The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Sot., Moy 14, 194 aoBMMMMamn :viwW"l Ill win mi tw Ml 3f- PI v ft r y Kit HEALTH WINNERS Douglai County'i healthiest 4-H boy and girl dee picture page I) were selected at the annual health contest in Roseburg Wednesday. Each health club is allowed two representatives. This year 13 health clubs sent 23 candidates. County winners are selected each year by County Health Doctor E. J. Wainscott, and County Nurses Mrs. Mary Barrett and Miss Lavinia Fulton. They judge on a basis of a standard score sheet, which includes nutritional con dition, posture and physical condition. Winners were Naomi Wroe, Smith River and Frank Rad ford, Myrtle Creek. Alternates were Stelina Irwin, Drain, and Ronald Moore, Elkton. The first placers win a trip to the annual 4-H summer school in Corvallis and will represent Douglas Coun ty in the state contest at the Oregon State Fair this fall. Other boys and girls participating and heir schools are: Jerilou Work, Drain; Joseph Sherman, Cardiner; Larry Oatney, Curtin; Larry Meshew, Myrtle Creek; Merlyn Miller, Green; Shirley Coodwin, Deer Creek; Mary Elise Unrath, Rose; Evelyn Van Tassel, Cardiner; Carolyn Cornielson, Green; Curtis Kocken, Cleveland; Robert Drake, Rose; Stephen Shelley, Deer Creek; Loretta Oleson, Curtin; John Townsend, Cardiner; Patty Srubbe, Elkton; Botty Jean Russel, Drain; Erlene Sargent, Myrtle Creek; Betty Kohlhoff, Cleveland; Terry Lampert, Myrtle Creek. (Picture by Frank Von Borstal Jr., 4-H Club agent.) ELGAROSE COMFORT CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING THURSDAY The Elgarose Comfort Club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Warren with Mrs. Lucille Edwards and Mis. Faye Edwards, hostesses. A short business meeting was followed by a lovely surprise pink and blue shower party honoring Mrs. Lucille Edwards. The hostesses served lovely refreshments to Mrs. Leora Andrews, Mrs. Clar ice Brown, Mis. Sallle Barker, Mrs. Mabel Backlund, Mrs. Ada Durch, Mrs. Thelma Hansen, Mrs. Ella Johnson, Mrs. Pat Lu cas, Mrs. Thelma Sundburg, Mrs. Agnes South, Mrs. Evelyn War ren, Mrs. James Dye, Mrs. Vern Wooten, Mrs. Connie Showers, members, and Mrs. J. N. Sands, Mrs. C. C. Cummins and Mrs. Clara Edman and children, guests. The next meeting will be June 2 at the home of Mrs. Leora Andrews with Mrs. C la rice Brown, co-hostesses. ARTS AND CRAFT8 CLUB RE-ELECTS OFFICERS AT MEETING TUESDAY The Arts and Crafts met at the home of Mrs. Lorerie Ashman on North Jackson Street Tuesday evening and re-elected the offi cers for the coming year and who Include: president, Ralph Turner; vice - president, Mrs. Kenneth Ford; secretary, Mrs. Jack West; treasurer, Mrs. D. L. Taylor. One year directors elected were Miss Margaret Carr and Miss Gerry Fett and two year directors are Mrs. Victoria Ploss and Mrs. Thel Wilson. Mrs. Kenneth Ford will be pro gram chairman, with Miss Amy Robinson, assisting. A program on art Is planned for all future meetings. Plans were made lor a full art show during National Art Week, which will be the first week In November. The members will fea ture pictures of local interest and I 1 I . H im tm Everybody loves flowers and everybody loves to receive them. Choose lowers as the perfect ?i ft . . , choose them rom us . . . always fresh ly cut. fragrantly lovely. The phone numbor to re member is 158. LILLIE'S FLOWER SHOP 818 Winchester Streets B All work must please the customer. Your furs insured for 15c per $100. Cleaning and glazing, $3.75. Located 5 Miles East of Springfield, on McKenzie Highway ROUTE 1, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ' -Hi,.-:, I.i. i-4. 2 scenery. Plans were also made for the first fall meeting to be held at a dinner, the date of which will be announced later. ' Mrs. Ashman served lovely re freshments to Mrs. Pat Johnson, Mrs. Victoria Ploss, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mrs. Joseph Wlk off, Miss Margaret Carr, Mrs. Leland Van Allen, Mrs. Kenneth Ford, Mrs. D. L. Taylor, Mrs. Thel Wilson, Miss Amy Robinson, Miss Gerry Fett, Mrs. H. C. Berg and two guests, Mrs. Husak and Mrs. Hazel Roade. The next meeting will be June 21 at seven-thirty o'clock In the evening at the home of Mrs. Ken neth Ford, 1385 Madrone Avenue In Laurelwood, with Mrs. Pat Johnson, assisting hostess. WEST MELROSE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED