FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1944 Sojckii mud Clu&A By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER ALL-DAY MEETING AND BASKET DINNER ENJOYED YONCALLA An all day meeting was held at the Yoncalla Church of Christ Sunday with a basket dinner served at noon. During the afternoon election of church officers for the coming year was held. Those elected were: chairman of board, Lester Wells elders, A. H. Patrick, hon orary, Earl Brant, Ray Potter, Floyd McMichael, Russell Loyd, Herman Miller and Leslie Wells; treasurer, Mrs. Earl Brant; sec retary Mrs. Russell Loyd; pianist, ftfra l.vnnfnn Munl1 AnH Mrs A r. Sie Bjork assistant; song leader, -Mrs. Floyd McMichael; fauntlay; " ichool superintendent, Mrs. Dan An address of welcome was IWright: assistant, Ray Potter, given by Mabel Rader, and a re ntier officers of .the Sunday sponso was given by Gertrude wnhnni nro. eeerotnrv Mm v.n i Hatfield of Roseburg. Past chair- rRaper; treasurer, Mrs. Ray Pot-1 men were presented to the con-1 -.ter; pianist, Mrs. Lynnton Elwell v?,n,,ion. an were given gifts by Grow ul .nnrl .Tnhn Brant: soni? leader, Lynnton Elwell; cradle roll, Mrs. lArne Bjork; song leader, Jovce Potter and Phyllis Wright. Dea cons, Zara Potter, honorary; Roy .iirant, Mrs. tan ttrant, Mrs 1 V U i.ic, nn. iiuom:,. uuju, Mrs. Herman Miller, Mrs. Dave Rogers, Mrs. Ray Potter, Lester Wells and Mrs. Eola Raper. 'MR, AND MRS. HUMMELL 'CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Z YONCALLA Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hummell celebrated their "60th wedding anniversary at their Viome Sunday, Nov. 5, with all Tthelr children present. A delic lous dinner was enjoyed nt noon. During the afternoon friends a ml, " Em Zi h.n mrr ! .vasi-a mi iiimi p. nnrl r-wu,.i u..n ,.,.. -,-i-,i Jin Chicago Nov. B, 1894. They !We made Yoncalla their home 'for 30 years, having at one lime ' crmi man; aimuin a.iuuii, vik pne of the largest and best prune ' chairman; Oma Keller, secretary; Orchards in the community. Thev I !" treasurer. President -now live on a small ranch Just J-;"10' "n'y Kavc the address of Tnnrth nf inwn Tiio fniimvlno- the afternoon, and she and 'children were present at the din "ner: Mrs. Thelma Beleau and .husband of Sumner, Oregon; Mrs. Alice Wadell and husband and t family of Scappoose, Ore.; Mrs. "Lena Pl'ultt and husband and .'family of Portland; Carl Hum- mell of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs, George Kunz and two daughters. of Yoncalla. 'of Yoncalla. lH. E. C. HOLDS MEETING WEDNESDAY - YONCALLA - The home cm - .nomlcs group of Elkhoad grange .met Wednesday nt the Elkhead ,-communllv hall ami filwlnf. ' "Ithelr potluck luncheon spent the) Lafternoon i . Red Cross work and' !,u..hin ..,i,,i. f .i... m, (Washing windows of the hull. The hall, which has recently been re- yinished outside and In, with new Tcurtains In the windows, is ready :.for the holiday festivities which are usually enjoyed by the Elk head community. The following home economies members were present: Mrs. Wilbur lirlner and, ; daughter Gayle. Mrs. Ray Lam berson,. Mrs. Charles Lanz, Mrs. Paul Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Delman Record, Mr. and Mrs. MoArlhur, 1 Mrs. George Lnngdon, Mrs. Bald-! .win. Mrs. Dilley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Record. Mrs. Merlin Al len, Mrs. Ray Poller, Mrs. Runy- on, Mrs. Fred Reeves and Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Pinkslon. : AUXILIARY TO MEET FRIDAY EVENING i ' The Palrirk W. Kelly auxiliary lo Vetera lis of Foreign Wars members and Incoming members are asked to meet at the K. nt I'. hall for a regular meeting Fij day night. Plans will he romplet ed for a pie sale to be sponsored . by the auxiliary S.iiiird.iv, Nov. 18, at Trowbridge and Klvnn Elcc ( trie store at 11S Cass sheet. CARNIVAL IS HELD AT , ISCOTTS VALLEY SCHOOL ; YONCALLA Mrs. Cecil Halt orri and Mrs. Bessie Lakey, ' teachers of Scotls Valley school, .held a carnival at the school. Sat urday evening. A fine program was enjoyed, after which eon cessions of all kinds were opened. lAbout $91) was taken in which will be used for school work. MYRTLE LODGE NO. 38 TO MEET ON SATURDAY , MYRTLE CREEK ,-- Mvrtle lodge No. 38 will meet Saturday I night, Nov. 18, at 8 o'clock at the hall. The second degree will be' conferred. Members and visiting Odd Fellows are invited. in These Thoughts Wo will discuss Opto metries! service, and Its relation to your wel fare, and Nothing else, for to us tho preservation of yoi vision Is a duty. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED iDr.DeanBubar 106 N. Jackion Roseburg PHONE REBEKAH CONVENTION IS LARGE EVENT ELKTON The thirty-eighth M,.8 Binder. Mrs. Fran- convention of district No. 11 of (Ces Heddon and Mrs .Binder were the Kebekah lodge was held re- appointed on the nominating cently in the I. O. O. V. hall, COmmltteee. Mrs. Thomas and guests of Umpqua Rebekah lodge Mrg Char'ro Hill will have No. 173. The meeting was called charge of the grab-bag at the an to order by chairman Frances nual bazaar, Dec. 1. Ladies are Heddon. Ida Thomas and Agnes nske(j j0 give their wrapped pack Hudson seated the convention of- aRea lo ono 0f (njs committee. It ficers, who were presented with was voteci t0 send an emergency corsages and gifts by two small deration to supply work, and also girls, Doris Moore and Claudia a donation for the education of Hinder, who were dressed in old- one 0 tns. society's negro teach fahioned dresses of the Rebekah prs The quota for next year's colors of pink and green. Ethel msson giving was set. After the Bailey, president of the Rebekah mP(.jng, refreshments were ser assembly of Oregon, and other ve(1 y Mrs. Thomas. uiiiui ui nil? Kiaiiu mumr 1 1"', convention by i "tmnaii j- iuu.i gifts were presented by the flow er girls, as a song was sung hy Barbara Tarnowskl, Lucille Moore, Mona Rydell, and Erda Chestnut. Anna Bauer sang a solo, "Without a Song," by Vln , - -- - ! cpnt,, Youmans, after which i the meefing was closed by the Ump qua lodge. A basket luncheon was served by Madaline Russell, Gladys Stewart, and Llla Ali dridge. Lodge re-0iened at 1:30 p. m. Erda Chestnut played an accor dion solo, "Valse Illuettc" by Drlgo. Madaline Russell read a well-prepared paper. Secretary's reports and good-of-the-order lod Wl1.0 road Dorothy chairmen s reports from the var- bm"h 0 KOSCbUlg gang It was decided that the next convention Myrtle Creek Next year's officers were ' -lcd as '""Ts,: J'.e Aru"cr' iutii, mini j-i.iii-t- iii.-uuuii .vnr.t- presenled with gifts from Ihe convention. Riddle lodge cave readings. The new convention of-j iicns were seaieu. iweniy mem bers were present from Roseburg, five from Riddle, one from, Suth erlin, two from Gardiner, six -from Cottage Grove, and twenty two from Elkton. In the evening a dinner was served in the lodge dining room by the ladles of the Methodist W. ;ua - ZZ . ' fi, i i r,i i i i . I ; ,' ' "" 7 mIa ' h,p pincli l visit. Mrs. Lois h V,'1 ",ul , Mlss "'na itydell C ,.n n 7 . Til President Bailey complimented i the drill team on ils impressive work. She addressed the lodge. and she and Noble Grand Rose Henderer were presenled wilh I gifts, by Esther Gates. A skit, I "Emergency Exit," was given bv I Edith Gates, Ben Morganti. and I Editli Adam. Refreshments were I served by Iris Haines. Seventy-! six memoers and guests were present. AUXILIARY SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY The American Legion auxiliary will hold a school of instruction Saturday, November IS, from II a. m. to 1 o'clock at the banniiei room of tile Hotel Umpqua. I The stale president, vice -president, secrelary. president of ills I trie! No, 1 and president of His j trict No. 'I as well as all past ills 1 trict presidents in Roseburg. will i be in attendance. All auxiliary members are in- vitod. but are icquesled lo make .reservations for the noon lunch eon not li ter than Friday hv call-1 ! ing either Mrs. Harrv F. Hatfield 'v Mrs. Kuilloph Kitzinan. tUKTON REBEKAH LODGE MEETS Umpqua Rebekah lodge No. 17,'i met in regular session last week, Willi 21 members present. Frances Heddon acted as noble gland. Business of the meeting included nomination of officers for the coining year. After the meeting, refreshments were ser ved bv Air :in.l Mr f':.,-l IVT.ut.-,. anil Mrs. Wilms Whitfield I I SALMON CLAMS OYSTERS (WHOLESALE & RETAIL) 624 Winchester ! HOLDS MEETING ELKTON The Dorcas circle of the Methodist W. S. C. S. met this week, with nine members 'present. President Edith Gates I appointed the following commit-' tec to investigate ruj;s for the i proposed church nursery: Erdal ' f'h.ict nut Mru Ida Thomas and "THE MANSION" TO BE READ BY MISS CAROTHERS AT PRAISE SERVICE "The Munsion" by Van Dvke will bo read by Miss Vcriw Car- olhers, with organ and violin Be lmont hv Mrs. Homer w. nd Mrs. Morris H. Roach, it the annual nralsc service to be sponsored bv the Woman's Soci clv and Forsythe guild Sunday evening, Nov. 19, at 7:30 o'clock at Ihe First Presbyterian church. The entire service will be by can dlelight. There will he no atlmis- ..... .,,;.. ....... ..... ,jnn as offering will be taken, which will lie divided between the Woman's society and the guild. The public has been cordially in vited to enjoy this Impressive service. GROUP HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING AT ELKTON ELKTON - The young adult group of the Methodist church met recently at the home of Mrs. Erda Chestnut. The following of ficers were elected: Mrs. Barbara Tarnowski, president; and Mrs. Wilma Whitfield, secretary-treasurer. Rev. David Seaman spoke on the purpose and aims of the Young Adult organization, and Raymond Batchellor showed kodachrome views of the Young Adult summer camp. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warnoek, Mrs. Tarnowski, Mrs. Dorothy Binder. Mis Whitfield, Mr. Seaman, Mr. Batchellor, and I Mrs. Lucille Moore. ' .Sv DEMAND THE BEST 5 MARKET . ijr?'.,L KitJ , M: - ..u-.J ..-f KV . SHRIMP MEAT PORK HALIBUT POULTRY ZELL'S CHICKEN TAMALES w. s. op e. a. has MEETING WEDNESDAY LOOKINGGLASS, The Wom an's Society of Christian Service met on Wednesday afternoon at tile home of the president, Mrs. A. A. Jacoby. The devotions were led by Mrs. Lockabay and the bus iness session conducted by the president. Contributions were voted for the welfare projects at Green Home in San Francisco and the Ha wood Girls School of Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was rlelded to send Christmas boxes to the latter and to Ihe Children's Farm Home of Corvallis, gifts for these boxes to be brought by the ladies to the Deember meet ing. The barrel of canned fruit for Manley Community Center was reported ready to send. Mrs. Teil Hodges invited the so ciety to meet at her home on Nov. 29 for the annual Christmas par ly, which will be an all-day meet ing with potluck luncheon at noon. The ladles are requested to bring one hot dish, individual sandwiches and table service. Christmas gifts from the society for the boys and girls from the valley now in the service and sta tioned in this country, will be ad dressed for mailing and the Christmas boxes for the two wel fare homes will be packed. Each lady will also bring an Inexpen sive gift for the society's ex change of Christmas presents. Following the business session, refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her siter-in-law, Mr. Perley Oar. Among those attending were: Mrs. O. G. Rogers. Mrs. Laverne Williams, Mrs. H. IS. .laroby, Mrs. Locka bay, Mrs. Green, Mis. Guthrie, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Heard. Mrs. Meredith, Mrs. Edna