The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, May 18, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    Th Ntws-Revltw, Rowburj, Ort Wed., My 11, 1f4
Indians Blank
Sutherlin In
Season Finale
Locals' Batfest Yields
IS Rum; Rtlrmon Holds
Visit To Stven Hlfs
Th Roseburg Indians wound
up the 1349 baseball teuton by
shutting out Sutherlln's Bulldogs
15-0 in an afternoon game at
Flnlay Field Tuesday.
Pitcher Wayne Reltman did
the trick for the Indians, allow
ing only seven hits and two bases
on balls. He struck out three op
ponents. Losing pitcher Haskett
gave up 11 hits and four walks.
Roseburg wasted no time in
starting Its scoring. Two runs
came quickly in the initial in
ning, when Barry Kenny and Dlz
Burnett crossed home plate on a
single by ilrst baseman Glen
But it was the big second In
ning that saw the entire batting
order lace Haskett. Before the
ilnal out was made in that in
ning, four hits, good for six rum,
were rung up. Scoring were Neil
Wlssing, Stan Cornutt, Pitcher
Wayne Reltman, Dexter Garey,
Leo Bowers and Burnett the
latter for the second time in as
many innings.
Only a single tally was added
In the fourth frame. Kenny, who
singled, advanced and scored.
Garey gained his second run In
the fifth, after driving one
through shortstop's glove. Rose
burg's second-baseman stole his
way home, scoring the Indians'
10th tally.
A big sixth Inning cinched the
game for the locals. Buddy
Mathews, Norm Smith, Gene
Henry Frank C'son, all en
tering the game in the fifth in
ning, and Garey all scored.
Sutherlin collected one hit In
each of the last five Innings.
Gelder, hitting In the first and
the sixth, and Plueard, hitting in
the first, third, fifth and seventh,
were top Bulldog batsmen. Hem
penius was the only other Suther
lin hitter. He singled in the
The Indians played 16 games
this season. They won nine and
lost seven. The locals swept a
four-game series with Sutherlin,
lost four to Grants Pass, split
four with Myrtle Creek, split two
with Medford, and defeated Elk
ton and Yoncalla one each.
Box score:
Suthtrlla BaHdage
Gelder. rf 4 0 1 i 0 1
Erlckaon, aa ... 0 1 1 4
Norrli. lb C 0 S 0
Plueard, e 0 4 10 0
Benmer, cf ... 4 8 0 1 1 0
Crnver, l( -....a 0 0 0 0 0
Firman, 2b .3 0 0 8 3 3
llrmpintui, 3b .. 3 0 1 3 2 0
Haakett, p 3 0 0 0 0 0
Total Jl I (11 I I
Roiebnrf Indiana
Clerejr, 3b : S
Bnwere, 3b .. S
Kenny. II 4
Burnett, rf 2
Scofleld, lb 3
Sandera. c 2
Wlaalnl. ct 2
1 1 1
Cornutt, aa
Reltman, p -...4
IlAi'rnwi, rf -..x
Mathewi, 2b .....2
Slumbo. 3b -..I
1 1
omnn. id ...-.................i i i
HeuAChert, ..... 1 0
Henry, el 0 1
Oteon, aa , 1 1 1
...32 IS 11 21 IS 1
Rutherlln Bullndea -
.. nno ono o 0
Boaeburs Indiana 3H0 IIS a 15
im nn naiea auinernn 11, nopruura
S. Stoian baiea Hetnpenlue 2. Oarey 2,
Bowera. Kenny( Burnett 2. flcoftald, San
dera, Wlaalng. Two bale hit- Srofteld.
Three baaa hit Garey. lnnlngi pllrheri
Haakett 0. Reltman 7. Hlta ntt Haiketl
11. Reltman 7. Slrlkemite Redman 3.
Baia (in balleHaikeU 4. Reltman 2.
WP-Haeket. Hit by llaakett iCornutt,
Kenny. Wlealngl. Earned rune Roaa
bur ' 10.
Jm DIMqqqio'i Hotl
To Got Ttst Noxt Wtak
NEW YORK, May 18,-tP)
Joe DIMagglo will don his fa
miliar "No. 5" New York Yankee
uniform next week and try out
the ailing heel that has kept him
on the sidelines since the sea
ion's start.
The test probably will deter
mine the Immediate baseball fut
ure of the fence-punishing out
fielder, whose $!H1,000a-yer sal
ary makes him the most expen
sive bench-warmer in the busi
ness. In the meantime, the Yankees
have no intention of putting him
on any sort of formal shelf until
there Is definite proof he won't
be able to produce.