THURSDAY AFTERNOON The West Melrose Club was entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ell Sanders. The hostess served a lovely dessert-luncheon to Mrs. Amy Crlte scr, Mrs. Etta Ward of Port land, Mrs. C. H. Spleer, Mrs. Cecil Farman, Mrs. Howard Kai ser, Mrs. Jennings Gravnlng, Mrs. Ed Moon and Mrs. H. G. Thomp son. During the business meeting Mrs. Sanders demonstrated how to make a hooked rug. The next meeting will be on Thursday, May 19 nt the home of Mrs. James Munroe with Mrs. t. R. Fenn In charge of the program on "Slip Covers." The meeting will be an all-day af fair starting at 10 a.m.. with a potluck luncheon at noon. All members are cordially Invited. MOTHERS DAY DINNER ENJOYED AT FINDLAY HOME ON SUNJAY Ruby Jo FIndlay entertained at a delightful fried chicken din ner at her home on the Keasey road Sunday In honor of her mother and grandmother. Mrs. Thomni FIndlay and Mrs. Ruby uiooo. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. FIndlay and daughter, uremia, ana son. tommy; Mrs. Ruby Blood and the hostess. Ruby Jo Flndlav. During the afternoon the group enjoyed an automobile ride. ROOFING AT WHOLESALE Free titlmt, on Installation of any type of roof. DENN WHOLESALE CO. OPEN EVENINGS Phone 461-R-2 North Umpqua Rd. Lola's Fur Shop Gives Fret Storage on Fur Coat Re-Styling or Repairs W. S. OF C. S. HAS DESSERT-LUNCHEON MEETING THURSDAY The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service met in the Metho dist social rooms Thursday for a 1:30 o'clock dessert-luncheon with members of Circle No. 4 as hostesses. The tables were beautifully decorated with dolls in various colors carrying small baskets of flowers and bowls of spring flowers. The birthday table was centered with an at tractively decorated birthday cake circled by tiny roses. Mrs. Albert Feller presented the devotions and Mrs. Paul S. Elliott was In charge of the program on "Cooperative Chris tianity." Mrs. Lucien Cobb conducted the business meeting. It was vot ed to send $25 to help with sup plies for an Oregon girl, who is leaving soon for India. The summer camp for Metho dist women will be held at Camp Magruder from August 7 to 12. Mrs. J. M. Boyles conducted the Impressive Installation ceremony. Those present were . Mrs. Flora Wiley, Mrs. R. J. Johnson, Mrs. Harold Cox, Mrs. C. E.. Richard son, Mrs. C. E. Trueblood, Mrs. Edith Myers, Mrs. Luella- M. Rice, Mrs. J. M. Boyles, Mrs. E. A. Pettey, Miss Jennie E. Jorey, Mrs. Albert Feller, Mrs. J. B. Needham, Mrs. William Hoeft, Mrs. W. A. MacArthur, Mrs. Paul S. Elliott, Mrs. Lucien Cobb, Mrs. Orville F. Rlchman, Mrs. A. W. Lamka, Mrs. Harrle W. Booth, Mrs. G. W. Leeper, Mrs. A. N. Orcutt, Mrs. R. L. Whip ple, Mrs. A. J. Gcddes, Mrs. C. H. Wilson, Mrs. W. F. Pattlson, Mrs. F. W. Chase, Mrs. L. M. Hodges, Mrs. O. R. Pollard. Mrs. H. L. King, Mrs. Emmet Gib bons, Mrs. L. W. Irwin, Mrs. Bayard Reed, Mrs. A. S. Coen, Mrs. C. K. Rand, Mrs. H. D. Scott, Mrs. E. M. Bleile, Mrs. Fred L. southwick, Mrs. W. Howard Pattison, Mrs. F. P. Powell and Mrs. William C. Woods. BADOURA CLUB MEETS AT DESSERT-SUPPER ON TUESDAY EVENING Mrs. T. B. Vlrden and Mrs. Edward B. Row were hostesses nt a 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper Tuesday evening to the Budoura Club, Nydia Temple, Daughters of the Nile at the lovely home of the former on North Jack son street. Covers were placed for Mrs. Robert Bellows, Mrs. O. M. Ber rle, Mrs. E. M. Bleile. Mrs. M. C. Cassel, Mrs. W. H. Carter, Mrs. Sybil Crlte. Mrs. B. C. Elliott, Mrs. M. B. Green. Mrs. Alvin Helgeson, Mrs. Essie Koentz. Mrs. A. F. Micelll, Mrs. A. J. Young, Mrs. J. M. Throne, Mrs. B. A. Young. Mrs. S. A. Virg and the hostesses. Mrs. Cassel, president, con ducted the business meeting and plans were made for a picnic to be held at Marslers' "Hide out," in the near future. Plans were also made for the official visit of the Queen of Nydia Temple. A social hour was en Joyed following the business meeting. A. F. Walter Kresie, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U. S. National Hank Annex Room 217 Office Phone: l.r)00 Res.: Hotel Rose Phone 622 Office hours: Mon. Thru Sat. DID YOU . Chryitalit Til It not only cheap to build with but itoyt juit lik new for yean. it it cool in summer and to warm in winter, too, a CHRYSTALITE TILE INC. Pacific Hwy. N. I HEINLINE