The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, June 22, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    tAKA Telenhnlo)
'. BEATEN Mrs. Irene Burton, 38-year-old widow of Dora, Ala., and her two daughters look at a strap
i which the mother said was "just like the one the Klansmen used on me." A hooded gang took Mrs.
rjurton, ner aaugniers, ana tnree men oui ana iioggea three ol them.
The News-Review classified ads
bilng best results. Ph-ne 100.
tee Norga Before You Buy
r Bergh's n
Appliance Service
1200 (. Stephens
Complete Service On
Home and Commer
cial Refrigeration.
See Norge Before You Buy
Glendale Elects
School Directors,
Adopts Budget
A large turn-out of citizens of
School District No. 77. holding
their annual school meeting Mon
day evening June 20, in the Glen
dale School building, had plenty
of surprises with both of the an-
You can't afford
NOT to have com
plete bookkeeping
Reasonable Rates for
Small or Large Firms
Accounting - Bookkeeping
Tax Records
Phone 826 R -3
"Dutch" Brand Paint
Outside White . . gal. 3.40
523 N.-Jackson. J
(NEA Telepholo)
Steve Brusnahan, 34 (above), lone
ly hearts club fan, is pictured in
Lakeport. Calif., jail after his ar
rest on charges of murdering his
wife and 2-year-old daughter.
Brusnahan is accused of burning
their home tc conceal the slayings.
modern til.
Building costs will be cut in half
if you build with Chrystalite Tile.
Construction costi ore actually
lower when you build with this
Drop in today for free estimates.
Pacific. Hwy. N. Phone 695-R-2
nounced candidates for school di
rector disqualified and two unex
pected candidates entering the
Joe Paine, Incumbant, filling
out the unexpired term of Ken
neth Brown who died last year,
had announced his candidacy for
the post as had Chester A. West-
over, sales manager for the Rob
ert Dollar (jo. in Ulendale. Both
were unexpectedly disqualified.
Paine had failed to register un
til June 13. Westover supposed
himself registered, having given
instruction to the registration
board in North fiend where he
formerly resided, to transfer his
registration. His name did not,
however, appear on the official
voters' list, so he, too, was dis
qualified. Two other men were nominated
from the floor, Blaine Johnson of
Azalea and Robert Patterson of
Glendale. The two candidates
were voted upon by a crowd
which filled the classroom, which
was used for the purpose, and the
hall outside as well.'
Patterson was elected school di
rector with a total vote of 61.
Johnson received 47 votes. Joe
Paine, Glendale, and Norman
Ashcraft, Azalea, also received
small write-in votes.
Two other items of Importance
were on the ballot. The first,
Kaiser's Granddaughter Marries
Commoner In World's Upheaval
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
This amazing world of ours is changing so rapidly in its way
of life that it's difficult for some of us old-timers to keep up with
It's no problem for the youngsters, since they never have known
anything else, but their horse-and buggy elders don't so easily
readjust themselves to the ideological, social and political upheaval
of the atomic age.
That's rather a pity, for we
are in tlie midst of a global
metamorphosis which exceeds
anything since Adam. It's a trans
formation in which folk who
fall out of line are likely to get
stepped on.
You will, I trust,' overlook this
momentary outburst by your
columnist. What inspired It was
the marriage extraordinary of
the German Princess Cecelia of
Hohenzollern to Clyde Harris, a
good-looking former American
Army officer from Amarillo,
The Princess is, of course, the
granddaughter of the late Kaisar
Wilhelm (the all-highest) and is
a direct descendant of England's
immortal Queen Victoria. The
wedding took place Tuesday
amidst the splendor of one of the
Hohenzollern castles, with many
notabilities, including royalty,
Imagine the Kaiser's grand
daughter marrying a commoner!
When I was a young fellow In
the hey-day of the all highest
such a marriage would have been
unthinkable, at least to the Em
peror and his court.
German People Hoaxed
Royalty was royalty and the
Kaiser ruled by divine right (and
no fooling). It was the Kaiser's
exalted view of himself which
inspired the poem "Me and Gott"
by an American naval officer, a
composition which infuriated his
majesty. It was that same am
bitious spirit which had much
to do with hastening the pres
ent politico-social global upheav
al, for it was he who gave the
acceptance of the District 77
budget was passed 77 to 26. The
second, choice of a board mem
ber from Zone A to the County
Rural School Board, gave 90
votes to Guy McGee of Canyon
ville, five to Robert Patterson,
four to Blaine Johnson two each
to Norman Ashcraft and W. B.
Garrett and one to John Daniels.
The election proceeded in an
orderly manner with voting car
ried out as quickly as possible.
The tallies were in by 9:45 p. m.
signal which precipitated World
War I.
Throughout that fateful con
flict the Germans glorified the
Kaiser. At German headquarters
in Spa, Belgium, a safe distance
from the fighting front, they dug
a trench and about this staged
a fake battle while the all high
est paced back and forth on the
parapet "amidst shot and shell."
And they took pictures of the
Emperor in this heroic act and
showed them throughout Ger
many to encourage the popu
lace. Collapse And Exile
Finally came the German col
lapse, the revolution and the
forced abdication of the Kaiser,
who went into exile in Holland.
Thus disappeared one of the
greatest thrones of history, .to
be followed by the rolling of
crowns in many other countries.
The rest of the German royal
family, including little Willie,
the crown prince, retired to
Truman Vetoes
Bill To Allow
Damage Claims
WASHINGTON, June 22. (.T)
A bi'l that would have allowed
the Federal District Court for
Oregon to decide on claims of
Oregonians for damages from a
May 7, 1942, flood was vetoed yes
terday by President Truman.
The claimants said the flood
resulted from failure of spillway
gates operated by the Bureau of
Reclamation in the Vale Irriga
tion District.
President Truman vetoed the
bill because of "sweeping terms"
that he said could deprive the
United States of making substan
tive defenses against the claims.
wnue i leel that these people
should be extended an opportun
ity to seek a determination irom a
judicial tribunal of their claims
for losses which thev feel were
occasioned by negligent acts of
the United States or its servants,
the government should not be
precluded from presenting sub
stantive defenses which normally
are, and in fairness should be,
available to It as a party defend-
private life and since then have
lived quietly with ample means
amidst their wonderful estates.
Gradually they have been adapt
ing themselves to the new world
which has followed the Kaiser's
,war. Tuesday's wedding Indicates
now wen they have succeeded.
Wed., June 22, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburo, Ore. 3
CSsjiN N AC AS A Kl-Japanese women
attend mass In the atom bomb-destroyed Urasaml Church, Nua- .
sakl, srnr'-t fourth centennial of landing of 8L Francis Xavier.j
ant, ' the President said.
He added he would approve a
bill "couched in such terms as
would accomplish these objectives
for both parties to this litigation.''
From two to five tons of agri
cultural limestone may be used
per acre on clay soil to give it a
granular structure. This makes
the soil easier to work, and al-.
lows air to penetrate more read
ily. As much organic material at
possible should also be used.
About a Home?
So many people do noth
ing but talk about it! But
if you really want to own
your home, consult me
now. Personal attention.
Economical terms.
Loam and Insurance
Loan Representative
Equitable Savings A
Lean Atsn.
112 W. Cats Phone (13
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
iwitfest Oh
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Yet, the new Hudson is so far ahead,
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