The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, June 04, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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12 Th Newi-Rview, Roseburg, Ori. Sat., Junt 4, 1949
Growth Of Social Security
System. Recommendations
For Expansion Are Set Forth
Growth of the old-age and sur
vivors insurance system in the
U. S., as Just reported to Con
gress in the 1948 Federal Security
Agency annual report, is reflect
ed in this area by data from the
local social security office. Paul
F. Johnson, manager, stated that
as of June 30, 1948, when data
in the agency report was com
piled, 633 people in Douglas coun
ty were receiving $9,185 monthly
in old-age and survivors insur
ance benefits. He said that by
the end of April, 1949, these fig
ures had increased to an estimat
ed 618 people receiving $10,685
monthly, or a general Increase of
about 16 per cent during the 10
month period.
The Social Security Adminis
tration section of the report, pre
pared by Arthur J. Altmeyer,
commissioner for Social Securily,
showed that in the United States
on June 30, 1948, there were
2,163,000 personsreceiving
monthly benefits amounting o
2,163,000 persons receiving
ance benefits go to Insured, re
tired workers over 65, their wives
if over 65, and their dependent
children, and to the widows, chil
dren, and dependent parents of
insured wage earners who have
Interim reports which have
been prepared show that by
April 30, 1949, the number of
these insurance beneficiaries had
climbed on up to 2,480,000 men,
women and children getting
benefits at the rate of $49,750.
000 per month. As Altmeyer ob
served In the preface to "his re
port, "the social security pro
grams . , , operated during the
fiscal year 1948 In a setting of
full employment, a record pcaee-
. time production of goods and
services, and rising prices. . . .
Earnings were higher, and the
' aggregate volume of savings in
creased." The Social Security Adminis
tration's section of the report,
covering operations of the Chil
dren's Bureau and the Bureaus
of Public Assistance, Employ
ment Security, and Old-Age In
surance, is being received with
special attention this year be
cause of several proposals for
changes In these programs now
under study in Congress. Under
mandate from Congress to sub
mit recommendations for needed
revisions in the law, the admin
istration proposed in the report,
with respect to old-age and sur
vivors insurance, that:
(1) Coverage for wage earn
era be extended to farm people,
the self-employed, domestic work
ers, and most other gainful work
ers now excluded.
(2) The rale of benefits be sub
stantially increased, from the
present maximum for a family of
$85 up to a possible $150. Most
beneficiaries, present and pros-
fiectlve, would have their month
y payments increased 70 per
cent or more.
(3) The age of eligibility for
women to receive benefits be re
duced from 65 to 60.
(4) Beneficiaries' he permitted
to earn as much as $50 per month
In employment without losing
eligibility for their monthly pay
ments. The present limit is
$14.99 per monlh.
I5t A worker's earnings up to
$4,800 per year be subject to tax
and corresponding credit to
'ward benefits rather than the
present limit of $3,000 per an
num. The Social Security Adminis
tration also urged enactment of
a system of cash benefits for dis
abled Insured workers. This plan,
Integrated with the present old
age and survivors insurance,
would provide monthly benefits
on a similar basis when a work
er incurred a period of extended
disabilityior was permanently dls-
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Buy Where You Share In
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Douglas County
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a b 1 e d . Legislation embodying
such proposals has been the sub
ject of hearings in the House of
Representatives during recent
The agency report submitted
to the Congress, as well as a
separately published section on
social security alone, will be
available as public documents.
Johnson said that summaries he
had received show an array of
facts on administration of the
social security plan, which has
been In effect since Jan. 1, 1937.
A total of 76.9 million living
wage earners had earned some
wage credits under the system
by Jan. 1, 1948. The study shows
that of these 36.8 million persons
were fully Insured, including 11.6
million who arc both fully and
permanently Insured. An addi
tional 5.7 million persons have
worked long enough to be cur
rently Insured, for protection of
their families.
