Comp, 46 Killed As Storms Rake 10 States WHO DOES WHAT WJ - U. Of 0. Li'crary lj Eugene, Oregon i 229 Persons Injured, 900 Houses Razed Cape Girardeau, Mo., Is Hardest Hit; Damage To . Property Enormous . (By The Auociated Presi) A rapid succession of tornadoes The Weather Fair to portly cloudy with few showers over the mountains to day and Tuesday. Little chonge in temperature. ' Sunset today 7:38 p. m. Sunrise tomorrow 4:41 a. m. W""" 111 1 hi im i.i m 1,1 I i " S - - . , s i t : t r , ' as: f i ' I rite 5 " 1 ; 1, J f " - ' 1 V I 1 MIKE LINDCREN is parts manager at big 'Interstate Tractor at Jackson St. and East Second Ave. S. and Is pictured at (he parts counter listing some of the innumerable orders which pour in there. With heavy duty equipment in operation some of it day and night in the forests, mills and fields of the county, parts are in-demand at all hours, and Mike, trying to meet the insistent demands, works plenty of overtime. "I had seven different calls for parts last Sunday," he moaned. Personally I think it's a hard life. Young GOP Raps Ouster Of Tax Commissioners EUG.'NE, May 23. UP) Dis missal of two State Tax Commis sioners by two members of the State Board of Control has drawn a protest from the Oregon Young Republican Federation. A resolution on the subject was adopted here Saturday night after a federation picnic with Univer 'sitv of Oregon party members. Miss Vivian McMurtrey, Port land, federation president, said the resolution referred to the vote of Secretary of State New bry and State Treasurer Pearson. The resolutions sam ine -roung Republicans believe a person noining puonc uiuce uucupies a , position 01 trust ana commence, and that appointments based on political considerations alone are betrayals of such confidence." Newbry, a Republican, and Pearson, a Democrat, had joined in ousting Earl Fisher and Wal lace Wharton, two experienced members of the Tax Commission. The move was opposed by Gover nor McKay. Named by Newbry and Pearson to fill the vacancies were Ray E. Smith, Portland, and Robert MacLean of Waltlport, a Lincoln County commissioner. New S. P. Streamliner To Begin Operation July 10 PORTLAND, Ore., May 23. UP) The Southern Pacific Railroad's $5,000,000 Shasta daylight stream liners will be placed in daily op eration July 10, the railroad's president announced today. A. T. Merceir said the coach streamliners would make the 718 mile run between Portland and San Francisco in 15'2 hours three hours fasler than the best rvesejitsc2iPdjiilriMi- In the Day's Hews BY FRANK JENKINS A BERLIN dispatch starts off: "America, Britain and France will go Into the Paris foreign -ministers conference in their f strongest positions since Yalta." It concludes: "The west goes to Paris with a Western Germany economy headed toward recovery; a stable, democratically elected govern 'ment and with as much support from West Germany's 46 millions as any occupation power could ex pect. "Russia goes to Paris with a decimated Eastern German econ omy with a falling living stand ard, a government hand-picked but lacking popular German sup port and a German population (Continued on Page Four) Air Battle Against Budworm In Two Oregon Counties Put On Speed Basis EUGENE, Ore., May 23. t.Pv Foresters have taken to the air in a last ditch stand against the tiny budworm which is threatening to destroy $20,000,000 worth of second growth fir in Linn and Lane Counties. Officials said this miming that the larvae are hatching fasler than anticipated and the operation will have to be speeded up. Over the weekend, four planes sprayed 8.000 acres of the 12.).000 infested and before the end the week 13 planes and three hell- copters will be pitted against the ' i w ill DDT in in VlempY to 'kill nVsts before they emerge . . , The brown. Inch -long spruce i east of Harrisburg. at Spring budworm was first discovered in ! field. Crawfordsville, Lowell and Oregon last fear. Thev ran rie-f Cottage Grove. The budworm at strov a forest within three years if not completely controlled. Most Leukemia Claims Boy Who Craved Melons RICHMOND, Calif., May 23. UP) Ronnie