The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 24, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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Eugene, Oregon
Community Hospital Project
Status Told By
Site Committee s Chairman
Completion Of Plans Awaiting
Advice On Amount Of Funds To Be
Available, C. Of C. Forum Learns
Architect's plans for the new Douglas Community Hospital
may be in the hands of the local committee by July 4. After that,
when bids will have been advertised for and construction started,
completion of the Hospital may be expected in seven te eight
These are the estimates of Kenneth W. Ford, chairman of
the site committee of the Douglas Community Hospital, who
spoke to the Roseburg Chamber of Commerce Monday at the
forum luncheon meeting. Ford was introduced by Dr. Roy E.
Hanford, president of the Hospital Association.
Ford said ne wished to bring
people "up to date" on the Hos
pital's activities since close of the
Hospital arive last summer, sev
eral committees were appointed
to carry on the organization's
work. Among them was the site
committee, headed by Ford.
Ford said his committee was
concerned about locating the pro
posed new Hospital at a site
where it could "sell service" to
the community. The site which
f seemed to satisfy all requirements
' was "the Bellows property," lo
cpted on Harvard Ave., abutting
the west city limits.
Advantages Pointed Out
i Advantages of this location are
'its proximity to necessary utili
tieswater, electricity, sewerage,
gas, paved streets and the fact
that the ground will not have to be
leveld. The location is convenient
to the city and is 'regarded as a
"good business site."
"Although we paid a good price
for the property," said Ford, "it
is better than many sites we
might have gotten free." He
pointed out that the high cost of
the Hospital demanded invest
ment in a location which would
bring business to the institution.
Next consideration was the se
lection of a qualified architect
and the studv of hospitals else
where, that fill the same basic
needs of the proposed Roseburg
Institution. Ford's committee, com
posed of Henrv N. Jaconson,
Buckley Bell, Dr. J. M. Boyles
and Frank Ashley, went to Cali
fornia to study new hospitals
Tentative Plans Drawn
As planned, the Douglas Com
munity Hospital will be a one
story structure, for economy of
operation and expense of con
struction. Fourteen basic floor
plans were drawn by the archi
tect lo specifications of the State
Board of Health and federal au
thorities. Completion of plans was
at "a standstill," however, until
the organization knew "how much
monev it had to spend."
Ford referred to the federal
grant-in-aid, to be allocated the
Community Hospital on recom
' mendation of the State Board of
Helath, following a hearing at
Portland recently.
As plans now stand, the new
hospital will have an H-forma-
(Continued on Page Two)
In the Days News
IN White Plains, N. Y., a house
wife (a Mrs. Mary Alves) was
called for jury duty. For serving
on the jury she got $3 a day. It
cost her $5 a day to hire a baby
sitter for her three children.'
She stood it for a week and
then appealed to the State Su
preme Court, which after hearing
her case released her from
further service.
IT seems fair pnough.
Jury duly Is PUBLIC duty. The
purpose of juries is to settle dis
agreements. If we can't settle dis
agreements peacefully, modern
society will break down, and we
will go back to old law of the
strong right PRIVATE ARM.
Under the system of government
by law (in which the facts are
determined by juries) the strong
""right arm is the PUBLIC ARM.
( Nothing can be more Important
than honest, sincere, capable jury
(Continued on Page Four)
Roseburg Jaycees Will
Sponsor Aquatic Events
At New Pool On July 10
Southern Oregon Invitational will be the name of Roseburg's
first AAU swimming meet. Under sponsorship of the Roseburg
Junior Chamber of Commerce the meet will be held July 10 at the
Roseburg Municipal Pool, reported General Chairman Tom Gilkey
at the Jaycee dinner meeting Monday night In the Hotel Umpqua.
"Vp to four stale championship I
events" will be featured Gilkey sor the foilowing: the current
announced. The Cody Kids of Opportunity" bond sales cam
Portland have been contracted, pajgn; a cowbov dance the week
and indications are this will beipnd of ,ne sheriff's Posse Rodeo,
the onlv AAU meet in the state , prohablv to be held at Kennedy's
on that date. The Jaycees voted a 50tDan team to compete in the
to join the AAU, in order that , veterans Hospital League, which
it could officially sponsor wim-wm include a patients' all-star
mlng events and have meet reCtPam emp0yes of the Hospital
ords recognized. and Roseburg Elks; placing of
Admission, according to Gilkey, markers ,0 di,Pct airplanes to
has been set at 50 cents for chil- ;,he ocaj ajrport, and an adult
dren. $100 for adults and Sl-sO : driving instruction class this
"inside the gales." i summer, at the secretary of stale's
Committee cnairmen inciuae
Duane Baker, advertising and
publicity; Walt Brittell. seating;
Wayne Crooch, tickets; Jack
Newbrv. pool equipment; George
Mcintosh, registration and meet
officer: Bill Tipton, housing: Irv
fugh. aquacade, and Lowell Rho
den, cleanup.
