The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 23, 1949, Page 2, Image 2

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2 The Newi-Review, Roieburg, Ore. Mon., May 23, 1949
Pugilist Gives
Three Local Cops
Torrid Battle
They had had "a few too
many' so C. O. Belisle, manager
of the Vets Lounge, 123 W. Wash
ington St., Instructed bartender
Frank Addison to "close the bar"
to the large man and his wife.
Fury let loose; guests hovered
against the walls; the man let go
with his fists and chased Belisle
and Addison down the stairs;
doors were closed against him
and he went through them "like
tissue paper.
Chief of Police Calvin H. Baird
today reported the arrest of
George William Gordon, a profes
sional prize fighter, and his wife,
Ruth, who were subdued by three
policemen after a disturbance at
the club Sunday afternoon.
. Officer Ted Mazac was sent to
the Club, following a complaint
to the police, at 5:15. He found
Gordon and his wife sitting at the
bar. As the officer attempted to
question Gordon, the fighter
struck him.
The chief said that Mazac had
his handcuffs out, ready to slip
them over Gordon's wrists. But
he found that the fighter's wrists
were too large for the cuffs.
As the fighter began to pum
mel the officer, Mazac had to
slap at Gordon's face with the
handcuffs. As It was, Mazac suf
fered three gashes on his fore
head from the blows rained on
him by Gordon. The officer drew
his gun, but did not fire lest he
in lure bystanders.
Sgt. William Burke and Offi
cer William Deal soon came on
the scene to give support to
Mazac. The three subdued Gar
don and took him into custody.
Witnesses told officers that dur
ing the fray, Mrs. Gordon was
stalking Mazac with a beer bot-
164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242
in 12-1 6 ond 24 In. lengths
Phone BS8
Have your car aligned now with the new Bean Super-Accurate
Visauliner for greater driving safety. When we
align your car, you know it's safe. The Bean Visualiner is
the only aligner that lets you see the adjustments as they
are made.
Umpquct Auto & Implement Co.
444 N. Stephens Phone 752
For Your Foot Comfort and
Walking Ease
With a little care and attention
at home, and professional super,
vision at regular Intervals, feet
may be kept efficient, healthy and
Full Probe Of Atomic
Commission Demanded
(Continued from Page One)
of "incredible mismanagement"
of commission affairs.
Lilienthal Cites Record
Besides the educational pro
gram, Hickenlooper pointed to
disapperance of some uranium
235 from an atomic laboratory In
In reply Lilienthal said the
commission's record, including
the building up of "a substantial
stockpile of atomic weapons," is
the best answer to the Iowa Sen
ator. Since the congressional Inquiry
began, the Commission has
agreed to require a loyalty oath
from those getting help under
its education program.
Observing that he is glad the
Commission agreed to the loyalty
oath requirement, Vandenberg
"I have also disagreed with
the Atomic Energy Commission
in respect to some other im
portant security problems.
"There must be a complete In
quiry to settle these issues for
the future and to determine any
responsibilities for the past. This
obviously Involves Chairman LIU
enthal's attitudes.
"In many respects he has been
an able administrator, but these
security phases are paramount.
My final Judgment must be gov
erned by the facta.
Vandenberg gave reporters his
statement as the Senate-House
atomic committee went Into a
session behind closed doors.
Chairman McMahon (D-Conn)
told reporters he had no Immedi
ate comment on Hlckenlooper's
demand for Lllienthal's resigna
tion. "These are very grave mat
ters and must be treated ju
diciously and fairly," McMahon
Mrs. Verne Smilh, Portland, who
has been president of the Oregon
Baptist YVomen's Society for six
years, will head the group as secretary-director
this year.
She was named to the newly
created office at the annual con
vention last week. Mrs. A. E.
Vanstrom, Portland, was elected
Mrs. W. C. Martin, Cottage
Grove, and Mrs. W. B. Daleiden,
Eugene, were elected vice-presidents.
tie, "waiting to strike him."
