X 1 ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1944. FIVE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WANTED CANNING SPECIAL WHOLE SALMON 30c lb. ZELL'S MARKET FOR SALE DeLuxe Bentlix washer; 9x12 rug and pad; Apex mangle; coffee table; 2 barrel chairs; washing ma chine. All good condition. E. Lopez, Melrose Star Rt., Box 254. FRESH TUNA FOR CANNING 30c lb. ZELL'S MARKET FOR SALE OR TRADE One young white face cow will freshen in December. Will trade for good fresh Jersey cow. Phone 21-F-22. Coos Junction. 2 AIR MATTRESSES, 32-20 army special Colts revolver, belt, hol ster and 58 rounds ammunition. U. S. navy binoculars at Al's Auction mart, Monaay. FOR SALE Bicycle pre war model. Excellent condition. Also extra tires and tubes. Phone 385 or contact Tommy Atkins at the Beehive. FOR SALE Complete milk cool ing equipment. 300 gallon brine tank, 1 h. p. Baker refrigera tor unit, pump, coils, etc. Chet Hamm by the Depot. FOR SALE flxl2 pre-war wool rug and mat. Five blocks west and one block south of Watig hatchery. Flat top yellow stuc co house. FOR SALE Cine 8 Eastman Movie camera F2.7 lens and carrying case used very little. $50. Box 191)7, care News-Review. 22 Tandum trailer insulated, ex cellent condition. Vacuum brakes. 1'riced right. 1 block east of Wann's grocery. N. K. McGompol. APPLES, fall and winter varie ties. SI to $2. Bring boxes. Also sweet cider. Bill Webber, 1J mi. E. Sutherlin. FOR SAI.E-9xl2 Smith Ui-oadlonm Used 3 months. Ht. Curry Estate . Alexander rug. $45. 2, Box 236, FOR SALE Another one of I hose good shaped, well made . boats. Walter M. Clark, 815 - Micelli street. FOR SALE Concord and sweet water grapes, also apples in season. A. F. Suksdoif, Coos Junction. FOR SALE -Buzzsaw rig power ed by 4-cylinder motor mounted on rubber. L. Shoffel, Suther lin. FOR SALE 1020 McCormick Deering tractor with 2-bottom plow. A. L. Weir, Brockway. SALWAY PEACHES ready about the 15th. Phono meal times. O. G. Rogers, Lookingglass. FOR SALE - Canning corn. $1.25 sack. Pick yomself. Ray Lau rence, lower Garden valley. FOR SALE Real Baldwin ap ples. Bring boxes. Louis Ber gold. R. D. 1. Box 15. MYRTLE WOOD lumber for sale. 501 S. Stephens St. Sec Me Bridc at Umpqua hotel. FOR SALE range with N. Kane. Good Monarch large coils. 315 WOOD CIRCULATOR HEATER, till house E. Doyle's Wrecking House. VANILLA ice cream. Quarts 40c Sullivans Cafe. ALLEY OOP ffrMMgP-' RIG HT, YOUR A flMpX EXCELLENCY? ) fcj THE attempted assassination of iHE KEEPER Or WNG SOLOMON'S WIVES CAT5 FAILED BECAUSE: OF OOPo ABILITY TO TAKE Or HIAASELF FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS r Hilda org&mi-ed a h ayr ide to drum up interest in hfr political campaign, freckles and lard, however, are waiting fou a chance to TAkE THE SPOT light away From her--- APPLES AND PEARS GOOD ONES. Picked and sorted. De licious and Spitz $2.50 per box, . Ncwtowns $1.50, Lucious Corn ice pears, famous for eating, baking, and canning $2.75 per box. W. C. Thurlow, Lower Garden valley road, former Re vis Wilson farm. 4,000 FT. PILING length 51 to 70 for sale or will contract yard ing about half mile haul to county road, good ground. Con tact R. C. Taylor, 2 miles up Cavitt creek or write Glide, Ore. FOR SALE Several kinds grapes, 5c lb. Bring containers. Afternoons. 1 mile W. Oak land. Doreen Eggleton. FOR SALE One Remington au tomatic rifle with case. 25-35 calibre. Price $35. See at Mor gan's grocery. FOR SALE Bathinettc, baby chair, small tricycle and small electric heater. 