Tk Newi-Review, Roseburg, Or. Friday, June 3, 194t 1 1 SAW " . . . By PoJenkini I aw a crew spraying an eight-acre pear orchard belonging to Paul Holweg at Sutherlin recently. Ray Jarvii if driving the tractor shown In the picture above and Henry Lander is directing the spray. Thii orchard ie southwest ol Sutherlin; in addition Mr. Helweg owns 37 acres in pears east o town and 89 acres more at Winston, south of Roseburg. ' Democracies' Offensive Against Reds Lessens Peril Of 3rd World War By DEWITT MACKENZIE (AP Foreign Affairs Analyst) President Truman says he believes "we are closer to world peace now than at any time in the past three years. Former British prime minister Winston Churchill declares he has tht growing hope "That we may avert forever the horrible "vision of a third world war." What Justification is there for such optimism In view of the con tinued clashes between the Rus sians and the Western Democra cies in Europe, and the sweeping victories of tht Moscow-Inspired Communists in China? Has the , Ml the happy t I ... J iy hopes ot the luture are someiiow symnmizca IsJ l'ie precious value and beauty of a Diamond. " A Princess Diamond is Registtred so you can be sure of its quality; Insured so you will be protected against loss. It Pays to Buy From ASHCRAFT JEWELERS Whert Your Dollars Have Cents For Ladies in White Finest footwear for the ever-moving feet of Young Women in White... THE CLINIC SHOE, specially designed and "engineered" to fit perfectly and give extra support 'to eliminate fa tigue. In whit only . . . 7.95 11 lit I LI.) 1 1 Ml OK J ir4 . .-."V ' 'i--? gift of prophesy deserted these two distinguished statesmen? T rlnn'f hallmra nllhor nf tlinm has lost his cunning. There are plenty ot signs mat me dangers of world war have receded greatly I it .J v -A ' , DIAMOND memories of the past and brilliant lliftr jWSit, pay Tair ..fil:'-- I A "Better Shoes For All The Family" WAYNE'S 118 W. Cass Just around the corner from Douglas County Bank in recent weeks. The chief reason Is that the Communist drive west ward across Europe has been stopped by the power of the De mocracies counter-ofenslve. Not only has It been stopped but it has very largely spent Its force and is without the sinews for recovery. So much for Europe, which has represented the greatest immedi ate threat to the Western World. But what of China, which houses close to a quarter of the world's population and is possessed of vast natural resources? Is there no danger In that situation? China certainly does present grave dangers, but at this stage thpy are more ideological tnan military. It Is quite in the cards that Russia, even though domi nating that vast counlry political ly, would find it a white elephant. This Is so because China, while potentially a great power, is backward and undeveloped. From the military aspect she not only wouldn't be any great asset to Russia, but on the contrary would involve heavy expenditures for development. Progress calls for mountainous efforts and great sums of money. Putting China on her feet Isn't a matter of years. It involves decades. So at this Juncture neither Europe nor the Orient hold threats of another world war in anything like the near future. Perhaps as, Churchill says, it may be averted forever. But this doesn't mean the struggle between Communism and Democracy is drawing to a close. It will continue, hut along Ideological lines rather than as a "shooting war" at least so long the Allies keep tnemseives militarily strong as a preventive. It therefore remains to be seen whether the Democracies are as good with Ideas as they are with guns. For the conflict will be won or lost with Ideas. CATERPILLARS ON MOVE ASTORIA, .lime 3. (.T) Tent caterpillars were plaguing Clat sop County today. County Agenl 'Gordon Hood re ported a b;d infestation of the caterpillars In the Astoria, Knap pa, and Svenson areas, and some trouble in the rest of the county. SEASIDE TO IMPROVE SEASIDE, June 3. (A') Sea side Is going to get new water mains and a new tire truck. Two bond Issurs-SlOO.OOO for the additional mains and $15,000 for thetire truck were approved In a special election here. NURSES Don't say "Hosiery". . , GERMA-SIZED Say TZutde Weak Htr't lh onjf stocking ogalntt contact infection. Bvcauto It'i Grma-) r.fA 7: $iid..a tctttd Vf germicidal fioith! From to ttrvic