V FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1944. Sunday fhuirrhoG 14 f. S-w ' All contributions to this column will be printed without charge If received prior to 1 p. m. each Thursday. No notices ' can be used If received after that hour. Church notices should ; be limited to 150 words, and should contain only announcements ? of services. Bible quotations and sermonettes should not be ' included. : THE CHURCH OF CHRIST Meets at the west end of Oak : street bridge. Bible school with ; classes for all ones at 10 a. m. every Sunday with sermon at 11 ! a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon top ics for Oct 15 Morning: "My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord. TTunnina- "The Cost of Being a Phrlstian." bv Joe L. Banks. o'clock service. The public is urg ed to attend these last few ser vices at eight o'clock each evening. THE CALAPOOIA FREE METH ODIST CHURCH Gilbert Johnson, pastor. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Rally day i! rene Valentine brines a gospel will be one week from this SaroKRNlfsundl.y'at Sunday, on Oct. 22 Corned p' ' service, sermon by pastor. Sub- ..CDiior ruiiarH OF THE 1ect, "Mourning for Saul." Sun R08EBURna12reSe Jay' night the young people wil i Forrest Hni. pastor. Sunday meet at 7:30. Evening worship at fhnnl at 10 a. m. Mrs. Roy Den- s. Mia-wee. pmjra Mint Morning worship at 11 at 8 p. m. Coming: Sunday school ' ""m hf EvaneePlist L. Rally day, Oct. 22. Special pro- King. Junior society at i p. 1-1 . X . v W. : m Tinris Hill, supervisor. ; p nt7n. m.. Mrs. C. B. Hays, j president. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m., sermon by the evangelist, i The Revival meeting, which ! has been in progress will close , on Sunday evening with the eight gram District quarterly meeting on Oct. 2G-29. A convention of preachers and laymen with spe cial speaking, and religious edu cation features. Revival meeting on Nov. 212. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Ankerbcrg of California, with ministry of song and evangelism. House Siding Don't worry because you are unable to get wood siding. We have just received a carload of Asphalt Roll Siding. This Siding Is an excellent product; presents a fine appear once, requires no painting: easily applied and Is economical in cost. Applied over sheafing or you can modernize your home by applying over old siding. See this new material at COEN LUMBER COMPANY Floed and Mill streets Phone 121 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Morris H. Roach, Th. D. minister. Mr. W. G. Blake, Sun day school superintendent. Mrs. Homer Grow, organist. Mr. E. S. Hall, choir director. The Business and Professional Women will be guests at the morning service. The title of the sermon will be "Pharaoh's Daugh ter." Mr. Ralph Church will be soloist for the morning service. Sunday evening the theme lor the message will be the fourth chapter of Ephesians. Calendar fz? the week: Sun day: Shunday school at 9:45 a. m; morning worship at 11 a. m.; Ju nior C. E. at 5 p. m.; C. E. socie ties at 6:30 p. m.; evening serv ice at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday: Organ Chimes, KRNR, 11:15 a. m.; Boy Scouts at 7:30 p. m.; choir practice at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday: Leadership train ing at 7:30 p. m. Thursday: Radio Bible Class, KRNR, 11:15 a. m.; Camp Eire Gil ls at 7 p. m. Friday : Bible Adventures, KRNR. 5 p. m. ' Saturday: Pastors Scrap Book, KRNR, 11:15 a. m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cor. Douglas and Kane ' Sts. Len B. Fishback, minister. Wal ter Naff, choir director. Fiances Lintolt, organist. The Bible school meets at 9:45 a. m. with Wm. C. Unrath as sunt. There is a class for every room and a room for every class. "Bring a Bible and bring a friend." 'I he sermon subleet tfl 10:45 a. m. will be "Christ In the Home." There will be a special number by the choir and a vocal solo by Welter Naff. At 6:30 p. m. the Ranger Boys' chorus will meet in Ihe basement and the young people r Christian Endeavor society will meet In the upper C. E. room. The sermon subect at 7:30 p. m. will be "To What Shall 1 Liken a Christian?" There will be a vocal duet by Betty and Susanna Hahn. Remember the "homelike' church invites you. 6UTHERLIN ASSEMBLY OF GOD Mrs. Beltv Williams, pastor. F. F. Allen, Sunday school supt. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. Children's church at 6 p. m. Christ's Ambassadors at 7 p. m. Evangelist:; "Ma and Pa", Reed and Fern, will conduct revival meetings beginnings Sun day the 14th and continue every nitrM mis wcpk at o i'. DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS There are times when all of us want to have our strength renewed. When the chaplain at the United States naval hospital had prayed tor an injured aviation pilot, all was quiet for a moment. Then the pilot was heard praying for the chaplain, his doctor, his nurse, and Hying com rades. When we pray like that to the Heavenly Father, He is always present and ready to strengthen us. A veteran in the hospital of the Dutch Reformed faith, may never walk again. Yet he al ways says after hearing the Word of God: "ft is wonder ful, so wonderful." How much longer he will have to wait for peace no one knows, but God who sees the prayer of his tortured lips will not al low him to suffer needlessly. The seaman who fell sixty feet from his perch while at sea with head still wrapped in bandages is ever alert when the chaplain prays for him. When we are weak and weary, God strengthens us with His presence. "They that wHit upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Amen. THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "Repent Ye" is the sermon top- ic of Rev. 11. f. sconce sunuay morning at eleven, inis is me first in a series on the book of Mark. Mr. Clarence Olson of De troit, Mich., will give his testi mony and play a saxaphone solo. "Why Christians Backslide" Is the sermon topic Sunday evening ai 7:30. A pulpit guest will speak briefly on "What I Learned About Human Nature in the Ship yards." Mr. Clarence Olson will again play his saxophone. The uimy-navy Sunday school contest, with a goal of 500 by Christmas, will continue each Sunday morn ing at 9:45. So far the navy is ahead. Youth groups and the adult fellowship meet each Sun- dav evening at b:JU. Miss Mary Apia will lead the prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at CJO in the absence of the pastor. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 312 E. Douglas street. Regular services Sunday at 11. a. m. Sub ject of lesson: Doctrine of Atone ment. Sunday school convenes at 9-45 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings which include testimon ies of healing and remarks on Christian Science are held at 8 o'clock. The reading room at 317 Pacific building is open daily ex cept Sundays and holidays from 10:30 a. m to 4:30 p. m. Here the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, hmrowed or subscribed for.. The public is cordially invited to at tend the church esrvices and to visit the reading room. ROSEBURG METHODIST CHURCH "How Can We Love Our Ene- mips?" Is the meditation theme for the morning message at the 11 o'clock worship hour this week. The choir will sing "Ju bilate in F" for their special num her under the direction ot Mrs Esther Gcrides. As the organist she will play a Prayer by Tsc-hal-kowski for her prelude and "An dante Cantabale" by the same composer. The church nursery is provided by the Keystone ladies for mothers of small children. At the 7:30 evening service the pas tor will Install the officers of the Methodist Youth Fellowship. Rev. R. A. Feenstra's evening message will be "When Jesus Became Angry." I 11 I The way you bake at home is different from commercial baking . . . for home yes, AAy baked FOODS ARE LIGHTER AND MORE TENDER NOW I'M USING KITCHEN CRAFT HOME -Tyre FLOUR . 1 & -sS K Jiff vr i i-t i f... Home-type Kitchen Craft Flour gives finer results in all home baked foods Kitchen Craft is light-bodied: It mixes smoothly and quickly with other home-type ingredi ents to give fine even texture in oil your home baked foods. Kitchen Craft is properly milled: Retains desirable moisture in your pastries. cakes and breads in spite of the drier heut of home ovens. Kitchon Craft is dependably uniform: Absorbs the same amount of water each time so you can follow your recipes to "the letter, without change. our home-size recipes aren't the same as big-batch bakers use. Your ingredients are different, too. You use home-type shortening and baking powder. For perfect results, now try a home type flour Kitchen Craft! Made es pecially for home baking, this top quality flour gives yon cakes, pies and breads of mouth-melting delicacy and goodness. Adds important health val ues to your baked foods too because Kitchen Craft is enriched with B vita mins and iron. Get a sack of home-type Kitchen Craft Flour and try it in your favorite recipes. If it fails to please you in any way, return the unused portion to your grocer and get all your money back! f Jf S el . 