j U. Of.O. Library 4 Eugene , Oregon Qomp, East WHU PUE5 WHAT djJ "fj ' .r-""" urn mm p P niiiini i.mu. iiiiii, ?fZ--;V I CLENN WELLMAN, field man for the Douglas County Flour Mills and editor of. The Feed Bag, weekly paper which that company publishes in the News-Review, is giving some deep thought to next week's edition. Probably he's sizing up one of those jokes which appear in The Feed Bag and now and then makes history. Clenn is an expert on feed and poultry diseases and col laborates with the mill's customers in solving their problems of disease control and flock management. A disease condition of course isn't always present, but the problem of management is, you can bet your life. He has been with the mill in these capacities for 16 years. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. Battles Tammany Nominee For Congress Seat NEW YORK, May 17. UP) A bitter four-cornered fight for a congressional seat has brought last minute counter-charges of Irregularities from the camps of Tammany Hall and Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. ' In the Days News By FRANK JENKINS THE iiational military establish- I ment (our new Army-Navy- Air Force set-up);. estimates that the Berlin airlift cost the United States about 190 million dollars. On a per capita basis, your share of that sum 1 somewhere between $1.35 and $1.40. THE Berlin airlift seems to have convinced the Communists in the Kremlin that we're in no mood to be shoved around asy more and that for the present at least we're a little too tough to be tackled safely. So far as this writer is con cerned, the airlift Is worth the $1.40 it costs him personally. THE news these days deals In creasingly with the problem of national finance. The profes sional experts of the staff of the joint Senate-House Tax Commit tee estimate, for example, that the Government of the United States will go Into the red about three billion dollars in the fiscal year starting on July 1. That Is to say, we'll add about (Continued on Page Four) DRUNKEN DRIVER FINED Woodrow Severns, 34, of Rose burg, pleaded guilty in Municipal Court Monday, to a charge of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. He was fined $100 and given a suspended 30-day jail sentence, Judge Ira B. Riddie reported. Severns' opera tor's license was revoked one year. SPENDING CUT, SAVINGS UPPED American People's Tactic Accounts For Biggest Sag In Production Since War By CHARLES MOLONY WASHINGTON, May 17. UP) The American people, con ', fronted with shrinking income, cut their spending so sharply in the first three months of 1949 that their total savings went up. This tactic of saving more while taking In less was held ac countable in large part today for this early 1949 development: The biggest slump in gross national product since the war. Gross national product Is the total output of goods and services at market value or going price. On the basis of Commerce De partment estimates, it slacked to a $255,900,000.000-a-year rate in the first quarter, off $9,000,000. 000 from the peak pace. In the fourth quarter of last year, al though still $1,000,000,000 above 1948 s quarterly average. There was a twofold explana tion: (1) less goods and services were produced and provided, since willingness to spend on them was down; and (2) price tags and charges were lower for those that were furnished. Commerce Department ana lysts said lower prices had as much or more to do with cutting the consumer spending total than Germany Election 3 ""-hww - i The campaigning will continue late tonight for tomorrow's special election in the 20th Con gressional District on Manhat tan's west side. Benjamin Gassman, Liberal Party Law Committee chairman, charged yesterday that Tam many was planning to steal. the election for Municipal Court Jus tice Benjamin Shalleck by using "floaters." Abraham Kaplan, Shalleck's campaign manager, answered that Roosevelt backers planned a mass invasion of the district by workers from outside the city and state. Roosevelt. ' who was turned down by Tammany for the Demo cratic nomination which went to Shalleck. Is running as the candi date of the Liberal and Four Freedom's Parties. Kaplan said Roosevelt support ers are spending almost $2dO,000 on the campaign to elect tne late president's 35-year-old lawyer son by "force of money." William H. Mclntyre, Republi can, and Dr. Annette T. Rubin stein, American Labor Party, are fighting It out with Roosevelt and Shalleck for the late Rep. Sol