"DIMagglo Is going to be on
my team until he can't play any
more." Manager Casey Stengel
said last night shortly before the
Yankees nudged the champion
Cleveland Indians, 4-3.
Shortly afterwards, (raveling
Secretary Arthur (Red) Patter-
Elimination Tournament
Rene La Belle
Tony Re
Al Siasi
Tony FolleHl
South Douglas
All-Stars Win
Tune-Up Game
The South Douglas softball All-
Stars played Myrtle Creek at
Canyonville Monday as a tune-up
for their game with the North
Douglas All-Stars.
The Southern team had entire-
lv too much batting power for
the Myrtle Creek girls, whom
they defeated 34-5 in a seven-Inning
Ina Mae Spencer pitched the
first three innings for the Stars,
personally shutting out the Vik
ing gins witnout a nit. iwargone
Boyd of Riddle took up the pitch
ing chores from there, giving up
only three hits In four Innings of
mound work.
A slight case of wlldncss and
some P00r support enabled
Myrtle Creek to score three runs
in tne sixtn inning, iaura am
wald of Riddle starred at bat
with six for seven and played
an errorless game In the field.
Miss Zumwald was closely fol
lowed by Frances Russell and
Thelma Anderson of Canyon
ville, getting three for four each.
Smale of Days Creek got two for
three and Ina Spencer hit three
for seven. McKlnney, Jones and
Wilson scored Myrtle Creek's
three hits.
Southern Douglas All-Star
players included L. Zumwald,
2b; M. Boyd, 3b, p (4); I. Spen
cer, 6, 3b; C. Burgoyne, cf; D.
Burgoyne, If; Holllngsworth, ss;
F. Russell, rf; T. Anderson, c;
D. SprinRstead, lb.
T. Ford batted for Springstoad
In 5th, Smale batted for C. Bur
goyne In 4th, Haltman batted for
D. Burgoyne In 4th, D. Strahan
batted for F. Russell In 6th.
Myrtle Creek players Included
Kusler, ss; Shelton, c; Jacobson,
2b; McKlnney, 3b; Austin, p;
Jones, rf; Ronk, lb; Wilson, If;
Gralz, cf; Pitts, P (3).
Strikeouts by I. Spencer, 3 In
3, M. Boyd 4 In 4, Austin 0 in
3 13, Pitts 0 In 3 23 innngs.
All-Stars 2 4 9 12 2 3 234
Myrtle Creek 000 103 13
Easter's Hitting
Leads Padres To
Win Over Seals
'Aleoctated Preaa Sporta Writer)
Unfortunately for the San
Francisco Seals, Luke Easter's
tricks were confined to his bat,
not to his ailing knee.
As a result, the Seals were
dropped to fourth in Coast
League standings ax larrupin'
Luke got three hits In four trips
last night to pace San Diego to
a 5-3 victory.
Nevertheless, first baseman
Luke Is still complaining about
his trick Joint and may have to
consult a specialist.
Hurler Al Jurlslch contributed
plenty to the Padre win, stop
ping the heals winning streak
at seven ga.nes by yielding only
six hits.
The victory strengthened the
Padres' grip on second place. But
they remained three and a half
games back of the front-running
Hollywood Stars, who cashed In
on six hits to trip Seattle 51.
The Ralniers also collected six
safeties, but couldn't convert
them into the pay column. Glen
Moulder was Ihe winner. It was
a tough loss his ninth for Her
man Besse.
Oakland climbed Into third
spot with an assist from the Pad
res and an t-4 triumph over tne
lagging Portland Beavers,
The Beavers led 4-2 at the
close of the sixth. Three Oak
land errors packed the hags for
Portland In that frame. Tommy
Bridges, the losing hurler, walked
to force In a run. Then Eddie
Baslnskl singled in two more.
Sports Fishing Fleet On
Lower Umpqua Planned
RE:EDSPORT, Ore., May 18
(.I'l Fleet of sports fishing hoats
will be operated out of here and
Winchester Bay this season hv
Nor West Trailers, a new organi
zation. "
The flag-boat will be Ihe Pnnnn
2, 34-fool cabin cruiser under com
mand of Capt. George Lemmon.
It was bought from Dr. J. D.
Rankin of Coqullle. Three other
boats art to be acquired.
Naval Term
The wooden plug the U. S. Na
vy places In gun muzzles fur
protection against dampness Is
called a tampion or tomplon.
son announced that a new X-rav
examination of Joe's heel showed
Herb Parks
Pierre LaBelle
Billy Weidner
Del Weyne
MAY 21, 8:30 P. M.
