( RETIRES Clyde C. Byrd, center, with his fishin Southern Pacific workmen upon his retirement the station and Byrd was presented with a com his wife, Byrd is shown shaking hands with Road completed 44 years of railroad work, 37 of wh rn Pacific in the Eugene district and most of t g equipment, is pictured with a group of fellow Thursday. An informal get-to-gether was held in plete fishing outfit by his friends. Standing with master P. M. Krutzier. At the age of 65, he has ch has been as a section foreman with the South he time he has been stationed in Roseburg. Many Australian Immigrants Australia expects to welcome at least 110,000 immigrants to its shores in 1949. Huqe Crater The volcano Kilaueau on the island of Hawaii has a crater 2J miles in diameter. -- 45Qt. - r$Pw m enjoy ine Ug&grfe - ' Tl whiskey that's '' j," I Condemnation Suit For Highway Job Filed The State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway Com mission, T. H. Banfield, Ben R. Chandler and Charles H. Rey nolds, have filed suit figalnst T. E. Davis, Peggy A., and John Doe Carr, to condemn property desired as right-of-way on the Umpqua Highway. The property- contains fa.19 acres, located in Government Lots 2 and 3, sec tion 23, Township 22 South, Range 10 west, Willamette Meridian. Kentucky Whiskey A Blend 16 PROOF NATIONAL 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS DISTILLERS PROD. CORP., N. I "LET US SETTLE YOUR DUST" We will do oil dusting inexpen sively In Roseburg and vicinity. Streets, driveways and parking areas treated promptly. Phone 1289 ROSEBURG FUEL OIL SERVICE ' 343 N. Jaokson i f .if f ' r a stow ca for every ...'22.95 up! for every home, office, store1, and shop use i TODAY . . . Join the hundreds of thousands of satisfied Vornado users for 5 BIG f!EilSQfJ 1 MOVES 3 TIMES MORE AIR 3 times farther than ordi- 1 nary "buzz" fans. COMPLETE SAFET revn'",:onary construction. ft COMPLETE SAFETY for your children with VornauVi iMFORT engineered into Vornado with swirl-.jx-Tornado air action no vibration or pulsa of the airstream. 4 SUPER BEAUTY the first complete change. in fan design in 35 years. AIR WHERE YOU V touch tilting feature. ff AIR WHERE YOU WANT IT with VornaoVs feather 0 MODEL JOCI O MOOH J4C! W.,,riliiiwiwP modii net n mil anil'" "if $49.i " J I , MODEL DDI tit.H U I MODtt t!M 1 u Ontjr Vtrnatfs hit nf.tlu Irpi Twin Contt prorfutng Vr ftK-rtmodo efr actfn Set fht full page advertisemant in this week's issue of LIFE. UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE 120 W. Oak Phone 1218 MODfl I4CJ SI47.00 j A Product of 0. A. SUTTON CORPORATION Wichita, Kansas E) DiD E) r.n d A man who can sell coffee and soap Is Frank Hemingway, many charactered newscaster of the KHJ-Don Lee airwaves. His spon sors, Folger's Coffee and White King Soap, have renewed Frank as a network feature for another year. ' Senator Hem 'n Haw's reaction was: ' ' "As a representative of the people of this mighty Pacific Coast, I am glad, sir, that they have seen fit to perpetuate me In office for another term." Ezra Jenkins, the cracker-barrel philosopher, opined when he heard the news: "Well, sir, when I heard that there fella Hemingway was a gonna be around for another harvest season, Ma and I cooked up the old red rooster we been savin' for a special occasion. We figured this wa about as special as we'd get, what with times as they're get tin' to be." Frank Is heard Monday through Saturday at 7 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. PST. ' Whether th giving away of thrte-quarters of .a million dollars is a good thing or a bad one, Is the question to be answered by George Valentine, when the story titled "The Next to the Last Guest" Is presented during