Bloom's seat in the normally Democratic district. While the contest between Roosevelt and Shalleck has drawn the most attention, and is looked on by most voters as the real fight, representatives of all four candidates continued to pre dict victory. OFFICES GO BEGGING ROME, May 17. (JP) The citi zens of Telgate, Italy, have no political ambitions. The elections for the maypr and the municipal council had to be postponed for the third time, be cause there were no candidates. Telgate Is a village near Ber gamo, Northern Italy, with a population of 2,000. decisions to get along with less, so it wasn't just a case of public thrift. Business acted like consumers; eased up sharply on outlays to build up stocks of goods to sell and went a little lighter on out lays for plants and machines to increase productive capacity. Federal Spending Upped Government spending on goods and services Increased, however, as a result of higher foreign aid outlays. The Department said the government provided "a further supporting influence on the economy." The national product had dip ped a couple of times before in (Continued on Page Two) Weather Mostly cloudy today with few light showers. Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday. Sunset today 7:32 p.m. Sunrise tomorrow 7:46 a.m. Established 1873 Council Eugene Action, AwaitedMay Be Followed Arguments On Rezoning Of Block 47 Referred To Special Committee WHAT THE COUNCIL DIDl Decided to follow Eugene on daylight saving time. Named committee te study Block 47 rezoning. Heard report on airport sur vey. Denied Dr. Parkinson's park ing request. Approved 30-foot street width for So. Hamilton. Asked city attorney to in vestigate Block 29 alleyway. Approved committee's rec ommendation to study garbage problem. Defined new parking regu lations on Vista, Overlook and East Cass Streets. Heard petitions on rest rooms. Accepted certificate of ap proval on Corey and Harvard Avenues. "As Eugene goes, so goes Rose- burg." The daylight saving issue was that much closer" to being solved after the City Council meeting Monday night. A query from a Roseburg citi zen prompted Mayor Albert G. Flegel to poll the council. After some discussion, it was decided that should Eugene vote for day light saving, Roseburg would al most assuredly follow suit. The Council appointed George West to head a special commit tee, consisting of H. T. Carstens and Chester Morgan, to investi gate further a proposal to rezone block 47 from Class 2 residential status to Class 3 business. The block Is bounded by S. Main, S. Kane Sts., E. Cass and E. Lane. At a nearing on tne proposea rezoning, Bruce Mellis, represent ing the American Legion, review ed that organization's argument favoring the rezoning of the block to business. He pointed out a proposed American Legion building would serve tne puDiic. He also pointed out the Legion has a $1,500 investment in the building, in the form of archi tect's drawings. Roland Dunsden, speaking in behalf of the Methodist Church, said his organization "must have available the full limit of the lot" in order to build a new structure. Bill Evans, 225 E. Cass St., said the construction of a building "two feet away from his $10,000 home," would lower the value of his property and would put his home in perpetual shade. Petitions both pro and con had been submitted for the Council's (Continued on Page Two) More Men Join Fight Against Beaver Creek Fire East winds yesterday afternoon spread the 600-acre forest fire in the old Beaver Creek burn far ther to the west, while the five camps along the perimeter of the fire were reinforced with addi tional men from Medford and Grants Pass. William Benecke, of the Ump qua National Forest staff In Rose burg, who returned from the scene of operations this morning, said it is estimated the fire will not be brought under control be fore Sunday.