Other Activities Listed
The Javeees elected to spon-
Kenneth Ford,
Court Decision
Puts Jake Bird
Nearer Gallows
One more of Jake Bird's num
bered days and another of his
dwindling hopes were lost to him
With outward calm, the con
victed ax slayer yesterday heard
Judge Sam M. Driver deny his
petition for a stay of execution.
Bird is sentenced to hang Fri
day. It was the second card to drop
in the space of a week from
the burly Negro's once seem
ingly limitless deck. Only a week
ago, the U. S. Supreme Court
refused for the second time to
review Bird's trial for the slay
ing of Mrs. Bertha Kludt Oct.
31, 1947.
Since his arrest, the shrewd
transient has fought a bewilder
ing series of delaying actions
through every court which would
grant him a hearing, and suc
ceeded in gaining two stays of
execution. Seemingly, he has one
chance left.
Although Judge Driver denied
a certificate of probate cause so
Bird could carry his case to
the U. S. Court of Appeals in
San Francisco, he told the Negro
that he could send a petition
direct to the appeal court.
That, Bird promptly declared,
he would do. The necessary rec
ords are to be delivered to him
In his customary courtroom
manner, Bird parade) forward
and back before the judge's
bench yesterday, arguing he was
denied due process of law in con
nection with his murder trial at
Tacoma. Judge Driver was moved
to comment on the "intelligence"
of the man before him, but not
to stay his walk to the .gal
lows. Soon after he was brought to
the state prison, signed confes
sions were obtained from Bird
that he took part in or had knewl
edge of at least 43 murders, most
of them In the midwest.
Two Drivers Cited After
Collision Of Their Cars
Drivers of two automobiles
were cited to appear in court,
following an accident which
heavily damaged their cars at
9:10 p.m. Monday, three miles
north of Roseburg.
State Police reported that a car
driven by James Ernest Makin
son, Melrose Route, and James
Riley Smith, Roseburg, collided,
as Smith was pulling onto the
highway in front of Makinson.
Makinson was cited for having
no operator's license, and Smith
was cited for failure to yield the
right of way, according to the
officer's report.
Aside from minor cuts and
bruises, neither man was injured.
Perjury Charge Against
General Meyers Dropped
The government has dropped
its perjury charges against
former Maj. Gen. Bennett E.
The wartime air force purchas
ing officer, now serving 15
months to five years for inducing
another man to commit perjury,
still faces an additional charge of
income tax evasion. He will be
eligible for parole from prison
Sept. 15.
,,,qUest that Jaycee organizations
throughout the state perform this
civic service.
Portland Junior Chamber's sug
gestion that the Roseburg Jay
cees sponsor a local move to
promote daylight saving time
was rejected.
A party for Jaycees, their
(Continued on Page Two)
4 -Power Germany Control Rejected
The Weather
Cloudy te partly cloudy with
Intermittent light rain today;
Wednesday fair with morning
Sunset today 7:3 p. m.
Sunrise tomorrow 4:40 a. m.
Established 1873
Test Exposes
Loophole In
Atom Shield
Uranium Bars Filched
From Hanford Plant
Long Escape Detection
The Atomic Energy Commis
sion's own security officers filch
ed two bars of uranium from
the Hanford, Wash, atomic plant
and kept them for months with
out detection.
This story of a test of security
loopholes was given today to a
Senate Appropriations Subcom
mittee. The Senators also were
told that an AEC decision last
fall in favor of shipping isotopes
radioactive matter to coun
tries around the perimitcr of
Russia was taken over the ob
jections of one member.
I he commissioner who objected
because he was "apprehensive"
on security grounds was Lewis
AEC Chairman David Lilicn-
thal said the other four com
missioners voted to permit the
exports after scientists said
unanimously that they could not
be used in attempts to develop
tne atom bomb.