622 W. Oak. Phone 3G1-Y. BARN AND ROOF PAINT Red or gray. i.u per gai. at rage Lumber and Fuel Co. 301 N. Main St. WE BUY AND SELL goods of all kinds. Roberts second hand store, Myrtle Creek, Ore. FOR SALE 1937 Rubber-tired row crop Fordson factor. J. L. Aiklns, Kltltlle, Ore. I FEEDS I TRIANGLE CHICKEN at Page Lumber and Fuel Co. 3U1 N. Main St. SOME No. 4 lumber. Page Lum ber and Fuel Co. 301 N. Main St. No priorities. CANNING TOMATOES Bring containers, G. R. Whitson, Dil lard. CONCORD grapes while they last 6c lb. 1103 Mill. AUTOS TAKE YOUR PROFIT NOW! USED CAR PRICES ARE DUE TO TUMBLE FAST AND SOON WE PAY HIGHEST LEGAL PRICES FOR GOOD LATE MODEL USED CARS SEE LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANTED USED CARS AND TRUCKS. TOP CASH PRICE FOR ALL MAKES. . KEEL MOTORS. Your Studebaker dealer, 443 N. Jackson. FOR SALE 1937 Ford dump truck,, also 1940 Dodge C. O. E. dump'truek, have Jobs for both trucks. See R. T. Schmultzler at Camas Valley evenings or all day Sunday. BUICK CENTURY SEDAN Beautiful car, excellent rubber, first class shape. Trunk, radio, heater, $795, cash. Owner, 314 W. Cass. FOR SALE One 1937 Dodge 2 door sedan, good condition. S500. Rt. 2, Box 35. Call be tween 5 and 7 evenings. USED CARS, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. HANSEN MOTOR CO. FOR SALE One 85 V8-36 motor reconditioned. 1 front end. transmission, and rear end for V8. T. E. Bond, Riddle, Ore. FOR SALE One Model A. ford car. one Model A ford engine, radiator, and transmission. Dennis Mathews. FOR SALE -1928 Pontiac. In quire S. end Gilmorc station. Good condition. FOR SALE -Buick sedan, good pre-war rubber. Box 1999 care News-Review. LIGHT TRUCK for sale, condition. Phone 851-Y. Good CERTAINLY BUT THIS CARELESS NESS HAS GOT TO STOP TH' IDEA, LETTIN' A BIG CAT LOOSE TO ROAM TH' HOUSE.' DADGUMAAIT, SOMEBODY'S "r I - OCT HURT.' CARE TOO BAD YOU A KENT TMOSE SCORCHED T ON MY 9IDE. MR-SMITH ) DOGS SMELL C ID let you EAT T-WONDERFUL LZ -.jfrf They're gonna f.y&'iZ iflgaLa win her a lot f viARY- DUE TO LOSS OF STOCK last season, positively no hunting or trespassing dn my property. Signed Noel M. Priester, Look ingglass Rt. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my property at Deady or W. H. Daugherty property at Sutherlin. H. L. Wahl. NO HUNTING ALLOWED ON MY RANCH. Just northeast of Roseburg city limits. S. E. Helll well. DEPOT BARBER SHOP Quick efficient service, 2 barbers, baths. 409 W. Cass street. NO HUNTING, spotlighting, or trespassing on the Crispon ranch near Milo, Oregon. THERE WILL BE NO HUNT ING or trespassing without per mission. Thomas Bros. NO HUNTING or trespassing on any property owned and oper ated by A. A. Tipton. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASS ING on Happy Valley ranch. Lyle E. Marsters. NO HUNTING ON J. F. Culvci place on head of Rico creek. A. A. Bellows. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASS ING on my ranch near Glide. C. G. Gilbreath. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASS ING on our property. F. Bara ' gar & Son. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASS- ING on T. O. Dixon estate. O. H. McNeece. " NO HUNTING or trespassing on W. F. Hamilton ranch, edge of town. NO TRESPASSING OR HUNT ING on our property. Kruse Bros. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASS ING Perron Brothers, Brock way. NO HUNTING TNG OR TRESPASS Stanley Pearcc ranch ING on POSITIVELY NO HUNTING on my property. M. H. Doenng. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Sunshine ranch. Frank Strader. NO HUNTING or trespassing on W. F. Paris ranch at Carnes. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASS ING on Lynn Beckley place. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASS ING on C. T. Brown place. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the J. H. Short ranch. RENTALS FOR LEASE -Store location, cen ter of business district. Box 1973, care News-Review. FOR RENT 1 unfurnished room. Fireplace and private entrance. 100 Spruce St. ROOM FOR RENT -442 S. Main. Call after 5. SLEEPING ROOM for men. Mosher. 225 FUEL FOR SALE Stove length fir mill wood. Prompt delivery. Reo Diamond Fuel Co., Sutherlin. Phone 38-2. WOOD Old growth fir from bat tery separator saw mill. Roy Denny, phone 634-J. 532 N. Pine. PHONE 468 Greon Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. FOR TRADE WILL TRADE TWO desirable modern residences in Ashland for Roseburg home. Either fur nished or unfurnished. Write 171 Allda St., Ashland, Ore. WOULD LIKE TO TRADE 2-bot lorn Oliver plow for 16 or 18 inch 1-bottom plow. J. Maser, Riddle. A Bit of Sleuthing raVJwA V 9 ...so kins solomons 5 ec ret agent returns to The riddle of our hero's identity . COP WHEN WE THEV'I L FOCGET AIL ABOUT FOOD .' CAMPAIGN! 80 RODS UMPQUA RIVER FRONTAGE 9 ROOM HOME ELECTRIC WA TER PRESSURE, and electric range service. 120 acres fine farm land, and 60 acres good pasture land. Fine orchard, 5 good farm buildings, good equipment, and livestock. HIGHLY DEVELOPED DAIRY RANCH and IRRIGATED FARM. MODERN DAIRYING AND FARMING EQUIPMENT. NEW AND IN FINE CONDI TION. 360 ACRE FARM AND STOCK RANCH, JUST i MILE OFF HY 99 60 acres of good farm land till able, balance good pasture land, with plenty of timber. Well watered by many good springs. 6 room home with bath, 2 barns, and large chicken house. All buildings in good condition. Price $12,000, some terms. 231 ACRES IN NICE VALLEY, ON GOOD ROAD 50 ACRES BOTTOM LAND, 60 acres tillable, 171 acres pasture and timber. 5 room house with telephone, and spring water piped In. Large barn and 2 hen houses, daily mail and school bus. Price $9,000 only half down. 253 ACRE RANCH ONLY 1 MILE OFF HY 99 50 acres tillable, balance pasture and timbei'. 7 room house with electricity, large barn, 2 hen houses, 2 brooder houses. Price $7,000, only $4,000 down. 376 ACRE RANCH NEAR ELKTON 40 acres tillable, 100 acres pas ture, 23b acres timber. 4 loom house, spring water piped to sink, good chicken house for 200 hens. 2 all year streams. Price $5,500. Just $3,000 down. MODERN NEW HOME IN SUTHERLIN. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION City water and electric range service, b rooms and bath, part ly furnished, 5 acres of land must sell for $3,500. Good terms. DANDY CHICKEN RANCH, 12 ACRES LAND. ONLY 1 MILE OUT Good 4 room house, with electric ity, and fine built-ins, good chicken houses for 600 laying liens including young 'cow, chickens and pig only $4,300. Just $i,auu down. FINE HUNTING AND FISHING LOCATION ON UMPQUA RIVER ;0 acres fine spring, fine gar den son, electric line, small home, and about 3 acres cultivation. Price $3,000, just $1,000 down. i HENRY C. KELLEY. Realtor Oakland, Oregon The Oaks, Highway 99 Closed Saturdays, Open Sundays FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 miles east Sutherlin 22 acres. Paying proposition. 