PIANO PUPILS GIVEN AUDIENCE BY ELIZABETH NEWMAN Piano pupils of Mri. C. S. Heln line are receivine congratulations from her this week for their won derful success in the auditions held Monday and Tuesday by Miss tlizaoetn Newman, adtudi cator for the National Guild of Piano Teachers. Five of the studente received local certificates, they presented not less than three pieces and their corresponding scales, chords etc.; seven made the District (program of not less than five numoersj ; iweive maue oiaie cer tificates (not less than 7) and two made National (10 or more memorized and advanced num bers). These certificates and pieces will De awaraed at the recitals in June. The grades were splendid, ranging from 90 to 100, working below 90 and they were rated, "excellent" : nd "superior." Th Is is Miss Newman s secona vear to ho d auditions in Rose burg. She is a celebrity in the musical worm in ner own rigni. Her books have been used by Mrs. Heinline for many years in the teaching of piano students. Miss Newman is the author of "Music For Teeny and Tin," Books 1 ana II; "How to Teach Music to Children:" "The Children's Own Book," and "Adventures with Chords and Tunes. Miss Newman is a lecturer, teacher, author, graduate d'You- ville Academy; Bunaio, in. i, with high honors, Drexel Institute nf Phlladelnhla: and holds N. Y. State Regent's diploma. She has studied music wnn me greaiesi instructors ol tne time. She taught for several years nt the Music School Settlement and the Harriet Ayer Seymour Music School in New York City, after which she established her own Creative Music Studio. Be coming dissatisfied with meth ods of teaching music and in onirert hv the theories advanced by Calvin Cady (a pioneer in the instruction irom wunin-ouu, : evolved ways for making music a vital and .delightful experience for students of all ages. When her stepwise plans and clear di rections are practiced, students are led to transpose, harmonize, modulate, sing at sight, improvise and express themselves at a mus ical instrument naturally and easily in all keys. In her books, Mcio fnr Teenv and Tin. she uses the familiar songs and sing ing games that children naturally i.,o nnrl through them directs teachers and parents in guiding pre school children, joyous y into a feeling and understanding ol th" basic elements of music. Her books have been accepted by the most prominent music schools and studios throughout the Unit ed States and also abroad. She won the favor of leading instruc tors with her instruction books and pjano students in Roseburg feel most ioiiu'wic ,,.. Miss Newman visit Mrs. neiiiiuic , classes lor two successive years. J AY-C-ETTES ENJOY OELIGHTFUL MEETING WEDNESDAY EVENING Jay-C-Ettes enleriainea ineu mothers at a delightful affair Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Elrton Howaro wnu u . Douglas Tudor as co-hostess. Iris, tulips and roses formed the at tractive bouquets. Miss Helen Casey and Mrs. Paul Jenkins, accompanied by Mrs. r.nrrion Stewart, delighted the group with novelty dance num bers and Mrs. Stewart accom panied the group singing. Guests were Mrs. Mildred Erickson, Mrs. George Lawson, Mrs Robert Bowles, Mrs. Anna T Kerr, Mrs. Viola L. La Rant, Mrs. D. A. Kler, Mrs. Fred L. Perry and the three guest artists. Members present were: Mrs. Carl Hall, Mrs. Bill Tipton, Mrs. Robert Luckey, Mrs. Robert Land reth, Mrs. Albert Fray, Mrs. Clark Taylor, Mrs. Glenn Scott, Mrs. Ellis Bartram, Mrs. Wayne Crooch, Mrs. Robert C. Davis, Mrs. Leroy Inman. Mrs. George Mcintosh, Mrs. Leo Sevy. Mrs. D. C. Walton, Mrs. Sidney Moon Jr., Mrs. Charles E. Hart, Mrs. Duane Baker, Mrs. Lee Emery, Mrs. Walter Brlttell and the two h-tesses. Following the program and social hour, the hostesses served lovely refreshments. The group will meet the evening of June 8 at the home of Mrs. James Decker, corner of West Commer cial Avenue and West First Street. XI EPSILON CHAPTER MEETS AT BERG HOME ON THURSDAY EVENING XI Epsilon Chapter, Beta Sig ma Phi met Thursday evening at the beautiful home of Mrs. H. C. Berg In Laurelwood. Plans were to help the Bluebird group, sponsored by the chapter, with a candy sale. Plans were made for Exemplar Day to be held at the M. C. Bowker home at four-thirty o'clock, Mav 22, and for a picnic to be held May 28 at six-thirty o'clock at the home of Mrs. Bernard Saar. During the social hour the members worked on roses for the rodeo float. Lovely refreshments were served In the attractive rum pus room by the hostess, Mrs. Berg to: Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mrs. J. R.. Wharton, Mrs. Worth Davis, Mrs. Bernard Saar, Mrs. Charles E. Hart, Mrs. Joseph Wlkoff, Mrs. M. C. Bowker. Mrs. Sldnev Moon Jr., Mrs. E. F. Marcell and Dr. Eleanore Carlson. HEAR ? ? ? You will like th way Phone 695 R-2 If . ' . t - v. 