10 Tht Newt-Review, Roieburg, Ore Friday, June 3, 1949 LOCAL NEWS Grange to Meet South Deer Creek Grange will meet Satur day night at 8 o'clock at the hall. Dedication Sunday The new Lookingglass Church dedication service will be held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, June 5. All persons Interested are invited. Strawberry 8ocial The Eden Ladies Aid of the Elgarose Luth eran Church will sponsor a strawberry social Saturday eve ning at the church. The public is invited. Accepts Position Mrs. R. B. Rhodes (Eugenia Vlrden) has ac cepted a position with Piling As sociates as a stenographer at the company's office on South Steph ens street. At Howard Home Mr. and Mrs. John McGough of San Fran cisco are spending a couple of weeks in Roseburg visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howard, and family, at 528 S. Pine street. Enjoy Stay At Coast Mr. and Mis. Robert Bellows and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rhodes have re turned to their homes in Rose burg, following a few days at Sherwood lodge at Yachats. A. F. Walter Kresse, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U. S. National Bank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: 1500 Res.: Hotel Rose Phone 622 Office hours: Mon. Thru Sat To Install Officers The Eagles Auxiliary will hold installation of officers at a meeting Tuesday night, June 7, at 8 o'clock at the hall. Members and officers are asked to be present. Refresh ments will be served and a social hour will be enjoyed. Go to Portland Merle Austin, owner of the Kern Florists, and daughter, Miss Marie, of Rose burg left Thursday for Portland to attend the Ice Follies and to bring the former's older daughter, Miss Barbara, home for the sum mer. Miss Barabara has been at tending college in Portland. Benefit Dance The Pythian Sisters will sponsor a benefit dance at 8 o'clock Saturday night at the K. of P. hall. The Wheeler family will donate the music. Re freshments will be sold. Proceeds will be used to send the Knights of Pythias Drum Corps Girls to Portland to participate in the Rose Festival. Rummage Sale Planned Roseburg Chapter of American Gold. Star Mothers Inc., will spon sor a rummage sale Saturday from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. in the Episcopal parish hall on East Cass Street. Those having ar ticles to be picked up are asked to call 854-J or 958-L. Visitors Leave Mrs. Pansy Al lison of Portland and Mrs. Loring i McLaughlin of Cottage Grove have returned to their homes, fol ; lowing a visit here with their ' brother-in-law, D. Y. Allison; their grand-niece, Mrs. faldney no menico. and family, and at Win chester with their niece, Mrs. Rod ney Knott. ALL need if! YOUNG people going away on wedding trips . , , younger people com ing home from school , . . older people planning va cations . . anybody tak ing their belongings any where away from home . . . all heed Personal Ef fects Insurance. It costs very little and may mean o lot to you. R. 0. YOUNG Phone 417 205 W. Cass St. Roseburg Mrs. Clark Returns Mrs. Betly May Clark has returned to Rose burg from Klamath Falls, where she has been with her husband, C. W. Clark, who is attending the Oregon Vocational School located in that city. Mr. Clark will join her here in. Jul v. Mrs. Clark is aijaln employed In the recorder's office at the City Hull. Field Trio and Picnic Umpqua Mineral Club members and guests are Invited to enjoy a field trip and picnic Sunday, June 5. Those desiring to go are asked 1o meet at Hennlnger's No. 1, Northslde slore, at 9 a. m. Instructions are for those altcndlrig to wear old clothes, bring their rock tools and lunch. The group will visit the Rock Creek vicinity. Arrlvlna for Weekend Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hughes and baby daughter, Mary Kathleen, of Port land are expected to arrive In Roseburg this evening to spend the weekend .with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic J. Porter, 555 Reservoir Avenue. Mr. Hughes is studying law at Portland University. SLABWOOD In 12-16 and 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phone 698 NIGHT SERVICE on Photo Developing and Finishing Bring your rolls of exposed film to the Photo Lab get the prints the next morning! After 5:30 p. m. simply drop trie rolls you wish developed in the slot of Photo Lab door they'll be ready the fol lowing day. mmmwmmymvjm . ii m THIS SERVICE INCLUDES PRINTS, EN LARGEMENTS ALL PHOTO FINISH ING except portraits and color film de veloping. Think of it the snaps you take this afternoon ready to be pasted in your photo album the following morn ing. NO EXTRA CHARGE. This fast service does not cost you an extra penny. Out of town guests? On-the-spot pic tures? Take 'em