Mr. Johnson said that benefits
being paid here highlight the
family protection offered by old
age and survivors insurance, as
emphasized In the report. At
this time, he said, approximately
37 per cent of the Douglas Coun
ty beneficiaries are children and
mothers with children in their
care. The remaining 63 per cent
are Insurance beneficiaries 65
years of age or over.
Elks Swarm To
Klamath Falls
For State Meet
(VP) Elks of Oregon swarmed
over Klamath Falls today as the
annual state Elks Association con
vention opened its business ses
sions with a registration that ex
ceeded all expectations.
Convention headquarters re
ported registration of more than
2,500 when the first business ses
sion began. Elks were expected
to arrive from throughout the
state during the remainder of the
;V Upholstering clean, V WAGON When vou see this sedan 1l. , mm
Original paint In ex- '47 F0RD,TUDOR A good utility car for one you'll ask, "Why This is one of the V n
A jmQL j9 jA cellent condition. Car Perfect condition. town or country at are you selling such a cleanest used cars we i
K?:l JJ JWla jSr H S? "ad, good care. Bright shiny black ' about one-half 'the good car so cheap?" have ever had. Spot A N 1
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,WV1 AT If Agfa AyjEt trouble-free service Book Price SI 480 This one is spick and Prices! ed outside. This car i J
lmlSir $2rr H Reduced from $1140 SALE PRICE span inside and out. Book Priee S1360 a good buy for qual A N
V N- V V to $1295 Book Price $1640 SALE PRICE ity and for price fv
X $"5 Sale Price 1395 $895 I
A-V Motor runs as smooth New beautiful ma- Npw ln, With overdrive, radio, 6 cylinders. Low mil- The reliable, easv rid- ,,...,.., X ;
v. : as a top. Good tires. roon paint, good tires, hnlsleiing. This is the seat Covers, heater, OR. An economical Ing. popular pickup. DUMP TRUCKS f v;
: v A very ""vlccable m o t or reconditioned b , ,39R d l fog llghls, and other running and sturdy Book Price Sim platform truck
;N I good running car for not so long ago. Bar- have had this year, extras. Used as dem- built pickup PLATFORM TRUCKS
v t work. Reduced from Em price of onstrator. New car SALE PRICE PICKUP TRUCKS I i
A ?1l,5to jo,. J4J guarantee. Substan- $995 J O
,,4 1939 v' m2 r m6f"i
$695 iV $595 . $350 $865 H $1095
:,. oil. j JXha-
THE NEW AND THE OLD Incoming Roseburg Senior High Ai lociated Student Body officers on the left and outgoing officers
on the right clap during an important announcement by Princip pal Alva Laws, in the background, at a student honor assembly
thii week. The new officers are, on left, Barbara West, Zona Wi Ishire, George Packard, President Durward Boyles and Vie San
ders, while retiring officers are Don Mean, President Dick Bo nebrake, Ra Burghardt, Irwin Stritike, Dale Blanck and Bob
Roger. i.
Grand Exalted Ruler George I.
Hall of Lynbrook, N. Y., came
today by automobile from Red
ding, Calif., accompanied by a
Earty headed by Judge Frank
onergan, Portland, past grand
exalted ruler. The Oregon group
went i to Redding yesterday to
greet the head of the national or
ganization. Outstanding public event of the
lodge sessions will be the huge
flag parade to march down the
main street of Klamath Falls at
1:30 p. m. today.
"Corvallls is making a strong
bid for the 1950 convention and
has plastered the lodge building
here with Corvallls banners. El
mo Angele, Lakeview, first vice
president of the association, is
expected to succeed A. N. Nicolal
of McMinnville as president.
Portland Elks arrived this
morning by special train, which
will also be their hotel home dur
ing their slay in jam-packed
Klamath Falls.-,
Historians believe that the
"brass" referred to In the Bible
probably was bronze.
Lot located on Rose Street between
Washington and Oak Streets
Wt will accept a deposit and hold any car
yoM want for down payment.