wtighhf Black and Cunmstal. You no moro for fht bit in full fathiontd hotitry plui tntl ftdwiiv flwrl . , 1.2.1 u-T . r Society and Glubi By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social items submitted by tele- &none lor tne society page must e turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Fridays, at which time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weemy. SUTHERLIN GRANGE HAS POTLUCK DINNER MEETING A notluek dinner was held at the Sutherlin Grange hall Wednes day evening by the members of Sutherlin Grange, after which Grange was called to order by the master, tnon banders. Koll call found the steward, assistant stew ard, lady assistant steward and gate keeper absent, Two applications for member ship were read and the investigat ing committees were appointed. ine dra and 4tn degree obliga tions were civen Icel and Dorolhv Clark, Ralph and Mary Mansuel- ti, Faye and Louie Smith and Clarence Moore. Committees reoortine were: Ae- riculture chairman, who gave a lengthy report on the advance ment and improvement of agri culture in Oregon. The Home Eco nomics chairman reported the pie social as a success. Friday was spent at the hall sewing for the Brownie bcouts. The meeting siarieo ac 10 o ciock wltn a pot luck lunch at noon. Hoslesses appointed for the Juno Sth Grange meeting are Mrs. Ber tha Sanders, Mrs. Edna Nicollzzi and Mrs. Kav Simmons. I he next Home Economics club meeting will be held on June 6th with Mrs. Vivian Nicoson and Mrs. Eunice Beck as hostesses. The lilcrarv oroeram was In honor of National Music Week and included: song, "America," by the group; reading "History of I he Song America," by Mrs. Nel lie Peterson: reading History of Grange Songs." by Mrs. Dorothy Clark; poem "Doing Pretty Good, by George Cornish; poem "Like A Winner," by Mrs. Bertha San ders; song, Is It Good To Be a Granger, by the group; reading, "Hislory of 'he Sixth Degree," by Mrs. Marjorie Sheets and a contest called "What Will Grow." Mrs. Dorothy Clark won the wo men's side and Clyde Anderson the men's side. Members present were: Mrs. Hallle Martin, Clyde Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Orville French, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schrack, Mr. and Mrs. James Simmons. Mrs. Ellen Liesinger, Mrs. Nellie Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Art Sheets, George Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore. Charles Swindler, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicoson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wahl. Mrs. Irma Cornish, Mrs. Velma Brauninger, Mr. and Mrs. tcel Clark, Mr. and MrB. Louie Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mansuetti. INTER-SE CLUB TO HOLD PICNIC DINNER SATURDAY EVENING Members and Associate mem bers of Inter-Se Study Club will entertain their husbands and families at a picnic dinner on Saturday night, June 4, at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hall at Winchester. Those attending are asked to meet at the Del Rey Inn at 6 p.m. B.P.W.C. MEMBERS INVITED TO GLEN DALE SATURDAY EVENING Members of the Roseburg Busi ness and Professional Women's Club are invited to attend the Instituting ot the Glendale Club Saturday evening, June 4, at a 7 o'clock dinner at Glendale. If You Wear Half Sizes . , . . . . you can find the dress to fit at the Excel Dress Shoppe. Half siz dresses from I6I2 to 24'2 in bem berg sheers. crepe and shan tung. Prints and solid colors of grey, pink, blue and rose for the in-between lady. To make sure that you have the right fit be sure to drop in today. Priced from 10.95 to 16.95. Phone 565-J s MRS. BOB CRAWFORD ATTEND8 CONVENTION Mrs. Bob Crawford of Ric Val- le reports a very enjoyable week end attending the state conven tion of Business and Professional Women's Clubs at Salem, May 13-14-15, as president and dele gate from the Yoncalla B.P.W.C. The meeting opened -Friday noon in the Cave room of the Senator Hotel with the state ex ecutive board luncheon and with various activities pleasantly com bining both business and pleasure, continued through Saturday and Sunday. Fridav night was designated as fun night in the good old gypsy style and a formal banquet on Saturday evening as the highlight of the convention with Judge Sar ah T. Hughs of the 14th District Court, Dallas, Tex., as guest speak