5 room house with concrete foundation and base ment. 2 acres Young berries and Raspberries. Chicken house 20x124 ft. Good barn. Well with pressure water. Stocked with incubators and brooders. M. J. Ponton, Sutherlin, Oregon. WANTED More tarm listings. We have many good prospects on the waiting list all sizes, types and prices. Call at 703 S. Stephens street, Roseburg, or phone 173JJ. Strout Realty Agency, Ray Ruebel, agent. SMALL HOME Three rooms and bath. Electric range and electric water heater. Garage and woodshed. Good lawn. Price $2500. EARL WILEY, REALTOR ROSE HOTEL FOR SALE by the owner. In come property, 3 apartments close in, furnished, electric ranges, laundry room with washing machine, income $110 per month. Some terms. $1600. 429 E. Cass street, apartment 1. DOUBT BY Ht MWVtte. I YOU STILL ) FOR SURE.' WELL, SREETINGSX CHIEF ID 1 HE'S K.EEP AM EYE ON SIR. THIS LIKE A LOOK HIM WHILE I GO EARLY AT YOUR A f Jf ON WITH MY . r-MORNINGV PRISONERS,' Inside Influence CO INTO ACTION, and your Gee, 19 ONLY " THAT STARTING smells . . X FOR SALE 5-ioom dwelling, close in. Immediate possession. This is nothing tancy, but a goutl comfortable home. Price for cash $2500. EMERY INSURANCE AGENCY 222 N. Jackson St. ONE 5-room house large lot 50x j.w. aiso one a-room ana one 1-room on lot 50x100. One 1 room and one 3-room on lot 70x67. Phone 351-J. FOR SALE -Fifteen acres, all in orchard or farm land. Good 4 room house. Across highway from Garden Valley school. George Hess. , GARAGE AND SERVICE STA TION on corner 4 lots. Books will show $750 net per month. Priced right. Valley Real Es tate agency, Grand hotel. 5-ROOM house, modern, close to scnool. Two 3-room houses, cheap. See owner at 720 Hoov er street. Phone 531-J. 4-ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED on 4 acres. Cow and chickens Close to school and store. R. L. Endcrs, Tenmilc, Ore. FOR LEASE Office spaces. Ground floor, corner location, center of town. Box 1973, News Review. FOR SALE 3 rooms, reasonable, good location. Henry Reed, 2 blocks N. Springfield mill, Sutherlin, Oregon. WELL-LOCATED cafe in Rose burg. Sell immediately. Box 1982, News-Review. FIVE ROOM HOUSE partly fur nished in Oakland, Ore. Lou rctta Archambeau. WANT BEST Improved property $1200 down will buv 187-L. LOGGING EQUIPMENT LOG HAULERS We have a complete line of Gun ite brake drums to fit all sizes of axles. Also distributors foi John Manvllle brake blocks. Knight-Porter Stephens and Brockway Shop at Associated Stations FOR SALE 1939 Chev. logging truck, 41 overhauled motor and trans., good tires, single axel trailer. See M. C. Garage, Suth erlin, Ore. NEW TRUCKS available. A good supply of Ford logging trucks with most any kind of equip ment. See Lockwood Motors. POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS About 8,000 available for No vember delivery. Also some Docembcr dates open. Geo. M. Petersen Hatchery Rt. 5 Phone 2198-W Eugene, Or. FOR SALE 70 4 J month old Leghorn pullets, $1.25. Wilbur Williams. Melrose Rt. 1 mile from Melrose on Ceveland hill road. FOR SALE Breeding roosters White Leghorns and Cornish games. Extra fine stock. D. li. Boone, Rifle range road. FOR SALE 19 White leghorn breeding cockerels, blood test ed inoculators. 6 months. Court, Rifle range road. FOR SALE- 300 While Leghorn pullets 5A monllis old. Norman Rydell, Drain. Ore. HAY. GRAIN. FEED FOR SALE -Gray oals, common vetch, mixed tor seed. $3.25 per 100 lbs. Sacks are extra. E. Erlie, Tcnmile. FOR SALE Baled straw from field. 