now pick them up at 8 a. m. Please specify the number of prints you wish, whether any pictures should be en larged, the size desired ... all extra ser vice you wish . . . when you leave the films. FREDRICKSON'S PHOTO LAB Coil and Washington Sti. Phone 857-Y r It toimmm0 ' CIRCUS PERFORMER Clyde Beetty of Clyde Beetty Circus i pictured here with fwo tiger peti from fhe big ihow, which will ihow in Roseburg Saturday, with performances scheduled at 2:30 end 8 p. m. The Circus, boasting many new attractions, has win tared in the Hawaiian Islands and is just starting -its northern tour, after two weeks in Los Angeles. Datii.ii MnmR Mr. and Mrs. J. 11, Wolford returned Wednes day evening from a week's trip to Central uregon, wnere wiey .nariwl fnl- n,llilip In TOCkS. They then stopped at Bend to participate in the two-day state shoot. Rock hunting and shoot ing are their special nouDies, said Mrs. Wolford. sons will go on to Lo Angeles lor a Visit wnn mr. reaiaune hrnthnr. Art Pearson.' lormerly o this city. Social Club to Meet The George Starmer Auxiliary social club will meet at a l ociock dessert-luncheon on Saturday at the W. G. Shugart home at 111 Cobb street with Mrs. Kate Mil liken and her daughters, Miss Mary and Miss Kathryn, host esses. Memoers are asxea 10 bring game prizes to the meeting. Born With Teeth Word has hnen received of the birth ot a daughler, Krlstl Jo Few, to Mr. and Mrs. U. J. f ew, in t-oruanu last week. The child was born with two front tower teeth. Mrs. Few is the former Miss Sally De Vnre. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack De Vore, of Canyonville. The Kews also have a son, Konnie Kay, age 3. Home From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Roadman have return ed to their home in Roseburg, f... a ...nDl!mi ll'ir. TlllV VUitPll tl.a fni'mor'a Vt llr. RnV ROfld- man, In San Francisco, prior to l. oronauo, cwin wicku, ""b11 ni,.iia Tuinnii mid Tlainana. Mexico. In company with Miss V. VlViail logsomi hii una t-n.v. enti in Ainany visiwuk mother, Mrs. 1. A. logsaon. I nii on Vacation Mr. and Mrs. L. V. (Pelel Pearson anil the hitter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Donald White and baby of Roseburg lea io day on a 10-day vacation trip to California. Thev will visit In San Francisco with Mrs. Pear son's and Mrs. White's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Davton Brown, and the Pear- u:. :,.. I su Mr. Jin .1 Mrs. Kenneth Wlmer and daughter, Joan, have left for their home in Washington, D. J ionowing three weeks vacationing in Rose hnfcr vinitino- Mrs. Wlmer's moth er, Mrs. T. W. Thomason, and other relatives. Mrs. wimer was formerly Freda inomason 01 this city. Mr. Wirher is employed in Washington, D. C. He is a brother of Everett Wimer of this city. Miss Evelyn Thomason nas returned to her work in Seattle, fnllnwlnff n 1Ult hpro with her mother, Mrs. T. W. Thomason. Beatty Circus Scheduled Here Saturday P. M. Tomorrow Is circus day. Early tomorrow, about break fasttime, to be exact, the big Clyde Beatty Circus train of 20 double length cars will pull in from Medford and proceed to un load what is considered the sec ond largest outdoor show in Am erica. The circus has Just returned from the Hawaiian Islands, after a winter engagement (incidental ly the first complete circus to un load on American shores since P. T. Barnum in 1890), and, after a very successful two weeks' run in Los Angeles, is headed lor Roseburg. There will be two performances 2:30 and 8 p. m., with doors op ened an hour earlier in order that folks might see the huge menag erie and the ever popular side show with its freaks and curiosi ties from all parts of the globe. Besides Beatty himself, the star list of the show includes the Thommens. high perch artists; Princess Musetta, areial star, the Man from Bombay, somersault ing on the bounding rope; Har riet Beatty, featuring an elephant and a tiger in her trained ani mal act; Dorothy Herbert, rid ing star; the Ranato Medlni troupe of unsupported ladder art ists; the Bruna-Jolanda troupe, balancing performers; M o r 1 1 z, Man or Monkey, and many others. Defendant Wins Verdict In Suit For Damages A verdict for the defendant, LeRoy Benson, was returned by a Circuit Court Jury and against the plaintiff, Ernest Sievers, Thursday. Sievers sought $20,000 general and $1,400 special dam ages as the result of an automo bile accident in which he claimed he was injured at Glide Dec. 20, 1947. I The suit of Archie D. Young ; vs. State Industrial Accident j Commission which started yester-1 clay, was expected to be concluded j this morning. Young in his com- plaint is appealing a decision of . the commission relative to an ac cident in his operations near Azalea. Scheduled to