'A 'K jr" 4 ' t. " ' - - . - 'As " I t II Urn-) L IP - I.' IS; O .tSiJiT- 1 rADi cc iiupiEBADMiun I vnifiinwnvviiv iviepnonv tuiitpaiiy workmen school property along Harvard Ave. Removal of the overhead pansion, which interfered with the lines. Superintendent Paul S. Elliott said the company did least amount of conflict possible with work on the school project. (Picture by Paul Jenkins) LEGAL NOTICE RUM MONO IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THIS STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY ROY W. Pf'AENDER and FRIEDA M. PFALNDEH, Plaintiff!, vs. ADA PAGEL BARLOW: EDNA PAr.EL; BARBARA QU1NLAN and EDWARD J. QLINLAN. ner htnband; BETTY HEAL and ROBERT HEAL, her hus band; IJLKT.iA BRADr; the unknown heirs ot William F. Pagel. deceased; also, all oilier personi or parties un known claiming any right, title, ev state. Hen or interest In the real estate dencribed in the complaint herein. Defendants. TO: Ada Pajfel Barlow; Edna Pagel; Barbara wuinian ana tawara j. tjuin lan, Ijer husband; Betiy Heal and Robert Heal, her husband; Berthd Brudi: the unknown heirs of William F. PaKel, deceased; also, all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com- Flalnt herein. Defendants. N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORKGON ynu and each of you arc hereby required to appear and answer the cnmphiint of plaintiffs filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before four (4 weeks from the lGth day of April, 1940, that beinj the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com- filaint. a succinct statement of which ns follows, to-wit: that it be decreed that plaintiffs are the owners in fee and entitled to the possession of the fol lowing described real property, to-wit' Lots 19 and 20. In Block 4. Amended Plat of Sutherlin, as shown on the official plat on file in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon, all situated in Douglas County, Oregon, and that the right of possession, and title to said premises be forever quieted in plaintiff), and that It be further de creed that any claim of the defendants, or either of them. In or to said prem Ifm, or any part thereof, is without foundation In law or in equity, and plaintiffs are tne owners in fee of said fircmies and of the whole thereof, free rom any and all claim or interest of said defendants, or either of them, nf any kind or nature whatsoever, and that said defendants and all persons claim ing hy, through or under them, or either of them, be forever restrained and en Joined from asserting any right, title or interest in or to said premises, or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as to the court shall appear equi table. This summons Is served upon you by publication once eacli week for four I4 successive weeks in the Roseburg News-Review, a n3vspaper of general circulation as provided by statute, pub lished and issued in Roseburg, Dough: j County, Oregon, by order of the Hon-1 orflble Carl E. Wimberly, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 13th day of April. 1H3. I ORCUTT, LONG t NF.UNER, ! Attorneys for Plaintiffs, j Postoffice address; Roseburg, Oregon. I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned executrix has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for DougUs County her final account In settlement of the estate of Wooster Hayden Fish, deceased, and the Court has appointed Saturday, June 18, 1049. at 10:U0 a. m., in the County Court Room in the Court Hons at Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections. If any, to said final account and settle ment of said estate. MARIR LOUISE FISK Executrix of the estate of Wctister Hayden risk, de ceased. MRS. IVAN PICKENS ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Ivan Pickens entertained her bridge ciub at a lovely one o'clock luncheon Tuesday at her summer home on the North Ump qua River. Covers were placed for