the "Let George ' Do It" broadcast tonight at 8. Another eerie tale by "The Mysterious Traveler" will be heard tonight at 10. "Rhythm Rendezvous" at 10:30 . . and the U. S, Army Band will pay 'a musical tribute to the students at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, N. Y., during tonight's "Campus Salute" broadoast at 11. How does it feel to get back into regular clothes once again? Though it was kinda fun not worrying about "what to wear" each day these past two weeks! But gee, what a fine celebration we had this year . . . and such a strenuous one that most people felt like saying Rodeo . . . Schmodeo . . . when the dawn of another working day broke through this morning.. KRNR TIm Volca of TIm RoMsMHf Naw.Rtvltw MBS 1490 On Your Dial REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 Fulton Lewii, Jr. 4:13 Frank Hemingway 4:30 Pan in J ParRde 4:45 Here's to Vetertni 5:00 Driver'! Playhouit 5:15 Music 5:30 Champion, the' Wonder Hon 5:45 Tom Mix 6:00 Sewing Machine Center 8:15 Mutual Newsreel 6:30 Sports Page 6:35 Music 6:40 Local Nws 6:43 Three-Quarter Time 8:55 Bill Henry 7:00 Home, Sweet Home 7:15 Snmmy Kaye Showroom i 7:30 Cisco Kid 6:00 Let George Do it 8:30 You Name It 9:00 News 9:15 HI Neighbor 9:30 Scandinavian Melody Time 9:45 Fulton Lewi, Jr 0:00 Mysterious Traveler 0:30 Rhythm Rendezvous 1:00 Campus Salute 1:30 Sign OH TUESDAY, JUNI St, :00 Sunrise Serenade :18 Newa :20 Music :30 Yawn Patrol :40 County Agent :00-News :15 Breakfast Gang :30 Breakfast Gang :45 Local News :50 Music ;55 Muale :00 Wally'i Coffee Time : 15 Victor H. Lindlahr :30 Modern Home :45 Haven of Rest i:15 Music ;30 Man About Town :40 Musical Interlude :30 Shopper's Guide :00 News :15 Sweetwood Serenade :30 say It With Music 1949 10:45 Easy Acea 11:00 Ladles First ' 11:30 Queen For a Day 12:00 Gardening Today 12:15 Sports Page 12:25 Music 12:40 Local News 12:45 National Newt 13:55 Market Reports 1:00 Man on the Street 1:15 Party Line 2:00 Against the Storm 3:30 Its Requested ' 3:00 Johnson Family 3:15 Music I 3:30 Show Time 3:45 Local Loan Show 4:00 Fulton. Lewis, Jr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway 4:30 Passing Parade 4:45 Here's to Veterans 5:00 Driver's Playhouse 5:15 Music 5:30 Champion, Wonder Horse 5:45 Tom Mix 6:00 Gabriel Ueatter 6:15 Mutual Newsreet 6:30 Sports Page 6:35 Music ' 1 6:40 Local News fcV 6:45 Three-Quartet Time 6:55 Bill Henry 7:00 Sportacast 7:15 Music You Remember ONLX Com-FIt PADS Olve Suob ( PRM'tXKRS COMPORT Your False Teeth Stay soft in plates. Chew any thin. Tie. new In 30-60 daya) inr nii results. Fit Either Plate S9o at FRED MEYER Stores and other Drug Stores Clip this Adv't for a Reminder! Save at Fred Meyer Drugs CORNED MUTTON Armour's, 12-oz. can . ORANGE JUICE, My-Te-Fine, 46-oz. carv. 29c 25c 4.95 ELECTRIC FANS, - 8-inch 7.65 BATHROOM SCALES, Counselor 98c UTILITY TRAY, Lustro Ware 69c CAMP STOOLS, Canvas 15c PICNIC NEEDS, Plates or Cups . 15c ACME FIRST AID, Cotton gauge or bandage . 89c WONDER SPRAY, Cook's, 32 oz Sproyer FREE MOTHPROOFING LIQUID, Berlou, 32 oz. 43c INSECTICIDE, Kilzum, 16 oz. 3.89 5.95 79c 49c 9c- 9c 49c 98c 19c LEATHER GLOVES . . 79c Stock up now . . . regular 1.49 and 1.98 values 50c AMMONIATED TOOTH POWDER, Colgate's t .CLEANING FLUID, F. M., aallon 69c CA'STILE SOAP, 2-lb. bar ; 60c ALKA SELTZER ASPIRIN TABLETS, Bayer, 100's ASPIRIN TABLETS, F. M., 100's 43c 49c 49c 49c 59c 25c BRUSHLESS SHAVE CREAM, Prep, 16 oz. 69c LANOLIN SOAP, Williams', box of 3 29c CHAIR SEAT PADS, Plastic and cushioned CHAIR BACK PADS, Matching 98c 79c Fred Meyer 112 N. Jackson Lumber Company Asks Foreclosure Tyee Lumber Company haj filed suit in circuit court against Ernest W. Winglar and Wanda L. Wingler, John