The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 21, 1949, Page 1, Image 1

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    U. Of U. Library
Eugene, Oregon
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HAROLD SLIGER, combination welder employed at Wolbert's
welding works at East Second Avenue South and Fowler Sts is
at work on a trailer tongue.
He has a mighty good excuse for wearing a mask all welders
have, I reckon; but its a custom I'd hate to see spread among
possible prospects (or should I say victims) for this picture
Grand Jury Recommends
Special Care For Mentally
III; Changes Suggested
Special care and treatment for mentally sick persons who are
confined to the county jail while awaiting transportation to the
State Hospital was recommended in a report of the Douglas County
Grand Jury Friday.
The Grand Jury called for "immediate action" to correct the
situation and stated the opinion that facilities for the housing of
the "mentally violent" should be provided for in a new county home,
relieving the county jail of this "unnecessary responsibility."
In the Days News
THE ruckus ..oyer the stymied
nomination 'oY'Mon'Walgrcn
to be chairman of the national
security resources board flares
up in the senate, with resulting
hot words between Senator Lucas
of Illinois and Senator Byrd of
Lucas is hot under the collar
over the killing of Walgren's
nomination In committee and
Byrd Is riled because Walgren
was nominated In the first place.
He says In the course of the ar
gument: "I regard Governor Walgren
(he Is a former governor and
senator of the state of Washing
ton and a close personal friend
of President Truman) as being
less competent for the position
than any man ever nominated to
a position of this kind."
IT seems to me that the big Issue
involved is this:
Is or isn't Walgren competent
to fill a position so supremely
Important as chairman of our na
tional resources committee, which
will have a lot to say about the
organization of our resources in
the event that we get into another
I don't know Walgren, but the
'news has seemed to suggest that
(Continued on Page Four)
Vermont Governor Won't Intervene
To Free Veterans Held As Poor
Debtors Under Law Passed In 18C8
RUTLAND, Vt., May 21. (Pi Gov. Ernest W. Gibson said today
he is not planning to ask a special session of the legi-slature to move
toward freeing three young veterans jailed as poor debtors under
a Iflth century law.
In an interview at his Brattleboro home, Gov. Gibson said of
the case:
"I have not given any thought
to a special session." Thp GovPrnor sad in an in.
He added that the case is "just terview at Springfield, Mass. last
a lot of stuff blown up by some-1 night that he does not have
one." power to intervene in civil ac-
Gov. Gibson declared that sev- j tions.
eral states have a law similar to j iP pointed out that the law un
the Vermont one which goes I rler which the veterans were sent
back to 1808. I to jail can only be invoked when
Common Practice a judge and jury has found there
"It's a common practice," he has been "wilful and malicious
6air. I intent" to avoid payment of civil
Last nicht at Springfield, Mass., ! damages.
Gov. Gibson said he had no legal
authority to act for the release
of the trio, two of them com
bat veterans who were in Nazi
prison camps. land )au wnere ne ana ."mnn
The three-Ralph J. Fugatt, are confined. He broke down
2!) of Springfield. Mass., Ber-. when he-saw his infant son for
nard J. Smith. 23, of Kail haven, tin. first time. The child was
VI, and Kred"rirk L. Lapan. 3), born after he was committed,
of Marshfield. Ct were com- i "This will ail be straightened
mined for non-pavment of court 'out in a few days." he assured
awards in automobile accident his bride through tear-filled eyes,
cases. , "and I'll be back home w ith
Leal authorities said it was you."
po-.siole alt'iouah not probable The Governor indicated the
tor them to spend the rest of 1 men might oht.iin release through
their lives in jail under the law, regular legal channels by appeal
if the Judgments are not satis-ilng to jail commissioners or by
fiea habeas corpus proceedings.
"The Grand Jury does not be-
lieve the mentally sick' should
be placed in the same category as
a common violator of the law and
confined in the county jail with
out proper care and attention,"
I he , report signed by Lyle. Marst
ers, foreman, stated.
"The jailer is not In a posi
tion or qualified to care for a
person mentally ill, particularly
older people in this condition,"
the report continued. "A qualified
I attendant or doctor experienced
iin care f mentally unbalanced
snouia oe avauame in
The Grand Jury's report also
called for segregation of children
and adults in the women's cell of
the county jail, as well as in
stallation of both hot and cold
running water in the women's la
vatory, and Improvement in the
jail's laundry facilities.