' " 1
- f .
only seven hits and two bae on
played against Sutherlin luesday at rinlay field, ine inaians
won 15-0. Reitman struck out three opposing batsmen. (Rod
Newland picture I.
Canyonville Girls,
Days Creek Boys
Win Zone Titles
Canyonville teams ended B
Leaeue softball play Friday by
splitting even with Days Creek,
the Tigresses winning 9-2 and the
Tigers losing 6-4.
The Tigresses took a two-run
lead in the first inning on a dou
ble by Dora Sprlngstead, a sin
gle by Ina Mae Spencer and an
error. They were never headed.
They added tnree more runs in
Ihe second and four in the fourth
Innings. Spencer enjoyed a no
hit no-run game with two away
In the final inning, but Ward of
the Wolveries hit a blooping sin
gle, sending Snyder, who got on
through an error, home for a run.
Ward scored herself on an error.
Tigress Spencer was also load
ing batter with two for three. She
lacked her usual fine control,
walking two, but she struck out
eight. Dora Sprlngstead and Thel
ma Anderson also played a fine
came for the Tigresses, as did
Gynn Deaton. who tripled In the
second, sending In two runs.
The win was the lllh for the
Tigresses, as against two losses
for the season, to cinch second
spot in Ihe standings. The cham
pion Riddle Irish gli'ls were the
only group to defeat Canyonville.
Boys Loan Out
In the boys game, Canyonville
led all the way, but lost out In
the final Inning when Days Creek
bunched four of their six hits,
good for four runs.
The Tigers scored twice In the
first inning on a pair of walks
and an error. They added ope In
Ihe second and another In the
third on a walk and a single by
Dea Smith.
The Wolves were held score
less until the fifth, when Gene
Smith walked three opponents.
Two runs resdlted.
The win gave Davs Creek the
South Douglas B League title
and relegated the Tigers to sec
ond place. Only Canyonville
losses were at the hands of the
Crump gave up two hits and
rati) WW r K
Somebody said that horse
sense comes from stable think
ing, but Pr. B. Keiss, an animal
psychologist, claims horses are
just about the stupidest crit
ters you could imagine. In I.
Q. tests even pigs were smarter
than the oa(-burners. Horses
are neurotics who go off their
lockers at the (lap of a butter
fly's wings or the buz, of a
bee, and they're just a flicker
blighter than a gopher, which
doesn't know a hole In the
ground from a drainpipe. This
will set horse lovers hack on
their heels. Next time you're
credited with having "horse
sense," take it easy. Maybe it
isn't a compllmcnti
Folks, drop In ri meet the
newest member of our staff,
"Deb" Abraham. "Deb" Is a
long-time Roeeburgite and wa
are happy te have him In the
In Newark a woman com
plained that her husband hit
her with a live eel. Well, it
wasn't a very nice thing to do
, . . but It was original. Pre
vent arguments over the fam
ily chariot by letting us keep
your car in the host operating
condition at COKKtU-M MO
TORS. 114 N. Rose St. Arc
your brakes "squealing" on
you? That means rivets or oth
er metal parts are cutting Imv
your brake drums. Avoid extra
expense and possible accidents
Drive your car In now for a
real brake rheck up. No charge
for a check up, you know
Phont 40S.
- 'ft'?1 ;j
9" '
'' .vr -, 4
& 1
' 4 it
i A r k " J- S
Rnitrrnn. Indians hurler. allowed
balls in the final Indian game
(By the Asaoclated Preaal
HARTFORD, Conn. Paddy
DeMarco, 139, Brooklyn, and
Clem Custer, 138, Detroit, drew,
cia, 126, Los Angeles, outpointed
Al Arenas,, 118, Los Angeles, 10.
TOPEKA, Kan. Pat McCaf
ferty, 179, Topeka, outpointed
Baby Joe Walcott, 179, Duluth,
HONOLULU Henry Davis,
1231, Honolulu, outpointed Chlco
Rosa, 12U, Honolulu, 10.
Oakland Townies Hand
Yoncalla 7-1 Defeat
Oakland Townies defeated Yon
calla 7-1 In an Evergreen League
semi-pro baseball game at Oak
land Sunday.
Oakland scored four runs In
Ihe first inning on four hits and
an error. They added two in the
fourth on three hits and one In
the eighth on two hits and an
Yoncalla's lone tally came In
Ihe seventh, when a throw from
catcher Ganz lilt base-runner Dor
fler while sliding back to sec
ond. The hall got away and Dorf
ler scored.