L. Winglcr and Isabel S. Winglcr to lore, close a mortgage on real and personal property held by the defendants. The complaint alleges that on July 14, 1948, the plaintiff loan ed to Ernest Wingler $6,159.11, and that given as security was a tract of land containing 17.59 acres, on which Was located a Caterpillar power unit, Russell sawmill, edger, John Deere pow er unit, conveyor and two circu lar saws. The plaintiff asks judgment for $4,247, plus $1,000 attorney lees as the balance alleged due, or . that the mortgage be fore closed. The property is located in the Sutherlln Land & Water Co. tract. Other Suits Filed Suit has been filed by Ralph Shirtcliff against Coyle Parker and R. Parker, doing business as Parker Brothers. The plain tiff asks judgment for $287 for logs hauled between April 19 and 21, and $69.63 on an assigned claim. Ben H. Balder and Clyde P. Carroll, doing business as Balder and Carroll demand judgment against Judd Creek Lumber Co. lor $950 or the recovery of log ging equipment told to the com pany. Judgment for $450 Is asked by Merle P. Hargis and Alvina T. Hargis from F. L. Laws as an account stated between the plaintiff and defendant. John Steeck has filed suit against Herman Steeck In which he asks judgment for $416.62 as the balance alleged due on a note for $1,785. In addition he asks Judgment for $401 for meals taken by the defendant at the plaintiff's home. Edward Monahan seeks to re cover $269.30 as the balance due on an original loan for $300 in a suit filed. Named as defandants is George Par02. The loan alleg edly was made March 10, 1944. Mon., June 20, 1949 Th Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5 South' Pulp Industry The South neither exports nor imports pulpwood In .any great amount. However, there is con siderable pulpwood movement between states In the South. Death and Defeat Death or defeat has greeted everyone who has tried to climb the highest mountain ' In the world, Mount Everest In the Himalaya Mounalns between Ti bet and India. PIANOS Baldwin, Wurlltzer . Gulbransen Ott't Piano Dept. Corner of Cass and Jackson Phone 1119J 7:30 Bob Poole 8:00 Box Thirteen - 8:30 Jovln Jamboree 9:00 Newt 9:1.1 Slim Bryant 9:30 Guelt Slnr 9:45 Fulton Lewlt, Jr. 10:00 John Steele, Adventurer 10:30 Rhythm Rendexvoua 11:00 Dance Orchestra 11:30 Sign Oft 401 i This is LEARN TO SWIM WEEK. Come down to the Municipal Pool after 10 a. m. any day this week, and sign up for swimming les sons. Roseburg hat modern Swimming Pool and life guards to help you learn to conduct yourself In the water. Munlolpal Swimming Pool Ray Brown, Manager PT1 Talking About a Home? So many people do noth ing but talk about itl But if you really want to own your home, consult me now. Personal attention. Economical terms, RALPH L. RUSSELL Loans and Insurance Loan Representative Equitable 8avlngt & Loan Assn., 112 W. Cass ' Phone 013 CLIPPER FIREWORKS I Firecrackers... All Sizes All Kinds 9 Roman Candles O Atomic Wings 0 Rockets O Sparklers ... etc. 9 I Stands located on Community Hospital Grounds and across the street from The City Drive-In Market On Sale from June 20 to July 5 Benefit for Jr. High School Athletic Fund OPEN ALL HOURS He Takes Wooden Niokelt "Don't take any wooden nick els" means nothing to Roy Law rence of Anamosa," Iowa. He's been collecting them for years, now has 350. , Phone 730-J-5 Starts Wednesday Mil 77M' jjg 2nd Western ADVENTURE COWBOYtyz I HP iiTTti ttPitirn r VKr I Lit I IX DMICK TODAY AND TUESDAY "CALIFORNIA" and1 "Trouble Preferred" 1 Coming Wednesday Starring Gene KELLY Esther WILLIAMS Frank SINATRA (WtTOTH wltk BETTY GARRETT JSSiSSlS Now Showing STEWART 'MlMS tin EDDIE ALBERT PERCY KILBRIDE a iwtvrtui imrnuriQHAt Mctuti