ETSHT REWS-REV1EW, R0SEBUR5, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1944. War Bond Buy of Land Bank Credited To Douglas County l Douglas counly was $42,000 nearer Its Gtli war bond goal to day because the Federal Land hank of Spokane purchased $4, 000,000 In bonds and credited this and other counties with an allo cation based upon the number oi land bank borrowers In each. The 6th war loan allocation to Douglas county is just double the amount allocated by the bank In pervious war bond campaigns, ac cording to R. L. Strickle, secretary-treasurer of the Roseburg group of national farm loan asso ciations, with headquarters at Hoseburg. Each of the four states and Oregon served by the Spo kane bank has been credited with $1,000,000 as against $500,000 in previous drives. The state's allo cation, in turn, is credited to each county on. the basis of the num ber of land bank borrowers. "The Federal Land bank of Spokane is pleased that it can credit individual counties with a ' portion of its war bond pur chases," R. E. Brown, bank pres ident, told Mr. Strickle. "The bank also is pleased that It can participate in this nationwide ef- ln'These'1 Thoughts We will" discuss Opto metries! service, and Its relation to your wel fare, and Nothing else, for to us the preservation of your vision Is a duty. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Dr. Dean Bubar 7. f 106 N. Jaol J& Rosebur j PHONE 214 . Jackson rfl 1 LUMINAL!. THE EVER POPULAR WALL PAINT THE ORIGINAL COLD WATER PASTE PAINT Now Is a good time to redecorate. The dull days of winter are coming. Retint those drab walls and bring light and cheerfulness Into your home. Price: Gals. $2.1 0 Quarts 65c LUMINALL The Contractors and Home Owners Friend Sold only by the COEN LUMBER COMPANY Phone 121 WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE The Gilmore Station at 121 No. Stephens St. has changed hands and is now operated by J. J. Thomas Expert Motor Tune-up by a Mechanic with 12 years experience. Have your cars and trucks lubricated and motors steam cleaned. Washing, Polishing and Waxing Prompt and Courteous Service PERKINS OIL CO. GILMORE DISTRIBUTOR Wheelbarrows Rope Bolts and Nuts Belting Pipe and Fittings Saws Files No Priority Required OLYMPIA SUPPLY CO. 238 N. Jackson fort to raise funds now so badly needed to keep our afmed forces on the offensive throughout the world. A lot o men or a lot of ma terial must be sacrificed for vic tory. Bond purchases will help to minimize loss of life and keep a generous supply of materials flowing to the battlefronts. In ... .11. . l,nlln tl UUUUIU1I IU Ulllt-ll) tl.ipit.f .... . I,..., .1... 1 1. ... ....!.... ' war vihji i, me uuim i-uum-i a these bonds a sound Investment for Its Idle funds." Profit Sharing Plan Announced Announcemen of a profit shar ing plan, whnrebv eligible cm loyes of Pacific Fruit and Produce eomoanv will share in company profits, was announced to employ es of the riosebuif? branch at a dinner meeting held Wednesday at the Umnnua hotel. The pro pram recently was approved bv the companv and is now in effect in all branches, John Wood, man ager at Roseburg, reports. It will enable employes to build up a sizable personal retirement fund without contribution, al though the company will contin ue contributions to the fund for all individuals who participate. Joe Wise, district supervisor, was euest sneaker at the dinner meet ing, explaining the features and benefits of the urogram. The Pacific Fruit and Produce company maintains 100 wholesale and 3. shlntflng branches in the United States and Canada, Man ager Wood reports. Vital Statistics MARRIAGE LICENSES MOOHEOGDEN George Wesley Moore and Edith M. Og den, both residents of Myrtle Creek. DIVORCE COMPLAINTS BELL Eunice P. versus John B. Bell; married July 13, 1!BK); desertion. DIVORCE DECREES GARBER Harry from Can ZJida Garber; married at Hoi lis ter, Calif., July 13, 1037; cruelly. Health Clinic Dated A health clinic will be held at the Sutherlin school Tuesday, De cember 12. Anv preschool chil dren of the district are invited to attend for immunizations. Dr. E. J. Wainscott, countv health doc tor, and Mrs. Mary Barrett, coun tv health nurse, will conduct the clinic. Phone 238 j. Westenheiser Funeral is Held Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Yoncalla for John Louis Westenheiser, 6G, who died Nov. 29, at Centralla, Wash. Born near Yoncalla Jan. 1, 1878, Mr. Westenheiser spent his eai lv years on a farm in the Red Hill disliict. He spent several vears in Idaho, California and Colorado, and was married at Denver to Miss Amelia lopping, who died a few years ago. Mr. Westenheiser had made his home in Centralia for the past three years. Surviving are two brothers and two sisters: Wm. Westenheiser, Likely, B. C; Ralph Westenheis er, Reedsport; Miss Minerva Wes