t N I. YES! We Have MARY EZIO MARTIN-FINZA ; PACIFIC : Parking Meters Within Diplomatic Immunity PORTLAND, June 3. VP) Mexican Consul Rafail Grisi has been getting overtime parking tickets. The city has been getting them back with notes of protest. The exchange is to be ended, police headquarters was advised today. City Attorney Alexander G. Broun ruled that Senor Grisi Is right: A 1943 treaty between the United States and Mexico ex empts consular officials from "charges incident to . . . the use of vehicles." The consul may park as 'long as he pleases and need not put a nickel in the slot. WITH ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST COLUMBIA RECORDS EXCLUSIVELY Featuring All The Captivating Songs Music by Richard Rodgers lyrlci by Oscar Hammerstein II On YOURS NOW-COMI IN TODATI Complstt on a n'ngb Columbia long Ploying R.tord Ml-4 ISO, $4.85 Unci. Fed. Tax.) The wonderful new way to enjoy recorded music. Also Columbia Album Set MM-850, $6.S0 Exclusive of Taxes) Now low prices or now In olfoct on off conventional (78 rpm) Columbia Records, i , Moke your selections now) JUlletL RADIO-RECORD SHOP House. Commercial and Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service 17 Years Experience . ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095-L 1 THE SHALIMAR ROOM NOW FEATURING " 815, Tt'io J, Playing The Vibraphone Piano Guitar Bass For Your Dancing and Listening Pleasure Featuring Daily Special Merchants Lunch And Steak or Chicken Dinners "The Ultimate in Food and Refreihment" at the Smart New Air-Conditioned SHALIMAR ROOM 122 S. Stephens ' An odd trio of characters, named General Ulysses Grant, General Robert E. Lee and Betsy Ross are the central figures In the story of "The Affairs of the Jealous Generals," tonight's mystery adven ture on "The Affairs of Peter Salem," broadcast at -ten. Each of the generals Is vitally interested in the city's slot machine concession, but when both are murdered, it's Betsy who helps Salem solve the case. Red Benson, glib-tongued emcee of the "Take a Number" quiz-show (Saturdays, 7 to 7:30 p. m., PST), is seldom taken aback by statements of contestants on the .show. But re cently a lady threw him for a loss. She won a puppy as one of her prizes, and Red s'ald, "Isn't that nice." Came her reply: "I need a puppy like I need a hole in the head!" Tomorrow night's "Take a Number" program will feature members of the legal profession as Red Benson's guest con testants. A New York City magistrate, a past president of the N. Y, Federal Grand Jury, an Investigator of N. Y.'s alcohol tax unit, an assistant to the U. S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, a U. S. marshal and a U. S. probation officer will be attempting to answer the quiz questions in return for valuable merchandise prizes. A special note regarding Saturday listening has it that "Meet the Press," usually heard 7:30 to 8 p. m., will be heard one hour and a half earlier ... 6 to 6:30 p. m. Two more new schedulings for Sat urday eve are "Carmen Cavallero" at 7:30 . . . and the "Sylvan Levin Concert" at 8:30. A lot depends on the weather tomorrow for KRNR copy writer Laura Patton . . . that is, it's Just gotta be nice for ' her .wedding ... a garden wedding,-yet! John Fett is the guy who's changing her name. . , . The whole thing came as a result of commercial-minded Miss Patton having a change of mind . . . and deciding the name of Fett meant more to her than "Your International MoCormick-Deering Dealer in Roseburg." KRNR The Volet of Tht RtHtburf Ntws-Rtview MBS 1490 On Your Dial REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway, 4:30 Passing Parade. 