ROSEBURfe .Tf o-KtVlEW, ROSEbURS, 0 ft ESPN; TUESDAY; NOVEMBER 2T..TW. , ,1 4 German Oil Centers Bombed by Air Fleets Continued from page 1) Meresburg. might approach the 208 destroyed on November 2. Then, as today, the Germans came up to defend the huge Leu na synthetic refinery' at Merse burg, 100 miles southwest of Berlin- The luna plant, at almost the fcxact geographic center of Ger many, was bombed for (he 12th time on November 2. It once was capable of supplying 50,000 tons a month. The Deutsche synthetic oil refineries at Hamburg are among the largest in the relch. They are located six miles south nt Harburg. Hannover, Coblenz Hit. More than 100 Mosqullos of HAV bomber command many carrying iwoion oiocunusters lilt Hannover twice last night. RAF Laneasters also bombed Coblenz during the night. In addition to yesterday's eighth air force attack on a Gel senkirchen oil plant and the Munster railroad yards, ninth air force Thunderbolts and Mustangs flew In support of frontline troops, mostly between Lt- Gen. Patton's American Third army and the Saar industrial area. Forty locomotives, 157 freight cars and 24 trucks were destroyed or damaged, four planes were JOSl. Sniper Victim- 3 i mm EN j i Flood Control Program Beset by Controversy (Continued from page 1) control, hydroelectric facilities, harbor works and related proj ects throughout the country a program backed in principle by President Koosevelt to create a Bhelf of public works and Jobs. Only recently the president re newed his long-standing request for approval of the seaway, es timated to cost from $200,000,000 to $HHJ,0OU,UO0. Senator Aiken wrote his amend- ment several weeks ago, refusing to go along with Chairman Over ton, who called a senate com merce subcommittee meeting to day to determine whether a treaty with Canada would be in volved. Side Issues Beset Bills The bills are beset by several side issues. One group has brought up the issue of states' rights being affected by the fed eral government's broad Jurisdic tion over inland waterways. Members from the Missouri valley are demanding changes to give reclamation preference over navigation and other water uses In the arid west. Present law loav es the decision to the urmy engi neers. Another controversy revolves around an amendment to exempt Ci!!fornla great Central valley fom a 42-year-old reclamation law limiting to 160 acres land of any owner which can be Irrigated from federally-financed projects. There also Is a dispute over whether electricity developed should -be sold at dam sites or through federally-built transmis sion lines. Spree Costs Mexican Laborer Fine of $20 Fernando: Perezlcra, Mexican laborer charged with intoxication, ; paid a fine of $20 after pleading '. guilty In the Roseburg city court, A. J. Geddes, city recorder, stat ed today. Perezlera was assisted ' In the court procedure through . the aid of an interpreter. Robert Skaggs paid o fine of $5 after . pleading guilty to the charge of operating a motor vehicle with out operator's license, Mr. Geddes stated. (NEA Tclcphato) Frank Prist, Jr., NEA-ACME pho tographer for the War Picture Pool, who was assigned to cover the re turn of den. MacArthur to the Phil ippines, is shown wearing parachute and ready to board plane for jump Prist h-s Just been reported killed In action on Lcyte Island, victim of a Jap sniper bullet, nils recent pic ture was token in the SWvii Pacific while Prist was completing training as a paratrooper. afler being virtually hailed for two days by the third typhoon of their brief campaign. French Shatter German Defenses in Vosges (Continued from page 1) from the German stronghold of Julleh on the Roer river, major barrier before Cologne and the Rhine. Nine miles to the south the U. S. First army was six miles from Duren'on the Roen and 2(i miles from the suburbs of Cologne. Metz Surrender Demanded At Metz five fortress groups continued firing as the German commander of two enemy-held pockets in the northern part of the city Ignored a Third army ul timatum to surrender. East of Metz the Third army advanced two miles to points eight to 12 miles below the Saar frontier, entering old Maginot defenses 25 miles southwest- of Saarbrucken. Thirty miles south east of Metz Dieuze.was captured. The Third army's tenth armor ed division which drove into the Saar, German coal and iron re gion, deepened its penetration to three miles in the area of the German town of Menzlg. On Other Fronts Berlin said the Russians had opened their winter offensive against 300,000 nazis pocketed in western Latvia, ripping holes In the defenders' lines In violent fighting which had entered its third day, after throwing in huge Infantry, tank, plane and artillery forces on a 30-mile front near Lle paja, one of two Baltic escape ports left to the Germans. A German withdrawal from Mickolc, Hungary's fifth city, seemed imminent as red army troops closed in on the northern escape routes for Germans roll ed back to Its outskirts. 