The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 31, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    Elephants Still Provide Greatest
Thrill; Require Special Training
Posie Baffled In Hunt
For 2 Oregon Convicts
(Continued from Page One)
Dog And Lion Are Strange Pals
The Weather
U. 8. Weather Bureau Office
Roseburg, Oregon
7 :.
cell floor.
The men apparently had a
saw and a wrench which had
been smuggled in to them, deputy
Warden Gene Halley said. The
saw cut the bars and the wrench
took off a lock-protecting plate on
Cloudy with intermittent light
rain today, beginning partly
cloudy with scattered showers
tonight and Wednesday. Warm
er Wednesday.
Highest temp, for any May.... 102
e" -
Lowest temp, for any May.... 30
Highest temp, yesterday 70
Lowest temp, last 24 hrs 48
Precipitation last 24 hrs .09
Precipitation since May 1 1.75
Precipitation since Sept. 1....26.56
Deficiency since May 1 14
2 Tha News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Tuei., May 31, 19491
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BOTTLE-FED PIC S Lydla Decker supervises a mass
botlle-feedinr operation for these half-doien pigs near zaxima,
Wash. Their mother died shortly after they were born.
Tribute Paid War Dead
At Memorial Services
(Continued Irom Page One)
stltutlon that can Rive us a re
birth of ideate and thus justify
its existence," he added. "It must
do this or die.
"Our founding fathers had one
great ideal as they brought forth
this nation," he continued. "They
said, 'This Nation under God.'
Behind this Idea there was the
blending of the non-Conformist
movement of English Protestant
ism, the philosophy of natural
rights of man developed by John
Loche and the 'elements of reason
and Justice of the French Revolu
tion. "Regardless of where these
ideals had development, they
were caught up in our Declara
tion of Independence and recog
nized as coming from the su
preme ruler of mankind.
Rights of Man Foremost
"The defense of these Ideals
k ,:
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E ' a R ?B t tin 1 II " fl rfl
Roseburg Funeral Home
"The Chapel of tha Roses"
Oak and Kane Street Roseburg, Oregon
Funerals Tel. 600 Ambulance Service
"Age cannot wither, nor cus
tom stale her Infinite variety,"
some ancient bard thus eulogized
a lady of his acquaintance, but
the phrase might well be applied
to the great American institu
tion, the Circus. In all the years
that it has raised and lowered
its "big top" from Maine to Cali
fornia, and from Florida to Ore
gon, age has not withered nor
custom staled its appeal to young
sters of all ages.
Elephants look the same to
day as they did when P. T.
Barnum swung around the coun
try with the famous Jumbo, but
there is a vast difference today
in the way they are presented,
for now, each and every elephant
must be an actor. Not only must
they help build the "tented city"
and stand on display in the menag
erie, but they must also do their
bit on the big show's program.
The elephants with the Clyde
Beatty Circus are considered the
best trained in all spangleland.
The bie show and. it is we,
being one of America's two big
gest shows with over 700 people,
is coming to Roseburg Saturday,
June 4 for afternoon and night
performance at the Circus
Grounds west on Garden Valley
Road, which means that circus
fans will have the opportunity
to see many of the world's great
est circus attractions, headed as
they are by Clyde Beatty, the
most fearless wild animal trainer
the world has ever known, and
his death defying wild animal
The performances, starling at
2:30 and 8 p.m., open with a
gorgeously produced super-spectacle
in which great masses of
people and hordes of animals
take part.
There are now nine women
seated in the United States Con
gressone of them in the Senate,
has cost many lives, and will
continue to cost as the years go
on. Being an American does not
mean that one is simply born in
America, but that he stands for
the great freedoms springing
from the ideals set down In
American history. This revolu
tion of the rights of man stands
as a challenge to all humanity,
and as long as we believe in
these rights they will have to be
'Un-American activities are
those which hinder the advance
of liberty under law, or that be
tray the equality of human
rights, or that transgress the
freedom of the Individual con
science, or profane the sacred
ness of human personality. Any
Impairment of civil rights," or
discrimination on account of race
or creed is Un-American.