Lilienthal appealed to the Com
mittee not to let the question of
foreign shipment of isotopes get
to the point of 'engendering pub
lic fear."
He suggested that Dr. James
B. Conant, president of Harvard
University, and other scientists
on an AEC advisory committee
be called to testily.
Lilienthal said that the Ad
visory Committee was unanimous
In its approval of sending the
isotopes abroad."
Lilienthal said the answer to
the question of whelher any fis
sionable material from which
bombs are made has been ship
ped abroad is "a flat no."
carrot L. wnson, commission
general manager, related the
(Continued on Page Two) :
Historic Chimes Tower At
U. of Washington Burns
SEATTLE, May 24.-(P) The
University of Washington's his
toric chimes tower burned to a
blackened shell shortly after 7
a.m. today.
As liremen finally controlled
the flames that leaped upward
as though from a giant torch,
the bells thatfor many college
generations summoned students
to 8 o'clock classes still hung,
black and naked, atop the burned
Cause of the fire was un
Flames spread to the roof of
the Sigma Chi fraternity house
across the street from the cam
pus. Damage to the roof was
not' extensive.
Czech Catholics Get
Excommunication Threat
PRAGUE, May 24iJP) Arch
bishop Josef Beran threatened'
today to excommunicate all Cath
olics collaborating with Czecho
slovakia s Communist govern
ment against the church.
The archibishop charged that
an attempt was being made to
set up "a now Catholic Church
without its current bishops and
its principal head in Rome."
The statement was the sharp
est the archibishop has made in
a personal letter to Alois Petr.
minister of transport and head
of the Communist-approved Cath
olic Peoples Party.
It accused Petr of "sins" and
of distorting Information in the
press about Catholic activities.
Ex-Bank Manager Admits
$883,660 Embezzlement
Richard H. Crowe, former $6,500-a-year
assistant manager of a
National City Bank Branch,
pleaded guilty today to embez
zling $883,660 of the bank's funds.
The money was taken March
25. Crowe was arrested In Flor
ida several days later.
All hut $6,171.70 of the funds
were found In the banker's pos
session or hidden in various
Employee At Air Base
Gets $7,000 For Injury
E. La Ree Smoot of Kennewick
will receive $7,000 for injuries
suffered in an explosion ot a
flame thrower Nov. 13. 1943, at
The Madres. Ore., Army Air
Base. The Senate authorized pay
ment today and sent the bill to
the President.
Miss Smoot was a civilian em
ployee at the Air Base during
the war.
Cleveland School Board
Demands Non-Red Oaths
A unanimous ruling by the Cleve
land Board of Lducalion will re
quire all new, non-hourly em
ployes, Including teachers, to take
non-Communist oaths.
About 5,000 persona will be
in 3mx... .. ... . ree:.. , r -, -
E. Hayei, 60, a Twin Falls, Ida.,
grandmother and former
teacher, is the new president
of the National Congress of
Parents and Teachers, composed
of 5,744,000 members. Elected
at the organization's annual
convention in St. Louis, . Mo.,
Mrs. Hayes started working
with the PTA 40 years ago.
Dr. Kent Berry,
Pardoned, To Wed
Wife 3rd Time
For the third time, Dr. Kent W.
Berry will marry Mrs. Florence
Berry, 54, of Olympia.
The 61-year-old physician was
paroled six months ago after serv
ing more than 10 years in the
state penitentiary for a kidnap
assault case.
Dr. Berry and two others
were convicted in 1938 of kid
naping and mutilating Irving
Baker, a former Coast Guard
officer, for asserted attentions
to Mrs. Elizabeth Kevin Berry,
the doctor's wife at the time..
Ulizabeth Kvvin Berry, who
figured in the kidnaping con
troversy, obtained a divorce
while the doctor. was in prison.
The earlier marriages of the
doctor and Mrs. Florence Berry,
covering a period of 18 years,
both ended in divorce. Her ef
forts in his behalf are regard
ed as an important factor in
gaining the physician's release.
Dr. Berry is now a staff physi
cian at the Northern State Hos
pital in Sedro-Woolley a posi
tion offered because of his ex
cellent record while a prison
The marriage license was is
sued here yesterday, but Dr. Ber
ry said no wedding date has
been set. -
Lumber Worker Near
Sutherlin Fatally Hurt
Michael Thomas Leahy, 44, died
from iniuries sustained in an ac
cident Monday, May 23. at the
Rock Island Lumber Camp lo-
caiea east oi nuinerun. ne was
born Jan. 9, 1905, in Ireland and
had been a resident of Sutherlin
for the last three years.