4 umz '.! i unii r v . t d- i m at SAFEWAY y VPs ' , COUNTY HOLINESS ASSOCIA TION MEETING At 2:30 d. m. on Sunday the monthly meeting ot the Holiness association will be held at the Pilgrim Holiness church, 477 S. Jackson. The Rev. L. W. King, evangelist at the Nazarene church, will bring the message. Special music will be given by Mrs. Gerald Beckwith and Rev. M. G. Bassett. song leader. There will be an election of officers for the coming year following this service. DAYS CREEK COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m. Miss Beulah Atherton, supt. Morning worship hour at 11 a. m. Dr. Silas Fairham, district supennienaani Cascade district, will bring the message. A cordial Invitation is extended to our friends and neighbors to come worship with us and to meet Dr. Silas Fairham. Levi E. White, pastor. Sodsiif and ClubA BY LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER CAMAS VALLEY COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school convenes at 10 a. m. Church at 11 a. m. F. Gene Elliott, pastor. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Myrtle Creek, holds services each Sunday in the crange hall 3rd and Division streets, at 11 a. m. The subject of the lesson-sermon for Sunday, Oct. 15, is "Doc trine of Atonement." A meeting which includes testimonies of healing and remarks on Chris tian Science is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 8 p. m. The public Is cordially in vited to attend these services and to use our library. baking yo neeci home -type ihw I I ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod), Corey and Military streets, West Roseburg. The service of Sunday, Oct. 15, begins at 11 a. m. with Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. The sermon topic is: "I Believe in the For giveness of Sins." We most cor dially invite all to attend our service and Sunday school. The Lutheran Hour is broadcast ev ery Sunday over KRNR at 9:30 a. m. Tune in, write in, tell others. The Mid-week Bible class meets Thursday. Oct. 19, at 2 p. m. at Ihe parsonage. All members and friends are most cordially invit ed to attend this meeting of the Bible class. W. A. Sylwcster, 1170 Military street, pastor. DILLARD COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school convenes at 10 a. m. livening cnuicn service ai 7:30. Gene Elliott, pastor. LOOKINGGLASS COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school convenes at 10 a. m. F. Gene Elliott, pastor. To serve others as we would be served. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday school at 10 a. m. at Roseburg Women's club rooms, opposite Indian theater. Every one welcome. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Umpqua and Harvard. June Horning Miller, pastor. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Classes of interest for all ages. Ministry of Uie Word at 11 o clock. In the aD- sence of the pastor, Mrs. Fran ces Webb Stevens, artist-evangel ist will speak on the subject ine Moth-Eaten Garment." Evening services at 7:30. De- votionals led by Rev. Levi White. A talk will be given by a return ing soldier, Sgt. Carl White. You are never a stranger but once at the Free Methodist church, the little church with a big welcome. ST. GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Main and East Cass streets. Fr. Hlaker. 8 a. m. and 11 a. m. church school 9:45 a. m. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME Cor. Pine and Lane 8treeti FRANK W. LONG, Manager Licensed Lady Attendant Callll2 S&r AMBULANCE SERVICE ASSEMBLY OF GOD 948 W. First St. Pastor Wm. C. Ross. Sunday services: 9:45 Bible school: 11 o'clock morning wor ship service; 6:30 p. m. Christ Ambassador's service, 7:30 eve ning service. Tuesday prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday miestion nieht at 7:30 n. m. A welcome awaits you at these ser vices. PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH 477 So. Jackson. Gerald G. Beckwith, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mr. C. L. Dage supt. Morning worship at 11 a. m., ser mon by the pastor. Young Peo ple's Service at 7 p. m. Evangel istic service at 7:45 p. in., sermon by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wed. 7:45 p. m. Cottage prayer meeting Friday at 7:45 p. m. OAKLAND CHURCH OF CHRIST Rallv Dav. Bible school at 10 a. m. Children's program and or chestra. Church service at 10 a. m. Snecial choir numbers. Pot- luck dinner at 1 p. m. Afternoon service at 2:30 p. m. Newell Mor gan and B. Ross Evans, special speakers. C. E. at 7 p. m. Evening service at 8 p. m. Dr. Dunn, speaker. Specials and solos. A full day of Christian fellowship. GLIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. H. E. Oppertshauser, min ister. Bible school each Lord's day at 10 a. m. Classes for all ages with competent teachers. Wor ship service at 11 a. m. We are anticipating having a guest speaker at this service. This is our regular Sunday lor our oas- ket lunch fellowship held In the basement ot the church follow ing the morning service. We in vite one and all and trust our members of the church and con gregation will plan to be with us 100 per cent this week. We are sure you will profit by this fellowship. Choir practice will be conducted each Thursday eve nings at 7 o'clock. We welcome all of all faiths, who will join us at this time, to practice. We are beginning on a Christmas canta ta number and need men and women who can and will sing parts. Can we count on you? Prayer meeting follows at 7:45 and Bible study at 8:15. We wel come you and urge you to be present at this service if you pos sibly can. Study for next week will be Matt. Chapter 3. Mrs. Le Rov Bond was elected as church clerk at the third quarterly busi ness meeting Wednesday evening last, to succeed Miss Marie Vclek who has served us well the past voar. Marie anticipates leaving soon to take up new duties. Ma rie Vclek and Mrs. Le Roy Bonn have been elected to serve as dele gates to the Umpqua association to be held in Springfield on Oct. 17.18. A sDlendid report of prog ress was present at this quarterly meeting. Over all giving exceeded last quarter by Detter than $85. This is commendable for so small a group. We believe that we can do as well or better this quarter and be able to present a progres sive report in every way by the time our annual meeting takes place in January, 1945. Ladies Mission Aid meets in the church on Wednesday, Oct. 18. All the ladies arc cordially invited. LEGAL NOTICES wn-rirp nr FINAL SETTLEMENT Tin- undei-slKnrd udmlnlstralor has riled in die county court ol Douglas county. OicKon, his final account In siMllcmeni oi shiu tswiv aim uL.iu.... the Hth day of November. 1941. al 10 00 o'clock a. nl. In the county court room In the court house In Roseburu. DouKlns county. Oregon, has been fix ed as the time and place for hearing objections, ll any mcie oe. w sum final accocnt and the settlement there- "' A. N. ORCUTT. Administrator of the eslale ot John Clayton Hicks, deceased. Notice of final settlement The final account of the undersigned executrix has been filed In the county court of DouKlas county. Oreiton. and bv order of said court. Tuesday, rxp vomher 14. l'JH. at 10:00 o'clock In l he forenoon of said day. in the county court room In the court house in Rose bure;. Douglas county. Oregon, has i,.. flvod as the time and uluee lor hcaiinc. objections, if any there be. to said final account and for the settle- """" MARGARKT BURT. Kxecutriv of the last will and testa ment of Cieoi'Ke W. Burt, deceased. p. T. C. MEETING IS I HELD AT 6UTHERLIN . SUTHERLIN The first meet Ing of the Parent Teachers club was held at the school gym Thursday afternoon with Mrs. M. Patterson, the new president, presiding. It was voted to hold meetings once a month instead of every two months as they did last year. The meeting time has been changed to be held on tne lasi Tuesday of the month beginning in November as the last Tuesday in October is Hallowe'en. The school gym will be the meeting place at the present. The project for the Parent Teachers club to work on this year will be to raise S50 for li brary books for the school libra ry. On October 30 there will be n Hallowe'en carnival for the children at "the school gym and all parents are urged to attend. October 13 is the date set for the teachers and parents receprion to be held at the Community