SIX 05HUS NEWMtCTItW, 1ig5BDirS, OW60W, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ft, 1 11 If A Successful Oregonian for U. S. SENATOR t-'S AoV Mr. Smith Qui to Woihinprori Club fif'y Cafbalt Udo. Pprllond 'UK MONUMENTS id4 ! market ant carved from stain-' In granite by tlx late quarrying and fabricating pro we. W now bava the fineal aluei wa bava ever been privi leged to offer you. W wal " coma your calL L. F. LOZIER DEALER Our atock looated on Highway 89 at Junction or Garden Valley road. P. O. Box 746 cold spring monument Douglas Entries Win Awards At State 4-H Exhibit Douglas county entries at the 4-II slate exhibit held In Portland Oct. 9 to 13, took their share of ihe R"'Pnl In the division th(v were listed in. Maxlne Wrinht of Dnvs Creei wn fivmrded championship In Di vision IV of canning. Red awards n cnnnmq worp made to Wvl vs inslev, r.recn. Division I; Colleen Moors of Edprihowpr, Division II; and Ll'n Meredith of Look- Inwidass. Division III, Dolores Eallnu of Idlevld Park received a red ribbon award on her knit tlni end Holms of Idleyld a while award in her knlttlnrc. Betiv weseman and Max Inp Wright were Riven red 'ards on their homemaklnff ex hibits. On the clothing exhibits taken to Portland, Barbara Town send of Riddle and JoAnno Brant of Yonealla both received red awards. Mnvlne Wright was also among the blue award winners In the Style Revup. She placed fsprond In the division she pntered. Mar torle Wright of Mvrtle Creek received n red award en hpr can nlnir exhibit for the Hazel Atlas canning contest. Marlorle Zellor. Brockwav. competed with plrls from 21 oth er counties in the Spreckles sue ar canning contest and Alice Welch of Days Creek In the Northwest Yeast companv bread baklne contest. Both ulrls were well un toward the too In both contests. The state exhibit was held In He Meier & Frank auditorium. Therp were over 1400 exhibits at the show, consisting of clothing, homemaklng, cooking, canning, gardening, woodworking, fores try, farm crons and rose and flower. In addition to the exhib its, the winning team from each county pave a demonstration. The dollar dinner contest also drew a lot of Interest. - The livestock part of the show was held at the Portland Union stockyards where over COO head of fat steers, hogs and sheep were exniDiieu anu tnen sold ut auction. Presidential Race Seen Resting on Border States (Continued from page 1) "This must be' the last war." He Is on the program of the New York Herald Tribune forum. Mr. Roosevelt, who is to speak next on Saturday night, Indicated Tuesday that he would talk about people who he said are trying to stir up dissension over relatively minor details of the moDosed world peace organization rather IP L Hi Kl IB II El I PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE Compter stock of Fixtures and Fittings, including Sinks, Toilets, Lavatories, Tubs, Showers, Range Boilers, Gas Water Heaters, Shallow and Deep Well Pumps. CALL OR SEE COEN LUMBER COMPANY Floed and Mill Sri. Phone 121 than keeping the grand objective in vIpw. Asserting a lot of people are trying to foster dissension over relatively minor aspects or tne peace proposals, Mr. Roosevelt said he was getting awfully fed up wnn sucn tactics. Of the Dumbarton Oaks con ferences he said the security agreements might not necessarily guarantee peace forever but they could guarantee peace for our lives. Other Disagreements In a Chicago speech, Senator Bridges (R.-N. H.) talked of the CIO Political Action committee headed by Sidney Hillman as "the Hillman gang" and said this group of fourth term supporters is the "most destructive force that has yet appeared on our political horizon." Democratic Chairman Hanne gan said at New York that "Gov ernor Dewey's brain trust ap parently has no more Ideas" and therefore Dewev In his St. Louis speech Monday nli'ht" repeated his falsifications on what he calls the 'Rosevelt depression' and the demobilization program of the army." Republican Chairman Brow- pell, commenting on yesterday's disclosure that Mr. Roosevelt will give a speech In Philadelphia Oct. 27, said that "the litters In the nemocratlc men command seem to have reached up to the White House. Mayor Kelly of Chicago told a group of Roosevelt supporters iney couiu assume tne president also will speak there before the election. Senator Pepper (D.-Fla.) told a democratic rally In Oberlln, Ohio, that Dewey is "now revea Ing himself as the brilliant and tricky lawyer trying to' win the government of this country awav irom tne people lor Big Business. Ball Defers Decision Senator Ball R.