Calvert has enjoyed his last watermelon. The three-year-old leukemia vic tim, whose cravings for the fruit got into the news a few weeks ago, died yesterday. Ronnie came down with the disease last December. His craving for watermelons, typical in that disease, brought gifts of melons from both Florida and Mexico. The largest ship ment, more than a score, was flown from Florida by a B-29 crew on a routine training flight to the West Coast. Funeral services will be con ducted Tuesday in Warren, Ark., wnere Ronmes paternal grand- mother, ..Mrs. Christine Calvert, ijves Reds Better At Shanghai Defense SHANGHAI, May 23. UP) UII1IIIUII!M uuuys MlfU all uv i to crack Shanghai's defenses. But I at nightfall they had not achieved a break through. Some progress was made In spots. In others the attacks failed. The center of the fighting was directly across the Whangpoo from the heart of Shanghai. Thousands watched the battle from high buildings and the streets. Shell bursts set no less than 40 fires during the day. Some burned for hours. While this battle at Shanghai's backdoor flickered and flared, word from the west defenses hint ed the Reds had driven to a point near the Hungja golf course. That puts them at least three miles further into the suburban area. The communique said the Reds were stopped at the main defense line. Life, Property Toll In Brazilian Flood Heavy RIO DE JANEIRO, May 23 (.1') Hundreds of buzzards hov ered over flood-ruined town" along the lower Amazon today as villagers hunted bodies. in the swirling debris. There is fear the death toll will mount into the hundreds. Reports from Belem said the floods worst since 1918 wen sweeping over Maceio, capital of Alcoas State, and other towns, wrecking hundreds of houses, killing cattle and ruining crops. Governor Eilvestre Pericles es timated 100 dead already and said the damage is over $2,500.- 000. He decreed a three-day mourning period. An air survev disclosed many towns completely under water, with only the top of palm trees showing. BAR ASSN. HEADS MEET Meeting of the board of gov ernors of the Oregon State Bar Association was held in Roseburg Friday and Saturday. Business sessions were held In the Circuit Court room at the courthouse. of ,n( nfpsted acreage is in the i second year of infestation with j 10 acn, of Meral timber near 0akj( ige in ,ne fala ,hird year. ! state. 300 private owner, and the 1 1WI government. Bases have been established present is out or control in' 'land and parts of Canada. Established 1873 Suicide Of James Forrestal Set For Naval Investigation West Berlin Denied Rail Seizure Right Allied Military Heads Respect Soviet Control Following Bloody Riots BERLIN. Mav 23 (1 The three Western military command ers rejected today a petition from the West Berlin city government to seize strikebound elevated railway stations in the city. The strike against the Soviet- appointed management of the railways, now in its tnira day, was marked by a weekend of bloody rioting in which Soviet controlled d o 1 i c e used guns against mobs of strikers and their sympathizers. The decision of the military commanders of the United States, Britain and France in effect re affirmed the property rights of the Russian-controlled railway system. The rights were estab lished in 194D by iour-power agret ment. The anti-Communist city gov ernment had asked Western au thorities for the right to send their own police into railway in stallations and stations in West ern sectors, with the backing of American, British and French authorities. The strikers num bering about 12.000 had been (Continued on Page Two) Constitution Signed By 11 West German States BONN, Germany, May 23. UP) The west German constitu tion was proclaimed thebasie'law for 45,000,000 Germa s today. The formal signing by 11 slates was completed just as the Four Power council of foreign minis ters wes convening in Paris in an a' tempt to work out a German settlement. The constitution is ex pected to strengthen the hand of the West in the Paris talks. The signing sets the stage for establishment of a west German government by mid-July. Ford