er. Judge Hughs is the first vice-president of the National Fed atlon of Business and Professional Women. Mrs. Crawford, who has been employed by the United States National Bank now located in Drain, and for four years pre viously by that concern in opera tion as the Farmers Security Bank of Yoncalla, announced this week she will assume her proper duties as housewife and farmer ette. She reports the present press of the ranch and summer pros pects In real estate, she feels she may well keep busy in Rice Valley. EVERGREEN GRANGE HAS INTERESTING MEETING Evergreen Grange met at the hall for a potluck supper Fri day evening. Charles McCord, master, announced the regular business meeting would be late because of the Dillard gradua tion exercises, which took place at the hall. The business meeting opened at 9:30 o'clock. Roll call found 14 officers present with three absent. There were 41 members in attendance. District deputy Paul Krueger gave a most interesting report on the coming state grange ses sion to he held In Coos Bay. Third and fourth degrees were conferred by the Master to Marie and George Buttler, Louis Swee ley and Myrtle Mae Glenn. The cnairman ot me nome Economics Club was appointed to be in charge of the candy i and soft drinks. The next meet- ine will be June 10 and those having birthdays In April, May and June will be honored. Chairman of social night, an nounced the first Saturday eve ning of every month will be social night and urged all mem bers and their inenos to at tend the monthly affairs. LILAC CIRCLE TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT . Lilac Circle No. 49, Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet Monday night, June 6, at 8 o'clock at I the I.O.O.F. hall. Refreshments i will be served. All members are urged to be present. REWARD of $10.00 will be paid to the positive Identity of the person or persons who broke Into the Melrose Sunday School build ing. C. I. Hofmann Lox 142, MelrOM Rt. Phone 50-F-21 124 N. Jackson Jre9 shoppe MM. C. S. HEtNLINI TO PRESENT TWO PIANO RECITALS ON SUNDAY Two very charming piano re citals have been planned by Mrs. C. S. Heinline for Sunday after noon at the attractive O. S. Chambers home in Laurelwood. The home was formerly owned by Mrs. Heinline, prior to her moving to Cheyenne, Wyo. The first recital will be given at 2 o'clock and will be followed by a tea. The second recital will be presented at 4 o'clock and will also be followed by a tea. All parents, friends and persons Interested are most cordially In vited to attend both recitals. The recitals will feature both iano solos and ensemble nunv ers. Those In the 2 o'clock recital include: Judy Bellows, Evange line Chapman, Greg Cooper, Deby, Jody tnd KathI Corkrum, Connie Edwards, Sharon Jefferis, Terry Jones, Carol Manning, Jocelyn Maddox, Mary Lou Rad ford, Gordon and Gary Safley, Sandra Lynn Williamson and Terry Jones. At 4 o'clock Mrs. Heinline will present: Claudette Manning, Mar ilyn Myers, Jeanne Maddox, Lu clnda Randall, Shary Perrault, Mary Alma Smith, Jean Thomp son and Bruce Voeller. PINK AND BLUE SHOWER IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR WEDNESDAY EVENING Mrs. JamPI fnnn afielatAH ku Patricia Doerner entertained at a pipK and blue shower at her home Wednesday evening for Mrc Ralnh Ifrnhn CiltakU .... were enjoyed and the gifts were presented 10 tne guest of honor in a decorated bassinet. Others attending were: Mrs. Adolph Doerner. Mahla onrl Allla nien. hark, Becky and Anne Chitwood, uuena wooarun, liranoma Woodruff, Mrs. John Krohn, Tro zie Neilsen, Amy and Ruby Mat thews, Katie Conn, Ruth Sim mons, Amy Kruie, Katherine Young, Grace Fenn, Mrs. Henry Krohn, Marie Brown and Mar caret Reece. Daintv rr0ctiMoMt were served. GRAY LADIES TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The Gray Ladies of the Amer ican Red f!ro UIU moot novt Tuesday night, June 7, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. V. V. Harpham on the Deer Creek road. All members are urged to oe present. Well, you probably guested it AI Davenport won the salmon derby with hit ' big 4914 -lb. Chinook. Second prize went to 6tewart Taylor, who caught a 35. pounder, and third prize to Mountlt Roundlree for one weighing 30 lbs. GOODS for big red, white and blue water balls with welded seams the only kind worth own ing. Swim faster with