8 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Sat, May 21, 1949 Society and Qluhi By LOTUS KNIGHT . PORTER NEW IDEA CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE LUNCHEON MEETING WEDNESDAY Mrs. F. H. Appdhoff and Mrs. John H. Porter entertained the New Idea Club' of Edenbower at a lovely 1 o'clock luncheon at the former's home Wednesday. Mix ed spring flower's formed the pretty decorations. Covers were placed for Miss Helen Falhe and Miss Patricia Mayo, guests, and Mrs. C. E. Marks, Mrs. W. D. Hess, Mrs. C. B. Calkins, Mrs. A. J. Slandley, Mrs. W. D. Har ris, Mrs. L. M. Hodges, Mrs. Clifford Hess, Mrs. E. T. Nelson, Mrs. Betty Moore and the two hostesses. Members having birthdays in May were remembered. A social hour followed the business meet ing. The club will meet June 1 at a 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. W. D. Hess. MRS. CHESTER MORGAN ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Choslcr Morgan entertain ed her bridge club at a charming one o'clock luncheon at the Shall mar Tuesday. Covers were placed for Miss Helen Casey and Mrs. H. T. Hansen, guests, and Mrs. H. C. Wells, Mrs. R. D. Coen, Mrs. H 11. Turner, Mrs. L. K. Cornwcll, Mrs.-W. J. Hulch and the hostess, Mrs. Morgan. Contract bridge was enjoyed during the afternoon at the at tractive Morgan home in Laurel wood. Roses and peonies formed the decorations. High scores were won by Mrs. Hansen for the guests, and Mrs. Cornwcll for the members. 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE PHONE 352 BEAUTIFUL KENTILE FLOORS Now Guaranteed for the Life of Your Home COEN SUPPLY Everything For Floed 4 Milt Sts. AUTO-TRUCK GENERAL LIABILITY FIRE X JIHSUMKCl Jl We are open noon hours and until 6 P. M. for people who can not call at regular hours. Paul H. Krueger District Agent 636 S. Stephen! St. Roscburg Phone 21 8 SAVE FOOD WORK-TIME AND MONEY! AMAZING LOW PRICE! Thousands of enjoying garden poultry the making many money with HAKDIiR ZULEIMA CLUB HAS INFORMAL DINNER MEETING FRIDAY Zuleima Club, Daughters of the Nile met at a delightful informal dinner at the Hotel Rose Friday evening with the hostesses car rying out a clever decorative mo tif in keeping with "Friday the l.ilh." Black cats, ladders, broken mirrors and all types of bad luck symbols were used for the cen terpiece, while tiny corsages of four-leaf clovers were given as favors. There were 13 members pres ent including: Mrs. Otto Harrah, president, Mrs. Gladys M. Kes- ner, Mrs. Elizabeth uurnam, Mrs, A!ta Osterhout, Mrs. W. C. Holmes, Mrs. Dallen H. Jones, Mrs. L. E. Henningc-r, Mi's. Hen ry Halvorsen, Mrs. 'John Boor, Mrs. William Harms, Mrs. Wil liam T. Evans Jr., Mrs. George R. Aker Sr., and Mrs. Frank S. Bodin. Plans were made for a rum mage sale to be held June 11 at the Episcopal parish hall. The next meeting will be a potluck picnic supper at the summer place of Mrs. L. E. Henninger at Winchester June 15. Members are asked to meet at the Rose Hotel at 5 o'clock for transpor lation. ANNIVERSARIES ARE CELEBRATED AT DINNER THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simpson celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary and the ninth wed ding anniversary of the former's twin brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson, at a delight ful dinner party Thursday eve ning at the Roy Simpson home. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simpson and sons, Benny and Ronnie; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson and children, Rog er, Ruth and Jeannelte, and Mr. and Mrs. George Quick und son, Victor. Visiting was enjoyed dur ing the pleasant evening hours. raw m COMPANY The Builder Phono 121 dm . fri lucky families are enting better, living better, fresh vegetables and fruits, choice meats and year 'round, in and out of season. They're worthwhile savings in food, work, time and Freer, the economical home freezer. 'mm REFRIGERATION Harold and Mildred Horn MUSICAL WORKSHOP RECITAL PRESENTED BY MRS. HOMER GROW The third of a scries of spring recitals was presented by the piano and pipe organ pupils of Mrs. Homer Grow at (he Presby terian Church last Monday eve ning. Tall baskets of roses, del p'ninium and peonies were used as decorations. I he program was varied, including numbers played by very young beginners, and pro gressing through more advanced pupils up to skilled performers of Senior High School age. Those playing piano numbers were: Jimmy Keefe, Sandra Sie farth, Blake Conn, Judy Ott, Loren McClure, Judy Edwards, R'bert Johnson, Myrnabeth Glick, Janet Reed, Judy Hebard, Patricia Riley, Frank Churchill, Delberta Simonson, Judy Hewett, Jean Hewett, Kendell Cairnes, Stephen Reed, Marjorie Bowker, Carol Anne Knox, Janete Sher wood, Billy Riley, Carolyn Jack