The prize fighter and his wife
were taken to the county Jail.
They were to be arraigned In the
Justice Court today.
Chief Baird said that as a pro
fessional fighter, Gordon's fists
can legally be defined as "dan
gerous weapons." He was to be
charged with assault.
Buy shoes that are designed ond built for
that purpose, Foot Ease and Walking
Comfort. Your feet take a lot of
abuse but vou can have foot comfort
for yourself and your children.
Come in today and see for
yourself the fine construc
tion and quality work
manship of these shoes.
Forrestal Suicide Set
For Naval Investigation
(Continued from Page One)
paper in which Forrestal had
copied, In a firm hand, the first
26 lines of the doleful poem.
The court of Inquiry In the case
was ordered by Rear Admiral M.
D. Willcutts, commandant of the
Naval Medical Center. Just exact
ly what It might examine was not
certain in advance. From state
ments of officials at the hospital,
this story was constructed:
In the weeks that followed For
restal's entry for treatment, he
seeemd to be on the road to com
plete recovery. He received visi
tors, among them President Tru
man, made phone calls, read the
But when the patient's bedtime
came Saturday night he declined
to take the usual sedative. Choos
ing a time when attendants were
elsewhere on his 16th floor, For
restal left his room (carefully
avoiding going through another
room of his suite in which a doc
tor was located), walked diagon
ally across a corridor to a diet
kitchen. There the window, un
like that of his own room, had no
tightly secure wire screen.
A nurse on the seventh floor
heard the thud of his body as it
struck an offset of the building
above the third floor. He was
dead when attendants rushed to
the spot. Curiously, his wrist
watch was still running. He wore
his pajamas and his bathrobe.
The robe's belt cord was twisted
tlehtlv around his neck.
Admiral Wlllcutss told report
ers: "That type of suicide is im
possible to prevent. You can't
take a man of that brilliance and
put a guard over him all the time.
There were fewer and fewer re
strictions as his condition im
Mi's. Forrestal flew In from
Paris today aboard the presiden
tial plane, the independence, wnn
her son Michael, an employee of
the Economic Cooperation Admin
istration in Paris. In the belief
that her husband was recovering
satisfactorily, she had gone to
France to find a place for him to
West Berlin Denied
Rail Seizure Right
(Continued from Page One)
clamoring for Western interven
tion. Brig. Gen. Frank L. Howley of
the United States called the com
mandants Into session to discuss
the citv government's plea and
other aspects of what he called
an "Intolerable situation."
Most trouble soots were Inac
tive, at least for the time being.
At least three trains managed to
reach Berlin from the West, al
though the rail yards were large
ly unmanned.
Even witnout ine etevatea rail
way service, which normally car
ries more than a half million
persons dally, business activity
in Berlin appeared near normal.
Street cars are not affected by
the strike. The cars and buses
were Jammed with passengers.
The strikers seek, principally,
payment from the Soviet-controlled
administration in West
marks. Russian-sponsored East
marks are worth only a quarter
of the Western currency and are
illegal In Western sectors.
The military commanders of
the West said they would permit
Intervention in individual cases
If rioting should get out of hand
at any specific station.
A cheek with all official
sources in West Berlin showed
about 17 strike demonstrators
and 15 Soviet sector police and
strikebreakers had been hospi
talized with serious wounds or
injuries. All official sources said
no deaths had been reported
since the strike began Saturday.
Scores of persons were given
first aid during the continuing
series of fights with clubs, fists,
rocks and, finally, pistols and
carbines of Eastern Police.
Whether the low casualty total
was due to bad aim on the part
of the police or whether the fir
ing was mostly for warning was
not completely clear.
Another Incident In which Rus
sian soldiers were stoned by a
strike mob occurred yesterday.
A truck carrying 30 men In Sov
iet uniforms was bombarded with
rocks when it halted near the
zoo station in the British sector.
