The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 21, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Will Marry Frederick Stora Jr.
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picture by Clark studio
Miss 8hirley Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd N. Wilson of Roseburg announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Miss
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M.
bride-elect is at present employed
and the bridegroom-elect is with
date has been set for the wedding.
6 The Newi-Reyiw, Roseburg,
Society and Qluhi
Mrs. L. J. Fullerlon entertained
the Merry-Go-Round Club at a
charming one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon
Wednesday at her
beautiful home at Winston. Rho
dodendrons and Iris formed the
attractive decorations.
Covers wore placed for Mrs.
George Sotham, Mrs. J. Karl Pick
ens, Mrs. Ivan Brosl, Mrs. J. K.
Masters, Mrs. J, R. Wilson, Mrs.
Fred Vehring, Mrs. Clyde Fuller
ton, Mrs. George Bacher and
small son, Bryce; Mrs. W. H.
Carter and the hostess, Mrs. L. J.
The next meeting place will be
announced later.
Local ladies of the bar enter
tained wives of visiting governors
of the state Bar Association at
a charming party Friday evening
at the attractive home of Mrs.
Paul Geddes on Kast Lane street,
while the Roseburg men enter
tained their guests at a smoker
at the home of Attorney
Spencer Yates on North Jackson
Today, the visiting ladiet were
, honored at a luncheon m the
Roseburg Country Club. The men
and ladies will hold a Joint dinner
party at Carl's Haven Ihta evening.
Engagement Is Announced
, " ' xnl' i
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a. i
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Mill Nancy
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lehman of
ment of their daughter. Miss Nancy
of Mr. and Mi s. F. L. Von Schriltz,
been set for the wedding.
':f Wrl '
" J
.1 '
Shirley, to Frederick J. Stora Jr.,
Stora Sr., also of Roscburg. The
by Dr. Keith Bryant In this city
the U. S. Navy Air Corps. No
Ore. Sat, May 21, 1949
Mu Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi,
met Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Jack P. Bathrick on
Melrose road for a very delight
ful notiuck dinner, which was
served in the garden In front of
an outdoor fireplace. Mrs. Bath
rick was assisted by Mrs. Wayne
Ci'ooch, Mrs. Ted Schultz, Mrs.
Carl Wassom and Mrs. Don Gum.
Mrs. Harrison R. Winston, presi
dent, conducted a short business
meeting and plans were made for
the fall rushing season. Members
and guests got acquainted by tell
ing how they happened to be liv
ing in Roseburg and related other
interesting facts about them
selves. Guests present were Mrs. II. C.
Church, Mrs. R. H. Darby, Mrs.
Harold Jokela, Mrs. Knute Kersh
ner and Mrs. Ray Stein. Members
present were: Miss Mary Peter
son, Mrs. Ray O. Brown, Mrs. R.
W. To.icr, Mrs. Benjamin O. Pit
Kresne. Mis. George Lunma, Mis.
J. R. Wharton, Mis. John Klllop,
Mrs. James Flnlay, Mrs. Chelsea
Browne, Mrs. Ed Wyatt. Mrs.
Alan Knudtson, Mrs. Dallen II.
Jones, Mrs. Bruce Helrlck, Mis.
Clair K. Allen, Mrs. Mary Black
and the hostess committee.
This was the last meeting until
fall, however, a picnic Is planned
for later In the summer.
Ptcturt by Clark'i Studio
Rao Lahman
Roseburg announce the engage
Rae, to Clair Von Schrlllz, son;
also of this city. No date has '
Will Marry Ja mes
I f V , 'I
Miss Peggy
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Toppings, Melrose route, Roseburg, an
nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Peggy, to James N.
LaRaut, son of Mrs. Vernon LaRaut and the late Mr. LaRaut of
Roseburg. The blide-elect is employed by Youngs Bay Lumber Com
pany and the bridegroom-elect is employed by Umpqua Dairy. No
date has been set for the wedding.