tenheiser, Centralia. and Mrs. w. E. Richards, Yoncalla. The services were conducted by the Rev. Fred O. Hunt with inter ment in the Yoncalla cemetery. Arrangements were in charge of Ste.vns mortuary, Oakland. Better Electric Service is Sought REEDSPORT Organization of a round table discussion group at a meeting- of Reedsport and Gar diner business men at Gardiner resulted in the appointment of Charles Mansehrek as spokesman to nporoaeh the Reedsport city council on the matter of Im nroved electric service for the Reedsport-Gardiner area. Tile district is now served by the Central Lincoln countv PUD, but due to inadeouule equipment a sufficient supply of energy Is nol available. Consideration is to be given ad vantages of a municipal plant, nubile utility district, or connec tion with the North Douglas REA. .which will soon have Bon neville power available through the line to be built between Eu eene and Drain The REA line now extends to Scottshurg and is to be built into the Loon lake and Smith River districts. LOCAL NEWS Visits Schools Mrs. I.ula C. Gorrell. countv school superin tendent, visited Wednesday at the Tenmile and Camas Valley schools. To Entertain Mrs. Howard fames will entertain the Merrv GoRound club Wednesday, Do cemher 13. at a 1:30 o'clock des sert luncheon. Vlsitina at Glide Charles Mc Cord of Los Angeles is visit intr for 1vn woclts at the home of his father, M. It. MeCnrrl, at Glide. Mr. McCord's family was unable to come wifh him because of traveling conditions. Fine is Paid A fine of $10 wns n:ii(l in lh RnsHnuv .Timlin court 1ntl;iv hv DiruiP CJ. 1Jnlk. who pleaded guilty In operatim a truck without public? utility commission plates. .Iudj;e Thom as 1 Inrt fiol reported. Visit inn at Home of Father !IU''t Officer ;iml Mrs. Weslev K. Mallerv are visiting at the homo of his f.ither. V. T. Mat l'irv, at the PeCamp apartments. 8'21 S. Pine in Kosrhiirg. Thev '' en route to Montana where Klifht Officer Mallerv will he stationed at an air field. Back From Salem Mrs. R. V. Marsters and her daimhter. Mis. Kermit Johnson, and the Jailor's small so?' K ,er. have re turned to their it.- on North Jackson street, following a cou ple of weeks in Salem visiting Mrs. Marster's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. II. I,. IVarcy, and family. Arrives T! Morninq T 'Sgl, P'lmore I,. Hill arrived in Hose burg tndav to spend his furlough, following X months in the south west Pacific war area, and will visit his mrents. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hill. SU Wt Mnsher street. Mr. and Mrs. Mill and their son, Slgt. Hill, are leaving today for Portland, where they were call ed hv the eritieal illness of Mrs. Hill's brother W. C. P dcs former Roseburg resident. Sgt. Hill will be with his parents until Decem ber 2i, when he will go to Santa Barbara. Calif., to report for re assignment. Sutherlin's New City Officers Hold Session SirniFJRI.lX The city council met in reeular session Monday evening with the fol'' ing new pi.Mnbcrs: mayor. 'ill''m IV Witt ; recorder. W ( Watson : treasurer. C P Smith, and 1he couneilmrn. K. H Randall, l.lovd Wilson, Flmer Cooper. Pec At teihury. Harold Jones and Art , Smith present. The osual busi ness and hills were allowed ami ' new committees were annointed for the next two vears: Poo At terburv, K. H Randall and Kl mer Conner: finance. Art Smith. 1 Harold Jones and IJoyd Wilson. I water. ! Riddle" RIPPI.K Mr. ami Mrs. C. H. Crow of Portland have born vis iting hoiv at tho homo of Mrs. l.lrir Crow tho past wook. Mr. and Mrs. Krnost Pinnor and daitchtor, Prlscllla. snout Thnnkseiviw? with their daimh r and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell at Fucono. Shi'llah Hayes, who is in tho arinod forors. Is visitinq his wifo end bnbv daurhtor at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. lloraoo Ililos. Mrs. K P. P.hindi'11 ma do a htis. Inoss trip to Portland last week end. I Mr. and Mrs. Franrls Kurnmrr had as their guests Thanksgiving. day, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Erlcson and son, David. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fisher" of Portland were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. B. F. Nichols. Mrs. G. E. Bocckman and son, Donald, of Portland were guests at the home of Mrs. Boeekman's sister-in-law, Mrs. Dora Willis, from Tuesday until Thursday of this week. Bob Doi t, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Dort, left Monday to Join the navy, and Is now stationed at Farragut, Idaho. O. V. Logsaon several days. The pupils of the Riddle school were busy last Friday canvassing the town for waste paper. Luther Bates, foreman of the Dad's Creek railroad section, has been assigned to the Riddle sec tion as foreman. A. L. Howard, who had charge of this section for many years, resigned the po sition because of Ill-health. Mrs. Ernest Riddle of the local high school faculty left Sunday for Eugene where she attended a teachers' confernece Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cripps re turned to their home here Satur day, ater several- weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. A. V. Logs don at Eugene. T-Bone Steaks, Grade A, 14 pt. lb. 52C Veal Boasts, Grade B, lb 28c Breast of Veal IbT 22C Pork Chops, 8 pts. lb 39C Bulk Lard, 2 lbs, for 35c Tillamook Cheese, 12 pts. lb. . . . 