Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 08, 1944, Page 6, Image 6

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    FCSgBURS m7j.MFft, RPgggURg, ftfttSbfl, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, l?44,
Built to Order
Essentially employed may
new have a new home. Only
8 priorities at present. From
$3500 to $4500.
for Information See
Roseburg Realty Co.
Umpqua Hotel Blfg. Phone 211
To serve others as we would
be served.
Cor. Pine and Lane Streets
FRANK W. LONG, Manager
Licensed Lady Attendant
Call 112
Day or
1 Night
Shop our counters and see
the meats you can buy with
out points.
No points required to pur
chase the following:
According to a government
bulletin, this meat Is very
wholesome and tasty.
Roaeti, arm cuts
No Dolnti. lb X)C
Loin Steakt, T-Bone Steakt,
Round Steaks a.
No points, lb JVV
I Experience in
Logging Handy for
Days Creek Soldier
Lyle I,. Jones of Davs Creek
was promoted to the grade of
corporal on September 3, 1B44,
aiier one year's service in the
urnry. un uri. J lie was awarded
thp good coniluct medal lor "e-emplai-v
behavior, eftfdencv and
fidelity" during that vear. He was
inducted on August 17, 1943, and
was trained, at Camp Callan,
wnere lie was a member
of a 90 mm. gun crew. Afier tliis
tralnine; he was assigned to his
present duly as gunner in an
overseas anti-aircraft battalion.
He has participated In one am
phibious beachhead lnnril
For the past few weeks Col
Jones nas found much use for
the knowledge he gained while
working for the M. & G. lodging
and the other crew members have
ut;en oomg some line construe-
uuii wont at tneir gun position.
mi-j uiv usiin; sucn woods as
manoganv and teakwood for
iiours, laoies and nonehe
Jones nttenrleri Vifhtl. r i.
high, where he studied commer
cial subtccts and the woodwork
ing wax nas Deen so well em
ployed In his present habitat. He
was also an active member of the
photographic hobby club and the
girr hud, ne is quite adept with
the arcordon aiid from time to
lime entertains tiie rest of (lie
crew In their spare time.
He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton Jones of Myrtle Creek,
Earthquake Hurls Tidal
Wave On Japanese Area
(Continued from page 1)
Coos Junction Garage
and Welding Works
General Petroleum Products
Eleotrlo and Acetylene Welding
Coos Junction, Oregon
You Drive Move Yourself
Save I Long or Short
740 8. Stephens 8t., Roseburg.
only window panes being biok-en.
"In general, damage was
slight with practically no damage
caused to our production facili
ties." Dome! said.
No mention was made of dam
age sustained in shipping. This
may well have been heavy.
An earlier broadcast bv radio
Tokyo said that "a landslide on
a minor scale and the crumbline
of cottages took place over a lim-
nea area.
Wide Area Affected
Domei's identification of the
cities In which there was damage
indicated that the tremor had af
fected not only the southeastern
coastal area but also had run In
a northern diagonal to the city
of Nagano on the west coast of
In addition to Nagano, the cit
ies of Shizuoka and Hamamatsu !
on the southeast coast had suf
Churchill Defends Act
Of British in Greece
(Continued from page 1)
roadblock -and had- beeh- waved
un alter- passing out eigarets. .
One .wounded 4,'AM member
said: "Why did the British. bring
in Papandreou? This nightmare
would have been averted If an
Anglo-American-Russian commis
sion nad come in and run thp
country until elections."
inant member."
A move to name Sforza. Italian
foreign minister had brought
British opposition and a blunt
cl.it0mnnl fvntn itnni-lnsn Cm
tarv of State Stettlnlus that ho ' bESE RTNG BULCARS, NAZI8
United States did not oppose the BLAMED BY GEN. WILSON
long-exiled count and further-i F0R TUMULT IN GREECE
more wanted the Italians to de- ROME, Dec. 8 (AP) Gen. Sir
termlne the course of their own Henry Wilson declared today that
povernment. Ithe fighting In Greece was caused
uemes rant MrnKen uy irresponsible extremists "
Churchill, challenging the op
position to a vote of confidence,
denied his government had brok
en anv agreements with the
United States on Italy.