Williams, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Chas. Dy serl, Mrs. Marvin Wilson, Mrs. WWW" BAZAAR Friday and Saturday Christian Church Ladies Aid Aprons, Tsa-Towels. Cooked food Saturday only. Powell's Hardware EXTMA ENRICnED FOR ADTKD NL'TWTIOIV Tn stnmlanl enrichment we've tUI'mI Calcium ml Vliumln I). Pattersnn's Biend Is youi best source of food energy. VEAL LAMB BEEF Phone 280 Ben Jacoby, Mrs. LcRoy Wilson, Mrs. Ted Hodges, Mrs. Perley Oar, Mrs. Arthur Marsh, Mrs. Munger, Mrs. Bollng and the hostess, Mrs. A. A. Jucoby'. A shower of wedding gifts for Mrs. Hutlo, nee Kathern Mont gomery, a recent bride, was giv en to Mrs, Roy J. Smith and Mrs. Ned Burney, sisters of Mrs. Hut to. who will present the gifts. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Gurney were In attendance for the social hour. f 'Z' tIF L:A-imr,m ...I .I m i rri-w .nitty f -jJ&sfM l G f j A S S CJl . . Hollow-Ground, Roior-Sharp ft j OVEN WAKE . Chc LJxrlUMl f KITCHEN I Cwk 'hLit 1 CHERRY BLOSSOM! EGGSHELL 1 KNBVKS. I HighlIIoliElied Med, j ffi- Ja FamotiB Fire-King make. 2t 'l ' ' J7i fl lj , 5 Holds a sbr-pound fon:it. S ' pfa ,rrri rOjsV? I 1AM ffl E Can double as a casserole. w . : ' I A, B&tf . irj) Mtiy mi Bill W lS 53 Pieces Scrv8J Eight . Fl tta"En0syCto Delicately tinted fcherry blossoms are sprinklea in J WAFFLE SEKVi.XG I 'a keep sPar''-linst t 3 pattern cf this beauiitel dinnrwar. Has the J3 SET ........ 931c m lV X. J'ylt'a'1 if aPPearanc nd feal of "pensive china . . . elegantly Jj f8p5rk"0pgs BorSbrigtdrePd f light in weight, jgpiaiitic. f SALE! i c A 8 V Sgife 1 fk i:iimUE ' a fSl I Walnut-Finish T VCi5 I I tabi.1! i j i j g. oaslly vl: h- An adorable Httla lady to B abij!. Oil painted nitterns 1 A t!mg, sturdy, table dMipiort for ysars of sorrtce. hold many a dnlicloiis I ln lovely colors. Lacquered flnish Is stain- and alcohol-resistant. ThanksRlTing cookie! I 4' g ET NON-SKID PROTECTION S'." for Slippery Winter Driving S I jrink f LM llECAPPINCi p iy J X V? Includes 5- (M Wr'!x$)RXf 0,4 tns Inl"1" Firestone Gear. S SaJSLLS: valuables foot lemonwood Am f'&3nti O'iP tread. MateTiala and work- eaaijiuiA j- -: , ' k bow. Well made, if) WSviBr manahlp guaranteed. Ko ration JiCV. with every jf '.,(. A line setl jjT tlarM cortincato needed. jj X, , purchase , "I .6 Pa,., of Fun and I KIXGO Jf' 4.9.V '' V B Frolic ... In Full Color I Haa eighty cards and three Saddle rtitohed, top mratn der her chin G'l&W&tt 15 r ft B hundred connters. Fast . ' leather ease, completely B w 'If Get Your Copy Tedoy B moving, lota of fun! , ' - and handsomely fitted 1 fl Kv V C i j ' PUB faciti IM V I 2 V- ' w iiWil no 1 1 I Kmbpo' y S' I hSs I i.JJii t 1.19 I 1-00 I I tTnen yon pull him h aa 4 rf eolirlnf. cutting, past. H A complete luncheon set all 3J Lively bln color. Big fj I across the floor with an 2? Books have front H atamped and ready for little 2L enongh to ride. Easy rolling' ' amusing ehntn. J 30 to 100 pages! hand to embroider. 4j five-inch wbeeli. f ANNUAL FALL CARNIVAL IS SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR YONCALA The annual fall carnival of the Yoncalla high school was held Friday evening in the high school gym. Conces sions of all kinds were well pat ronized, bowling alley, fish pona, three shots to hit the nigger baby, bingo, novelties, and lunch coun ter, In charge of the home cco inomles class of the school. Vlncc .Applegate won the high tjoor prize, Mrs. Jay Huntington, seO ond prize. William Thiel won the large Teddy bear, for correctly guessing the number of marbles in the bottle, ana Merman acnos-i so second. $435.75 was taken in during the evening, with a, few expenses to be taken out. j Canyonville Visitor L. E. j Newton was a Canyonville vis- j Itor In Roseburg Monday. . From Umpqua W. L. Rough care spent Monday in Rose burg from Umpqua. E. G. HIGH INSURANCE I. O. 0. F. Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon Phons 133 i