Lillian Say, Journal's Washing
Ion correspondent, reports a
charming parly of interest to
umn In the Oregon Journal re
garding the affair given by Mrs.
Guy Cordon, wife of Senator Cor
don, and Mrs. Harris Ellsworth,
wife of Representatives Ells
worth, In honor of their house-
guests from Roseburg. The party
was In the form of a luncheon
at the Army and Navv Country
Club, just over the lino from the
Inst net of Columbia and honored
Mrs. Cordon's guest, Mrs. Carl
E. Wimnerly, and Mrs. Ellsworth s
guest, Mrs. J. C. Hume.
Luncheon guests included wives
of the members of the Oregon
delegation, Mrs. Wayne Morse,
Mi'R. Lowell Stockman, Mrs. Hom
er Angcll and Mrs. Waller Nor
bind, and oilier guests had some
connection with Oregon and in
cluded: Mrs. William O. Douglas,
wife of the supreme court jus
tice, who was born in Oregon;
Mrs. E. A. Wheeler, granddaugh
ter of the inle Binger Herman
of Roseburg; Mrs. Maxwell Ham
ilton, whose husband was former
ly ambassador to Finland, is the
mother of Mrs. Charles Church
of Sulherlin; Mrs. E. F. Tandy,
whose lale husband was formerly
manager of the Veterans Hospital
in Roseburg; Mrs. Carl Shoemak
er, and Mrs. Joseph Carson, wife
of Portland's ex -mayor and U. S.
maritime commissioner.
Mrs. Wimlierly and Mrs. Hume
have been extensively entertained
during Iheir stay in the nation's
rapilol. They plan to return west
via Canada and will stop at Lake
Louise and Banff.
Women of the Roseburg Coun
try Club enjoyed an Alibi golf
tournament Thursday morning at
the club rourse with Mrs. 11. C.
Stearns winning low net and Mrs.
Walter Brydgcs. second low net.
Luncheon was served at noon
lo Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, who pre
sided In the absence of the presi
dent, Mrs. K. A. Pearson; Mrs. K.
D. Adams, Mrs. J. F. nillnrd, Mrs.
Emily .lutitl. Mrs. Roger Gee. Mrs.
Joe l'erraull. Mrs. Hoy Sheppard.
Mrs. James Hughes, Mrs. Mitchell
Moore. Mrs. Walter Brvdges. Mrs.
L. Hallmark. Mrs. E. H. Harvey.
Mrs. Harold E. Schmecr. Mrs.
A. K. Collier. Mrs. L. G. Twohv.
Mrs. I.. E. McClintock. Mrs. Ver
non Bilges. Mrs. John Killop.
Mrs. Kenneth Quine. Mrs. H. C. :
Stearns and Mrs. Paul Moen.
Plans were made for the June;
flth Play Day affair for members i
and their invited guests. Golfing
contests will be enjoyed in the i
morning, followed by a noon '
luncheon and afternoon of con
tract bridge.
Contract bridge was In play
during the afternoon with Mrs.1
L. E. McClintock winning high ;
score: Mrs. H. C. Stearns, sec
ond, and Mrs. Joe Penault, third. :
Mrs. Thomas Findlav entertain-1
cd at a lovely handkerchief show-1
er and farewell party at her home I
on ine Keasey roan luesday at-1
tornonn in compliment to Mrs.
Roy Simpson, who with her hus
band and their two sous, Benny
and Ronnie, will leave May 'js for
Crookston, Minn., to spend a vcar
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Baird.
Hoses and Iris formed a pretty
motif for the occasion. Visiting
was enjoyed and delicious refresh
ments were served. Mrs. Fimllay
was assisted by Mrs. Green and
Mrs. llardick.
Guests enloying the affair with
Mrs. Findlav honoring Mrs.
Simpson Incliided: Mrs. C, lv
mcnico. Mrs. Paul Beaver, Mis.