Oakland plays at Yoncalla Sun
day, May 22. i
, R H E
Yoncalla ... 0(10 000 100 1 6 6
Oakland ... 400 200 01 7 11 2
Batteries: Oakland DeGroot
and Ganz. Yonralla Dorfler, Cole
and Boan, Cellers.
struck out five. Gene Smith was
touched for six hits. He struck
out two. Dave Spencer and Ron
ald Bartley turned in brilliant
fielding performances and Dick
Cloud caught a good game.
No matttr what you want lo paint,
you'll get outstanding results with
Boysen high quality paints. There's a
Boysen Paint (or every us and pur.
post. Let us help you choose) tha best
on lor your needs.
Lasting beauty and protection for
11 exterior walls. Unsurpassed in
Boysen Old Colonial
Outside Paint
Injuries Hit
4 Top Hurlers
None Able To Pitch Full
Game Last Two Weeks;
Detroit Beats Nats
(Associated Preaa Stwirta Writerl
Lou Boudreau is a worried
young man today.
The peerless playing pilot of
the world champion Cleveland
Indians h burdened by a prob
lem emanating from a most un
expected source the Tribe's
vaunted pitching staff.
Every one of the big four
Bob Feller, Bob Lemon, Gene
Bearden and Steve Gromek
has been laid up by injuries, and
hasn't pitched a complete game
for nearly two weeks.
Bearden, who has been suffer
ing from a pulled leg muscle,
showed last night that he was
not yet himself. Plainly favoring
his injured leg, the tall left
hander lasted seven innings and
was clipped for 16 hits as the
Yankees defeated the Indians
A season record crowd of 73,
150 saw southpaw Ed Lopat, long
a Cleveland nemesis, hold the
tribe to seven hits for his fourth
victory of the season.
Tlgara Defeat Nats
Detroit's runner-up Tigers re
mained two games behind the
league-leading Yankees by com
ing from behind to defeat the
Washington Senators, 4-2, in a
night game in Washington. Held
to five hits, the Tigers capital
ized on the wildness of Walter
Masterson and Forrest Thomp
son to score four runs In the last
two Innings. Johnny Lipon's sin
gle with the bases loaded in the
ninth drove in the winning runs.
Philadelphia's Athletics moved
into third place by defeating the
St. Louis Browns, 9-2. Alex Kell-
ner won his third relief victory
in a row, holding the Browns to
two hits and no runs in five and
two-thirds innings. He relieved
starter Lou Brissie, in the fourth.
Stephens' Homer Wins
Vern Stephens' ninth home run
In the eighth with a mate
aboard, enabled the Boston Red
Sox to nose out the Chicago
White Sox 4-3. Southpaw Mel
Parnell hung up his fifth victory
against one defeat for Boston.
Randy Gumpert was the loser.
The Cincinnati Reds beat the
Boston Braves, 5-4, to move with
in two games of the National
League lead, shared jointly hy
the Braves and New York Giants.
Boh Chesnes pitched and bat
ted the Pittsburgh Pirates to a
3-2 victory over the New York
Giants. Chesnes limited the
Giant sluggers to six hits and
slartcd the winning rally with a
ninth Inning three-bagger. He
scored when Ed Stevens singled
to center.
Singles by Eddie Waltkus, Del
Ennis and Andy Seminlck gave
the Philadelphia Phillies a run
In the 12th inning to defeat the
in 1 2-1 6 and 24 In. lengths
Phone (58
Boyisn Sno-White
High grade outside white paste.
Mix with a gallon of oil and
you'll have two gallons of paint.
" AitEHICAk' LEAt.l t;
Philadelphia 19
Chicago 14
Washington 14
Cleveland 10
Boston 11
St. Loula 8
New York ....
. 14
Brooklyn 13
Philadelphia 12
Plttaburgh 13
St. Loula 10
Chicago 10
San Diego
San Franciaco 26 24
Seattle 24 28
Lob Angelea 23 20
Sacramento 22 25
Portland - 17 31
Cindermen Of
Canyonville Post
23 Points On Bill
The '.anyonville track team
scored 23 points In the District
4 B School track meet at Eu
gene, the best of the Douglas
County schools. Oakland with six
points and Yoncalla with 2'ii
were the only other scorers from
the county.
The Tigers garnered two third
places, a tie for third, a fourth
in the relay and a sixth. Homer
Unger placed third In the mile.