80c bale. E. E. Baker, Brockway, Oregon. FOR SALE About cutting alfalfa hay gan, Melrose Rt. .').', Ion C. W. 3rd Ha- FOR SALE vofh. Virgil Grev Hush, oals and Temnile. BY V. T. HAMLIN BY MERRILL BLOSSER V" ACe YOU Like NO, SIR. - THOSE othf:r I not kiDS -. ARB I WITHOLlr YOU GONNA 6F I MUSTARD iNr-' uencfd By! and . AHOTDOO? piCKLES.' WANTED Small or medium siz ed iurntshed house with lot somewhere near city center. Two thousand dollars cash. Government appraisal value only. Personal, no agency con sidered. Write particulars, care Roseburg News-Review, Box 1998. WANT TO RENT House or small farm in Camas Valley or vicinity by clean couple, no children. Must have electric ity. Box 1885 co News-Review. rHE UMPQUA STORAGE CO. - can store vour household poods, machinery or other articles In any quantity. Phone 350, or inquire at 238 No. Jackson. WANTED TO RENT By middle aged couple, six or seven room nice modern house close in. Can give good reference. Call Wm. McCormick at 545-R. WANTED TO RENT In or near city, 2 or 3 bedroom house un furnished, can give best of ref erences. Box 1948 care News Review. WANTED A garage to lease for welding and repairing; preier ably with house available also. Rt. 4, Box 246, Eugene, Ore. WANTED TO BUY $5,000 to $7000 modern home, Roseburg or vicinity. Walt Edmonds, Lookingglass Rt. WANTED .270 Winchester rifle. Will pay cash. Phone Corvallis 1811 collect or if no answer call Roseburg 79. WANTED TO BUY Small cream separator. Fred South wick. P. O. Box 48, or phone 54-F-5. . WANTED Late model Sun-beam or Hamilton-Beach electric mix er. Call collect 223, Plain. WANTED Carpenters carving set. Mrs. Donald DcRamus, P. O. Box 1286, City. WANTED A load of good top soil. Phone 603-J. WANTED Boy's Phone ,727-J. Jr. size bike. WANTED Motorola car radio. Call 219. HELP WANTED SHELL NEEDS MEN OR WOM EN to replace station salesmen who have gone to war indus tries and the armed forces. At tractive salaries plus commis sions. Vacations with pay. No experience necessary. Laundry allowance. Pay while training. Interesting, healthful work. Men or women employed in war industry will not be con sidered. Apply Shell Oil Co., Inc., Edcnhowrr and Roseburg. Phone for appointment, 400 or call at Shell station, Stephens anil Oak. WANTED Service foreman $ 3 0 0 guarantee, and two me chanics $250 per guaran tee. Permanent positions. Ford experience preferred. Bird and big game hunting paradise. Write today Palsiger Inc. O. Box 192, Tulelake,. Calif. P. SECRETARY POSITION OPEN All applications must bt in writ ing. Give experience, back ground age and marital status. Must be able to take shorthand. Bookkeeping not required. Ex perienced applicants will re ceive first consideration. Ad dress applications to RADIO STATION KRNR Roseburg Oregon WANTED Hooktenrters, riggers, chocker setters. 48 hour week In woods crew. Also want men for our sawmill at Reedsport. Mill operates steadily 50 hours per week, live J 0-hour days. E. K. Wood Lumber company, Reedsport. Mill office phone 302. Logging office 61. CHOKER SETTERS WANTED Camp 15 miles east of Suther lin. Modern camp facilities maintained for employees, Bcrvlng highest quality food. Dally bus service furnished from town to camp. Inquire at camp or mill office, Roseburg Lumber company. MEN WANTED lor work In saw mill at Myrtle Creek. Union wages. Want planerman, dog ger, four chalnmen. Orwest Lumber Mill, Myrtle Creek, phone 182. HELP WANTED-Male, expert enced meat cutter. Starting sal ary SG0 a week. State all quali fications first letter. Box 1000 News-Review. WANTED PEAR PICKERS -About 5 weeks work. Si art Monday 21. Transportation fur nished. Ewens Bros. Garden Valley, phone 32 F11. MECHANIC Experienced on Chevrolet cars and trucks. Also combination painter and metal man wanted. Hansen Motor company. WANTED Elileily man to do r.incli work by