C N. Westhind. Mrs. lVan Paul
Sim, Mrs. Kirk Hnrdick. Mrs.
Robert Paulson. Mrs. George
(.''nick. Mis. Hubv Blood id
Myrtle Creek. Mrs.' W. F. Patti
son and Mrs, Fred Prumsnn.
N. La Raut
Picture by Photo Lab
Isaac A. Culler, Roseburg, for
merly of Tyrone, Mo., and Miss
Nancy But from of Rocky Com
fort, Mo., were married May 8th
in the Assembly of God parson
age in this city by Rev. V. L.
The bride was attractive In a
black and white ensemble with
matching accessories. Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Knotts of Roseburg
served as best man and matron
of honor.
A reception followed at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis L.
Coble In Roseburg. Mrs. Charles
Broadwater served the wedding
cake, assisted by Mrs. Clifford
Broadwater. Coffee was served
by Mrs. Alfred Coble and Mrs.
Willis Coble.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Broadwater, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Broadwater, Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Coble. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Coble, Perry Broadwater, Clyde
Bluejacket, Lester Broadwater
and Mrs. Flora Larikford.
the briiiegroom is employed at
the Veterans Hospital in Rns.
burg. Mr. and Mrs. Culler are
now at home to their friends at
their new home on Rutter's Lane.
Ml'S. Vernon Keel entortainrvl
at a charming 1:30 o'clock dessert-luncheon
at her home on
Thursday In compliment to Miss
moyui run, orioe-eieci oi Kay
mond Hough. The wedding date
has been set for May 29.
The bire.rfivernH lahla u-ib
centered with a bowl of yellow
roscoiais wiin matcning yellow
tanei's. Iris. rosn atiH nlliat-
spring blossoms formed the dec
orations. Mrs. Ward Cockeram
and Mrs. Ray Hampton poured.
Beautiful gifts were presented
to Miss Hill from Mrs. Charles
Hill, mother of the guest of
honor; Mrs. Etta Rogers, Mrs.
K H. Verrell. Mis i:ii,nn Mur.
dock, Mrs. Ward Cockeram, Mrs.
nay Hampton, Mrs. Arte J. Tay
lor, Mrs. Lester Adams, Mrs.
Louis Neureilcr and t ho hostess,
Mrs. Keel.
Visit i tl 17 was eninv.'H rliirjiiu
the social hour.
Mrs. A. M. Clitton. Hiverside.
Calif., announces the engagement
of her daughter. Aileen Alair, to
rioyu Lewis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. ollle Lewis of Roseburg.
The couple plan to be married In
Ashland In June.
The bride-elect completed her
grade, junior and senior high edu
cation in Ashland. She was grad
uated from Riverside Junior Col
lege, Riverside. Calif., and the
last two years has been a student
at Southern Oregon College. She
will receive her B. S. degree this
a p r I n g. The bridegroom-elect
sol ved in the V. S. Army Air
Force during World War il and
is now a sonhomore at S. O. C.
where he plans to continue his
studies until he is graduated. The
bride-elect plans to teach this fall.
I'niversity of Oregon Mothers
Club met a! a delightful no-hostess
dinner Monday evening at
the Turn-Around Inn. Covers
were placed for Mrs. Paul Shank
li il. Mrs. E. O. Rickli. Mrs. W. H.
Carter, Mrs. Heduig Walig, Mrs.
Sig Felt, Mrs. Harold Horn. Mrs.
11. T. Hansen, Mrs. C. B. Wade.
Mrs. A. A. St. Onge. Mrs. C. S.
Moliley. Mrs. Ethel Turner and
Mrs. John Nachter. j
Mrs. Sh.inklin reported on the!
Mother's Day weekend festivities
at I'niversity of Oregon. I
New officers or the coming
year Include: Mrs. St. Onge. presl-'
dent; Mrs. Shanklin. vicepiest-j
dent: Mis. Horn, secretary, and
Mrs. Orlena Slattery. treasurer, j
The club has adjourned until I
September. The next meeting
date will be held in September.
