I Th Hawt-IUvUw, RoMhurf, Or. Man., Jun II, 1949 Society and Glubl ly LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Items submitted by tel- nhM ter th society Dane mull he turMd in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thuriday and IV 1 a. in rriaays, at wnicn Hm the social calendar and Sat urday' toeiety page are closed wmxif- TINMILI LADIES CLUB HtCT AT POTLUCK LUNCHION WEDNESDAY The Tenmlle Ladle Club met at a potluck luncheon Wedneaday May at tne cnurcn. jnemoers wen resetted to bring old toya, cray on, pencils, note-paper etc., to the next meeting to be sent to Europe In charge ol uakc. Elmer Bover wai reported im proving, following an operation this week and Johnnie Erbe was riwirtd 111 of mumDi. At the first meeting in July, the 13th, the women of the club are having a miscellaneous snow er for the new home of Mr. and Mra. Grafton Tyler. The meeting will b held at the church and all members are urgea to De preseni. ' Graoe Barnes had charge of packing a large box of clothing Itjr Inw ClUD ij DC Belli. iu iiiv v.im- dren Farm Home at Corvallis. ' Those present were Mrs. Alice Carr, Mrs. Grace Barnes, Mrs. Tretsi'e Mills, Mrs. Ollie Mills, Mrs. Minnie Lockwood, Mrs. liaz- 1 Ison. Mrs. Minnie Melius, Mrs, Edna Franklin, Mrs. Nellie Hen ry. Mr. Emma swift, Mrs. ueraa JehneoH, Mrs. Julia Breltenbuch er, Mrs. Josi Smith, Mrs. Bessie Smith, Mr. Alice Muetzel and Hancy; Mr. Lue wooa, mrs, Amy Krbe and Sally and Mary, and Mr. Blanche Degner. - The neat regular meeting will be June a at a potiuen luncneon t neon at tne cnurcn. PATCH AND CHAT CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETINS ON THURSDAY EVENINS The Patch and Chat Club met Thursday evening at the home of Mr. C. J. Bradley with Mrs. C. K. Bartiett, co-hostess. Beauti ful bouquets of sweetpeas form ed the decorations. Mr. Lola Marris of Portland wh a guest. She is spending a week here visiting her parent, Mr. and Mr. C. J. Bradley. Mesakar enjoying the evening ware Mra. C. Domenioo, Mrs. X. O. Troselle, Mrs. Thorns 7k4W, Mrs. Curtis Calkins, Mr, ft. R. Buckingham. Mrs. DatW Ware, Mra. J. N. Boor Mkl Mra. Gordon Ware. DelMivM refreshments were erred by the hostesses. The Malt wmSmg wiH be June 23 at t e'sWcfc in the evening at the heeM ( Mr. J. N. Boor. pa WIHOOWS MOM FRAMH rletf Right AM LUMIIR & FUIL !. JtidAve.S. Phone 242 SUTHERLIN P. N. a. CLUB HAS FINE MEETING WEDNESDAY Mrs. Nellie Peterson assisted by Mrs. Florence Cook enter tained the Sutherlin Past Noble Grands Club at a dessert -supper Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the Cook home. The .ace-covered table was centered with a beau tiful bouquet of sweet oea flanked by tall pink and green tapers, utner bouquets were placed about the spacious rooms, Covers were placed. for: Mrs, Belle Cook, Miss Luella Pleuard, Mrs. Helmie Burns, Mrs. Lucille Chase, Mrs. Leona Slack, Mrs. Lydia Gillette, Mrs. Ruth Man nine, Mrs. Alma Anderson. Mrs, Cora Allen, Mrs. Maude Culver, Mrs. Mabel Ross, Mrs. Ella Wok ner, Mrs. Grace Wood, and the hostesses, Mrs. Peterson and Mrs, Cook. After the luncheon Mrs. Lylla Chenoweth showed the pictures she and her husband had taken on their trip to Mexico, which were very impressive and were enjoyed. The ones taken through the Grand Canyon In color were extremely pretty as the rocks showed so many various colors and the cacti were in bloom. The business meeting was called to order by Mrs. Peter son, the president. It was dis cussed about buying tne twenty five and thlry year jewels for members oi the lodge who fiaa been members for that length of time. Mrs. Manning, Mr. Slack and Mrs. Culver were ap pointed as a committee to find out how many member are eiigt ble and the cost of the jewels. Mrs. Lydla Gillette was pre sented, given the club Initiation and was welcomed as a new member. Mrs. Ross gave a report on the degree of Chivalry and how proud she was to nave re ceived this degree and thanked the club for having her recom mended to the Lodge. The club presented the pin to her. The next meeting will be held Thursday evening July 14 at the home of Mrs. Kutn Manning east oi sutnernn. The penny priie was won by Mrs. uuiette. LAKERS TO BE HONORED AT FAREWELL RECEPTION WEDNESDAY Father and Mrs. W. L. Blaker and family will be honored at a farewell reception Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock at the Episcopal parish hall on East Cass street. All members of the church and friend are most cordially invited to attend. ZULEIMA CLUB TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY Kulelma Club, Daughters of the Nile will meet at a potluck pionle dinner at the summer home of Mrs, L. E. Henninger on tne JNortn umpqua Wednes day. Those attending, who de sire transportation, are asked to meet at the Hotel Kose at 3 o'clock. for FATHER'S DAY Only wv ai rwaft 1 rT TRAVEL' 60 Full Site BniihliM or Lsther Shivt Cream. 