hall. Mrs. Matt Aldropp was appoint ed as membership chairman, the membership dues to be fifty cents per member per year. A question box is to be placed in the hall at the school for any question or suggestions made by parents or teachers. Mr. Minnick, who is head of 4- H clubs in Douglas county, was present and gave a very interest inc talk and honed the boys and girls of Sutherlin would continue to keep up tne good worn iney have heen doinc. Ivan Parker, superintendent of S u t h e r lin schools gave a talk on the need of more school room and more teachers. He also spoke of the new school e;rant having been ap proved and explained about the proposed new school. vThe meeting adjourned and delicious refreshments were serv ed bv the committee: Mrs. Clif ford Parrott, Mrs. Lawrence Robertson. Mrs. Jack Culver, Jr and Mrs. Howard Wahl. Mrs. Harry Barker and Mrs. Howard Wahl poured at a very beautiful ly arranged table. Those present were: Mrs. M. Patterson and daughter Kay, Mrs. Thora Powell, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. Paul Gourley, Mrs. Earl Gardner and baby, Mrs. Law rence Robertson, Mrs. Melvin Palmer, Mrs. William Rietmann, Mrs. Elsie Spackman, Mrs. Math ewman, Mrs. Paul Trozelle, Mrs. Hazel Davis, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. West, Mrs. Truitt, Mrs. Carl Wimberly, Miss Madlyn Stearns, Mrs. O. Monger, Mrs. Lioya Thompson, Mrs. Harry Barker, Mrs. D. A. Elliott and two chil dren, Mrs. Hugh Wahl, Mrs. No ah Rose. Mrs. Ed Smith, Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Matt Aldropp, Mrs. Ivan Parker, Mr. Minnick. Mrs. Geoi-ce Miller. Mrs. C. C. Watson and children, Mrs. Owens and baby, Mrs. C. E. Martin, Mrs. R. W. Akers. Mrs. Isadore Groleau, Mrs. Keaton, Mrs. J. L. Himel wright, and the hostesses, Mrs. Parrott, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Culver, Jr., and Mrs. Wahl. FRESHMAN CLASS INITIATED AT GLIDE GLIDE Members of the fresh man class ot Glide high school were initiated on Wednesday and were required to attend classes wearing costumes suitable to the character allotcd to them and to undergo various ordeals. In the evening a party was given for them by the sopnomore class. The evening was spent in play ing games after which retresn ments were served. Those attend ing were: Pauline Parrott, James Gardner, Ted Schosso, Dolores Ballou, Audrey Marricr, James Watson, Emma Taylor and Earl Paul Oden, members of the fresh man class. Upper classmen at tending were: Belle Sue Rodgers, Wayne Helms, Velma Strong, Jack Schloeman, Betty Cocheran, JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB TO HOLD BUSH PARTY ri-v, Tnnlnr Woman's club will hold its annual rush party Mon day night at 8 o'clock at the club house Wlin mes. do"- r v. Johnson present ing the program; Mrs. Don White in cnarge ui uic j.n.-o:t. -tee. and Miss Cecelia Watzig, chairman of the refreshment committee. ' Newcomers In the community between the ages of 18 and 30 are eligible to membership in the club and are cordially invited to enjoy this annual party. Mem bers and guests planning to at tend are asked to telephone 597 J or drop a card to Mrs. Robert Harris at 456 S. Main street. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF Pi-T. A. MEETS GLIDE The executive com mittee of the Glide P.-T. A. met at the home of the presiueni mis. August Spiedel, on Monday after noon. Committees were appoint ed for the coming year and dis cussion was held regarding the meetings ot tire association iui the winter. A reception for the teachers was planned for the Oc tober meeting. Following the business meet ing Mrs. Spiedel, assisted by Mrs. Harry Davis served refreshments to the following: Mrs. Fcarn Moore, Mrs. E. T. Schosso, Mrs. Carl Messing, Mrs. Paul Caswell, Mrs. Claud Talcott, Mrs. Floyd Hickman, Mrs. Elbert Cellers, Mrs. Vern Shrum and Mrs. Geo. Casebeer. p. N. G. CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING SUTHERLIN The Past No ble Grands club met at the home of Mrs. Anna Hankenson on Fourth avenue Wednesday. A no-host luncheon was served al one o'clock. The table was very pretty with a white linen table cloth and a lovely arranged cen terpiece of beautiful red roses. The business was conducted by the president, Mrs. Charlotte Parker. A shower of birthday good-wishes and handkerchiefs were presented to Mrs. Hanken son, who expects to move to Rose burg to