- The 200 loggers and Forest Service men are working with power saws and tractors to cut down the snags along the five mile outer perimeter of the fire. They have now worked about half way around, said Benecke. The fire fighters are using 30 sets of power saws and 14,000 feet of hose lines brought from other national forests in the re gion. Ranger Milton Andrews, In charge of over-all operations, is being assisted by Rangers Bert Hoi thy and Este! Brown and As sistant Ranger Hardy, ail of the Mt. Hoed National Forest. The fire is located In a rugged, mountainous area. Supplies to the men are transported by pack horses along trails from the base camp, about 15 miles east of Tiller. Utah Governor, Highway Official Stop Over Here En route to Gold Beach for flshinff. the pnwrnnr nl TT.oh and his party stopped over in Roseburg Saturday and Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Broaddus, 105 Roberts St.. formerlv of Prnvn tliah Governor J. Hrnrkpn u'a. accompanied here by Utah State Senator Mel Gibson and Utah State Highway Commissioner H. J. Carleisaen. They visited the Roseburff Rod and Citn PlnK grounds at Winchester and ex- pressea appreciation for the hos pitality mey received. Tht Defers J" TAKES CLAY'S JOB Lt.-Sen. Clarence Huebner, above, re places Gen. Lucius D. Clay in Cermany. He will be acting U.S. military governor and acting commander of U. S. armed forces in Europe. General Hueb ner, deputy end chief of staff to General Clay, is veteran of both World Wars, rising from private to general. He com manded the famous First Divi sion in invasion of Normandy. Flying Blade Of Axe Cuts Chest Of Tree Faller Howard Cannlon, a tree faller for Copeland Bros., Oakland, knows now what a tree feels when it is being cut, so he de clares he is going back to his former job of punching cows In Texas. Cannlon was at work Monday morning and was standing near by while his companion faller was notching the undercut. As the axe wielder made a hard swing, the blade came off the handle, sailed six feet through the air and struck Cannlon on the chest, directly over the heart. The razor sharp blade slashed through clothing and flesh, bar ing two ribs and inflicting a gaping 10-inch gash, which bare ly missed penetrating into the chest cavity. The injured man, after receiv ing first aid in the woods, was rushed to Mercy hospital In Rose burg where, despite loss of blood and shock, he was reported to be in satisfactory condition today. Assembly Of God Church Target Of Bomb Attempt EUGENE, Ore., May 17 (PI An attempt to'bomb the Assem bly of God Church In nearby Cresswell was under investigation today Dy tne state ponce arson squad. , A burned-out candle In a bollle containing a white fluid was dis covered In the newl built church early Sunday by the pastor and a parishoner. Police said the mixture found in the bottle had also been spilled around the room. The bottle, set in a coffee can full of a "dirt col ored powder," was placed at the church altar. The Rev. Ward Wood was pre paring for the dedication service when he found the bomb. Ben C. Greer was with the pastor. Members of tne cnurcn built the structure after receiving an unsigned note warning them to cease holding meetings in a theater. Communists Tightening Their Trap On Shanghai CANTON, May 17 UP) The Communists were reported today walking one army into the evacu ated Central China Industrial cen ter of Hankow and plunging an other wilhin 225 miles of Canton, nationalist refugee capilal. (The reds were building up a new threat to embattled Shang hai, striking Into Pootung, dork and warehouse area facing the famed bund across the Whangpoo River. A nationalistic communi que said the reds were concentrat ing on the Pootung area after as saults on the Woosung ship chan nel and Lunghwa airport had been beaten back). Siamese Twins Born With Heads Connected LOS ANGELES, May n.-lP) Little Siamese twin girls, born Salurday, are given a good chance to live today, although joined at the head, top-to-lop. The infants were born to Mrs. John B. Jones, 35, a Negro. Only a few similar cases have been reported. Physicians say the babies are doing well and have a good chance to survive. Dr. Phoebus Berman, hospital medical direc tor, said a study will be made to determine If it would be possible to separate the twins by surgery. Result Staggers ROSEBURG, OREGON TUESDAY, MAY Daylight Hit-Runster Suspected In Traffic Death Mrs. Syble F. Nichols Found Dead In Ditch Near Her Home At Union Gap The body of Mrs. Syble Florlne Nichols, 35, was found in the ditch at the side of the road near her home at Union Gap at 6:30 p. m. yesterday the victim of a hit and run driver. State Police Sgt. Lyle Harrell reported today that Mrs. Nichols was last seen walking along the highway on the east shoulder about 12:30 p. m. yesterday. She was found by S. G. Holder, owner of the Union Gap cottages be tween Sutherlln ard Oakland. Mrs. Nichols' body was found in a rather deep ditch almost di rectly in front of the cabins. Body Badly Battered The cause of her death was not determined until an autopsy had been