The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 27, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 The Newi-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Fri., May 27, 1949
Returni to Medford Ernest
Barnum, lire insurance adjuster,
has returned to his home in
Medford, following a business
trip to Roseburg.
Home From Portland Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Metzger have re
turned to their home in Rose
burg, following a couple of days
in Portland on business.
Return to McMinnvllle Mr. and
Mrs. Ora Wells have returned to
their home in McMinnville, fol
lowing several days in Roseburg
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Lawson.
Visiting Here Miss Kdna
Lough of Seatle and Lee Wilson
of Inglewood, Calif., are vacation
ing in Roseburg visiting the form
er's sister, Mrs. Nova G. Bates.
Move to Roseburg Mr. and
Mrs. H. F. Beauchamp have
moved from Salem to Roseburg
to make their home. Mrs. Beau
champ is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Cobb of this city.
Movee to Medford Mrs. E. E.
Wells, who has been residing at
the Douglas Hotel in Roseburg,
moved this week to Modford to
make her home with her daughter.
At Crafton Home Mrs. Jane
Hopgood of Portland is spend
ing several days in Roseburg
visiting her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Crafton.
Convaleiclng George Cren
shaw is reported convalescing
satisfactorily at his home at 902
N. Jackson street, following an
emergency appendectomy last
week at Mercy Hospital. He is
employed by Umpqua Plywood
Visit at Howard Home Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Pistole and
daughters, Joyce, Kaylen and
Carol Ann, accompanied by Con
nie Lee and Judy Kay Howard,
all of McMinnville, have returned
to their homes, following a few
days visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Eidon Howard.
Mrs. Lozler Convalescing Mrs.
Earl Lozier, who underwent a
major operation at Mercy Hos
pilal, May 20, is reported to be
convalescing satisfaclorily at her
home at 512 Jouglas street.
Leavei For Home Mrs. Caro
Miller left this week for her
home in Berkeley, Calif., follow
ing a visit with her sisters, Mrs.
J. O. Eifert and Mrs. Wanda
Jake Bird, Slayer, Wins
3rd Reprieve From Noose
(Continued from Page One)
At Strickle Home R. L. Strick
le has as his guesls for several
weeks at his home in Roseburg
his daughter-in-law and her two
children: Mrs. John Strickle and
Peggy Ann, age two-and-a-half,
and Janet Lynn, a year old.
Daughter ! Born A daugh
ter, Libby, weighing eight pounds
eight and three-fourths ounces
was born at the Medford Osteo
pathic Hospital, May 21, to Mr.
and Mrs. M. L. Spalding of Grants
Pass. Mrs. Spalding is the former
Sally Zoe Bates of this city and
daughter of Mrs. Nova G. Bates
of Roseburg.
Highley M'CulIoch,
Native Of Olalla,
Claimed By Death
. Miss Hishley E. McCulloch,
85, life-long resident of this com
munity, died Ihursday night,
May 26, after a short illness.
She was born August 22, 18G8,
in Olalla. Her pioneer parents,
James and Carolyne McCulloch,
crossed, the plains in 1850 and
settled in Olalla as it Is now
Surviving are three brothers,
Gus McCulloch, Long Beach,
Calif.; James McCulloch, Myrtle
Point and John McCulloch, Ten
mile; and four sisters, Mrs. Em
ma Bailey and Miss Lydia Mc
Culloch, both of Long Beach,
Calif., and Mrs. Molly Hickox
and Mrs. Sally C. McClung, both
of Roseburg.
The body will lie In state from
5 o'clock this evening until 10
a.m. Saturday, May 28, in the
Rosebunr Funeral Home. It win
then be taken by the Roseburg
funeral Home to the Norway
Cemelery, Myrtle Point, for grave
side services and interment.
Return to Eugene Mrs. D. R.
MacKillop and baby son, Ross,
and the former's sisler-in -1 aw,
Mrs. David MacKillop, and Mrs.
C. DeMott, formery Arlene Kil
horn of this city, have returned
1o their homes in Eugene, fol
lowing a visit here with Mrs.
MacKillop's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
P. T. Bubar, on Chadwlck street.
Country Club 8upper Mem
bers of the Roseburg Country
Club and their out-of-town guests,
who are here for the weekend
invitational golf tournament, nre
invited to attend a 7 o'clock buffet
supper Saturday night, May 28, at,
the clubhouse. Mayor Albert Meg
el will be masler of ceremonies.
A special entertainment has been
arranged for the evening.
Pruning . . . Landscaping
Free Estimates
L. H. Mcpherson
Rt. 2, Box 153 Phone 715J-1
Funeral Services Set
For Michael T. Leahy
Funeral services for Michael
Thomas Leahy, 4-1, who died of
injuries sustained in an accident
at the Rock Island Lumber Camp
cast of Suthcrlin May 23, will be
held in St. Joseph's Catholic
Church Tuesday, May 31, at 9
a.m. Recitation of the Rosary
will be Sunday, May 29 at the
St. Joseph's Church. The Rose
burg Funeral Home is in cnarge
of the arrangements.