make her home witn ner daughter, Mrs. Arthur C. Austin and lamuy. KEYSTONE CLUB TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT The Methodist Keystone club will meet Monday night at a 7: 30 o'clock dessert-supper at the home of Mrs. George Churchill at 219 S. Pine street with Mrs. R. B. Hampton and Mrs. W. Howard Pattison, assisting hostesses. Each member is requested to bring a flower. If News-Review carrier fails to deliver your paper Please Call 100 between 6:15 and 7:00 P. M. Reservations for private SKATING PARTIES are available at the Rainbow Skating Rink Winchester TEN MILE COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 2 p. m. Sunday school. 3 p. m. church service. F. Gene Elliott, pastor. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Virginia IJill'HT, rti rieiiBi , property "Blackic" Marricr, Wynn Oliver, Noilcc Is hereby elven that the un- Raini, Hickman and Miss Helen ftlaepnerson. ivuss rem nayes, and Mrs. Fay Garner, faculty Wt . . . B I I 1 4, 0 I; !l ReoUv Good Buffer Takes& ill Good Buffer Takes No More Points! You can get the best by asking for MEL O-MAID BUTTER None Better at your grocers. MADE BY DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Bring us your cream-we pay top prices. Jcckson and Douglas Telephone 340 dot sinned administrator ot the estate ni Ceorcc M. Bassett. deceased, win ny virtue ot an order of sale marie by the county court of Doughs county. Ore con, on Uie 10th day of October. 1911. In Ihe estate of (ieorge M. Bassclt. de ceased, and from and after the 13th dav of Kavember. laJI, offer for sale anil proceed to sell at private sale for rish In hand the followlim described real property of said estate, to-wit: Lot -I Iri Mock 8 In the City ot Yoncalla. Dnunlas County. Oregon. S.ild sale will lie subject to confirma tion bv said court. Bids for the pur chase "ot said real property may be made to the administrator at the of-o.-o of nice A Oicutt. Attorneys at Adminlst ralor ol ine csiaie i vwi M. Bassett. deceased. NOTICE OT FINAL SETTLEMENT 'i... A....,.in of Ihe underslcn' ' j .. i,..- h-e heen I ed in II1C county court of Douglas county. Ore non and bv order of said court Tues Sav November 14. 1944. at 10:00 a. m. In' the eounly court room In Ute court house In KosrliurR. DoukIiis coanly Oregon has been fixed ns the time and place for hearing objections. If any there be. to said final account nl um the sclllcment thereof. j. r.. bhvij,.. o;l... Administrator of the estate oi umti- Ine Milne, nrccasi-o PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE H. C. BERG, Special Agent. 8avlngs & Loan Building Phone 87 members. BETA SIGMA PHI TO HOLD HOBO PARTY TONIGHT A meeting of the Beta Sigma Phi was held Wednesday eve nine at the home of. Amanda An derson with Bonita SkillinR pre siding. Plans were discussed for future meetings and a hobo par ty was planned for Friday eve ning to be held at the Episcopal parish hall. Those on the commit tee for the party are: Athalie Tavlor. Alice-Virginia Hancs," and Amanda Anderson with Helen Saar as chairman. The next meeting will be Octo ber 18, at the home of Athalie Taylor. Those present at the Wednes day meeting were: Bonita Skill ing, Helen Saar. Athalie Taylor. Amanda Anderson, Lois Updike and Alice-Virginia Hanes. AN AMAZING OFFER The makers of Dr. Parker's Corn Remover will give you double your money back if it fails to remove your corn or callous. Only 35c af Chap man's Drug Store. A Loss is a Loss No Matter What the Cause It marten little which particular hazard causes the loss it is the financial loss itself that matters. Personal Property Floater Insurance protects you against loss of or damage to your personal possessions from practically ANY cause ANY where at ANY time. On a three year basis, such pro tection is most economical a mere fraction of the loss against which It protects. BAILEY & McKIGBIN "Ken" "Bill" COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE 315 Facific Building Phone 3? Successor to Kn Bailey Insurance Agency H. C. STEARNS Funeral Director Phone 472 OAKLAND, ORE. Licensed Lady Assistant Any Distance, Any Time Our service is for ALL, and meets EVERY NEED Room 201 Pacific BIdq. S. M. SORENSEN Phone 288 TAXI , 1 Call S 24-HOUR SERVICE 25-MILE LIMIT MORAN & MARSTERS Day Stand 305 N. Jackson Night Stand 206 W. Cass tAY AWAY A BONO TODAY gllT' gaMasagaMEensgBi'i i m W