performed by Dr. Richard Williams, The conclusion follow ing the autopsy was that she had been struck by a car. or possibly a trailer. The body was badly bat tered from the impact. Sgt. Harrell stated that an In tensive search Is underway,- and that some clues have been found which may lead to the identity of the responsible party or parties. Mrs. Nichols' husband, William Troy Nichols, was at work. When she'did not return home when ex pected, a search was begun by her two children, a son, William Ter ry, 13, and daughter Mary Ann, 10. A native of Texas, Mrs. Nichols was born May 4, 1914. She and her husband were married at Flor ence, Texas, Dec. 3, 1932. They had resided at Union Gap for the past year. Previously they had lived a year at Sunnyslde, Wash., nflAr mmlnff from Texas. . She was active in the Union (Continued on Page Two) New Eating House To Be Opened On N. Umpqua River Crystal Johnson-Freeman and Vivian Padelford announce open ing of The Red Barn, new North Umpqua eating house, Friday, May 20. The Red Barn, with rustic in terior, has been constructed ad joining the Lone Rock Motel just beyond the Lone Rock bridge crossing the North Umpqua river, 17 miles east of Roseburg. The eating house will be equip ped to serve meals from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, catering to fish ermen at all times, and will specialize in dinners. A family style dinner will be featured each Sunday. Dinners will be served until midnight each Saturday. Dinners will be served, If de sired, on the spacious veranda overlooking the river, it was an nounced. Mrs. Freeman Is owner of the Valley Hotel building In Rose burg, and formerly operated the hotel and a coffee shop, the latter since replaced by business quar ters. Mrs. Padelford has been Identi fied with eating houses In the Roseburg area for the past 20 years, having operated several restaurants, the Rainbow Cafe, Club 99 and Country Club In former years, as well as being associated with her brother for a short time at The Silver Nook, prior to its sale to the present owners, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dame wood. Mrs. Padelford will be In charge of the culinary depart ment at The Red Barn. GAS RATES NOT TOO HIGH Roseburg Service In 194& Entailed Loss To Utility, State Commissioner Says California-Pacific Utilities Company showed a net operating loss In Roseburg of $857.29 for the year 1949, regardless of the application of a fuel oil adjustment clause on July 1, 1948. This Information was contained In a letter from Public Utilities Commissioner George H. Flagg to City Recorder William D. Boll man. The letter was In reply to the Clly Council's request for In formation relative to alleged high rates charged for gas supplied by the company In Roseburg. The commissioner staled a de tailed study has been made of various charges for gas service throughout the stale of Oregon, and Roseburg's rates are found to be comparable to, or lower than, service provided bv the other gas utilities operating in Oregon. "It might be well to outline . . . the difficulties experienced by the utility furnlohing service to your community covering the cost of butane," says the letter. "On July 17, 1949 Saving WALLGREN LOSES OUT Nomination For Head Of Security Resources Body Withdrawn By Truman WASHINGTON. May 17. (API President Truman today withdrew Mon C. Wallgren's nomination to be chairman of the National Security Resources board. The president withdrew the nomination at the request of Wallgren, former governor of Washington state. At the same time he. wrote his warm personal friend and former associate in the senate: "I want you to. know that my faith in you is undiminished." waiigren s nomination was tabled many weeks ago bv the Senate Armed Services Commit tee under a procedure which did not permit a vote on confirma tion by the entire Senate. Sena tor Byrd (D-Va) cast the only Democratic vote against Wall gren in Committee, assuring bot tling up of the nomination. It was the second Important nomination Mr. Truman has with drawn at the request of an ap pointee. He took a similar action in the case of Edwin Pauley aft er naming the latter as under secretary of the Navy early in his administration. Pauley, like Wallgren, ran into stiff opposi tion In the Senate. There was no immediate Indi cation whether the President might name Wallgren for some other post which would not re quire Senate confirmation. Like vou. I am convinced that had your name been