Junior Woman's
Left to right: Mrs. Lee Reding,
lhaw and Miss Barbara Weisz.
Miss Helen Casey, a past con
tact chairman of the Junior
Woman's Club, was guest speaker
at the last meeting of the year
Monday evening at the Episcopal
parish hall, when new officers for
the year were Installed in a beau
tiful candlelight ceremony. Miss
Casey gave a charming travelogue
on her trip to South America.
Mrs. Benjamin O. Du Fresne,
retiring president, conducted the
meeting and urged all members
to buy a bond during the Oppor
tunity Drive being conducted
from May 16 to June 30. Plans
were completed for the annual
spring dance to be held tonight,
May 21, at the Country Club
house for members and invited
Marry At Candlelight Ceremony,
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At a candlelight ceremony in
a setting of white snowballs,
bridlewreath and lilies at tht As
sembly of God Church, Miss
The D. A. R. met Mondav eve
ning at the W. M. Campbell Viome.
!!!! Winchester St., with Mrs. Roy
Entler graciously acting as host
ess at a 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper,
which was served buffet
style. Mixed spring flowers form
ed the decorations.
Those present were Mrs. C. P.
Cnylor. Mrs. D. N. Busenbark,
Mrs. Orrin T. Baker, Mrs. Ray S.
Petrequin, Mrs. George M.
Brown, Mrs. Walter Monger, Miss
Margaret Page. Mrs. Douglas
Waiie, Mrs. W. M. Campbell and
the hostess. Mrs. Entler.
Officers elected included Mrs.
Caylor. regent and registrar;
Mrs. Entler. vice regent; Mrs.
Anderson, corresponding secre
tary: Mrs. Baker, recording sec
retary; Mrs. Busenbark. treasur
er. .Nils. L. F. Nielsen, historian;
Mrs. CampNdl and Mrs. Waite.
program chairmen; Mrs. Brown,
committee on defense: Mrs. P.-t-reiniin.
good citizenship, and Mrs.
Anderson, approved sch(xds.
Plans were made for a potluek
dinner to be held by the mem
bers, their husbands and inwed
gursts June 13 at the Campbell
Club Installs New
Mrs. George Crenshaw Jr., Mri. Keith Cashner, Mn. Harold Jokela,
(Picture by Master Studio.)
A lovely gift was presented by
the club to Mrs. H. C. Church
in appreciation for her being con
tact chairman of the club this
year. Beautiful corsages were pre
sented to the retiring, and in
coming officers. Mrs. H. C.
Church, Mrs. Carl Wassom and
Mrs. Dallen H. Jones presided
during the installation ceremony,
which took place before an arch
way of spring blossoms and green
ery. Short talks were given
by the retiring president, Mrs.
Du Fresne; the new president,
Mrs. Harold Jokela, and the con-
tact chairman, Mrs. Church. Mrs.
Harrison Winston was pianist.
! New officers include: Presi
dent, Mrs. Jokela; vice-president,
I Mrs. George Crenshaw Jr.; secre
Mr. and Mn. Delbert Le Roy Eayrs
Norma Jean Mulder became the
bride of Delbert LeRoy Eavrs,
April 29th.
The bride, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard W. Mulder, was
'home. The dinner will be served;
at 6:30 o'clock. Flagday, which i
I is on the following dav". will be 1
j observed at this meeting.
I The preceding meeting of the
i D. A. R. was held at a verv love-
! Iv affair at the hnmp rf Mite
.Margaret Page with Mrs. Ray S. ;
' Petrequin and Mrs. George" M. ;
I Brow n hostesses at a charming ;
7:30 o'clock dessert-supper. Eas-1
Iter lilies and purple and white'
I lilacs with white tapers formed j
the decorations.