7) Travel She After Shsv Lotion. 60f Travel Site Men's Tilcum. mi M SO CHAKCt ... handsome, wster-repellent, flexible plastic travel kit. ROSEBURG PHARMACY 141 N. Jackioit ' Phoni 7 t- & & ce a, Km J v, " " f. --9 .X,-,.r.- . l ft-. ... --fa.. 4 . j i,-,' paJ8x.-;.--x- .--JW,l..:,.ftiv rlB,,.,.: PICTURED ABOVE is the Copco dam and power plant at Winchester, five miles north of Roseburg. Beyond is part of the pleasant site of Winchester, which almost became the county seat of Douglas County at a pioneer era election. Upstream are many fine homes along the river bank. At the near end of the dam are fish ladders and a fish counting station while downstream lie famous fishing waters. (Picture by Paul Jenkins.) Scramble By Sixty-One Boys And Girls For Calves, Lambs Will Feature Rodeo Program At County Fairgrounds ' 6 , , 3 ,-- ,- - -, r " 'v i i " ? ' V4; , hm 'r i 1 - ' ti r r ( f. t p i SHOWINO THE BOT5 HOW Calf and lamb scrambles for 4-H bovi and girls will be features of the Douglas County Sheriff's Posse Rodeo this week. The girls' lamb scramble will be Friday afternoon. The boys' calf scramble will be Saturday afternoon. Here, Rodeo Queen Nadene Sparks thews the boys how to rep a calf. (Picture by B. R. Shoemaker Jr.) Twenty-six girls and Si boys will take part in lamb and calf crambles sponsored oy tne 4-ii clubs at the Douglas County Sheriff's Posse Rodeo this week. The lambs will be loosed In the arena at the Friday afternoon show, as the last event of the day. The girls will each attempt to capture a lamb and lead It out of the arena. Duncan, Mollle Fullerton, Dor othy Traylor, Eveli'yn Dyer, Kr line Sargent, Mary Kuth Makin son, Shirley DeGnalh. Marvel Covey, Joanle Kruse, Virginia R. Berry, Carmel Norton, Hazel E. Young, Maria Patterson, Roberta Buttler, Lola Wagner and Joy Zeller. Boys listed for thp calf scram ble Include: Steven Shellev. Dickv Girls successful In catching the ! Dow, Dale Sweelv, Richard lambs will assume ownership and Gooilenough, Gilford Evans, care 01 the animals and will agree to exhibit them at the Douglas county hair. Aug. 2s. 26 and 27, this vear. The calves will be turned Into the arena at Saturday's show. The same rules will apply to the Doys, except mat each win he fur nished a halter with which he must attempt to halter a calf. The boys will raise I heir calves (or showing at the 1950 Douglas County Sheriff's Posse Rodeo. Alter Judging, the boys may then keep or sell their animals, as they wish. Girls who will take part in Ihe lamb scramble include: Judy Pon, Margaret Knutsnn, Jean Ames, Shirley .lean White, Joan Cum mlngs, Mary Buell, June Meyer, Patsy McGraw, Careen Rowell, Jo-Ann Custls, Maijorie May Everett Mask. iDavid Makinson John Michel, Glen Hanson, Jack Houston, Philip Makinson, Arthur McGhehey, LeRon Sanders. George Langlois, Robert Jennie, Herbert Youne. Steven Matthews. Earl Fnivl IlnnuM rvli.klacr.ri Calvin Clack, Carl Walin, Donald Ei"khoff, Kenneth Veley, Walter Backus, Mervin Leslie, Donald Bulmer, Edward 1 nnmpson. Lynn Jacobs, Jerry Libbey, B i 1 ly Sparks Clifford Rasler, Charles Goddwln Jr., Gordon Rexford, Wayne Stinnett. Alvis Alsup. Calves and lambs are being do nated to the Rodeo for these 4-H contests by a number of business concerns, announced W. H. (Doc) Carter, of the Sheriff's Posse. Donors of lambs Include Grand Hotel, Grand Barber Shop, Bob Frank's Grocery, Myers Oils Co., Doyle Sales and Service, Doug las County Creamery, Coca Cola Bottling Works, Builders Insulat ing Co., Roreburg Fuel Oil Serv- ; : :. PLAYMOR GARDENS Opn Air Dancing Pavilion Music By The Jerry Whitson Band Summer Opening, Friday 