permitted to go before the whole Senate, the nomination would have been confirmed," the President wrote Wallgren. National Security First Wallgren wrote that his nat ural inclination was to "fight this battle to a finish and prove to the nation by successful service as chairman that your confidence Is entirely justified." However, he added: "I am convinced that even were-we to go on and win this battle, the evident political op position to my appointment would work to the detriment of na tional security. The interest of national security requires total support of the Congress, all gov ernment agencies, Industry, busi ness, agriculture and labor. With out full confidence and coopera tion and If Impeded by politics, the National Security Resources Board cannot adequately perform its tremendous and vital mobili zation planning assignment." The board is responsible for keeping tab on the production and stock piling of critical materials. May Qet Another Job Wallgren referred to the "politl- (Contlnued on Page Two) India Approves British Commonwealth Affiliation NEW DELHI. India, May 17. (VP) With only two dissenting votes, the constituent assembfy today approved the agreement under which India is to remain in the British commonwealth of nations. The 156 to 2 vote endorsed the agreement reached with Britain which permits India to become a sovereign republic and still maintain a tie to the British crown. Air Force Transport Crash Kills 6 Persons ROSWELL, N. M.. May 18. IIP) Six persons were killed on Monday when an Air Force C-47 transport crashed and burned 12 miles northeast of Walker Air Force Base. Staff Sgt. Chris Wentzel, Coot ', Mo., balled out. He is be ing treated for a back injury. Col. John P. Randolph, act ing commanding officer, said an engine fire caused the crash. 1, 1948, It was necessary to apply the provisions of the comnany s tariff with reference to tne oil fuel adjustment clause as the cost of butane advanced from 2'k cents per gallon to 6.8 cenls per gallon at the refinery at Ventura, Calif., and from 6.015 cents to 10.608 cenls per gallon delivered to the company's plant at Rose burg. The California-Pacific Utili ties Company's contract expired July 1, 1918; they had enjoyed the lowest butane cost to any utility In the state because of that agree ment. Forced to Meet Expenses "In virw of the large percent, age of the company's operating (Continued on Page Two) "6-49 Decision MON C. WALLGREN Truman's boost falls. Highway Jobs In Douglas Awarded Construction of an addition to the Slate Highway Department offices In Roseburg will be start ed soon by E. A. Shannon, Rose burg contractor, who was award ed a contract by the State High way Commission Monday.' He submitted a low bid of $15,644. The addition will adjoin the north side of the building on Cobb St., used jointly by the State Highway Department and the State Police. The addition will be of wood frame construc tion, providing additional office space to the structure. It was not known locally when construction of the building addi tion will start. The .State Highway Commis sion also awarded a contract Monday to Mill Electric Co. of Salem, for the installation of lights In the Elkton tunnel, on the Draln-Reedsport Highway. The company submitted a low bid of $9,786. Funds Allocated To Repair Highway Damage PORTLAND, May 17. UP) Winter highway damage has drawn a $1,671,000 repair alloca tion from the State Highway Commission. The commission refused to ap propriate the full amount of the estimated $2,580,000 damage. This total Is one-bait million dollars more than previous estimates. Work under the special repair fund will be by contract, the com mission said. Regular mainten ance funds will be used for re pairs handled by state work crews. Widening the East Pacific highway (99-E) to four lanes from Portland to Eugene cannot be planned lor at least two years, but Is being considered for the future, the commission said. Log hauling on Saturday after noons was banned from the high ways from now until Sept. 15, Past Commander Of GAR Passes At 104 RIPLEY, N. Y., May 17. UP) Robert M. Rownd, 101-year-old past commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, died to day. There now are only 19 mem bers surviving In the nation, but there are a lew more Union Ar my veterans who are not mem bers of the GAR. The surviving members, now headed by Theodore R. Penland, 100-year-old commander In chief, of Vancouver, Wash., are to hold their final national