If what is called in this amend-
Among whom the British had
louna deserters from the German
and the Bulgarian armies.
"I can see little difference be
tween the actions of these ex-
tremlnta ami 1V.n nr.f. r
ment the action of the friends of ".. i". r "1L
democracy," cried Churchill i,M commander In h Medit
scornfully. "Is o be interpreted erranean declared,
as a carefu lv planned couo d'etat
by murder trangs and bv the Iron r"s0". expressed belief that
mc ui-iuiuiis ana tsuigar-
rule of ruffians seeking to climb
into the seals of power without a
vote ever havinf been cast in
their favor if that is to mas'
auerade as democracy, I think
the house will be united in con
demning it as a mockery."
If I am to blame for this ac
tion. I will gladly accept dismiss,
.il of the house, but if I am not
fered some damage, according to Idismissed. make no mistake about
Domei, which added that in Na
goya one of Japan's major cit
ies -aamage was silent w n
only window panes being broken."
The earthaunke was recorded
bv seismographs around the
world and J. J. Shaw, veteran
west Bromwich England, seismol
ogist, said that It was "one of the
greatest ((makes) I have ever re
Yankees Knife Eight
Miles Into Germany
(Continued from page 1)
The makers of Dr. Parker's
Corn Remover will give you
double your money back If It
fails to remove your corn or
callous. Only 35c at Chap
man's Drug Store.
8houlder Roast
8houlder Steaks
Pure and lean, lb,
We custom slaughter and
buy your hides.
Full line of fresh,
cured and
230 N. Jackson
Telephone 350
World's Largest Auto Ins. Co,
Room 30t
Pacific Bldg
Phone 289
ed south through the Rhine val
ley to within four miles of Col
mar, last Alsatian citv in Ger
man hands. The gap between the
seventn and tne trench Hist
army, pressing north, was nar
rowed to 32 miles and the
were reported withdrawing across
the Rhine.
Budapest Pressure Upped
In Hungary, a battle of rising
Intensity surged toward besiged
Budapest. The heavily armored
right wing of Marshal Tolbuk-
hln's Third Ukrainian army drove
up the Danube's west bank to
within little more than 15 miles
of the capital and the Germans
threw In reserves from Vienna.
The Russians, taking prison
ers at the rate of 2,000 a day,
widened a gap along the Drava
river, 70 miles from Zageb,
Croatian capital. Partisans in
Croatia were said to have step
ped up guerrilla warfare in ex
pectlon of early aid from Mar
shal Tito's forces and the Rus
sians. Tolhukhin's drive up the
Danube seemed to be coordlnaled
with the assault of Marshal Ma
linovsky's Second Ukrainian ar
my, which mav be attcmutim? to
seal off Budapest from the north
east and complete Its investment.
Canadian Valor Cited
British and Polish troops in
we shall persist in this nollrv
of clearing Athens and the Ath
ens regions of all those who are
rebels to the constituted authority
of Greece."
Belnlum Action Cited
The prime minister stood pat
nn British troons' intervention in
Belgium, also. He said the troops
under orders of Gen. Elsenhower
patrolled' the streets of Brussels
and prevented a November putsch
to destroy the Pierlot povernment
and "Gen. Eisenhower's decisions
were absolutely right."
Churchill's statement about
Sforza and Italv brought shouts
of "De Gaulle" from labor
Churchill replied: "I certainly
never felt about De Gaulle the
sentiments which experience ha1
engendered in me about Count
Sforza. Do Gaulle is a man of
honor and has never broken his
Labor Files Protest
In a broadside defense of his
policy, as he concluded his ad
dress. Churchill declared
"I have no fear at all that the
most searching inquiry into the
noncv which we have pursued in
Relglum, Holland, Italy and
Greece, will entitle any man in
whose breast fairness and fair
play reside to accuse of pursuing
reactionary policies or hamper
ing the free expression of the na
tional will."