Mr. Leahy was horn Jan. 9,
1905, in Ireland and came to
Suthcrlin three years ago. He
had lived In New York City be
fore coming to Oregon and was
a former resident of Klamath
Falls and Ashland.
Vault Interment will follow in
the Catholic Cemelery.
Swim Pool's Dedication
Will Occur Tonight
(Continued from Page One)
Senior High School, will assume
managership of the pool for the
summer season. He will be as
sisted by life guards and dressing
room nitendanls.
Already In use is a wading
pool, adjacent to Ihe swimming
pool, donated by ttie Roseburg
Elks Lodge to "the children of
Roseburg." Its cost, approxi
mately $1,333, was underwritten
by tlie Ellis.
Fariss' v j
of five key figures in the case.
"Hex" Victim No. 6 Claimed
Bird claimed his sixth "hex"
victim last night.
In an interview with Pierce
County Prosecutor Patrick Steele,
the condemned slaver said he had
put his famous "hex" on a for
mer Washington State Peniten
tiary guard, Arthur A. Stowdard.
Stowdard retired shortly after
the time Bird claims to have
applied the hex and returned
to his home in Worchester, Mass.
He died in Cushing Veterans Hos
pital, Framingham, Mass., April
Bird said he told Stowdard:
"you'll die before I will."
He added:
"Oh, I put the hex' on him
all right, but it was just in
"Lucky Carde Holding Out"
Warden Smith of Walla Walla
penitentiary received the Judi
cial reprieve call five minutes
before Bird was to have been
removed to the death cell to
await his date with the gallows.
The warden said he told the
condemned man:
"You ought to get down on
your knees and start praying."
Smith said Bird apparently
thought he was bringing bad
news or was going to read the
death warrant to him, and re
plied: "That's Just what I've been
When informed of the 30-day
reprieve, Bird was silent for a
few moments, then said:
"f guess my lucky cards are
holding out."
Three Others Await Noose
Four condemned men are be
ing held in the state prison an
all-time record for "death row."
The Circuit Court of Appeals
reprieve for Bird means the rec
ord roll call will remain un
changed for the present.
the other three are Aaron
Johnson and Archie Brown of
Pasco, sentenced to hang to
gether June 30 for a 1945 kill
ing in Pasco, and Arthur Bruce
Perkins, to die July 15 for the
slaying ol an (Jlympia couple
last year.
Ihe Johnson-Brown execution
will be the first double hanging
within the memory of prison em
ployes. As with Bird, their case
has been bouncing around the
court for years. They have been
sentenced to death three times
and their case has gone to the
U. S. Supreme Court.
Rodeo Queen Speaks. PossejST
Chairman Tells Of Program
Plans At Lions Club Meet
"It's a wonderful feeling to be
chosen a queen and so far it has
been lots of fun," said Rodeo
Queen Nadene Sparks, a guest,
along with W. H. "Doc" Carter,
Rodeo parade chairman, of the
Roseburg Lions Club Thursday
Miss Sparks spoke briefly on
the coming Sheriff's Posse Rodeo,
scheduled June 17, 18 and 19.
Carter outlined the history of the
Sheriff's Posse and the Fair
grounds, and told briefly plans
for special events at the Rodeo
and further plans for the revival
of county fairs late in August.
They were introduced by Del Mc
Kay, posse publicity chairman.
Earlier in the evening, Mrs.
Phil Harth, from the Toastmis
tress Club, spoke on the poppy
sale of the American Legion
scheduled today and Saturday.
Asked by McKay to give a brief
story of her life, Queen Nadine
staled she was born in California,
but moved later to Yakima,
'No Need For CVA,'
Ellsworth Tells House
Rep. Ellsworth (R.-Ore.) told the
House Thursday he is opposed
lo creation of a Columbia Val
ley Administration.
"I see no need for a CVA,"
Ellsworth said. "We are doing
all right. I do see potential grave
evils in the proposed selup that
far outweigh any potential bene
fits.'! lie said the Army Engineers,
the Reclamation Bureau and oth
er agencies which have been
handling Ihe development of the
Columbia Basin are doing a good
Job. The people of the Northwest
region understand and trust them,
he added.
William Holleyman, Melrose
Route, employed at Douglas Man
ufacturing Co., was taken to
Mercy Hospital late yesterday,
after he was struck on the head
by a loard. He was taken by
Ixnig and Orr Ambulance service.
Extent of his injuries was not
Circuit Judge Carl E. Wim
berly has issued a Judgment or
der upon default of the defend
ant, in favor of the plaintiff,
John A. Rogers and Hosier H.
