Comp. m m IU1 mm Thousands In High Buildings Watch Combat Tht Weather Fair ant warmer today and Thursday. Sunset today 7:40 p. m. Sunrise tomorrow 4:39 a. m. U. Of 0. Library Eugene, Oregon REDS. mJM imhhmwiiiii i. im lit, mmmmvmmi swai I VHP DOES WHAT . W 3 a. 1 f a J , . few m' I IP V - ' J. ROLAND PARKER Is Douglas County Agricultural Agent. At the time the picture appearing above was taken he was leaning against a machine which picks hay from the swath or windrow, chops, elevates and blows the cuttings into an accom panying trailer for delivery to a with others ot similar type, had just completed a demonstration of its abilities at the Busenbark farm on the Melrose Road Mon day morning at field trial arranged by Mr. Parker. When he saw me appearing on the scene I'll bet Roland wouldn't have given a plugged day; the reason therefore being that, during a sequence of years, many years ago he had arranged a number of irrigation tours and on each and every occasion I accompanied the tour the heavens opened and the rain poured until no more artificial irri gation, such as he was demonstrating, was needed for weeks. What I ought to have demanded . Or for staying away, whichever Much Of Truman Program Slated For Sidetrack At Present Session WASHINGTON, May 24. UP) Congress seemed ready today to shelve until 1950 most of the political hot potatoes of President Truman's program. Marked for delay until next year when most of the members will be beating the bushes for re-election are measures involving civil rights, farm subsidies, health insurance, tax increases and social security expansion. In the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS JAMES FORREST AL (he was Jim to all who knew him even reasonably well) leaps to his death from the 16th floor of a naval hospital. Why? No one will ever KNOW. He served his country during nine of the most nerve-wracking years of its history. He broke eventually under the strain of responsibility. Making decisions that affect the welfare of 140 million people is a GRINDING load. Perhaps he preferred death to a life in which he might not be wholly his own clear-headed self. Such things can be. FORRESTAL, after making a fortune by his own efforts, gave nine years of his life to the service of his country. It is good to know that men of his kind do things like that. The cynics (and (Continued on Page Four) VIGOR AT 103 MULL, Eng., May 25. (.) Mrs. Mary Hannah Walker, In a hospital, sang a song, smoked a cigaret, drank a bottle of stout ard wouldn't get back into bed when the party was over. It was her birthday. She was "103. Demonstration By Red Cross Team To Highlight Swim Pool Dedication An aquatic demonstration by a Red Cross swimming team from Medford will provide the highlight of Friday's dedication of Rose burg's new swimming pool. Mrs. Betty Smith, water safety chairman of the Douglas County Chapter, American Red Cross, said the aquatic team will demon strate life saving techniques as well as diving and swimming strokes. The team, graduates of a Red Cross aquatic school, will show how a rescue is made from the water and how to revive a drown ing person by means of artificial resuscitation. Also on the program will be a swimming and diving demonstra tion by a group of students of Rose SchooC Mrs. Smith said. The demonstrations will close the dedication program, which silo. This machine, in company nickel for prospects of a sunny was a subsidy for going along way you look at it. Congress may be voting on some of these while primary cam paigns are under way. It probably will have written its record one way or the other on all of them by the time the voters decide in November of next year whether to keep the Democrats in power or give the Republicans control of one or both Houses. Senator Lucas of Illinois, the Democratic leader, indicated to re porters that the administration will consider it a job well done if Senate action can be finished by July 31 on three major items: House-approved reciprocal trade legislation, a substitute for the Taft-Hartley Labor Law and the North Atlantic Treaty. House leaders are trying to round this program out with ap proval of long range housing and aid to education bills already ap proved