7 Y - ' fTV f5Si.-, j ,t- i y -A - GUESTS AT STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL These five pretty princesses of the Douglas County Sheriff's Posse will go to Lebanon Saturday to attend the annual Strawberry Festival there. The Sheriff's Posse will ride in a parade in the morning and take part in a horse show in the evening. Douglas County citizens who can't go to Lebanon tomorrow may see these girls at the Douglas County Sheriff's Posse Rodeo here June 17, 18, and 19. Left to right they are Gwen Pitts, Pat Ronk, Queen Nadene Sparks, Wanda Andrus and Mildred Christensen. (Picture by B. R. Shoemaker Jr.) LOOK xms SIGN PAJNTJNO DECOPAT1NG IcQMjpMagsi 'AMERICA IT IS YOUR PROTECTION ' Fully Guarantc.t Reliable Quality Work At No Added Cost Roseburg Chapter P. D. C. A. Phone 208 . Bail Players' Plea For Reinstatement Rejected NEW YORK, June 3. UP)" The United States Court of Ap peals Thursday denied the re quest of three former major league baseball players that they be re-instated immediately. The trio is banned from base ball for five years for jump ing to the Mexican League in 1946.. Yesterday's ruling pointed out that it would "seem highly de sirable" the players' damape suits charging organized baseball with violations . of the anti-trust acts be "brought to trial as soon as possible." The players are Danny Gar della, one-time outfielder with the New York Giants; Max Lani er and Fred Martin, former St. Louis .Cardinal pitchers. H Want An Extra Room? Make Use of Your Attic With Disappearing Stairway from the COEN SUPPLY COMPANY Everything For The Builder Floed & Mill Sts. Phone 121 ft 1 a ea rs New Season Slated For Salmon Troliing PORTLAND, June 3 .P The State Fish Commission Thursday proposed a season for troll catch ing of chinook salmon and no one objected. The commission outlined Its program at a public hearing, and, when no objections were made, indicated It would be put into ef fect shortly. Under the program, Chinooks which now may be troll-caught the year round may be trolled only from March 15 to October 31. Silver salmon may be troll caught from June 15 to October 31, instead of the present period of July 1 to November 15. The new regulations would lower the limit on Chinooks from 27 to 26 inches. There would be no length limit on silvers. The changes are in lin with those planned by Washington state, to bring about coastal uni formity. 1 Zernial Will Undergo '' Surgery For Fracture CHICAGO, June 3. UP) Gus Zernial, the Chicago White Sox sensational rookie outfielder, will undergo surgery next Monday on his broken collarbone. Dr. John Claridge, team physi cian, said he will operate to re move bone chips and iree a muscle that impinged on the bone Zernial broke while diving for a fly ball at Cleveland on May 28. Don't Be Disappointed ... Wait Until You See the New ... PIONEER TWIN One or Two f'nrt Power Chain Saw 3 x1 i ft The New Powerful Lightweight Twin- Made wiih the same precision as the famous One Man Pioneer Power Saw, the Pioneer Twin Cylinder Power Saw is the re sult of 10 years of experimenting and testing in -cooperation with the man in the woods. Thel . E. L. Twin answers the need for t light weight efficient power saw that is readily convertible f'om on. man to two man operation with ample power for both. JUST IMAGINE? A TWIN CYLINDER CHAIN SAW WEIGHING LESS THAN 45 LBS. This saw Is powered with the revolutionary Multi-Port En gine whose outstanding pffic'pncy has already been proven with the famous Pioneer One Man Saw. Operators everywhere continue to be astounded at the de pendability and efficient performance of this outstanding engineering achievement. Now you can see this revolution ary chain saw here in Roseburg Friday, June 3. See what it can do for you. EXPECTED TO ARRIVE FRIDAY, JUNE 3 PACIFIC CHAIN SAW CO. Authorized Mall Distributor Hlwy II antf Garden Valley Rd. Phone 11S The lightest twin cycllnder power chain saw on the market. Weighs less than 45 lbs. (Excluding cutting attachment.) Standard one man felling and bucking bars up to 42 ins. Can be supplied with clip-on tail handle for two man operation. Standard two man cutter bars up to 5 ft. cutting ca pacity. Complete with tail stock and Idler. Can be sup plied with quick chanee bow attachment. All attachment! are interchangeable. Dual finger tip engine con trols and hand grips con veniently located for effi cient one or two man operation. Full 3fi0 eight position wiveling without putting the jaw down. S Oregon Men On Coast Team To Battle Big Ten BERKELEY, June 3. CP) Southern California's champion ship team will contribute at least a dozen performers to the 3d man track and field squad which will represent the, Pacific Coast conference against the Big Ten here June 21, and Northern Di vision schools will contribute ten. - The following have been named from the Northern Division: Oregon Dave Henthorne, 100 220; Don Pickens and George Rasmusscn, pole vault. Oregon State Ken Elliott, high jump, and Dick Petterson, mile. Washington State Dick Paeth, two-mile, and- Bill Parnell, 8S0. Washington Bill Steed, two mile. Idaho Dick Armstrong, 440. Montana