son, Patricia Elliott, Janet Ur banek, Doris Ann Long, Mary Ellen Holbrook, Nancy Allen, Janet Church, Mary Margaret Cobb, Noreen Allen, Jerry Jones, Carmen Dysert, Anne Mellis, Carolyn Burr and Robert Church. Janice Plummer played inter mission organ numbers, and Jo an Phillips played an organ and piano duo with Mrs. Grow. The last of the series of recitals will be given at the Methodist Church the evening of June 6. The public is cordially invited to attend. RIVERSDALE HAPPY HOUR CLUB MEETS AT LOVELY DESSERT-LUNCHEON Mrs. Robert Harmon and Mrs. Donald Harmon entertained the Riversdale Happy Hour Club at a lovely two o clock dessert-luncheon at the former's home Wed nesday. Beautiful bouquets of mixed spring flowers formed the decorations. Covers were placed for Mrs. Neal Christian, Mrs. Walter Bailey, Mrs. W. E. Buell, Mrs. L. W. Cotlrell, Mrs. Glenn Cox, Mrs. Walter Cox, Mrs. Ned Dixon, Mrs. Donald Guiley, Mrs. Dale Guiley, Mrs. H. B. Kruse, Mrs. Charles Lee, Mrs. W. E. Ott. Mrs. C. M. Stark, Mrs. Ernest Trus sell, Mrs. Roger Lee and the two Hostesses. The next meeting will be June 8th at a. two o'clock dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Walter Bailey with Mrs. Ernest TrussclL co-hostess. NORTHSIDE SUNSHINE CLUB ENTERTAINED AT EVENING MEETING The Norlhside Sunshine Club met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Senna Hiney. Miss Elizabeth Paul conducted the meeting in the absence of the president. The rooms were lovely with bouquets of mixed spring flowers. High prize for the evening was won by Mrs. Lucia Ingles. Miss t'aui assisted the. hostess in serv ing refreshments lo Miss Barbara Sory, a guest, Mrs. M. Snry, Miss Bernardine Princen, Mrs. Lucia Ingles and Mrs. E. Prin- i cen. The next meeting will be Mav :2fith at 1)04 Riverside Drive with I Mrs. Jlart as hostess. TWELVE AND ONE CLUB HAS LUNCHEON MEETING AT WEBBER HOME The Twelve and Won Club met Tuesday at a noon luncheon at the home of Mrs. Thella Webber. Wild Iris formed the centerpiece. Covers were placed for Mrs. E. Kenneth Jones, Mrs. W. Fest, Mrs. Fred Kitman, Mrs. E. Prin cen, Miss Bernardine Princen, Mrs. William Peifer, Mrs, Fred Hargls, Mrs. N. E. Richardson and the hostess, Mrs. Webber. High prize for the afternoon was won by Mrs. Jones Willi Mrs. Peifer winning second high. The next meeting will be May 21th at the home of Mrs. Peifer, 528 S. Main slrect. 13 Cv. Pi. Chart Moist 'pri FORSYTHE GUILD HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING THURSDAY EVENING Forsythe Guild of the First Presbyterian Church met Thurs day evening at me nome of Miss Verna Carothers. Mrs. Florence Lozier, president, conducted the meetin ; and Mrs. W. M. Camp bell presented the devotions. Mrs. n l H ..it, i.- enc a tain, uu China. Delicious refreshments were served to: Mrs. Morris H. Roach, Mrs. J. R. Brymer, Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Mrs. Florence Lozier, Mrs. Orlena Slattery, Mrs. Re gina Sawyers, Miss Gertrude Rast, Mrs. Reba Hartley, Miss Uella Whitehead, Miss Vera Fred rickson, Miss Elnor Sherk. Mrs. Alta Simonson, Miss Ina Farns worth and the hostess, Miss aroiners. JOAN GAIL RAND CELEBRATES FOURTH BIRTHDAY WEDNESDAY Joan Gail Rand, daughter of rvir.ana Mrs. Lawrence Rand. .cele brated her fourth birthday Wednesday at a delightful party and entertained as guesls: Mar ian and Edna Mae Rand, Patty anu juuy ration, uusseu, Lynn ana noaney tsevens, Konnie Kand Mona Lee and Marcie Rae Burt Janet, Harrv and Kathv Inman Lola and Rexie Nlckholsen, and Joyce, and Larry Kand. Other guesls were Mrs. Hon Nicholson, Mrs. John Patton, Mrs. Jack Bev- ens, Mrs. Edwin Rand, Mrs. Le- Roy Inman and the hostess, Mrs. Lawrence Rand. Dishwater Manicure Olive oil massaged Into the finger tips before donning rub ber gloves to wash dishes results In a hot oil manicure the hot dishwater does the work. IjLGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN thai the undersigned executrix has tiled in the county Lourt of the state of Oregon for Douglas County her final account In settlement of the estate of Wooster Hayden Fisk, deceased, and the Court has appointed Saturday, June IS, 1949, at 10:00 a. m., in the County Court Hoom In the Court House at Roscburg. Douglas County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to said final account and settle ment of said estate. s MAHIE LOUISE FISK Executrix of the estate of Wooster Hayden Fisk, da ceased. NOTICE TO CltEI)ITOR8 NTotlce IB hereby given that the un dersigned has bepn by Ihe County Court ol the Slate of Oregon for DouKln-i County appointed executor of the Last Will and Testament of II. W. Hinkley. deceased. All persons having claims against his estate are notified to pre sent the same verified as required by law to the undersigned at Room 7, The United States National Bank Building. Hoseburg, Oregon, within 'six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated April :iO. l!4n. G. V. WIMBERLY, Executor of the LiiKl Will and Testa ment of U. W. Hinkley, de ceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE SIE NT Notice Is hereby given that tile un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Emll Hal), deceased, has filed her final account In the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and said court has fixed Tuesday, June 14. 