follow Is the suit filed by Lawrence J. Boyle, for mer principal of Canyonville Dr. Herschell Caldwell Dated At Baptist Church Dr. Herschel Caldwell, former ly pastor of the Roseburg Baptist Church, will be here Sunday to preach at the evening service. A reception is planned in his honor following the service. Dr. Caldwell, now state secre tary of the Baptist Churches in Washington, has been attending the Northern Baptist convention at San Francisco. He will return here with Rev. H. P. Sconce, lo cal pastor, and Mrs. Sconce, who have also been attending the convention. Woman, Baby Suffer Burns When Fire Razes Home GRANTS, PASS, Ore., June 3. VP) Mrs. Alyce Richards and her infant son, John, were burn ed painfully but not critically in a fire which destroyed their home on Helm Road near here Wednesday afternoon. They are In Josephine General Hospital and out of danger. Deputy Coroner Walter En triken said that the fire resulted from use of kerosene in lighting a wood stove. French Fried Ice Cream Crashes Novelty Foods . PORTLAND, Ore., June 3. W French fried ice cream is about to become the latest in the nev elty foods. John J. Trullinger, director of r,..Annn tvnvwn Fnod Locker Association, told the Oregon Ad vertising Club it just goes iu show that 'most anything is pos sible. Harold C. Howell and Kenneth Appleby, who plan to French-fry the ice cream, said today It was simple; cut ice cream into bars, put a cake dough around it, dip is quickly Into very hot fat and there you are. The trick, though, is to do it without melting the ice cream. Appleby said Howell finally fig ured out how to do it and it's a secret "We'll take Conev Island by storm," he said, "with French fried ice cream on a stick." It isn't on the market yet, but the developers who are in the TINY TOT SUCCUMBS McMINNVILLE, Ore., June 3. CPV-A 17-ounce girl, whose sur v'val for more than two days surprised the attending physician, died here last night. The child, taken by cacsarian section in its sixth month be- cause oi a iuah. """-rj"" . v: the mother, showed considerable activity after a listless start Tuesday, but Dr. S. H. Shumway said its chances from the start were remote. " promotional sales business for novelty food items said it would be soon. JUDGMENT ISSUED Circuit Judge Carl E. Wimberly has issued an order of default and judgment for S2774.22, in fav or of Lloyd E. Hughes, Robert A. Reed and Robert Holzang, doing business as Pacific Logging and Mill Supply, and against William Horn. School, against School District 8. Boyle seeks payment of $4,000 his year's salary, following his dis missal by the board late in the spring, after his contract had been awarded. Boyle asserts he was dismissed without cause, while the board claims that he was dismissed because of alleged violations of his contract. "Any instnKtie wtth XT' "5F We do all types of Leather Work Bridles Belts Ladies' Purses Zipper Repair Brown's Saddle Shop Custom Made Saddles and Saddle Repairing Ph. 1579-J 107 S. Sheridan M. E. Brown Roseburg, Ore. 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE PHONE 352 1947 INDIAN CHIEF MOTORCYCLE Loaded with Accessories See It at Joe's Hortey-Davidson Shop on Hwy. 99 South Phone 47 R-5 FOR SALE One 10-foot Frederick Meat Cose Two Barnes Scales Two Meat Blocks One Meat Slicer . . . Display Platters One Frozen Food Cabinet Two Used Cash Registers One 10' x 14' Walk-In Box One 2 h. p. aircooled Copeland Compressor and tubing One office safe and miscellaneous store equipment WILL SELL VERY REASONABLE Contact LEHMAN REAL ESTATE Immediately FURNACES LENNOX (Utility Basement) KLEER-KLEEN (Floor units 29" deep) AIR COOLERS GUTTERS FLASHINGS CAPPING BLOW PIPE WE ARE EQUIPPED TO WORK U GAUGE SINKS-CANOPYS GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY ROSEBURG SHEET METAL "Your Heating Center" The PlcnJc Season Is officially herel Make ure your picnics this year will be more en joyable, more satisfying with Red & White picnic foods. There Is' a wide selection of picnic Items" at Red & White all low priced high quality foods. Start your picnic right by shopping at Red & Whitel SPECIALS. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 3 & 4 lib. 2 lbs. Red & While TOMATO JUICE 46 Or. Can Red & White TOMATO SAUCE 8 Or. Can ... 3 for .. . i tin.,,. nea a vvau mm BOOK MATCHES VH FANCY CATSUP Box oi 50 ... 2 iot " Oz. Bottle Red 4 While Van Camps PORK & BEANS No. 2 Can ... No. J'i Can . 18c 23c Red & White DEVILED MEAT 1 Vi's ... 2 for 1 9C Vi's ... 2 for 29c Red S, White WAX PAPER 12S R Rolls Dainty Brand 2c RSH POTATOES No. 2 Can 14' sunsnme m jkd. KRISPY CRACKERS 4f 19c 2 Lbs. Sunshine BURNT PEANUJS 8 Oi. H EMO Powdered ... 1 Lb. "5? 69' RED & WHITE j VIENNA sausageK Phone 141 850 E. 1st St.