County Judge D. N. Busenbark
commented today that plans for
the proposed new county home
probably wiil include space for
mentally ill patients, thus remov
ing them from the county jail.
He also said provision for laun
dry facilities in the jajl has been
made in the new county budget.
The present jail was built in
1928 and apparently, not large
enough for a county of the pres
ent population. "The jail Is oft
times filled to capacity with hall
ways serving as temporary quar
ters for prisoners," the Grand
Jury found.
In summary, the Grand Jury
said the jail is in "excellent con
dition" and is being operated ef
ficiently with thp exception of
conditions described. Planning for
additional space in the jail "should
be arcomplished as soon as possi
ble with a larger and better jail
the ultimate objective."
i The Governor's statement was
made shortly alter fugatt anu
his young wife met in a joyous
but tearful reunion at the Rut-
The Weather
Considerable cloudiness with
a few scattered showers today;
Sunday partly cloudy to clear.
Sunset today 7:36 p. m.
Sunrise tomorrow 4:42 a. m.
Established 1873
Stones, Fists Fly
Rail Strikers
Battle Reds In
Berlin Rioting
Hundreds Injured In
Fighting; U. S. Keeps
Hands-Off Attitude
BERLIN, May 21 UP) Twelve
thousand striking railway work
ers fought young Communists
cast In the role of strike breakers
today in nearly a dozen stations
of Berlin's elevated railway.
Hundreds were Injured during
the fighting, which 'raged through
the morning. The outbreak shut
off rail shipments to Western Ber
lin and threatened to force the
city back to the austerity of the
blockade period.
An elevated passenger train
was set ablaze during one melee.
Clothing was torn from women
who got into the fight.
Western Berlin police said Mai.
Pavel Kvashnin, transport chief
of the Soviet zone, was insulted
and threatened by a group of
strikers at the temple of elevated
station In the American sector.
Police Protection
The police said they gave Kvash
nin protection from the strikers
and he was able to drive away
In his staff automobile without
phvsical injury.
This is the crux of the situa
tion: the Soviet-appointed Reichs
bahn management controls both
zonal railroads and Berlin's en
tire elevated line. Railway work
ers went out on strike early to
day to enforce their demand for
oavment of wages in West marks
instead of East marks. West
marks are four times as valuable
as the Soviet zone currency. East
marks are banned in the West.
Fiqhtinq Starts
Fighting broke out when the
Russian -controlled management
sent squads of militant young
Communists, including teen age
girls, 'Into the'wesfern Sector o'H
the city to "recapture elevatea
(Continued on Page Two)
Tornadoes Aqain
Take Heavy Toll
In Midwest Area
(By The AsRortalM) PreMl
A tornado offensive ground
across Oklahoma into Kansas
lest (Friday) night and sent out
flack attacks to strike Colorado
and Tennessee.
For the fourth night In a row
Oklahoma bore the brunt of the
tornado assault, with four dead
and untold injuries and damage.
Already groggy from state
wide floods, Oklahoma counted
17 separate twisters from early
evening to midnight. More re
ports were expected from iso
lated plains communities.
In Kansas, more twisters hit
southeast of Garden City, near
Scott City, Wiimore, Rozel, Chase,
Gorham and near Salina and
Gypsum. Colorado's storm was at
Wray, in the northeast near the
Kansas-Nebraska border. In Ten
nessee the damage was at Goin
and Barn Creek.
Since Tuesday, near two-score
twisters have battered the Soon
er state, while violent electrical
storms poured down torrents that
sent nearly every prairie creek
and river leaping out of its
Considering the violence of the
wealher. the death toll was mer
cifullv light. Two flood deaths
one last night and one Tuesday
were the only other falalities
beside the tornado victims.
The dead:
Mrs. Kathryn Haight, about
43, Catesby, Okla., killed when
a tornado smashed her farm
Charles Sykes, 55, motorist,
address unknown, killed when
another tornado caved In an old
tile wheat elevator where he
I had sought refuge at Yewed,
Guv Franklin Hixson, 20, Twin
I Lake's, Okla., drowned when he
I tried to swim to his home
! across swollen Mingo Creek near
The fourth victim. Miss Nor
weita Chapman. 26, drowned
: Tuesday in a flood at Seminole,
I Harold King, about 17, of
ISoloman, Kas.. was killed and
his brother, William, about lb,
was Injured seriously when their
automobile was demolished In a
tornado near Kipp, four miles
east of Salina.