Even as commons opened Its
historic debate, labor organiza
turns throughout the eountrv
were adopting resolutions protest
ing against British troons firing
upon tireeK guerrillas.
A delegate meeting of the Blrm
ingham borough labor partv.
claiming to speak for 300,000
workers, demanded In a resolu
tion that "in the future neither
British arms nor the distribution
of food relief should be used to
thwart popular will in liberated
ians rounded ud dui-lncr h. mn
few days in Greece possibly' were
planted there for the purpose of
luusing uouoie.
British forces are disarming
all irregulars without regard to
what army they belong to," the
general added. He described the
.".nun as a uisiease grown up
from the war which T thini
find ln other countries too."
Until irresponsible people are
eliminated, the Greek people can
not have freedom trom want or
yuuucai ueeaom, he said. "We
are still at wnr wift. r: i
-' -".-, UUMIS III
A lot of people have forgotten
that fherp are riei-m-m,.
100 miles of Athens, on Crete and
in the Aegean islands. We are
using the air and nauni ho r
u"rvc iu carry on a war.
The Willows
Dine and Dance
Chicken and Steak Dinners
Dance Until
' 2:30 a. m.
(Bob Doty's Orchestra
Saturday nites)
Cocktail Bar
dnvinii th rou ah rain and
lup, wiucm-u ineu oi ingenean ... n .
over the Lamone river southwest Mrnens ngnnng neaucea
oi raenzu, capturing three vil-n i r-:.!-L. u
lages. The allied command dis-' naer ormbn lYiKusuro
closed that the First Canadian i (Continued from page 1)
corps, now in action with the
Eightli army, was the unit which .dential quarters, however, and
broke through between Lamone occasional bullets still whipped
and Monlone rivers and brought jover the former roval palace in
about the capture of Ravenna on ! Constitution square, w here
the Adriatic coas-t. IGreek civil police were holding
I rooftop positions.
Poems Appear In Magazine ! Nearly 1,000 members of the
Marjorle Hunt Pettit, Roseburg EL AS, armed militia of Ihe EAM
wri er ami poe Us one of 14 new (national liberation front 1 had
writers in tile December issue ol . surrendered up to this morrlng
the Horse le. lhc s magazine. n.-iiu. , r,.,.,
ivirs. i-emi, w no 1 1 '..ues al hum
Winchester street, lias some of
her poems appearing in this I
lllin D....i ..nnn..t 111.
,j - oi in i nun, i icii ni.
(nui cuiiiii iiuiuun inai iciusi lor-
SWEET POTATOES, local, 3 lbs 23c
ORANGES, lb. 10c
FLOUR, White Rose, 49 lb. sack 1.85
FISHER'S Pancake 8 Waffle Flour, 10 lbs. ... 69c
SAUERKRAUT, bulk, quart 20c
BEEF ROAST, Grade A, (5 pis.) lb 28c
LOIN STEAK, Grade A, (14 pfs.) lb 39c
PORK CHOPS, (8 pis.) lb 37c
574 North Jackson
Telephone 690
ces were In control of the Greek
i provinces of Thrace and Mace
donia. Casualties Fill Hospitals
Greek hospitals are working at
top pressure patching up hun
dreds of casualties, including
women and children, as a result
of the Alliens fighting.
The international Red Cross
and the British army medical ser
vices are rushing in drugs and
hospital equipment.
British Red Cross-marked am
bulances have been fired upon
while bringing in wounded from
Iwth sides. Some ambulance liriv.
ers, said, however, thev had
slopped where the ELAS had
Yamshifa Line Split,
13-Ship Jap Convoy Sunk
Continued from page I)
caught the Nipponese strategists
unaware. At the hour of landing,
a Id-ship enemy reinforcement
convoy bound for Ormoc was
spotted and it was wiped out to
gether with the 4,000 troops and
equipment aboard, during the day
by fighter planes.