104!, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the County Court room in the Courthouse in Hoseburg, Oregon, as the time and place for hear ing objections, if any there be, to said final account and for settlement thereof. . MAHY ADAL1NE HALL. Ad ministratrix of the estate of Emil Hall, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The Administrator of the eslate i MARY T. WELLS, deceased, hereby givi notice that the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, has fixed May 2:1, 1!)4, at ten o clock A. M. as the time. 1 tile County Court Room in the Court Mouse at Hoseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as tire place for hearing objec tions, If any there lie, to the final ac count of the Administrator. Dated April 2:ird. l!ll!l. 1. G. PICKENS, Administrator of the Estate 'of MARY T. WELLS, deceased. NOT'CK TO ( ItHIHTORS AlaL persons hnvlntf drums against the estate of I.urton Plntt, deceased, now pendinj In the County Court of DougljiM County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the some properly verified to the under Binned admlnislrn tor tit the law offices of Orcutt, Long At Neuner nt Rosebiiig, Douglas County, Oregon, within six h months from the Hlh day of May, 1!I4!V A. N. OHCUTT. Administrator of The Kstate of, Lurton PJutt, Deceased. NOTICK OF t' IN AIi SETTLE Mil NT NOTICE 1.1 hereby given that the un derxiKned ad mi nistr.it or has filed in the County Court ef the Slate of Ore gon for Douglas County his final ac count in settlement of said estate and Tuesday the ;Ust day of May. l!M!, at 1 1): 0(1 o'clock A. M. in the County Court Room in the Court House In Hoseltii-g, Douglas County, Oregon, has heen fixed as the time and phice fur hearing ob jection if any there he to said fln.-il account and for the settlement thereof A. N. OHCUTT, Administrator of the Kstate of Luclnda (rimes. Deceased. THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST INVITE YOU TO ALL SERVICES ' Bible Study Weclnrsdny 8 P. M. In Sutherlin at the Scouts Hall Sunday 1 0:00 A. M. In Roseburg at 789 Military Street Bible Study 10 A. M. Service at 11 A. M. Communion 11:50 A. M, Evening--Young People Mooting 7 P. M. Service 8 P. M. 1 ' All work must please the customer. Your furs insured for loc per $101). Cleaning and glazing, $3.75. loccted 5 Miles East of Springfield, on McKenzie Highway ROUTE 1, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON IS THE CIRCUIT COt'RT OF Tilt ST.VIfc OK OKhiiON OK OOI'OI.AS COL.VIY SI .'tlMONS JOHN K THOMAS and ALENE THOMAS. Plaintiffs, v.. T. F. KOYAL also known an Thoroa Y. Royal, and MAHY ANNA HOY AL. the Unknown Heir, of Thomas i . Hoyal.' If deceased the Unknown Heirs of Mary Anna Koyal, II deceased, and all other Dersons parties unknown claiming any right, title, iiiciri, ui c.iaiB in me nrdi iuciij aescriuea herein, ueienaams I TO: T. r. Hoyal. alio known as Thom- 'as t. Hoyal. and Mary Anna Hoyal the Unknown Heira of Thorn a F. Royal, ll ueceasea. tne unknown Heirs ol Mary Anna Royal, if deceased, und ail oiner persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title. Interest or eutate in the real -properly described herein, IN THfcl NAME OF THE STATE OF UHLGUN you and each ol you hereby are required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs filed against you nerem wiinin lour n weens irom the date of the first publication ol this summons and if you fail so to aooear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein. A succinct statement of which is as follews: That you are required to appear and state the nature and character of your ad verse claim, if any, lo the following described real property, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is South 2.i' 4fi' West (JO feet from the South east corner of parsonage lot No. lb in the town of Wilbur, said point being North 59 50' East 1M3 feet from the quarter corner on the , West side of Section IS, Township 26 South, Range 3 West of the Willa mette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon. Running thence South 23' 48' West 2fi7.7 feet to a point; thence North 8fi' 09' West 44.4 feet to the East side of the right-of-way of the Pa cific Railway Company, formerly O. &t C. Railway. Thence