Rogers, doing business as North
Lincoln Oil Co. The plaintiff Is
listed as Donald L. Maxwell.
Judgment Is for $300 plus $100
attorney fees and costs.
Restoring Of Cut
In Public Lands
Funds Is Urged .
A congressional committee was
asked Thursday to restore $317,
000 to the Interior Department
appropriation bill for development
of public land in Oregon.
Daniel L. Goldy, Northwest re
gional administrator of the Bu
reau of Land Management, asked
a Senate Appropriations Subcom
mittee to approve $817,000 for his
agency's use in handling revested
railroad lands and the Coos Bay
Wagon Road grant lands. The
House cut the amount to $500,000.
Goldy testified his agency could
sell enough timber to pay for con
struction of access roads if Con
gress provides funds to start the
roads. He said 400 miles of access
roads are needed in the 2,500,000
acres of forest lands. Such roads,
he said, would tap 7,500,000,000
feet of ripe timber. Altogether, he
estimated, the area contains 34,
000,000,000 feet of merchantable
Lake Angler Dies In
Boat Upset; Wife Rescued
BEND, May 27. (IF) The body
of a Slayton man who drifted
from sight in the choppy waters
of Suttle Lake was sought today
by state police and neighbors.
His wife was rescued after cling
ing to their overturned boat for
four-and-a-half hours.
Joseph E. Harris, 45, and Mrs.
Harris were fishing on the lake
yesterday afternoon. Their small
boat overturned in the rough wat
er which was kicked up into waves
two feet high by a tsrong wind.
Both were wearing life pre
servers. Mrs. Harris said her husband,
held upright by Ihe life preserver,
drifted toward the middle of the
lake and was lost to her sight.
She said her husband suffered
from a heart ailment and might
have died from shock.
Wash., then to Portland and later
to Roseburg. "It was always my
dream to own a horse, and final
ly I got one five years ago," she
said. "With the help of my
mother I learned to ride. My sis
ter also rides."
She attributed her winning the
title as queen to the performance
of her mount, a Missouri gaited
horse. "All I did," she said, "was
sit in the saddle."
Posse's Activity Told
Carter, who is also a member
of the Racing Commission,
stated the Posse was organized as
a civilian defense measure when
there was believed to be threats
of a Japanese invasion of the
West Coast. When this scare sub
sided, attention was turned by
the Posse to establishment of a
fairground. Posse members con
tributed $10 each to get a meas
ure on the ballot to raise a one-
mill levy to buy Umpqua Park.
Then a building program was
started, and though short of
money, the Fair Board and Posse
were able to go ahead with the
aid of civic minded individuals.
Now under construction, said
Carter, is the 'first 100 by 100
unit of a proposed 200 by 140-foot
building for fair exhibits. The
building will be completed in
about two weeks, he estimated.
Next week construction will prob
ably start on a 30 by 100-foot
livestock barr. ,to include 50 or
60 stalls for horses.
Since pari-mutual betting is
legal in Oregon, quarter horse
racing meets are planned this
These meets. Carter said, are
very exciting and hard to judge.
in order tnat tne horses be even
ly matched, they are placed in
four classes, according to their
ability to run. He told of a meet
at Pendleton, where he was a
judge, and in a six-horse race
there was not 31 feet of differ
ence between the winner and los
er. He declared he would never
judge another race without a
photo-finish camera. They are
too close.
Night Racing Planned
Plans are to erect lights for
night racing at a cost estimated
from $3,500 to $5,000, he stated.
This will enable people to attend
in the evening, since this is a
"working man's town."
For the Rodeo, the first day
will feature a girls' lamb scram-1
ble. Ihe second day will have a
wild horse race, and on Sunday
there will be a boys' calf scram
ble, in addition to horse racing
It has been decided, Carter
said, to keep the money at home
this year, and dispense with any
outside talent, except for a world
champion trick rider. A "horse
parade" is slated In town on Fri
day, and the big Rodeo parade
will be at 10:30 Saturday, June 18.
ine fosse programs are some
thing which cannot slip back,
now that they are started," he
declared. "But they require a lot
Of time and hard work, and co
operation on the part of everyone
in town."
(Continued from Page One)
"you'll died before I will."
Lucas interview which occur
red after congressional leaders
conferred at the White House
do not agree with Lucas' own
T-H Act Repeal Up Next-
Lucas amplified this later.
Some new accounts of what he
said were complete and some
were not, he said. What he told
reporters, he added, was that
Congress wants to adjourn July
31, but that if the work was not
finished it would have to stay
in session.
In his new interview Lucas
said the bill calling for repeal
of the Taft-Hartley labor act may
be the next big measure consid
ered by the Senate.