by the Senate, as well as Taft-Hartley repealer. Lucas left room for Senate ac tion on some other important is sues, including an increase in the minimum wage level, the Interna tional wheat agreement and a pro posed $1,450,000,000 foreign arms proposal. But he made It clear that he won't be disappointed personally if the Democrats have something fresh to talk to the voters about next year. "We had a program that couldn't possibly be enacted by any Congress in seven months," he said. "We have to leave a few good things until next year." Chairman Lesinski (D-Mich) said the House Labor Committee will have another repealer ready for floor action In two or three weeks. begins at 7 p. m. Friday. Arrangements for the dedica tion have been made by Alio Jacklin, chairman of a commit tee of Rosehurg service clubs. Speakers will be Mayor Albert G. Flegel, City Manager M. W Slankard. Percy Croft, chairman ot the Park Commission, and Hal Ayotte, exalted ruler of the Elks Lodge. Roseburg's new swimming pool is located directly south of Roe School, between S. Jackson and Hamilton Sts. (Set story, page 1, second sec tion, today.) Established 1873 Victor Gunman Fires Into Home Of CIO Official Attack Like That On His Brother, Walter; Victim May Lose His Right Eye DETROIT, May 25 UP) A stealthy gunman, firing through a window, snot and wounded victor Reuther of the CIO United Auto Workers union at his home last night. Badlv hurt, the 37-year-old unionist faces the possible loss of nis ngnt eye, pierced Dy a snotgun pellet. Dr. C. R. Lam, surgeon attend ing Reuther, said that his condi tion was "eood." There were in juries of the face and neck as well as the eye from six pellets. Several blood transfusions had been made. Thus, lor a second time within 13 months, police today sought a man. or men, apparently bent on murder In the UAW-CIO's Reuther family. The union's president, Walter Reuther, escaped death at the hands of a mysterious assailant the night of April 20 last year. That attack remains unsolved desDlte one of the most painstak- ing investigations In Detroit's po nce records. Walter called his brother's shooting "another dastardly and un-American trick." Like his brother, Victor holds hieh office in the UAW. He is the 1,000,000-member union's educa tional director. Assaults Art Similar The assault on Victor was strangely similar to that on Wal ter.- . In each, the gunman crept to a window and fired a shotgun blast (Continued on Pago Two) Myrtle Creek Woman Bitten By Rattlesnake Mrs. Portia Schiltz, wife of Hal W. Schiltz, editor of the Myrtle Creek Mall is in Myrtle Creek hospital suffering from a rattlesnake bite. She was bit ten on the ankle Sunday while fishing with her husband on Jackson creek, a tributary of the South Umpqua river. Mr. and Mrs. Schiltz had driven up the new Jackson creek road, hiked In about four miles and were fishing on a gravel bar. Mr. Schiltz heard his wife scream and while going to her assistance narrowly missed an other snake. He gave first aid and they were then compelled to hike out to their car. Snake bite scrum was flown to Myrtle Creek from Portland. Her condition was reported to day to be improving and re covery is expected. Paternity Suit Faced By Family Physician BUTLER. Pa.. Ms y 25. (P) Clair W. Hutzler fi'ed suit for $50,000 damages charging his family phvsician fathered a child by Mrs. Hutzler and then sent him a Dill lor delivery care. The action, known under Penn sylvania law as a criminal con versation suit, names as de fendant Dr. Paul A. Hinchberger. The Dhvsician, the suit charges, attended Mrs. Hutzler during the child's birth and later sent Hutz ler a bill for $122.50. Hutzler also claims he had to pay an $84 hospital bill. Dr. Hincnnerger, wno is mar ried, was not available for im mediate comment. Accident Near Axalea Fatal To Log Bucker Julius Lee Harold, 30, employed as a bucker by the Mountain Side Logging Co. at Azalea, was Killed in a woods accident Tuesday aft ernoon, County Coroner H. C. Stearns reported today. Details of the death were not available. The body was removed to Stearns Mortuary at Glendale, where funeral arrangements will be announced later. Stearns said Harold recently came to Azalea Irom bweet