North along the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way line to a point which bears North 15" 12' West 459 feet from said point. Thence North 7" 34' East 49 feet to a point. Thence South (i5 22' East 273.28 feet to the place of be ginning, all in Section 18. Township 2fi South. Range 5 West of the Willa mette Meridian Th-V upon the hearing thereof it be decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners of suid property as tenants by the entirety and that none of said defendants or any persons or parties claiming by, through or under them have any right,-, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof and that the title of the plaintiffs be forever quieted against any claims of the defendants and each of them. That the defendants and each of them and any persons or parties claiming by. through or under them be forever enjoined from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, or Interest in or to sam reai piucnj or any part thereof. This summons is served upon you by publication In the Roscburg News-Re-uiniu a lef.il newsnaoer of Keneral , circulation published in Dnukis County, i Oregon, pursuant to an order duly made and entered by the above entitled court and cause on the 7th day of May, 1949 Dated and First Published May 7. 1949. GEUDES ANU MiLM'-rt Attorneys for Plaintiffs V. S. National Bank Build ing, Roseburg.Oregon IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY CITATION In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES MILNE, Deceased. TO: Jennie Milne. Gertrude Milne. Bruce Milne, Robert A. Milne, t.naries H Milne. Kate Calvert and Lucille M Allread and to all other h?'.rs known or unknown, if any there be. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON you are hereby cited and re quired to appear in the above enttiled matter within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Citation, to show cause If any exists, why the following described rcnl property of the estate of. Charles Milne, deceased, to wit: One-half Interest tn tne following described property; The South one half iS'a" of the Northeast one quarter iNEV Section 10, Town ship : South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Douglas Coun ty. State of Oregon. should not be sold, ns prayed for in the petition filed by Bert M;Cov. ad ntinlstnitnr of the estate or Chnrlas Milne, deceased, at private saiu anu lor cash for the purpose of paying the ex penses of the administration and tor tho purpose or uisiriiKiiion, WITNESS the Honora hr.rlt .Indoe of the above with the seal of said Court affixed this 2(ith day of April, 194H. ! D N. BUSENBARK . County Judge. Attest: ROY AGEE, County Clerk. (SEALi IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COUNTY OF DOUGLAS NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Number IH'M In the Matter of 'the Estate of HENRY J. KLINGER. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Judge of the above entitled Court has desig nated the lith day of June, 1949, at ten o'clock in the morning of the said day in the Court room in the Courthouse in Douiilns County, Oregon, as the time for a hearing of objections lo the final ac count in the above entitled estate, filed wiih the said Court and for the settle ment of the said estate. Any objections to the proceedings had herein and to the final account of the executor of the Last Will and Testament of Henry J. Klinger should appear before the said Court on or before the said day at said time Dated thi 6th dav of Mav, 1949. ROY.O. YOUNG, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Henry J.' Klinger, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEHEBY IS GIVEN that Mav , 194!l. at the hour of 1(1:00 o'clock M. in the County Court Room in the Court House In Roseburg, Douglas Coun- Oregon. has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any Here be. to the final account filed by the undersigned administratrix in the above entitled court. MILDRED BYERS EMBREE Administratrix of the Estate of Ray L. Byers, Deceased. Lcla's Fur Shop Gives Free Storage on Fur Coat Re-Styling or Repairs B I'M MONK , XN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY L. E GILLIAM and Edna GILLIAM: J C A STEEL and PAULINE R. CASTHEL. Plaintiffs. vs. ED BLACKWOOD; the unknown heirs of A. Blackwood, deceased; MABLE BERNICE SHOHT CONNER, also ail other persons or parlies unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in tne complaint herein. Defendants. TO: Ed Blackwood: the unknown heirs of A. Blackwood, deceased: Mable Bernlce Short Conner, alro all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the amended cgmplaint of plaintiffs filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before four '4 weeks from the 14th day of May, 1949, that being the date of the first pub lication of summons and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint plaintifts for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief Hem.