Dick Boyle, discus. cago White Sox for a sum re ported ranging from $50,000 to $75,000. Frank Lane, White Sox gen eral manager, who handled the signing ceremony at Comiskey Park yesterday, "did not disclose the bonus figure, but he said it was "very, very substantial." He said seven other major league clubs, including the New York Yankees, Pittsburgh Pirates and Cleveland Indians, were among the top bidders for Baumer's services. Lane said Baumer, who is 6 feet, ,2 inches tall, and weighs 185 pounds, will be assigned to Waterloo, Iowa, a White Sox farm club in the Three-I League. Peevvee Player Turnout Points To Four Teams A large turnout of prospective peewee ball players 46 alto getherregistered Thursday at Finlay Field. Coach Barney Koch said more are expected to sign today. , Peewee baseball players will include boys 17 years and under. Coach Koch reported enough ma terial is anticipated to form at least four teams. Fundamental.? will be stressed during the first month. Instruc tion will be given five mornings each week, Monday through Fri day, from 9 a. in. until noon. Teams will be paired off for practice games each afternoon from one o'clock until three. League play and advanced strategy will commence in the early part of July, Koch Indi cated. The league will include players in the Roseburg area. Koch said some "outside games may be played with clubs in other cities, but for the most part, the local group will play amongst themselves. Koch also said that persons Interested in sponsoring peewee teams are invited to do so. 'He added that the peewee teams will be outfitted with uniforms it funds are available. WALLPAPER1 200 Pattern. 18o to $1.20 Page Lumber & Fuel 164 E. 2nd Ave. 3. Phone 242 'uel I High School Lad Signs With Chicago White Sox CHICAGO, June 3.-W James Sloan Baumer, 18- j year-old shortstop from Broken Arrow, Okla., high school, has signed a contract with the Chi-1 H Announcement rjj I wish to announce I have moved to Sutherlin in my new building. 1 will carry a complete trocK or Dress and Work Clothes. MAX SCHWARTZ Clothier and Tailor Sutherlin, Ore Sutherlin. Ore. Friday, June 3, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburg, Or. 7 Grant High School Tops Tennis Tourney Winners j PORTLAND, June 3. UP) j Grant High School netters wonj all but one title Jn the state ; high school tennis tournament j here yesterday. , That title the beys' doubles went to another Portland school, Central Catholic, repre sented by Jim Flynn and Mike Walsh. yThe last upstate player bowed In the semi-finals. There Patsy Heard, Grant, defeated Shirley Kahler, Dallas, 60, 8-6; and the Grant doubles team of Bob Kindley and Ron Carlson downed Del Reed and Myrl Thiesies, Dallas, 8-6, 6-2. Miss Heard went on to win the girls' . singles crown. Peter Carter, Grant, won the boys' singles.- Sue Iverson and Nancy Davies, Grant, won the girls' doubles. J. N. Boor Outboard Motors 924 Gdn. Vally. Rd. Ph. 530-J-l Authorized Johnson Service & Sales Boats and Trailers 3. NEW LAWNS and PLANTINGS Pruning . . . Landscaping '' Free Estimates L. H. McPherson Rt 2, Box 153 Phon. 715-J-1 - . I , 3 1 Distributed in Roseburg by Bates Candy Co. x x s r&jr BmWER-Qlr THE ATIOH'S GREATEST mum. values MEDIUM-DUTY Dl LUXE STAKE1 Model 3609 72j-Jncfi wie,o. Maximum G.V.W. 5,800 It. Older modi ovoiuM. up to I 1 -inch wi8t6on and 16,000 lb. G.V.W. 1IOHT-DUTY PICK-UP X-jy . Modal 31041 K-lndi whtelban, Maximum G.V.W. 4,600 lb. Olh.r moecf, availoblit 3604l25V4-lnch wfietfbaie, Maximum G.V.W. 5,300 lb., U04U7-m& vlinlban, Maximum G.V.W. 4,700 16. -tie iy LIOHT-DUTY DE IUXI PANEL Modtl 3105-1 li hdt elboit, Maximum G.V.W. 4,400 lb. Alio available in Medium-Duty modtl 36051 2-inch whtelbatt, Maximum G.V.W. 6,700 lb. 111 wit . i :. -iitmm. i PORWARD.CONTROl CHASSIS Modtl 3943 1 7-indi wheel bate. Maximum G.V.W. 10,000 lb. Alto available in modtl 3742 l25'lne)i wfoelbaie, Maximvffi G.V.W. 7,000 lb. Package Deliver! type bodiei tuitable for mount. ina on Ihe Forward-Control Chattti art tupplied by fnanr ropuloble manufoclurorf. There's a Chevrolet' truck for every delivery or hauling job with capacities from 4,000 lbs. to 16,000 lbs. Gross Vehicle Weight. If what you want is the truck that will deliver the most for the money then what you want is a Chevrolet truck. If what you want is sterling quality, outstanding load capacity and perform- 0 ance with power plus economy then you're dead right in choos ing a Chevrolet truck. And if you want all these advantages at lowest cost, you definitely want Chevrolet, for only Chevrolet trucks have 3-WAY THRIFT lower cost operation and up keep and the lowest list prices in the entire truck field! Afou CAcwrfbt Touch . inMe tiat any t(rtfat mae mm nm mm j.- . it I JSUWieuan T--- - stti Air a,r z 'wvy Ot luxe equipment optional at extra corf. MEDIUM-DUTY CAS AND CHASSIS WITH PLATFORM SODY Model 3t0a-l37-lncn Wbo, Maximum G.V.W. i.SOO lb. Other model, aroHable up It l.l-incb wkeelban and 14,000 lb. G.V.W. CHEVROLET TRUCKS FOR TRANSPORTATION UNLIMITED HANSEN MOTOR CO. PKONE 446 OAK AND STEPHENS OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK