si ROSEBURG- NEWS-REVIEW,- ROSEBURG, OREGON-TUESDAY,' NOVEMBER 21,1 944. FIVE ! i i it I 1 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FISHERMAN'S SPECIAL Fresh Salmon Eggs Zell's Market ' BTRAWBEHRY PLANTS RockhlU ever bearing, 10c each. Order filled In order received. No orders accepted jvlthout remittance. Each on will be notified when plant are ready. Rt. 2, box 297, John 11. Peyton. ZELL'S Chicken Tamales Zell's Market ELECTRIC RANGE Hot Point Auto tnotlc. 1033 Chevrolet pickup, good tires, good condition. Guernsey cow just fresh with third calf. Box 166. -Azalea, Oregon. Phone 11-2-F, Azalea. FOR SALE White sewing machine, lawn mower, 8-book Teachers and Pu- Sil encyclopedia, electric plate, shovel, oe, garden rake, boko pans, dishes, - etc. 1252 Harrison, West Roseburg. FOR SALE Four hundred gladiola bulb trays. Size 18x36x4 H inch deep. All red cedar, wire cloth bottoms, practi cally new. See E. A. KcKean, 211 W. Mosher St Phone 828-Y. - PARTIES INTERESTED Chriitmas of fer Encyclopaedia uruanmca ue nirlnff information, please writes Mr. ' Dickson, 1723 N. E. Multnomah St., ' Portland. WHY NOT MAKE Monday' your Ihoping day and attend Al's Roseburg Auction market. J. E. 'Ole' Cooper, manager and auctioneer. PF.nroREED Roller canaries, all colors, guaranteed singers. Write for prices and description, ue voe s Aviaries, '1127 W. Main, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE 2 or 3 ton carrots in around, at 3 cents per pound. Will dig and sen tor iva cents, u. . wniison, uti le rd. Box 108. S HP GAS ENGINE, completely over hauled at Interstate shop on N. Jack son 81. Ceiling price. Paul Helwcg. Phone 634-J. FOR 'SALE House trailer with lights, water, chemical bath, sleeps four. New tires. W. W. Adsit, Myrtle Creek, Ore gon. ONE LARGE electric refrigerator, 125 Barred Rock laying pullets. J. A. Unger, Days Creek, Ore. FOR SALE Garage and filling station at Oakland, Oregon. Phone 362 or - call at Oaks garage. BARN AND ROOF PAINT, red or gray. $1.00 per gal. at Page Lumber & Fuel Co. 301 N. Main St. IJOOX BROWNSCOPE Microscope kit. Also dissecting kit. Price $20. 220 Terrace avenue. J'OR SALE Clean- Spitzenburg apples. W. D. Hess, Garden- Valley. Phone 32-F-2. SOME No. 4 lumber: Page Lumber & Fuel Co. 301 N. Main St. No priori ties. - - - FOR SALE 2 good medium sired heat ing stoves. P. Hempel, Millers' ad' ditlon. - - - - ' 24 ft. Palace Housetrailer, sleeps four. A-l condition. 741 Hamilton street. FOR SALE Red cedar posts any num ber. H. Wagner, Rt. 1, Sutherlin, Ore. , ".OOD APPLES? No Worms? U-betch- um. w. l). uve. tiarden Valley. bc!2 ALEXANDER SMITH Broad loom rug. 331 fe South Jackson St. FOR SALE Baby scales. Basket de taches, r none zuz-j. price 4. FOR SLE 1 B-flat Clarinet and case. Box 223, Myrtle Creek. FOR SALE 2nd hand baby buggy, $12. inquire noscourg garage. FOR SALE OH circulator, $80. 320 W. Cass. VANILLA ice cream. Quarts 40c. Sulli van's Cafe. , FUEL SAW DUST SLAB WOOD 16 in. DENN-GERRETSEN CO. PHONE 128 AM TAKING orders for Immediate de livery of wood from battery seDarn- tor milt. Roy Denny, phone 634-J. 532 i. fine sircei. FOR SALE Stove length fir mill wood, prompt delivery. Red Diamond Fuel Co., Sutherlin. Phone 382. WOOD Old growth fir from battery separator saw mill. Roy Denny, phone 634-J. 532 N. Pine. PHONE 4fi8 Green Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. ALLEY OOP V-l I STILL fl. a ;rLL V WE OUGHTA n-DNS Ul ODUlO 1 ( TH' OWLV REASON W CAME 4' FI2ST FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS tow come mr. He a'-mtiomed some - WILSON WANTS THING AB0UF WANTING TO SEE TO POT AN MB? OF THE SCHOOL FADS I i . r i i HELP WANTED CHOKER SETTERS WANTED Camp 15 mlies east of Sutherlin. Modern camp facilities maintained for em- Bloyees, serving highest quality food, ally bus service furniihed from town to camp. Inquire at camp or mill of fice, Roseburg Lumbar company. MEN WANT2D tor wore m sawmill at Myrtle Creek. Union wages. Want Planermen, dogger, four chalnmen. Orwest Lumber Mill, Myrtle Creek, phone 182. HELP WANTED Male, ' experienced meat cutter. Starting salary $60 a week. Stat alt qualifications first letter. Box 1900 News-Review. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED days a week. Care for small child with limit ed housework while mother teaches. Phone Oakland, 542. MECHANIC Experienced on Chevrolet cars and trucks. Also combination painter and metal man wanted, nan sen Motor company. WANTED Man or woman, or man and wife to share my home. No charge for rent. Inquire at 544 Fowler St., Roseburg, Ore. Wanted Fallers, buckers and rigging men. Very good timber. H. u. Powell. Elk ton, or Oakland after 6 p. m. MECHANICS AND ' bodvmen wanted. Permanent Job. Good pay with over time worn, UKKWoua tuuiuii. WANTED Yardmen, dogger, and trim mer spotter. Roseburg Lumber Co, Call 511-Y evenings. FOUNTAIN GIRLS WANTED Full or part-time. Simmons Fountain Lunch. WORK WANTED GET YOUR SMOOTH TIRES capped now before winter. Eliminate tire trouble and loss of a "tire later. (No ration certificate at OK tire cappers). Top quality cap rubber used on passen ger and truck tires. OK Rubber Welders, 404 W. Lane, Roseburg. Phone 661. .. - - COMPLETE domestic and commercial refrigeration service. 16 years experi ence. Roseburg Sales and Service, Harold Horn and Lou Marsters. 328 - N. Jackson, phone 270. WANTED Yarding job. Have 50 h. p. cat. Slate condition of ground and Rrlce willing to pay. Box 2037, care ews-Revlew. ALL MAKES of sewing machines re paired. Call 034-L after 6 p. m. 400 W. Doug.t.8, Roseburg, Oregon. GENERAL HOUSE PAINTING P. O. Box 288. , Phone evenings B0B-J. Roy V. Strong. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, modern equip ment, E. Carle's Disposal Service, Myrtle Creek. , FOR' HIRE Umpqua Transfer. Phone 107-J. No business transacted on Sat urday. WANTED WANTED Small well balanced Xmas trees. 3 to 5 feet. 15 cents each. Will pick up lots of 100 or more Deliver to or call at 75 Miller Lane, Gov't Housing Project. THE UMPQUA STORAGE, CO. can store your household goods, machinery or other articles in any quantity. Phone 350, or inquire at. 230 No. Jackson. WANT TO RENT House or small farm In Camas Valley or vicinity by clean couple, no children. Must have elec tricity, Box 1885 Co News-Review. SERVICE man's wife wants electric traveling iron. Would trade own stand ard iron no heat control. Inquire News-Review office. WANTED To rent furnished or unfur nished house close in by Dec. 1 if pos sible. Call Model Bakery. Albert Mc Bicker. - WANTEDy-Good used balloon bicycles, " tricycles and steel wagons, or any good toys. 114 ;N. Stephens. WANTED TO RENT 2 bed-room mod ern house by roan and wife. Write 325 West 1st St., city. WANTED Therm OBtat for hot water tanK. mrs. m. f. Hutham, Rt. Z, Box 443, city. WANTED 38-40 shells. Write Carl Brownson, Oakland, Oregon. HAY, GRAIN, FEED FOR SALE Baled oat and vetch hay, Also recleaned oat and vetch seed. T. E. Duncan. Phono 14-F-2. FOR SALE Tall Fescue Rye grass and Lotus hay. C. H. Humphrey. Call 12-F-ll. TRIANGLE CHICKEN FEEDS at Page Lumber and Fuel Co. 302 N. Main St. FOR SALE Corn and baled hay. One mile west Umpqua. C. E. Lewis. RENTALS TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive. Movn yourself, save 1-2. Nicholson's Service station, 740 S. Stephens. FOR RENT Three room apartment un furnished. Adults only. Barton Slane, Oakland. FOR RENT Partly furnished apartment and sleeping room. 100 Spruce street. I STEAM-heatcd rooms for rent. Men only. :mt w. Mosnnr. WE THINK NEAieS GONE ' r HECK WITH IT AW STUFF--1 I, FOf2 ONE. HAVb HAU V ENOUGH.' KN0WIM6 WHERE IT Ulc 1 IT 15, WORRY HERE IM PLACE.' But wy He fick on END TO SOME ME, MISS PARTLY RE- CATES ? SPONSIBLE FOR livi SPEECH AND :- 5 CUSiOMS Or IHfc 3?tHO Ok STUDENT BODW . VJS REAL ESTATE MODERN TWO BEDROOM HOME Complete with all household goods-, Including modern electric range, auto matic hot water heater, refrigerator and oil circulator. Lots of flowers, shrubs, fruit and shade. This place has 1 23 acres of good ground and is located close to town. A good buy at $5200. COMPLETE 16,000 capacity saw mill and woods equipment, together with plenty timber. Information supplied ' on request. MODERN TWO BEDROOM HOME close . to court house. This is an attrac tive home and priced at only $3500. a onnu urtktv Dri n i out on highway 90. Priced for quick sale including furniture at $4000. f MODERN STUCCO in Laurel wood, full basement, and furnace. This place has two bedrooms, hardwood floors, and a very atrtactlve yard. $5400. BOGARD 8t BR1GGS Grand Hotel Bldg. Phone 233 FOR SALE Myrtle Creek. 3 acres In city. 4 room home. Electricity, city water. Large poultry house. Barn, family orchard. Strawberries and raspberries. Price $3150. 180 acres. SO a. river bottom land. 100 a. tillable. Good pasture. River front age. 8 room plastered house. Mod ern barn. Out -buildings, family or chard. Price $15,000. Terms. 700 ACRE sheep or stock ranch. Ideal location. Near river. Priced attrac tively for quick sale. 150 acres of good plow land. Will carry 350 head of sheep the year around. Terms. G. W. YOUNG & SON 209 W. Cass St. . Phone 417 FOR SALE Beautiful acre, flat with towering white oaks, rushing, gurgling Canyon creek landscaping the rear. Shrubsv fruit trees, strawberries, youngberries, old berries, lovely spa cious lawn; nice cement walks, 2 story 5-room house with fireplace, modern old home, dignified, attractive, a place you would be proud to own. Only 5 minutes from Roseburg, via gyroplane. Look ahead, hedge infla tion buy this. Owner says sacrifice for S2500 terms. A good place next to Bible school. See Canyonville Realty Co., Canyonville, Oregon. Farms, Homes, Ranches You will find choicest selection In all types of real estate at . Roseburg Realty Co. Phone 211 Umpqua Hotel Bldg. 8 ROOM,. 2 story home. 3 acres of land. Inside city limits. Electricity. City water. Garden spot and fruit trees. Some furniture. $3750. $2200, , cash handles. G. W. YOUNG & SON 205 W. Cass St. Phone 417 WANTED More farm listings. We have many good prospects on the waiting list ell sizes, types and prices. Call at 703 S. Stephens street, Roseburg, or phone 173-L. strout Realty Agency,' Ray Ruebel, agent. FOR SALE 00 acre stock ranch, all new buildings. 3 "a miles from good saw mill town. 2 live springs, lots of out range. Very reasonable. Ada L. Rath bun. Box 221, Melrose Rt. WHEN IN NEED of a farm or ranch, or if you have a farm or ranch to sell, see Macon S. Jack, realtor, D51 S. Stephens. FOR SALE -00 acres on highway 42. 33 acres farm land, remainder wood and pasture. J. L. Klrkendall, Camas Val ley. FOR SALE 2 lots across from school, Canyonville. Write Box 333, Burney, California. FOR LEASE Office spaces. Ground floor, corner location, center of town. Box 1973. News-Review. FOR LEASE Space for business build in it In centnr nt rtv Innnlra at mn North Stephens St. I POULTRY FOR SALE Broaa breasted beef type Bronze breeder torn. June hatch. Reasonable. We are now taking or ders for day old poultry for April. M;-y and June hi'cn. These birds are Nellie Compton's Improved stock. Kenneth Ellis,. Rt. 2, Box 64, Lebanon, COCKELL'S HUSKY HlrT BRED Leghorn chicks are all from 2 and 3 year old hens, officially tested for your protection. They will give you low mortality and high production. Early date available. , FRED H. COCKELL Box 65, Milwaukie 2, Oregon ABOUT 3 dozen N. H. Red pullets ready to lay, 2 docs with young. Also 1 buck. Ada L .Rathbun, Box 221, Mel rose Rt. OVER 100 N. H. pullets for sale. From eggs bloodtested. Starting to lay. Mrs. Chas. Keevcr, phone 33-F-13. FOR SALE Fat ducks for Thanksgiv ing. W. Common, Rt. 2. Box 225. LOST FOUND LOST Thursday niht In Douglas hotel, one bill fold and card chic containing birth certificate, registration card, and ration books, Keep money and return papers to local draft board. LOST Black leather zipper coin purse between Cans and Jnckson contain ing $4- Keepsake. Reward. Return to News-Review. LOST- - Keys on green bracelet. Leave nt TVews -Review. Reward. Will They Be Ready? GOT ALONG VALL DON'T SEEM TBB WOKRVIM' MUCH ABOUT TH' l-"0LK5 WHICH WENT WITHOUT TRAIPSIN' ROUND IN SO WHV TH TIME-MACHINE NOW? MISTER DOC JEDGIN' BV TH PINNER V PONE DESTCOVEP Mr..; ltLr.L-A Translation V thimks OOSH.HES F voutee GOT MS P6S&EDAajy ME N weans' Js . . LIVESTOCK WANTED Fat hogs, beef and veal. Phone mornings or evenings. 14-F-14, or write Fred Boyer, Rt. 1, Box 159, Roseburg, Oregon. i FOR SALE Gentle 3 year old Jersey cow. Freshen, Jan. 5. Gave 4 gal. with first calf $60, Dick Hook, Glide, Oregon. FOR SALE Feeder pigs, 100 lbs. Regis tered Yorkshire boar. , Vlrgle Bush, Tenmlle, Oregon. LIGHT TEAM and harness for sale or will trade for heavy team. Box 301, Melrose Rt. WANTED Heavy Butcher hogs and feeder pigs. Andy Hempenius, Suth erlin. FOR SALE 6 Guernsey heifers coming 3 years old. Albert DeBernardi. Glide, Oregon. WELL BROKE, gentle aaddle mare 7 years old. $125. Francis Todd, Oak land. AUTOS TAKK YOUR PHQFIT NOWI USED CAR PRICES ARE i5UE TO TUMBLE FAST AND SOON WE PAY HIGHEST LEGAL PB1CES FOR GOOD LATE MODEL USED CARS LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANTED USED CARS AND TRUCKS. TOP CASH PRICE FOR ALL MAKES. KEEL MOTORS. Your Studebaker dculer. 44J N. Jackson. USED CARS,, TRUCKS AND TRAC TOnS WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. HANSEN MOTOR CO. WANTED for cash '34 to '37 sedan automobile or pickup in good condi tion. 1X7 S. Flint St. Phone 213-L. 1041 PLYMOUTH DELUX'4-door sedan for Bulc. call evenings or Sunday. 419 Pitzer street. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good VS pickup. Miles Standley. Camas Valley. MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Creswell turkey hatchery under new management. Custom hatching. Poults only. Contact Onda Gold, owner. Cres well, Oregon, or 1340 W. 13th Ave. Eugene. Phone 1258. HAVING SOLD my phonograph equip ment, will not be responsible for indebt ed iflss occurlng on them after Nov. 1U1944. Vern V. Helbig. HEMSTITCHING, button holes made, buckles and buttons covered. Fur coats lined, alterations. THE HEM STITCHING SHOP, .546 Fowler. DEPOT BARBER SHOP Quick efficient service, a uaroers, oams, auu w, uoas Sircei. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING on jiuppy vauey . iyie a. mars- LOGGING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE New 8 foot diesel mill with 72 inch swing saw. log haul and etc Winter show with roads in and rocked. . Now operating with full crew. 8 mile lumber haul. About 15 million feet very fine old growth Umber available on stumpago basis. P. O. Box 807, Roseburg, or phone FOR SALE Very good wide 22 Cater pillcr tractor. Will take late pickup or panel in trade, want 4-yard dump bed. H. G. Powell, phone 555 Oak land T. D. 6 International cat with winch In goon repair. Also 117 Horse Mack. 1939 motor mauc into power plant. H. L. Wall, Sutherlin. NEW TRUCKS available. A good sup ply or torn togging irucxs wiui most uiiy Kiiui ox equipment. see LOCK ' wood Motors. RATION BOOKS LOST LOST G gas book. If found, please re turn at once as need it badly. Joe R. Couey. P. O. Box 400, Roseburg, Ore. DOGS "OR COCKER PUPPIES, see Jacobs' Kennels. Phone 730-J. Holy Communion Set At Episcopal Church In addition to regular Com munion service at St. George's Episcopal church at 9:30 a. m. Wednesday, there will be a cele bration of the Holy Communion Thursday, Thanksgiving day, the Rev. William L. Blaker, rector, announced today. Thursday's ser vice will bo held at 9:30 a. m. The vocabulary of b.isic Eng lish is made up of 400 general nouns, 150 adjectives, 100 "opera tors" (verbs, participles, pronouns etc.) and 200 names of plcturable things. NO, MOT VT, BUT WILL TOMORROW START TRVNG TO MAKE A CONTACT FOR THEIR. RE TURN TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY c4 a n 2 .rL. ISC. T M PEC II. 9 PT.'QFf' E PARDON M . miss CATES, BUT I MEAN yoUH OLi? ) rf 1 i t Al U A-r-s-i Hi ir I I w II i I 1 I - I V rr rr,nK71 ume,cui Ph Ration Calendar 'Clip and keep for handy reference) I'ltot tsstU frOOUoi I Book 4 Blue stamps AB through Z8 and A5 through W3 valid indefinitely. WKAT, UtTlttt. C1IKLSK: Book 4 Bed stamp A8 through Z8 and A5 through P5 valid Indefinitely. blCAK: lluok SiiKar stamps SO through A3 valid in definitely, 5 pounds each. Sugar stamp 40 valid through Feb. 28, 1045, for 5 pounds home canning only. For more canning sugar, apply local board using spare stamp 37. SHOES: Loose Stamps Invalid. Book 3 Airplane stamps 1-2-3 valid Indefinitely. GASOLINE COUPONS: Nat Valid Unless Endorsed. "A" 13 expires Dec. 21. Each coupon worth 4 gallons. STOVES; , Apply local board for oil, gas stoves certificates.. Wont, COAL. SAWDUST: Delivery by priorities based on needs. FUEL OIL Current coupons valid through Au gust 31, 1945. Not more than 8 per cent of season's , rations should have been used to date. PR ICR CONTROL: Refer Inquiries and complaints to price clerk at local board. Social Security Payments UppecT In Douglas County Old ago and survivors insur ance payments have become an important item in the payroll of Douglas county. Figures released today by C. H. Cannon, manager of the Eugene office of the So cial Security board, show a total annual payoff of $40,250 in Doug las countv. This is an increase since August 1, 1944, of (52,618 a year. In Douglas county 94 retir ed workers are receiving $22,764 a year, and the wives of these same workers who are 65 are al so getting $3,372 a year. Children of workers who were insured un der old age and survivors insur ance number 63 in Douglas coun ty. Monthly payments to them to tal $8,412 a year. The widows who have children under 18 in their care in this county receive $3, 986 a year. Monthly payments are also being made to aged widows and dependent parents of deceas ed workers of $1,716 a year. The Eugene field office servic es Lane, Douglas, Josephine, Coos and Curry counties. Bencti ciaries under old age and surviv ors insurance in this area are re- LEGAL NOTICES ' Giiuunvd In the Clreuit Court of the Statft of Oregon, for the County of Douglas. August W. Gleler and Maggie Gieler, his wife, piainuus, V8, John Sprague, Alice Sprague, his wife; Lu Garner and Ella Warrillow, de- To Tnhn KnrntTii Alice Snraffue. his wife; Lu Garner and Ella Warrillow. the above named defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON, you and each of you are here j by required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiffs in the abovo en tilled court and cause on or before four wcekR from the date of the first publica tion of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiffs for want thereof, will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint inca in mis cause. succinct statement of which is as fol- liiuuu. tn.wit: Judgment against you for the balance owing on the contract of purchase, by you to the plalntiffH herein, being bal , once of purchase price on contract of date of April 23. 1042. for the following deacriDca janas, 10-wii; South Half of Northeast One Quar ter of Section Twenty-nine, Town ship Twenty-eight, South, Range Eight West of Willamette Meridian, In Douglas county, Oregon, In sum of $022.00, or such sum as the court shall find due and owing, and for Interest thereon to time of filing of this complaint, in further sum of $54.44, and accruing interest, and for sum of I ;:.77 taxes paia oy piainuus, 10 lime oi filing complaint. That plaintiffs have a decree of strict loreciosure oi said contract anu inai u time be fixed by the court In which de fendants shall pay balance of the amount owing on soia lanas, ana u sum owing Is not so paid, that plointlffs huve decree foreclosing and canceling said contract, and restoring said lands to plaintiffs .and that said defendants, and each of them and any and all per sons claiming by, through or under tnem. or any oi tnem, oc iorevcr Darrca and foreclosed of any and ail right, title, or interest m said lands and said agree ment be terminated. That plaintiffs have judgment and decree for their rea sonable costs and accruing costs to be taxed herein and for such further re lief as to the court may seem Just and equnauie. This summons Is served upon you by publication once each week for four con secutive weeks in the Roseburg News Review, a ncWsnancr of ircnernl circu lation published and issued in Rose burg. Douglas county, Oregon, by order of the Hon. Carl Y.. WJmberly, judge of me aDove enimea couri maac ana en tered 20lh day of November, I&44. Dale of the first publication is Novem ber 21st, 1944. H. A. CANADAY, Attorney for PInintiffs. Postoffire ntMrcns; Unsehurg, Oregon. BY V. T. HAMLIN I PRO&ABLV WHEN I mm V.TM. . BY MERRILL BLOSSER V ' 's k I LOAfJS Personal & Automobile - UMPQUA FINANCE 335 North Jackson Phono 320 License Noa. S-255 and M-324. PUBLIC ADDRESS EQUIPMENT Lund Radio Service Phone 34. Sound equipment for all uses. PIANO TUNING ArundeL Repairs. Demoth. 1S9-L. PLUMBING Pete Crummett, phone 697. Coen Lumber Co. Phone 12L COMM'CL REFRIGERATION Chet Hamm. Phone 715. RADIO SERVICING LUND Radio service. Phone 34. , - Radio Doctors. 308 N. Stephens ceiving a total of $303,800 a year in monthly payments. This is an increase since August 1, 3914, of $27,532 a year, stated Mr. Can non. Mnese payments are Deing made to 1,471 beneficiaries under the federal insurance program. The figures do not include lump sum payments made to widows without children in their care or the parents or estates of deceas ed workers who are not entitled to monthly benefits. ' Young People's Leader Sets Meeting Here Miss Helen SpaulrUng of Chica go will meet with the young peo ple and their leaders at a pot luck supper hour Wednesday ev ening at the Christian church of Roseburg. Miss Saulding, assis tant youth worker in the Inter national Council of Religious Ed ucation, has been one of the lead ers in the teachers' mission which was held in Portland last week. The supper will be at 6 o ciock or as near as possioie 10 that hour that she may give her message be-forc the time of the annual Thanksgiving service which .begins at 8 p. m. Each one will bring bread or sand wiches and consult their own pas tor's wife for other food to be contributed- Contest Subject Chosen- PORTLAND, Nov. 21. (AP) "Thp Constitutional Convention of 18!7" will bo the subject of tne' JM3 c. c. tieekman essay contest the Oregon Historical so ciety announced today. Any student over 15 and under 18 attending any educational in stitution in the state is eligible to compete. George Washington, father of his country, Is also the lather of Pittsburgh, because he started a fort, which was later finished and called Fort Duquesne by the French, on the present site of the city. Lodge Directory B. P. O. Elks No. 326 Mecta in Elks temple every Thursday. Visiting members ulways wel come. ... IRA B. RIDDLE, Sec'y DeMolny Chapter RcgU lar meeting every sec ond and fourth Thin days at the Masonic temple. Scribe. Temple No. 23, Pythian Sisters, meets tho first and third Mon day of each month at the K. P. hall. Maple Lodae No. 127 A- F. A A. M. meets In I. O. O. F. hall, Myr tle Creek, 1st and 3rd Mondays . each month. AH members al ways welcomed. V. H. CORNUTT, W. M. J. L. CHANEY, Sec'ty. Alpha Lodge No. 47, Knights ol Pythias meets every Mondaj nffiht at 8 o'clock K. P. hall, Rose street. GEORGE JACKSON, C. C T. C. HARTFIEL. K. K. S. F. O. E. Aerie 1-107, meet.'y Macca- hee hall on lJinc street every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Visiting brothers always we! come. M. R. ROCKWELL, Pres. GEO. FREW, Secretary. W, B. A-, Roseburg Review, No. 11 Holds regular meetings on second and fourth Thursdays at 2:00 p. m. Visiting sisters invited to attend reviews. Mac cabee hall. Pine and Cass streets. ALICE M. WELLS, Pi es. .1ESSIK VINSON, V. Sec. AUCTION SALE CALENDAR Sale every Monday at Al's Roseburg Auction. Sale every Saturday at Mike Daniels' Auction, Myrtle Point. See me for farm sales. J. E. "Olie" Cooper Auctioneer Phone Oakland 7-F-24. or 30-F-3 Roseburg AUTHORIZED Sale, ill Ionian Service BERGH'8 APPLIANCE SERVICE 030 Winchester Street Servicing All Makei Washers Phone 805 . Roseburg, Oregon RUSSELL'S . Typewriter Service Office Maohlne Service and Supplies 335 N. Jackson , Phone 320 PAINTING AND KALSOMINING . Done by Experts with pre-war equipment. Telephone 695-R-1. SAW FILING AND GUMMING Tiny's Saw shop. Phone 867-j. o4o is. Jackson, wompt service. Saw filing. L. C. Leonard, 305 N. Main. - Union Encampment No. 9, I. O. O. F.