Surviving is a brother, Jerry
Leahy, of New York City.'
Funeral services will be an
nounced by the Roseburg Fu
neral Home later.
May 24 T" A hundred en
listed men at Vnrdintborg bar
racks, southern Sjailland, have
gone on a hunger strike. Their
complaint: They don't get enough
, r w" t ' i if ' ti"f V rtvTT'rwr "V W "fF CO-TP" i. i i SJJ)l "
good-will flight of 60 light plenei from Portland, Ore., te Portland, Me., this week. Paul Hult
V i i ... .... 4k. of Hult'i nlma before thev took off with their
sponsored by the Portiene' Chamber of Cemmeree. Hult and Winston were initiate, ei members ef the Pad lunyans and toek
along souvenir axes te distribute across the country. Winsten brandishes one ef the Bunyans' exes. (Picture hy Phete Lab.l "
Jaycees Will
Sponsor Bond
Sales Drive
Savings' Value In Needy
Periods Told By County
Chairman H. O. Pargeter
The Roseburg Junior Chamber
of Commerce Monday night voted
to accept the responsibility of
sponsoring the current "Oppor
tunity" bond sales campaign in
Acceptance was made at the
request of Douglas County Chair
man H. O. Pargeter, who spoke
briefly at the Jaycec meeting
Monday night and outlined the
current campaign, which extends
through June 15. -
Charles Hart was named gen
eral chairman, and a committee
will be selected to assist him in
contacting the large-payroll In
dustries. - The importance of purchasing
bonds to "cushion" unforeseen
economic setbacks, as may be en
countered through sudden unem
ployment, was told by Pargeter,
chairman since 1940.
Pargeter explained how sav
ings bonds became a windfall to
persons suddenly thrown out of
work when mills closed last win
ter in Douglas County. He said
515,000,000 have been put into sav
ings bonds since 1940, and that
there still remains S6 million dol
lars in the hands of bond buyers
in the county.
County Income Up
Meanwhile, county Income, he
said, has rapidly increased from
Sl,605,000 in 1936, to $4,200,000 in
1941, the first war year; $27,230.
000 in 1947, and more than $28,
000,000 for the first three quar-
(Continued on Page Two)
Pug, Wife Facing
Assault Charge
A charge of "assault with a
dtrigi-rous weapon" was ' filed
against George William Cordon
and his wife, Rulh, when ar
raigned in Justice Court Mon
day atternoon, reported Justice
of Peace" A. J. Geddes. They asked
for a preliminary hearing at a
date to be set.
The two were arrested Sun
day afternoon by city police,
after an alleged altercation in
the Vets Lounge.
The complaint was filed by
Manager C. O. Bolisle and bar
tender Frank Addison, who, ac
cording to police, were set upon
by Gordon, a professional fight
er, and his wife, after the bar had
been closed to them.
When Officer Ted Mazac ar
rived in answer to a call, he was
forced to engage Gordon in com
bat, before Sgt. William Burke
and Officer William Deal came
to his assistance.
Chief of Police Calvin Balrd
said no charges were brought
; by the officers.
Roseburg Lumber Co
Worker Badly Injured
Jnmes Rutherford, 811 Win
chester St., was reported resting
easily at Mercy Hospital, follow
ing an. accident in which a log
rolled against him while he was
working at Roseburg Lumber
Company Monday.
Rutherford reportedly was em
ployed on the "cold dock" at the
company's Roseburg plant, when
the log got out of control while
being unloaded.
One leg was badly crushed, and
he sustained a possible lung pune
ture, but his condition was re
ported as satisfactory.
of "Timber-r-r-rl" will be heerj
24, 1949
Dedication Of Roseburg's
New Municipal Swimming
Pool Will Take Place Friday
Today, a year from the time ground was broken for Roseburg's
new swimming pool, plans are being made for the pool's dedication.
Arlo Jacklin, chairman of a committee representing Roseburg
service clubs, announced the dedication program will begin at 7 p.
m. Friday, with a flag raising at the pool.
Rubber Workers'
Union Suspends
Its President
L. S. Buckmaster was suspend
ed indefinitely today as president
of the CIO's 180,000-mebcr United
Rubber Workers Union.