4:45 Say It With Music. 5:00 Meditation and Melody. 5:15 Music. 5:30 Captain Midnight 5:45 Tom Mix. 6:00 Magic Garden. 6:13 Mutual Newsreel. 6:20 Sports Page. 6:33 Music. 6:40 Local News. 6:45 Three -Quarter Time. 6:55 Bill Henry. 7:00 Music. 7:15 Sammy Kaye Showroom. 7:30 The Cisco Kid. 8:00 Straight Arrow. 8:30Carmen Cavallero. 8:45 Bob Eberle Show. 0:00 News. 9:15 Hi Neighbor. 9:30 Scandinavian Melody Timi 9:45 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 0:00 Affairs of Peter Salem. 10:30 Rhythm Rendezvous. Li;oo Dance Orchestra. Ll:30 Sign Off. SATURDAY. JUNE 4, 1049 6:00 Sunrise Serenade. 6:15 News. 6:20 Mucic. 6:30 Yawn Patrol. 6:45 Saddle Serenade. 7:00 News. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. 7:45 Local Newi, 7:50 Beehive, 7:55 Music. 8:00 Haven of Rest. 8:30 Wally's Coffee Time. 8:45 Four H Club. 9:00 Music. 9:15 Modern Home. 9:30 Telephone Request, 10:00 News. 10:15 Lone Star Serenaden. . 10:30 Shopper's Guide. 10:35 Clyde Beatty linterview. 10:45 Les Brown Orch. 11:00 Bob Poole. 11:30 Air Force Hour. 12:00 Music at Noon. 12:15 Sports Page. 12:25 Music. 12:40 Local News. 12:45 National New. 12:55 Market Reports. 1:00 Man on the Street. 1:15 Voice of the Army. 1:30 Veterans' Request. 2:00 Bill McCunn's Orchestra. 2:30 Bands for Bonds. ROSEBURG TOMORROW Circus Grounds West on Garden Valley Road 1 f ALL NEW THIS YEAR WITH THE MIGHTIEST MOBILIZATION OF WONDERS AND FEATURES EVER ASSEMBLED ' INCLUDING THE INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS WILD ANIMAL TRAINER . . . Ilyde BEATTY IN A BLOOD-CURDLINO BATTLE WITH 41 FEROCIOUS, MAN-EATINQ LIONS, AND TIGERS THE MOST DANGEROUS AND DARING FEAT EVER CONCEIVED AND PERFORMED BY MAN MAGNIFICENT NEW OPENING PROCESSIONAL PAGEANT "THE CIRCUS ON PARADE" MULTITUDE OF NEW CIRCUS WIZARDS 1HI MAN IIOM BOMBAY INTREPIDITY UNLIMITEO ON THE BOUNOING-ROPE STARTLING NEW ARRAY OF ARENIC SENSATIONS DOROTHY I THE SENSATION OF THE FEMININE WORLD- HERBERT HARRIETT BEATTY MOST DARINGLY RECKLESS THE WORLD'S MOSTOARING LAOY WILD ANIMAL TRAINER RIDER IN THE WORLdI COMMANDING TWO DEADLY ENEMIES OP THE JUNGLE THE. FAMOUS JOHNNY CLINE LIBERTY HORSES DIRECT FROM SWITZERLAND THE THOMMENS AMAZING STARS ON THE HIGH-PERCH PRINCESS MLISETTA BREATH-TAKING, SPINE-TINGLING STAR ON THE LOFTY TRAPEZE WHOLE HERD OF PERFORMING ELEPHANTS M O LQ I T Z I bruna J LAN DA. troupe MAN OR MONKEY? EXPONENTS SUPREME OF NOVELTY BALANCING FEATS RtNATO MEDINI TROUPE VICTOR ROBBINS FROM EUROPE THE WORLD'S GREATEST N E W flDrilC DAIjn UNSUPPORTED. LADOCH PERFORMANCE WONDER WIKlj.Ua BMPiU THE FLYING LaFORMS 30 CLOWNS spectacular AERIAL BALLET 300 IBEAuTifUL ;r EUROPE'S FAMEO OMERSAULTINO AERIAL STARS lUH-TRAPEZE CHAMPIONS NTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED ARE NIC-S TARS nd rtnrunffitns in siurtNUOUS STREAMLINED NSEMBLE OF EXCITING ACTS AND FEATURES HUGE rYooNfGiGANTICJLRdAD SHOW fWO PERFORMANCES DAILY AT!:IU 1 1:00 P.M.lP 0 PU L A R doohi upin t iiiriiiu p.m.ip n i 6 E Tickets (reserved and admission) on sale tomorrow at Roy's, 213 North Jackson Love Triangle Suspected In MANILA, June 3. CP) A love triangle may have caused the mysterious explosion of a C-47 transport plane that killed 13 persons last month. National Bureau of Investiga tion agents said they have infor mation a woman and her lover had a time