Hiitkh sector police protected
them as the truck departed.
Clifford I n low, resident of
South Mvrtle Creek, died at the
Myrtle Creek Hospital May 22
following a Inlet period of Ill
ness. Ills body has been removed to
the Long & Orr Mortuary and
funeral arrangements will be an
nounced later.
Jumping Jacks
Sponsored by National Foot
Health Council
May S1-2S
Right on Jackson
Southern Baptists
Put Compact On
Specified Basis
tiP) The Southern Baptist Con
vention Saturday declared its
right to welcome churches from
any part of the United States
or the world, for that matter so
long as they can conform to New
Testament Baptist principles.
The action came amid a chain of
events, which some asserted and
others denied, presages wide
spread expansion of the Southern
Baptist organization into terri
tory now dominated by the North
ern Baptist Convention.
The Baptists unanimously adopt
ed a committee report by Dr. T.
C. Gardner, Dallas, Tex., chair
man of a group studying common
problems with Northern Baptists
the past year.
The Gardner report reaffirmed
the Southern Baptist stand
against against any compact of
agreement with the Northern
Baptists or any other organiza
tion "which doe3 not practice
New Testament Baptist prin
ciples." "This," Gardner said, "Included
the Federal Council of Churches
of Christ in America. The Fed
eral Council of Churches will de
stroy a spiritual body just as a
cancer destroys a physical body.
"With its program they would
ultimately destroy the Bant sts
ana an otner cnurcnes ana estab
lish a world church. '
46 Killed As Storms
Rake Ten States
(Continued from Page One)
in the city of 9,000 were de
stroyed and 55 persons Injured
in a 25 square block area.
The four persons killed at Pal
estine were in a highway lunch
stand which collapsed.
At Somerset, Ky., one woman
was killed and 60 houses damaged
by a strong wind. Damage was
estimated at $750,000. At Witt
Springs, two persons were in
jured and heavy wind damage
Johnstown, Pa., listed one fa
tality as a result of a storm which
caused thousands of dollars of
damage. One man there was
killed when he attempted to dis
lodge an electric wire which had
been blown across a sidewalk.
Roofs were ripped off some
homes and trees flattened at
Zellenople, Pa.
In the southwest, Texas, which
had been lashed by Intermittent
tornadoes for a week, was hit
by another windstorm at Abi
lene. Five persons were inlured
and some buildings damaged by
wind, hail and rain near Tex
arkana. Several homes were flattened
at Macon and Clay Counties of
Tennessee. A brick wall of a
Cumberland University building
at Nashville was demolished and
Rice Observatory wa-s damaged
Four sections of the business
district of Charleston, W. Va.,
were declared unsafe and roped
off from traffic after a storm
caused damage estimated In the
thousands of dollars. Firemen
ordered a two-story brick apart
ment vacated. Crops near Hun
tington were damaged by hail.
. Several buildings were dam
aged by a tornado at Keosauqua,
CHICAGO, May 23. f.P)
Snowfalls were added today to
the wide variety of the nation's
weather, which Included disas
trous tornadoes over the week
end. A chill blast brought snow to
day to Montana and Minnesota.
Snow was falling steadily at
Great Falls, Havre and Living
ston, Mont., and at International
talis, Minn., the Weather Bu
reau said. Temperatures were as
low as 32 degrees at Great Falls
and 35 at Mlnot, N. D.
Marilvn Dixon of Roseburg was
pledged this week to the Delta
Gamma National Sorority, on the
Willamette University campus in
Salem. Marilyn Is the daughter
of County Assessor and Mrs. Ned
E. Dixon and a graduate of Rose
burg Senior High School.
Miss Dixon will complete her
freshman year in liberal arts and
will continue her studies In the
fall of 1949.
Thinking about the bathroom for
your new or remodeled home?