M. W. Hanna was killed by
touching a high power line
blown down in an electrical ana
windstorm near Petrolia, Kas.
Band Parents Will Hold
Cake, Ice Cream Social
A cake and lce cream social will
he sponsored by the Roseburg
Band Parents Association at the
Riverside School next Tuesday.
Proceeds will be used toward
sending the band to Portland to
! participate In the Hose i-esiivai.
i The Senior High School Band will
present a trtr concert at 7:45, fol
lowing the social.
$100,000 Allowed
For Improvement
Of umpqua River
Following are Pacific Northwest
and Alaska projects included in
the flood control and waterways
bill passed by the Senate yester
day (first figure is amount ap
proved by Senate; second in
brackets is amount approved by
House as allocated by Army En
Rivers and harbors:
Alaska Nome Harbor, $701,-
000 ($701,000); Wrangell Nar
rows, $343,000 ($343,0001.
Oregon Columbia Kiver at
Bonneville, $1,500,000 ($1,030,-
000); Columbia and lower Wil
lamette Rivers, below Vancouver,
Wash., and Portland, Ore., $16,-
000 ($111,000); Coos Bav, $1,500,
000 ($687,000); Depoe Bay, $442,
000 (none); McNary Lock and
dam, Columbia River, Ore., and
Wash., $40,000,000 ($27,479,450):
Umpqua River, $100,000 ($100,
000); Yaquina Bay and Harbor,
$35,000 ($24,000).
W a s h l n g t o n Chief Joseph
Dam. Columbia River, $10,000,000
$3,435,000); Grays Harbor and
Chehalis River, $800,000 ($550,
000). Flood Control:
Idaho Heise Roberts area,
$340,300 ( 206,500): Lucky Peak
Reservoir, $3,500,000 ($2,604,300).
Oregon Cottage Grove Reser
voir, $140,000 ($104,200); Detroit
Reservoir, $11,300,000 ($8,408,-
2001; Dorena Reservoir, $2,924,
000 ($2,175,700); Fern Ridge Res
ervoir, $208,000 ($154,800)'; Look
out Point Reservoir, $11,000,000
($8,185,000); Milton Freewater,
$710,700 ($528,800); Willamette
River, bank protection, -.$500,000
Washington Mill Creek, $365.-
000 ($271,600); Mud Mountain
Reservoir, $464,000; T a c 0 m a,
$571,600 ($425,300).
'Don't Worry," Mrs. Sharp
Jells Her Accused Son . .
Don t worry, son.
That was the parting comment
of Mrs. Lawrence J. Sharp Thurs
day as she and her husband, of
Vancouver, Wash., left their son,
Lawrence, in the visitor's room
of the county jail. The two were
injured seriously April 1 In a blast
outside their bedroom window.
The 20-vear-old University of
Washington student has been
charged with destruction ol
property on a government hous
ing project, in connection with
the blast. Neither Mrs. Sharp nor
her husband would comment to
newsmen on the explosion or the
son's arrest.
Neither showed any apparent
signs of their injuries. They have
been living in seclusion in Port
land. A previous blast also en
dangered their lives a month ear
lier. Eugene Firm Bid Low
On North Umpqua Road
PORTLAND, May 21. (Pi
A low bid of $294,648 for lm
proving 8.4 miles of the John
Day-Burns Highway was sub
milted by Allen E. Sackett &
Floyd Graham Construction Co.,
Hood River, the Public Roads
Administration said today.
Miller &. Strong, Eugene, sub
mitted the low bid of $293,155
for grading 5.5 miles of the
North Umqpua Highway east of
Award of the contracts to the
two bidders was recommended.
A ' . '
1 - - T - f n ?
Mi - i Ui i ntr
eting, but the basement (or the New Baptist Church was dug almost before people realized tne
work was underway. Excavation by S. M. Crites Co. this week marks the first step in construc
tion of the new modern edifice, which, when completed will cast upwards ef $100,000, (Pic
ture by Paul Jenkins. I
Indicts Victoria Sanders
as Germans Protest Bosses
Senate Battle
Is Waged On
Economy Move
Huge Appropriation
Allowed Flood Control,
Rivers and Harbors
Senate Democratic Leader Lucas
said today there will have to be
either a tax increase or a cut in
federal spending preferably the
But he made It clear he still is
against the Republican-led drive
so far unsuccessful to trim
each appropriation bill by at least
5 per cent.