-inHeri in said amended complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That it be decreed that plaintiffs are the owners in lee and entitled to the nos session of the following described real properly, io-wii; S'a. SWi. and SW, SE'' of Sec tion 2: E'.a NE'i NE'4. E1, SW' NE'i NE'4 of Section 32; NWl and NW'j NE' of Section 33, all in Township 21 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian in Douglas County, Oregon, subject to the in terest of one Donald P. Lane in and to the timber upon said prem ises. and that the right of possension and title to said premise be forever quieted in piainiins ana tnai it dc runner de creed that any claim of the defendants or either of them in cr to said premises or any pari tnereoi is witnout lounaa lion in law or in eauitv and that Dlain tiffs are the owners in fee of said premises and of the whole thereof free from anv and all claim or interest of said defendants or either of them of any Kina or nature wnaisoever and t.iat saui defendants and all Dersons claim. ing by. through or under them or either or tnem be lorever restrained and en joined from asserting any right, title or interest in or to said premises or any pari meeroi ana ior sucn oiner anc further relief as to the court shall ap pear equitable. i nis summons is served upon you by publication once each week for four successive weeks in the Ro.iehuri? ruews-iieview, a newspaper oi general circulation as provided by statute pub lished and issued in Roseburg, Douglas v-uuniy, Oregon, B.v order ol the Hon. Car R w m. berly, Judge of the above entitled court maae on tne mtn day of May. 1049, OHCUTT, LONG Si NEUNER. Attorneys ior Plaintiffs, Post Office Address; Roseburg, Oregon. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JJUUULAS LUUJNi Y SUM .HONS C. E. BANNING, Plaintiff, vs. JULIET LUKEY. The Unknown Heirs of Mary F, Cornutt, Deceased, Also All other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. TO: JULIET LUKEY, The Unknown Heirs of Mary F. Cornutt, Decensed, Alto All Other Persons or parties Un known Claiming any Right, Title, Es tate, Lien or Interest in the Real Eslate Decribed in the Complaint herein, Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before four i4i weeks from the 14th day of May, 1949., that being the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said com plaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That it be decreed that plaintiff is the owner in fee and en titled to the possession of the follow ing described real property, to-wit: That part of the Southwest quar ter (SW'-il of the Northeast Quarter iNE1 of Section 13, Township 27 ; South. Range 5 West of the Willam ette Meridian in Douglas County, 1 Oregon, lying West of the North Umpqua Highway, containing nine (9) acres, more or less, subject to a contract of sale entered into tae tween plaintiff and one George . Springer. and that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever quieted in plaintiff- and that it be further de creed that any claim of the defendants or either of them in or to said prem ises or any part thereof is without foundation in law or In equity and that plaintiff is the owner in fee of said premises and of the whole thereof free from any and all claim or interest of said delendants or either of them, of any Kina or nature wnatsoever, and that said defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them or either of them be forever restrained and enjoined from asserting anv right, title or interest in or to said premises or any part thereof and for such other and further relief as to the court shall appear equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication once each week for four 4i successive weeks In the Roseburg News-Review, a newspaper of general circulation as provided by statute pub lished and issued in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon. By order of the Honorable Carl E Wlmberly, Judge of the above entitled court made on the 9th day of May, 194!). ORCUTT, LONG & NEUNER. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Pot Office Address: Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICE OP SAI.fi OF HEAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN That un der and pursuant to an order of the County Court of the State of OreKon for DouKlns County, duly mnde and entered of record in the matter of the estate of Isnac McDonald, deceased, authorizing the undersigned, as administrator of said eslale, to sell the real property hereinafter described: now, therefore, I, CHARLES E. BROWN, administra tor of the estate of haac McDonald, deceased, will, at (he offices of George i-uonia, u. s. national Bank Building. HoseburR, Douglas County, Oregon, on and after the Nth day of June, 19-I!. offer for sale for cash in hand, subject lo confirmation by the court, the fol lowing described real property of said estale. to-wit: The Southwest quarter iSW) of the Northeasl quarter iNE'i: the West half iV'at of the Southeast quarter (SE11: the Southeast quar ter iSE't' of ihe Southeast quarter iSE', Section 2, Township .11 South. Range 2 West ot the Willamette Meridian. ALSO THE FOLLOWING: The East half of the Southwest quarter tE'j of the SWU". of Sec tion ;t5. Township M South, of Range 2 West, of the Willamette Meridian; and the Northwest quar ter of the Northeast quarter iNW1 of the NE'i; and Lots 1, 2 and 3, of Section 2. Township 3t South, of Range 2 West, of the Willamette Meridian in said county and state that is Count of Douglas, State of Oregon'. CHARLES E. BROWN. Admin istrator of the Estate of Isaac A I c Don aid, Decea sed . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that Gordon G. Carlson has been appointed admini strator with the will annexed of the estate of David A. Monroe, deceased. All persons having claims against Ihe said estate are required to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of the tirjt publication hereof, to the undersigned at the I'mpqua Savings fe Loan Building. Roseburg. Oregon. Dated and fust published this 14th day of May, lav Gordon G Carlson Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate of David A. Monroe, Deceased. DID YOU HEAR ? ? ? , . . Chrystolite Tile it not only cheop to build with but stays just like new for years. it is cool in summer and CHRYSTALITE TILE INC. Pacific Hwy. N. CITATIOV IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate NILS NICKELS'ON, Deceased. TO: El'a Nicitehon. Ruth E Bowser, Eileen M Boten, Jane E. Nickelson, Heirj at Law of Nil Nickelson, de racri' and to all other luirs un known, if any such there be. of said Nils Nickebon. deceased. GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County in the" courtroom thereof with in ten 1 10i days from the service of this citation upon you if served m Douglas County, Oregon, within twenty i2Ui days from the service of this cita tion upon you if served within any niiier enuntv In the Slate of Oregon and within twenty-eight 28i days from the 7th dav of May, 1349. that being the first date of the first publication of this citation, if served by publica tion, then and there to show cause, if any exists, whv an order of this court should not De maae amnorizing me u' rnini.-imiriy tn sell the followins de scribed real property of said estate for the purpose of paying the claims against said estate, expenses of administration and for distribution, and because said property does not have rental income at this time, all as prayed for in the petition of said administratrix iwea in this court: An undivided one-half f'a inter est ir and to the following real property situated in Qoulaa Coun ty. State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the North right-of-way of the Pacific Highway U. S. 99, from which point the ' corner between Sections 11) and 15, Township 28 South Range 6 West of Willamette Meridian, bears North 47J 54' West, feet. Thence South 41 5B West, 236.3 feet along the North right-of-way of said High way. Thence North 63" 36' West. 413.8 feet; thence North 41" 38' East, 259.9 feet; thence South 60 24' East, 414.6 feet to the place of beginninz containing 2.3 acres, more or less, in Section 15, Town shio 28 South. Range 6 West of Wil lamette Meridian, Douglas iCounty, Orifon, WITNESS the Honorable D. N.Busen bark, County Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, with the seal of said Court affixed this 4th day of May, 1949. D. N. BUSENBARK, County Judge. ATTEST; s ROY AGEE. ' County Clerk. 'SEAL OF COURT) Date of first publication: May 7, 1949. Date of last publication: June 4. 1949. NOTICE FOR KIDS FOR SCHOOL BONDS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 19-C ALSO KNOWN AS NO, 19. DOUGLAS COl'NTY, OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY Given that the undersigned will, up to 7:30 o'clock P. M. on the 8th day of June. 1949. re ceive at the high school building in the Town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, sealed bids for the purchase of negotiable 'se rial coupon bonds of School District No 19-C, also known as School District No. 19. of Douqlas County, Oregon, in the sum of $130,000.00. Said bonds will be in denominations of 51. 