with It! What with all his other accomplfshments, Bill "Hopalong Cas sidy" Boyd now comes to radio In a Thursday night series over KRNR. Currently enjoying tremendous popularity with young sters and grownups alike In both the movies and television, Boyd thus brings the hard-riding, gun-shooting, Outlaw-chasing "Hopa long Cassidy" to the airwaves. Boyd has been "Hopalong Cassidy" for the past 15 years . . . roaring to stardom from comparative ob scurity. In all, until he formed his own company, Boyd had made 54 "Hopalong Cassidys," and now has 12 recent pictures In release. He heartily enjoys making Westerns. "It's like a vacation," he says. "I can ride my horses, chase outlaws, shoot guns and do things that every kid in America would want to do." The "Hopalong Cassidy" series starts on KRNR tomorrow night and each Thursday night thereafter in the 8 to 8:30 time period. Fct Alltgcd Paid For Getting Government Contract WASHINGTON. June 22. P Chairman Hoey (D.-N. C.) of the Senate Investigating Commit tee has announced an inquiry into the report of a $1,000 fee paid for help in getting government contracts. Hoey said the Investigation will be based on "articles In the New York Herald Tribune concerning a 'Washington five percenter.' " Hoey quoted the newspaper as reporting that Paul Grlndle, a Massachusetts businessman, said he paid the $1,000 to James V. Hunt, "management counselor." He identified Hunt as a former lieutenant colonel In the Army Quartermaster Corps and later an employee of tne war Assets Ad ministration. Hoey said William P. Rogers, chief attorney for the investi gating group, will "make a com plete Investigation of all the facts. The Herald Tribune, In a copy righted story by Jack Steele from Washington, said Hunt had told Grlndle of close friendship and Influence with top-level officials here including: Maj. Gen. Harry H. Vaughan, military aide to President Truman; Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson: Mai. Gen. Herman Teldman, Army quartermaster general; Jess Lar son, former WAA administrator; John R. Steelman, assistant to President Truman, and others. urindie was identified as presi dent of the C. W. Laing Wood working Corporation of Farming ham, Mass. For a hot, dry garden spot where other flowers do not thrive try Portulaca, a cousin of that puslcy, which most gardeners know as a weed difficult to kill. Sow portulaca seed directly where the plants are to grow. Coos Assn. Plans New Highway To Roseburg COQUILLE, June 22. The Coos County Court and represen tatives of the Coos Bay Wagon Road Association will inspect the Coos Bay Wagon road Thursday to determine cost to the county of opening the road to general travel. It will be necessary to open about four miles of the road way near the Douglas County line in order to open the road. ' The Association is campaign ing for a through road from Coos Bay to Roseburg via Sum ner, Fairview and McKinley. FLOORING, SIDING and FINISH PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 mm rfJJi .... I Mother KhowsTBesfr! t cational Institutions sra aiih. poehaed to produce a list of text- oooks to oe perused by congress men, who may or may not be qualified to understand them." SLABWOCD in 12-16 and 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS ' WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phsns (st STARTS TODAY Cee KELLY Esther WILLIAMS Frank SlIlATRA 1. lU J) Shows 2, 7, 9:15 .P M. ) Aik Jor it tilhtr way . . . hulk IraJt-mtrkt hum tht umi lhin. somes UNOfX AurHotrrr or m coc cou company ir Coca Cola Bottling Company of Roseburg OIL TO BURN For prompt courteous meter ed deliveries of high quality stove and burner oil CALL 152 MYERS OIL CO. Distributors of Hancock Petroleum Products For Douglas County STARTS TODAY! 2 WESTERNS WITH ACTION. . . THRILLS . . . DRAMA RIDE w trot s fmsm q RlOMlYDlIt, RIDE Lois ANDREWS wXV; LITTLE BEAVER tmn inn -hum ua O lf, n CaCaU