85 miles northeast of besieged Budapest. British troops in Italy captured several strongly defended factory buildings at Zuecherificlo, two miles south of Ravenna in the Adriatic sector. West of Forll oth er British gained along the Bolog na highway. Gen. Eisenhower Advises He Wants More Supplies (Continued from page 1) sign yet. of a German crackup, the Germans were human beings like 'other pedple'ahd if confront ed by failure after failure of tlieij armed forces, they would Inevita bly crack. It is the allied job, he said, to confront the Germaiis with, more and more of these failures. No Criticism Intended - In asking for more supplies, the geenral made It clear that he was -not criticizing the efforts of e home frontsin allied coun tries up to now, but simply stat ing that still more materiel would be needed as still greater numbers of soldiers are com mitted to battle. ; He said he was convinced that allied- peoples at home are one with the armies In determination that the enemy shall be given no minutes to rest He reiterated that the enem must be hit and hammered until he collapses. To achieve this breaking point, EJseiihower said, everyone must understand that enemy morale has not broken and that pressure must continuously Increase until his will to fight collapses. He said the people had every reason to be optimistic as he him self Is, put should guard against becoming complacent. Nazi Manpower Short Eisenhower reported German leaders were faced by a critical shortage of -manpower and sup plies and were striping Germany bare to continue the. war . He said the volkssturm, now being mobilized; was a force far below.-the standard of the Ger man army poorly -trained, poor ly equipped fortifications. Such soldiers put in fixed positions and knowing they will be shot in the back if they leave are formidable opponents, the gen eral said. '. . Superforts Bomb Japs' Aircraft Industry Heart (Continued from page 1) islands to Ceram In the Dutch East Indies. Leyte's newest typhoon all but drowned out ground fighting. Nevertheless, the 7th division pushed from the south toward Ormoc; the 32nd reduced more enemy fortifications north of Limon and the 24th beat down violent counterattacks against its road block south of Limon. Japan has lost close to 1,000 planes this month in the Philip- j pines where rain-chilled Ameri-! can troops , slid forward over j Lcyte island's muddy hills again Run-Over Child Unhurt GLADSTONE, Ore., Nov. 21.--(AP) The lti-monthsold daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Huber was run over by her grandfath er's car and came up unhurt and laughing. The only traces of the accident were tire murks on her abdomen. In These Thoughts We will discuss Opto metrical service, and Its relation to your wel fare, and Nothing else, for to us the preservation of your vision Is a duty. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Dr. Dean Bubar skson I rg II 214 i BBB7' 106 N. Jackson Rosebur PHONE THANKSGIVING DAY DANCE RIVERSIDE INN Free Turkey and Dinners as Door Prizes Bar Service Dinners 7 miles South of Roseburg. MIDWEEK DANCE Every Wednesday Night 9 p. m. to 1 2 p. m. at the Eagles Ballroom 1 1 wiTn Scot ty's Swingfime Band A Turkev that will roast golden brown tender and delicious. Every bird is carefully selected and prepared. Every Safeway turkey is tender-meated guaranteed to please you or your money will be refunded in full. No. 1 Grade A Hens , 51C No. 1 Grade A Toms , 49C Eviscerated CHICKENS ready for the pan. ROASTERS, lb. ............. Mc FRYERS, lb. ........70c Nob Hill Coffee !,"., 23c S.? 45c Airway Coffee 20c JJ 58c V-8 Vegetable Cocktail Z"c. 31c Tomato Juice K J"" 21c Apple Juice JKS ot. b.ui. 23c Grapefruit Juice 1;." c. 30c Or. and Grapefruit Juice Ai.m. S,' 20c Sparkling Orange Juice Fiona. cn 20c Spiced Crabapples . M",., 17c Apricots r Halves Z'Wc 27c Sliced Peaches ,., ZrWc,n 21c Ritz Butter Crackers ,.,. ,.,. 