-Minn.), an ar dent advocate of international cooperation, told reporters he plans to listen to both the Dewey and Roosevelt foreign policy broadcasts and then announce which candidate he will support. Replying to former Gov. Charl es Edison's prediction to Mr. Roosevelt vesterdav that New Jersey would go for Dewev next month because of what Edison termed the Independent voters' dislike for Mayor Frank Hague's democratic organization in Jer sey Cltv, Hague said in a state ment that "when the votes are counted Mr. Edison will have a rude awakening as a political prophet." Another democratic mavor, Ed ward J. Kelly of Chicago, told a political rally last night that a rcnupiican victory would mean lubilatlon In Berlin and might have repercussions in England, Russia and South America. In Louisiana's Sixth congres sional district, Rep. James H. Morrison was re-nominated by about 3,000 votes over his second primary opponent, State Senator H. Alva Brumfield of Baton Rouge, on (he basis of nearly complete unofficial returns. Tonight's radio program in cludes a speech by Rep. Dirksen (R.-I11.) at 5:15 p. m. and a five minute talk at 5:55 PWT (NBC) by Josephine Daniels, Raleigh, N. C, publisher. Roosevelt Praises War Fund Giving WASHINGTON. Oct. IS (AP) President Roosevelt In a nation wide radio anneal on behalf of war fund drivps said Inst nieht that larper contributions to com munity war funds represent "do moerae" at l' h"i" nd demon strate thpre Is no letdown In the nnnon's unltv. Through war fund donations. he said, "we send a tnin of our own personal friendship to the trafle victims or brute slawrv and to thosp who hnve so Inn borne thp burden of fighting this wa . "This gift this expression of our free will nenks from the he-t of tb nation." He said th"t on Ihe dav of the fi"M'ni men's return hom which he declared "we are Irving o maW ns snoodv ns nosihle" hev will shake war fund donors hv thp hf"d and say "thanks for helping, friend." Red Army Lunges Mile Inside East Prussia (Continued from page 1) pinm. hid ben klllpH in two d"s of flMln" therp. Marshel Tito announced the Hermans had been routed from p'I except two dis trl"s of the cltv. Tb" PnsSj!.n hiiltetln did not mention t"e flfhtin" in Hunarv. hut It nnounmd Advances In northern Tr-nsvlvnia overran mnrn th-n 80 eommunUlps. In e'udin" Rnnase". two miles from thn O'rontho-Ukminp a thrust H-.f placed thi force within 30 rv.ii.Q nf tuncHon with nnot"r drlvlng down from southern Poland. admirals had bean reported with in the last seven weeks. A revised announcement from China said U. S. 14th air force OuiriDers sank eight Japanese ships, totaling more than 40,000 ions, anu damaged at least seven others, aggregating 23,000 tons, in their Monday raid on shipping that had sought refuge at Hong kong from Mltscher's palnes. Five more were listed as probably damaged. In southeast China Invading Japanese armies stabbed six miles west In a flanking move ment 25 miles north of Kwellin. Thoy had been stalemated for 12 days on this front. Sutherlin was resting a Utile easier. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown and child from San Diego. Culif., arrived In Sutherlin last week and plan to make Sutherlin their home. Mrs. Brown is a daughter of Mrs. Cora Allen and sister of Mrs. Dee Atterbury. Mrs. Gilbert of Freewater, Ore gon, is spending the week visit ing her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Robert son. Vern Holgate was a business visitor in Eugene Friday. Mrs. Fred Hollemon transacted business and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dulley, at Cot tage Grove Saturday. V. L. Holgate spent the weekend in Portland visiting relatives and friends. SUTHERLIN Mrs. Fred Hollemon went to Cottage Grove Thursday, where she was called by the serious illness of a very dear friend, Mrs. Frank Rone. I receive sealed bids ub to Oetoher Mrs. M. A. Klrkendall. great-1 24th for the E. 1 of the W. t nf CALL FOR BIDS The city of Myrtle" Creek will Venray Wrested From Nazis in 2-Day Combat (Continued from page 1) to"'n. and a front dlsnntch said Americans on ha rltrht flank hHdapd tho p-innt De Doom.. Aachen Mnn.lln Slw. At pncli-clert Aachen American SSAWDUST TV O Available for Immediate Delivery Now! DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Phone 128 402 W. Oak St. Old School Property Near Reedsport Changes Hands REEDSPORT The old North Fork school building, togethet with the acre of ground on which it stands, was sold at public auc tion at the cltv hall in Reeds nort last Saturday to William Cookson of Smith River, who bid In the ground and structure at $300. Within 20 minutes after the sale he again sold the property to John A. and Henry B. Wroe. it is said, at an advance of $100 above the price he paid. The building and grounds adtoln the Wroe property and thev have been occupying the building as a residence since thp school closed a number of years ago and the district was consolidated with the Smith River school district. Tuberculosis authorities say the disease might be conquered by 19G0 If every man, woman and child could be tested. -nons mnnnrl uo slowly. finr hnvo plenrorl up segments of thp ?ipf-led ne northwest of the old e'". Na7i counterattacks at tpmntln" to h'-enk Amprippn lines siirroMndlncj the Herman frontier cltv halted yesterday. A front dlsnntch estimated the vn-dn Inst 1.500 canturPd and 1.000 killed In etlemns to retwitiire Aachen ahnnt 95 ner pent nf thnli- nf. InfklnfT fnrnrtB ! U. S Third armv troops drove to within four miles of the for tress citv of Metz on the central sector, and on the southern end of the 4G0-mile allied line, French First army troons made gains on the slopes of te Vosges moun tains before Belfort. American troops in Italv ad vanced nearlv a mile north of captured Liverpnano on highway R5 in their advance on ancient Bo'n"na. In the Adriatic sector British troops driving into the Po valley secured a fpw more vards of the Rimlnl-Bologna hlfhwav. Two British destroyers landed forces which took over the Dodec anese Island of Scarnanto at dawn vesterdav after the Greek nonulation had "contained the en emy parrison there. More allied parachute troops have been drop ped In Athens and there was no Indication that enemy opposition was met. Aerial Pincers Closing In On Philippine-Isles (Continued from page 1) 9 000 mile long Caroline Island chain. Tokvo continued to boast, though more ouietlv, of a great victory east of Formosa. No sign has b"cn reported of the J:v nesp fleet since on task forcp fled at the vorv sight of U. S. car rier strength. Mare .lap Admirals Die Berlin radio broadcast a Tokyo dispatch reporting the death of three more vl"e admirals "in bat tle" or "of illness at the front." rvvn.: nf t) nf the emneror's FRIDAY Oct.20-8p.m. FIN LAY FIELD R. H. S. Indians ys. Junction City Single admission Inc. rax, adults , Students, Including tax 75c 40c and SOc eona s )Beauty Shop 2ND FLOOR MARSHALL-WELLS STORE Specializing in Fifth Ave. Machineless Kold Wave Hair Styling Operators Mary Walter Black Dora Baker Williams Mrs. Henry Lane Formerly 8 yean with Createrian Beauty Shop Medford, Oregon. ! Phone 203 for appointment grandmother of Mrs. Fred Holle mon passed away at Coquille last Tuesday and her funeral was held at Camas on the following r i may. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dulley and sons transacted business and vis ited relatives in Cottage Grove msi weonesoay ana Thursday. Pvt. Etta Murnhv of the Waco who is stationed in California, ar rived in Sutherlin Tuesday, being called home by the serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. Jimmy Mc- uonaia. Garry Dullcv Is sDendincr the week visiting his grandparents, mi: ana ivirs. Bert Dulley in Cot tage Grove, Ore. Mrs. Verdun Boucock of Los Angeles, Calif., has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Anna Wofford, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Meis, who have been visiting relatives and friends in Minnesota, returned to their home In Sutherlin last Tues day. Mrs. Martin Baker and daugh ter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sellock, and Mrs. Fred Hollemon shopped and transacted business in Roseburg Friday. Sutherlin fire department was called out Friday afternoon by a fire in Cliff Parrott's apartments. Considerable water and smoke damage was done, as the fire w as In between the walls. Mrs. Anna Wofford, who re cently sold her cafe, known as Ben's cafe, has purchased an apartment house In Roseburg. Mrs. Thelma Johnson and daughter, who were called here by the serious truck accident of tne former s brother, Jerry De-1 Muth, has returned to her home ' in Berkeley, Calif. Mr. DeMuth, ' who is in the Emanuel hospital in r-uruanu, is reported as get ting along as well as can be ex pected. William Murphy of the navy at Seattle arrived In Sutherlin Fri day evening, having been called here by the serious illness of his lot No. 5 in block 6 in the city of Myrtle Creek. The council re serves the right to reject any or an nius. Signed A. M. VERELL, i Recorder. Stick to War Bonds PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 18. (AP) The Portland Better Busi ness bureau, warning that fake stock deals took. $400,000,000 from the public after the last World 1 war, urged people to stick to war bonds "The best investment of all". UMPQUA DAIRY LUNCH Open Oct. 17 5 a. m. 10:30 p. m. Under New Management MRS. ISABEL JOHNSON AND MRS. BELL JOHNSON 105 W. Cass St. HEREFORD BULL CALVES mother, Mrs. Jimmv McDonald. Mrs. Jimmy McDonald is very ill at her home with Pneumdnla, and the last report was that she rf' n,twi, , -V -V ' Vx ' L H I am offering for sale 15 bull calves 2 registered, 13 grade ranging in age from six months to one year. These bulls will be sold at my ranch on the Curry Estate, Sunday, October 22nd. AL BASHFORD i Discriminating buyers are sometimes disappointed when they call at their dealers and ask for Blitz-Weinhard by name. But they know that their favorite beer will again be on the shelves in a day or two . . and they "also know that it is most definitely worth waiting for. Because for more than three quarters of a century, the Blitz-Weinhard Company has brewed one fine beer ... of unvarying quality and .flavor ... a beer so good it's guaranteed satisfying. BLITZ-WEINHARD CO. PORTLAND. OREGON " V VtA.YWT.J J!". Keep Asking lor it by Name $ a 11 ii iM DEER Douglas Distributing Co., Roseburg Distributors