-t-Meets last Friday night each month at 8 o'clock, in Odd , Fellows Temple.. Visiting Pa trlarchs always welcome, FRANK H. BEELS, C. P. RALPH L. RUSSELL, Scribe. I. O. O. F., Proletarian Lodge No. 8-T-Mcets in Odd Fellows Ten pie every Thursday evening, nt 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers al ways welcome. C C DIMMICK, N. G. i GEO. W. DIMMICK, Sec. Roseburg Rebekah Lodge, No, 41 Meets in Odd Fellows Tem ple every second and fourth Tuesdnv evening. LOIS UPDIKE, N. G. RUTH DISHMAN, Rec. Sec. Veterans of Foreian Wars Reg ular meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post No. 1 4269, meets the first and third, Fridays eaelt month, at 8 p. m., j K. P. hall. O. E. S., Roseburg Chapter No. -r-Holds 3tated communications on the- first and third Thur days of each month. All so journing brothers and sisters are cordially invited to attend HARRIET TURNER, W. M. CHRISTINA MICELLI, Sec. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lilac . Circle, No. 49 Meets at 7:30 first and third Monday even ings in I. O. O. F. hall. Visit . ing neighbors invited to attend. HATTIE NEAL, G. N. CYNTHIA GERMOND, Clerk. Job's Daughters, No. . 8 Meets first and fourth Tuesdays at 7:30 p. m., Masonic Temple. Master Masons and O. E. S members always welcome. FREDRICKA HAMILTON, " Hon. Quee) J11.A1N haimew. Kee. Regular Meeting pf- UMPQUA POST AMERICAN and Auxiliary November 21st 8 p, m. 1. 0. 0. F. HALL Report of Building Committee ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Cur boys in the service need your turkeys. All our A and B grade turkeys go to the armed forces. We pay. highest ceiling prices. Telephone 210 collect, or come and see us. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO. 500 West Lane SAVE Why stuff your cows with hay and grain trying to make rhem give more milk when feed lacks necessary minerals? ' Why waste corn trying to fatten hogs when one fourth of the feed value is lost? Why be satisfiod with less than 100 per cent production from your poultry? . Feed Wqtkins Mineral Compounds to your cows, hogs and poultry so they'll get all of the good from their feed. You'll cut feeding costs and get top production. Wat kins Mineral Compounds pay for themselves by providing necessary minerals lacking in feeds. I'll tell you more about Watkins Mineral Compounds and prove what they will do when I call soon with a com plete line of Watkins Stock and Poultry Preparations to help cut losses and make money for you. R. A. Camas Valley, Ore. Roseburg Printing Company Phone 100 ' P. O. Box 960 If tjews-Review carrier falls to deliver your paper Please Call 285-1 between 6:1 S and 7:00 P.. M. R. & 8. Furnace and Chimney Cleaning Servloe Experts on Oil Burners Health and Safety come first! Phone today Don't delay A. A. RIE8E, Manager -206 W. Cass St Phone i55 'Let us help you prevent fires' E. G. HIGH INSURANCE I. O. 0. F, Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon Phono 133 Coos Junction Garage , and Wtlding Works General. Petroleum Products Electrlo and Acetylene Welding Coos Junction, Oregon . TRUCKS FOR RENT, . You Drive Move Youreelf Save 1 Long or 8hort ..' ., ,. . Trips :vn . . NICHOLSON'S SERVICE , ., STATION , ,,.,;...,. 740 S. Stephens St., .Roseburg. Crushed Rock Road Grading, Ditch Digging, Basement Excavation, Land Leveling. ' , See its (" : Salem Sand & Gravel Company . 225 E. 2nd Avenue South Phone 338 Pkon 842 Room 212 Lrnnbefmoa's Building Rosebarg', Oregoi LEGION Phone 210 FEED VERN M. V OR POTTER Box S3