The Leyte campaign, stalemat
ed for more than a month by
storms and Japanese reinforce
ments after swift conquest of its
eastern side, roared into hioh
gear on the third anniversary of
Pearl Harbor day.
in an, j enemy ships. Includ
ing seven destrovem umm
Thursday off Leyte in troop
carrying operations while. nimra
elsewhere in the Philippines areas
uiasieu nine cargo vessels.
Sixty-two Niooonesp Tllnnnc
were shot down over and around
ivyie ai . a cost of live U. S
planes whose pilots were rescued
Bong Ups His Score
Armv Mai. Richard T Rnnn i
Poplar, Wis., celebrating hie
award of the Congressional Medal
of Honor, bagged two to run his J
score as America's leading war
ace in all theaters to 38.
The army's 49th fichter plane I
group pushed its record toll of
enemy aircraft above 600 by
downing 15.
Double Trap Fixed
But the day's outstanding dp-
vclopment was supplied by the
navy and the 77th troops of Mai.
Gen. Andrew P. Bruce, of Temple,
Covered by guns of Rear Adm.
A. D. Struble's destroyers after
doiu negotiation oi narrow sun
gao strait, the troops landed with
practically no ground losses,"
today's communique reported.
They thus sprang two traps on
the reinforcements Lt. Gen.
Yamashlta has been nouring on
Leyte under orders to hold or
die while at grips with five other
Yank divisions converging from
north, south and east.
One enemv force south of Or
moc Is caught ln a six-mile area
between the 77th and Seventh
division infantrymen who earlier
In the week broke through the
Palanas river line of Nippon's
veteran 26th division.
In between those two nosltlons.
dismounted cavalrymen of Lt.
Col. O'Neill Kane landed Tues
day at Tabgas after a trip of
more than 125 miles around
southern Leyte aboard amphibi
ous tanks.
An even larger Japanese force
is menaced by possible loss of its
backdoor to the 77th even as it
carries on a 49-day-old ridge
fight to hold the rup"ed corridor
north of Ormoc against U. S.
32nd division troops inching
south from captured Limon. The
32nd, moving down from Cari
gara bay, is roughlv 20 miles
from Ormoc.
"By this maneuver," today's
communique reponea on the
77th's landing, ''we have seized
the center of the Yamashita line
frpm the rear and have split the
enemy's forces -In two, isolating
those in the valley to the north
from those along the coast to
the south. Both segements are
now caught between our columns
which are pressing In from all
Lead Road Clearing
Preston Graver. Ascnclntnrl
Press war correspondent at- New
Delhi, India, said todav Jananesp
withdrawals in Burma are on such
a scale as to indicate the Ledo
route to China may be cleared In
a matter of davs. However the
Japanese in China are in a posi
tion to threaten Kunmin?. the
only really effective terminus of
tne ljurma road.
Counter att acking Chinese
troops have recaptured Tushnn.
75 miles southeast of Kweiyang
in Kwelchow province, according
to field dispatches, but Chung
king offered no confirmation.
Fried Chicken and Rabbit Dinners
2 or 3 bedroom home to rent, lease or purchase.
Call 238 or write
Mr. Hal J. Ayotte
238 N. Jackson St. Roseburg
Complete stock of fixtures and fittings, including sinks,
toilets, lavatories, tubs, showers, range boilers, gas and
electric water heaters, steel and concrete septic tanks,
shallow and deep well pumps.
Call or see
Coen Lumber Company
Floed and Mill Streets
Phone 121
Child's Colds
Relieve Misery
Crushed Rock
Road Grading, Ditch Digging,
Basement Excavation,
Land Leveling.
See us
Salem Sand & Gravel
225 E. 2nd Avenue South
Phone 338
Bolts and Nuts
Pipe and Fittings
No Priority Required
238 N. Jackson Phone 238
t -
Open Play
Tuesday, Friday
Saturday and
Bowling Alley
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