Senator Morse
Offers His Own
Economy Program
EUGENE, June 4 UP) Across-the-board
percentage cuts in gov
ernment spending are "the lazy
man's way" toward economy,
Sen. Wayne Morse said in an in
terview here.
Blanket cuts, such as those pro
posed by Sens. Wherry (R.-Neb.)
and Ferguson (R.Mich.), are
"playing politics with the econ
omy," Morse declared.
He suggested instead his own
three-point economy program:
1 Adoption of the Hoover
Commission report on executive
8avlngs Representative
Equitable Savings and
Loan Ass'n.
Phone 442 Oakland, Ore.
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rwy-w jf, TSTvS- '- "W- I
2 An end to politics on the
tax issue.
3 True unification of the
armed services.
Morse said the Hoover report
should be adopted without "malor
change "I intend to vote for the
whole project as the most intel
ligent step toward economy"
and expressed alarm over what
he i viewed as the tendency pf
most groups to favor the report
except for portions which cut out
For All Purposes
Coen Supply Company
Stocks Well Known, Dependable Brands
Everything For The Builder
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locally important agencies.
He warned that in considering
economies, no across-the-board
cuts in foreign aid should be
made. American aid Is essential
to the free people abroad, he said,
and "it. they can't get help from
America they have only one place
to turn and they will."
When European guilds were ac
tive, a man who infringed unon
another's textile brandmark waslin
punished by having his right hand
Phone 121
Large Selection of Reconditioned Cars
Easy Terms Liberal Allowances
on Trade-Ins
Pro-Truman Democrats In !
Senate Ready To Yield To
T-H Act Repeal Amendments
Senate Democratic leader Lu
cas of Illinois came out Friday
for some amendment of the Tru
man administration's bill for re
peal of the Taft-Hartley act.
In the first official indication
that President Truman's hard
pressed forces in the Senate are
ready to support a compromise in
a last-minute effort to win votes,
Lucas said in an interview:
"In principle, I approve of some
He wouldn't go into detail.
His statement came as the
Senate's disrupted Democrats
gathered behind closed doors for
what might be an all-day confer
ence on labor legislation. The
Senate itself starts its labor de
bate Monday.
Mr. Truman himself has stout
ly maintained that he opposes any
compromise. The CIO and AFL
have announced they aren't dead
set against all amendments, but
they say they will never agree to
anti-strike injunctions.
The administration measure
which would replace Taft-Hartley
with a modified Wagner act was
compromised in the House, but
lost anyhow.
The compromise, introduced by
Rep. Sims (DSC) with the vigor
ous backing of Speaker Sam Ray
burn (D-Tex), added a few Taft-
Hartley provisions to the Truman
bill, including 80-day injunctions
national emergency strikes.
Senator Sparkman (D-Ala) told
a reporter today he favors "some
Authorized Dealer For .
(Utility basement) (Floor Units 29" deep)
Phone 941
such measure" as the Sims bill.
He added, however, that he is
"open-minded" concerning the na
tional emergency provision and
might be persuaded to support
some kind of plant-seizure pro
posal instead of the 80-day Taft
Hartley injunctions.
Authority for federal seizure of
plants is what some Democrats,
like Senator Humphrey (Minn),
are advocating as a means of deal
ing with strikes which imperil
the national health or safety.
In an interview Humphrey said
he would propose a seizure amend
ment to the Truman bill at to
day's Democratic conference.
He said he also would propose
amendments for (1) a specific
guarantee of free speech in labor
relations; (2) a requirement that
both unions and employers bar
gain in eood faith, and (3) filing
of financial reports by unions,
corporations, and employer asso
ciations. The Sims bill In the House con
tained clauses roughly similar to
those. The Sims bill also would
have required union and com
pany officers to file non-Communist
A non-Communist provision was
expected to be proposed today at
the Democratic conference, but
not by Humphrey.
Lucas said there would be no
attempt to bind the Democrats to
vote for anything.
Apparently t h e leadership's
plan was to sound out all the
Democrats, and write a new bill
that would capture as many votes
as possible.
850 E. 1st St.