Action to remove him from of
fice was taken by the 13 other
members of the Union's general
executive board during a month
long trial here.
He was cited for live counts oi
malfeasance In office.
The URW president, who was
reelected by a margin of only
two voles last fall, was tried on
these charges:
1. That he conspired with "cer
tain individuals" to deprive local
union officers of their rights.
2. That he issued public state
ments falsely attacking the char
acter of local officers.
3. That he was resnonsible for
a riot that broke up a meeting of
Local 336, Pottstown, Pa., last
4. That his conduct was part of
a general plan to deprive the
Pottstown local of its "rights and
democratic privileges."
a. That tnese actions consti
tuted "malfeasance In office."
Morse Demands Merger
Of Armed Units' Buying
A merger of Army, Navy and
Air Force buying was aemancien
today by Senator Morse (R-Ore)
to cover what he called "a big
loophole" In a new, Armed Serv
ice nnitv bill before the. Senate..
Mor is the sole opponent of
the measure among 1. Armed
Service Commitlee members. He
said he would offer an amend
ment requiring the three mili
tary branches to get together on
their purchases.
"There won't be any real unifi
cation until there is unification in
procurement," he declared in an
interview. '
Morse said that the "economic
pressure" of those who prefer to
have the three services bidding
against each other on some items
has kept out of the pending hill
any provision of the kind he
Leap To Freedom Brings
Cash To Russian Refugee
NEW YORK, May 24. UP)
Mrs. Oksana Kasenkina's drama
tic lean to freedom from the So
viet consulate here has won her
not only political asylum but a
lot of cash as well.
The Russian ex-school teacher,
who never had a great deal of
money before, has netted $45,000
In less than a year through sale
of her syndicated stories here and
abroad, she revealed yesterday.
Unit Votes School Bonds
(P) Voters in the Monmouth-
Independence School District
voted 411 to 178 last night for a
special $400,000 bond Issue.
The money will be used lo build
a new high school between Mon
mouth and Independence. The
building probably will be com
pleted by the fall of l'JSU.
from these repreentetivei of
With participation bv the Rose
burg Municipal Band, speeches
by civic dignitaries, and demon
strations of water safety by the
lied cross, the program win con
tinue after the fall of darkness
so the pool's underwater lights
may be demonstrated with full
Jacklin said the public is in
vited to an open house at (he
pool from 5 to 7 Friday, to in
spect the dressing rooms and
other facilities at the pool.
The program, opening with the
flag raising and musical selec
tions by the band, will continue
with speeches by Mayor Albert
G. Flegel, Percy Croft, chairman
of the Park Board; Hnl Avotlo,
exalted ruler of the Elks Lodge,
and City Manager M. W. Slan
kard. Del McKay, KRNR announcer,
will serve as master of ceremon
ies. The program will be recorded
by KRNR technicians for re
broadcast at a later hour.
The demonstration by the Red
Cross is being arranged by Mrs.
Betty Smith, chairman of the
water safety program.
Highlight of the evening will
be the award of a prize to the
person who guesses most accu
rately the number of pints of
water In the pool.
After the program, said Jack
lin, It Is planned to throw the
pool open to children and others
who wish to swim. The nool
will he open to general public
use June l.
Big School Program In
Klamath Falls Area OKd
() Voters said an emphatic
"ves" on all financial 'matters
presented to them In elections
held yesieraay in me city ele
mentary district, Klamath Union
High School District and tho
County Unit.
The balloting authorized budg
ets for all districts, exceeding the
six percent constitutional limita
tion, approved five-year serial
levies to buld up capital reserves
for the two Klamath Falls dis
tricts, and put the O.K. stamp on
a proposed community college.
The community college plan
will offer freshman level college
credit work to high school grad
uates in afternoon and evening
classes here. The program will
be carried out in cooperation
with the Bend school district. It
will cost Klamath Union High
School District about 7,5UU.
Red Forces Smash
Nearly Into Shanghai
SHANGHAI, Mav 24 (P)
The Communists smashed almost
Inlo Shanghai today. At nightfall
evidence me'-nted that National
ists forces .'ere on the verge of
abandoning the clly.
The hardest Red blows were
directed at the southwestern sec
tion, where the Red drive pulled
up at the famed 35 mile wooden
fence a smash that carried the
Reds through Shanghai's de
fenses there in some spots.
