The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, June 03, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 The Nw-Rviw, Rotebura,, Ore. Friday, June 3, 194f
National Parks And Forests Expect
Record Influx Of Americans In '49
lions of Americans will hie them
selves on vacation Jaunts to their
natoinal parks and forests this
The National Park System es
timates that more than 30,000,000
visits will be paid to its 174 areas,
which cover 20,817,000 acres
throughout the country. The For
est Service estimates that the
recreational areas and facilities
In the 151 national forests will
receive more than 27,000,000
visits. I
If one of the more widely
known national parks is your
destination, the National Park
Service suggests you would be
smart to make reservations for
lodging well in advance or you
may nave to sleep in your car.
In most of the national parks
hotel, lodge, housekeeping cabins.
cafeterias, bus transportation, sad
dle horse and similar services are
provided bv concessionaires op
erating under contract with the
government and under super
vision of the nark service.
. Rates for accommodations In
the national narks compare fa
vorably with those charged at
other resorts or in tne vicinity.
This year the National Park serv
ice says motor transportation, sad
dle horse and longing rates win
not be much more than last year,
with the main cost Increase In
In addition, free public camp
grounds are operated by most
parks. Visitors may bring their
own equipment and camp there.
Each camp ground has fireplace,
table and benches on individual
However. If you are uncondi
tioned to roughing it, hotel rooms
are as low as $ a day Ameri
can plan or as high as $14.
As for the national forests, It
has been a tradition to provide
public recreation free, but this
yrar small charges will be made
lor use of about 100 camp and
picnic grounds carefully selected
jrom tne 4,auu total. .
For camping, charges of 50
cents per day per car party of not
more than six persons, or $3 a
week, will be made. For parties of
more than six an additional 10
cents per day per person will be
made for all above six.
Picnicking charges are 25 cents
to 50 cents per car party of not
more than six persons per day.
Five to ten cents extra will be
asked for each extra person, but
no charge will be made for chil
dren under 12.
8ee NORGE Before You Buy
Chest Freezer
Norg and Maytag
Freezers and
Phono 805
1300 . Stephen!
Appliance Service
See NORGE lefore You Buy
Gaico Briquet art the Northwest's favorite
solid fuel. More thin 100,000 ton sra manu
factured nd sold vrjr year. - '--
Briquet art small pillow-shaped lump of
carbon, seitntiflctlly dosigned to jive mor
hest than wood or cod. Briquet hold fir
8 to 10 hour... leave no ashe for you to
carry out. They art (mail, uniform in sit,
rtquirt little storage ipaca.
Order Briquet today I Youll mv $1.00 a
ton . . You'll b ur of good fuel ftrmenVr
last winter's shortage). This offer for limitad
tima only.
402 W. Oak
Mosf Of Lost Uranium
Turns Up In Bottle
(Continued From Page One)
Laboratory's special radio-active
"burial ground.
The uranium apparently had
been spilled from the bottle, after
whlcn tne container was discard
ed. It was all due to "careless
ness and negligence," McMahon
Cost Question Raised
Besides pressing Its Inquiry in
to the matter of the still missing
eighth-ounce 'of U-235, he said.
tne joint committee is branch
ing out in, its investigation of .the
Commission to find out why con
struction of a secret atomic in
stallation is costing three times
the original ?7,000,000 estimate,
The installation, located at
Hanford, Wash., is being built
by tne uenerai Electric corp.
The Congressional Committee,
at the Instigation of Hlcken
looper, its former chairman, is
conducting a broadscale probe of
the Atomic Commission man
agement under Lillenthal. Hick
enlooper has demanded Lillen
thal's firing.
Hlckenlooper told reporters
after the meeting that the Han
ford, Wash., secret facility may
come up for further scrutiny dur
ing the public hearings. He labell
ed as "conservative" McMahon's
estimate that the new Installa
tion would cost around S21,
i McMahon said no claim of
"fraud or malfeasance" has been
made concerning the Hanford
Harry Dorman Named
Oregon Budget Director
(Continued From Page One)
sons. The eldest, Ted, was killed
while serving as commander of
a bombing squadron In the Medi
terranean. Another son, Robert,
was a lieutenant of Army En
gineers In the war, and the third
son, George, Is a West Point
graduate serving as a B-50 Air
Force Pilot at Tucson, Ariz.