Other measures on the Truman
program include such items as
a proposed $4,000,000,000 tax
boost, compulsory health insur
ance, civil rights, social security
expansion, and farm legislation.
Mr. Truman said specifically
that he still wants the tax in
crease as a means of keeping the
government's income even with
its spending. But he also said the
treasury is considering a plan
by Rep. Mills (D-Ark) to do
the same thing by speeding up
corporation tax payments.
Warehouse Sale
Reefing Pacific Pienetr Certainteet)
(Lowest Prices in Town)
Nails p. comm. lie lb. H P. comm. 10 Vic lb.
Gal. Pipe Vi" 13.50c; W 17e; 1" 25c; 1 14" 32;
Denn Wholesale Co. -
North Umpqua Road
Phone 826-JX-3 and 461-R-2
Baccalaureate Dated
Sunday For Graduates
(Continued from Page One)
students will come Friday after
noon for their report cards.
Senior High graduation will be
Friday, June 3, at 8 p. m. in the
Senior High Auditorium. Dr. Har
ry K. Newburn, University of Ore
gon president, will deliver the
commencement address.
Fire Razes Long Bell
Yard At Eugene
(Continued from Page One)
was a wholesale office which had
been insulated with glass fiber.
At one time it was feared the
fire would spread to other instal
lations in the district but firemen
played water on the adjacent Twin
Oaks lumber yard and otner build
ings, putting out embers as rap
idly as they fell.
The News-Review classified ads
bring best results. Ph-ne 100.
Clothier and Tailor
124 W. Can Roieburg
1947 Taylor five gallon auto
matic direct expansion Freon
Ice Cream Freezer, mounted on
a sixty gallon hardening cab
inet. Powered by a 2 H. P.
Copeland water-cooled com
pressor. Unit in perfect condi
tion, ready to run, complete
with 100 ft. of lead covered
cable, one automatic multi
breaker and two automatic
overload cutouts. Can be used
to make and dispense soft ice
cream, and also to manufacture
and store regular hard Ice
cream. Market price $2800.00.
Quick sale only $1850.00. Write
or phone A. E. Dunklee, 625
North 6th Street, Grants Pass,
Clarkson Infant Dies;
Funeral Rites Saturday
Graveside funeral services for
Aaron Lee Clarkson, infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Clark
son of Myrtle Creek, will be held
at the I. O. O. F. Cemetery at
Myrtle Creek Saturday at 10:30
a. m. The child was born May 13
and died May 25 at Mercy Hos
pital. Surviving besides the par
ents are a sister, Mamie Ann
Clarkson of Estacada; paternal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. O.
gene Clarkson, and malernal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. En-
Johnson, all ol Myrlle Creek.
Long and Orr Mortuary is in
Friday Folly
Between the hours 6 and 9 P. M, Friday Nite
Reg. 6.95
A sturdily constructed all-metal stool with a back that is
so restful to you while working in your kitchen. Gayly
decorated in red and white heavy coat enamel. Buy one
for your kitchen tonight.
All types of fish, crabs and oysters in
Open daily from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m.
and weekends from 1 0 a. m. until
9 p. m.
(At Junction of Hwy. 99
and Coos Bay Hwy.)
! Best !
i dm 1
! In!
Is IWfl
i B
1 W7"77? J
Come In JtLJL ZS
That's what yeu get when
you buy your used car
or truck from us. We
simply won't be beat
en value, quality, serv
Ice. Loads of models to
choose from a good car
or truck for every pocket
book. Just take a look
at these samples
1940 BUICK
1947 FORD $11 1C
Station Wagon IttS
I 1941 FORD lH-ton chas-
cab!."!1 $345
1939 FORD
Today, Drive a Bargain Away
Rose & Oak
Phone 80
Come out and look for oth
er bargains good these
same hours.
Kluver Radio Service open 'til 9
for your convenience
Store No. 2 Next To
Phone 1371 R
Mercury Motors in 3 'a, 5, 10 H. P.
(Tin 3','t and Super I havi Full Reverse)
gGfjfJ fiS. KlEKMAtfl
iL. M
HtRl'S your trurty
hunting and
hlng pal!
Super 5, Super 10
Get to your favorite fish
ing and hunting spots
quickly, easily and safe
ly! Mercury delivers ef
ficient, consistent per
formance at ANY SPEED
because vital moving en
gine parts ride on ball
and roller bearings . . .
gives you more fun, no
fuss on thp day you pick
lor pleasure.
See Them Now At
A Home-Owned and Operated Store
202 N. Jackson Phone 73
May 21st to June 1st, Inc.
Pure Prepared
Regular Price Per Gallon $6.25
NOW! GALS. 4.89; 5'S 4.79
Also Fuller Enamels, Varnishes, Under Coats at Discount
3, 4 and 5 gallon pails
$4.25 Gal.
402 W. OAK