Gene Smith got a third In the
440, though he broke the old rec
ord for the event. Dean Smith
scored a sixth In the 220-vard
dash and rtonald Bartley tied for
third in the pole vault, hitting
9 ft. 6 in. and barely missing at
10 It.
The relay team (Jim Covey.
Ronald Bartley, Gene Smith and
Dean Smith) got fourth place in
the S80-relay, running the course
in 1:43 15.
Thu Tigers lose Bartley, the
Smith brothers and J. D. Irwin
in June, when they will be grad
uated. The team will build from
a nucleus consisting of Homer
Uneer. Vernon Wheeler, Bob
Deaton, Lawrence Armstrong and
Dick Cloud next year.
Some commendable perform-
St. Louis Cardinals 5-4. St. Louis
shortstop Marty Marlon, who had
tielded riawlessly all season, was
charged with three errors.
Ralph Branca became tne Ilrst
major league pitcher to win six
?ames when he received credit
or "Brooklyn's 8-5, 11-lnning tri
umph over the Cubs in Chicago.
The Dodgers shoved across six
runs in the top of tne nth, two
of them on .Roy Campanula's
homer, to take an 8- lead.
New Spring
Kuppcnheimer Clothes keen to yoUTSClf
their style and shape through
countless tip;) nius . . . for tare
ful pressing of inner parts
after each tailoring operation 0 56C
moulds them permancntlv to
exact!) the correct cou tours.
Us- t Sln'iii lli inniM una 1 1 irm msl f(f fjiy ii A
ll 6& II
Ay 85
Eight Wrestlers To Vie Here
Saturday Night On Greatest
Mat Card In Roseburg Annals
The greatest wrestling show In Roseburg history will be staged
at the Roseburg Armory Saturday night when Matchmaker Don
Owen assembles eight of the leading light-heavyweights now In the
Pacific Northwest to compete in a ona-night elimination tournament.
Participants in the show will
Rene LaBelle, French-Canadian
drop-kicking expert.
Pierre LaBelle, French-Canadian
mat master (not related to
Rene), who has Just returned
from a successful campaign
throughout Canada, the Mid-West
and Southwestern States.
Herb Parks, the veteran and
dynamic Canadian light-heavyweight
champion from Van
couver. Tony .Ross, the fistic-minded
sadist from Salem, Ore.
Al Szasz, the dynamic Hun
garian who beat Ross here last
Billy Weidner, the Boston
strong boy and airplane spin ex
pert. Tony Fallettl, the rough-and-tough
Brooklyn Italian.
Del Wayne, another rugged
ances were recorded by Canvon
ville trackmen during their first
season of comnetition. Gene
Smith's 5fi 15 in the 440, Dean
Smith's 25 flat in the 220, Bart-
leys 9 ft. 6 in pole vault. Homer
Unger's 5:15 mile and and Bob
Deaton's 141 ft. 10 In. javelin toss
being the top performances.
J. N. Boor
Outboard Motors .
924 Gdn. Vally. Rd. Ph. 530-J-l
Authorized Johnson
Service & Sales
Boats and Trailers
O Egg O
A New Effective Insulation
Use Rocklath with Aluminum Back for Plaster Base. ,
Sheetrock with Aluminum Back for Dry Construction.
When constructing your new home.
By this method you have a vapor barrier and a highly
efficient Insulation. See the
Floed A Milt 8tt.
E&a M3 KHB
ra m
Jefoue you select your
owe it to yourself to try on a Kuppenheimer. Vou
owe it to yourself to feci the comfort you get from
exclusive plia-tailoring ... to enjoy the luxury of
handsome, lithe, specially treated fabrics ... to take
advantage of smartly sophisticated styling that makes
you look your best. Once you see and feci the differ
ence, you won't be satisfied until you own a Kup
penheimer. Come in tomorrow for a revelation.
Van Heusen Shirts, Resistol Hats, Interwoven Sox
matman from the Detroit area,
making a brief swing through
the northwest.
Owen is offering the winner
three Inducements a gold
trophy; a $200 purse: a cham
pionship match against Frankie
Stojack, coast junior heavy
weight tllteholder.
There will be seven one fall,
15-mlnute matches In all. The
eight wrestlers and Referee Al
vadore Flores will enter the ring
simultaneously and draw for op
ponents in the four first-round
matches. These will be followed
by two semi-final tilts and the
In case of a draw, three local
judges will select the winner.
The eight-man, seven-match
program promises to attract a
near record-breaking attendance
and Douglas County fans are
urged to make their ringside seat
reservations at Powell's early in
the week.
Harth'i Toggery
128 N. Jackson
Phone 121
m etj sa m e
new spring suit, you