bomb placed aboard the plane to kill her husband. Dispatches from Daet in South Airplane Catastrophe Luzon said the Bureau was now assembling the facts. The plane, a Philippine Air Lines transport, blew up in the air on May 7 after taking off from Daet for Manila. A spokesman for the NBI said a formal complaint of multiple murder is expected to be filed soon in court at Daet. He would not go into further details. Friday, June 3, 1949The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore, 5 3:0O Melody Mountain Boyt, - 3:30 SporU Parade. 4:00 DAV Commander. 4:15 Frank Hemingway. 4:30 Baptist Church. 4:45 Mutic. 3:00 Hawaii CalU. 3:30 Sing for Your Supper. 6:00 Meet the Press. 6:30 SporU Paga. 6:35 Music. 6:40 Local News. 6:45 Eddy Duchin. 7:00 Take a Numuer. 7:30 Carmen Cavallero. 800 Happy Valley Cowboy. 8:30 Sylvan Levin. 9:00 News. 9:15 Dink Tempteton. 9:30 Wrestling Parade. 10:00 Dance Orohestra. 11:00 Dance Orchestra. 11:30 Sign Qtt. SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1949 8:00 Back to God Hour. 8:30 Voice of Prophecy, 9:00 Radio Bible Class. 9:30 Lutheran Hour. 10:00 News. 10:15 Organ Concert 10:30 Music. :45 Moments of Devotion. :t0 Presbyterian Church Services. :00 Music. :15 Sunday Favorite. :.'10 Canary Chorus. :45 National News. :00 House of Mystery. :30 True Detective Mysteries. :00Ray Bloch rresrnu. :,10 Meet Your Match. :00 Roy Roger Show. :30 Nick Carter. :oo Walking in Rhythm. : 15 Music. K :30 Family Theater. :00 Mediation Board. :30 Music of the Masters. :00 Secret Missions. :30 Life Begins at Horn. :00 Mayor of the Town. :5 Johnny Desmond. :30 True or False. :0O-rTwenty Questions, :30 Walter Winchell. :45 Louella Parsons. :00 News. :15 BanU Concert. :30 American Legion Auxiliary. :45 Church of the Open Bibl. :00 Music. :30 Henry King Orchestra. :00 Sign Off. DANCE To The Music Of The Eagles7 Fun Makers An All Eagle Band Saturday -June 2 9:30 P. M. to 1:30 A. M. EAGLES BALLROOM EAGLES AND THEIR GUESTS Sponsored By . Eagles Drill Team COM SUNDAY 1 r mm m!!:r- History s boldest xr lover... yuw Most Daring Q. tf4 swordsman.'.' n ERROL FLYN Viveca LINDFORS!;: ventures of n I it 1 Tf d mm r ' sw EXCITEMENT I M? DII1P m Alan Halt Ann Rutherford Robert Douglas Fortumo Bonamva LAST TWO DAYS EXCITEMENT I BAUAUH I i 1 v C GREATEST MUSICAL! nui S'g&mVUW U MUSICAL! COMEDY, ff I ; , ATTY. G. MOWRY DIES PORTLAND, June 3. UP) George Mowry, 6t, well-known Portland criminal attorney, died suddenly here Wednesday. For 38 years he had -practiced in criminal trials in Portland. He served as assistant U. S. at torney, county district attorney, and chief criminal deputy district attorney. More recently, in pri vate practice, he defended numer ous criminal cases. FRUIT CO. BANKRUPT PORTLAND, June 3. UP) Starr Fruit Products Company, operating canneries at Portland, Salem, Yakima and Sunnyslde, Wash., has filed a bankruptcy petition In Federal Court here. Assets were listed at $448,274 and liabilities at $518,912. Robert E. McCaughern Is presi dent of the firm. COMING SUNDAY JOAN m BURT LANCASTER wm IN " " 1 TT mi I CO-FEATURE " Stewart Irwin Anne Gwynne KILLER DILL" hi Tonight and Saturday mm 'us i mi xsv mmm mn m wm n r cKtm PASGESRUCE BEHHETT MAN HALE ARTHUR KENNEDY, oi.d b, RAOUL WALSH 1 W 1 MS IMxss WlllUmun . m ay ty Paul I. Willmin Mule by Mu SUIM CO-FEATURE Tomorrow and Sunday Only WILD BILL ELLIOTT fTS as RED RYDER ifSSSii i'A Vat- 1 &15L 's illla 6l!-lri . 1j .mmX - flf CM If1 " SECOND WESTERN :u iPxT-