Dorman Is a past commandei
of Portland Post No. 1 of the
American Legior, and has sjrved
O'l many civic committees and
funa-raising drive. He coacneo
football at the Multnomah Ath
letic Club for two years, and
was a football oinciai in ine
Pacific Coast Conference for
eight years.
Hi football career also In
cluded playing at the University
ot Washington under Gil Doble,
end at Everett Hlgn school un
der Enoch Bagshaw.
has moved 1
New Address:
309 W. Lane
Just Off Stephens
(Opposltt Roi Hotel)
' in
Phon. 128
1 . "tv I
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rm'f' ' t ,
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cupied at his desk In the Stearns
& Chenoweth hardware store in
Oakland, an establishment which
vies for pioneer foundations with
the E. G. Young & Company bank
of the same place. .-.
Mr, Stearns was born in Scotts-
burg in 1854, not long after his
parents, Mr. and -ilrs, D. W.
Stearns, arrived there by boat
from San Francisco. -His father
soon bought a store in Jackson
ville and operated, a. packtrain
between there and tidewater at
Seottsburg. Pack trains those days
carried everything from powder
kegs to billiard tables.
For a few years as a young
man, the Judge ran cattle in the
Steens Mountains of Eastern Ore-J
eon. Returning to Western Ore;
gon, he soon purchased the old
Reason Reed donation land claim,'
upon part of which the town of
Oakland now stands. He still has
extensive property interests In
and near Oakland and is busllv
engaged in selling lots from one
piece oi land lying in Sutherlin.
Decontrolled Rents
In Spotty Situation '
(Continued From Page One)
asking the return of ceilings. The
reai esiaie man on tne Doard
made the motion.
Several state leelslaturea have
taken up decontrol bills. Such a
bill passed In Florida, but the
governor vetoed it last night.
Texas legislators are battling on
the Issue. Four stales have turned
down decontrol bills Iowa, Ten
nessee, North Carolina and Okla
homa. Northwest Data
Few figures are available on
"home rule" decontrol, but these
nationwide tendencies were
Decontrol movements tend to
center in the South and South
west. They occur most frequently
In smaller communities. Indus
trial New England and the fast
growing Pacific Northwest show
little inclination to drop ceilings.
Reports from other tate In
clude: Washington Seattle land
lords are discussing a plan to
offer leases until August, 1950,
with rent boosts of 10 percent or
$5 a month. Local housing expe
diter says rents were up 48 per
cent on properties decontrolled
under 1948 rent act. One "minor"
local recontrol move- i under
way. Oregon Several cities In "pre
liminary talk" stage but no de
control yet.
Idaho Bohie was decontrolled
by the federal expediter, Cald
well has voted decontrol, but the
governor has not acted.
Henry Wallace Sends
Corn To Czechoslovakia
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, June
3. (. Henry Wallace has sent
10 pounds of hybrid corn to the
Czechoslovak government as a
symbolic gift.
" The corn, developed by the
American Progressive party lead
er, was handed over yesterday
In the Minister of Agriculture,
hsifc ( jfce eppee an Awb
fVesf con fcrt fe yew fconvw
y lower food coet IS glorioM
variety of appetising foods -tut
hopping tinMAMVM how ot
cooking time f brightens pp
tit e AredtK food west . . ,
eliminatee food spoilage.
No wonder families ewywhei
Check Our Price Befor You Buy
He was a stockholder and twice
president of the Yoncalla Bank,
associated with- Jesse Lasswell,
whose son, Avery, recently sold
to the United States 'National of
Portland. He owned a feed store
In Yonpalla. which he operated for
many years. Fifty-one years ago
he served as County Judge of
Douglas County.
A year or so ago he retired
from active Interest In the hard
ware stpre and now devotes his
time to his other property hold
ings; but finds occasion daily to
use nis old desK at tne store oi-
flce. . ' -
Married to Nancy Chenoweth
(now deceased), the Judge has
three children, Harry and Edwin
Stearns of Oakland and Esther
Hakanson of McMinnville.
The Judge is 94 years old but
youM never suspect it. "I've de
veloped a game leg lately which
bothers me some," he told me,
"but what's the difference I
drive everywhere I wish to go
anyhow." He does that very
thing, too. .--
The Weather
U. S. Weather Bureau Office
Roseburg, Oregon
Fair today, tonight and Satur
day; decreasing cloudiness and
warmer Saturday.