contract. Mostly slashing. J. A. Morrison at oilman's. 320 W. Cass St. WANTED Woman or capable girl for general house work. Write or call on Mrs. N. S. Cornull, Riddlr, Oregon. IT1.I1EKT PICKERS WANTED Work will slart October ti. 11. M. Knapp, Garden valley. Phone 32 F-12. WANTED Rose ' I I AUTHORIZED I LOANS- Personal & Automobile UMPQUA FINANCE 335 North Jackson Phone 320 License Noi. S-2S5 and M-324. PUBLIC ADDRESS EQUIPMENT Lund Radio Service Phone 34. Sound equipment lor all uses. PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs. Dcmoth. 189-L. PLUMBING Pete Crummctt, phone 697. Coen Lumber Co. Phone 121. COMM'CL REFRIGERATION Chet Hamm. Phone 715. ,-u-ir -.- -i.-n - - -- -- - - - - - - HELP WANTED MECHANICS AND bodymen wanted. Permanent job. Good pay with overtime work. Lock wood Motors. WANTED- Lineman, prefer man with grounded star experience. Douglas Electric Cooperative. Phone 801. EXPERIENCED TIRE VULCAN IZER and tire changer. U. S. tire store., Stephens and Mosh er street. WANTED Man to steer piling trailer. Phone 41-J-4 evenings. C. C. Arney, Rt. 1, Box 134, City. FIRST CLASS SHEET METAL MAN Permanent, real oppor tunity. Call at 314 W. Cass. WANTED Cook for high school cafeteria. Apply superinten dent's office or phone 434. WANTED Women to pick fil berts. 3c per lb. 4 mile E. Sutherlin, C. C. King. HELP WANTED Bagley Crate and Box Co., Deady siding. Sutherlin, Ore. HELP WANTED Tie mill saw yer. Good wages, steady work. Phone 4G2-R-2. WANTED - Yardmen. Roseburg Lumber l.o. WANTED Dishwasher. ' Sulli van's Cafe. LIVESTOCK DR. A. C. BARONTI VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone Number Will Appear Soon as Connection Is Established. Contact Chamber of Commerce ONE SMALL GREY MARE T Vears old wllh spring colt, one i 1-year old colt. G. F. Burnett, Round Prairie, Oregon. Phone 28 x. Myrtle Creek. ONE YOUNG TEAM Heavy work horses, 1 section spring tooth harrow, 1 large cider press. Schattenkerk, Brockway. FOR SALE 3 nice young bur ros well broke to pack. Good travelers. See J. M. Weather ford or Steve Cooper. FOR SALE 65 head Angora goats. $2 head. 8 miles out on Lookingglass road. Walt Ed monds. FOR SALE - Rabbits. N. W. breeding stock and friers. Fine stock. Call evenings after 5:30 at 441 Marslers St. P. Heilman. TEAM HEAVY BLACK HORSES. One Studebaker wagon, walk ing plow, one Fordson tractor. R. V. Carr, Lookingglass. ' FOR SALE OR TRADE for sheep, caltle or hogs, one team four year old colts. J. L. Aiklns, Riddle, Oregon. HORSE TEN YEARS OLD Work or ride, $60. Also some harness. H. P. Bohb, Myrtle Creek. WANTED - Butcher hogs, feeder figs, and veal calves. Andy lempenlus, Sutherlin. JERSEY COW, $60; i wheel trail er, S-Ti. Hamilton, i mile past sheriff s posse barn. FOR SALE Good Jersey milk raw. 10o: Eddy St., Miller ad dition. FOR SALE 70 head ewes, cheap. 14 years old. Wall Edmonds, L. G. Rt. FOR SALE One yearling Here lord bull. A. A. Tipton, Dixon ville. FOR SALE Heifer calf. 1 mile E Oakland on Rt. 1, A. L. Hart. FOH SALE Nice weaner pigs, fail Brcko'-. Glcnpary LOST FOUND LOST Black female cocker span lei on road to Veterans hospital Tuesday. She answers to name of Diihi Finder please notify Mr Ford's aiim camp. Hionr 171. l.ilMM.il reward. LOST ON S. MYR'IT.e"cREEK rind between Johnson Creek and town, one 3 way fan-tail for cat. Shelton Burr. Phone 462-K -2. or P O. Box f87. Rewind. 