fins from J. V. Sporting Goods, too. Goggles, masks, nose and ear plugs, caps, and children's water wings are available to add comfort and safety to your fun. For the very little tots, you'll want a plastic wading pool for your own back yard. In 48"x48" or 72"x"2" sizes, they can be filled to a depth of 16", and the sidewalls are inflated for the youngsters to sit on the edge. The kiddies will love the bright green and yellow colors, too. June It tht month of brides, and bridet al ways love to get nice dinnerwart. Hero it a brand new one, at the Housewares Department of UMPQUA VALLEY HARDWARE. It't Mall bu Modern, by Capittrano pottery, and comes In the rich colore especially appropriate for modern homes grey, maroon, emerald and chartreuse. Get your darling a 20-piece ttarter set to tervt four, and tht can add to It from open ttook. The dlnntr platet art c generous 10 'j Inchet In diameter, and tht sugar and creamer tet it worked out in a clear squatty de lign. Salt and pepper tett, chowder bowlt, but ter dishes, vegetable dilhti, wattr pitcher, tea pot, and tumbltrt art Included In tht optn ttock selection. ASHCRAFT'S have a Parade ot Silver on display, a parade of stun ning and practi cal gifts for the bride and groom. We are partial to 1847 Rogers sil ver, ourself, and we yearned over a carving set and 60 - piece service for 8 in' the u n I q u e pierced design, tternai- lv Yours." The 60 -piece service includes 8 butter sDreaders or iced Mm teaspoons, and is packed In a beautiful Double Wedding Ring chest. Other 60-pieee sets are available in "Adoration." "Flit Love." and "Re membrance." Children's two and three-piece sets offer a choice between "First Love" and "Reemmbrance." Budget sets, for serving 6 per sons, come in "Gardenia" and "Exquisite." Hoi lowar in "Remembrance" and "Moonbeam" de signs will help you to complete the bride's stiver trousseau. Another dandy gift for tht bride Perma Hue glaitet for ttrvlng tall drinks from LESTER'S GIFT SHOP. Theee glttitt art made of colored aluminum tht color is in tht metal, and won't chip off or fade and your drinkt will ttay ict cold to tht last drop. They art unbrtakable, light weight, and won't dent eaiily. Packed In boxet of tlx attorted colors in tht tamt rich ma roont and tubtlt greent that art designed to coordinate with othtr modtrn furnithingt. Thtat art tht Perma Hut glatatt advtrtited in Houm Beautiful and tthtr Itading home maga zines. Colorado mining towns In the years from 1878 to li09 are the background for "rhe Golden Fury," by Mation Castle. Against the aettlng of EVERGREEN H. E. C. MEETS AT POTLUCK LUNCHEON THURSDAY Evergreen Home Economics Club met at a noon potluck lunch eon at the hall Thursday with Garnet Folmsbee, Renie Jenkins and Margaret Burt ai hostesses. Amusing games were played and Erizes were awarded to Bess ounsbury, Margaret Bur); and Marie Buttler. Those present were Mabel Lange, Frances Wesner, Myrtle Glenn, Louise Bilger, Mabel Burr, Garnet Folmsbee, Mabel Garrlck, Ruble Bloom, Ruble Bake-, Blanche Tipton, Marie Buttler, Renle Jenkins, Ruby Belle Kober nlk, Bess Lounsbury, Gladys Staf ford, Sarah Cyrus, Ethel Forrest, Marion Harryman, Jessie Thom as, Margaret McCord, Cora Jack son, Margaret Burt and Pauline Little. The next meeting will be June 9 at a noon potluck luncheon at the hall with Gladys Stafford, Bess Lounsbury and Mabel Gar rlck, hostesses. MEETING OF COMMITTEE OF CAMP FIRE AWARDS TO BE HELD SATURDAY A meeting of committee of ffVards of Camp Fire Girls will be held Saturday, June 4, at 10 a.m., In the Camp Fire office in the basement at Miller's. The democracy booklets for 1949, birthday project honor, are to be turned In at this time. This is the latest date the book lets will be acceptable. All girls planning to receive a rank at the city-wide Council Fire, June 13, are requested to have their notebooks checked. Serve berries to your family oftei, as they come Into season striwberries, blackberries, blue berries, raspberries; all delicious and vitamin rich. SW CALL KEN TODAY! ySCS3?A Just phone 1261-R today for someone vJ to do repairs on your typewriter or IgJmfy odding machines. KEN'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT 631 S. Stephens Phone 1261-R iiiiiitMMMneMKinM-Mn Now that the salmon season is over and the mu nicipal swim ming pool is open, you'll be thinking