Co. Inspector Mysteriously Slain WINDSOR, Ont., May 23. W Provincial police sought today to turn up a clue in the mysteri ous shotgun slaying of a Ford Motor Co. inspector. The victim, William D. Allen, 37, was felled hy a sholgun blast at midnight Saturday as he ale a sandwich and worked a cross word puzzlie in the kilchen of his home. Officers said the assassin stood on the porch of Allen's home, rommed the shotgun through a window and fired from about seven feet. Oakridge Man Killed In Automobile Plunge EUGENE, May 23. UP) Lewis V. Brown, 4R, of Oakridge was killed Sunday when the car which he was driving left the highway one half mile west of Kitson Springs. A companion, Margaret Abernathy, was unin jured. Brown was an employe of Pope Talbot Co. at Oakridge. si r ' , v 4-H ACHIEVEMENTS ON DISPLAY This wsi h scene in the t the annual Spring Achievement Day f Douglas County 4-H i ROSEBURG, Former Secretary Of Defense, Ex-Cabinet Member Leaps From 16th Floor Of Bethesda Hospital , WASHINGTON May 23. API A naval board of inquiry was ordered today to inquire into the suicide of 57-year-old James Forrestal but his friends among the nation's great wrote their own verdict: He died because he worked so hard for his country. Forrestal, cabinet member under Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, ended his own life early Sunday morning by leaping from the 16th floor of the Navy's towering hospital at Bethesda, Md. He left as his farewell only an ancient Greek poem of despair and death. He was the first Secretary of Defense a wearing job that he gave up as a sick man In March, Before that, he had been Secre tary of the mightiest Navy the world has ever seen, and before that he had served as an assistant to Franklin D. Roosevelt in the White House. This spring, his health broken by more than nine years of nerve wracking service, he decided to seek release from the strain. A few days in Florida after his res ignation, and then he entered the hrtsinlal April 2. His death and the manner of It shocked the capital. President Truman said "this able and devoted public servant was as truly a casualty of the war as if he had died on the fir ing line." He issued a proclamation order ing that flags fly at half staff from all public buildings, forts and warships. So far as was known, the for mer secretary left no note. Tragic Poem Near Bed But on a radiator, near his hos pital bed, was found a book "An Anthology of World Poetry." A ribbon Jay Detween me pages opened to Sophocles' "Chorus From Ajax. inai poem w--n nrnfnund and hopeless tragedy. in tho hark of the book was a piece - ol hospital memorandum. (Continued on Page Two) Queenie Hamilton Dies Suddenly Mrs. Queenie Hamilton, 75, resident of Roseburg for 59 years, and early-day teacher in the city's public schools, died sudden ly yesterday, May 22, at her home on E. Cass Street. She was born Jan. 14, 1874, in Terrace, Utah. She was the widow of the late Dr. Waller S. Hamilton, pioneer Rose burg druggist, one-time county judge and ex-mayor of Roseburg. He preceded her in death in 1945. Mrs. Hamilton was a member of the original Mental Culture Club of 1895, of Roseburg and of the Garden Club, of which she had been a very active member. She was well versed in the floral studies of this community. She was married to Dr. Hamilton April 28, 1897. Surviving are a brother, Stan ley L. Kidder, of Roseburg, and a sister, Mi st Bessie MacDaniels, of Portland. Funeral services will be held In The Chapel of the Roses, Rose burg Funeral Home, Wednesday, May 25, at 2 p. m. with Dr. Mor ris H. Roach officiating. Vault interment will follow in the Masonic Cemetery. PLANNERS WILL MEET Regular meeting of the Rose burg City Planning Commission will be held at 7:30 tonight in the City Hall. Routine business will be discussed. i nn OREGON MONDAY, MAY nfifnmiiii'imt-4 kAMmndSiJi JAMES FORRESTAL Overwork; suicide. Youth Pleads Insanity In Murder Of Sister-ln-Law MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 23. (P)Milton Babieh pleaded Inno cent and innocent by reason of in sanllv at the time of .the set today to a charge of