encampment in Indianapolis August 28 to Sept. 1. Escaped Oregon Prison Trusties Recaptured SALEM, May 17. UP) The two State Prison trusties who escaped Sunday were recaptured this afternoon by police at Prlne ville, Slate Police Headquarters reported. Itie two convicts, one of whom was ready for parole, sawed dormitory wlndew ban and es caped ovr an unguarded wall yesterday. Soviet Third Of Vote nn? Million WB , W Opposes Reds Pro-Red Press Blames 'I ulnn PrAHflnHHfifl' Em Amazing 'No' Votes . BERLIN, May 17. UP) East, em Germany has dealt Commu nism a smashing blow in Soviet controlled territory. Official fig ures in the people's Congress election showed today a surpris ing snub by a third of the voters. Of 12,024,221 valid ballots, 4 080,272 were marked "no." The Communists had hoped to roll up a virtually solid "yes" vote for their hand-picked single slate of candidates, so that they could go to the foreign ministers' conference In Paris next week with a government for Eastern Germany which would match that of the West. So shocked were the Commu nist officials that election returns were withheld 20 hours after the polls closed, and the .Soviet-controlled press cried double cross at their political allies In the Eastern zone. There were 13,533,071 persons eligible to vote. Of these 12, 887,234 cast ballots, or 95.2 per cent. The valid ballots totallect 12,024,221. This was the vote: Yes: (in favor of the hand- picked single slate) 7,943,949, or oo.i percent. No: 4,080,272,' or 33.9 percent. 1 he Soviet s one election bu reau announced the figures. Red Bitterness Manifest The Communists, nlavinp nnnn German nationalism, had thrown heavy propaganda artillery into the campaign to give them a virtually unanimous endorse ment in the "yes or no" vote for the screened slate of 2,000 delegates to the Congress. The bitter' disappointment of the Russians and their Commu nist leaders were reflected in Taeglische Rundschau, newspap er or the Soviet military admin- laiimiuu, wuiuii ummeu lying propaganda" for the big "no" vote. , .. Soviet policy was the only Is sue In the election. All the can didates had been chosen by the Cntnl .TTI... - Vi... ann splinter elements oe tne Christian Democrats and Liberal Democrats, all welded into a "popular front" with Russian blessings. . The Russians event set aside denazilicHllon laws In order to let former Nazis vote and swell the total, and the Nazis, hot for a strong, central unified Ger- The vote in the Soviet sector of Berlin, center of the East West political war, still was be ing tallied. Only the Soviet sector of Berlin and the Soviet zone of Germany took part In the elections. The Western Powers forbade voting foi the People' Congress In their zones. By contrast the Western see tors last December, In an elec tion In which antl-Communlsm was an issue, rolled up an 86.4 percent vote m support ot west ern policies. Dallas Says Yes To Faster Time; Corvallis Waits DALLAS. Ore.. May 17. This city Is on daylight saving time today, out tne Folk county court hasn't decided about a time shift. Mayor Hollls Smith said coun cil members voted last night to set the city clocks ahead at 12:01 a.m. today. uounty court Judge Jack Hayes said he had asked, through the district attorney's office, for a ruling on whether the Court house could change also. He said the request for a ruling was directed to the state attorney general's office. Salem and other mid-Willamette valley towns made the change yesterday. Marlon county offices stayed on standard time, however, CORVALLIS, May 17. -fB This city won't go on daylight saving time until next month, If then. The city council discussed a change last night and voted not to do anything until after June 7, with no definite plans for that time. Cotincllmen expressed fear that two city elections, one on May 24 and the other on June 7, mlRht be open to legal attack If they were conducted on daylight Instead of standard time since the ordinances setting them have been drawn for some time. FINED FOR SPREE Don D. Mobley, Umatilla, ar rested by city police last night on a drunk charge, pleaded guilty upon arraignment in Municipal Court and was fined $30 by Judge Ira B. Riddle. He was com muted to the city jail for 15 days, or until his fine Is paid, said the Judge. Lvity Fact Rant By L. T. Releenstem The East Cermany election result advises Russia the an at tempt to starve people Into submission, a wot tried In the Berlin blockade, I fetllo way to angle for vote.