Home, where his widow and three children reside. ACCUSED POSTS BAIL Melvln Carl Quinett, charged with drunk driving, has been released from the eountv jail upon posting of $150 ball, re ported Shenir u. i . "uua carter. Arraigned before Justice of Peace Nina Pietzold at Canyonvllle, Qulntett pleaded Innocent, and was committed to au tempo rarily pending posting of hall. ROSE BURG, Reuther Shotgun Victim Harry Bridges Indictment Set, Union Charges SAN FRANCISCO, May 25. UP) The CIO Longshore Union charged today "the administra tion has ordered" the indictment of Harry- Bridges, the union president. U. S. Attorney Frank Hennes sey said a tederai grand jury to day would consider an "important indictment." He declined further comment except to say, "I have strict or ders from Washington not to say anything about this." The statement issued by the In ternational Longshoremen s and Warehousemen's Union Head quarters did not say on what grounds Indictment of Bridges had been "ordered." One of the key figures in the 1939 Bridges deportation hearing arrived here from Washington. He is J.ohn P. Boyd, special as sistant to Attorney General Tom Clark. He declined comment on his mission. Bridges, an Australian, was termed an "energetic radical" but not a Commmunist in finding sub mitted to the then Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins after the 1939 hearing. He became a U. S. citizen in 1945. Ultimate Degrees For Grade Teachers Urged PORTLAND, May 2S.-VP) Grade school teachers should be required to have bachelor's, de grees after 1955. That is the rec ommendation of the Oregon Edu cation Association Commission on nrofessional standards. Walter E. Snyder, Salem, a State Department of Education assistant supervisor, is chairman of the newly formed Oregon Com mission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards, a branch of the Association. He noted there are too many trainees planning teaching ca reers in nigh schools compared with the number preparing for grade school work. Island Sinking Perils Navy's $180 Million Yard LOS ANGELES, May 25. (P) Unless Terminal Island stops sinking, the Navy may have to close its $180,000,000 shipyard there. The announcement was made yesterday bv Rear Adm. Grover C. Klein. During an Inspection of the fa cility, engineers told him parts of the island have dropped four leet and tnat the portion on which the yard is located is subsiding at least three inches a year. Some naval engineers blame nearby oil pumping for the sink ing, tne laciuty employes 7,500 persons. Educator Dies In Drop Of 14 Stories At Clinic ROCHESTER. Minn.. Mav 25 UP) A man identified as Samuel Lyle Mayne, 29, a professor at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, died Tuesday in a plunge from the 14th floor of the Mayo Clinic. Dr. T. O. Wellner, Olmsted County Coroner, said the death apparently was a suicide although no note was found Immediately. i Equipment Co. f- - r GETTING READY TO PAVE liminary step to street paving. N. Jackson St. to the eat city OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY Coalition In House Readies Economy Axe Military Pay Raise Bill Halted; Housing, Foreign Aid Plans Imperilled By WILLIAM F. ARBOGAST WASHINGTON, May 25. UP) The administration's housing and foreign aid programs were im perilled today by a House econ omy drive which yesterday help ed bowl over a military pay raise bill. The storm signals were up for all pending measures involving Dig money. Impressed by the 227-tol63 vote that sent the $400,000,000-a-year military pay bill back to committee to the accompaniment of demands for economy, admin istration leaders came up with a compromise in the hope they may save their foreign aid bill. The aid measure, financing the European recovery work on the Economic Cooperation Adminis tration, faces its big test In the House tomorrow. It already has been chopped up by the Appropriations Com mittee, which whacked $629,730, 000 from the $4,198,200,000 Presi- (Continued on Page Two) Training School Escapees Nabbed As Car Thieves Two alleged ear" thieves,' both escapees from the state training scnool at Woodburn, were taKen into custody here about 8 a. m. today, foilowing a chase at high speed, reported