(I ' 1 l
1 1 1 1 1
a lillS. . JfJiAi- JO h
f aggj
" -p- " $upr-FrMir with
V " - tM, "'v-J,- arg froitn ttorag
Wanted! 150 Used Refrigeratori 1
We need used refrigeratori for
rental purposes. Phone ui to come I
out and make a free appraisal.
With All These Features:
Doubl-laiy Qulckuke
Tall bottlc'ipace
Porcelain interior
Full-width, glait
toppod, roller-bearing
Famoui Meter-Miter
mechanism with 5
Year Protection Plan
Rutt-proof thelvei
Come In todaylSee this bargain value for yourself I The
model hown is only one of 9 models, 3 types available.
a door.
A plank from new construction
within the prison was placed
against the 15-foot south wall and
the men went over. The guard
opened fire, but whether either
man was hit could not be de
termined. Benson, sentenced from Mult
nomah County, had previously
served in California's Folsom
prison and in the Washington
State Prison at Walla Walla.
Pimon'i Crime Toll
Pinson's life term came after
the April 25, 1947, murder of
State Patrolman Delmand E.
Rondeau, 32, at Hood River. Pin
son had prowled two homes and
stolen six guns. He had these in
a parked pickup truck when Ron
deau moved up and questioned
Pinson pulled a 32-20 pistol
from his pocket and shot Ron
deau in the chest. The patrolman
dragged himself 60 feet toward
the Hood River City Hall, and
died on the sidewalk.
Umatilla County Sheriff's depu
ties ana state police captured him
at Ordnance. He was seen on an
east-bound freight train and the
car was surrounded when it
reached Ordnance. Pinson start
ed to flee, but dropped his gun
when bullets pinged around him.
At his trial his only defense
was the claim that he shot on the
spur of the moment and hadn't
planned to do It.
Fire Damage Hits
Martin Box Plant
A fuel bin fire at the Martin
Box Company, Oakland, Satur
day at 6:30 p. m., brought out the
Sutherlln and Oakland Fire De
partments and two pieces of
equipment frtim the Roseburg
ire department.
Considerable water damage to
the boiler room underneath the
bin was noted. Fire burned sup
porting roof timbers, and a
company employee, reportedly
overcome with smoke, was re
vived by firemen.
A 500-gallon-a-minute pumper
on the company premises was
also used to extinguish the blaze.
It was nearly 9 p. m. before the
Roseburg trucks returned home.
Firemen reported it was neces
sary to pump large amounts of
water into sawdust, to make cer
tain no sparks remained.
Robt. Lovelace Drowns '
In North Umpqua River
(Continued from Page One)
120 W. OAK
PHONE 1211
Monthly meeting of the Rose
burg City Planning Commission,
postponed from Monday of last
week, will be held tonight at 7:30
in the City Council chambers.
Several plats will be up for con
sideration by the Commission.
hurried to the nearby Glide Ran
ger Station, where Forest Ranger
George Churchill summoned aid
from the Roseburg Fire Depart
ment and took charge of the
searching operations.
The river was dragged, start
ing about 3 o'clock Sunday after
noon and continuing until dark
ness. The search was resumed by
the Roseburg Fire Department
with aid of several Glide resi
dents early Monday morning. Al
though the Roseburg firemen
ceased their efforts late in the
afternoon, people at Glide con
tinued looking until they found
the body in the evening.
Deputy Coroner Douglas Tudor
was called to the scene when the
body was found. The Roseburg
Funeral Home is In charge of ar
At least four boats including
the Roseburg Fire Department's
rescue boat were used in the
search. A diving suit was donned
by one of the searchers to inspect
deep channels in the river. Food
preparea Dy Mrs. Vivian i'aaei-
ford of the Red Barn, North
Umpqua eating establishment,
was served to the searching party.