That economy move was block
ed for the fourth straight time
late yesterday when the senate,
by voice vote, passed and shipped
back to the House a bill carrying
$751,000,000 nearly all of It for
flood control and river and har
bor projects.
The Senate total is $158,000,000
more than the House voted and
$21,000,000 less than President
Truman wanted.
The Senate battled down a pro
posed 5 per cent cut In its figure
by a vote of 44 to 33. It killed
a 10 per cent reduction amend
ment, 48 to 29. And it swamped,
55 to 15, a proposal by Demo
cratic Senator Douglas (D.-IU.)
to slash the fund 40 per cent by
Douglas stirred up the most
commotion at yesterday's session
with his proposal to trim the
flood control-rivers and harbors
bill by 40 per cent. Even some
of his economy colleagues desert
ed him on that one, and some of
them bitterly assailed hi-s plan.
The bill provides for financing
scores of local projects dear to
the heart ot congress members
Senator Morse (R.-Ore.) re
called that Mr. Truman accused
the GOP-controlIed 80th Congress
of crippling the flood control and
reclamation program. The Ore
gon senator shouted that Douglas
was trying to scuttle the pro
gram altogether.
On the vote on Douglas' amend
ment, which finally was tabled,
Senator Edwin C. Johnson
(Colo.) was the only Democrat to
line up wiih the Illinois senator.
Thirteen Republicans voted for
Young Wartime Ace
Killed In Air Crash
MAUPIN. Ore., May 21 (m
A young wartime ace credited
with downing 23 German planes
died yesterday in the flaming
crash of his F-84 Jet fighter on
the bleak tableland near here.
The armed forces information
service In San Francisco identi
fied the nilot as Capt. Ray H.
Littge, 25, whose widow and
young son live at Hamilton Field,
Calif. His mother, Mrs. Marlha
Lichtnegger. makes her home at
Altenburg Mo.
Among the decorations Capt.
Littge received during the war
were the distinguished service
cross, silver star and air medal
with 15 clusters.
The F 84 was one of a flight of
three flying from Hamilton Field
to Moses Lake, Wash. An eye
witness said the plane plunged to
earth at top speed and disinte
grated when it hit.
Folks art always interested whan that huqt shovels start oper
21, 1949
Municipal Swim
Pool Dedication
Plans Announced
Dedication of Roseburg's Mu
nicipal Swimming Pool will be
held next Friday night, May 27,
with the flag raising ceremony
slated for 7 o'clock.
Chairman Arlo Jacklin made
the announcement following a
meeting of the committee, which
is composed of service club rep
resentatives. Highlight of the big affair will
be a guessing contest. To the
person who guesses most accur
ately the number of pints ot
water contained in the uool will
go a season pass to the facilities.
the dedication win include
talks by Mayor Albert G. Flegel,
members of the nark commis
sion, Hal Ayotte, exalted ruler ot
the Elks, and others who played
an important part in the pool
Open house will be held from
5 to 7 p. m. prior to the cere
mony, and after the dedication,
the pool will be opened free of
charge for use by all the "kids"
during the evening.
Music and other attractions are
being worked out. A complete
program will be announced next
Youths Arrested
For Beer Thefts
Two youths were arrested last
night shortly after they allegedly
broke into a truck and stole sev
eral cases of beer, Chief of Po
lice Calvin H. Baird reported.
They were charged with lar
ceny and arraigned this morning
before Justice of the Peace A. I.
Geddes. They waived preliminary
hearings. Their bail was set at
$200 each.
Chief Baird said Merle Lee
Palm. 21. was arrested by Mer
chant Patrolman Roy Hebard
outside a warehouse at Burke
and Short Sts., about 11:30 last
night, .and pnim r . companion:
Raymond Frederick Arthur, 19,
broke away and ran north alon;
the railroad tracks. He was later
arrested by city police on Lane
The youths were caught In the
act oi breaking open tne oeer
cases, which they allegedly had
taken from a Western Distribut
ing Co. delivery truck, parked
near the wai-chouse, Chief Baird
The' chief said Palm gave his
address as Camp View Auto
Court, while Arthur told police
he lived at 717 W. Lane St.
Eugene Couple Leading
In State Trap Shoot
The Eugene duo of Cal Ray and
his wife, Ruth, captured more
state trapshoot honors yesterday.
Mrs. Ray won the women's 16
yard title by cracking 792 of 200
Ray broke 25 straight birds to
win the men's crown in a shoot
off with Clyde Fox of Merrill.