murdering his brides prelty sister. Mnnirinnl Judee Herbert J, steffes. aeceDtine the 19-year-old former honor students iirst pie;, in the dealh of 16-year-old Patri cia Birmingham, adjourned the arraignment until May it. At that time, the court said, a sanitv commission would be named to examine the youth. Traffic Crash Kills 2 Students, Hurts Woman PENDLETON, May 23. UP) Two high school students here were killed, two others hurt and a 35-year-old woman critically In jured in a two-car collision Satur day night. Slate police said the dead were Martha Pond, 16, and Irwin Franks, 17. In serious condition is Mrs. Ce lesta Williams, 35, who was half scalped and suffered concussion and wrist and arm fractures. Plane Crash Kills Dallas Boy, Injures Companion MONMOUTH, May 23 (IP) A 17-year-old Dallas boy was killed and a young pilot injured yesterday when an airplane crashed in approaching an air field near here. Police said Carl James Waltner Jr. died in Ihe plane's front cock pit seat. Pilot Walter Querlng, 22, also of Dallas, suffered fractures of one leg and his jaw. The n rrrnf nan neen reniea i earlier In the day from the field nere f v? if 'lev & m'ft Ro.eburg Junior Hio School jymniium Friday and Saturday, Club.. (Picture by Paul Jenkins.) V 23, 1949 Full Probe Of Atomic Board Is Demanded Educational Award To Red Irks; Senator Asks Lilienthal To Resign WASHINGTON, May 23 f.TV Senator Vandenberg (R.-Mich.) called today for "a complete in quiry" into the attitude of the Atomic Energy Commission and Chairman David E. Lilienthal on all security problems. A congressional committee al readv is looking Into the com mission's operations and one in vestigator Senator Hickenlooper IR.-Iowa) has demanded that Lilienthal resign. The investigation has revolved about the award of atomic educa tional grants to an admitted Com munist and to others who failed to receive security clearance for work on secret matters! Vandenberg said in a statement that "it is unthinkable to me that Communists should be educated at public expense." He added that he must withhold "final judgment" on Lllienthal's work as AEC head until the se curity issue is cleared up. Vandenberg, a member with Hickenlooper of the Senate-House Atomic committee, said the im portance of the security matter "cannot he ignored in view of Senator Ilickenlooper's state menl, because he is in my opinion, one of our best informed experts on this whole matter. Hickenlooper accuses Lilienthal (Continued on Page Two) Columbia Basin Carpenters Quit In Wage Dispute COULEE DAM, Wash., May 23. (Pi Carnenters on the huce Co lumbia Basin lrrieation project walked tJl 4oday In wage-dis- pine. AFL carpenters union officials said 700 men on basin projects failed to report lor work toaav. Negotiations .broke down in Ephrala Friday. The basin carpenters are seek ing a wage boost from $2.06 to $2.25 an hour five cents more than demanded by other Eastern Washington carpenters now on strike. The carpenters walking out to day are employed by private eon tractors building the government projects. About a dozen union car penters employed directly by the Federal Bureau of Reclamation at Coulee Dam remained on the job al the old wage scale. S. A. Barlels, business represen tative for Carpenters' Local 1332, said the conlraclors' final offer during negotiations was $2 an hour, or less money than the men have been making. Bureau of Reclamation efficlals said a prolonged walkout would affect the completion dale of many contracts: on basin projects. Projecls involved include the $2,700,000 job of building a con trol bay and cable tunnel In the east powerhouse at Grand Coulee dam and a $13,348,000 ronlract for pumping plant construction. Other projects scattered through the Basin also may be affected. POTENT PRAYER WISBOROUGH GREEN, Eng. May 23. (iV) The Bishop of Chichester led the congregation of this village to the banks of Ihe River Arun and offered pray ers for rain to end the drought. Thenhe hustled the parishioners ; back inside the village church. I Just in time to beat the rain VW..'W.n,-J 121-49 ' Beaver Creek Fire Is Said