23c Krispy Sunshine Sodas (.,b. .,tin 33c EDWARDS. KS,m SNO-WHITE COFFEE Mb. Ac2-lb. fie Plain or "Pour" m A jar AO jar 94 lodiied pkg. 1 Fancy Peas, Sugar Belle No- 5 15c Tomatoes, Solid Pack S",, 20c Green Beans, Briargate fi! 16c Sliced Beets, Blue Tag 303 14c Corn, PictSweet Cr,.m sin. 2 r. 1 5c Niblets Corn, Del Maiz ,,.,. ,., 14c Asparagus ,u"fITjh' 14c Sweet Potatoes ..'Jl 18c Heinz ' "- 11. neinz Tmio soup iu ' ' C Campbell's Soups .";; ., 14c Rancho Soups . l-- 7c Su-Purb Gran. Soap ;."k-j"- 39c A New way to Carve Will your holiday bird be carved with profes sional skill? There's a simple, modern way to do it just as adroitly as do the smart chefs. The drawings and instructions given below are taken from a book "How to Carve Meat, Game and Poultry", by M. O. Cullen of the National Live Stock and Meat Board. Suggestion: clip them for the use of the family carver! After the turkey, roasting chicken, or other large fowl has been brought to the table on a platter, breast up and with the legs pointing to the right or left (depending on whether the carver is right or left-handed), the carver turns the turkey on its side so the back is toward him. Then he removes the drumstick by grasping the outer end and pulling gently while the knife cuts through the joint, separating it from the thigh. Then the carver places the. drumstick on a side plate, holding it upright, and slices its meat off, carving parallel with the bone. Next, lie cuts thin slices from the thigh, continuing until the thigh bone itself is exposed. Then he loosens the meat on each side of the thigh bone with tip of his knife, and removes the bone witli tines of fork. Remaining thigh meat is sliced off while still at tached to the bird. y i Slicing breast meat with the grain', .the carver takes lengthwise slices from the breast and wing until wing-to-body joint is exposed. Fork is established in wing, and wing is unjointed from body with knife. .Thin lengthwise slices are re moved until all white meat has been carved from this side of the bird.. (All meat, of course, is placed on the side dish as it is cut.) To get at the dressing, the thin skin under the thigh is slit with tip of the knife, making an opening large enough to allow entrance of serving spoon. "Getting at" the dressing is much simpli fied by this method. MARGARINE 2 pts lb 1 -lb pkq 18c; pkq. CI nim KITCHEN CRAFT rLUUfl 25-lb. sack .... $1.02 SWAN FLOATING 'SOAP 6C Regular Bar IVORY SOAP It Med. siie Floats bar QG Personal Ivory, 29c Once half the turkey has been accounted for, in this manner and provided the carver needs still more meat for a complete serving the plat ter's position is reversed. The bird is turned over, to put the meaty side on top again. And the proc ess is repeated. Simple? Of course! Sajeway Hometinkers' Bureau JULIA LEE WRIGHT, Director CHICKENS, lb. ...4Tc Link Sausage, lb 41c Ground Beef, lb 29c Oysters, pint 65c Mince Meat, 2 lbs. for 35c Fresh Rabbits, lb 49c Round Steak "A" Grade (15 pts.) lb. 42c Rib Roast Beef "A" Grade (10 pts.) lb. .33c Mayonnaise p,",, Alt Ripe Olives LINDSAY GIANT 16-or. jar 27c MONTE CRISTO Pink or 26-or. White bottle 1.95 Kanane Canterbury Banana . Orange Flakes - Pekoe 'i-lb. box 22e ri... -mm.' Nuts -Large Pecans (bleached) vit. 52c Nuts Barcelona Filberts 33e Nuts Fresh Roasted Peanuts vie. 29c Peanut Butter b&SLZm 45c U...U BEEV1LLE sn 1-11). 4S neney wild Bio.iora gih Flapjack Syrup rm.ou.. 15c Marmalade, Tibbets Brook 25c Duchess Salad Dressing n. Jr 23c Stuffed Queen Olives ."".'tti. 27c Queen Olives, Los Olivos L",. 21c Cucumber Pickles Ji;0'- 25c Strictly Fresh EGGS Grade A Large, dot. 63C CLOSE-OUT! Imported Vintage WINES (MADEIRA) 3 popular kinds 25-01. 4 AO bottle Xi70 INVEST AflORE DURNG THE S f hi J I 3 IIU-T.TI.fl7 For full value buy produce by weight. CRANBERRIES, lb 35c Grapefruit, lb ....10c Grapes, lb 23c Cauliflower, Snowhite, lb 12V2C Apples, Delicious, lb 9V2C Apples, Winesaps, lb. 9'2C Radishes, red, lb : 12c Yams, good candied, lb 7Vjc Sweet Potatoes, lb. 7V2C Celery, green, lb 9c Celery Hearts, lb 14c Oranges, lb 10c Green Onions, lb 18c Squash, Hubbard, lb .....4c Dry Onions, 3 lbs 7c BECAUSE IT'S rut wodid i finist Wat TO ftAVI! MONIY IN TNI PIOOT-IANK DOItNT IMCRIASf tT ITSHF-IUT MONIT INVIITID IN WAR tONOl 0OW IT OHI-THIR Dl BECAUSE MONIY SO INVISTID NOW Will II AVAHABll TIN TfARS HI NCI FOR SUCH IMPORTANT USIS A! SINDINO THI TOUNOSTIR TO COUIOI. WITH NO FINAN CIAI WORRIISI BECAUSE IVIRT WAR IOND YOU RUT HHPS TO HASTIN THAT OlORIOUS DAY OF FINAl VICTORY AND HHPS TO INSURI A FIRM FOUNDATION FOR A IAJIINO PROORISSIVI PIACII BECAUSE uncii sam URQis You to KHP UP THI GOOD WORK I MAKI It YOUR OWN PIRSONAl IUSINISS TO HHP PUT THIS SIXTH WAI IOAN CR1VI 'WAY OVII THI TOPI Yes, TODAY Is The Time to Buy that Extra Bond! The 6th War Loan Drive demands sacrifice from all of us, now sacrifice that will pay positive dividends In i money and in genuine satisfaction. Dig deep, and buy more Bonds than you'd planned! t SAFEWAY