The North Umpqua and L-ittle
Rivers meet headlong at the
Junction, then turn off at 90 de
grees as the North umpqua.
Heavy rapids and eddies are evi
dent at this point. The two
streams were once featured in
Ripley's "Believe-It-Or-Not" as
the only two rivers in the world
that crash head-on, then continue
as one stream at a right angle to
their junction.
Lovelace was born May 19,
1930, in Sprague River, Ore., and
came to Glide two years ago to
make his home.
Surviving are his mother, Xina
Lovelace, Glide; a sister, Lileth,
Glide; two brothers, John, Bend,
James, Seattle; and his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Case
beer, Glide.
Funeral services In charge of
the Roseburg Funeral Home will
be held Wednesday, June 1, at
2 p. m. in the Glide Church, with
Rev. Karl Faulkner officiating.
Iuterment will follow in Burt
About 38 per cent of the hu
man brain Is "gray matter."
Here art two of the chummiest
and strangest pals in the animal
world, Leo ,a lion, and Lucky,
an ordinary dog.
Both are owned Dy uiyae
Beatty, the world's greatest wild
animal trainer and owner of the
huge Cylde Beatty Circus, coming
to Roseburg, Saturday, June 4, for
afternoon and night perform
ances at the circus grounds west
on Garden Valley Road.
Leo. a lion cub. has been Beat-
ty's special pet from the time of
his birth, along with Lucky who
considers himself a member of
the Beatty household and is very
reluctant in sharing family friend
ships with the lion.
As time wore on, Leo, the lion,
grew bigger, stronger, and more
dominating, as lions are prone to
be, and gave Lucky to understand
that he too, was something to be
reckoned with. While Lucky,
seeminelv miffed that a mere lion
should usurp part of Beatty's af- 7:00 p.m.
gie t-
fection, learned that lions don t
like their ears nipped.
So, thereupon, he decided to
train Leo his own way. By seizing
the lion by one ear, Lucky now
leads the lion around at will, even
if the big "cat" is several times
his size.
Soon, Leo Is going to be alto
gether too old for freedom and
will be placed in a cage along
with the fifty other ferocious
beasts of the jungle which the ,
world famous Beatty battles twice
daily in the all-steel arena. f
In ac'dition to Clyde Beatty and
his world renowned wild animal
display, the 1949 program fea
tures many of the most outstand
ing attractions in the land of saw.
dust and spangles. Spangleland
stars and features from all parts
oi tne wona.
Performances will be given at
2:30 and 8 p.m., with the main
gates opening at 1:30 and
Soviet-Type Rule For East
Germany Is Adopted
(Continued from Page One)
trends in the Soviet zone and is
what we think the new Democrat
ic Germany should look like. It is
our contribution to the unifica
tion of Germany and not intend
ed for any one part."
Western Plan Rejected
Westerners had expected Rus
sia would race the Allies in set
ting up a rival republic in the
East when it became apparent
that four-power control of all
Germany could not be revived.
West Germany is expected to
have a functioning government
by mid-July. The proposal of the
West that the Western constitu
tion be extended to all Germany
has been rejected by the Rus
sians In Paris, but the Russians
have not yet introduced their
Eastern German constitution.
Kastner was the first East Ger
man to indicate publicly that the
Russians have no set schedule
for putting the East constitution
into effect.
Lilienthal Will Answer
Charges At Senate Quiz
(Continued from Page One)
Lilienthal be fired on grounds of
"incredible mismanagement." He
has said further that numerous
persons of strong Communist
leanings have been permitted to
work on atomic secrets.
Lilienthal said the latter state
ment has "cast a cloud" on 60,000
atomic workers.
About 30,000 women In the
United States lose their lives by
accident each year.
ws mam
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MohilflfK 1
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Mobiloil makes it 2 in a row
Sets Hottest Pace In History
BILL HOLLAND sets new record of
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Grinned the victorious BILL: "What a
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Centre! Pitreleiiin Corporation
The very am Mobiloil that won
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