Then focus your attention on this
beautiful Crane Drcxel Group.
You'll like the harmonizing
panel design the gleaming
white, easy-to-clean surfaces
the styling that spells bathroom
comfort, convenience the Tt
'faucet! of sparkling chromium
with DUl-nt ringer tip controls.
Aik us shout this beavtiful bath
room group today.
316 Mill Phone 1242-R
The Weather
II. 8. Weather Bureau Office
Roseburg, Oregon
Fair to partly cloudy with few
showers over the mountains to
day and Tuesday. Little change
In temperature.
Highest temp, for any May.... 102
Lowest temp, for any May 30
Highest temp, yesterday 75
Lowest temp, last 24 hn. ...... S3
Precipitation last 24 hrs 01
Precipitation since May 1 1.4S
Precipitation since Sept. 1....26.26
Excess since May 1 .06
Austrian Issue Goes
Into Big Four Agenda
(Continued from Page One)
moment, the new constitution for
a west German government was
proclaimed in effect as delegates
of the 11 states in the three
zones put their signatures on it
at Bonn. This new constitution,
the basic law for 45,000,000 Ger
mans, is expected to strengthen
the hand of the Western dele
gates here, since It envisions a
new government by Germans, for
Germans, by mid-July.
This was the sixth meeting
of the Council of Foreign Min
isters since the war and the
fourth on the German question.
It was their first session since
the council was deadlocked in
London in December, 1947, on a
German peace treatv.
The three Western Powers
were expected to press Russia for
Immediate and urgent consider
ation of Berlin. The lifting of the
Soviet blockade of Berlin and
the Allied counter-blockade of
Soviet-occupied eastern Germany
opened the way for these new
As the meeting perhaps the
most momentous since the war
got under way, western power
officials refused to say whether
they were optimistic or not. One
British official said the West
"will wait and see" what Vishin
sky has to say. There has been
speculation that Vishinsky soon
will make a major Soviet policy
A Council Informant described
Vishinsky as in a strikingly con
ciliatory mood. The Russian min
ister threw in a suggestion that
the time is ripe for discussion of
a Japanese treatv. with China
submitting on the countcil for
France, but he quickly withdrew
this alter u. s. secretary oi state
Acheson and British Foreign Min
ister Bevin objected. Vishinsky
agreed with French Foreign Min
ister Robert Schuman that no im
mediate decision in the matter
would be necessary.
Schuman then proposed adding
Austria to the agenda and Vi
shinsky agreed.
House, Commercial and
Industrial Wiring
Electrical Trouble Shooting
Motor and Appliance Re
pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery
17 Years Experience
Licensed Electrician
316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095-L
Check these Mura-
Tex features before you
make plana for your home.
MURA-TEX comes in 25
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ors, too!
MURA-TEX colors go
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Last indefinitely! Can be
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MURA-TEX is laid tile-by-tite
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Smart; New Walls - LMMSi
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with this marvelous new plastic tilel v
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witas new Idea for walls! I
Individualized Floors of Beautility
222 W. Ook
Mrs. Stella Rogers Of
Camas Valley Passes
Stella Mama Rogers, 40, resi
dent of Camas Valley, died at
Mercy Hospital Sunday night
after a short illness. She was
born Feb. 27, 1909, in Oakland,
Oregon, and moved to Idaho as
a young girl. She came to Camas
Valley in 1945.
Surviving are the widower, Joe
B. Rogers, Camas Valley; her
mother, Hfs. J. W. Stone, Wen
dell, Idaho; three brothers, Royce
H. Patterson, Roosevelt, Utah;
William Patterson, Weiser, Ida
ho; George Patterson, Sacramen
to, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. O.