17th PLAYMOR GARDENS 2'i milei South of Dillard on Highwoy 99. By th Gretn Bridg. x M4HNt DLIST-MMT P1M Om 'Tnfii Tor it,,- h s tart's war W-tf ym Im thtm tiii'iilil firsterHo, FUg SALON Second Floor of Fashion Ice, Hansen's Goodyear Tire Shop. Donors of calves include South ern Oregon Sugar Pine Co. at Til ler; Si Dillard Motor Co., J. C. Penney Co., U. S. National Bank, Douglas County Flour Mill, Slg Fett Implement Co., Roseburg Lumber Co., Rainbow Cafe, Deb's Market and Pre-MIx Concrete Co. O. E. S. SOCIAL CLUB ANNOUNCES MEETIN3 O. E. S. Social Club of Can vonville will meet at 8:15 o'clock Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Ralph Weaver, cast of Canyonville on Soulh Umpqua Highway, wilh Mrs. Guy McGee, co-hostess. All members are re quested to be present. CALAPOOIA LADIES CLUB TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY The Calapooia Ladies Club will meet at a noon potluck lunch eon Wednesday at Ihe clubhouse wilh Mrs. Sylvia Manning. Mrs. Marie Sonne and Mrs. Pearl Hand, hostesses. All members are urged to be present. R. A. AND E. CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Roseburg Art and Em broidery Club will meet Wednes day .afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Erskin on Cobb street, All members are urged to be present. FRIENDLY HOUR CLUB ' HAS DELIGHTFUL AFTERNOON MEETING The Friendy Hour Club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hazel Williams. Plans were made for plaque paintings at the next meeting and for the annual picnic to be held at Fenn grove, July 3. Grace Fenn demonstrated the arrangement of flowers for cor sages and discussed displaying flowers'. Carol Singley displayed plaques and explained the work of painting them. The club welcomed Mrs. Sin gley and Mrs. Hazel Bly as new members. Delicious refreshment were served by Mrs. Williams, assisted by ' her daughter, Miss Juanita, to Mrs. Thompson, a guest, Katie Conn, Minnie Jacob son, Belva Buckwaller, Clara Herman, Millicent Kenyon, Nor ma Fenn, Cecelia Kenyon, Carol Singley and Grace Fenn. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 22, at -the home of Mrs. Cecelia Kenyon. Plaque painting and quilt work will be enjoyed. A potluck lunch eon will be served at noon. OAKLAND JOB'S TO INSTALL OFFICERS Daughters of Job of the Oak land Bethel, No. 42, cordially in vite the public to the installation of officers ceremony to be held at eight o'clock Wednesday eve ning, June 15, at the Oakland Masonic temple. The following officers are to be installed: Honored Queen, Carol Ellison; senior princes, Dixie Wil lis; junior princess, Evelyn Cor nish; guide, Patsy Mardin; mar shall, Janice Parks; recorder, Bar bara Rose; treasurer, Barbara Woollett; chaplain, Carol Firman; librarian, Norma Jean Wilcox; musician, Harriet Riggs; senior custodian, Barbara Vansteenburg; junior custodian, Edna Mae Cart er; first messenger, Betty Jane Jones; second messenger, Joan Clark; third messenger, Veda Campbell; fourth messenger, Sus an Slearns; fifth messenger, Har riet Scroggins; inner guard, Alta Campbell; outer guard, Carmen Cingcade; historian, Margaret Rose; custodian of the lights, Mar garet Sowell, reporter, Ila Cor nish. Retiring Honored Queen, Paul ine Bovington, will act as install ing officer, assisted bv other mem bers of the Bethel. There will be special music during the evening and also the confering of a novel ty degree. SLABWOOD In 12-16 and 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phone 658 ' afbai? True depends o you and how up-to-tht-awuiM your wsrdrobe is. If you'd- lik more clothes why not make them yourself? It's fun . . . it's essy to learn and essy on the budget, too. Enroll todsy or your Special Teen-Age Sewing Course and bring your friends . . . form your own das. You wiH mak dress while lanrninf, te saw. CmpUt 8 Itston curs for girls ogs 12 t 17 $8. x Em 111 S SEWING CENTER 204 N. Jackson Phont 723 RICE VALLEY H. E. C. HAS ALL-DAY MEETINO The Home Economics Club of Rice Valley held an all-day meet ing Tuesday at the hall with a potluck luncheon at noon. The day was spent in cleaning the hall and Ihe yard surrounding the building. Discussion and plans were made for the ladies of the club to put up a booth at the Fourth of July