000.00 each, all dated June 15, 1949, and maturing the tirst twelve il-ii oonas in numuer on the 15th day of June, 1951 , and twelve '12i succeeding bonds in number on the 15th day of June of each and every year thereafter up to and including the 15th day of June, 19G5. Said bonds shall draw interest at the rate to be speci fied by tne successful bidder, payable semi-annually on December 15th and June 15th. and the principal and in terest shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer of Douslas County, Ore- , or at the fiscal aeency of the State of Oregon in the City and Stntt of New York', at the option of the pur' chaser. All bids must be aceomoanied bv ( certified check payable to School Dis trict no. of Doueias County, Ore gon, in an amount equal to 5' of the bid. to be forfeited to the school dis trict in case the successful bidder shall fail to complete the purchase of said bonds in accordance with the terms of his bid. Said bids shall he opened at a public meeting of the school board to be held in the hi Gh .school buildine in the Town of M.vrtle Creek in said d strict on the 8th day of June, 1949, at 7:30 o ciock r. m., or at any legal adjourn ment of said meeting, and the bonds ;hall be sold bv tne board to the highest and best bidder but for not less than par and accrued interest. The board reserves the right to reiect anv and all bids, and to readvertise the le of said bonds. Bv order of the Bnnrri of Directors of School District No. 19-C, also known as No. 19, of Douglas County, Oregon. 1'. H. r-KUKHLlCH, District Clerk of School District No. 19-C, also known as No. 19. of Douglas County, Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hersbv civen that Ihe un dersigned executrix of the Last Will and Testament of James II. Hays, de ceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Douglas County and said court nas appointed Tuesday, June 14, Iy4!, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon in the County Court Room in the Court Houre in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as Ihe lime and place for hearing ob jections, if any. to said account. DATED Mav 14, 1!14. MERLE DOERTNG. Executrix of the Last Will and Testa ment of James H. Hayes, De ceased. N O T IC V. TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of William Earle Bard, de ceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law. to the un dersigned at the office of Getldes & Felker. Attorneys, Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. .Dated and first published this 14th day of May, l!4f. LEO SPARKS Administrator of the Estate of William Earle Bard, de- ceased Notice "of" final hearing; NOTICE HEHEBY IS GIVEN that June t4, 1!49 at the hour of 10 o clock A. M In the County Court room of the Court House in Hoseburg. 0uglas County. Oregon has been fixed as the time and Elace for hearing objections, if any there e, to the final account filed by the undersigned executor in the above en tilled court in the Estate of Grant Smith, deceased. IVAN G. PICKENS Executor of the Estate of Grant Smith, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of Melissa M, Mctzger, de ceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law. to the undersigned at the office of Geddes & Felker, Attorneys. Roseburg, Oregon, within six ti months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 14th day of May. 1!M. CLAUDE TRUEMAN Administrator of the Estate of Melissa M. Metzger, de ceased. SLABWOOD in 12-16 and 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR You will like the way so warm in winter, too. Phone 69S-R-2 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is heieby given that the un dersigned executor and exeiutnx oi the estate of Emma Howard, deceased have f;led their final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County and said court has appointed Tuesday. June 14, 1949. at 1U00 oclock in the forenoon in the County Court Room in the Court House In Roseburg, Douglai County. Origon, as the time and place for hearing ob jections, if any, to said account. DATED May 14. 1949 HARDY'' O HOWARD, execu tor, and EVA H- STRUBLE, exccuirix. of the Last Will and Testament of Emma How ard. Deceased; NOTICE OF UNAL SETTLEMENT The underjisned administrator of the estate of James Hamilton Adams, de ceased, has filed in the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, the final account of his administration, and the Court has fixed Tuesday. June 21, 1949. at 10 o'clock a.m. as the time, and tne Countv Court room in the court house in Roseburg. Oregon, as the place, for hearing objections, if any. to said final account or to the settlement of said estate. Dated May 14th, 1949. LEVI E. WHITE. Administra tor of the Estate of Jamei Hamil tonAdajms, DecMeU NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estafe of John F. Morris, deceased, now pending in the County Court of Doup las County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified a required bv law, to the undersigned at the law offices of George Luoma, U. S. National Bank Building. Roseburg. .Ore gon, w'ithin six 161 months from the date of the first publication ,of this notice. . J , , GEORGE LUOMA, Adminis trator of the Estate of John F. Morris, Deceased. Date of first publication April 30, 1949. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEREBY is given that Mav 31. 1949, at the hour of 10:00 oclock M. in the t-oumy court noom at ine Court House in Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed ai the time and place for hearing objections, if any there be, to the final account filed by the undersigned administrators In the above mentioned court Dated and first published this 30tn day of April, 1949. the estate oi aaoie unyoi deceased. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE Ur UKtiiun r jn DOUGLAS COUNTY CITATION In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES WILLIAM MILNE, Deceased. TO: Doris Leota Thrasher, Elizabeth Maxine Milne ana h.ennetn ueorge Milne and to all other heirs known or unknown, if any there be. IV THE NAME OF THE STATE OF n-awr.nN vnn nr herebv cited and re quired to appear in the above entitled matter within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Citaton, to snow cause n any exist, wn.v following described real property of the estate of Charles William Milne, to-wit: One-quarter interest m the follow ing described property: The South one-half iS'ji of the Northeast one quarter iNE'-ii Section 10, Town ship 30 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Douglas Coun tv. State of Oregon. should not be sold, as prayed for In the petition filed by Bert McCoy, ad ministrator of the estate of Charles Wil liam Milne, deceased, at private sale and for cash for the purpose of paying the expenses of the administration and tor ine purpose oi nisiriouiion. WITNESS the Honorable D. N. Busen bark, Judge of the above entitled Court, with the seal of said Court affixed thii 26th day of April, 194n. D. N. BUSENBARK, County Judge. Attest: s ROV AGEE, County Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Jilya Bogdanovich, alias John Smith, deceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas. County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to the undersigned at the law offices of George Luoma, U. S. National Bank Building. Roseburg. Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication: April 23, 194!). H. C. STEARNS. Administra tor of the Estate of Jilya Bogdanovich. alias John Smith, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Rodney Errol Smith, deceased, now pending in the County Court In Douglas County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by law. to the undersigned at the offices of Orcutt. Long & Neuner, Attorneys, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from April 30th. iy4f). GETTA-VOILET F. SMITH, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Rodney Errol Smith, Deceased. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY NOTICE In the, Matter of the Estate of HARRY BREMNER DOLLAR, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN that the undersigned, executrix in th above en titled matter, has filed herein her final report and account, and that Tuesday, May ill, 1940, at 9:30 o'clock A. JVi. at the courthouse in the city of Roseburg, in said county, has been fixed by th above named court as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and for the examination and allowance thereof. Dated: Anril :it)th. lf)49. ESSIE B. DOLLAR. Executrix. NEFF & FROHNMAYEH, Mcdford, Oreg. Attorneys for Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Marv Elizabeth Pryor. All persons having claims against her estate are notified to present the same verified as required by law to the undersigned executrix at the law office of Dexier Rice in Ump qua Savings fc Loan Building, Roseburg Douglas County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice DATED Anril 30, 1049 ANNA ELIZABETH ALLEN. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Mary Eliza beth Pryor, Deceased. -INSURANCE-AUTO LltE AUTO FIRE State Farm Mutual Insurance 0. L. ROSE P. O. Box 489 Phone 28S 116 W. Cass Over Douglas County Bank FASTER, EASIER YARD GAI WO! WITH BOLENS HUSKI Botttr gardening in lest time h your reward for po,ng modern wiih the BOLENS .HUSKI Tland,.H. Tool con trol steering eliminates tugcing anj lilting, makes Hand. -Ho surprisincly easy to handle. Use it for mowing ihe lan. working the garden or clearine mow in winter. High performance at low price. Com in and stt it . , , toon Umpqua Tractor Co. Ford Tractor Dealerj 125 S. Pine I (DEN ill IK NEW .JA ! T i 324 N. Jackson Phon. 270