Mrs. Brown presented her 1
I daughter-in-law, Mrs. T. Lelsnd j
Brown, of The Dalles, who de
lighted the group with her talk
on "Madonna in Art." She show-!
ed a number of famous pictures '
to illustrate her talk. Mrs. Clyde
Carstens played piano solos and
accompanied Mrs. L. F. Nielsen,
who sang a group of songs.
On behalf of the D. A. R. Mrs.
Petrequin presented the good
citizenship placque and pin to
Doris Rand, voted the most out-1
standing senior girl for 19-19.
Lou In Heat
You will be cheated out of 25
percent of your heat if your
radiator is painted with bronze
or aluminum paint.
Officers On Monday Evening
yr r. i .11..-, . .I.,,.,,., .- 1 jNjPjlp
r ;i Si
tary, Miss Barbara Welsz; treas
urer, Mrs. Bert Young; sgt-at-arms,
Mrs. Keith Cashner; first
year director, Mrs. Clyde Cren
shaw; two year director, Mrs. Lee
Those present were Mrs. Har
old Backen, Mrs. H. F. Beau
champ, Mrs. J. E. Young, Mrs.
Rudy Meyer, Mrs. Belle Cren
shaw, and Mrs. R. T. Green,
guests, and Mrs. Benjamin O.
Du Fresne, Mrs. Harold Jokela,
Mrs. H. C. Church, Miss Helen
Casey, ,Mrs. H. C. Lentz, Mrs.
Donald Metzger, Mrs. Sidney
Domenico, Mrs. W. R. Burke,
Mrs. Don Rogers, Mrs. Robert
L. Nichol Jr., Mrs. Carl Wassom,
Mrs. Ralph Ohman, Mrs. S. K.
McGaughey, Mrs. R. D. Fles, Mrs.
April 29
given In marriage by her father.
The bridegroom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. P. C. Eayrs. The service
w as read by Rev. Vernon Klemin,
A reception followed.
Mrs. John Wyatt entertained at
a lovely pink and blue shower
party at her beautiful new home
near Dillard Thursday afternoon
in compliment to her daughter-in-law.
Mrs. Ed Wyatt. Pansies and
pink aaleas formed the attrac
tive decorations. A dessert-luncheon
was served at two o'clock.
Beautiful gifts were presented
to Mrs. Wyatt. Covers were plac
ed for the guest of honor and
her small son. David; Mrs. David
Rilzman. Mrs. M. E. Ritter Sr..
Mrs. Howard Marsh, Mrs. Joe
Carper. Mrs. Charles Hart, Mrs.
O. J. Feldkamp. Mrs. E. A. Post
and daughter. Cindy; Mrs. R. G.
Baker, Sirs. Emery Baker. Mrs.
H. C. Church. Mrs. Arnold Mon
roe. Mrs. Henry Darby. Mrs. War
ren Tozier. Mis. Charles Church
and hahv daughter. Marian: Mrs.
Flovd Wilson. Mrs. T. C. Fitzger
ald. Mrs. Bill Semmler. Mrs. E. F.
Marrell. Mrs. Carl Nickens. Mrs.
O. R. Pollard. Mrs. Rav Brown.
Mrs. Charles Brand. Mrs. B. A.
I'tterb.ick and the hostess. Mrs.
John Wyatt.
Visiting was enjoved durinn the
social hour.
to . fr' o 4 ' "1
Mn. Bert Young, Mn. Clyde Cren.
I Bert Young, Mrs. Keith Cashner,
Mrs. Clyde crensnaw, miss Bar
bara Weisz, Mrs. Lee Reding,
Mrs. Walter A. Moore, Mrs. Law.
rence West, Mrs. Ed Harvey, Mrs.
George Crocker, Mrs. Allena Rose,
Mrs. Hazel Scott, Mrs. Robert
P. Kidder, Mrs. Harrison Wins
ton, Miss Bette Jewell, Miss Doro
thy Daracunas, Mrs. Richard Fies,
Mrs. Arlos Harvey, Mrs. Chelsea
Browne and Mrs. Walter A.