6rvlc BERGH'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 630 Winchester Street Servicing All Makes Washers Phone 80S Roseburg, Oregon RUSSELL'S Typewriter Service Offloe Machine 8ervlee and Supplies 335 N. Jackson Phone 320 SAW FILING AND GUMMING 4 Tiny & Leonard Saw Shop. Phone BtiT-J. 343 N. Jackson. RADIO 8ERVICINC LUND Radio service. Phone 34.' Radio Doctors. 306 N. Stephens.' , - '"''".'' - WORK WANTED COMB'S SAW WORKS All kinds of saws, hammer, gum, and file. Crosscuts and- big circle saws a specialty. 32 years experience. Work guar anteed. Umpqua Park, pose burg. LADIES, we repair runs and . snags In nylon, silk, cotton and rayon hose. Mall orders promptly filled. Hosiery Re pair Service, J. C. Henney Co. Eugene, Ore. - COMPLETE domestic and com mercial refrigeration service, 16 years experience. Roseburg Refrigerator Sales and Service, Harold Horn and Lou Mars, ters. 328 N. Jackson, phona 270. LET MONTGOMERY WARD'S SERVICE DEPT. REPAIR YOUR REFRIGERATOR, RA- , DIOS, WASHERS, and. other household appliances. HAVE YOUR DEER SKINS TANNED and made up. Also upholstery work. Ross glovo factory, Myrtle Creek, Ore. Hill View Camp, 6 miles south. PROMPT, GUARANTEED SER VICE on washers end household appliances. Waliy's Appliance Service. 119 N. Stephens. - ng i repaired. Call 634-L." 409 W. Douglas. After 5 p.m. .Roseburg, Oregon. " FOR HIRE Umpqua Transfer. Phone 167- J. No business trans acted on Saturday. " SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, modern equipment, E. Carte's Disposal Service, Myrtle Creek.1 CHIMNEY SWEEP Chimneys expertly cleaned. Phone 786. MAN WANTS light work 4 or 5 hours a week. Box 1996, care News-Review. Wilbur WILBUR Granville Nye and daughter, Mrs. Bculah Partin, were called to Sweet Home Fri day by the serious Illness of his brother. Roy Russell arrived Friday to visit relatives and do some hunt ing. Mr. and Mrs, Will J. Deardorff of Oakland and Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McKay of Wilbur were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKay In Roseburg. Miss Louise Russell was home over the weekend from the Chris tian Bible school in Eugene. Mrs. W. E. Russell went to Oakland the first of the week to spend a few weeks visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barnc burg and son Bruce, spent Sun day with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Winniford of Gar den valley. Mrs. George Hocfcr was shop ping and attending to business In Roseburg Monday. . Mr. and Mrs; Ralph Sands spent Tuesday in Roseburg Visit ing and attending to business. Mrs. Ed Sands and granddaugh ter, Karen Ann, of Ford's camp were guests of JVIrs. Sand's-broth-er in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sands, Sunday and Mon day of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hilkey and family of Klamath Falls has mov ed to the Harry Hill place north west of Wilbur. ' " Mrs. Ed Sands, Mrs. Charles Sands, and Mrs. Roy ma rid How ard and daughter; Vick, : spent Monday In Eugene shopping. En route they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker In Cottage Grove. - The opening of the deer . sea son proved profitable to the fol lowing who made up a party trom Wilbur: Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Palmer, Ed Russell, Donald t-ec, Roy Russell of Eugene, Frank Parker of Cottage Grove and Mr. Brutton of Roseburg. ATTENTION ' American Legion Auxtli- ary. Dinner meeting Monday evening, 6 o'clock at the Umpqua hotel 1 lor depart- ment presidents. Attend" if possible. If Nows-Revitw carrier fails to deliver your paptr ' Please Call 285-J fBt srdvicc. ih'c, . . v . i tomm WW 1 " 111 1 " PT " y ! WAITRESS I hotel. between 6:15 and 7:00 P. M.