State Police Sgt. Lyle Harrell. Officer Marvin Fredericks ar rested the pair, both 16-ycar-olds, after pursuing them from Rose- ourg soutn to uinard. rney fi nally stopped after the officer fired Into the air. The runaways were In posses sion of a 1948 Poiitiac," reported ly stolen at Gervais, and they are alleged to have committed a burglary in Marion County, said Sgt. Harrell. Police were on the lookout for the two, alter they had evaded a similar chase by officers from Eugene at a reported 90 miles per hour speed. Aged Woman Victim Of Kicking Assault PORTLAND, May 25 UP) A vicious kicking assault by a young man on an 80-year-old woman was under police investi gation today. Detectives said there appeared to be no obvious motive for the at tack on Marie A. Soule, a piano music instructor at her home apartment. The woman, In a hospital today, said she found the stranger in her hallway, and, mistaking him for a prospective student, invited the youth to her living room. There he knocked her down and kicked her about the face and body. She lost several teeth, had lace bruises and a jaw Injury. '' if? ' ft t , v t .. r" V Traffic her movas slowlv ovtr E. As part of the North Umpqua Highway, E. 2nd Ave. S. will be paved with asphalt! concrete from limits. Work is expected to gat 25, 1949 tew 'fX ym TORNADO AFTERMATH Mr. Burn, Ind., and their children, Kenneth, 4, and Bonnie Bell, 2, sit at spot whera their homt stood before it was hit by a tornado which thundered through four Mid-western states. Forty-six per sons were killed, nearly 400 injured, and property damage ran at least to $5,000,000. INcA Memories! Day Observance Set At Veterans Hospital Annual Memorial. .Day gbservmice .will be hcldiby Bosoburg' veterans organizations and palriotlc societies Monday at the Rose. burg Veterans Hospital. ' The Rev. Hugh N. McCallum, pastor of the First Christian Church of Eugene and chaplain and American Legion posts here, a service at 9:30 a. m. Last Of Dry Era Gang Shot Down FAIRFIELD, 111., May 25. UP) Ambush guns have taken a third, this lime probably unsuccessful, crack at the Shelton gang of pro hibition days. The latest victim Is big Earl Shelton, who succeeded to the chieftainship when his two older brothers were cut down from ambushes. Big Earl was taken to an Evansvllle, Ind., hospital last night with a bullet in his back. He was shot shortly before mid night while in a night club. Dr. Donald B. Frankel said he felt certain Shelton would live. Two older brothers, Carl and Bernie, both were shot from am bush. Carl, considered to have been the brains of the gang, notorious In the twenties, was killed on a road near his farm In October, 1947. Bernie, the strong man of the outfit, died as he was leaving a madhouse near Peoria on July 2(i, 19-18. Their killers have not been cap tured. IliVMII rWi r in ydmi ft j ' 1 3 A' tK ' m y m -i 2nd Ave. S. as workman spread underway this summer. (Picture 123-49 and Mrs. Stanley Brooks of She lelephotol of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will give the address of the day In 1 Mayor Albert G. Flegel will preside at the service, to be held in the recreation building t the Hospital, other speakers win Be Dr. Kenneth W. Kinney, chief of professional services at the Hos pital, and Robert W. Helliwell, who will read General John A. Logan's orders setting the date of May 30 as Memorial Day, and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. The Rev. A. S. Feller, chap lain of the Roseburg Veterans Hojpltal, and the Rev. Levi White, chaplain of the Disabled American Veterans In Roseburg, will also take part In the service. A vocal solo, "Sleep, Soldier Boy," an official song of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be sung by Maurice Hart. Following this service, a me morial service for soldiers, sail ors, and marines lost at sea will be hold at the Veterans Bridge, by members of the Gold Star Mothers and Auxiliary of the Patrick W. Kelly Post No. 2408, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Services at the grave of the unknown soldier in the Veterans Cemetery will he under auspices of Umpqua Post No. 16. Ameri can Legion, and Its Auxiliary. There will be participation in Ihese services