Mrs. Harold Schmeer and Mrs. Maurice L. Hallmark, guests, and Miss HeW.n Casey, Mrs. Chester Morgan, Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mia. C. b. Wade, Mrs. D. B. Bubar, Mrs. L. E. McClintock and the hostess, Mrs. Pickens. Mrs. Schmeer won the high score for the guests and Mrs. Mc Clintock won the high score lor the members. PATCH AND CHAT CLUB MEETS AT WARE HOME WEDNESDAY NIGHT Mrs. Gordon Ware graciously entertained the Patch and Chat Club Wednesday evening at her h o me. J oa n n e Wa re was g ties t and members present were Mrs. C. J. Bradley, Mr. J. N. Boor, Mrs. Parley Ware, Mrs. E. R. Buckingham, Mrs. D. W. Keasev, Mrs. K. H. Verrell, Mrs. E. G. Trozelle and Airs. C. Domenico. The hostess served delicious re freshments following a social hour. The club will meet the evening of May IS at the home of Mrs. Parley Ware. FLOOR SANDING and - FINISHING Estimates Leslie Pfaff 320 Word St. Phont 134SJ w tax aaieicin wa r V iu!MlJi'- """? . V Sr.- : mi i.f-Hi r,-. .vm-jm.- tii i it IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of THE STATE OF ORKtiOM FOR DOUG I-AS COUNTY SUMMONS JOHN E. THOMAS and ALENE B. THOMAS. Plaintiffs, vs.'T. F. ROYAL, also known as Thomas F. Royal, and MARY ANNA ROYAL, the Unknown Heirs of Thomas F. Royal, if deceased, the Unknown Heirs of Mary Anna Royal, if deceased, and all other persons or Fiarties unknown claiming any right, title, nterer,t or estate in the real property described herein. Defendants. TO: T. F. Royal, ao known as Thom as F. Royal, and Mary Anna Royal, the Unknown Heirs of Thomas F. Royal, if deceased, the Unknown Heirs of Mary Anna Royal, if deceased, and all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title. Interest or estate In the real property described herein. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you hereby are required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs filed against you herein within four (4 weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail so to appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the court fur the relief demanded therein. A succinct statement of which is as follews: That you are required to appear and state the nature and character of your ad verse claim, if any, to the following described real property, lo-wit: Beginning at a point which Is South 2l" 46' West 60 feet from the South east corner of parsonage lot No. 16 in the town of Wilbur, said point being North 59 !HT East 1653 feet from the quarter corner on the West side of Section 18, Township 26 South, Range 5 Went of the Willa mette Meridian Douglas County, Oregon. Running thence South 23 46' West 2G7.7 feet to a point; thence North 88 09' West 44.4 feet to the Kast side of the right-of-way of the Pa cific Railway Company, formerly O. & C. Railway. Thenre North along the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way line to a point which bears North ir 12' West 499 feet from said point. Thence North 87 34' East 49 . feet to a point. Thence South 6.1 22' East 273.2S feet to the place of be ginning, all in-Section 18. Township 26 South, Range 5 West of the Willa- mstte Meridian. That upon the hearing thereof It be decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners of said properly as tenants by the entirety and that none of snld i defendants or any persons or parties claiming by. through or under them have any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said real property or any part thereof and that the title 1 of the plaintiffs be forever quieted against any claims of the defendants ; and each of them. That the defendants and each of them and any person-. , or parties claiming by, through or under : them be forever eniolned from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, or Interest in or to said real property : or any part thereof. This summons is served upon you by : publication in the Roseburg News-Re- , view, a legal newspaper of general 1 circulation published in Douglas County. Oregon, pursuant to an order duly made and entered by the above entitled court and cause on the 7th day of May, 1949. CEDDES AND FELKER Attorneys for Plaintiffs U. S. National Bank Build ing, Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITOR! Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Dougla County appointed executor of the Last Will and Testament of R. W. Hinkley, deceased. All persons having claims against his estate are notified to pre rent the same verified as required by law to the undersigned at Room 7. The United States National Bank Building, Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from the date of this police. Dated April 30, 1!49. G. V. WIMBERLY. Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of R. W. Hinkley, de ceased. INVESTIGATE TODAY FREE 2. Another Item that will help make your kitchen one "of the most mod ern. We are also giving away a new SUNBEAM MIXMASTER, complete with two bowls and a Juicer. This gift has a hundred uses In the kitch en. Be sure to see how you can re ceive this gift. 90 S. Stephens We Moke r i. i j J.L.- . i wee Ft iaia ineir wire unueryruunu in ivuiuitdivm wnuun ivii v lines was necessary because of tke Fullerton School building ex IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THC STATE OF OREGON FOR COUNTY OF DOUGLAS NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Number 4H23 In the Matter of the Estate of HENRY J. KLINGER. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Judge of the above entitled Court has desig nated the 6th day of June, 1949, at ten o'clock in the morning of the said day In the Court room in the Courthouse in Douglas County, Or?gon, as the time for a hearing of objections to the final ac count in thp above entitled estate, filed with the said Court and for the settle ment of the said estate. Any objections to the proceed ingi had herein and to the finnl account of the executor of the Lat Will and Testament of Henry J. Klinger should anpear before th- said Court on or before the said day at said time - Dated thN 6th day of May, 1949. HOY O. YOUNG, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Henry J. Klinger, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned having been appoint ed by the County Court of the County of Douglas, State of Oregon, as the ad ministrator of the Estate of ADDIE M. SWANK, Deceased, and having qualified. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of. and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them, verified as required by law, with in six (6t months after the first publi cation of this noUce to said administra tor. Paul Swank, at Glendale. Oregon. DATED AND FIRST PUBLISHED this 16th day of April, 1949. PAUL SWANK, Administrator WALLPAPER 200 Pattern, 18o to $1.20 Page Lumber & Fuel 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST INVITE YOU TO ALL SERVICES Bible Study Wednesday 8 P. M. In Sutherlin ot the Scouts Hall Sunday 1 0:00 A. M. In Roseb jrg at 789 Military Street Bible Study 10 A. M. Service at 11 A. M. Communion 11:50 A. M. Evening Young People Meeting 7 P. M. Service 8 P. M. PLUMBING Ample supply of materials and equipment enables us to handle complete jobs to advantage. LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE COEN SUPPLY CO. Everything For The Builder Prion 121 Flood A Mill St,. tga em Kit KB ess fcii THREE GREAT GIFTS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE 1. KALAMAZOO ELECTRIC RANGE of the latest design. This will complete your modern kitchen to perfection. Has seven speed switches, 3 burners) a deep well cooker and a large oven. You can get this gift on June 4 if you will INVESTIGATE TODAY WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS ON EVERY a Speciol Effort to Serve 5 J h " " i J:u:.:Hn .AnJ..tx the work quickly and with the NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of C. Byron Irwin, deceased, now f lending In the County Court of Doug bs County, Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned executrix at the law office of Orcutt, Long & Neuner in Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, with in six (6) months from the 16th day of April. 194M. VIVIAN E. CHURCH, Executrix of the Estate ot C. Byron Irwin, Deceased. We Will Do . . . Hemstitching, Make Button holes, Belts or Make Buttons and Buckles. .Sewing Machine Center 542 N. Jackson Phone 689-Y NEW LAWNS and PLANTINGS Pruning . . . Landscaping Free Estimates L. H. Mcpherson Rt. 2, Box 153 Phont 715-J-1 n 2 FREE aa)irt: 3. The third gift that will be given away to some lucky Individual is a new G. E. ELECTRIC IRON. A featherweight iron with thermo static control that regulates the heat for any ype of ironing. Easy to handle. PURCHASE Phone 964 J You Better