Highest temp, for any June.. 106
Lowest temp, for any June..,, 36
Highest temp, yesterday...... 67
Lowest temp, last 24 hrt. 43
Precipitation last 24 hn.... 0
Precipitation since June 1. .03
Precipitation sinoe 8ept 1....26.80
Excess since June 1 .05
Welfare Expenditures In
Douglas County Shown .
(Continued From Page One)
was held In the ofilces of the
Douglas County Public Welfare
Also during May, Charles
Brown visited Commission of
fices to discuss various problems
concerning blind people in the
county. Warne Nunn, of the Civil
Service Commission, and Forest
Stewart, of the Oregon Slate
Employes Association, also visit
ed -tha agency during May.
Bomb In Church Proves
To Be Of Stink Variety
EUGENE, June 3.-P That
was a bomb that was planted In
a Creswell church last month,
all right, but It wasn't an ex
plosive. It was a stink bomb.
State police said analysis of the
"mysterious" substance found In
a coffee can beneath a fizzled-out
candle proved o be mostly sul
phur, The find was made by the Rev.
Ward Wood, pastor of the Assem
bly of God Church, less than 24
hours after a new house, owned
by Marion Devault, was destroy
ed by an explosion.
Police are continuing Investiga
tion of both cases.
cos, I
ere seying There1 new Joy im
living with A mane Freeier
See the amart new Amen
Preeewr Model 110. Fir year fm
replacement warranty on sealed
in mechanism and fire year
insurance policy against food
epoilage included.
Strike Continues But
Markets Operating
(Continued From Page One)
comprise the Roseburg Independ
ent Meat Dealers Association.
Carlson said he "charged the
union" with an unfair labor prac
tice in trying to "break down the
employers' group" by approach
ing individual market operators
in an effort to persuade them to
meet the union's terms.
Carlson said the employers are
united and "up and until last
night" none had signed a con
tract with the AFL Meatcutters
At issue in the contract dispute
between the union and market
operators are wages and hours.
The meatcutters seek $75 for a
40-hour work week, while the em
ployers have offered $72.50 for a
48-hour week. The employers' of
fer was rejected by the- union
yesterday. i
Carlson Bidden To Appear
S. W. Barker, representing the
AFL Meatcutters Union, stated
today that Carlson had been cited
to appear before the Roseburg
Central Labor Council to explain
the employers' side in the cur
rent meatcutters' strike. This is
a customary practice, he said.
The request -that he appear
had been sent by registered mail
with a return receipt. When he
failed to heed the request, it
was presumed he no longer rep
resented the Roseburg Inde
pendent Meat Dealers Associa
tion and efforts were made' to
sign individual market operators
to the union contract, said Bark
er. He explained pickets, have been
placed at all butcher . shops and
groceries with meat markets in
connection that are "unfair."
All markets not now being pick
eted are not "unfair," he said.
There are enough available mar
kets and butcher shops in this
area to meet all individuals'
needs, Barker emphasized
Unions Hold Conference
The pickets are being recog
nized bv people of allied crafts
within the Roseburg Central La
bor Council, Barker pointed out.
Among these are the Retail
Clerks International Association,
the. Culinary Workers, and the
Teamsters Union.
Barger met this morning with
representatives of other unions
to discuss issues in the strike. At
tending the meeting were Mrs.
Helen Bowles of tne Culinary
Workers, Edward J. Hawes, Re
tail Clerks, and Marvin C. Mayo,
Regarding bakery deliveries, :
Barker pointed out that the
Teamsters have contracted with
Patterson's Bakery to handle all
products after they leave the
plant. To make "side door deliv
eries," by selling to grocers at
the plant, would be depriving
teamster drivers of their liveli
hood, as well as violating provi
sions of the union contract.
"We are quite willing to sit
down with Mr. Carlson at any
and all times he wishes to meet
use," Barker said.
- , t i
Second Bomb Explosion
Marks Visit Of Franco
BARCELONA, Spain, June 3.
CP) The second bomb In 48 hours
exploded here today during Gen
eralissimo Francisco Franco' vis
it to this Catalonian capital. No
one was Injured 4n either explo
sion, i
The small bomb went off this
morning in the St. Pancras Chap
el of Barcelona's cathedral. An
unidentified man, praying in -front
of the Alcove chapel, was i
shaken up. The altar and other I
fixtures in the- chapel wer de- j
stroyed. !
Roseburg's Junior American
Legion baseball team will meet
Drain Saturday at 8 p. m. on
Finlay Field, Mayor Al Flegel
announced today. Drain's team
will consist of several players
from the state B champion
team, so should provide plenty
of competition for the locals.