Subdued Close to 350 fire fighters at Beaver Creek, near Tiller, were Eaid off Sunday by a Forest ervlce paymaster from Port land. The fire has been subdued and will be watched by a standb crew, said M. M. Nelson, super visor of the Umpqua National Forest. At its peak, the fire covered 1,000 acres. Fire fighters used 36 nower saw sets . to fall snaes around the outer perimeter. Some crews cut as many as n.i snags in a single day. Mop-up crews followed with hose lines. Nelson said more than five miles of hose were laid from streams in the forest. The fire was believed to have been set bv electrical storms in the vicinity a week and a half ago. The fire was sighted by a United Airlines pilot, who ra dioed Forest Service headquar ters. Crews rushed to the scene dun ing the week included loggers from the vicinity as well as For est Service employes. Men also were recruited from Eugene to Medfotd to aid the fire fighters. Eleven d eces of. four-wheei drive equipment were used over the "Jeep road" to the base camp, while four pack strings trans ported supplies to the five camps around the fire's outer perimeter. Radio communication was set up. Austrian Issue Enters Agenda Of Big Four PARIS. Mav 23. UP) The Big Four Council of foreign ministers met today In an attempt to solve the problems of Germany and decided swiftly to add the Aus trian question to their agenda. The four ministers agreed on a four-point agenda: 1. l'roniems oi uerman unn.v, including economic and political principles and Allied I four-pow er j xonmu.. . , --.-.----"" 2. Berlin, Including currency questions. 3. Preparation of a peace treaty for Germany. 4. Preparation of an Austrian Independence treaty. The Austrian question has been deadlocked over many a long meeting of the foreign ministers' deputies, and Austria has begged the Council to take it up at this session. Like Germany, Austria Is occupied by the Four Powers' forces. Secretary of Stale Dean Ache- son of the United States, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevln of Brit ain, Foreign Minister Robert Schuman of France and Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vishlnsky oi Russia assembled for the discus sion. At almost exactly the same (Continued on Page Two) Roseburg Police Force To Have Reserve Unit 'Twelve-member reserve unit will be organized by the Rose burg Police Department, said Chief of Police Calvin H. Baird. The unit will he composed of men who have applied for regu lar positions with the police force, as well as others with nrnvlnus nollce experience who wish to continue in police work. Members of the reserve will wear the same uniforms as the regular nollce. Their badges win designate them as reserve offi cers. While on duly, they will have the same authority as regu lar officers, said Chief Baird. As vacancies in Ihe department oc cur, they will be filled from the reserve, The unit will receive formal recognition July 1, start of thfl new liscai year, expiainea ine chief. Auto Occupants Slightly Hurt In Traffic Crash Rounding a curve at what wit- nnei maif Wfl B "Mall MlP OH speed," . an automobile operated L... ft 1.1. f AUn.,,a(, Unco. uv .vim. win n"1""1! nurg, was namngra nuntiHy morn I a uihra It trurW a I n Anscles. ' v,n supei nuenueni ui "m frnlhV iruck AnRclc-! Oregon Fairview Home for feeble Seattle f i eight truck. . V. ,. -ci.h thp Stain Sp; Slate Police Sgt, Lyle liarreii said the accident occurred at 11:15, 37 miles south of Roseburg, near Ihe Pioneer Bridge. The freight truck and trailer were op erated by Harold R. Quint, Se attle. Sgt. Harrell said the Alloway car, going north, swung Into the left lane of traffic as It made the curve and si ruck the southbound truck. The car was damaged and Mrs. Alloway and her husband suffered minor injuries. Portland Streetcar Catches Fire 2nd Time PORTLAND, May 23.