38c Salt Cod Fish, lb. .. . SOC Fryers and Roasters, lb 46c STAPLES Yellow Bowl Peas 3 cans 33g Borden's Milk tail can, 3 for ... . 29c A.SH.Soda,1lb.pkg.,3for....2ic Stoy Flour, 3 lb. pkg 39C Sugar, 10 lb. sack 63c Tuxedo Tuna Fish, is size 30c Krispie Crackers, 2 lb. box 3ic Hi-Ho Butter Crackers, lb. pkg . . 2H Austin Dog Food, 5 lb. pkg 59c Nestle's Instant Cocoa, 8 oz. can 2H Instant Postum, 8 oz. can 39C B SM- SAKF SEA LEVEL RECIPES IT BLEND FLOUR IE Si Storo No. 1 Winchester and Coast Guardsman Of Elkf on Aids in Rescue in Alaska T.'TTTr'ITTIAM f,.i OK ' iy II1U1I , it wcta cuu&l guttru lo the rescue!" today when a com mercially operated seaplane crushed into the icy waters of the Tongass narrows off Ketchikan, Alaska. And it was an occasion when six civilians aboard the seaplane had ample opportunity to witness an Elklon, Ore., coast guardsman assist in carrying out the tradi tional effectiveness of the coast guard in action. Along with his shipmates aboard an 87-foot patrol craft which was nearby when the crash occurred, Myron A. Haines, sea man first class, son of Mrs. Rosa M. Haines, .Elkton, Oregon, sped to the scene of the crash and rushed the victims on their way to the local hospital within ten minutes. The illfated seaplane, piloted by a former army instructor, was completing an emergency hop when evening lights concealed heavy piling rising above the httitudt affetts bakinf as wtV as ioiinf. BY- 2.39 50 lbs. ei I uv Jackson Telephone 522 water. In another moment the plane was a crumpled mass of wreckage. Immediately after the crash, coast guardsmen commandeered a skiff and hastened to the plane, which was raDidly sinking in the Icy waters of the narrows. The victims were quickly removed from the splintered fuselage and taken ashore aboard the small boat. Haines and four companions comprised the resuscitation de tail which worked Incessantly on Louis Riley, 50, a logger, the only passenger aboard seriously injured in the crash. Expectant Mother Grateful. Another passenger, Mrs. Geo. Lauth, an expectant mother who was accompanied on the trip by her two daughters, Olive, 7, and Mary Ellen, 4, spoke feelingly from her hospital bed about Haines and his fellow coast guardsmen. "It was the happiest moment of my life when I saw those coast guardsmen reach down and save me and my two daughters. I can't express all my gratitude to those young men and the ser vice they represent." As a result of their alertness and effective rescue work, Haines and his shipmates were com mended bv Captain G. W Mae- 50 lb sk 1.39 INDIVIDUAL HAIRDOS Let us analyze your coif fure needs here. Hair styling and re-styling our specialty. Beauty Salon Mezzanine Floor Mart No. I Telephone 522 for Appointment. Snowdrift Shortening 3 Lb. jar 68C Matches 6 Boxes for 23 C GOLDEN WEST Coffee Lb. ar 32C B3 Lane, district coast guard offi cer of the 17th naval district, Ketchikan, Alaska. He said, "You are the men who help maintain the coast guard's reputation as the world's foremost life-saving organization." Haines, who enlisted In the coast guard in Portland, Oregon, in July, 1941, attended Elkton Union high school. He intends to return to his Elkton ranch at the end of the war. Because he uses his right hand to pipe officers over the side, the ,U. S. navy bos'n is allowed to sa lute with his left hand. "WANTED 2 or 3 bedroom home to rent, lease or purchase. Call 238 or write Mr. Hal J. Ayotte 238 N. Jackson St. Roseburg Potatoes, U.S. No. Vs, 10 lbs.... 39C Sweet Potatoes, U.S. No 1fs, 2 lb. 19C Yams, 2 lbs 19C Lettuce, large solid heads, 2 for 29C Apples, fancy Winesaps, 2 lbs. . . 23C Local Carrots, 2 bchs 17c Yellow Onions, U. S. No. Vs, 3 lbs. 17c Oranges, new Navels, 5 lbs 53C Grapefruit, Texas Pink, 5 lbs. . . . 55c r w i m , m lorwc x holidays Calif. Almonds, lb Ripe Olives, 303 jar 35c Kosher Olives, No. 2 jar 59c Raisins, 4 lb. pkg 45c Pecans, Ig. size, lb 49C Fruit Cakes, 1 lb. size 5Qc Stuffed Olives, 5 oz. jar 59c Ulbers OVEN GLASS FREE with each purchase 32C Store No. 2314 Rfl ARTS NEW HOMES Built to Order Essentially employed may now have a new home. Only 8 priorities at present. From $3500 to $4500. For Information See Roseburg Realty Co. Umpqua Hotel Bldg. Phone 211 y 2 Roasted Peanuts Lb 29C 49c Buy and Use Christmas Seals South Stephens Telephone 39