You've heard about this fence over
the radioin your farm papers.
Known everywhere for its extra
long life. It's the exclusive "Gal
vanneeled" process that puts on
an extra heavy, weather-resisting
coatint of line. It's made of mst
rwirting copper -bearing steel. It's
strongly, honestly made in every
wy. Come in and look over our
Buy Where You Shar In
The Earnings
Douglas County
Farm Bureau
Cooperative Exchang
Phone 98
Located W. Washington
SL and S. P. R. R. Track
Atomic Plant Workers
Vote To Walk Out
(Continued From Page One)
"negotiations have produced no
results" and asked that the Com
mittee be empowered to call a
Two Courses Open
Two methods of government
intervention may be used to
prevent or delay the strike.
President Truman is empow
ered under the Taft-Hartley Act
to seek an injunction to prohibit
a strike during an 80-day arbi
tration period. Such an Injuc
tion was applied in a similar
dispute between Carbide and an
AFL union here more than a
year ago.
Another is procedure to settle
strike threats in vital AEC oper
ations proposed by a special com
mission headed by former War
Labor Board Chairman William
Under this plan, a three-man
panel appointed by the Presi
dent would enter an atomic
labor dispute only after all other
means had failed. The contest
ing parties would be obligated,
once the panel intervened, to
maintain the status quo for 30
da vs.
the CIO employes are produc
tion workers at the Gaseous Dif
fusion Atomic Process Plant, a
unit that cost about $500,000,000
to build in wartime.
A two weeks Daily Vacation
Bible School, starting Monday,
June S, at the Green Schoolhouse,
will be sponsored by the Green
Sunday School. Classes will meet
daily, except Saturday , and Sun
day, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Chil
dren and young people between
the ages of four and 16 are cor
dially invited.
o o To J
i iO
Ladies' Mojud
Stockings ..
- New Color
New Style
128 N. Jackson
Eugene Hixson, Resident
Of Brockway, Passes
Eugene Hixson, 78, life-long
resident of Brockway, died Thurs
day after an illness of 10 days. He
was born Dec. 28, 1870, in Eu-
fene. He was a member of the
lethodist Church. ,
Surviving are his widow, Emma
Jane, Brockway; two daughters,
Mrs. Myrtle Walker, Roseburg;
Mrs. Lillie Jacob, Camas Valley;
four sons, Marion Hixson, Vern
and Bud Hixson all of Brockway;
Elbert, Eugene; 14 grandchildren
and 11 great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be con
ducted by Dr. Morris. Roach in
the Chapel of the Roses, Rose
burg Funeral Home, Saturday,
June 4, at 2 p.m. Interment will
follow in Civil Bend Cemetery.
A New Effective Insulation
Use Rocklath with Aluminum Back for Plaster Base.
Sheetrock with Aluminum Back for Dry Construction.
When constructing your new home
By this method you have a vapor barrier and a highly
efficient insulation. See the
Floed & Mill Sts.
In a
by itself!
fBohemiafi USuh
Export -
Distributed by Hayes
Wards Bike 'Parade -'
Free movie at Indian Theater for all
Absolutely no entry Fees of any kind) Fill in your
entry blank in Wards Sports Shop today... every,
body's entering I
A funny or original costume has os much chance
of winning os an elaborate decoration. Ride in
the Parade . . . whatever you do, you'll have FUN I
You'll noy planning ond making your decora"
tions, but the real fun starts when the Parade
beginsl Bring all your friendsl
1st Prize Deluxe bicycle awarded by
Indian Theater.
, 2nd Prize Bike trophy awarded by
Roseburg Jewelers.
Plus 8 additional prizes.
A. P. Giannini, Noted
Financier, Passes
(Continued From Page One)
Then he built his holding com
pany and spread its subsidlraies
in all directions, and retired again.
This time he was pushed out by
Wall Street power.
He made a comeback In a spec
tacular proxy fight. That was in
the depression after the 1929 stock
market debacle. He worked hard
to rehabilitate- his structure, with
out salary, but drawing on funds
previously credited to his account.
That brought trouble with the
Securities Exchange Commission.
t. nhnvnaA ha wns mislpariinp
stockholders. Criticising other fi
nancial operations, me commis
sion, in 1938, brought civil court
actions against him.
Phone 121
; ra n i
Distributing Co., Medford
214 N. Stephen
Phon 131-R