Fox missed one. They had tied
in regular shooting at 198 each.
The junior title went to D. E.
Fletcher, Portland, wilh 165.
Bus Kendall, Oregon City, took
the Class B crown with 197.
Alvin Bennett, brother of Dal
las Bennett, Roseburg, is leading
Class C with 196, and a younger
brother, P. M. Bennett is next
with 194.
LONDON UP) Wembley's po
lice stalion was the perfect In
terrogation team: Constables
Walt, Wve and Howe.
Shanghai Said
Now Cut Off
By Air And Sea
Huge Oil Installation
Ablaze; Civilian Planes
Are Commandeered
SHANGHAI, May 21. W)
Shanghai today was cut off by
air, her sea lane was menaced,
and great fires blazed across
the river to the east and north
where Red besiegers are on the
One of the fires burned at the
Standard Vacuum depot on Gough
Island, eight miles north of
downtown Shanghai. At least one
tank was ablaze at-this biggest
oil installation In East Asia.
Lungwha air port, five miles
to the south, suspended opera
tions. The menace of nearby Red
artillery was too great. Officials
said, however, flights might be
resumed later In the day.
Despite the suspension, a Chi
nese National aviation corpora
tion plane from Tokyo made a
two-minute landing to the crack
le of small arms fire nearby.
Removes Consul
It hastily discharged A. S.
Brown, Peekskill, N, Y., new
fiscal officer for the U. S. con
sulate. John Stutesman, Mend-
ram, N. J., the vice-consul, then
got aboard and the plane roared
off for Hong Kong. Stutesman
is headed for home on leave.
Three Chinese civilian planes
at the airport were commandeer
ed by ine military, they were
standing by to take out biggies
I high Chinese ollicials still in
The garrison commander or
dered all but military traffic off
the Whangpoo Shanghai's sea
lane during afternoon hours.
Red small arms five has been
hilling junks and sampans on
tne river.
The fighting ebbed and flow
ed around Potung, the industrial
district across the Whangpoo
from Shanghai. It raged through
the night. It continued under
soggy skies this morning.
At one time last night 27 fires
could be counted In and beyond
the Pootung district.
Government Men
Strive To Keep
Ford-CIO Parley
DETROIT, May 21.-P) Gov
ernment men strove today to
save the Ford strike negotiations
from collapse.
In a developing emergency fed
eral mediators worked to keep
the company and the striking
CIO United Auto Workers at the
peace table.
The strike's 11th negotiation
session was scheduled today.
A union ultimatum to walk out
unless Ford agreed to start 1949
contract negoliatlona on Monday
forced the new Issue on the UAW
"speedup" strike's 17th dav.
Ford, all of whose 106,000 pro
duetlon workers are idle, bluntly
The union and management, In
an exchange of sharp words, laid
the blame for each other on any
possible washout of the peam
Federal Mediators Arthur C.
Viat and Sylvester Petz were
hopeful. The two formally enter
ed the negotiations yesterday.
Viat conceded "it's tough" hut
said "we are doing our host to
keep the parties together."
Two Killed In Crash
By Splintered Guard Rail
SEATTLE, May 21. V) A
splintered guard rail pierced a
car In which three University of
Washington students were riding
early today, killing two of them
and injuring Hie third.
The stale patrol identified the
dead as Bruce Olson, 28, Spokane,
Wash., and Paul L. Newr.ian, 25,
Havre. Mont. William L. Barr. 21.
Ray City, Ore., suffered head in
juries. The patrol said the rar. driv
en by Olson with Newman and
Barr as passengers, skidded
against the guard rail near the
northern cily limits. The Iwo
victims were pinned lo the seat
an dnpparently killed outright.
COKUR d'ALENE, Idaho. May
21. (IP) A manslaughter charge
was filed late yesterday against
Mrs. Marlha Stanslllon, 59, for
the fatal shooting of her husband.
Arthur. The 56-year-nld father of
four children was shot early ves
lerriav at their rural three-cabin
Alpha Lodge 47, Knights of
Pythias, on Wednesday conferred
the rank of page on Leonard
Sperden, Charles hdmnnds and
Clifford Scales. The rank of es
quire will be conferred on the
trio June l. am memners ot me
local lodge are urged to attend.