rodeo in Yoncalla this year. Member expect to sell hot-dogs, sandwiches, doughnuts, coffee and punch. Those attending were T. H. Shepherd. Mrs. Ed Bell, Mrs. Jim Kidwell, Mrs. Charles Ward, Mrs. Harry Dunbar, Mrs. Wil liam Castor, Mrs. Jack Taylor, Mrs. Ralph Emerson, Mrs. J. G. Wales, Mrs. Cecil Hartford, Mrs. Emmett Churchill, Mrs. Ervin Rice and Mrs. Herman Schosso. The club will sponsor a bene fit card party at 8 o'clock the evening of June 17 at the hall. Five-hundred and Pitch will be in play. The public is invited. The next regular meeting will be June 21 with Mrs. Emmett Churchill as hostess. ; Trucker Slays Woman, Son With Baseball Bat PHILADELPHIA, June 13. (P) A divorcee and her nine-year-old son were beaten to death with a baseball bat in their downtown Philadelphia apart ment. Shortly after the mother died Friday, Capt. James Kelly of the homicide squad announced police are holding a 29-year-old truck driver whom he said admitted the slayings. Kelly said the truck driver, Rob ert Gemberling, told him in an oral statement that he killed the two for revenge. The attack took Dlace last night. Nine-year-old Michael Lu bowski was dead when authori ties entered the gas-filled apartment. ?t- II C 1 nr. I jix v. j. Tien ivrw As Result (Boat Fire t TOKYO, Ju(i3.(..:Six lT, S. airmen an Japanese died Friday when Vjr 63-fcot rps cue boat caughv-e off the East Coast of Japathe Air Force reported Friday. Cpl. Albert I Duffield Jr., Willow Grove, P. was the only survivor. He to, officers the boat was six ml 0ff Sandai, north of Tokyo, n it caught fire. . He said the flai cut off ac. cess to emergency dpment anfl the whole crew abjoned ship in a rough sea. Duffield managed swlm the six miles to shore. intensive search failed to locany other survivors. Four bodieiave been recovered. r. Names of victims ire withheld. Arctic waters have 'fatlvelv small salt content bnise of lack of evaporation anthe in flow of many rivers. Woman, 89, Weds No. 7, 14 Years Her Junior HARLAN, Ky., June 13.-4P) Seven times a bride, 89-year-old Mrs. Lucy Jane Johnson looked at spectators outside County Judge W. J. R. Howard's cham bers where she was married Fri day, and asked: "Why shouldn't I get married if I want to?" Mrs. Johnson's newest husband, Isaac, is 75 and he has been mar ried three times. They both re side at Hulen, near the Bell-Harlan County line. He listed his occupation as a laborer. Court records snowed Mrs. Johnson's sixth husband, the late John Blevins, was 95 at the time of their marriage in Sept., 1945. NEW L0W$ Ladies' Mojud Stockings New Colors New Styles HARTH'S TOGGERY 128 N. Jackson ILECTROLUX Cleaner and Air Purifier Sales, Service, Repairs and Supplise Woyna Ovarbeck Phone 373-R-2 ' When You Cell 1001 w signal th taxi nearest, you by 2-way radio. That's" modern service. We Take You Anywhere B and B Taxi Phono 1001 M , I ra w iiiaiiv m m a m w -h h - ir. MOTHERS Don't delay have your child fitted with THE DOBBS TRUSS It U loft tpunge rubber, concave pad that holds rupture like the palm of your hand. Touches body in two places. Lightweight. Completely comfortable easy to wash dries quickly. Bulbless Beltless Strapless Mr. Richard Dobbs, Factory Representative Will Hold A FREE DEMONSTRATION Tues. and Wed., June 14 and 15 at CHAPMAN PHARMACY 130 N. Jackson Phone 260 Hours 0:00-7:00 Price S10 00 I? 1 Si IT stmt ooesit oyjy mm v TabUtop modtU la .10 fit fitMrtJ er iJ fml. titt. Tp of r.thr ' Im wliilt porolain enimel, or dur-) bit, pMti-ictr Fortatca piuu, r rewfw ft iff wttft oMesf menvfoefwrerf !( water nexrer M YIAKf 0 KNOW-HOW it KIMK KIM RIM W WW fwwuh himt mm mm I KAWW N ITIlIrt HW f Hera's tlx modern, compact eke trie water heater lhat combtn eittra utility with, its silent hot wstw servie. A one-piece, flat top surface provides valuabl working spa whether th watot healer is installed ia kitchen, laundry rooai of basement. It cabinet crssiafl nuke a crp cially smoom-sttmg piee nert to ottior appissftses, fik th rang or disk washer. Th Fewksr Tabletof has all th regular Fowlr feature glau-lititd tank, adjutlailt economy temperature control, lock-on "black heat" element, low operathif cost, Mel th 20 year proraui warranty. Oder this doubl-tity wiler heater for your horst. 222 W. Oak Phona 34S