-t.Tl A Council Crest streetcar caught on fire again today, and several pas sengeis were taken to a hospital. Details of the accident were not Immeilialrly available. The fire department quoted Ihe mntorman as saving he shut the controls off and the "thing exploded." The fire occurred at Southwest King and Burnslde Streets, Just a block from the point where a streetcar on the same line caught i fire several weeks ago. and other weather fury killed 46 persons and caused millions or dollars m property damage over the weekend in widely scat tered areas. The storms raked ten states. Injured at least 229 persons and smashed 900 houses. In Wash ington, Basil O'Connor, president of the American Red Cross, said . the organization had set asida $500,000 for relief of the many hundreds left homeless. Hardest hit were Missouri, Il linois and Indiana, where a total of 44 persons were killed. Other deaths were reported in Ken. tucky and Pennsylvania while West Virginia, Texas, Tennes see, Iowa and Maryland reported heavy property damage. Missouri Toll Heaviest Cape Girardeau, in southeastern Missouri with 21 dead and prop erty damage estimated at be tween three and four ' million dollars, suffered the most. A sur vey of that hard-hit city showed 202 houses totally destroyed, 231 damaged, 18 business buildings and a church destroyed, and 12 business buildings and another church damaged in the city of 20,000 population. More than 200 persons were injured and hun dreds left homeless. Three other Missouri towns, not directly In the path of the twister, each reported one dead. They are Clarksville, Bessville and Cabool. Indiana's 11 dead and 47 in jured are at Shelburn, Terre Haute and Clay City. Ralph C werner, a Kco cross spokesman. said the states damage would run Into hundreds ot thousands of dollars. Eight persons were killed at Shelburn, two near the outskirts of Terre Haute and one near Clay City. The twister missed thu business districts of the two cities. In the west side of Shel burn, a town of 1,000, the tor nado demolished 65 houses, and damaged 95, 60 of them severely. Illinois had a total of nine dead, five at Wood River and four at Palestine. At Wood River, up the Missis sippi from, St,, Louis, 325, home (Continued on Page Two) Marshall Plan Fund Reduced By House Group WASHINGTON, May 23 UP) The House Appropriations Com mittee today ordered a 15 per cent cut In the Marshall Plan spending for the year starting July 1. Overriding a subcommittee rec ommendation, the full committee voted to cut $629,730,000 from Ihe $1,198,200,000 President Tru man had asked for the European recovery program's second year of operations. . the suocommltlee had recom mended a cut of only $182,300,000 but Republicans claimed this wasn't enough. The full committee also voted to cut $150,000,000 from the $1,- 000,000,000 President Truman sought for government and relief in occupied areas. Ihe subcom mittee had chopped this item only $50,400,000. The full $50,000,000 asked for aid to Greece and Turkey was ap proved by the committee, as was a fund of $1,074,000,000 sought for Marshall Plan operations for the April-June quarter of this year. The overall amount recommend ed for all operations In the bill was $5,542,470,000. The President had asked $6,322,200,000. The actual amount of money to be made available depends on what the full House and Senate vote when the bill comes before them. The cuts the committee made are on lop of a $157,800,000 re duction that Mr. Truman himself suggested because of the decline in price since he sent his budget to Congress in January. $300,000 Asked For New FairvieW Home Hospital r SALEM. May 23.-7P Dr. Ir- Board of Control- today for per mission to build a new $300,000 30-hed hospital for his institution. It would replace the. present hospital, which was partially de st roved by fire last Wednesday. The board instructed Dr. Hill to prepare plans and estimates. If the board approves, the Slate Emergency Board would be asked June 17 for Ihe money to build it. Dr. Hill said the loss to the .present hospital was $127,000, compared with his previous $300, 000 'estimate. He suggested the present building could be fixed up for use as a school for the institution. Lvity Fact Rant By L. F. Reiainstein Twe head art better than one especially en the tamt man in this seesaw typi of weather; ent head for a straw hat, the other for felt.