Vessels were sunk deliberately
In (he Whangpoo, Shanghai's
shipping lifeline. The channel to
Ihe Yangtze was blocked, a move
likely to be made as a last resort
before the Nationalists pulled out.
Troops in large numbers
seemed to he heading for Woo
sung, logical point to board out
ward bound ships.
Roseburg taking pert in the men,
end Herriioa Winston, in their
wives te loin the mass ir tour
Proposal Gets
Emphatic 'No'
Allies Also Turn Down
Russian's Request For
Joint Ruhr Valley Rule
PARIS, May 24. UP) Russia
called today for restoration of '
four-power control throughout
Germany and establishment of a
German state council with eco
nomic and administrative func
tions.. Sovi6t Foreign Minister Vishin.
sky, in a long statement to the
Council of Foreign Ministers, also
proposed that the Industrial Ruhr
valley be placed under control '
of the Big Four and countries
bordering Germany.
Vishinskv named the three Be- 1
nelux countries Belgium, The
Netherlands and Luxumbourg .
plus Poland and Cxechoslovaklc
and representatives of German
economic bodies for a Ruhr con
trol. A British source said the United
Slates opposed all Vishinsky's pro
posals. The Soviet minister also asked ,
reintroduction of a four - power
control system in Berlin.
He said a German state council
ought to function under the Al
lied Control Council. The Allied
Council, first set up in 1945 under
Ihe Polsdam agreement, expired
at the height of the Berlin crisis
last year, when the Russians .
walked out.
Vishinsky's policy statement
came after British Foreign Sec
retary Bevln, presiding at 'to
day's meeting of the Council,
called on him for a statement of
(Continued on Page Two)
Demos Rally To
Restore Slash
In Foreign Aid.
House Speaker Sam Rayburn ral
lied administration forces today
in an effort to restore what he
called an "ill-considered" cut of
$629,730,000 in second-year for
eign aid tunas.
Rayburn told newsmen he will
appeal personally to the House
to override an appropriations
cemmittee recommendation lim
iting the aid program for the
year beginning July 1 to $3,568,-
4t,uuu instead of tne $4,198,200,
COO requested- by- President Tru
man. Paul G. Hoffman, chief of the
Economic Cooperation Adminis
tration, said that if iht cut stands
up through Congress, It will mean
a "serious loss of momentum" In
European recovery. Hoffman said
that If it does stand, however,
Ihe ECA will do "the best we
can with what Congress gives
Rayburn's appeal will' be made
when the House debates the ap
propriation bill Thursday.
Coming at a time when Sec
retary of Stale Acheson is meet
ing in Paris with the Big Four
foreign ministers, Rayburn said,
the Committee action is "Ill-con
The whole idea In taking up
the foreign-aid money bill at
this particular time, he explained.
was to strengthen Acheson's hand
during his discussions with the
heads of other governments.
Instead of strengthening Ache
son's hand, Rayburn said, the
appropriations committee action
has the effect of "weakening hll
John Warner Dies After
Illness Of Three Days
John Warner, 27, of Mountain
View Homes, died suddenly Mon
day after only three days' illness.
ueatn was reported as unexpect
ed, as his condition was thought
to be Improving.
Warner, an electrician for
Trowbridge Electric, was a mem
ber of Ihe Elks Lodge, and had
just been appointed esquire.
lie is survived by his widow,
Vivian; two children, and hie par
ents. A complete obituary ana
funeral arrangements will be
announced later by Roseburg
Funeral Home.
Eugene Mayor's Vote
Keeps Standard Time
EUGENE, May 24. ( PI
This city remained on standard
time today after Mayor V.
Edwin Johnson c-it the decid
ing vote following a split tally
by tlx city councilman lt
Two councllmen were ab
sent. Earlier, Springfield and Rose
burg City officials had Indi
cated they would follow Eu
gene on whether to shift to
daylight saving time with
Northwest Oregon and lower
Willamette Valley cities and
Mayor Johnson said he did
not want the time switch while
school was still In session. That
raised the possibility Eugene
still might change next month.
Lvity Fact Rant
By L. F. RelHtnsteln
Roseburg's first citizen for
the current year may turn out
te be the deserv'ng and fastidi
ous gentleman who will have
achieved consummation ef that
essential public convenience,
the rest room maybe two of
em. ,