more and more of swimming togs and accessories. Go to J. V. SPORTING match the bra tops, shorts, and pedal pushers. New batiste blouses by Patty Woodard have arrived styled with short sleeves and high round neckline, with V shaped or straight lace insertion down the front. Choose from frosty pastel pink, blue, yel low or white, one of these pretty blouses of cool, cool batiste to go with your summer suit. What's tht matter with chintz? Maybe you got stung, once, on cheap chintz that wasn't permanently-finished, but if you buy Everglaze chintz from JOSSE'S you won't be making a mistake like that again. It't washablt no foolln' and color fast. It doesn't soil quickly, and makes up prettily at a houtecoat, dirndl skirt, an apron for Mama, or In slip covers, dra. perles, shower and bathroom curtains, bed spreads, or valances for any room In the house. Just look at the large floral bouquets, dainty nosegays, bold stripes that art on display at Jotte'a or you may fall In love with "Coquette," a tiny medallion design with a rose In the center of each medallion. The prices are unbelievable only (So to $1.75 per yard. S c h o o l's out s week, so the S CREAMERY i more room this tCEi has for y i who would like to lunch earlier. There is ample SDaee. now. fo you from 11:30 on so come in ana oraer your sandwiches, sal. ads. and cold drinks before the late -lunch rush starts. And don't forget that your favorite lunch counter is open on Sundays, too, from noon un til 11 p. m. come in for a light snack after church that won't spoil your appetite for that Sunday dinner late In the afternoon. Pick up a quart of their deliciou homemade Ice cream for Sunday dessert, too. Vets' Insurance Claims Quickly . Settled By VA Approximately one-half of the claims for G.I. insurance death benefits are now being settled In less than 10 days after re ceipt of records in the Veterans Administration district office in Seattle, the VA reports. Many of the balance are paid In less than 30 days from re ceipt of claim, with only the more complicated cases running for a longer period. The VA pointed out that quick payment of National Service Life insurance benefits is materially hastened when insured veterans have designated beneficiaries and instructed the VA on the mode of settlement desired. All veterans, the VA said, should make certain that the VA has complete up-to-date in formation on beneficiaries and choice of settlement In their In surance files, which for veterans in the Pacific Northwest are in the VA district office, in Seat tle. In event of death of a vet eran carrying G.I. insurance, the family should notify the VA im mediately by calling at the near est VA office or writing the VA District Office, Exchange Build ing, Seattle. "ELECTROLUX Cltansrand Air Purlflsr ales. Service, Rtpilrs and Supplies Wayne Overbeek Phons 373-R-2 the Leadvllle silver mines and the Cripple Creek gold mines, copper-headed Carolina Law ler and her friend Floss Kittredge play their parts as the rebellious daughter of a street-corner preacher and the refugee from a gaudy par lor house. We felt we had a ringside seat at a costume movie starring Paulette Goddard, but if Hollywood ever got hold of it we wouldn't be surprised to see it emerge as a vehicle for Jeannette MacDonald, in which she earns her way as a singer Instead of as a baker of meat pasties! It's a well-written story, full of the color and action of the old West, strongly reminiscent of a book we once read bv Conrad Rlchter. While you're in MILLER'S RENTAL LIBRARY to pick up "The Golden Fury" or any of the other interesting hooks, take a look at the new edition of Ideals dedicated to Father, the dear. We'll tell you more about Father's Ideals next week. , You may bring to your office and put In a frame A motto at fine at Its paint, But If you're a crook when you're playing the game That motto won't make you a saint. You can stick up the placards all over the hall, But here it the word I announce: It Isn't tht motto that hangs on the wall, But the motto you live that counts. J Do your hiking or B. A. biking in sport togs DRESS SHOPPE. Made by "petti" of bright, fast color Indian Head, san forized to minimize shrinkage, they are perfectly designed for sunning. The shortie jacket and. sundress may be worn shopping, too, and you can mix or - yN P 'A7 YGfft -1E"'JI . ). f'J