Murder Charge
Filed In Death
Of Mojonnier
Accused Now Serving
Time On Check Charge;
True Bills Reported
Did Ralph Mojonnier meet hit
death by suicide or was he mur
dered? This is the question which has
perplexed police officers since his
body was found October 28, 1947,
in his small home about two
miles west of Drain. He had been
shot In the head and a small call
bre rifle, from which the bullet
had been fired, lay beside the
The Douglas County Grand
Jury believes Mojonnier was mur-
uuiva ana h nas returned a first
degree murder indictment against
Victoria Sanders, who claimed to
oe mojonnier s common-law wife.
She is now serving a three-year
term in the ctntn nnnilanllgr,, nn .
a had check charge.
ine murder indictment high
lighted the pranH Inrv'o
returned into court late Friday.
vainer innicements were re
ported as follows:
True Bills Returned
Bruce Raker nrwucor! nf nnrr.
slon of and in control of a gam-
uung device. Ban tixed at $200.
Donald Kit Jnhncnn nncut!nn
of and in control of a gambling
device. Bail fixed at $200.
Nelson .tames Sawvaw
ceny; bail $500. '
ai chaeter,. assault and bat
tery. Bail S500.
Beatrice B. Schafer, assault and
battery. Bail $500.
Edward Newland, contributing
to the delinquency of a minor.
Bail $2,000.
Robert D. Nelson, larceny In
an office. Bail $2,000.
Pat Terrill, unlawfully break
ing down and destroying a fence.
Ball $500.
Not True Bills
Not true bills were returned In
favor of the following:
Frank Carter, receiving and
concealing stolen property.
Ben Pasco, assault and battery.
Roy William Rasmussen, brib
erv. K. A. Curtis, larceny.
Case Long Standing
Mojonnier's body was found ly
ing in bed, a bullet wound in his
head and with a .22 calibre rifle
beside him. He was found by a
neighbor Raymond Farnsworth
Jr.. Who Wilh hla fnfUc. UAI
into the house when he received
no response at the door, Mojon-
1 n!ri "11 ...a.;" i.! -
...... u, n.i iiuimijK HS B
painter for Farnsworth Sr., while
not engaged in his usual occupa
tion as a commercial fisherman
In the lower Umpqua River.
Police at that time reportedly
were lonkiniT for- n.TninHtnH.
common-law wife, Victoria San
ders, and their lO-month-old son,
who were believed to have been
in Portland. She was later ar
rested in Portland and returned
to Drain Justice Court to face a
phnran nt w I f I n fitn
r ""i'K JiLiiiiuus
checks. She allegedly had left for
luiimnu un uui, a jew noun
(Continued on Page Two)
Cars Damaged
But No Injuries
In 3 Accidents
Cars were damaged, but no ne
sons were Injured, in three traf
fic accidents on the Paficic High
way Friday, SI ale Police Sgt. Lyle
Harrell reported.
At 9 a. m 26 miles north of
Roseburg, a collision of two cars
resulted when Carl H. Brockhaus
er, San Francisco, was passing a
truck and lost control of his ve
hicle. His car struck an automo
bile coming In the opposite cllrec
tlon, Sgt. Harrell said. The other
car was operated by James Clar
ence Loggan, Portland.
Two accidcnls were reported at
3 p. m. at a sharp curve 13 miles
nnrlh of Roseburg, a car operated
by William M. Morris of Oakland
skidded while making a left turn
and struck the loaded trailer of
a southbound logging truck oper
ated hv William Howard Hoppe,
Jr., of Oakland. Sgt. Harrell said.
Thirty-six miles north of Rose
burg, Ralph Newton Kelley of
Norway, Ore., lost control of his
vehicle on slick pavement and ths
car rolled over an embankment.
Neither he nor his wife were in
jured, the sergeant said.
Community Hospital
Chamber Forum Topic
Frank discussion of "Your Com
munity Hospital'' is scheduled for
Monday noon at the Roseburg
Chamber of Commerce forum lun
cheon, it was announced today.
The discussion will include the
approximate date the construc
tion will sl'irt, when the hospital
may exprt to be in operation,
and administrative plans and oth
er factors of interest to the com
The luncheon will be held in
the Civic Room at the Umpqua
Hotel. The public is Invited,
Livity Fact Rant
By L. F. Relzenstein
The cry of "Inexperience"
has been raised against Ore
gon's two newly-appointed tax
rommissioners. Well, t h t y
:ouldn't put the state In a less
latisfaetory tax situation than
tas developed during the In
sumbeney ef their experienced