W. Farnsworth, Abelene, Texas;
Mrs. J. F. White, Sutherlin, and
Mrs. E. B. Patterson, Juntura,
Funeral services will be held
In the Chapel of the Roses, Rose
burg Funeral Home, Thursday,
May 26, at 2 p. m. Vault inter
ment will follow in the Masonic
Youth Smothers To
Death In Play-Tunnel
UP) A play-tunnel collapsed on
11-year-old Thomas Frey and
smothered him to death yester
day before his plight was dis
covered. County authorities said the
youngster had dug a shallow
shaft in sandy soil under a road
surface near his father's ranch
In the Tule lake area. A motorist,
George Bertreau, noticed the
boy's feet protruding from the
He had been buried in about i
three feet of earth. Men were
working nearby on the field of
the father, George Harris Frey,
at lhe time.
About a Home?
So many people do noth
ing but talk about it! But
if you really want to own
your home, consult me
now. Personal attention.
Economical terms.
Loans and Insurance
Loan Representative
Equitable Savings A
Loan Assn. ,
112 W. Cass Phone 913
4 MURA-TEX Is a new de
velopment in plastics not
harmed by grease or od.
Cleans easily with damp
cloth and scouring powder.
Wipes off stains, dirt or
fingerprints like that.' "
5 MURA-TEX is made by
The Tile-Tex Company,
Inc., pioneer maker of as
phalt tile flooring.
You've seen Mura-Tex adver
tised in leading magazines.
Now see actual samples of this
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home. We'll estimate the cost
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Phone 348
UB Mrs. Mary Alves, a house
wife, won't have to sit on a jury
any longer because a juror gets
paid less than a baby-sitter. State
Supreme Court Justice Frank H.
Pm-na roloacpH her from further
service after she explained that
ior a weeK u naa cost oj a uay
to hire a sitter for her three
children, while she got onlv S3
a day as a juror.
Cleaner and Air Purifier
ales, Service, Repairs
and Supplies
Wayne Overbeck
Phone 373 R 2
Another group of Cash Savers to cut your cost of living!
Take advantage of Penney's Cash Savers because every
item is specially priced either by special purchase or the
price has been educed. Buy Cash Savers, carry it, and
you'll save!
Regular Towncraft Men's
pajamas taken from our
regular stock and reduced
to this low Cash Saver price.
Fine woven broadcloth in
gay striped patterns. Slip
over and coat styles with
drawstring belt bottoms.
Every one has been reduced
from higher priced lines.
Everv one is fullv cut and
Sanforized. Sizes A, B,
Penney's Don't Maintain Store Keeping Frills
You'll save half on this Cash
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Wrisley's Cold Cream Facial
Soap for only 50c. Stock up
now at this price on a soap
made by a popular manu
facturer. , A value worth
twice this low price.
Penney's Sell Only Tried and Tested Values
3000 perfect (no holes)
bleached and washed flour
sack squares that are ideal
for many uses. Large size
32 x 36 unhemmed. Now Is
the time to stock up on these
at this Cash Saver price of
5 for $1.00.
Shop At Penney's And Save
Gay hand-decorated prints
on white grounds. Character
and bold florals make these
lunch cloths very colorful.
Fast color, size 52 x 52. A
real value you won't want
to miss.
Always Shop
Be sure to see the dozens
and dozens of midriffs to
morrow morning at Pen
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dots, solids, prints, stripes
In almost any color you can
think of. AH In a fine broad
cloth. Elastic top, bottom,
and sleeves. Everyone has
dainty embroidery trim
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You don't have to worry
about size. Perfect for this summer.
Penney's Have Bargains in Every Dept.
White canvas casuals with
durable synthetic soles that
will give lots of wear. Two
styles to choose from . . .
Oxfords with open toe and
platform soles in a wedge
style . . . Sling strap sandals
in a wedge style with plat
form soles. Both styles are
cool, comfortable, and easy
to clean. Just right for hot
summer days ahead. Sizes 4
to 9. Get them now at Cash
Penney's Give More Quality for Every Penny
Suit ri
and C.
5 for
Penney's First
Saver price,
2 50