by the Roseburg Municipal Hand and Co. D, 18(ith (Continued on Page Two) 4 'r "f 4 f i f ,- it V qraval from truck, In a pre by Paul J ankins.) V : ' " ' " - - t ri - ..3 k Nationalists Blow Up Materiel In Retreat To Woosung Escape Route By RED HAMPSON SHANGHAI. Mav 25 JP) Communists marched into Shane- iihi luuay, ana a roaring Dattie far worse than the siege devel oped. Retreating Nationalists, trying to fight their way back to Woo sung and escape, were blowing up everytning tney could. At 9 p. m. the whole horizon to the north seemed to explode. Apparently the government soldiers, pulling back before the advancing Communists, blew up the fuel dumps, bombs and am munition installations at Kiang wan Airfield. All the while cannonading shook the city as the Reds smashed with everything avail- able at Woosung fortress. The Communists were determined to make the Nationalist escape cor--ridor a bloody avenue if they can not close it. The Reds, overrunning the world's rnott Donulous country. gave Communism Its largest city by occupying almost all of Shanghai. . . stubborn Nationalist rear guards held fast at bridges across Soochow Creek. Red mortars smashed up the main city post office near the Szechuan Road bridge. Towering Broadway Mansion, an apartment building where several Americans and British are trapped behind the Nation-' allst lines, was shaken up. Even in the old international settlement in the downtown area small arms fire crackled as the Reds hunted down small groups of Nationalists still holed up in buildings. Obviously the Nationalist rear, guard was buying time in last-, stand fights. They want the bulk of their comrades to deploy on me outer eages oi tne city lor another fight or reach ships wait ing in tne xangtze to take them south. Battle at Bridges The Reds came Into the city from the west. They came down broad Avenue Foche and Edward VII Avenue on the double. It waa (Continued on Page Two) $25,000 Contract Given To Paint County Bridges Contract for painting all of Douglas County's steel bridges, except Oak Street bridge, was let on a single bid to Antonsen Painting Company, Tacoma, Wash., for $25,000, the County Court members reported Tues day afternoon. - v Other bids were submitted on an overall basis for the 12 bridges maintained by the county as fol lows: Larsen Brothers, Tacoma, $31,238; Industrial Painters, Ta coma, $28,700, and Paul E. Ander son, Portland, $43,401. Douglas Paint and Hardware Company, Roseburg, submitted a bid on three bridges only at a total price of $7340. The 12 steel bridges are Brown, located six miles northwest of Roseburg on Garden Valley Road: Bacon, one-half mile east of Umpqua; Umpqua at Umpqua; Beckley at Elkton; Glendale at Glendale; Round Prairie, three and one-half miles south of Dil lard! Pruner, one and one half mile north of Riddle; Riddle at Riddle: Gazley. one mile north of Canyonvllle; Olalla at Olalla,; Dlllard at Dlliaro, and miiioctt, U miles northwest at Sutherlin. Oak Street bridge, Roseburg, re cently painted, was excluded. Members oi tne court reported that they were successful in ob taining $100,000 as an advance, from the state for repairing road damages caused by the freezing weather last year. This money, a loan to the counties, will be de ducted from the counties' share of future gasoline tax revenues. The County Court members ap peared before the State Hignway Commission last week to present their request. Presbyterian Groups Te Vote On Merger Plan BUCK HILL FALLS, Pa., May 25 UP) Unification of the United Presbyterian and the Re formed Church in America will he placed before the Presbyteries of the two groups. Meeting together yesterday ac the close of their annual conven tions, the two groups approved union into one body of some 425.000 members. Delegates to the United Presby terian Assembly approved 241-9. The Reformed group favored union 147 to 6. Three-fourths favorable vote of the Presbyteries, of which United has 51 and the Reformed 47, Is necessary for final approval. The Presbyteries are expected to start voting earlv next year. Lvlty Fact Rant By L. F. Reisenatein Tht 4-powtr council of mill liters in Paris seems te have de veloped on agreement on now fthlngs m which to disagree.