The committee in charge of the
evening included Mrs. West, Mrs.
Harvey, Mrs. Winston, Mrs. Do
menico. Mrs. Brow ne, Mrs. Nichol
and Mrs. Moore.
The club will hold its first fall
meeting the first Monday eve
ning in October.
Florence Nightingale Tent, No.
15, Daughters of Union Veterans
held a party honoring members
having birthdays in March and
and April recently at the home of
Mrs. LaVerne Nickens. Games
and a potluek salad and dessert,
supper was served to Mrs. Cora
Dourte and her guest, Mrs. May
Householder of Kearney, Nebr.,
Mrs. Anna Peterson, Mrs. Ruth
Reese, Mrs. Nettie Wilbur, Mrs.
Ruth Plumer, Mrs. Essie Olson,
Mrs. Edith Sullivan, Mrs. Virginia
Marr and daughter, Dorothea;
Mrs. Jeanette Meigs, Mrs. Evelyn
Cyrus, Mrs. Anna Carson and
Mrs. Nickens.
Birthday gifts were given by
Secret Pals to Mrs. Olson and
Mrs. Nickens and members hon
ored them with cards. An anni
versary gift was presented to Mrs.
Meigs from her Secret Pal.
The next meeting will be May
27th at seven-thirtv o'clock In the
evening at the K. of P. hall. Mem
bers are urged to he present
as plans will be completed for
Memorial Day.
On Monday Badoura Club. Nv
dia Temple. Daughters of Nile eh.
tertained Zulemia Club, 2u
lemia Temple, Daughters of Nile,
at a picnic at the "Hideout," the
beautiful summer homt df Mr.
and firs. Lyle Marsters, located in
the woods south of Canvonville,
off of Hicrhu-av QQ A anlln.,.
picnic luncheon was served on
me nan oi ine creek under the
trees. A social hour was enjoved.
Those ni-psent uoi-o M- ci;-
beth Durnam, Mrs. Lillian Evans!
mis. uiace Harran, Mrs. Zenohia
M. Akers, Mrs. E. Sullivan, Mrs.
Irma Holmes Mrs Pm-n v,,
Mrs. Frances Micelll, Mrs. Greta
peine, mis. oiaciys Kesner, Mrs.
Lova Young, Mrs. Pearl Carter,
Mrs. Arilria R Rnrlln Mrc T ..ill-
Roughcore, Mrs. Edith Cassel, ,
Mrs. Beth Warg. Mrs. Alta Oster
hout, Mrs. Olive Elliott, Mrs. Les
lie Bernard Mrs Ft-ania u-,,-.
Mrs. Marion Bleile, Mrs. Mazie
omnn. Airs. Hetty Adams, Mrs.
Mary Williams, Mrs. Orlena Lew.
' M,rs- Jmy O'Brien and Mrs.
i ine IMHISiers.
Mrs. Thomas Pargeter enter
tained her sewing club at her
home on East Douglas street
Thursday evening. Sewing and vis
iting were followed bv a social
hour. Roses and other spring flow
ers were used for the center
piece and bouquets about the
Enjoying the evening were Mrs.
Harold Hoyt. Mrs. Fred Dent,
Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mrs. Charles
S. Collins. Mrs. I. M. Dunn, Mrs.
William Cnrath. Mrs. Gordon
Stewart and a guest. Mrs. Ken
neth Wimer. who with her hus
band and daughter are visiting
here from Washington, D. C,
and the hostess.
The group will be entertained
at the home of Mrs. Gordon Stew
art at the next meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Morgan
entertained their potluek supper
club at a seven o'clock affair
Wednesday evening at Carl's Ha
ven, after which contract bridge
was in play at the lovelv Mor
gan home In Laurelwood'.
Those enjoving the evening
with the Morgans were Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. Fullerton, guests, Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Cen and Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Pickens. High
score for the contract bridge play
was won by Mrs. Fullerton.